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Mentioned in publications like Vox, Medium or Backstage, TMFF has been named by ShortFilm Connection "probably the most famous film festival currently on the web". With almost 3500 SELECTED FILMS until now and tens of thousands of website visits each month, we hope that through TMFF you will stand out with your project and get the reach you need and deserve! Plus, besides being an IMDb-qualifying event, every official selection will automatically be entered into our extensive FILM COLLECTION: https://tmff.net/collection/
Month by month, our judges (who all work in the film industry) will decide who the TMFF nominees and winners are. We have received over 13,000 projects so far, held over 80 monthly editions and awarded over 800 films from all around the world!
❗AND KEEP THIS IN MIND: We won't put the full version of your film on our website if you don't want to. A TRAILER WILL DO.
❓Frequently Asked Questions: https://tmff.net/faq/
LA Underground Film Forum (LAUFF) is dedicated exclusively to independent, experimental, and auteur cinema. It focus on avant-garde, art-house, independent and no/low budget filmmaking.
Our program provides a venue for filmmakers to reinvent and explore new approaches, to foster new forms of media art and to build an audience for such work. We aim to present a wide range of work exploring the many definitions and interpretations of the concept of “underground”.
We’re looking for films made with passion, obsession and drive; films that go beyond expectations and genre; films, video and audio projects that strive to push the boundaries of accepted form and content. A strong sense of authorship is a must.
LAUFF accepts all forms and genres: from drama, documentary, experimental, cult, art-house, foreign language, comedy, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, animation, LGBT, indigenous, erotica to slow cinema and video art …
NEW - Check out Festival Teaser at - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFmtGzNYuPM
Bucharest ShortCut Cinefest is monthly film competition focusing on international independent cinema. Our aim is to support new filmmakers and to promote the research and development of new means of expressivity through cinematography as art among diverse audiences.
BSCF is located in the Eastern Heart of Europe, Bucharest being one of the most beautiful and diverse cities in the world.
The film competition runs on a monthly basis. The final deadline for our next selection, as well as the notification date are posted in the right-grid competition timeline.
❗All Films accepted in the Official Selection will be given a benefits pack worth 350$:
✶ iPitchTV 3 months studio licence worth 117$
✶ Filmstro 1-Year Pro Licence Exclusive discount worth up to 125$
✶ DCP2GO Exclusive Discount for mastering services worth 125$
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✶ FREE Trophy + Screening + Certificate Award
✶ 5 FESTIVAL ENTRIES worth 115$
✶ 90% DISCOUNT on DCP Mastering Services worth 300$ from KINOLIFE Distribution
✶ Filmstro Pro Licence discount worth 105$
✶ 1yr iPitchTV Studio Membership worth $299
All winners will receive online certificate awards and laurels will be offered to all participants who made it to the Official Selection.
Only films selected in the Competition will be showcased in the BscFest Official Screenings.
BSCF will be an outstanding event, where the audience can see new films, participate in workshops and meet filmmakers.
We guarantee that a jury of film professionals will view all submitted films. We encourage filmmakers who created their films with a low budget to enter their film to BSCF. The judgement criteria of the submitted films are new ideas, experimental cinematography, talented work of actors and an independent point of view.
The Taupo Halloween Film Festival celebrates the best that cinema has to offer. Showcasing films from the next generation of emerging storytellers, Offering an impressive selection of competitive and non-competitive programming. Bringing films, both domestic and international, to the silver screen of starlight cinema in Taupo New Zealand.
Taupo is known as a hub of activity and this is no different on halloween night with the Film Festival being a place for audiences and filmmakers to engage with one another. The Festival aim is to be an exciting family friendly affair that features a host of screenings, Scares in the haunted theatre, Meet and Greet with the artists, and an audience costume competition.
Library International Film Festival-LIFF
By Jaipur International Film Festival & Trust
in Jaipur INDIA
The purpose of this film festival is to promote new movie makers, exchange of knowledge, information, ideas & culture between India & other nations in context of their social and cultural ethos. JIFF also promotes friendship and co-operation among people of the world through the medium of films & documentaries.
Though the film festivals have became a regular affair in most countries yet most of them cater only to selected audience as well as entertain the commercially successful film makers and related personalities. However, LIFF intends to organize a festival that connects the film fans & movie goers with the world, especially the serious filmmakers & their associates so as to bring about greater understanding of the art of film making.
