Logo of Salas de los Infantes Short Film Festival

10 Nov 2019

Published: 09 Nov 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Certamen De Cine Corto De Salas De Los Infantes

Salas de los Infantes Short Film Festival

Salas de los Infantes, Spain

Film-makers from all over the world are welcome to partcipate.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of FIC International Short Film Festival

10 Nov 2019

Published: 09 Nov 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional del Cortometraje FIC

FIC International Short Film Festival

Bella Vista, Argentina

Faced with the international crisis caused by the virus COVID-19, the organizers of the International Short Film Festival FIC want to show their support for the victims, their relatives and for all those people fighting to mitigate the consequences of this pandemic.

They also officially communicate the postponement of the development of the FIC’s tenth edition, which was scheduled to take place May 5-23 2020.
Initially, this edition will be rescheduled for October 2020. However, as soon as the evolution of the national and international sanitary situation is clear enough to allow for a real assessment of the festival’s development, the organizers will announce the start date for October or later, with the intention not to cancel the FIC’s tenth edition, which has over 1300 registered films from 80 different countries.
The organizers



En pleine crise mondiale liée à la pandémie provoquée par le virus COVID-19, les organisateurs du Festival international du court métrage FIC ont une pensée pour les victimes de ce fléau et expriment leur solidarité envers leurs proches et tous ceux qui se battent pour en atténuer les conséquences.

En outre, ils annoncent officiellement le report de sa dixième édition, qui ne pourra pas se tenir aux dates prévues pour le mois de mai 2020.

La reprogrammation du FIC aurait lieu en octobre de cette année. Cependant, dès que la situation sanitaire nationale et mondiale permettra d'évaluer la possibilité réelle de sa réalisation, ses organisateurs feront connaître la date précise de son début, soit en octobre, soit ultérieurement, dans l'espoir de ne pas annuler la dixième édition du FIC à laquelle se sont inscrits 1 300 films en provenance de 80 pays.

L'équipe du Festival International du Court-métrage FIC.

-See below for French language-


 Description (pages 1, 2 and 3)
 Entry terms and conditions for the ESMI 2020 Contest of the 9th edition of the FIC (pages 3-8)
 Registration form 2020 (page 9)
 Contact (page 10)


Since its foundation, the festival is organized by the ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE of BELLA VISTA, with the support of INCAA (NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CINEMA AND AUDIOVISUAL ARTS), under the AUSPICES OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF SAN MIGUEL, which coordinates the FIC COMMISSION (12 institutions) through its EDUCATION and CULTURE offices; the EMBASSY OF FRANCE, the INSTITUT FRANÇAIS, and the GENERAL DELEGATION OF THE FRENCH ALLIANCE FOUNDATION IN ARGENTINA. Since 2014, the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF SAN MIGUEL actively participates in the organization of the FIC. Many educational and cultural institutions of the region open their doors to the FIC to serve as screening venues for a growing public. The FIC has been declared of NATIONAL INTEREST BY THE HONORABLE ARGENTINE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES in two of its editions. The FIC has also been declared of MUNICIPAL INTEREST since its first edition. From 2015, Telefé is also present in the festival, and as from 2016 the Festival also receives the cooperation of ASAEC (Argentine Association of Film and Audiovisual Studies) and of the UNIVERSIDAD ABIERTA INTERAMERICANA. In 2017 it also received the support of the Ibero-American Universities Network for the development of the Audiovisual field in the UNASUR area (REDAU).

FESTIVAL DATES: From May, 5th, 2020.

REGISTRATION OF FILMS FOR THE ESMI CONTEST: September, 26th through November 10th, 2019

The INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL FIC is a major event held annually in BELLA VISTA and SAN MIGUEL, to offer a space of interaction between national and foreign filmmakers, to recognize young talents of the Seventh Art around the world, to bring new experiences to the public, to pay homage to the origins of filmmaking and to remember through the ESMI (SAN MIGUEL FILM STUDIOS) trophy the great studios located in Bella Vista, in which the most important productions and co-productions of Latin American of that time have been developed.

During the festival, people can attend the free screenings for each type of audience (adults, teenagers, and children) as well as talks, debates, exhibitions and workshops in
the different screening appointed each year by the organization of the Festival.

