Logo of Chihuahua International Film Festival

31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Chihuahua

Festival Internacional de Cine de Chihuahua

Chihuahua, Mexico

The FIC Chihuahua aims to promote and boost the cinematographic talent of the north of the country by giving voice to local, national and international artists.

Our Festival celebrates creativity, effort, work and the value of filmmaking in the North of the Country. It plays a vital role in the promotion of emerging national and international talent.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Mollet Fantastic Film Festival

31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Mostra de Cinema Fantàstic de Mollet

Mollet Fantastic Film Festival

Mollet del Vallés, Spain

Fantastic and Terror Short Film Festival Fantastic celbrated in the catalan city of Mollet del Vallés.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fantastic  Terror

Logo of All Negre

31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of All Negre

Banner All Negre

All Negre

Sant Cugat del Vallès, Spain

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Kathmandu World Film Festival

31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Kathmandu World Film Festival

Kathmandu World Film Festival

Kathmandu, Nepal

Welcome to the Kathmandu World Film Festival (KWFF)!
Former Accountability Film Festival (AFF)
Dedicated to the exhibition and preservation of independent film, our objective is to showcase World’s films to the Kathmandu audiences. As we do so, we showcase the art and power of storytelling worldwide and gather communities to share diverse cultures, viewpoints and conversation. With support from our many community partners, we celebrate independent film as the rich, cultural, economic and educational asset it is.
Located in the central portion of Nepal, Kathmandu is known as the “Temple City of the World”.
Kathmandu is also home to a large art and music community, a growing filmmaking community, and generous patrons of the arts making Kathmandu audiences a hallmark of the festival. Sophisticated movie-goers of all ages and backgrounds - hungry for the quality independent film - audiences are receptive, opinionated and genuine. Screening a film at KWFF is a catalyst for generating awareness and buzz in the epicenter of the country that radiates through the region.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Duemila30

31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Duemila30


Milano, Italy

“2030 - il nostro futuro con il cinema”. Come sarà il prossimo decennio? Su cosa bisogna agire per ottenere il futuro che vogliamo? Qual è il ruolo del cinema nella sfida per il raggiungimento di tali obiettivi?
Queste sono le domande che Duemila30 pone ai suoi partecipanti. Tutti i lavori dovranno riferirsi a tali argomenti, prendendo come spunto i 17 Obiettivi per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile dell'Agenda 2030 ONU. Spunti di riflessione verranno messi a disposizione dall’organizzazione tramite i canali social e sul sito.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of São Paulo Film Festival

31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of São Paulo Film Festival

Banner São Paulo Film Festival

São Paulo Film Festival

São Paulo, Brazil

São Paulo Film Festival (SPFF) é um festival de cinema independente que ocorre na cidade mais frenética e populosa do Brasil.

SPFF procura apoiar e inspirar filmes independentes de todo o mundo, por uma expressão genuína que pode estimular novos pensamentos para a arte do cinema.
O festival SPFF é uma organização dedicada à descoberta e ao desenvolvimento de novos artistas, com visões além da fronteira da imaginação que podem atrair audiências de todos os países.

Diferente da maioria dos festivais. Nós assistimos todos os filmes. Nosso júri é composto principalmente por cineastas.

Curtas, Animação e Documentários. Todos os gêneros.

Online + Presencial. O Festival ocorrerá no dia 14 de Dezembro de 2025 no Cinema Reag Belas Artes apenas dos filmes finalistas. Os filmes semifinalistas serão exibidos online até o dia 16 de Dezembro de 2025.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Director International Film Carnival (DIFC)

31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Director International Film Carnival (DIFC)

Director International Film Carnival (DIFC)

Delhi, India


Welcome to the World Of Cinema at Director International Film Carnival (DIFC), one of the few International Film and Awards Carnival with aim to Encourage, Promote and Provide a platform to all ages Budding and Professional film-makers all around the world with recognition for their film-making career and achivements. The Carnival seeks to nurture and showcase ability as well as the art of film-making which encompasses aspects of the arts, culture, history, crafts, geography, cuisine & lifestyle in short what make us what we are. The Director International Film Carnival’s Film and Screenings are selected and hosted by Filmmakers, Professors, and other notable figures in the world of Cinema.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Under Our Skin - Human Rights International Film Festival

31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Under Our Skin - Human Rights International Film Festival

Banner Bajo Nuestra Piel - Festival Internacional de Cine sobre Derechos Humanos

Under Our Skin - Human Rights International Film Festival

Ciudad de La Paz, Bolivia

Bajo Nuestra Piel International Film Festival on Human Rights is a project that aims to generate a debate and reflective space on Human Rights topics through the artistic representation in documental, fiction and animation format, of critical, socially compromised and quality cinema.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Vesoul International Film Festival of Asian Cinemas

31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival International Des Cinémas D'asie De Vesoul

Vesoul International Film Festival of Asian Cinemas

Vesoul, France

The 26th Vesoul International Film Festival of Asian Cinema will take place from February 11th to 18th 2020.