In October every year the Jaipur International Film Festival, Jaipur International Film Festival Trust and Film Library (we are bringing World's Largest & Secure Film Library soon) by Jaipur International Film Festival and Trust will organize Library International Film Festival in Jaipur at Golcha Cinema based on the top films/entries of the year in each category like Feature Fiction, Documentary Feature, Animation Feature, Short Fiction, Short Documentary, Short Animation, Ad Film, Song and Poster. Audience will choose the top ten films/posters/songs (not screenplays) by voting, out of all screened films/songs & selected posters in this festival. The top film will be awarded with the cash prize of INR 1.oo lac and certificate and memento. The other top nine films will be awarded certificates and mementos.
Early bird Deadline, April 30, 2017
Regular Deadline, Jun 30, 2017
Late Deadline, July 30, 2017
FESTIVAL DATES 1 to 3 October, 2017
VENUE Golcha Cinema, Jaipur
NOTIFICATION DATE September 15, 2017
FESTIVAL PROGRAMME Will be announced in September third week
Film Maker/s, Director/s or Producer/s from all over the world can send or submit their film/s. A selection/rating committee consisting of members from film fraternity and film scholars would select the films.
All films will be part of rating system by selection committee members.
Jury will judge the film for awards.
Top rated films will be announced every month or before notification date September 15, 2017.
Audience Choice Awards.
Top rated films/entries will be screened in Library Film Festival. (released/produced after 1st January 2016).
Library fee also include lifetime Library submission fee, so do not pay again for Library submission.
So you can submit your film in Library or Library Film Festival, it will be part of both automatically.
Submit in
ALL LANGUAGES (With English subtitle or without),
Experimental Forum is an international performance, film and video art festival showcasing experimental film and artists’ moving image from new directors and innovative video artists from around the globe, with the third edition taking place in Los Angeles in November 2018. Our aim is to provide a supportive platform for the exciting and challenging work that is outside the scope of mainstream film festivals and art galleries.
We welcome experimental cinema pieces (abstract, narrative or documentary), video art works, essay films, artists’ moving image and media art, as well as documentary and narrative films that seek to expand, redefine or reconfigure the means and ends of their respective fields. Experimental Forum exists to provide access to, and develop audiences for, artists’ moving image work and is committed to engaging local audiences with new and/or unheard voices in film.
We are particularly interested in works made by early stage filmmakers and artists whose work is underrepresented. We provide a collaborative platform for moving image works made for the gallery and for the cinema with the aim of building a community across disciplinary and institutional faultlines.
The Canadian Diversity Film Festival is the premiere festival to celebrate diversity in Toronto, Canada. Our event will take place in Downtown Toronto, on July 25th-26th, 2020.
The Canadian Diversity Film Festival is a hallmark event that celebrates our incredible diversity. Our aim is to bring diverse communities together to embrace our differences and discover our shared experiences. It is a focus through which filmmakers promote, challenge, and develop an understanding of equality, social justice, non-discrimination, diversity, and multiculturalism.
We accept all genres of films from all over the world. We create an opportunity for filmmakers to get their films judged and let them compete with other filmmakers. We perform a comprehensive evaluation process and select only high-quality films.
Bucharest Short Film Festival [BSFF]
Independent is the key word for Bucharest Short Film Festival [BSFF], as it is founded by independent film professionals and focuses on independent artists in cinema, from all over the world. Bucharest Short Film Festival aims at recognizing, showcasing and spreading-out the most professional, most innovative, and most interesting fresh short international films, while always prioritizing independent short films.
Bucharest Short Film Festival will showcase some of the finest short international film in Narrative, Animation, Student, Experimental, Documentary, Music Video and Human Rights. We take to heart the amount of work put into each film. Therefore, the festival rules ensure that each movie is reviewed at least two times and well-debated by our team. Some of the awarded films will also be screened at other international film festivals.
Independent artists and their short films will meet an effervescent, and a quite experienced with cinema and film festivals audience, ensuring quality networking, and engaging opportunities, while the selected films will be determined by a panel of industry experts.
Bucharest Short Film Festival is building a strong community of interest around international independent film professionals and film lovers, in the heart of one of the most interesting emergent capitals of arts and culture, a city that never sleeps – Bucharest.
The festival will run film screenings, preceded or followed by artists Q&A, or networking side events, and, surely, parties, that all take place in various conventional and unconventional stages around Bucharest, as in cinemas, open spaces, and even summer theatres. Bucharest, you’ve heard about it, eventually – a city for young people. Well known for different things – like “Old Paris” nickname, in its bourgeois times, before the communism decades, or the world’s biggest parliamentary building [and one of the largest buildings of any kind], from its communism times, new architecture, or the explosive contemporary art scene, and the also quite impressive underground arts and music and nightlife communities, in its current times.
LECCE FILM FEST promotes cinema culture in Italy through the best independent films of the World.
Theme, genre and duration are not important for us, we search instead the talent in a high-quality cinema.
This is a Festival with a Rock soul!
This is your Festival!
The registration of a film in the competition selection process of the festival indicates the full acceptance of these bases. The organization of the Festival will resolve in an unappealable manner with respect to any matter included in this regulation or its interpretation. The sender of the film authorizes FEDOCHI to select some sequences not exceeding three minutes that can be broadcast by TV, within the framework of programs and spots that disseminate the festival.
The 14th version of the Documentary Film Festival of Chiloe will take place between November 5 and 10, 2018.
Le Festival Francophone de la Websérie a été conçu pour permettre de faire découvrir au plus grand nombre les créations originales des réalisateurs, amateurs ou confirmés, qui ont réalisés une websérie.
MIFF has been established in 2010 by the Malatya Governership and organised by the Malatya Apricot Research-Develeopment and Promotion Foundation. Every year in November Festival brings together the audience with the most qualified productions throughout the world and also, besides the competition excitement it has been a full cinema week with many events for five years.
MIFF has hosted more than 2000 cinema proffessional from Turkey and abroad so far. Some of the best known guests who have been in Malatya for the festival are Nastassja Kinski (2014), Jim Stark (2013), Rade Serbedzija (2013), John Sayles (2012) Otar Iosseliani (2010).
7th Malatya International Film Festival will open its curtains for the cinegoers and residents in Malatya on 04.11.2016 by the organization of Malatya Governorate and Malatya Apricot Research, Development and Promotion Foundation. Besides providing an opportunity for the audiences to meet with the qualified productions from all over the world, the festival will provide an enjoyable week full of activities. This exhausting but pleasant festival marathon will end after the Award Ceremony which will take place on the 10th November, Thursday. During the Festival, approximately 150 films - 65 feature films, together with the documentary and short films - will meet with the cinegoers. The Festival programme which is composed of the current films, as well as the last productions of the qualified film-makers and the first movies of the newly discovered young film-makers, will meet with the audiences in Malatya. The festival with its previous success on the international features and national short films competitions, has included the national features competition to its festival programme in order to provide moral and material support to the cinema sector.
RIP Horror Film Festival, was established by the local LA indie entertainment industry leaders; Producers, directors, agents, writers, IT, and businessmen. Working to represent & award, indie legendary giants, the working filmmaker and our future student filmmakers. Supporting, mentoring and representing the Indie community in all genres of filmography. Providing marketing and networking events to promote the indie community. Send all materials to: LJR Global Cinema Productions c/o RIP Hollywood, 8549 Wilshire Blvd. suite #1081, Beverly Hills, California 90211
The registration of a film in the competition selection process of the festival indicates the full acceptance of these bases. The organization of the Festival will resolve in an unappealable manner with respect to any matter included in this regulation or its interpretation. The sender of the film authorizes FEDOCHI to select some sequences not exceeding three minutes that can be broadcast by TV, within the framework of programs and spots that disseminate the festival.
The 14th version of the Documentary Film Festival of Chiloe will take place between November 5 and 10, 2018.
LA Underground Film Forum (LAUFF) is dedicated exclusively to independent, experimental, and auteur cinema. It focus on avant-garde, art-house, independent and no/low budget filmmaking.
Our program provides a venue for filmmakers to reinvent and explore new approaches, to foster new forms of media art and to build an audience for such work. We aim to present a wide range of work exploring the many definitions and interpretations of the concept of “underground”.
We’re looking for films made with passion, obsession and drive; films that go beyond expectations and genre; films, video and audio projects that strive to push the boundaries of accepted form and content. A strong sense of authorship is a must.
LAUFF accepts all forms and genres: from drama, documentary, experimental, cult, art-house, foreign language, comedy, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, animation, LGBT, indigenous, erotica to slow cinema and video art …
The Flagler Film Festival was formed to showcase the work of new and emerging filmmakers as well as more experienced filmmakers. We believe there are many creative and innovative artists who deserve recognition for their efforts, especially those constrained by low budgets. We believe that sometimes even more creativity is required when a filmmaker has little or no budget with which to create a film. We believe these films should be seen and be recognized for the efforts of the teams that put them together. The writers, directors, crew, actors and all the talented people involved in the production of a film, whether it is a feature or a short, deserve to have a chance to be seen. We are proud to give filmmakers an opportunity to show their work.
Our fourth annual Flagler Film Festival showcased many fantastic films from around the world, including a short animation which was nominated this year for an Academy Award! Films produced by students from Florida State University, NYU, University of Virginia, Savannah College of Art & Design, Full Sail University, and the American Film Institute were screened as well as films from graduates of many other fine colleges and universities. We were proud to showcase local filmmakers as well as filmmakers from such diverse locations as Luxembourg, Spain, France, Rwanda, Australia, Nepal, Canada, Serbia, Iran, and Peru. As an artistic community, we enjoy including musicians, writers and artists at our festival as well as filmmakers. This year our special guest was Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductee Steve Boone, of the '60's band The Lovin' Spoonful. Steve met many of our audience and signed CDs, albums and his new book, "Hotter than a Match Head: On the Run with the Lovin' Spoonful." We showcased a short comedy from actor Chris Roach who currently stars on CBS in "Kevin Can Wait" with Kevin James. One of our documentaries, "Daddy Don't Go" was recently picked up by Starz and will be available to the public!
The third annual Flagler Film Festival was proud to showcase amazing films from around the world. We had a film about a Grammy-nominated children's choir from Uganda called "Imba Means Sing" (now in national distribution), a documentary film by an Emmy Award winning filmmaker, a film narrated by the Academy Award winning, legendary actress Olivia De Havilland, two films which won student Emmy Awards and two films which were screened at the Cannes Short Film Corner. We were very proud to be the only festival in Florida to screen "Animals" an independent feature film written by and starring David Dastmalchian (Ant Man, The Dark Knight) now in national distribution. In addition, we had a terrific assortment of low budget, independent and student films which amazed our audience. Over 20 films had representation at the festival with lively, emotional and intelligent Q&As after the screenings. See our website for videos of the Q&As in addition to the list of films, extensive press and awards.
So far, two of our Best Documentary Feature Nominees from our 3rd Annual Festival have announced national distribution deals. Both "My Father's Vietnam" (winner) and nominee "Mount Lawrence" will be seen this spring on VOD platforms as well as other formats, including theatrical. Please see their websites or IMDb for more info and congratulations to them from the festival!
Our second annual festival showcased excellent student and small budget films as well as films with extraordinary credentials, including a film written by two-time Academy Award winning screenwriter, Horton Foote (To Kill a Mockingbird). We were proud to have as our special guest, Laura Tyler, make up artist known for her work on "Face Off" and "Hunger Games." She did a special live demonstration for our audience by turning an actor into a zombie! Also in attendance was actress Evalena Marie (Serena and the RATTS, Dark Haul, Remains) representing the indie feature "Visionary." Our festivities concluded with a champagne awards celebration on our last evening.
We are very proud that several of our official selections from our first two years have received distribution and can be seen on Blu-Ray, DVD and streaming sites. Many of our selected films have gone on to win many awards at festivals around the world. We wish much success to all the filmmakers out there!
Flagler Film Festival announced our new association with Renny Roker, film and television actor, writer and producer. Renny has appeared in or starred in 47 films and over 400 television episodes in his career. He is currently producing new projects in the Flagler County area. He also mentors college students and does charity work. We are thrilled to have his support and through his worldwide contacts in the film industry, we will be expanding our presence in the festival world.
Flagler Film Festival was inspired by the amazingly talented people we have met who perform all the hard work that is required to make a film. We recognize that there are many creative filmmakers who are looking for a place to showcase their work. We are located in a relaxed, pristine beach area with community members who support the arts. Galleries, live theater and now a film festival are part of our small city located in beautiful Flagler County, Florida. Our coastal location is within a short distance to many Florida attractions. If you are a filmmaker who has drive and talent, who is looking for a place to show your work, and is interested in Florida sunshine in January, we hope that you will submit your film for consideration in our festival.
The Flagler Film Festival was created by independent filmmakers for independent filmmakers. Wolfe Productions, LLC and Cashback International, Inc. are the co-founders of the Flagler Film Festival.
We will be showcasing feature films and shorts of all genres. If you believe in your film, we will do our very best to recognize your talent and efforts and include your work in our festival. Special consideration will be given to student films.
The Flagler Film Festival is pleased to announce our affiliation with 10th Voyage Studios of Palm Coast, Florida, a full service motion picture production company. Plan to visit a movie studio during your visit to the festival.
Many exciting new events to be announced in the near future, along with prizes for filmmakers.
The goal of Kyiv Film Festival is to encourage emerging movie makers for new film making by appreciating their work.
We accept all genres of films from all over the world.
Our mission is to support filmmakers, recognize their hard work, and Award them so that they are more inspired to keep telling amazing stories.