Logo of Asia Peace Film Festival

30 Jun 2018

Published: 24 Mar 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Asia Peace Film Festival

Asia Peace Film Festival

Islamabad, Pakistan

Call for Submission – APFF-3/Feb/19
Asia Peace Film Festival - 3rd Edition
Localizing Global Goals: Story Begins at Home!
September 2019
Executing Agency: Asia Peace Film Festival
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, are a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015. The Global Goals are broad and interdependent, yet each has a separate list of targets to achieve. Achieving all 169 targets would signal accomplishing all 17 goals. The Goals cover ecological, social and economic development issues including poverty, hunger, health, education, global warming, gender equality, water, sanitation, energy, urbanization, environment and social justice. The background and explanation are available in the Resolution Adopted by The General Assembly available at: https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/post2015/transformingourworld
Localizing Global Goals: Story Begins at Home
The Global Goals provide an indicative agenda for sustainable development that is required to stimulate a series of collective actions to address areas of critical importance for humanity and the habitat. The Global Goals are a large, holistic and long-term set of goals, difficult to distil into simple and compelling messages.
While these Goals are global, their achievement will critically depend on our interest, intention, ability and resources to turn the global social contract based on pressing development commitments into a tangible reality in our homes, communities, neighborhoods, cities, regions, countries and so on. Consequentially, our immediate localities are the primary sites of the compliance of our commitments towards a universal development agenda. Therefore, the story of global goals begins at home and connects to the extended contours of universality. It becomes everyone’s business, leaving no one behind.
Locating Creative Communications: Awareness, Relatability and Reach
APFF believes that contextualization of meta-data is as much important for effective communication as much as localization of global goals are important for any meaningful delivery of development dividends. Policy makers have argued that, “we will only deliver on the SDGs if people know about the goals, demand action, and hold their leaders to their promises.”
From the communication perspective, delivery of development outcomes would largely be determined by the level of awareness, relatability, reach and influence towards global goals. Therefore, creative communications should be aimed at increasing awareness, explaining relatability, enhancing outreach and influencing investments towards Global Goals at immediate locality and beyond. Global Goals are a universal agenda, requiring progress at home and abroad. Experts have suggested that, “our communication should lead to developing political will, involving people to act for themselves locally, and aiming for the goals to become a universal reference guide.”
APFF is seeking to engage creative community of Asian region including passionate storytellers, filmmakers, writers, directors, actors, artists, musicians, singers, social media champions, multi-media creators to develop a communication mix on Global Goals.
Why a Film Festival on Global Goals?
Experience has shown that “the exposure one can get through film and digital content, whether it’s at a film festival, a local cinema screening, through online distribution or educational channels, is magnified compared to many traditional ways we try to impact change.” Festival exposure and awards often bring press attention, which is considered the best amplifier of messages.
A number of studies suggest that “to inspire change, people need to ‘feel’ your story.” Data, research, statistics and trend indicators are important. Data supports and drives decisions every day in what we do. But as they say data alone typically doesn’t reach the part of our brains which can reach complex issues, intuit connections, engage lateral thinking, or move one to action: the emotional brain. ‘Story’ speaks to our emotional brain. Experts suggest: “We have to change the way we communicate. All action is emotional, and in order to get an emotional connection we need to understand what it is.”
APFF considers filmmaking and cinematography as an effective medium of communication to understand, inform, inspire and generate an individual and collective will to act for behavioral and perceptual transformations. Through a thematic cinema, a diverse and larger audiences can be engaged on issues related to SDGs making a complex message simpler, communicative and inspirational. With the extended outreach of digital content, filmmaking has become an effective tool of communication which can be used to strengthen rights-based social movements and development discourses infusing a culture of transformation in societies plagued with hierarchical structures, policies and instruments.
Against this backdrop, APFF dedicates its Third Edition to the Global Goals encouraging film makers to tell stories of their own soil – narrate local stories to the global audiences and bridge the communication gap. Tell others what story you feel for. Lens your own story! You have a space to inspire, now.
APFF is aimed to celebrate 3rd Edition by encouraging production and organizing public screening of the selected Asian short films, documentaries, animations and music videos narrating the stories of struggle and transformations on any of the seventeen Global Goals. However, a particular focus would be laid on subthemes related to: ecological, social and economic development issues including poverty, hunger, health, education, global warming, gender equality, water, sanitation, energy, urbanization, environment and social justice.
Reference Material:
• https://worldsbestnews.org/partners-projects/communicating-the-sustainable-development-goals-everyone/
• More than 700 filmmakers across the globe tackled these questions as part of this year’s Picture This Festival for the Planet, a short-film competition for emerging filmmakers hosted by Sony and the United Nations Foundation. These short films explore global goals like clean energy, access to education, and environmental sustainability through a variety of storytelling techniques, including comedy, animation, and documentary interviews. One submission even borrowed from the horror movie genre.
• https://unfoundation.org/blog/post/8-short-films-to-inspire-you-into-sdg-action/
• http://www.un.org/webcast/pdfs/160421pm-sdgs-com.pdf
• http://www.dentsu.com/csr/team_sdgs/pdf/sdgs_communication_guide.pdf
Key Components of APFF - 3rd Edition 2019:
I. Inaugural Session – High profile representation from multilateral, bilateral and governmental fora
II. Screening of selected Asian films (shorts, documentaries, animations, music videos) followed by discussions and Q&A
III. Panel Discussions – 17 parallel panel discussions on 17 Global Goals (moderating conversations between policy and communication communities)
IV. Inter-Governmental Policy Dialogue on Global Goals in Asia
V. Master Classes on A2Z of Filmmaking
VI. Art Exhibition on Global Goals
VII. Musical and Cultural Events
VIII. Networking Dinners
IX. Media Encounters
X. Grand Finale followed by Award Giving Ceremony

International Festival

Short film festival

 Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of FICVI, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges de Vila-seca

10 Aug 2018

Published: 24 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of FICVI, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges de Vila-seca

Banner FICVI, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges de Vila-seca

FICVI, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges de Vila-seca

Vila-seca, Spain

FICVI, International Short Film Festival of Vila-seca is a festival focused on the exhibition of short films.

It is organized by the Vila-seca Tourism Board and collaborates with the Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España – Premios Goya as a Collaborating Contest in the Preselection of Short Films in the categories of Fiction and Animation for the Goya Awards.

The IX edition of the FICVI, Vila-seca International Short Film Festival will be held from November 8 to 17, 2024.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Parma International Music Film Festival

30 Jun 2018

Published: 24 Mar 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Parma International Music Film Festival

Parma International Music Film Festival

Parma, Italy

The international competition will reward the best soundtrack, then the best film music composer who will receive the Grand Prix The international competition will reward the best soundtrack, then the best film music composer who will receive the Grand Prix “VIOLETTA D’ORO” (Golden Violette), a flower that is the symbol of Parma, but also represents the name of the most famous female heroin created by Giuseppe Verdi, much loved by the public.

In addition to the first prize, the Violetta d'Oro, will be assigned the “Violetta d'Argento” to the best movie, and Honorable Mentions to best director, best photography best actor, best script and best short film.

The purpose of this initiative is not only pointing out to the audience recent and important features, but also underlining the value of a musical score as an essential element for the poetry and the success of a movie itself.

Besides, the contest will be a chance for film makers and producers to show their own works to a various audience and to a high-qualified international jury.

In addition of the section about feature films, it has been included also a section concerning short films, that will participate in the contest for a dedicated award.

The attendance is open to feature films and videos of any nationality, subject and length (musical productions but also dramatic films, comics, historical or Tv productions, etc).

SPECIAL CATEGORY: short film of Dance, with a Jury that will give a "DANCE AWARD".

Award Ceremony will take place at Casa della Musica in Parma on September 21th 2024 at 5.00pm with Dinner Gala, at which all producers or directors who have their film in nomination will be invited.

Deadline of inscription: 15th June 2024.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Mammoth Film Festival™

07 Dec 2018

Published: 23 Mar 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Mammoth Film Festival™

Mammoth Film Festival™

Mammoth Lakes, United States

The Mammoth Film Festival is a retreat for those who love, create and enjoy film. An all media festival celebrating varieties of filmmakers, actors, directors, writers, producers and their work. Regal with the wonderful town of Mammoth Lakes, California as it's beautiful backdrop. The film and media showcase has a firm purpose for the exhibition, exploration, celebration and competition of boundless media. A focus on independent creation and absolute risk-taking in the world of multimedia, film and television. So put your snow boots on, bring your skis, grab some free popcorn and enjoy this exciting festival. 

The Mammoth Film Festivals central aim is to lead the charge for an ever-changing landscape of film and media. As content continues to be consumed on new and different platforms, the fear exists that independent film will become lost in the wayside. Mammoth Film Festival aims to be an important institution towards fostering independent filmmakers and their stories so that strong and important voices always have a way to continue to be seen and heard. The film and media showcase of the Mammoth Film Festival has a firm purpose for the exhibition, exploration, celebration and competition of boundless media. A celebration of independent creation and absolute risk-taking in the world of multimedia, film and television.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of CineFOSC

30 Jun 2018

Published: 23 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner CineFOSC


Monistrol de Montserrat, Spain

International Festival for Film Noir. €1,100 on Awards

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Consuegra Short  Film Festival

30 Jun 2018

Published: 23 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cine en Corto Ciudad de Consuegra

Consuegra Short Film Festival

Consuegra, Spain

European Short Films Festival, all genres (2.800 € on Awards)

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation


31 Dec 2018

Published: 23 Mar 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional Lume De Cinema - 2021


SAO LUIS, Brazil

Authorial film festival held by one of the most important distributors of movie Brazil. The awards will result distribution contracts of winning films in Brazil.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental


10 Sep 2018

Published: 22 Mar 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films




«BRIDGES» INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL was established in 2008 in the framework of celebrations of 150 years of the foundation of Corinth. It was held Under the Auspices of Ministry of Transport and Communications in Greece and was organized in cooperation with the Cultural Centre of Corinth. It was greeted by the Minister of Transport and Communication, the Mayor of Corinth, the President of the Cultural Centre and the Prefect of Peloponnesus

The program, apart from the screenings of the Panorama, Competition and other sections included also the screening of a selection of short films by Cine Fantom, especially chosen for Peloponnesian Corinthian International Film Festival. «The main Club in Moscow» – this is how the press refers to CINE FANTOM. This is, however, no wonder for the club with the 20 years history. CINE FANTOM Club has been holding screenings every Wednesday for many years, regardless of weather and political conditions. For many years on, the club has managed to stick to such a weekly format. CINE FANTOM, however has also its own festival, SELECTION, a unique event which aims at promotion and development of young cinema.

The 2nd edition of the festival took place in 2011. On 2009 and 2010 it was cancelled due to national elections that occurred the same period. The opening of the 2nd festival was scheduled on October 14th 2009 with the presence and a live concert by the famous actor of Hollywood, Kevin Costner with his music band Modern West! Unfortunately, the national elections were announced on the 6th of September to be held on the 10th of October and the festival was cancelled. But the concert took place the same day, 14th of October 2009 on the Badminton theater in Athens. http://www.petraterzi.org/kevincostner/
Within the framework of its annual organization Bridges International Film Festival, carries on its close partnership with local authorities and other organizations, willing to provide to such an important aspect of our lives, culture, which is weakened through these hard times we are going through. During the same event, excursions to archeological sites, cruises in Canal of Isthmus and a film poster exhibition took place.

In order to be able to accommodate the needs of the vast number of cinephiles and cinemagoers of Greece, which has proved to be big and varied during past organizations, this year`s festival edition has created Special theme screenings as the «World Cinema – Bridges» section. As the BRIDGES International Film festival concurs often with the International Day of People with Disability, a part of our screenings is dedicated to films about human disabilities, under the symbolic title «We can do». Furthermore, the audience will have the unique opportunity to watch films by upcoming filmmakers premiering in the festival. Some of the most outstanding feature films created recently are going to compete for the festival`s Grand Prize «Golden Pegasus», which is going to be given to the film indicated by an internationally acclaimed Jury of cinema professionals.

Note: Foreign films with greek subtitles are eligible to participate in the official program of the International Film Festival "Bridges"

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Directed by Women SPAIN

01 Jun 2018

Published: 22 Mar 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Directed by Women SPAIN

Directed by Women SPAIN

Madrid, Spain

Directed by Women Spain is a film viewing celebration of films directed by women in Spain.

Our celebration is part of the International movement Directed by Women, that for the past 9 years has been dedicated to promote and give visibility to films directed by Women.

Cineteca of Madrid and the CICUS of Seville are hosting the tenth edition with a complete program of short film sessions, feature films, unseen documentaries, sessions for young audiences and children. Filmmakers will be invited to present their pieces to the public and to participate in a Q&A.

There will also be debates, professional gatherings, workshops and a lot of celebration!


Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Minutes of Terror 2023, Sustefest

17 Jun 2018

Published: 22 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Minutos De Terror 2023, Sustefest

Minutes of Terror 2023, Sustefest

Valle de Santiago, Mexico

Horror Minutes 2023

Minutes of Terror 2023

Bases of participation 2023

The call is open from April 2 to June 30, 2023.
All those interested in the genre of Suspense, Horror and Sci-Fi may participate without restriction of age or professional career.

In this fourteenth edition we are
Short films produced or co-produced in Mexico will compete for the "Juan Mora Catlett" award in honor of the director.

Each team or participant may present an unlimited number of works.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror


31 May 2018

Published: 21 Mar 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Nicosia, Cyprus

Responding to a changing world, show that your work rises to the challenge. Selected films are announced and promoted to distributors prior to the festival. Also all film submissions have the option to get distribution at inspire-tv.com with beneficial terms.

"The Best of the 1st!"
Cyprus International Film Festival's mission is to support the first shown filmmakers with their first short or feature film, to meet and exchange cultures for the further development of Cinematographic Art in Cyprus, to promote our historical and cultural heritage,to upgrade our tourism product and to internationally promote our alumni participants.

Cyprus International Film Festival (CYIFF) is holder of the EFFE label, Europe’s quality stamp for remarkable arts festivals attributed for their work in the field of the arts, community involvement and international openness. It takes place annually with live screenings and parallel events on the beautiful Mediterranean island of Cyprus but also with various partnerships at Athens, Cannes, New York and Los Angeles.

Cyprus International Film Festival (CYIFF) is under the umbrella of Cultural International Festivals -a non-profit arts organization dedicated to promoting and supporting independent films and filmmakers that embody diversity, innovation and uniqueness of vision-. The main location of the event is Nicosia the capital of Cyprus. The festival celebrates once more the rising film stars and several artistic events will take place during the festival. The Pegasus Cinema Lab workshop is very popular and we produce a short film during the Festival which will be screened at the Awards Ceremony. A Table Read with chosen scripts is held during the festival.
You can express your interest and apply with your artistic proposal regarding the "Goddess Aphrodite" and "Peace" theme categories to ciffprogram@gmail.com

History: The festival was inaugurated on March 23, 2006 by the Cypriot Minister of Education and Culture Mr Pefkios Georgiades and was held in three cities, Larnaca, Limassol and Nicosia with the cooperation of K-Cineplex.

The Cyprus International Film Festival is the biggest of artistic high value independent cinema event of the whole region, spilling over Cyprus boundaries and spreading over the whole region with repercussions reaching worldwide. CYIFF is the first internationally oriented film festival which offers new and upcoming directors in multiple sectors of entertainment (such as feature films, short films, animations, music videos, dance, experimental films and video art) the opportunity to showcase their talent in front of a jury of internationally acclaimed cinema experts, directors and actors. CYIFF has a competitive section.
Films produced the last 36 months, by emerging directors are selected for the screening program.
-Women filmmakers (director and/or producer) can submit their film to compete for the Aphrodite Cinematic Award. There is no restriction regarding the production year, the genre of the film in this specific category.
-"50/50" is a category with film credits 50% men and 50% women. No restriction in genre.

Highlights video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYLfPp0qorI


Tiago Carvalho:
Lost Records was selected but we could be present unfortunately. But the online version of it was very professional and rich. Just by watching it, you can confirm that they are very concerned by the quality and importance of the festival, and the respect they have for the filmmakers.

Keith Barnfather:
Great festival, with a fantastic selection of films on show!

Christina Zorich - The Abolitionists:
Petra is awesome; she runs a terrific film festival! We were honored to be included.

Chao Wang:
An excellent and memorable film festival. Although I missed the festival because of my carelessness, I still appreciate the professional spirit of the film festival. It is my honor to be shortlisted.

This festival is one of the best festivals out there now days!! they organizers are just AMAZING this festival is the one that makes me do films every year!!! so I can submit to Cyprus International Film Festival! Thank you so much for the everything!!! and to RECAP all...THIS FESTIVAL IS AMAZING...Period! and 1 more thing a great place to make international connections!

Alain Deslongchamps:
Thank you Cyprus International Film Festival! Your Team did a.great job!

Alberto Zúñiga:
One of the best film festivals of the world. We really love CYIFF!!! Congratulations for the past edition. You really rock, people!!!

Gang Zhao:
Great film festival, thank you for choosing my film. Thank you!

Very good organization with a selection of excellent films. I believe we will be close in time.

Note: In 2025, the 20th Cyprus International Film Festival is scheduled to hold both of live and online screenings and events.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Retransmision

25 May 2018

Published: 21 Mar 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Retransmision

Banner Retransmisión


-, Mexico

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of FCMA Short Film Festival

03 Jul 2018

Published: 21 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Du Court Métrage d’Auch | Fcma

FCMA Short Film Festival

Auch, France

Since 2011, the Auch Short Film Festival has been rewarding the best of the short film. With nearly 2,000 films received each year, the Festival has become a showcase for the cinema of tomorrow, with a selection highlighting the new generation of filmmakers.

More informations soon...

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Ensenada Film Festival

26 Aug 2018

Published: 21 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cine de Ensenada

Ensenada Film Festival

Ensenada, Mexico

The Festival’s goal is to dive the audience into the Seventh art, for this reason it supports and spread the local and national films, screening the artwork in an intimate atmosphere, with the purpose of motivating the artists to produce films, involving them in the art and culture that makes Mexico and outstading country.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Constantine´s Gold Coin Animation Film Festival

31 Mar 2018

Published: 21 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Constantine´s Gold Coin Animation Film Festival

Banner Constantine´s Gold Coin Animation Film Festival

Constantine´s Gold Coin Animation Film Festival

Nis, Serbia

The International Animated Film Festival "Constantine’s gold coin" is organized to promote cultural creativity of national and foreign authors.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of  Seize the Film- FILMS ABOUT DISABILITY

01 Jun 2018

Published: 21 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Uhvati Film /// Seize the Film- FILMS ABOUT DISABILITY


Novi Sad, Serbia

Film Festival “Seize the Film“ is focus on projections of films related to the topic of disability/at least one actor is disabled person and it has editions in Novi Sad (Serbia), Rijeka (Croatia), and Kotor (Montenegro).

In addition to screenings of films on the topic of disability, the Festival also has accompanying programs and post-production - Film Caravan, which includes screenings in cultural spaces, schools, other festivals and „Seize the film Kids“ - screenings of films suitable for children aged 7-12 (in Serbia).

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Festival De Cine Comprometido De Guadalajara

15 May 2018

Published: 20 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Festival De Cine Comprometido De Guadalajara

Banner Festival de Cine Comprometido de Guadalajara

Festival De Cine Comprometido De Guadalajara

Azuqueca de Henares, Spain

The Festival de Cine Comprometido de Guadalajara (FESCIGU) celebrates its 22nd edition this year, and it does so with a change of venue, since the Guadalajara City Council has decided to censor it and cancel the agreement. Therefore, starting this year the festival will take place in Azuqueca de Henares. Throughout these years, we have tried to bring our audience the best of the world of short films, with social, protest or simply humanist content. All genres fit, as long as violence is not advocated. The FESCIGU is a preselection festival for the Goya Awards.


Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of ZINETXIKI ZINEMALDIA - International Film Festival for Children and Youth

15 May 2018

Published: 20 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine Infantil y Juvenil - Zinetxiki Zinemaldia

ZINETXIKI ZINEMALDIA - International Film Festival for Children and Youth

Bilbao, Spain

IX edition of the Zinetxiki Zinemaldia - International Film Festival for Children and Youth, organised by the cultural association Begira Elkartea, will take place in Bilbao and other Basque cities and towns from 14 to 29 December 2024.

Zinetxiki Zinemaldia aims at offering worldwide quality audiovisual contents to a family audience. Through the projection of selected works in several competitive categories, the festival seeks to promote the audiovisual education and the creation of new audiences.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Logo of Voc Festival Òmnium De Curtmetratges

12 Sep 2018

Published: 20 Mar 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Voc Festival Òmnium de Curtmetratges

Voc Festival Òmnium De Curtmetratges

Barcelona, Spain

Original Version in Catalan

VOC Festival Òmnium de Curtmetratges és un projecte impulsat per Òmnium Cultural amb la finalitat d’estimular la producció de curtmetratges de qualitat en català, contribuir a la seva difusió i ampliar-ne el públic.

El VOC és un festival únic perquè arriba a més de 90 sales d’arreu dels Països Catalans simultàniament durant els mesos de febrer i març. És un punt de trobada entre creadors, públic i referents del sector, una oportunitat per compartir l’experiència del cinema en llengua catalana.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Taratsa International Film Festival

31 May 2018

Published: 20 Mar 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Taratsa International Film Festival

Taratsa International Film Festival

Thessaloniki, Greece

Taratsa is an independent international short film festival based in Thessaloniki, Greece. It began in August 2014, integrated in the framework of “Thessaloniki European Youth Capital”. Its purpose is to create a framework for the promotion of independent short films from Greece and all over the world -by bringing the audience closer to the production and establishing a place and time for the substantial interaction and artistic expression between the creators- as well as to present films that are considered benchmarks in the history of cinema.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental