Logo of Rio International Sportmovies Festival (FIFE)

15 Jul 2014

Published: 14 Jul 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Filmes De Esporte (FIFE)

Rio International Sportmovies Festival (FIFE)

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

PANSPORT Cinema e Esporte Ltda. promotes and organizes the RIO DE JANEIRO INTERNATIONAL SPORTMOVIES FESTIVAL (FIFE), which will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from September 9th to 15th, 2015, with free entrance for the audience.
Single Paragraph – The screening program of the FIFE can be exhibited in until 15 (fiftheen) other cities of the State of Rio de Janeiro.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Lusca Caribbean International Fantastic Film Fest

15 Jul 2014

Published: 14 Jul 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Lusca Caribbean International Fantastic Film Fest

Lusca Caribbean International Fantastic Film Fest

San Juan, Puerto Rico

LUSCA Film Fest (former Puerto Rico Horror Film Fest.) is one of Latin America’s premier fantastic film festival. LUSCA is open to the public. Accredited national and international press, as well as TV and film buyers and distributors also participate.

In addition to showcasing the best genre films that indie moviemaking has to offer, this exotic fest also features a number of special events, including an exposition of Bizarre Artwork exhibition, Cosplay Contests, Cinema Arcade and Musical Events.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of INTERIORA Horror Fest

14 Jul 2014

Published: 13 Jul 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner INTERIORA Mostra ciò che hai dentro - Festival Horror Indipendente


Roma, Italy

IMPULSI Onlus issues the call for entries for the cinema section of "INTERIORA mostra ciò che hai dentro" Indipendent Horror Festival 6th edition (www.interiorafestival.it)

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Galactic Film Fest

13 Jul 2014

Published: 12 Jul 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Galactic Film Fest

Galactic Film Fest

Los Angeles, United States

"An out of this world" Indie Film Festival for Southern California (LA & OC). Aug 9-10, 2014 at The Frida Cinema, Santa Ana, CA. Join us for pre event mixers, participate in the "Miss Galactic" contest, Cosplay Costume Contest and our Comic Book Contest.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of Puerto Rico Queer Filmfest

11 Jul 2014

Published: 10 Jul 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Puerto Rico Queer Filmfest

Puerto Rico Queer Filmfest

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Since 2009, the Puerto Rico Queer Filmfest is the first and largest LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) themed festival in the Caribbean region. We are seeking out films from all over the world to be screened at the Festival’s Twelfth Edition in May 2024, as well as special screenings.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other


11 Jul 2014

Published: 10 Jul 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner XV Festival De Cine: Infancia Y Adolescencia - 2024


Bogotá, Colombia

The XV Film Festival: Childhood and Adolescence -2024, is a festival with spaces for circulation and audiovisual training for children, adolescents and young people, with exhibitions, recreational activities, workshops, panels and discussions, whose main objective is to promote Bogota as a pioneer city in Latin America in terms of a visible, protagonist and full of rights childhood and adolescence through audiovisual construction. Participation is free of charge to the activities of exhibition and circulation of audiovisual content.

The Contest will be held from September 7 to 13, 2024.

Children and adolescents will have access to an audiovisual program made up of national and international animation and fiction short films, television series and the "FESTICINE AWARD" category, which is given to audiovisuals made by Colombian children. They will be accompanied by playful activities of reflection on the thematic axis: "TERRITORIES OF KNOWLEDGE, BIODIVERSITY AND INCLUSION THROUGH FILM".

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of The Ojo al Sancocho International Festival for Alternative and Community Film and Video

11 Jul 2014

Published: 10 Jul 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine y Video Alternativo y Comunitario OjoalSancocho, Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá, Colombia

The Ojo al Sancocho International Festival for Alternative and Community Film and Video

BOGOTA, Colombia

Films of any genre, length and format with human rights themes.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Wildlife Conservation Film Festival

10 Jul 2014

Published: 09 Jul 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Wildlife Conservation Film Festival

Wildlife Conservation Film Festival

New York, United States

The Wildlife Conservation Film Festival attracts an international representation of film, filmmakers, advocates and scientists dedicated to the preservation of global biodiversity. Visitors come to New York from across the globe to attend this unique film festival. Opportunity for the filmmaker and visitors exist to interact and engage is discussion.

Representatives from multiple distribution companies are invited to review films in the festival for television listings on their respected networks.

The WCFF takes place in New York the third week in October for ten days of film screenings, receptions, workshops and parties. In addition the WCFF hosts a monthly film screening series to accommodate films that can not fit into the the October schedule.

All films accepted are qualified to participate in the WCFF Channel. An online film festival, reaching a global audience that is a subscription platform that pays the filmmakers.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of El Ojo cojo Film Fest

10 Jul 2014

Published: 09 Jul 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Cinematográfico internacional el Ojo cojo

El Ojo cojo Film Fest

Madrid, Spain

The First International Film Festival of Madrid to promoting sensible cinema and intercultural dialogue.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Procida Film Festival 2018

08 Jul 2014

Published: 07 Jul 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Procida Film Festival 2018

Procida Film Festival 2018

Procida (NA), Italy

The Festival is open to the participation of:

Short Films
Panorama Campania

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of SANFIC19- Santiago International Film Festival

07 Jul 2014

Published: 06 Jul 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of SANFIC19- Santiago International Film Festival

Banner Sanfic20 - Santiago Festival Internacional De Cine

SANFIC19- Santiago International Film Festival

Santiago de Chile, Chile

SANFIC, Santiago International Film Festival, represents a film platform with educational, cultural, artistic and industrial purposes, as well as a prime symbol of the Chilean capital city and the whole country.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation


07 Jul 2014

Published: 06 Jul 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Santander


Bucaramanga, Colombia

The 12th edition of the FICS will take place in Bucaramanga – Santander from September 27 to October 1, 2022. The call in all official competitive categories, will be open from June 24 to August 19, 2022. For this edition, the Festival will have prizes in effective, recognition support for audiovisual development.

The Social Education and Communications Corporation PRESS LIBRE, whose trajectory of more than twenty years, in the leadership of the development of the media in Santander, supports and qualifies the suitability of the FICS.

The FICS is made up of the presidency of the film director Sergio Cabrera and is headed by its director, Oscar Fonseca, in accompaniment of administrative partners.

Its main objective is to work for the formation of a public criticism and for the consolidation of spaces for discussion and appreciation around a real film culture in the region and in the country.

The department of Santander as the headquarters of the FICS, is among other
the department with the highest average economic growth annual and is promoted as one of the most popular tourist destinations
important, a cultural epicenter of enterprising people, who opens its doors to new markets.

The competitive sections of the FICS are windows to the development of the
culture and the film industry, with new looks towards Ibero-America, maintaining its strong commitment to cinema national, supporting the cinema made in Colombia and Latin America

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of International Random Film Festival

06 Jul 2014

Published: 05 Jul 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner International Random Film Festival

International Random Film Festival

Helsinki, Poland

For centuries randomness has been under-IRFF 2017 - Call for films

Great News: We are happy to invite you to submit your film for our 6th edition of
International Random Film Festival (IRFF).
You can submit your film directly at our website:
or at Festhome.

25 films from all of the online submissions are randomly selected to the festival’s official international competition.

Random Awards will be given. One film in the competition will be randomly selected to win the Random Grand Prix.

The 6th Edition of the IRFF will be held in Helsinki, Finland, 5-7 May 2017.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of  Seize the Film- FILMS ABOUT DISABILITY

05 Jul 2014

Published: 04 Jul 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Uhvati Film /// Seize the Film- FILMS ABOUT DISABILITY


Novi Sad, Serbia

Film Festival “Seize the Film“ is focus on projections of films related to the topic of disability/at least one actor is disabled person and it has editions in Novi Sad (Serbia), Rijeka (Croatia), and Kotor (Montenegro).

In addition to screenings of films on the topic of disability, the Festival also has accompanying programs and post-production - Film Caravan, which includes screenings in cultural spaces, schools, other festivals and „Seize the film Kids“ - screenings of films suitable for children aged 7-12 (in Serbia).

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Bolgatty International Film Festival

05 Jul 2014

Published: 04 Jul 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Bolgatty International Film Festival

Bolgatty International Film Festival

Kochi, India

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Hacer Encima

05 Jul 2014

Published: 04 Jul 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Hacer Encima

Hacer Encima

Atlanta, Spain

Presentism is a philosophy of time that states nothing in the past or future exists. The only reality is the present moment, which is redefined. A moment is no longer like the blade of a knife, gone the instant it is felt. Rather, it is an extended duration of conscious experience. Reality is also redefined. The world is no longer characterized as a set of historic and anticipated facts, as in “once and for all.” The presentist defines reality as a world that relies on constant survey. And when events happen in multiple places simultaneously, they are part of the same reality.

We seek short films and video works (no more than 10 minutes) from filmmakers and artists that explore these ideas. How do we experience the present? What events today constitute a sense of the present? What activities constitute a constant survey of facts and ideas? How is the concept of presentism expanded globally in the era of live data? How does the moving image define a duration of extended consciousness? In what ways might the human condition change if removed from the past and the future? All genres will be accepted including documentary, narrative, animation and experimental.



International Festival

Short film festival

 Documentary  Experimental

Logo of Cinetoro Expèrimental Film Festival

05 Jul 2014

Published: 04 Jul 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Cinetoro Expèrimental Film Festival


Cinetoro Expèrimental Film Festival

Toro, Colombia

CINETORO is projected as a transdisciplinary Festival-School, dedicated to curatorial practice and the training of filmmakers; building bridges between emerging talents and prominent national and international artists, and promoting analysis and criticism related to the production and thinking behind experimental cinema and animation.

We advocate for a cinema where poetry and art dialogue; that draws its limit beyond the perimeter of spectacularity, of technical correctness, of the topics and forms on the agenda. It is an imperfect cinema, which accepts its artisanal condition and is concerned with the recovery of the consciousness of corporeality; reflecting, problematizing and questioning the construction of image and sound.

Cinema with a territorial imprint, which redesigns, mutates and pronounces itself before the world. Resignifying the territory, transforming the perspective on rurality and providing the community with spaces for the appropriation of knowledge.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of FESAALP La Plata Latinoamerican Film Festival

04 Jul 2014

Published: 03 Jul 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner FESAALP Festival de cine Latinoamericano de La Plata

FESAALP La Plata Latinoamerican Film Festival

La Plata, Argentina

El Festival de Cine latinoamericano de La Plata, FESAALP, con una trayectoria de ocho ediciones se ha transformado en una vidriera para el encuentro, la difusión y la promoción del cine del continente.

Buscamos difundir, exhibir y problematizar el cine de América Latina como lenguaje creativo, artístico e industrial. Además de contribuir al desarrollo de nuevas posibilidades y perspectivas para los cineastas, artistas que se dedican a contar historias y relatos a través del cine.

Afianzar el encuentro entre el público y su cine es el desafío mayor que desde el 2006 nos propusimos, y hoy nos encontramos con un festival con más secciones, películas, invitados, actividades formativas y espectadores.

Creemos que un festival no sólo debe ser un espacio para la exhibición, sino también el lugar que promueva el encuentro e intercambio de experiencias entre los realizadores y ayude a que las obras encuentren nuevos espacios donde poder ser vistas.

Es importante destacar y agradecer que desde el inicio contamos con el apoyo del Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales (INCAA), el Instituto Cultural de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, la Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, la Municipalidad de La Plata, y de otras instituciones y empresas privadas que se siguen sumando y depositando su confianza en el Festival.

El FESAALP crece y se afianza gracias al enorme talento de los realizadores latinos y a la siempre conmovedora pasión de los espectadores por el cine del continente.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of International Film Fair Manizales

02 Jul 2014

Published: 01 Jul 2014
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner Feria Internacional de Cine de Manizales

International Film Fair Manizales

Manizales, Colombia

The International Film Fair of Manizales FICMA will perform its eighth version from August 23 to 27, 2017 in the city of Manizales - Colombia. The selection is open theme so that it is invited to directors and producers who wish to participate with their feature films. The best film for the public will be awarded.

International Festival

Feature film festival


Logo of 12th Indian Cine Film Festival-24, Mumbai

02 Jul 2014

Published: 01 Jul 2014
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 12th Indian Cine Film Festival-24, Mumbai

12th Indian Cine Film Festival-24, Mumbai

Mumbai, India

India Cine Film Festival has its roots almost a decade back in northern India. The festival was launched in Meerut and was concluded successfully in Noida with participation from almost 18 countries. In year 2014 the Miniboxoffice has adopted the festival officially from its organizers and Indian Cine Film Festival are now moving with passionate minds of Miniboxoffice. The ICFF-24 aim is to give momentum to the independent cinema.

The ICFF objective is to create a platform for the meeting, sharing & development of great cinematic ideas. The festival along with international competitive films screenings also holds a film market & industry oriented master classes & discussions. The festival will provide a central point where industry people can share business and new opportunities shall be created for new talent.

The 12th edition of Indian Cine Film Festival is aimed to set new milestone and it’s an endeavor of Miniboxoffice to make it relevant for each & every participant. With this I welcome you all & see you at ICFF-24 with your cinematic craft.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video