The Festival aims to promote Asian Films and through them, the culture of countries from the Near East to the Far East.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Berlin Liberi Film Festival

31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Berlin Liberi Film Festival

Berlin Liberi Film Festival

Berlin, Germany

Berlin Revolution Film Festival is an annual event where we promote and celebrate films not tied to big production companies, institutions or TV stations.

We look for unconventional and underground films made with a personal voice and style. Simply put – we're looking for the next generation Art House!

We first and foremost seek bravery, a lust to experiment and express using the medium of Film, regardless if the film maker is an amateur starting out or an established professional.

Experimental, Fiction, Documentary, Animation and all sorts of genres – anything goes as long as the banner of Independence is held high. Attention in the selection process will be given to artistic originality and creativity.

Participating at the festival should be a valuable experience, and something film makers look forward to return to. To encourage and support this we provide accommodation to all selected film makers in Berlin for the Festival. And we have a category for previous participants where they have a carte blanche to screen their new films.

We also invite and pay for accommodation for film organizations attending the festival such as film critics, festivals, film clubs, producers etc that have focus on True Independent Cinema. All to make it a both friendly, relaxed and valuable experience for everyone attending.

So far we have screened hundreds of films from more than 50 different countries such as Brazil, Iran, USA, Russia, Sweden, Lebanon, Tunisia and of course Germany to name a few. We've also been blessed to have film makers visiting the festival from many of these countries.

We work to establish a platform that isn't than just a "one and done" event, but rather the opposite where the first experience with screenings, meetings, networking and fun is just the first of many to come. We work to make it a festival film makers return to - to show their new works but also to meet up with others they met the first time around, to see what they have done and to discover new films, meet new people to network and have fun with.

Feedback, Review & Festival Consideration
It's frustrating to be declined and not get to know why. However, it can also be frustrating submitting to a festival and be forced to pay a higher fee because it includes feedback you're not interested in.

We work diligently, with care and dedication when putting the program together and when it comes to feedback for the submissions we do the same thing. This is why we divide our categories so that feedback is separate from the submissions and is an in-depth review rather than a small note.

Feedback is given by our head programmer Andrija Jovanovic and is an extensive analysis and review of the film and it's different components. Film language, dramaturgical storyline, pacing, technical aspects of grading, compositing and editing, acting etc. It's direct, honest and constructive.

If you wish to submit a film and also get feedback, please choose the matching category.


We have no hard rules, but the following tend not to be a good fit for us:
- Films that seek to educate and teach the viewers
- TV-format films and headshot interview based documentaries
- Music videos and films solely driven by soundtrack

We spend months carefully watching and programming our festival selection. Presenting the best possible program we can is what our festival is built upon. Submitting to the festival is to pay to have the film considered and is not a guarantee to have it selected. We receive hundreds of submissions each edition and only around 5% are selected. Please make sure that you wish to submit before doing so.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Experimental

Logo of Sci-Cine Sci-Fi & Fantasy Film Festival

31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sci-Cine Sci-Fi & Fantasy Film Festival

Sci-Cine Sci-Fi & Fantasy Film Festival

Leicester, United Kingdom

SCI-CINE is Sci-fi cinema event offering innovative film-makers the chance to have their work seen on the international stage and deliver some of the best new Sci-fi to fans from around the world. A selection of trailers and films will be available to view in our online screening room with the live screenings in October showcasing the best Shorts, Features and Animations in the Sci-fi & Fantasy genres.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Falcon International Film Festival

31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Falcon International Film Festival

Falcon International Film Festival

London, United Kingdom

Falcon International Film Festival is changing the way that people think of short films. We are looking for the very best short films that are entertaining and tell a story. The sort of short films that people want to watch. That makes them laugh. Or cry. That shock and surprise.


The new season is now open!! Send your movie and win our trophy.

The FIFFLONDON is a monthly festival with yearly live screening in London that awards the best movies from every corner of the planet.

The winners of the monthly edition will automatically enter the annual competition, free of charge.

We strongly believe that every movie is the result of hard work and, as such, they deserve our jury’s full attention during the evaluation and the best works deserve our acknowledgment and appreciation.

The selected movies, as well as the winners, will receive a golden laurel wreath, which can be used in advertising material.

Winning films are announced on our website and our social media page.

FIFFLONDON is a monthly film competition. Each month, our Jury will award the best films through private screenings. The Best Picture monthly winners will compete in December 2021 for the Best of Fest award (best film of the year). FIFFLONDON’s annual judging team will select the winners in all the main categories, such as Narrative Film, Documentary and Animation.

As a part of this festival occurs every month, there are more chances to hang the golden laurel on your favourite movies!

Films entered in multiple categories may win multiple awards.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of AGRinCORTO

31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films



Cinisello Balsamo, Italy

AGRinCORTO is the first short film festival to be held in Cinisello Balsamo and it organized with the support of the City Municipality. It aims to encourage and promote cultural exchange through the form of expression of video, with no restrictions of categories or genres.

Themes of the festival will be those that best represent identity and history of Cooperativa Agricola, the organization that manages the festival: environment, agriculture, work, ecology, economics solidarity.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Grindhouse Planet Film Festival

31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Grindhouse Planet Film Festival

Grindhouse Planet Film Festival

Leicester, United Kingdom

A home for the biggest, baddest, in your face, down your throut, melt your brain Horror, Sci-fi , Action , Martial Arts , Exploitation , Mobsploitation , Sexploitation and everything-elsploitation. You will find no dramas, no rom-coms and no musicals ( unless totally twisted )

The best new Grindhouse movies are shown at an epic festival held at one of the UK's longest running entertainment venues - The Legendary Shed Venue.

What you will find at the Grindhouse Planet festival is a playlist of movies like no other. Each film is selected by a Panel of Grindhouse connoisseurs form around the globe. The festival is for film fans and filmmakers to meet like-minded people, have a drink, watch some movies, eat some Pizza ( for free!! ) and have a bloody good time. There is a movie stall hosted by The Cult Movie Store where some rare Grindhouse flicks can be purchased, along with lots of other stalls offering Grindhouse goodies.

There is also a chance to attend Q&A sessions with some of the planet's best Grindhouse directors and producers.

Want more?

There is more! Much more!! How about a music festival at the same time? You got it. As well as all of the awesome films, there are live bands playing throughout the day. From Thrash Metal and Punk to Acoustic & Electronic, there is something for everyone. You may even find your next Grindhouse soundtrack.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Bucharest ShortCut Cinefest

31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Bucharest ShortCut Cinefest

Bucharest ShortCut Cinefest

Bucharest, Romania

NEW - Check out Festival Teaser at - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFmtGzNYuPM

Bucharest ShortCut Cinefest is monthly film competition focusing on international independent cinema. Our aim is to support new filmmakers and to promote the research and development of new means of expressivity through cinematography as art among diverse audiences.

BSCF is located in the Eastern Heart of Europe, Bucharest being one of the most beautiful and diverse cities in the world.

The film competition runs on a monthly basis. The final deadline for our next selection, as well as the notification date are posted in the right-grid competition timeline.

❗All Films accepted in the Official Selection will be given a benefits pack worth 350$:

✶ iPitchTV 3 months studio licence worth 117$
✶ Filmstro 1-Year Pro Licence Exclusive discount worth up to 125$
✶ DCP2GO Exclusive Discount for mastering services worth 125$

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✶ FREE Trophy + Screening + Certificate Award
✶ 5 FESTIVAL ENTRIES worth 115$
✶ 90% DISCOUNT on DCP Mastering Services worth 300$ from KINOLIFE Distribution
✶ Filmstro Pro Licence discount worth 105$
✶ 1yr iPitchTV Studio Membership worth $299

All winners will receive online certificate awards and laurels will be offered to all participants who made it to the Official Selection.

Only films selected in the Competition will be showcased in the BscFest Official Screenings.

BSCF will be an outstanding event, where the audience can see new films, participate in workshops and meet filmmakers.

We guarantee that a jury of film professionals will view all submitted films. We encourage filmmakers who created their films with a low budget to enter their film to BSCF. The judgement criteria of the submitted films are new ideas, experimental cinematography, talented work of actors and an independent point of view.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Cityflix International Film Festival Toronto

31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Cityflix International Film Festival Toronto

Cityflix International Film Festival Toronto

Toronto, Canada

Cityflix International Film Festival Toronto (CIFF) is dedicated towards promoting and championing the work of screenwriters, filmmakers, and every artist who use the language of film to tell a story.
Cityflix International Film Festival discovers outstanding, emerging filmmakers serving as a gateway for established and rising talent to further or launch their filmmaking career. Through Workshops, Conferences and master classes by Industry Professional, the festival provides development and outreach opportunities to writers and filmmakers.
Cityflix International Festival Toronto will be held from November
29 - December 01, 2019 in Toronto, Canada.