Apart from the ESMI contest, in which filmmakers of all over the world participate, the FIC fosters the audiovisual production in educational institutions through its CORTITOS contest for teenagers.

The Gala Dinner of the FIC brings together the finalist and winning filmmakers of the ESMI contest and special guests, as well as the winners of the CORTITOS contest, in an elegant and warm setting specially designed to honor the filmmaking art.


 The ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE of BELLA VISTA´s website: www.afbellavista.com.ar
 COMMUNICATION IN THE PRESS AND IN WEBSITES related to the cinematographic industry.
 The distribution and communication platforms in which the festival is registered.


The INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL FIC was created in 2009 by the ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE of BELLA VISTA with the support of the INCAA, the Embassy of France and the Municipal Government of San Miguel. The FIC was first held on April 10-24, 2010. The UNIVERSITY OF CINEMA, AIR FRANCE, PERNOD RICARD, Buenos Aires Golf Club and the UNIVERSITY OF GENERAL SARMIENTO also supported the Festival in that first edition. It was successfully held in six venues opened for such purpose and in the Award Gala Dinner, which was the grand finale of the first international presentation of a festival conceived to open up to the world.

In 2016 the FIC received the support of ASAECA. It grew year after year without interruption. The festival´s national and international reach continued to expand, and in 2017, in its eighth edition, talented filmmakers of 80 different countries participated, through more than 1237 films, which stood out for their originality and quality.

18 screening venues offered 40 sessions to present the whole official selection of 2017 of both contests of the Festival.
Another important feature of the festival is the offer of related activities: talks, debates and an exposition created by local artists in honor of the films all over the world. The Gala Award Dinner has held once more in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of San Miguel in an excellent presentation by the Universidad Abierta Interamericana and Telefé, which started to participate in 2015 and 2016 respectively. In the Gala Dinner nominated filmmakers from Argentina and from the world were honored, together with authorities and important personalities. In addition, the UAI, together with the REDAU, granted during a special award to narrative innovation during the Gala dinner.


- 15 screening venues and festival-related activities.

- 20 days’ duration

- 40 screenings

- A filmmaking workshop

- Debates

- 2 press conferences

- An itinerant photography exhibition.

- 1 Gala Award Dinner

- 1300 registered films

- 370 selected films

- 80 participating countries

- 46 awards

- 9 jury members with outstanding careers

- A president of the jury.

- Permanent staff.


FIC-ESMI 2020 Página 1
Année 2020 - 10ème édition –
 Description du FIC (de la page 1 à la page 3).
 Règlement du Concours ESMI du FIC 2020 (de la page 4 à la page 9).
 Formulaire d´inscription 2020 (page 9).
 Contacts (page 10).
LE FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DU COURT-MÉTRAGE FIC est organisé par L´ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE DE BELLA VISTA. Dès sa première édition il a reçu l’appui de l´INCAA -L’INSTITUT NATIONAL DU CINÉMA ET DES ARTS AUDIOVISUELS- et de LA MAIRIE DE SAN MIGUEL qui coordonne, à travers ses Sous-secrétariats de l´Éducation et de la Culture, les actions de 12 institutions composant le Comité d´Appui au FIC.
Toutes les années le FIC a le haut honneur de recevoir les auspices de l´AMBASSADE DE France, ainsi que de L´INSTITUT FRANÇAIS, et de LA DÉLÉGATION GÉNÉRALE DE LA FONDATION ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE DE PARIS EN ARGENTINE. Depuis 2014, LA CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D’INDUSTRIE DE SAN MIGUEL est l´un des partenaires du FIC. Bon nombre d’institutions culturelles et éducatives régionales ouvrent leurs salles de projection pour un public de plus en plus nombreux durant ce grand événement dont deux éditions ont été déclarées d’INTÉRÊT NATIONAL par LA CHAMBRE DES DÉPUTÉS DE LA NATION ARGENTINE. TELEFE y est présent depuis 2015. À partir de 2016 le FIC a reçu la collaboration de l´Université Ouverte Interaméricaine, d´ASAECA -Association Argentine d´Etudes du Cinéma et de l´Audiovisuel- et du Réseau d´Universités Ibéro-américaines pour le développement de l’Audiovisuel dans la région de l’UNASUR, en 2017.

À partir du 05 mai 2020.

Du 26 septembre au 10 novembre 2019.


Le Festival International du Court-métrage FIC est un grand événement qui se tient une fois par an notamment à Bella Vista, à Muñiz et à San Miguel, dans le but d’ offrir un espace d´interaction entre les réalisateurs argentins et étrangers, de promouvoir et récompenser les jeunes talents sans distinction de frontières, d´offrir une nouvelle vision du septième art au public cinéphile, de rendre hommage aux origines du cinéma et d´évoquer l´histoire des «STUDIOS SAINT MICHEL » de la ville de Bella Vista, lieu de tournage des productions et des coproductions les plus importantes de l´histoire de la cinématographie argentine, à travers le nom de la statuette ESMI, -ESTUDIOS SAN MIGUEL INTERNACIONAL-.
Dans les différentes salles de projection désignées chaque année par les organisateurs du festival, le FIC présente non seulement des projections gratuites ayant la spécification du type de public (adultes, adolescents, enfants), mais aussi des expositions, des conférences, des débats, des ateliers.

Le FIC organise deux sortes de concours : L’un nommé ESMI, pour des cinéastes du monde entier, et l’autre PETITS COURT, dont les réalisateurs sont les adolescents, pour pouvoir promouvoir la production audiovisuelle dans des institutions éducatives.

Son Dîner de Gala réunit les finalistes et les gagnant des prix ESMI, ainsi que des invités spéciaux et les gagnants du concours PETITS COURTS, dans une chaleureuse ambiance dans laquelle la création cinématographique est mise en valeur.


- Presse écrite, télévision, radio et sites web diffusant des festivals de cinéma nationaux et internationaux.
- Les plateformes de diffusion et distribution qui présentent le FIC.


Le FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DU COURT-MÉTRAGE FIC a été conçu en 2009 par l´Alliance Française de Bella Vista. Sa première édition a eu lieu du 10 au 24 avril 2010 avec l´appui de l´INCAA, les auspices de l´Ambassade de France, de la Mairie de San Miguel, de l´Institut Français et de la Délégation Générale de la Fondation Alliance Française en Argentine. L´Université du Cinéma, Air France, Pernod Ricard, Buenos Aires Golf Club et l´ Université de General Sarmiento ont été partenaires de l’édition 2010 du FIC. Il a connu un très grand succès reflété dans ses six salles de projection, ainsi que dans les salons du Gala de la Remise des prix marquant la fermeture de la première présentation d´un festival international né pour s´ouvrir comme une fenêtre sur le monde.

Ce festival a évolué sans cesse et à pas de géant, renforçant dans chaque édition son caractère national et international, au point d’atteindre le chiffre de 1237 films venus de 80 pays différents, lors de sa 8ème édition en 2017, caractérisée par l’originalité et la qualité des 40 projections de toute la sélection officielle offerte dans 18 salles.

Il faudrait également considérer les activités parallèles : conférences, débats, une exposition offerte par des artistes de la région pour rendre hommage au cinéma universel, créant une atmosphère toute particulière. Le dîner de Gala de remise des prix, qui a encore eu lieu dans le grand salon de la Chambre de Commerce et d´Industrie de San Miguel, s´est tenu dans le cadre d´une excellente présentation réalisée à travers l´Université Ouverte Interaméricaine et TELEFE, pour accueillir des cinéastes argentins et étrangers et des autorités et personnalités représentatives. La UAI et le REDAU – Réseau d´Universités Ibéro-américaines pour le développement de l’audiovisuel dans la région de l’UNASUR, ont accordé un prix spécial à la narration innovante.

L’édition 2019 du FIC en chiffres :

- 15 salles

- Une durée de 20 jours

- 40 séances

- Un atelier de cinéma

- Huit débats

- Deux conférences-presse

- 1 exposition de photographie itinérante

- 1 dîner de gala de remise des prix

- 1300 films inscrits

- 370 films sélectionnés

- 80 pays en compétition

- 46 prix

- 9 jurés de très haute compétence

- 1 président du jury

- 1 staff permanent

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Dock of The Bay Music Documentary Film Festival

10 Nov 2019

Published: 09 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival De Cine Documental Musical Dock Of The Bay

Dock of The Bay Music Documentary Film Festival

San Sebastian, Spain

Dock of the Bay is a festival focussed on the dissemination of non-fiction films addressing the extensive world of music in its different thematic and formal aspects.

The Dock of the Bay Festival will run in Donostia-San Sebastian from May 3rd to 8th of 2023.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Festival Lgbtiq+ Amor Es Amor

10 Nov 2019

Published: 09 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival LGBTIQ+ Amor Es Amor

Festival Lgbtiq+ Amor Es Amor

Córdoba, Argentina

“Amor es Amor” invites filmmakers to participate with their short films in its 3° edition (online).

The festival will accept fiction, documentary and animation LGBTIQA+ short films and that have been produced after January 2018.

The festival will take place in Córdoba, Argentina, from 14 February to 19 February, 2022.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Kinoskop - Analog Experimental Film Festival

10 Nov 2019

Published: 09 Nov 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Kinoskop - Analog Experimental Film Festival

Kinoskop - Analog Experimental Film Festival

Belgrade, Serbia

KINOSKOP 2019 – 1st International Festival of analog experimental cinema and audio-visual performance / 29-30.11. 2019. /

Audio-visual initiative and film lab Kino pleme is proud to announce the birth of a new niche festival dedicated to the spirit of preserving the exploratory tendencies and experimental ways of working with celluloid in a digital era. Analog experimental film festival “Kinoskop”, the first of its kind in the region, will, in its first year, take place in Belgrade, for a two-day run (29th and 30th November) of screenings, expanded film performances, live soundtracks and gallery exhibitions. Previously existing as a selection program at The Unforeseen fest, in its first year is broadening its horizons to encompass a wider variety of works and feature-lenghts, while also integrating live performances which are straddling the line between formal experimentation, poetic freedoms and new takes on historically challenging avant-garde narratives.

Festival is welcoming imaginative works of cinema which trigger strong audio-visual stimuli and puzzling afterthoughts. Several of our open call programs will be curated by veteran experimental film aficionados Nikola Gocić (film writer and critic and visual artist) and Marko Milićević (film author and founder of the audiovisual initiative Kino Pleme)

This year’s program is enriched with programs centered around film music performances and use of analog synthethizers. Fifth anniversary program of Live Soundtrack, longest running audio-visual event in Belgrade is having a guest appearance from Marcelo Armani (Elefante Branco), a musician from Brazil and supported by a plethora of local talents. First edition will also shed light on exciting practices of film performance and expanded cinema, with “Elementary particles” - a post-apocalyptic multi-channel performance merging the worlds of mockumentary, found footage, cinema and animation, as well as projections involving analog and digital projectors. Finally, “Kinoskop” will open its doors to alchemical ways of dealing with photochemical practices involving analog photography by presenting a themed group exhibition which will open its first edition.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Filmstrip International Film Festival

09 Nov 2019

Published: 08 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Filmstrip International Film Festival

Filmstrip International Film Festival

Iasi, Romania

Welcome to Filmstrip International Film Festival. We’re an online and independent film festival with live screenings, that takes place in the heart of Moldavia region, in Iasi, Romania, one of the leading centers of Romanian social, cultural, academic and artistic life.

Known as The Cultural Capital of Romania, Iași is a symbol in Romanian history, and it is still referred to as The Moldavian Capital, being the main economic and business center of the Moldavian region of Romania.

Filmstrip International Film Festival is involved in promoting young filmmakers, maintaining a high standard, that of a festival eminently dedicated to spiritual and cultural values.

The best films of each category will be screened at a vibrating venue, "La Baza”, home of many cultural events in the city throughout the year.

The festival runs once a year, the whole process of selection and awarding takes place online, with live screenings being held at the end of each edition.

There will be a total of 10 films screened at our location - the AWARD WINNERS (Best Film, Silver, Bronze, Special Mention) and the CATEGORIES AWARD WINNERS (Animation, Documentary, etc).

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Oz Indie Film Festival

09 Nov 2019

Published: 08 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Oz Indie Film Festival

Oz Indie Film Festival

St Kilda, Australia

After the resounding success of our 2nd season, the Australian, Oz Indie Film Festival will, once again, celebrate the very best of International and Australian independent film making. At a time when movies are becoming more and more programmed by market research, demographics, comic books and computer game sales, it has never been more important to discover and foster new brave independent filmmakers.

Your film will be judged on one criteria only – the quality of your work. So feel free to let the world know your opinions and politics, provided these are dramatically crucial to the work you submit. Within the realms of what's legally decent, we won't censure your work.

Our categories include Australian Independent Feature Films, Australian Short Films, International independent Films, Documentaries, Australian Indigenous Work, Animated Features, Animated Shorts, Student Work and Music Videos.

Whether you are chosen for screening or not you entry may be selected for U.S. TV broadcast on The Mini Movie Hour.

The purpose on the show is provide filmmakers exposure on U.S. broadcast television. The series reaches approximately 50 million households throughout the U.S. and can also be view on OTT platforms. You can view four of the episodes at www.minimoviehour.com/watch.html.

We would like to let you know in advance that we do not charge to be featured on the Mini Movie Hour and we do not pay a licensing fee. Also, our license is non-exclusive.

Proudly, we have no other restrictions on your work. This includes your works premier status, it's age and/or whether your work has been made available online.

We look forward to your participation as either filmmakers, actors, musicians, industry judges, sponsors and theatre venues.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Pilas in Short Film Festival

08 Nov 2019

Published: 07 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Pilas en Corto

Pilas in Short Film Festival

Pilas, Spain

Entrants may submit as many films as they see fit, as long as they are produced between 2021 and 2023.

All films shorter than 20 minutes will be accepted, regardless of their original film or video shooting format.

Films which are not spoken in Spanish must be presented with subtitles in Spanish.

Films' theme is free.

Live action fiction, animation, experimental and documentary films can be submitted.

Submission deadline is Noviembre, 5th, 2023.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of International Short Film Festival VISION

08 Nov 2019

Published: 07 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner International Short Film Festival VISION

International Short Film Festival VISION

Kemerovo, Russia

XII International Short Film Festival "VISION" was first launched in Siberia (Russia) in 2007.
The Festival aims to demonstrate official selection films in three nominations: fiction film, documentary,animation; and includes an award ceremony and demonstration of films out of selection.

The Festival also hosts workshops by movie critics and directors, and meetings with creative professionals.

One of the wonderful traditions of the "VISION" Festival is the audience vote. Alongside with the professional jury, the audience gets to choose the best film by filling questionnaires.

The best film chosen by the audience is awarded a special prize.

The slogan of the Festival, "Share your Vision of the world", calls upon every young director to visualise his or her view on the world and share it with the audience. Each work is unique and addresses a certain category of viewers. It helps make the Festival programme diverse and versatile.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Certamen de Cortos de la Provincia de Sevilla

08 Nov 2019

Published: 07 Nov 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Certamen de Cortos de la Provincia de Sevilla

Certamen de Cortos de la Provincia de Sevilla

Sevilla, Spain

Only for Spanish Filmmakers.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of BEFREE

08 Nov 2019

Published: 07 Nov 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films



Zaragoza, Spain

El Festival "Be Free" es un proyecto educativo y participativo para concienciar a niños, jóvenes y adultos sobre la violencia, considerada como la coacción física o psíquica ejercida hacia una persona para conseguir objetivos en contra de su voluntad, conocer los tipos de la misma: violencia de género (sobre la mujer), violencia doméstica o intrafamiliar (la vulneración se produce con cualquier miembro de la unidad familiar) y violencia de pareja (entendido como cualquier acto dañino producido en la intimidad de la pareja indistintamente de que la victima sea hombre o mujer, e incluyendo en esta tipología también a las parejas homosexuales), los diferentes tipos de maltrato (físico, psicológico, sexual, económico, social, ambiental y patrimonial) y sus repercusiones en la época actual (la influencia de los medios de comunicación y publicitarios, el poder de las redes sociales como medida de control, la evolución del machismo en los adolescentes y el aumento del individualismo, aplicando una falsa "normalidad" y "aceptación social" ante actos violentos desde la perspectiva del espectador, es decir, mirar hacia otro lado ante la visión de una situación de maltrato) cuyo objetivo es la lucha contra esta violencia, aprender a reconocer el maltrato y potenciar la igualdad de sexos.

Short film festival



07 Nov 2019

Published: 06 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Turin, Italy

3th COLLATERAL 102 festival will finally allow us to promote the spread of international cinema in the city of Turin.

Turin is an Italian town with a population of about 900.000 people. Along with Venice and Rome, Turin is considered a place in which cinema plays an important role. The number of cultural events in the city increases year by year and this contributes to its worldwide reputation as an artistic place par excellence.

COLLATERAL 102 festival comes from the support of different associations that love art with no boundaries or inhibitions. COLLATERAL 102 festival addresses to short and feature films, documentaries and animated films from all over the world.

Our goal is to make COLLATERAL 102 a meeting place for directors, producers, actors and actresses, distributors and the crew in general, those who see Turin not only as a fascinating town but also as a place of great opportunities for art circulation.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Parrot International Film Festival

07 Nov 2019

Published: 06 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Parrot International Film Festival

Parrot International Film Festival

siwan, India

Parrot International Films Festival is an event organized for people from the independent film industry,Also other Filmmakers and for cinema-goers who love to discover niche films and artists.

The festival’s judges and programmers are coming from different film backgrounds, and are eager to put together an exciting and truly high-quality program of indie films. Parrot National Films Festival aim is to discover new talent, films and filmmakers with potential, and to recognize the collaborative work this artform is funded on.

The program will focus on independent films of different genres, with no limitations on length, style or country of origin. The festival is open to everyone regardless of budget and experience. We consider the films submitted for each category for all individual categories, so you have more chances to win with one or two submissions.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of International Short Film Festival Hacelo Corto

04 Nov 2019

Published: 03 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional Itinerante  Hacelo Corto

International Short Film Festival Hacelo Corto

Saladillo, Buenos Aires - Del Campillo, Córdoba , Argentina

Fiction short films. Unlimited presentation for director's.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of The Bioscope Global Film Festival

04 Nov 2019

Published: 03 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The Bioscope Global Film Festival

The Bioscope Global Film Festival

Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, India

The Bioscope Brand was born as The Bioscope Global Film Festival (BGFF) in year 2014. It has been working continuously since then to create a “Film Oriented Platform to create a Global Arena for different genres of Film”.
From the Year 2014-2018, we have worked on following themes:-

A tribute to Indian Regional & International Cinema, Women & Child Empowerment, Promoting 22 Indian Regional Languages and their Cinemas on a single platform.

Here is a list of different Categories Awarded under:- (as selected by our Festival Jury Panel)

1. Bioscope Best Film
2. Bioscope Best Director
3. Bioscope Best Actor
4. Bioscope Best Actress
5. Bioscope Best Story
6. Bioscope Best Screenplay
7. Bioscope Best Cinematography
8. Bioscope Best Music Director
9. Bioscope Best Child Artist
10. Bioscope Best Actor Negative Role
11. Bioscope Best Actor Comedy

Upcoming Project -

The Bioscope presents Bioscope Global Film Festival in China which is going to be held on 22nd & 23rd November 2019 in Guangzhou, China.

Our main objectives towards initiating this platform are:
 To Encourage new film makers and to bring hidden talent into the limelight.
 To Provide a platform to the new talent in film making, singing, composing and to
felicitate the legends of Indian and International Cinema.
 To enhance our Global Film culture and to enhance the regional interest in the

Synopsis of the Event:-
2 Unforgettable days

Award Ceremonies
Continuous Celebrities Foot Fall
1000+ Movies

Cultural Performances
Live Music Concert - RANG (Bharat Ke Rang, Cheen Ke Sang)

Renowned DJs
Cultural Haats
For more Information,Visit our website- www.thebioscope.in

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other


03 Nov 2019

Published: 02 Nov 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Lima, Peru


The call is open until November 30!

The international film festival for children and youth MI PRIMER FESTIVAL (MPF) that sows the love for cinema. It is in our hands to find ways to encourage and promote that girls, boys, adolescents and young people understand what is happening in the world and show them ways to initiate change.

MPF invites you to participate in its 10th edition, we will celebrate our first ten years, which will take place during 2025 in different regions of Peru, taking as a starting point our first event in Lima that will be from February 16 to 22, 2025 in person, thanks to different venues and cultural centers.

MI PRIMER FESTIVAL aims to create a space for the exhibition of national and international cinema and audiovisuals, framing our content around the Human Rights of NNAs established in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and in the General Law on the Rights of NNAs, which recognizes them as holders of their rights.

We are a festival focused on the care and agency of children's citizenship, from a decentralized vision that aims to ensure that our content reaches a diverse audience.

MY FIRST FESTIVAL, through audiovisual and new media, promotes reflection on the various rights of children and adolescents from the imagination and education, forming creative, flexible and safe future citizens.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Music Video

Logo of Cityflix International Film Festival Toronto

03 Nov 2019

Published: 02 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Cityflix International Film Festival Toronto

Cityflix International Film Festival Toronto

Toronto, Canada

Cityflix International Film Festival Toronto (CIFF) is dedicated towards promoting and championing the work of screenwriters, filmmakers, and every artist who use the language of film to tell a story.
Cityflix International Film Festival discovers outstanding, emerging filmmakers serving as a gateway for established and rising talent to further or launch their filmmaking career. Through Workshops, Conferences and master classes by Industry Professional, the festival provides development and outreach opportunities to writers and filmmakers.
Cityflix International Festival Toronto will be held from November
29 - December 01, 2019 in Toronto, Canada.

CIFF strives to serve the interests and needs of independent filmmakers. CIFF understands how important it is to hear and see the educated, entertaining and diverse stories of filmmakers from around the globe. We provide a platform so these voices can be heard and shared with audiences that want to be inspired
screening festival for features, shorts, docs, new media, local and International filmmakers.

CIFF is designed to showcase innovative works by emerging filmmakers from around the world, With red-carpet screenings, and special after-party that seamlessly integrates Hollywood pros with up-and-coming talents, CIFF offers an unforgettable festival experience that helps kick start the careers of emerging filmmakers. Each screening at CIFF is followed by a Q&A that directly connects directors with inquisitive and impassioned film lovers, resulting in countless opportunities for dynamic discussion. The festival dedicates time and attention to each of the films selected The festival is dedicated to giving each filmmaker the spotlight they deserve with press attention to match.

All filmmakers selected for the festival are guaranteed coverage from media outlets, invites emerging filmmaking talents from around the world to network with respected industry professionals, showcased filmmakers, and their audiences in Toronto.
CIFF is passionately committed to providing Audiences, Filmmakers, and Screenwriters around the globe with an excellent and unique cinematic experience.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Rieti e Sabina Film Festival

03 Nov 2019

Published: 02 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Rieti e Sabina Film Festival

Rieti e Sabina Film Festival

Roma, Italy

“RIETI & SABINA Film Festival” 25 NOVEMBRE 2024

“RIETI & SABINA Film Festival“ aims to give a chance to disclose to the audience Talents, Authors, Actors, Directors, and Filmmakers with the purpose of creating synergies between Film Professionals and new Talents.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental


02 Nov 2019

Published: 01 Nov 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Animación Nochedemonos


Santiago, Chile

The animation festival Nochedemonos founded in 2006, is a benchmark for academic and professional community of national animation.

In this issue we celebrate 13 years, spreading the Latin American animation for the rest of the world.

During his nine versions they have made national contest, Latin American competitions, student, tributes to outstanding animation leaders, talks of national and international guests and workshops for students and animation enthusiasts. This version will have two categories in competition, competition monometrajes Latin American (animation shortfilm till 1 minute) and Latin American university competition of animated short films.

The nomination and reception for both categories are through the official website of the Festival where you will find the terms and rules www.nochedemonos.cl

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Amazing Shorts and Movies! Film Festival

02 Nov 2019

Published: 01 Nov 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Amazing Shorts and Movies! Film Festival

Amazing Shorts and Movies! Film Festival

Madrid, Spain

The screenings will take place in "Ways to Live" - Calle de Raimundo Lulio 10 de Madrid.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video