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Horrorvision is organized by Spooky High School and Grace Xtreme Maniac, but we have a number of collaborators, who selflessly and raring help us make this festival possible.
The International Film Festival for Spirituality, Religion, and Visionary (IFFSRV) was established by some individuals who care about human living in peace towards themselves, forming strong and healthy alliances with others in harmony, and having good communication with their Creator despite of their sex, religion, race, and economic status.
The International Film Festival for Spirituality, Religion, and Visionary will act as a mean to sustain and promote the continuity of creativity and artworks produced and carved by filmmakers all over the world in following their dreams and pure calling to make betterment for humanity, as well as to participate in the film industry; to make a better live for each individual despite their differences in belief system.
IFFSRV festival day will be held at the end of November to celebrate the tolerance world day (16 November).
Through this festival, we hope to:
1. Give comfort and consolidation for the people in despair that he or she is never alone and that life is full of hope.
2. Encourage people when facing difficulties because of what they belief.
3. Inspire and enlighten people to find the purpose of their life regardless their belief, economic or cultural background.
4. Help people to have better acceptance towards themselves and enhance self-esteem because each individual are loved by God and they are special and unique in God’s eyes.
5. Inspire people to follow their dream and not easy to give up.
6. Encourage people to follow his and her own mission and path in life.
7. Inspire young generation to have broader mindset and perspective, to think beyond the box, and to be able to accept differences among religions and belief system.
8. Inspire young people to have vision and goal in life and work hard to achieve them.
Promoting short films and documentaries culture in a country where commercial cinema has always ruled the roost is not an easy task. Delhi Shorts International Film Festival is one such successful effort started in year 2012 by Miniboxoffice with successful 2012 to 2022 editions. The festival brings thoughtful, highly creative & engaging short films from around the world to fulfill the cinegoers' appetite of the capital city of India. The festival aim is to establish a short film industry which runs parallel to commercial cinema.
13th Delhi Shorts International Film Festival-2024 is meant to grow many folds. The inaugural year 2012 was a big success followed by super successful 2012 to 2023 editions & enjoys the credibility of one of the most trusted short film festival of India. The festival was not only embraced by the short filmmaker’s but regarded by the media & industry members also.
The festival objective is to boost-up the short film market & providing exhibition platform to short filmmakers. The festival gives the professional networking opportunities & at the same time introduces the latest trends in cinema to the filmmakers. 13th DSIFF-24 is a unique platform here you can share, learn, showcase, observe & do many more thing to polish your creative & technical skills. We hope that this festival will turn a milestone in your filmmaking career.
RIP Horror Film Festival, was established by the local LA indie entertainment industry leaders; Producers, directors, agents, writers, IT, and businessmen. Working to represent & award, indie legendary giants, the working filmmaker and our future student filmmakers. Supporting, mentoring and representing the Indie community in all genres of filmography. Providing marketing and networking events to promote the indie community. Send all materials to: LJR Global Cinema Productions c/o RIP Hollywood, 8549 Wilshire Blvd. suite #1081, Beverly Hills, California 90211
In order to preserve India’s finest cultural legacies, aadhar initiated The Heritage Film Festival to explore India’s glorious heritage through audiovisual media. The Heritage Film Festival is a project by aadhar to spread awareness and educate public about India’s heritage through films
The Heritage Film Festival is not just an EVENT... but a CAUSE with the aim to REVIVE the dying traditional art forms,
it a Movement to embellish & enrich the Rich Heritage of India...!
Overall aim of the Heritage Film Festival (HFF) is to encourage film submissions, organize film making projects, review film competitions, and screen films to different audiences.
The Ko&digital: Festival Internacional de Cine Solidario project starts its Call for entries for short films (fiction, documentary, animation) which focus on social, environmental and solidarity related themes.
The Erie International Film Festival Call For Entries is now open to the US and International filmmakers, and we shall accept all genres of film including Narrative Features, Narrative Shorts, Animation Features and Shorts, Experimental Features and Shorts, and all forms of Horror, Suspense and Thriller films of Short and Feature length, all lengths of Comedies and Documentaries, along with Feature and Short lengths of GLBT and Religious/Spirituals films, along with Music Videos for the 2018 festival.
Our festival is seeking the best films that the world has to offer while working to give new and veteran Independent Filmmakers the attention they deserve.
As a 501c(3) non-profit, the Erie International Film Festival will accept submissions of films regardless if those films are of world premiere status at the time of submission, or if the film has been screened publicly or otherwise distributed anywhere at the time of submission.
Film enlightens the world, opens our eyes, and shows us things we do not see every day, and makes us feel things we do not always feel. Across countries, languages and classes, a film has the ability to provide us with a release, an escape, forgetting the real world and the cares of everyday life while expanding the imagination and opening the door to new possibilities.
Our festival introduces independent filmmakers the world over to Erie Pennsylvania, as our City embraces the arts and culture that the worldwide filmmaking community delivers with new stories, and new points of view.
The Erie International Film Festival celebrates new trends in digital media and recognizes Transmedia Filmmakers who employ an innovative, interactive, web-based or multi-platform approach to story creation. Through open submissions, selections will be presented to the public via state-of-the-art-technology.
Our Festival’s mission is to help filmmakers reach the broadest possible audience while allowing the general public to experience the power of cinema in the digital age while showcasing the City of Erie as not only an excellent tourist destination but as a filmmaking alternative of the East Coast.
In addition to our live Film Festival event that will take place in December 2018, our festival will expand its reach beyond the great City of Erie Pennsylvania, offering to both filmmakers who may not be able to attend our festival, and to independent film lovers around the world, the opportunity to take part in our festival through a unique virtual theater platform with our online festival, December 6 – December 15, 2018.
Much like with the digital technology that has swept independent film festivals throughout the world since the early 2000s, for many reasons the virtual theater is quickly becoming the first, best choice for festivals, and the new home of Independent film screening worldwide.
The virtual theater is the future of film festivals, as more and more festivals are now screening films online, and even the big festivals such as the Sundance Film Festival and the Tribeca Film Festival are moving to online screenings.
Our virtual theater allows the filmmaker’s work to be showcased to the world with the highest levels of security and presentation quality. Unlike any online screening system in the world, ours never allows films to be copied, downloaded, or reproduced in any way, nor can the HTML code of any film be copied and pasted into any other site successfully. No film launched in our virtual theater can play or even appear on any other website.
It was with much time and expense that this state-of-the-art and revolutionary online screening platform was developed, always keeping both the Filmmaker’s peace of mind.
The 10th Festival of Documentary La Pintana, PINTACANES, will be held from 23 to 30 November 2016 in the municipality of La Pintana, Santiago de Chile. Located in Av. Santa Rosa 12975, whereabouts 37.
Festival Internacional de Cine y Video Verde de Venezuela abre su convocatoria para la 12° edición a realizarse del 2 al 6 de diciembre de 2024. Podrán presentarse cortometrajes estudiantiles de cualquier latitud, en una única categoría, siempre y cuando versen sobre la temática AMBIENTAL.
Our vision: to become a green film and video festival that, from Venezuela to the world, serves as an example in the creation of loving-parental bonds among all the inhabitants of planet Earth.
Our mission: to offer an alternative to environmental and ecological experiences that aim to rescue parental ties between all biotic and abiotic beings. The exhibition on green audiovisual narratives is interrelated with other streaming, media, transmedia and social network experiences, generating a network of virtual ties that we want to turn into parental ties.
Our Philosophy: We distance ourselves from anthropocentric views and excessive mandates about caring for the environment that end up being anthropocentric traps without an understanding of the biology of love. The use of new technologies, academic and artistic production are the main vehicles for dissemination.
Fidé is a festival in France which is completely dedicated to the international student documentary. It's about any filmed, sound or multimedia work leaning on the reality and which was realized during director's studies. Universities, schools, workshops and students of the whole world participate in it, for about 600 documentaries registered every year. Its principles are the ones of the promotion and the celebration of the student creations, except the usual circuits, in which they rarely find their place.
The festival has no restrictions of the date of the production or original support, subject or length.
Directors of all nationalities are welcomed to submit their films. Subtitles in French or English are demanded.
Next Fidé will take place in April 2021, in Parisian suburbs.
The 2019 Culver City Film Festival will be December 3rd - 8th and will be held at Cinemark 18 & XD at the Howard Hughes Promenade. Additional venues to be announced soon. All submissions are only $30.00 ($25.00 for Gold Members). Submissions are Open for shorts and feature narratives and documentaries, as well as music videos and even experimental films. Have your film screened in the heart of screen-land Culver City, CA and home of Sony Pictures and many film companies and distributors.
Submitting your film does not guarantee festival acceptance or screening. Acceptance into the festival does not guarantee award or prize. Submission fees are nonrefundable. Culver City Film Festival reserves the right to change our programming and event parties without notice.