CIFF strives to serve the interests and needs of independent filmmakers. CIFF understands how important it is to hear and see the educated, entertaining and diverse stories of filmmakers from around the globe. We provide a platform so these voices can be heard and shared with audiences that want to be inspired
screening festival for features, shorts, docs, new media, local and International filmmakers.

CIFF is designed to showcase innovative works by emerging filmmakers from around the world, With red-carpet screenings, and special after-party that seamlessly integrates Hollywood pros with up-and-coming talents, CIFF offers an unforgettable festival experience that helps kick start the careers of emerging filmmakers. Each screening at CIFF is followed by a Q&A that directly connects directors with inquisitive and impassioned film lovers, resulting in countless opportunities for dynamic discussion. The festival dedicates time and attention to each of the films selected The festival is dedicated to giving each filmmaker the spotlight they deserve with press attention to match.

All filmmakers selected for the festival are guaranteed coverage from media outlets, invites emerging filmmaking talents from around the world to network with respected industry professionals, showcased filmmakers, and their audiences in Toronto.
CIFF is passionately committed to providing Audiences, Filmmakers, and Screenwriters around the globe with an excellent and unique cinematic experience.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental


31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Lima, Peru


The call is open until November 30!

The international film festival for children and youth MI PRIMER FESTIVAL (MPF) that sows the love for cinema. It is in our hands to find ways to encourage and promote that girls, boys, adolescents and young people understand what is happening in the world and show them ways to initiate change.

MPF invites you to participate in its 10th edition, we will celebrate our first ten years, which will take place during 2025 in different regions of Peru, taking as a starting point our first event in Lima that will be from February 16 to 22, 2025 in person, thanks to different venues and cultural centers.

MI PRIMER FESTIVAL aims to create a space for the exhibition of national and international cinema and audiovisuals, framing our content around the Human Rights of NNAs established in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and in the General Law on the Rights of NNAs, which recognizes them as holders of their rights.

We are a festival focused on the care and agency of children's citizenship, from a decentralized vision that aims to ensure that our content reaches a diverse audience.

MY FIRST FESTIVAL, through audiovisual and new media, promotes reflection on the various rights of children and adolescents from the imagination and education, forming creative, flexible and safe future citizens.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Music Video

Logo of Kashmir International Film Festival

31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Kashmir International Film Festival

Kashmir International Film Festival

Srinagar, India

The Kashmir International Film Festival is a not-to-profit, non-commercial & Kashmir’s only independent film festival, established in the year 2016 in Bandipora Kashmir with a mission to celebrate the cinema & work of aspiring, young, independent & professional filmmakers. Its aim is to recognize the enlightening, entertaining & progressive new age cinema of youth & experienced filmmakers.
Founded by the Wular Trust Bandipora, Kashmir International Film Festival-16 provides chance to filmmakers to showcase their creativity. While the festival is open to filmmakers of all age, we feel that just as it is imperative that we should support and encourage participation by filmmaking community members & professional, it is also important that we find and cultivate the future members of this creative industry.

The purpose of this film festival is to promote new movie makers, exchange of knowledge, information, ideas & culture between different nations in context of their social and cultural ethos. KIFF also promotes friendship and co-operation among people of the world through the medium of films & documentaries.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Other  Experimental

Logo of London Experimental

31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner London Experimental

London Experimental

WALTHAMSTOW, United Kingdom

Our mission:

To recognise and honour experimental film
To educate the public in experimental film
To build a networking platform for experimental filmmakers

We support: the unrecognised, the progressive, the visionary. By submitting your film you: endorse our mission, embrace our philosophy, join our community, declare rightful ownership of your work, permit screenings, and the use of clips and images for promotion.

London Experimental Film Anti-Festival
Fluid and evolving
Promoting experimental film
Exhibits in a variety of alternative spaces
No programming
No competition or prizes
Random film selection
Free to watch
Unorthodox marketing

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Online Short Films Latinamerican Film Festival

31 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Oct 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival latinoamericano de cortos online

Online Short Films Latinamerican Film Festival


Only for Latinamerican film-makers // Solo para cineastas latinoamericanos y se abrió un capitulo para España y lenguas extrangeras con subtitulos en español para el 7º festival 2023.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation