Logo of Cineport Film Festival

29 Sep 2014

Published: 28 Sep 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Cineport Film Festival

Cineport Film Festival

Ahvaz, Iran

Cineport film festival It's an independent film festival that hold in Iran.
- The Cineport Film Festival is to support independent filmmakers, movie stars, and talents to get international recognition, exposure, and opportunity for their careers.

جشنواره ی "دریچه سینما" جشنواره ی فیلمی مستقل است که در ایران برگزار می شود.
این جشنواره برای حمایت و شناسایی فیلمسازان جوان و مستعد برپا شده است تا آنان را در محیطی بین المللی کنار هم آورده و به آن ها فرصتی برای شناخته شدن و توسعه ی کاری دهد.

The Cineport Online Film Festival is open to all student and independent films. All genres will be accepted for review, including shorts, animation, experimental, and documentary.

Eligibility Requirements

Submissions to the Cineport Online Film Festival can be shot or created in any format (Film, digital video, animation, flash, etc.).

All films must be in English and subtitled in English or Persian

Short form must be under 42 minutes total running time.

Long form must be over 42 minutes.

Submission format: USA-Region playable DVD (DVD-R, DVD+R) at XP (Highest) quality (Full screen Hi-resolution). No other media formats (VHS tape, etc.) will be accepted.

How to Submit
Trough Filmfreeway.com or Withoutabox.com

Must submit a small filmmaker biography or back story no more than 250 words in length.

The The Cineport Film Festival mission is not only creating platforms for filmmakers, movie stars, and talents to compete in their respective field, but also providing opportunities for the overall winners of the Festival to get their film recognized in the region.
- We focus in the details of every film. We are not only focusing on the overall of the movie but on the brilliance of every aspect, every department, and every performance. Every brilliant art deserves an award.
- All films can join different categories as this will increase your chance of winning.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Les Arcs European Film Festival

28 Sep 2014

Published: 27 Sep 2014
 Has submission fees
Feature films

Banner Festival de Cinéma Européen des Arcs

Les Arcs European Film Festival

Paris, France

Les Arcs European Film Festival was created in 2009. It takes place in the world famous ski resort of Les Arcs, in the heart of the French Alps, during the opening week of the winter season, one week before Christmas.

Les Arcs European Film Festival presents 12 films in competition, 8 films in Panorama (films that have been awarded in their own country but have not been distributed in France), Premieres, a focus on an European country, films for young audience. A total of about 70 films, mostly features, mostly exclusive on the French territory.

During the week 3 professional event are also taking place :
- The Film School Village : 5 to 10 European film schools invited, represented by a director and a producer just awarded.
- The Coproduction Village : 26 projects are selected to be presented to producers, buyers, distributors, regional funds... A total of about 270 participants. Also programmed, a Work in Progress screening.
- The DIRE Days : the French distributors of DIRE are showing their line-up to a hundred of French films exhibitors.

In addition to that, a ski competition is organized (the European Cinema Ski Cup), parties, concerts, meetings with the films team, "pitching on chairlifts"... A great atmosphere, a great place to make business, a great place to watch European films, in a unique surrounding.


International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Rabbit TVs Oktoberfest

28 Sep 2014

Published: 27 Sep 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner Rabbit TVs Oktoberfest

Rabbit TVs Oktoberfest

Orlando, United States

Rabbit TV's first annual Oktoberfest, online film festival will be held during the whole month of October. Rabbit TV's 2.3 million plus members can watch at least one new movie everyday for 31 days. As a filmmaker you will be able to gain views you never could before, all while expanding your audience and following. We will be displaying your movie within our website for all our members to see. All your movie’s information will be added below the video player, as well as links to your website or email. Once users have watched your film they will have the opportunity to vote for your film in any of our award categories.

Rabbit TV's Oktoberfest will be awarding 5 different categories:
Most Popular Movie
Most Watched Movie
Best Director
Best Actor
Best Actress

International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of International Green Culture Festival Green Fest

26 Sep 2014

Published: 25 Sep 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Međunarodni festival zelene kulture Green Fest

International Green Culture Festival Green Fest

Belgrade, Serbia

International Green Culture Festival GREEN FEST is an inclusive event, dedicated to ecological and environmental issues, which, with the use of educational and artistic programs, activities and products aims to enhance the culture of living in accordance with “green” values.

Belgrade’s GREEN FEST is a unique event in the region of South East Europe that binds environmental and cultural activities through film screenings, workshops, lectures, debates, exhibitions and innovations which are shaping this festival into the form that connects and brings together people of all professions and ages.

Program of Festival is divided on three parts:
GREEN SCREEN – International environmental film program,
GREEN FIELD – International education program
GREEN SQUARE – International exhibition program


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Toronto Shorts International Film Festival

26 Sep 2014

Published: 25 Sep 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Toronto Shorts International Film Festival

Toronto Shorts International Film Festival

Toronto, Canada

Celebrating 13 years the Toronto Shorts International Film Festival is the largest short film festival in Canada.

