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The Festival aims at promoting expressive and artistic short film’s form giving visibility to new authors, enhancing and promoting the products of the film industry and foster the exchange and comparison of experience among filmmakers.
The festival will take place on November 11, 2023 at Calcinaia (Pisa – Italy).
Smallmovie Festival is an International short film competition that provides 3 sections:
A) Short: Section open to short films of any kind and subject,
with a maximum duration of 20 minutes, opening credits and closing credits included.
B) Under 35: Section open to short films of any kind and subject, with a maximum duration of 20 minutes, opening credits and closing credits included, made by directors who, at the time of the expiry of this announcement, have not yet turned 35
C) Tuscany: Section reserved for short films directed by Tuscan directors with a maximum duration of 20 minutes, opening credits and closing credits included.
The OURENSE FILM FESTIVAL (OUFF) presents annually a selection of the most innovative and outstanding films and audiovisual productions in Galicia, Europe, Latin America and the rest of the world. The OUFF receives each year works from a hundred of countries, whose common denominator are their socially aware subjects and their innovative forms.
Welcome to the brand new, cutting edge NextFrame International Student Film Festival! Temple University’s NextFrame, a student run, online film competition, celebrates the work of students from many versatile backgrounds. Dedicated to the artistic vision of young filmmakers everywhere and the use of emerging technology, NextFrame provides an easy to access festival platform for the work of all undergraduate and graduate filmmakers.
For the past 20 years, NextFrame has been internationally recognized as one of the world’s premiere touring festivals for showcasing student work. NextFrame celebrates the 20th anniversary, and to adapt to changing modes of distribution, the project has grown from a touring festival to an exciting and innovative online film competition. NextFrame curates student work into a professional streaming platform.
NextFrame Student Film Festival accepts cinematography projects, thesis projects, and all other student work made by undergraduate and graduate filmmakers who have held a significant production role (Director, Producer, Screenwriter, Cinematographer) on their project.
A jury of filmmakers, scholars, film/video academics and industry professionals select NextFrame’s Award Winners, who receive product grants and cash prizes from our corporate sponsors. Our sponsors have included Adobe, Final Draft, and American Society of Cinematographers, to name a few.
Submissions coming from within the U.S. must be accompanied by a $10 submission fee. Domestic films that do not have a corresponding paid fee will not be reviewed. Please follow the link below to submit:
The Slum Film Festival is the first ever film platform-featuring stories from slums, about slum realities and made by film-makers from the slums in Africa – and beyond. It is a celebration of the creativity of filmmakers living and working in slums. It is also an opportunity to show a range of films within slum communities with limited or no access to cinema.
The first pilot edition of the festival was celebrated with success in August 2011. This program has now been extended and expanded and is now celebrating its 8th Edition. The festival has reached out for submissions from all across Africa and indeed the world. It has gathered audiences of thousands of slum dwellers and urban culture enthusiasts.
Faced with the international crisis caused by the virus COVID-19, the organizers of the International Short Film Festival FIC want to show their support for the victims, their relatives and for all those people fighting to mitigate the consequences of this pandemic.
They also officially communicate the postponement of the development of the FIC’s tenth edition, which was scheduled to take place May 5-23 2020.
Initially, this edition will be rescheduled for October 2020. However, as soon as the evolution of the national and international sanitary situation is clear enough to allow for a real assessment of the festival’s development, the organizers will announce the start date for October or later, with the intention not to cancel the FIC’s tenth edition, which has over 1300 registered films from 80 different countries.
The organizers
En pleine crise mondiale liée à la pandémie provoquée par le virus COVID-19, les organisateurs du Festival international du court métrage FIC ont une pensée pour les victimes de ce fléau et expriment leur solidarité envers leurs proches et tous ceux qui se battent pour en atténuer les conséquences.
En outre, ils annoncent officiellement le report de sa dixième édition, qui ne pourra pas se tenir aux dates prévues pour le mois de mai 2020.
La reprogrammation du FIC aurait lieu en octobre de cette année. Cependant, dès que la situation sanitaire nationale et mondiale permettra d'évaluer la possibilité réelle de sa réalisation, ses organisateurs feront connaître la date précise de son début, soit en octobre, soit ultérieurement, dans l'espoir de ne pas annuler la dixième édition du FIC à laquelle se sont inscrits 1 300 films en provenance de 80 pays.
L'équipe du Festival International du Court-métrage FIC.
-See below for French language-
Description (pages 1, 2 and 3)
Entry terms and conditions for the ESMI 2020 Contest of the 9th edition of the FIC (pages 3-8)
Registration form 2020 (page 9)
Contact (page 10)
Since its foundation, the festival is organized by the ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE of BELLA VISTA, with the support of INCAA (NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CINEMA AND AUDIOVISUAL ARTS), under the AUSPICES OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF SAN MIGUEL, which coordinates the FIC COMMISSION (12 institutions) through its EDUCATION and CULTURE offices; the EMBASSY OF FRANCE, the INSTITUT FRANÇAIS, and the GENERAL DELEGATION OF THE FRENCH ALLIANCE FOUNDATION IN ARGENTINA. Since 2014, the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF SAN MIGUEL actively participates in the organization of the FIC. Many educational and cultural institutions of the region open their doors to the FIC to serve as screening venues for a growing public. The FIC has been declared of NATIONAL INTEREST BY THE HONORABLE ARGENTINE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES in two of its editions. The FIC has also been declared of MUNICIPAL INTEREST since its first edition. From 2015, Telefé is also present in the festival, and as from 2016 the Festival also receives the cooperation of ASAEC (Argentine Association of Film and Audiovisual Studies) and of the UNIVERSIDAD ABIERTA INTERAMERICANA. In 2017 it also received the support of the Ibero-American Universities Network for the development of the Audiovisual field in the UNASUR area (REDAU).
FESTIVAL DATES: From May, 5th, 2020.
REGISTRATION OF FILMS FOR THE ESMI CONTEST: September, 26th through November 10th, 2019
The INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL FIC is a major event held annually in BELLA VISTA and SAN MIGUEL, to offer a space of interaction between national and foreign filmmakers, to recognize young talents of the Seventh Art around the world, to bring new experiences to the public, to pay homage to the origins of filmmaking and to remember through the ESMI (SAN MIGUEL FILM STUDIOS) trophy the great studios located in Bella Vista, in which the most important productions and co-productions of Latin American of that time have been developed.
During the festival, people can attend the free screenings for each type of audience (adults, teenagers, and children) as well as talks, debates, exhibitions and workshops in
the different screening appointed each year by the organization of the Festival.
Apart from the ESMI contest, in which filmmakers of all over the world participate, the FIC fosters the audiovisual production in educational institutions through its CORTITOS contest for teenagers.
The Gala Dinner of the FIC brings together the finalist and winning filmmakers of the ESMI contest and special guests, as well as the winners of the CORTITOS contest, in an elegant and warm setting specially designed to honor the filmmaking art.
The ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE of BELLA VISTA´s website: www.afbellavista.com.ar
COMMUNICATION IN THE PRESS AND IN WEBSITES related to the cinematographic industry.
The distribution and communication platforms in which the festival is registered.
The INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL FIC was created in 2009 by the ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE of BELLA VISTA with the support of the INCAA, the Embassy of France and the Municipal Government of San Miguel. The FIC was first held on April 10-24, 2010. The UNIVERSITY OF CINEMA, AIR FRANCE, PERNOD RICARD, Buenos Aires Golf Club and the UNIVERSITY OF GENERAL SARMIENTO also supported the Festival in that first edition. It was successfully held in six venues opened for such purpose and in the Award Gala Dinner, which was the grand finale of the first international presentation of a festival conceived to open up to the world.
In 2016 the FIC received the support of ASAECA. It grew year after year without interruption. The festival´s national and international reach continued to expand, and in 2017, in its eighth edition, talented filmmakers of 80 different countries participated, through more than 1237 films, which stood out for their originality and quality.
18 screening venues offered 40 sessions to present the whole official selection of 2017 of both contests of the Festival.
Another important feature of the festival is the offer of related activities: talks, debates and an exposition created by local artists in honor of the films all over the world. The Gala Award Dinner has held once more in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of San Miguel in an excellent presentation by the Universidad Abierta Interamericana and Telefé, which started to participate in 2015 and 2016 respectively. In the Gala Dinner nominated filmmakers from Argentina and from the world were honored, together with authorities and important personalities. In addition, the UAI, together with the REDAU, granted during a special award to narrative innovation during the Gala dinner.
- 15 screening venues and festival-related activities.
- 20 days’ duration
- 40 screenings
- A filmmaking workshop
- Debates
- 2 press conferences
- An itinerant photography exhibition.
- 1 Gala Award Dinner
- 1300 registered films
- 370 selected films
- 80 participating countries
- 46 awards
- 9 jury members with outstanding careers
- A president of the jury.
- Permanent staff.
FIC-ESMI 2020 Página 1
Année 2020 - 10ème édition –
Description du FIC (de la page 1 à la page 3).
Règlement du Concours ESMI du FIC 2020 (de la page 4 à la page 9).
Formulaire d´inscription 2020 (page 9).
Contacts (page 10).
LE FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DU COURT-MÉTRAGE FIC est organisé par L´ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE DE BELLA VISTA. Dès sa première édition il a reçu l’appui de l´INCAA -L’INSTITUT NATIONAL DU CINÉMA ET DES ARTS AUDIOVISUELS- et de LA MAIRIE DE SAN MIGUEL qui coordonne, à travers ses Sous-secrétariats de l´Éducation et de la Culture, les actions de 12 institutions composant le Comité d´Appui au FIC.
Toutes les années le FIC a le haut honneur de recevoir les auspices de l´AMBASSADE DE France, ainsi que de L´INSTITUT FRANÇAIS, et de LA DÉLÉGATION GÉNÉRALE DE LA FONDATION ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE DE PARIS EN ARGENTINE. Depuis 2014, LA CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D’INDUSTRIE DE SAN MIGUEL est l´un des partenaires du FIC. Bon nombre d’institutions culturelles et éducatives régionales ouvrent leurs salles de projection pour un public de plus en plus nombreux durant ce grand événement dont deux éditions ont été déclarées d’INTÉRÊT NATIONAL par LA CHAMBRE DES DÉPUTÉS DE LA NATION ARGENTINE. TELEFE y est présent depuis 2015. À partir de 2016 le FIC a reçu la collaboration de l´Université Ouverte Interaméricaine, d´ASAECA -Association Argentine d´Etudes du Cinéma et de l´Audiovisuel- et du Réseau d´Universités Ibéro-américaines pour le développement de l’Audiovisuel dans la région de l’UNASUR, en 2017.
À partir du 05 mai 2020.
Du 26 septembre au 10 novembre 2019.
Le Festival International du Court-métrage FIC est un grand événement qui se tient une fois par an notamment à Bella Vista, à Muñiz et à San Miguel, dans le but d’ offrir un espace d´interaction entre les réalisateurs argentins et étrangers, de promouvoir et récompenser les jeunes talents sans distinction de frontières, d´offrir une nouvelle vision du septième art au public cinéphile, de rendre hommage aux origines du cinéma et d´évoquer l´histoire des «STUDIOS SAINT MICHEL » de la ville de Bella Vista, lieu de tournage des productions et des coproductions les plus importantes de l´histoire de la cinématographie argentine, à travers le nom de la statuette ESMI, -ESTUDIOS SAN MIGUEL INTERNACIONAL-.
Dans les différentes salles de projection désignées chaque année par les organisateurs du festival, le FIC présente non seulement des projections gratuites ayant la spécification du type de public (adultes, adolescents, enfants), mais aussi des expositions, des conférences, des débats, des ateliers.
Le FIC organise deux sortes de concours : L’un nommé ESMI, pour des cinéastes du monde entier, et l’autre PETITS COURT, dont les réalisateurs sont les adolescents, pour pouvoir promouvoir la production audiovisuelle dans des institutions éducatives.
Son Dîner de Gala réunit les finalistes et les gagnant des prix ESMI, ainsi que des invités spéciaux et les gagnants du concours PETITS COURTS, dans une chaleureuse ambiance dans laquelle la création cinématographique est mise en valeur.
- Presse écrite, télévision, radio et sites web diffusant des festivals de cinéma nationaux et internationaux.
- Les plateformes de diffusion et distribution qui présentent le FIC.
Le FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DU COURT-MÉTRAGE FIC a été conçu en 2009 par l´Alliance Française de Bella Vista. Sa première édition a eu lieu du 10 au 24 avril 2010 avec l´appui de l´INCAA, les auspices de l´Ambassade de France, de la Mairie de San Miguel, de l´Institut Français et de la Délégation Générale de la Fondation Alliance Française en Argentine. L´Université du Cinéma, Air France, Pernod Ricard, Buenos Aires Golf Club et l´ Université de General Sarmiento ont été partenaires de l’édition 2010 du FIC. Il a connu un très grand succès reflété dans ses six salles de projection, ainsi que dans les salons du Gala de la Remise des prix marquant la fermeture de la première présentation d´un festival international né pour s´ouvrir comme une fenêtre sur le monde.
Ce festival a évolué sans cesse et à pas de géant, renforçant dans chaque édition son caractère national et international, au point d’atteindre le chiffre de 1237 films venus de 80 pays différents, lors de sa 8ème édition en 2017, caractérisée par l’originalité et la qualité des 40 projections de toute la sélection officielle offerte dans 18 salles.
Il faudrait également considérer les activités parallèles : conférences, débats, une exposition offerte par des artistes de la région pour rendre hommage au cinéma universel, créant une atmosphère toute particulière. Le dîner de Gala de remise des prix, qui a encore eu lieu dans le grand salon de la Chambre de Commerce et d´Industrie de San Miguel, s´est tenu dans le cadre d´une excellente présentation réalisée à travers l´Université Ouverte Interaméricaine et TELEFE, pour accueillir des cinéastes argentins et étrangers et des autorités et personnalités représentatives. La UAI et le REDAU – Réseau d´Universités Ibéro-américaines pour le développement de l’audiovisuel dans la région de l’UNASUR, ont accordé un prix spécial à la narration innovante.
L’édition 2019 du FIC en chiffres :
- 15 salles
- Une durée de 20 jours
- 40 séances
- Un atelier de cinéma
- Huit débats
- Deux conférences-presse
- 1 exposition de photographie itinérante
- 1 dîner de gala de remise des prix
- 1300 films inscrits
- 370 films sélectionnés
- 80 pays en compétition
- 46 prix
- 9 jurés de très haute compétence
- 1 président du jury
- 1 staff permanent
International Fantastic Film Festival of Castilla y León "Terroríficamente Cortos" born from enthusiasm and love for the cinema of palencian young and the need to boost the cultural and leisure in the city of Palencia on it involving institutional and business sector of the Spanish province.
After the good acceptance obtained in the XII previous editions of the festival of short films 4' SHORT ... and to continue with the idea and intention and opportunity to accommodate the different areas of artistic expression, Alcorac 1,968 Cultural Association invites all those who wish to participate in " THE XII INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL SHORT 4' ... "
The CFF is a festival dedicated to audiovisual theme environmental and natural. Aims to collect the most interesting images and reward the efforts and talent of the young, but not only, that invest their energy in telling the green that still surrounds us. The Festival through the art of film aims to focus attention on what is happening in our world, with particular reference to all that is now environment.
Place of complaint and reflection: the cinema on the environment as a medium of international communication, comparison as well as container criticism, development and promotion.
Never before, in particular in our region comes an obligation to advertise, support, advertise "material" that can move us to reflection, that can make us stop and think about everything that surrounds us. Environment stolen, but also regained. As a physical space but also spiritual.
The films must draw an unusual path that begins "from the works of the complaint and the testimony of brave men and women involved in the defense of their territories, to get to the proposal of new models of sustainable living or hypothesis of dire future scenarios" .
Festival films will follow two main criteria: great attention to the works of 'our home' and fictional stories, trying to put together the reality cinema, the documentary, which so far has been the 'official spokesperson' of environmental concerns. The Festival is held in Caselle in Pittari in Province of Salerno, enchanting landscape setting, historic, cultural and natural in the heart of the National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano on Bussento river.
Major players in the national cinema will participate in the event, meet the young protagonists actively debating with them giving valuable advice. Participation in the survey, the entrance to the screenings of films and events scheduled are free until all the seats available.
#TOFF - The Online Film Festival is a monthly international online event of short films, feature films and web series.
#TOFF is the first festival which specifically helps independent filmmakers to raise their visibility through the web. We do so by creating and taking care of you communication on line, we create a web page of your film and promote it through social media.
Everyday #TOFF reaches thousands of viewers in more than 100 different countries, we guarantee that your film will be viewed by our international community and will be judged by a jury of film professionals.
“Cultura Caótica” is the first film and video festival in the city of La Paz, which seeks to put a massive display papers, promoting the creative production of the producers in training to bring out their skills, Polish them, qualify them and reward them for the improvement and growth of those artistic and techniques and encourage the growth and development of audiovisual production in the city of La Paz.
We are looking for works by audiovisual with authentic, inventive and poetic inclinations which put to the limit all languages, take ownership of old and new technologies (who believe them) and which generate sublime artistic experiences.
Call for Participation
The International Competition
on Lesbian Gay Transgender and Questioning audiovisual works.
Deadline: september 30, 2024
Preliminary remarks
The Association i Ken Onlus announces a competition for audiovisual lesbian gay transgender and/or questioning-themed works, at the 17th edition of OMOVIES – Lesbian Gay Transgender and Questioning Film Festival. The Festival will be held both on-line and in the cinema room.
Cine Curtas Lapa is an independent, non-profit festival with free entry. The Festival aims to show films that were made or have as their theme the city of Rio de Janeiro in order to promote the Brazilian audiovisual industry, especially short films from Rio in the city's most traditional nightlife neighborhood. The idea is to bring a program of fiction, animation and documentary shorts to the public of Lapa, enriching the cultural life of the bohemian neighborhood.
This year, 2024, the Festival turns 13 years old. For more information visit our website. (https://cinecurtaslapa.wixsite.com/my-site)
There will be popular and professional jury voting for short films. The winner of each category will receive a certificate and the festival trophy.
Vagrant Film Club holds its own Film Festival which takes place in one random location on a day of Spring and Autumn equinox as well as on a day of Summer and Winter solstice.
The best films are chosen only according to the audience voting. The winners will be awarded with the souvenirs, various trophies and artifacts that are gathered during the voyages.
Vagrant film club – is a non-commercial journey of one film vagabond (guru) or a group of film vagabonds along the film routes. During the journey they gather, screen and shoot independent films. CinemaVan is a means of communication between independent filmmakers, film festivals and film societies.
Film vagabonds represent the ideology that is free from political or religious doctrines. They stand for peace, love, ecology and personal freedom. Anyone sharing the ideas and values of the cinemavan and accept its rules can join it. Vagrant musicians and artists are also welcome.
The route is based on the film festivals, film societies film cafes or just friendly invitations. Film vagabond moves on foot, hitchhiking, water-hitching, air-hitching, horse-drawn hitching, by bicycle, rowboats, sailboats or even air-balloons. Car driving, catching a cab, staying at hotels is possible only in case of emergency or for the seniors, disabled or juvenile fellow travelers. Generally, cinemavan migrates to the Southern hemisphere, subtropical or equatorial climate countries in winter.
In summer it returns to Lapland, Siberia and Northern countries. This, however, doesn’t mean that Cinema gaff cannot come to Taimyr Peninsula during hard frosts or to Congo tropical forests during the rainy season.
We provide a common platform for the authors of children's films to project their films for children and educate them through meaningful films; promoting positive values, friendship, family and co- operation among people, promotion of film art as specific artistic expression and promotion of if among children as future film professionals.