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Brasil es reconocido internacionalmente por su rica producción artística y cultural. En este contexto, la 14ª Muestra de Cine Latinoamericano de Canoa Quebrada, conocida como "CURTA CANOA", tiene como objetivo promover la accesibilidad al universo audiovisual, difundir la cultura y destacar el trabajo de talentosos artistas brasileños y latinoamericanos. A través de un programa diverso y de alta calidad, el festival ofrece una experiencia enriquecedora tanto para la comunidad local como para los turistas, y lo mejor de todo: completamente gratis.
El objetivo principal de este proyecto es resaltar la importancia y resaltar la realización de la 14ª edición del festival Curta Canoa, que tendrá lugar en Praia de Canoa Quebrada (Aracati - CE), del 20 al 25 de noviembre de 2023. promover una exhibición competitiva de películas y cortometrajes nacionales y latinos, además de mostrar largometrajes invitados. Además, el evento también incluye seminarios, conferencias, espectáculos musicales y acciones que abordan temas cruciales, como el medio ambiente, la educación y los movimientos sociales. Un aspecto fundamental es la inclusión de la comunidad en el proceso de organización y ejecución del festival, convirtiéndolo en un fiel reflejo de la participación e implicación local.
El festival Curta Canoa promueve un intercambio cultural entre realizadores y espectadores, durante seis días de intensa programación. Con talleres, seminarios y conferencias, el evento capacita a estudiantes de escuelas públicas y fortalece los centros de cine de Aracati. El principal objetivo es ampliar el acceso a la formación audiovisual y contribuir al desarrollo cultural de la región.
Durante el Festival contamos con la participación de reconocidos profesores de cursos audiovisuales tanto en la capital de Ceará como en otros estados. Están invitados a impartir talleres, seminarios y conferencias complementarias, con actividades prácticas que complementan los contenidos tratados en el aula. Además, valoramos las raíces culturales de la región, ofreciendo espacios para presentaciones de grupos y artistas locales. Como es tradición, también rendimos homenaje a personalidades relevantes de la cultura brasileña.
Brasil tiene un circuito de festivales audiovisuales reconocido mundialmente, compuesto por eventos de diferentes tamaños, historias, conceptos y singularidades. Estos festivales tienen valor e importancia significativos, llevando la riqueza creativa del audiovisual brasileño a todo el país, superando las limitaciones del circuito comercial presente en apenas el 8% de los municipios del territorio nacional. En Ceará, después de 14 años de existencia, el Festival Curta Canoa ha alcanzado notable protagonismo y relevancia en el escenario audiovisual. El festival recibió más de 7.800 inscripciones de cortometrajes hasta 2021 y realizó 69 talleres en el municipio de Aracati. Nos hemos convertido en parte indispensable del calendario cultural del estado y, por qué no decirlo, de Brasil. Cada año, movilizamos a los productores que deseen exhibir su trabajo en exposiciones competitivas y participar de las capacitaciones técnicas que se ofrecen durante el programa.
El proyecto hace una importante contribución social a la comunidad de Praia de Canoa Quebrada. Los residentes están cada vez más involucrados, lo que ha impulsado el desarrollo local. El proyecto ofrece oportunidades para que adolescentes, jóvenes y niños de escasos recursos aprendan cine y se inserten en el mercado cultural, a través de la formación continua en el centro de cine y animación. La realización del Festival de Cine Latinoamericano de Canoa Quebrada, conocido como Curta Canoa, tiene una relevancia significativa para el desarrollo del audiovisual en Ceará y Brasil. Moviliza una amplia red de profesionales y productores, generando beneficios sociales para la población local y promocionando la región y los municipios vecinos en los medios internacionales. El festival despierta el interés del público por las exposiciones y destaca el potencial del mercado audiovisual local, nacional e internacional.
International Fantastic Film Festival of Castilla y León "Terroríficamente Cortos" born from enthusiasm and love for the cinema of palencian young and the need to boost the cultural and leisure in the city of Palencia on it involving institutional and business sector of the Spanish province.
Muestra de Cine de Lanzarote is a project organized by Asociación Tenique Cultural, a non-profit organization whose main goals are to promote, diffuse and debate independent films, analyze the local context and connect it to global level. The 14th edition of the project is scheduled to be held between November 20 and November 30, 2025.
The call for films will be opened between April 1 and August 31 2025, and films may be submitted to the two competitive sections: the Official Section of Feature-length Films, endowed with a prize of 6.500 euros, and the Cruce de caminos: Filmmakers from the Canaries Section, endowed with a prize of 1.200 euros. The prize will be paid during the first four months of the year.
All details about the call can be found in the rules of participation.
accordi @ DISACCORDI - International Short Film Festival welcomes films and filmmakers from all over the world, to share the art of independent short films with the local audience, to entertain and enlighten festival attendees, to provide filmmakers the opportunity for professional networking and development, and to encourage cultural tourism and film industry development in Naples and the surrounding area in Campania.
accordi @ DISACCORDI (Consonances and Dissonances) is an audience-friendly festival that focuses on quality programming of all genres of seventh art from comedy to drama, animation to documentary, and art to experimental movies. In addition to the film program, attendees can enjoy talks, Q&As, laboratories, workshops, exhibitions, seminars and conferences; the entrance to cultural events is free of charge. We want to give a heightened sense of the experience to all who participate and attend.
International Short Film Festival celebrates its 21st anniversary on November 11 - 17, 2024.
Submit your film to be in with a chance of screening at our International Short Film Festival and this could be your chance to win a nice acrylic or wooden plaque!
The Viña del Mar Terror in the Bay Fantastic Film Festival aims to bring genre cinema closer to the residents of the city and spread its attractions to the world.
Fantastic and horror movies have a cathartic function, when we watch a movie we experience the experiences of the characters without fear of suffering its effects. Violent movies, catastrophic scenarios, terror, extreme survival... provoke an emotional discharge that sometimes prepares us to face our real life.
For this reason we embark on this great adventure that is to make the first edition of Terror in the Bay so special for its audience, we hope to have many more editions and make Viña del Mar enter the map of fantastic world film festivals.
Fourth Veracruz Cineteca Showcase
The civil association Cineteca Veracruz invites Mexican and international filmmakers to submit their films to the various non-competitive sections of the Fourth Veracruz Cineteca Showcase, which will take place in October and November 2025.
Film submission period: March 3 to June 6, 2025
Selection notification: July 7, 2025
Non-competitive sections
Veracruz Cinema
All filmmakers from Veracruz, Mexico, and abroad are invited to participate in this section, which includes films that have a thematic or conceptual connection to the Veracruz region. Eligible films must be short films (between 5 and 30 minutes in length), either fiction or non-fiction.
Mexican Short Film
All Mexican filmmakers are invited to participate in this section with their short films (5 to 30 minutes in length), either fiction or non-fiction.
Mexican Feature Film
All Mexican filmmakers are invited to participate in this section with their feature films (60 to 120 minutes in length), either fiction or non-fiction.
International Feature Film
Filmmakers of any nationality are invited to participate in this section with their feature films (60 to 120 minutes in length), either fiction or non-fiction.
Animation Special
Filmmakers of any nationality are invited to participate in this section with their animated short films (5 to 30 minutes in length), either fiction or non-fiction.
¡Hola! We are VALÈIFF • València Indie Film Festival, an international film festival with quarterly screening events in València - Spain, and member of the IBERIFF • Iberia Indie Film Festivals, which celebrates and showcases new productions and independent artists from all over the world in Madrid (MADRIFF), Barcelona (BARCIFF), València (VALÈIFF), Seville (SEVIFF), Lisbon (LISBIFF) and Montpellier (MONTIFF), that you can also find them here, in Festhome!
VALÈIFF shares the mission of its associate festivals of supporting emerging talents, encouraging artistic exploration, fostering networking, promoting cultural exchange and engaging the local community by providing a platform to present the work of independent filmmakers.
Fiction films, animation, documentary and experimental works of any genre and subject are welcome!
Biodiversity loss is one of the main threats we face today. Species are disappearing at levels never seen in human history. Climate change, habitat loss, pollution, overexploitation of resources, the appearance of invasive alien species are the main threats that many species face today.
The human being is the main cause of these threats, but the power to reverse these extinction processes is also in our hands. Conservation policies and measures have saved many species in recent years. Communicating and raising awareness about the main problems facing biodiversity is necessary in order to continue advancing. Many times the environmental problems that are treated from education, awareness and the work that is done in research centers do not reach the general public, for this reason using alternative media such as art or culture can be of great help to reach to more audiences.
Although the efforts to communicate the scientific results obtained in universities and research centers are evident, using the cinema as a communication vehicle is currently a little used bet.
At the "CINECO - International Film and Ecology Festival" we bring together scientists, filmmakers, conservation associations and the general public.
The main objective of the meeting is to highlight the role of cinema in communication and awareness of environmental problems. The specific objectives are:
1. Communicate and disseminate environmental problems to society through audiovisual pieces.
2. Establish a collaboration network between filmmakers and scientists for the development of future projects.
This short films contest up in order to motivate people to convey their ideas through cinema.
The theme that identifies it is based on the idea of "slowness" or "slow life", what we understand as a bunch of actions (respect for the Environment and people, responsible consumption, defense of culture, decrease, life and leisure alternative, cooperation, food sovereignty, social economy ...) that make individuals improve their quality of life, control their time and be critical of the current economic and social system.
The Association "ARTS ET METIERS"“ ARTS AND CRAFTS”organizes the twelfth edition of the International Student Film Festival (FIFE) under the motto "Freedom" in collaboration with the IHB Art Media Institute, in Casablanca.
From 12 to 15 December 2023 Casablanca
This new edition offers a space for sharing ideas and experiences, presenting the latest in the audiovisual field, this event provides an opportunity to showcase the productions of young talents and responds to the desire to open up to all filmic experiences from here and elsewhere (documentary films, fiction films, animation films).
The "Festival Cortos para Tiempos largos" is a proposal for the training, creation and circulation of audiovisual content carried out by young Colombians since 2020 with a clear purpose, to connect people and stories. The festival is not looking for winners, it is conceived as a space for the dissemination and visibility of audiovisual products, carried out for academic and non-profit purposes, where all those who wish to be part of a great story can participate.
The Benin City Film Festival was launched in November 2018, as a new entity that offers a platform encouraging and promoting the works of local (community based) as well as National, and International emerging filmmakers. It is a cost friendly platform for showcasing these works in an environment where they have access to experienced industry professionals. BCFF is the only independent film festival in Edo State, and the only film festival that takes place in Benin City. BCFF screens premieres of international and national feature films, short films and documentaries on social issues. This year edition, with the theme CREATIVE INDUSTRY BEYOUND THE PANDEMIC is scheduled to take place at Film House Cinema, Benin City.
At least 50% of our festival schedule is dedicated to foreign films, which broadens the film culture experience to all who attend the screenings in Benin City during the festivals duration.
The Benin City Film Festival is a team of people who work effortlessly to deliver a quality service to emerging filmmakers. We will give festival contributors access to some of the Industries most prolific names, both nationally and internationally.
The primary objectives of the Festival are to provide a resourceful platform:
1. Where the business and craft of Nigerian films are enhanced and marketed to the film content consuming world by attracting quality film resource persons, buyers and critics from all over Nigeria and around the world to BCFF events every year.
2. for viewing some of the best of feature films, documentaries, shorts, and experimental projects for the entertainment and instructions of attendees and participants at the BCFF annually.
To this end, BCFF is committed to being:
A. A place for dialogues, healthy discussions and trainings to film business and film craft professionals and amateurs in and around the world by ensuring that BCFF is attractive to international film and motion picture contents directors to help enrich festival and participants through insights from their works and about the art of filmmaking
B. A machinery for exposing the ancient City of Benin in particular and the entire Edo State in general to a sustainable long term to a long term patronage of its vast tourism realities and potential to resourceful global creative business and craft audiences.
Finally BCFF is geared towards encouraging co-production relationships in films, TV shows, Documentaries and any other rewarding motion picture content between local players.
The film festival pursues these objectives by making local and international visitors at the festival engage in the creative film-making process discussions through symposia seminars, trainings, screenings, content critiques, tourism events and workshops as well as providing quality entertainment (music, local , and sundry other events).
The Apatzingán International Film Festival invites Mexican and foreign filmmakers to register their cinematographic work for its fourth edition that will take place from February 20 to 23, 2025 in the city of Apatzingán in Michoacán, Mexico; in its different categories of official competition:
fiction feature film
Any national or foreign fiction production with a free theme, whose final production is from october 2023 to 2025, with a duration of more than 90 minutes, may be registered. These productions may be taken into account even if they have been premiered, participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.
fiction short film
Any national or foreign fiction production with a free theme, whose final production is from october 2023 to 2025, with a duration of one to 31 minutes, may be registered. These productions may be taken into account, even if they have been premiered or participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.
documentary feature
Any national or foreign documentary production with a free theme, whose final production is from october 2023 to 2025 with a duration greater than ninety minutes, may be registered. Said productions may be taken into account even if they have been premiered or participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.
documentary short film
Any national or foreign documentary production with a free theme may be registered, whose final finished production is from october 2023 to 2025, with a duration of one to 31 minutes. Said productions may be taken into account even if they have been premiered or participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.
children's short film
Any national or foreign production of free-themed fiction whose audience is aimed at children, where the final production is from october 2023 to 2025, with a duration of one to forty minutes, may be registered. These productions may be taken into account, even if they have been premiered or participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.
The Liège International Comedy Film Festival explores daring, popular and unifying cinema, through a unique competition: it is the only festival in Europe to program international comedies (and sentimental, dramatic, social or horrific). The only one, also, to reward them with a Golden or Crystal Bull. Every year, since 2016, it has presented nearly twenty feature films and around thirty short films, from the four corners of the world.
Fantàstik Granollers is the fantastic and horror film festival of Granollers, which has been held since 2012. It has become a unique event in the city, in which a cultural proposal related exclusively to fantastic and horror films is offered. and everything that is related to it, betting very strongly on short films.
It is an excellent opportunity for film lovers to see innovative films, as well as to connect with other people interested in this topic.
Apart from the festival, other activities are carried out during the year related to the dissemination of fantasy and horror films.
The festival champions great films but is particularly seeking work from those filmmakers who might not yet have had a prestigious public screening of their work.
Screening in the heart of London UKFF welcomes films of all types from all over the World - connecting up-and-coming filmmakers with more established names such as Judi Dench, Dustin Hoffman, James Corden, Bill Nighy, Timothy Spall, Steven Berkoff and most recently Willem Dafoe.
Category awards are given for Best Feature Film; Best Feature Documentary; Best Short Documentary; Best Animation; Best Music Video; Best British Short; Best International Short; Best Student Film; as well as special awards for excellence.
Mat Kirkby, Oscar Winner and Director at Ridley Scott Associates states that "The UK Film Festival is the most focused, passionate and quality driven film festival in the UK. Their invaluable support helped get me to the Oscars in 2015, where I won the Academy Award for best short film."
With a programme that showcases new talent alongside established directors, filmmakers and actors UKFF is a lively networking hub. Over the last 7 years UKFF has quickly become a career stepping stone, establishing a tradition of discovering and promoting films which have gone on to be Oscar and BAFTA nominees and winners. The script competitions have also made a big impact - five scripts have been optioned and three have been produced and gone on to win multiple awards and gained prestigious worldwide distribution deals.
Led by a jury of well respected professional filmmakers and as a member of Universal Films and Festivals Organisation we ensure a fair selection and judging process.
Our exciting screening events have created a networking hub that continues to connect new filmmakers to industry including television exposure by leading British broadcaster, Channel 4.
From the FCIA 1503 Film Festival we are happy to tell you that we are going to start our first edition in the great Villa de Aranda de Duero (Burgos), giving shape to our illusion of being able to bring Culture and Cinema closer, and to be able to give also meet those young directors and actors.
From the El Mostacho association we send you our most affectionate greetings.
In the city of culture, art, and heritage. Yellowstone International Film Festival is dedicated to celebrating the world-class cinema. Yellowstone International Film festival is home to independent cinema from around the world.
YIFF puts filmmakers first and provides the opportunity for recognition and publicity for quality films and documentaries. Our aim is to be an advocate for filmmakers with a unique vision and to promote their work by showcasing it to a large audience. which is why our mission is to carefully consider and select a wide range of films to promote to the indie film-loving crowd.
YIFF will be a global adventure of the premiere, screenings, nightly red carpets, daring documentaries, eye-opening short films, We also focus films under special categories such as LGBTQ films, Women Empowerment films, environmental films, Students Films,
YIFF will be host to Opening & Closing Night Gale, Opening & Closing night Red Carpet , Press Interaction for participants, Official Portraits for nominated filmmakers, Festival Interviews of Nominated filmmakers, nightly parties, live music performances, filmmaker panels, award presentations, and an enhanced filmmaker hospitality program that includes city tours and more
We invite you to add your voice to the conversation. At YIFF, filmmakers are invited to the festival to participate in a variety of programs, Q&A sessions and a series of panel discussions, Press Conferences. masterclasses where filmmakers have the opportunity to discuss their work and careers with a new generation of content creators.
1) YIFF understands that independent films must get amplification. Two weeks before the festival begins, the YIFF PR team does Pre festival press release and post-festival press releases announcing winners.
2) We create numerous filmmaker's panels and masterclasses with industry professionals for filmmakers to take part in.