Toronto Shorts is a non-profit organization that provides a showcase for the best short films and its creators from around the world, annually in the heart of Toronto.

We feel that short-form cinema and its creators should have their own premier film festival in Toronto deserving similar recognition given to the feature film and its creators.

Toronto Shorts is where films from all genres intersect. The heart of the festival is the quality and scope of extraordinary film programming which consists of a wide spectrum of categories from high to low budget films under 45 minutes.

The festival has become a career stepping stone, establishing a tradition of discovering and promoting filmmakers who have gone on to be Academy Awards Nominees, including :

2021 Oscar Nominee 'The Present' by Farah Nabulsi
2019 Oscar Nominee ‘Weekends’ by Trevor Jimenez
2018 Oscar Nominees 'Watu Wote - All of Us' (Germany) and 'The Eleven O'Clock' (Australia)

Toronto stands as the largest media market in Canada, it boasts the world-renowned Royal Ontario Museum, the massive Art Gallery of Ontario, the Soulpepper Theatre Company, the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, and now includes a premier international short film festival.

We showcase the best short films and its filmmakers from around the world.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of MUVI - Montreal Music Video Festival

26 Sep 2014

Published: 25 Sep 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner MUVI - Montreal Music Video Festival

MUVI - Montreal Music Video Festival

Montreal, Canada

International Festival

Short film festival

Logo of Glasgow Independent Film Festival

25 Sep 2014

Published: 24 Sep 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Glasgow Independent Film Festival

Glasgow Independent Film Festival

Glasgow, United Kingdom

The Festival of Glasgow comes to break the barriers of sound and picture taking to the four corners of the globe what the best in independent film and world underground. Showing the rawness and the marginal side of contemporary cinema. And spreading the art of filmmakers marginalized by the film industry and society.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Halloween Film Fest

25 Sep 2014

Published: 24 Sep 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Halloween Film Fest

Halloween Film Fest

Aspe, Spain

International Festival

Short film festival

Logo of Oregon Underground Film Festival

24 Sep 2014

Published: 23 Sep 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Oregon Underground Film Festival

Oregon Underground Film Festival

World, United States

The Oregon Underground Film Festival, part of the series of festivals online, organized by Clockwork Film Institute, this first edition we show that there is more underground, dirty, forbidden, Cinema of the underworld, giving the most remote parts of the world guerrilla theater, anarchic and subversive.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Trieste Science+Fiction Festival

24 Sep 2014

Published: 23 Sep 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Trieste Science+Fiction Festival

Trieste Science+Fiction Festival

Trieste, Italy

Trieste Science+Fiction Festival is a multidisciplinary event devoted to the exploration of the realms of the “fantastic” genre, and the use of new technologies and experimental languages in film, television and visual arts. Its main purpose is to present and promote, in Italy and in its neighboring countries, “fantastic” productions from all over the world, focusing particularly on science-fiction and fantasy cinematographic and audio-visual works.
The 17th edition of Trieste Science+Fiction Festival will run October 31, 2017 - November 5, 2017.

Trieste Science+Fiction Festival is organized by the Italian film center La Cappella Underground. Since 2005, Trieste Science+Fiction Festival has been a member of the E.F.F.F.F. – European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Glasgow Independent Film Festival

23 Sep 2014

Published: 22 Sep 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Glasgow Independent Film Festival

Glasgow Independent Film Festival

Glasgow, United Kingdom

The Festival of Glasgow comes to break the barriers of sound and picture taking to the four corners of the globe what the best in independent film and world underground. Showing the rawness and the marginal side of contemporary cinema. And spreading the art of filmmakers marginalized by the film industry and society.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Oregon Underground Film Festival

23 Sep 2014

Published: 22 Sep 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Oregon Underground Film Festival

Oregon Underground Film Festival

World, United States

The Oregon Underground Film Festival, part of the series of festivals online, organized by Clockwork Film Institute, this first edition we show that there is more underground, dirty, forbidden, Cinema of the underworld, giving the most remote parts of the world guerrilla theater, anarchic and subversive.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Filmi: Toronto's South Asian Film Festival

20 Sep 2014

Published: 19 Sep 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Filmi: Toronto's South Asian Film Festival

Filmi: Toronto's South Asian Film Festival

Toronto, Canada

FILMI: Toronto South Asian film festival showcasing the best in South Asian cinema from Canada and around the world.

FILMI will celebrate it's 19th anniversary with a full schedule of screenings, industry workshops and party's. November 10th - 11th, 2018 at Harbourfront Centre Theatre.

The vision of the Filmi South Asian Film Festival is to promote, discover and celebrate cinematic endeavours by talented South Asian filmmakers, and highlight works with South Asian themes and artists that can be brought to a mainstream audience.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of BUtiful Film Festival

20 Sep 2014

Published: 19 Sep 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner BUtiful Film Festival

BUtiful Film Festival

Bournemouth, United Kingdom

International Young Filmmaker Festival

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Gijon International Film Festival

20 Sep 2014

Published: 19 Sep 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Gijon International Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Gijón / Xixón

Gijon International Film Festival

Gijón, Spain

GIJÓN/XIXÓN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL (FICX) aims to showcase a wide and varied selection of auteur cinema currently being produced worldwide and especially focused on innovative films and emerging filmmakers. High quality, personal, young in its shape, edgy and independent cinema at a creative level. During its selection process, the Festival will prioritise those works of interest that have their World, International, European or Spanish premiere at FICX as well as those that do not have commercial distribution agreements in the Spanish territory.

Acknowledged as “Specialized Festival” by the FIAPF (International Federation of Film Producers Association)


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Global Music Awards

19 Sep 2014

Published: 18 Sep 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Global Music Awards

Global Music Awards

La Jolla, United States

Global Music Awards (GMA) goal is to celebrate truly independent musicians, rather than being like other music talent competitions that honor only the best-selling recording artists. GMA is a showcase for original music, unique voices and emerging artists.

As an independent artist, it is always a challenge to build momentum and grow a musical resume that makes people stand up and pay attention. If you win GMA honors, it will establish your credibility as well as help you schedule bookings and secure dates. Mentioning that you have been honored by Global Music Awards will cause people to pause and take more time to consider your music. This will be helpful as you shop your music and seek more promotion, distribution, radio play, etc. The GMA issues press releases in support of GMA winners and thus helps GMA’s talented artists achieve success. In a nutshell, we allow our winners to use the credibility of the GMA name to open doors as independent artists.

Our goals are to provide talented musicians with our stamp of approval and generate buzz about their music. We will announce the GMA winners to our propriety email list of 30,000+ musicians and industry insiders. Our list is filled with music managers, music supervisors, record label executives and other industry insiders. We will blog about GMA winners in our bi-weekly newsletter, Backstage at the Global Music Awards. We will also issue a press release via Eworldwire.com to music media and news outlets around the world. Our efforts are intended to raise the public awareness of GMA winners and foster the credibility they deserve.

Winning a Global Music Award honors is a huge accomplishment. It proves that musicians can make it outside of the major label system and still be recognized for their work. The artists who win this award are just as talented as some of the biggest artists in the country. GMA impacts people in an incredibly positive way and fulfills an important role in exposing worthy independent music to a wider audience.

Billboard and Grammy are not the only awards that mean you made great music. Global Music Awards is a prestigious international music competition that brings attention to artists who are traditionally underrepresented by mass media. Global Music Awards are prestigious and are increasingly recognized by industry insiders to give legitimacy to outstanding artists. Beyond the joy of personal validation that winning GMA brings, the GMA honors are real attention-getters.

International Festival

Short film festival

Logo of International Film Festival Villavicencio

19 Sep 2014

Published: 18 Sep 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Villavicencio

International Film Festival Villavicencio

Villavicencio, Colombia

We are a festival that emphatically promotes independent social cinema, that cinema that tells stories of people, places, conditions and situations common to the bulk of humanity. In other words, stories of flesh and blood, sensitive and true.

On the other hand, we are convinced that cinema is the most important tool of social and cultural transformation in the world; and that festivals are alternative media and windows of exhibition, whose specific function is the dynamic interaction with the target audience, in order to reach levels of deep awareness for those spectators.

Therefore, we want to introduce ourselves to you, filmmakers, in a formal and honest way, pretending to be considered a bridge between those who see, interpret and shape reality in a different way and the inhabitants of our region; a region located in Colombia, which urgently needs to hear messages of social and cultural hope through art, in order to achieve inner peace and radical changes in their lives.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Forster Film Festival

19 Sep 2014

Published: 18 Sep 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Forster Film Festival

Forster Film Festival

TUNCURRY, Australia

Forster Film Festival is an annual event, now in its 8th year, showcasing an inspired program of entertaining, thought-provoking and life-affirming short films.

Strongly supported by local business and media, FFF is a stunning place to watch world class international short films. Sparkling lakes and gorgeous beaches serve as the backdrop for this exciting event, situated in a prime Australian vacation destination.

"A fantastic event in a spectacular location" Sue Milliken, former Chair of Australian Film Commission.

International Festival

Short film festival

Logo of Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival

19 Sep 2014

Published: 18 Sep 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival

Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival

Sebastopol, United States

The Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival is launching its 9th annual celebration of bringing strong, independent documentary films and filmmakers to West Sonoma County. Screening 71 films in 4 days during the 2015 festival, with over 90 filmmakers and guests in attendance, we had another incredible weekend of films and intense documentary discussion. 2016 is already shaping up to be another great festival. Our next festival will be held March 17-20, 2016. Twice named "One of the Coolest Film Festivals" by MovieMaker Magazine and chosen by the readers of the North Bay Bohemian as the Best Film Festival in Sonoma County for the third year in a row, we look forward to continuing to bring the best films, and their filmmakers, in the world to Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival. Please join us!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Cortocomenius

19 Sep 2014

Published: 18 Sep 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Cortocomenius

Banner Cortocomenius


Valencia, Spain

The 18th edition of CORTOCOMENIUS intends to show the best valencian productions , with the intention of promoting, broadcast and support to the development of the digital cinema.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Other