Blog: Festivals de cinéma

Logo of Festival Internacional de Cine Luz del Desierto

Date limite
01 Jun 2018

Publié: 31 May 2018
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Long métrages

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Luz Del Desierto

Festival Internacional de Cine Luz del Desierto

Avellaneda, Argentina

Le festival international Luz del Desierto est un festival audiovisuel qui vise à promouvoir le cinéma dans le pays et à l'étranger. Le festival aura lieu en octobre avec une compétition pour les longs et courts métrages, qu'ils soient de fiction, d'animation ou de documentaires. Il y aura également des conférences et des ateliers.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation

Logo of FAN CHILE, Audiovisual Festival For Kids

Date limite
01 Jun 2018

Publié: 31 May 2018
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Long métrages

Banner FAN CHILE, Festival Audiovisual para Niños

FAN CHILE, Audiovisual Festival For Kids

Santiago, Chile

FAN Chile International Audiovisual Contest

FAN CHILE Audiovisual Festival for Children calls to participate in its international competition of audiovisual
quality productions for kids, from any country.

FAN CHILE 5th edition from September 10th to 14th, 2019.

FAN CHILE Audiovisual Festival for Children awards and promotes the debate on audiovisual content for children. Productions and co-productions in any language can entry, but only if they are dubbed or subtitled in

TV channels and independent producers can participate. The call is open to all kinds oftechniques, genders and formats.

Productions that have been completed or aired any time between january, 2017 and May 2019, will be accepted.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Autres  Experimental

Logo of National Rural Film Festival

Date limite
01 Jun 2018

Publié: 31 May 2018
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Promotional card of National Rural Film Festival

Banner Festival Nacional de Cine Rural

National Rural Film Festival

Ayacucho, Argentina


Le Festival du Film Rural a émergé dans la ville d'Ayacucho en 2016 comme une initiative de la Direction de la Culture pour promouvoir la production audiovisuelle dans notre ville.
Bien que la zone de travail audiovisuel appartient à la sphère artistique, elle peut également être appliquée selon les disciplines éducatives, environnementales, scientifiques, technologiques, politiques, commerciales et commerciales pour donner quelques exemples.
Ensuite, nous énumérons quelques-unes des idées centrales, en fonction du temps et des ressources, qui ont été et seront développées dans cet espace :
- Direction et coordination générale du Festival du Film Rural.
- Boost et promotion de la salle de cinéma et des espaces de projection alternatifs.
- Liaison et coopération entre les écoles rurales et urbaines.
- Génération de projets socio-éducatifs dans les écoles, les instituts et les centres de formation.
- Dictée des cours et des formations ouvertes à la communauté.
- Production de contenu audiovisuel et de ressources pour les bureaux municipaux.
- Production de courts métrages locaux qui couvrent des histoires fictives et des problèmes sociaux tels que l'agroécologie, l'environnement, les pesticides, le travail rural, la violence sexiste, l'intimidation et la cyberintimidation, la toxicomanie, l'avortement, l'abandon scolaire, la perspective de genre, l'inclusion sociale, entre autres.
- Formation des enseignants à toutes les étapes de la production audiovisuelle.

Nous comprenons cela comme un moyen de promouvoir la production et la réflexion artistique-sociale locale en favorisant le pluralisme culturel et en intégrant notre communauté.

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres  Experimental

Logo of Horror Channel FrightFest

Date limite
01 Jun 2018

Publié: 31 May 2018
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Banner Horror Channel FrightFest

Horror Channel FrightFest

Twickenham, United Kingdom

FrightFest staged its first edition in 2000 at the Prince Charles Cinema, off London’s Leicester Square.

The objective of FrightFest, when founded, was to provide the UK with a fantasy and horror film festival of similar stature to the market leaders in Europe and the US. FrightFest has since evolved into a community where audiences and guests alike travel from all over the world to be part of the event’s unique atmosphere.

Away from our London August event, which in 2018 runs from the 23rd to the 27th August, the festival also stages a Halloween extravaganza on the last Saturday of October and hosts a regular two-day terror-thon in Scotland as part of the Glasgow Film Festival. Dates for this in 2018 are the 2nd and 3rd March.

We are currently accepting submissions for our annual five-day August in London. The deadline for features for August is 1st June and 29th June for shorts.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Diamond in the Rough Film Festival

Date limite
01 Jun 2018

Publié: 31 May 2018
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Banner Diamond in the Rough Film Festival

Diamond in the Rough Film Festival

Cupertino, United States

Organized by independent film production company Diamond in the Rough Films, our 4th annual film festival wants to highlight the TRULY independent film. Even if it is "rough around the edges" or just plain out there. The filmmakers who scrape and sweat to put a good movie together against all odds. We want films that take risks, not hollow 4K mirages. If the names Cassavettes, Araki and Korine mean anything to you (and if they don't, then you should look them up on IMDB immediately), then we might be the festival you're looking for. We are excited to be hosted by a sparkling new venue - the Starbright Theater - for 2018!

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Experimental

Logo of Churches Making Movies Film Festival

Date limite
01 Jun 2018

Publié: 31 May 2018
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Long métrages

Banner Churches Making Movies Film Festival

Churches Making Movies Film Festival

Newark, United States

In its sixth year, Churches Making Movies is a multi-day, bi-coastal event designed to showcase thought- provoking, entertaining films that inspire generations. We screen the best faith-based, culture- impacting films in the world. The festival schedule includes film screenings, question and answer sessions with filmmakers, workshops conducted by world-renowned professionals and our Annual Red Carpet Event. We seek faith-based dramas, thrillers, comedies, television pilots, and documentaries. Submit your film today!

Come celebrate our 6th anniversary with us at the 2018 Churches Making Movies Christian Film​ Festival in Metro New York.

You'll see some of the most intriguing feature films, thought provoking documentaries, and brand new pilots for TV and the Web.

You'll participate in informative seminars to help you propel your filmmaking career to the next level. Past seminar leaders included:

Sean Paul Murphy, screenwriter Sarah's Choice, The Encounter, and Brother White
Dallas Jenkins, director of the upcoming theatrically released film, The Resurrection of Gavin Stone
Isaac Hernandez, VP Parables TV
Bill Carroll, Production Development Manager
Austen Williams, Mrs. America 2014
Pastor Leigh Gonzalez, Hope Center Arts
Doc Benson, Director
and many more............

And, you don't to want to miss our Annual Red Carpet Event where festival goers mingle with celebrities and see a World Premiere Film.

In addition, this year, we will host a pilots showcase for episodic content including web series. Pilots are not required to be produced by a church or Christian organization; however, they must clean and family friendly.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Experimental

Logo of Rosario Latin American Film Festival

Date limite
01 Jun 2018

Publié: 31 May 2018
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Long métrages

Banner Festival de Cine Latinoamericano Rosario

Rosario Latin American Film Festival

Rosario, Argentina

The Secretary of Culture and Education of the Municipality of Rosario, through Punto Audiovisual, announces the call to participate in the 29th edition of the Rosario Latin American Film Festival, which will take place from October 2 to 6, 2024, in the city of Rosario, Argentina.

The Festival has four (4) competitive categories:

Latin American Feature Film Competition
Santa Fe Feature Film Competition
Latin American Short Film Competition
Rosarinos Short Film Competition

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Experimental

Logo of Human. Human Rights Film Festival, Madrid

Date limite
01 Jun 2018

Publié: 31 May 2018
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Long métrages

Banner Human, Festival De Cine y Derechos Humanos, Madrid.

Human. Human Rights Film Festival, Madrid

Madrid, Spain

Se configura como un festival de cine participativo y educativo donde se da voz a trabajos que tratan los Derechos Humanos, tanto en géneros de ficción, animación como documental.

Creemos que hoy es más importante que nunca que la sociedad cree puentes de debat para el acercamiento, avec el único ánimo de crear humanidad y empezar a escucharnos. El Festival muestra trabajos donde tanto el contenido como la técnica son de alta calidad y han sido premiados a nivel internacional en anteriores Festivales. Previa selección de las películas por la organización del Festival, un jurado formado por expertos en el ámbito cinematográfico, así como defensores de Derechos Humanos y del ámbito educativo, serán los encargados de puntuar y entregar los premios.

Los Derechos Humanos son el garante de una sociedad sana, educada, despierta y empoderada y pertenecen a toda la sociedad como pilares fundamentales que deben sostener los cimientos donde se sustente todo lo demás. Difundir la cultura de paz, el desarrollo democrático y la humanidad sostenible son también sus objetivos. Para eso se organizan talleres, presentaciones y mesas de débat avec les propios autores y autoras de las películas al público asistente así como actores, productores, críticos de cine, periodistas y defensores de Derechos Humanos locales e internacionales.

Te damos la bienvenida al Festival de Cine y Derechos Humanos de Madrid.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres  Experimental

Logo of Raindance Film Festival

Date limite
01 Jun 2018

Publié: 31 May 2018
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Long métrages

Promotional card of Raindance Film Festival

Banner Raindance Film Festival

Raindance Film Festival

London, United Kingdom

Raindance Film Festival est le plus grand festival de cinéma indépendant au Royaume-Uni. Il est situé au cœur du quartier animé du West End de Londres.

Raindance Film Festival est officiellement reconnu par l'Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences USA, la British Academy of Film and Television Arts et les British Independent Film Awards. Les shorts sélectionnés se qualifieront pour Oscar® et BAFTA.
Sections du festival :

- Programme de renommée mondiale des meilleurs films indépendants britanniques et internationaux
- Cours de maître avec des invités spéciaux
- Forum Raindance et Marketplace — discussions et panels
- Raindance Virtuelle et Augmentée Strand
- Raindance Web Fest
- Événements réseautage

Chaque année, Raindance attire des dizaines de milliers de visiteurs, y compris des centaines de professionnels de l'industrie à Londres. La 27e Raindance aura lieu du 25 septembre au 6 octobre 2019 dans le centre de Londres.

Plus :

Raindance a notamment accueilli les premières britanniques de What's Eating Gilbert Grape, The Blair Witch Project, Dead Man's Shoes, Memento, Humpday, Love Exposure, Ghost World, Capture the Friedmans, Down Terrace, I Origins et Old Boy. Notre programmation reçoit les applaudissements de la presse et du public.

Au fil des ans, le festival a accueilli des invités et des cinéastes tels que Christopher Nolan, Shane Meadows, Ken Loach, Marky Ramone, Iggy Pop, Anton Corbijn, Quentin Tarantino, Faye Dunaway et Lou Reed. Au cours des dernières années, notre jury international a inclus Sean Bean, Imelda Staunton, Celia Imrie, Martin Freman, Ewen Bremner, Jason Flemyng, Andrew Scott, Tom Waits, Vicky McClure et Sheridan Smith parmi les meilleurs jurés invités de l'industrie britannique.

Les membres de Raindance peuvent inscrire un court vidéo/vidéo ou un reportage à moitié prix. Si vous êtes membre, envoyez un courriel à pour recevoir votre code de renonciation unique. Veuillez indiquer votre numéro de membre et votre date d'expiration. Pour rejoindre Raindance, rendez-vous sur :

Les Inscriptions pour le WebFest Raindance doivent être envoyées par


Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Autres  Music Video

Logo of Fashion Film Festival Chicago

Date limite
01 Jun 2018

Publié: 31 May 2018
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Banner Fashion Film Festival Chicago

Fashion Film Festival Chicago

Chicago, United States

Fashion Film Festival Chicago is an annual opportunity to celebrate the creativity of emerging filmmakers everywhere! Every year filmmakers are encouraged to share their vision on any theme as it relates to the fashion industry. The submission may be humorous, inspiring, experimental, dramatic -- any positive motif desired by the filmmaker. Submissions must pertain to some aspect of the fashion industry.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Fantastique  Autres  Experimental

Logo of International Short Film Festival Hacelo Corto

Date limite
01 Jun 2018

Publié: 31 May 2018
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Banner Festival Internacional Itinerante  Hacelo Corto

International Short Film Festival Hacelo Corto

Saladillo, Buenos Aires - Del Campillo, Córdoba , Argentina

Courts métrages de fiction. Présentation illimitée pour les réalisateurs.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres

Logo of International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival Inconvenient Films

Date limite
01 Jun 2018

Publié: 31 May 2018
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Long métrages

Banner International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival Inconvenient Films

International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival Inconvenient Films

Vilnius, Lithuania

Inconvenient Films is an international competitive human rights documentary film festival, taking place in various cities and towns accross Lithuania. Established in 2007 as an annual film event, it is currently the biggest documentary film festival in the country and the only film festival of this kind in the Baltic States region. The festival invites filmmakers, experts, activists and festival audience to appreciate and discuss the role of documentaries in reflecting and shaping our understanding of reality. The mission of this festival is to use award winning author driven films in raising awareness about human rights issues around the world, encouraging public debate on ways to address them.

Festival’s International Competition is dedicated to the films by new filmmakers – their first or second feature documentary. Films are selected considering artistic value, filmmaking skills and revelation of a relevant human rights topic. The Best Film is selected and awarded by international jury.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage


Logo of CineEco’2024 – 30th International Environmental Film Festival of Serra da Estrela

Date limite
01 Jun 2018

Publié: 31 May 2018
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Banner Cineeco 2024 – 30º Festival Internacional de Cinema Ambiental da Serra da Estrela

CineEco’2024 – 30th International Environmental Film Festival of Serra da Estrela

Seia, Portugal

CineEco - Le festival international du film environnemental de Serra da Estrela, organisé par la municipalité de Seia, est le seul festival au Portugal dédié à l'environnement, qui se tient sans interruption depuis 1995.

CineEco propose au public du cinéma de qualité et des cinématographies alternatives peu connues par rapport au marché traditionnel. C'est un festival qui vise à sensibiliser le public au cinéma, à son histoire et à son esthétique, ainsi qu'aux questions environnementales.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Autres  Experimental

Logo of Elche International Independent Film Festival

Date limite
01 Jun 2018

Publié: 31 May 2018
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Promotional card of Elche International Independent Film Festival

Banner Festival de Cine de Elche

Elche International Independent Film Festival

Elche, Spain

Le Festival international du film indépendant d'Elche, organisé par la Fondation Mediterraneo, a pour principal objectif d'offrir un espace culturel aux cinéastes et aux cinéphiles.

Dans un engagement constant en faveur de la promotion de la culture et du soutien aux valeurs émergentes du cinéma, en mettant l'accent sur l'innovation, le dialogue public avec les auteurs et l'élimination de la concurrence technologique lorsque les obstacles et le vote se produisent.


Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur

Logo of  Seize the Film- FILMS ABOUT DISABILITY

Date limite
01 Jun 2018

Publié: 31 May 2018
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Banner Uhvati Film /// Seize the Film- FILMS ABOUT DISABILITY


Novi Sad, Serbia

Le festival du film « Seize the Film » se concentre sur les projections de films liés au thème du handicap/au moins un acteur est handicapé et propose des éditions à Novi Sad (Serbie), Rijeka (Croatie), Banja Luka (Bosnie-Herzégovine) et Kotor (Monténégro).

Outre les projections de films sur le thème du handicap, le festival propose également des programmes d'accompagnement et de post-production : Film Caravan, qui comprend des projections dans des espaces culturels, des écoles, d'autres festivals et « Seize the film Kids », des projections de films adaptés aux enfants âgés de 7 à 12 ans (en Serbie).

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Autres  Experimental

Logo of HollyShorts Film Festival

Date limite
01 Jun 2018

Publié: 31 May 2018
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Promotional card of HollyShorts Film Festival

Banner HollyShorts Film Festival

HollyShorts Film Festival

Playa Del Rey, United States

HollyShorts Film Festival (HSFF) is an annual short film festival showcasing the best and brightest short films from around the globe. The festival showcases the top short films produced 40 minutes or less.

The inaugural HollyShorts Film Festival took place in August '05 featured 23 short films from the U.S., UK, Poland, Canada and Thailand. The 2nd annual HollyShorts took place at Cinespace, Digital Supperclub in Hollywood, CA and featured 53 of the best short films from around the world. 13 different countries were represented. The third annual HollyShorts Film Festival took place August 10-12, 2007, drawing over $26,000 in prizes awarded. Best Short film honors went to "Songbird" Directed by John Thompson. Thompson was awarded a one week audio rental package courtesy of Action Audio and Visual, featuring sound and communications equipment rentals to utilize for his next film project. The festival featured Actor Adrian Grenier's short film "Euthanasia," a DJ performance from the legendary hip hop DJ Biz Markie and 57 short films in competition; three days of screenings, parties, insightful panels along with a slew of networking platforms for HollyShorts participants.

The 4th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival took place August 7-10, 2008 in Hollywood with top honors of Best Short Film going to “Bloom” directed Lance Larson. Larson was awarded $2000 VFX package courtesy of Clifton Post for his next project. The Best Student Short honors went to David Jibladze, for his short film “Beholden.” Jibladze took home a 5-day HVX-200, HD Camera rental package courtesy of Martini Crew Booking. Best Director went to Benedict Campbell for his short film “Lloyd Neck.” Best Director, Best Student and Best Short awards took home free Hollywood Screenwriter software from Write Brothers courtesy of Haydenfilms.

The festival’s awards ceremony and closing night reception took place in Hollywood, following a star-studded opening night celebration at the Egyptian Theatre, a music video celebration at Nacional in Hollywood and the festival’s short film competition screenings at Laemmle’s Sunset 5 Theatres. During the HollyShorts opening night ceremony on Thursday August 10, which featured appearances and short films from actors Jessica Biel, David Arquette and Josh Brolin, the festival awarded legendary filmmaker David Lynch the 2008 HollyShorts Visionary Award; Oscar winner Paul Haggis with the 2008 HollyShorts Outstanding Achievement in film award and fast-rising actress Paula Garces with the 2008 HollyShorts Future Star award.
At the HollyShorts inaugural music video competition, the festival awarded two winners for Best Music Video, “La Chica Y Su Bolsa” Directed by Daniel Campos and “Good Morning Herr Horst” Directed by Lovisa Inserra. The music video Audience choice winner went to “Temporarily In Love” Directed by Randy Scott Slavin. All HollyShorts film winners took home a free film distribution kit from Film Specific and one year premium membership to Film Specific. Winners also received free filmmaker software packages from HollyShorts sponsor Showbiz Software and will receive Stash DVD’s from sponsor Stash Media.

The 5th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival® (August 6-13, 2009) took place in Hollywood and featured a star studded, Red Carpet Opening Night Reception event at the Directors Guild of America (DGA). The festival featured participation from industry heavyweights including: Demi Moore, Jimmy Jean-Louis, Kirsten Dunst, Eli Roth, Darren Lew, Jason Biggs , Carter Smith and David Prior. The week-long festival featured screenings at the DGA, Laemmle's Sunset 5 Theatre in Hollywood and a number of industry panels and receptions at the to venues in the city.

The 6th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival® took place August 5-12, 2010 in Hollywood and featured a major opening night reception, week-long screenings of short films and feature films in Hollywood, high level industry panels, keynotes, awards and receptions for the community and filmmakers. Grand prizes were awarded for Best Short and Best Director courtesy of Company 3 valued at $20,000. Openfilm also sponsored the festival and screened their top 5 finalists for their $250,000 Get It Made Competition, at the fest. James Caan attended the opening night ceremonies and named the finalists.

The 7th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival wrapped last night with a standing room only awards ceremony at the Geisha House in Hollywood live-streamed courtesy of Dyal Productions and hosted by Actress Sheila Shah. Audience choice winners from each program will be announced later this weekend. The HollyShorts Best Overall Short Film prize, which wins a $10,000 in post production and finishing services package from Company 3, went to “Mrs. Peppercorn’s Magical Reading Room” by Mike Le Han. The HollyShorts Best Director Award which wins a $10,000 post production and finishing services package from Company 3, went to Christian Swegal, Director of “Stasis.”

Continuing the tradition of growth, the 8th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival opened at the world famous Grauman's Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Blvd to over 900 guests. The evening was capped off by the HollyShorts Visionary Award being given to Joe Carnahan.
The fest took place all week at the Chinese Theatre and concluded with over $50,000 in prizes and awards being given out to winners selected out of 341 projects in competition. Highlights include:

The 8th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival ( wrapped with a standing room only awards ceremony at Chinese 6 Theatres in Hollywood. The ceremony was hosted by Amy Paffrath, host of MTV’s Jersey Shore After Hours. The HollyShorts Best Overall Short Film prize, which wins a $10,000 in post production and finishing services package from Company 3 went to “ASAD”. Director Bryan Buckley was on hand to accept. The HollyShorts Best Director Award which wins a $10,000 post production and finishing services package from Company 3, went to Grainger David for his short film “The Chair.” Best Documentary Short went to Stephanie Butler’s “Bo.” The Method Studios Best VFX Award went to “The Wheel” by John Roberts. Igor Aleksov took home the Best International Short prize for “Episodizt.” Best Animation Short went to“Luminaris” by Juan Pablo Zaramella and Best Student film went to Dreamland directed by Alla Volkova, her AFI thesis project. The 8th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival had the most attendance in the festival’s history. Highlights include an opening night ceremony at the history Chinese Theatre that drew nearly 1,000 attendees and fest screenings, panels and post receptions taking place in venues throughout Hollywood during the entire week. Each HollyShorts 2012 winner receives a 1st look distribution deal with the ShortsHD television channel.

The 2012 Winners List

Best Short Film ASAD directed by Bryan Buckley
Best Actor Robert Chester Smith in The Hiccup
Best Actress Grace Kaufman in Buttons in the Ground
Best Director Grainger David for The Chair
Best Female Director Elayne Blyth for Noeima
Best Producer Stephanie Scire for Atlantis
Best Cinematography Xiaosu Han & Andreas Thalhammer for Asternauts
Best Editing Joe Greco for Sin Dolor
Best Score Edison Jarrin for Tumbleweed
Best Animation Luminaris directed by Juan Pablo Zaramella
Best Comedy Love and Germaphobia directed by Tyler Spindel
Best Documentary Bo directed by Dave Schwep & Kelly McCoy
Best International Episodizt directed by Igor Aleksov
Best Narrative Cherry Waves directed by Carey Williams
Best Drama Prora directed by Stephane Riethauser
Best SciFi The End directed by Ted Marcus
Best Horror Mo-Don-pae-mil-li (Modern Family) directed by Kwang Bin Kim
Best Student Film Dreamland directed by Alla Volkova
Best Action The Crocodile directed by Steve Acevedo
Best Web Series Sitting Babies directed by Cameron Fay
Showbiz Future Filmmaker Award Sin Dolor directed by Joe Greco
Best Commercial True Power directed by Karel van Bellingen
Best Music Video Kindness Boomerang directed by Orly Wahba
Method Studios Best VFX The Wheel directed by John Roberts
HollyShorts/NociCortinfestival Jury Award Oroverde directed by Piereluigi Ferrandini
Jury Honorable Mention 92 Skybox Rookie Card directed by Maury Steinman
Jury Honorable Mention The Queen directed by Adam Rose
Special Jury Selection Crazy Beats Strong Every Time directed by Moon Molson
Special Jury Selection Maddoggin directed by Terrence Heuston

The 9th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival ( came to a wrap with 1,000 attendees celebrating the festival’s Awards ceremony celebration at the Roosevelt Hotel Ballroom and lobby hosted by Digital LA’s Kevin Winston. The HollyShorts Best Short Film Grand Prize went to Mitsuyo Miyazaki for her short film Tsuyako. With the prize, Miyazaki takes home a $10,000 post-production and finishing services prize from Company 3. She also wins an all expense paid trip to Wellington New Zealand courtesy of Starnow to show her film there. Also taking home a $10,000 post-production prize from Company 3 for the Best Director Category was Sacha Feiner for Un Monde Meilleur (A Better World). The short film Sahasi Chori by Erin Galey took home two HollyShorts Awards, one for Best Producer and the Women in Film Director’s Award, garnering her a $5000 camera package courtesy of Martini Crew Booking.. The Method Studios Best VFX Prize went to Peter Szewczyk for Our Lady of Lourdes. With the win, Method awarded Peter with a $10,000 post prize.

The Panavision Future Filmmaker went to Karaoke! By Andrew Renzi. Panavision awarded Andrew with a $10,000 prize.

ShortsHD presented the short film Amazonia by Sam Chen with the DirecTV Everywhere Award.

The 2013 Winners List

HOLLYSHORTS BEST SHORT FILM-Tsuyako by Mitsuyo Miyazaki
· BEST DIRECTOR-Sacha Feiner for Un Monde Meilleur (A Better World)
· METHOD STUDIOS HOLLYSHORTS BEST VFX – Our Lady of Lourdes by Peter Szewczyk
· BEST COMMERICAL- Happiness in the Air by Hugh Mitton (Best Commercial Award wins a $5,000 post production and finishing services prize from Company 3)
· BEST MUSIC VIDEO-Vengeance Rhythm by Christopher Ullens de Schooten (Best Music Video Award wins a $5,000 post production and finishing services prize from Company 3)
· BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY-Brightwood by Connor Hair.(The HollyShorts Best Cinematography Award wins a $5,000 post production and finishing services prize from Company 3)
· BEST ACTOR-Gabe Fazio for the film Gun
· BEST ACTRESS-Carla Quevedo for the film Side Effects
· BEST ACTION-The Forge by Stephen Reedy
· BEST DRAMA-ROTKOP by Jan Roosens and Raf Roosens
· BEST ANIMATION-Alienation by Silvia Carpizo
· BEST COMEDY-Loveseat by Matthew Richmond
· BEST 3D SHORT-Le Grand Combat by Jean-Nicolas Rivat
· 3D SHORT Runner up- Eysian Fields by Ina Conrad
· BEST DOCUMENTARY-Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution by Matthew VanDyke
· BEST EDITING-I’m Right Here-Christopher Soren Kelly
· WOMEN IN FILM DIRECTORS AWARD-Erin Galey for her short Sahasi Chori
(Women in Film Directors Award receives a $5,000 camera rental prize package from Martini Crew booking)
· BEST STUDENT-MAGNESIUM by Sam de Jong (Best Student Award receives a $5,000 camera rental prize package from Martini Crew booking)
· BEST HORROR FEARNET AWARD-Do You Believe in the Devil by Alex Grybauskas
· BEST CROWD FUNDED FILM-And After All by Julian Ungano
· BEST INTERNATIONAL-Tweesprong by Wouter Bouvjin
· BEST NARRATIVE-GUN by Spencer Gillis
· BEST PRODUCER-Sahasi Chori by Erin Galey
· BEST SCI FI-Frost by Jeremy Ball
· BEST TRAILER- Rainbow Bay by Mack Lindon
· BEST SOUND-The Fifth Horseman by Kari Barber
· BEST WEB SERIES-Inside Joke On Gentrification by Brian Neaman and Michael Southworth
· HOLLYSHORTS SPECIAL JURY AWARD- Death of a Shadow by Tom Van Avermaet
· HOLLYSHORTS MENTION-Cootie Contagion by Josh Smooha
· HOLLYSHORTS MENTION-8:47 by Nik Kacevski

Fest Sets Dates for 10th Annual Anniversary Edition
During the celebration the festival set it’s dates for next year’s festival, it’s 10th Anniversary edition. The 10th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival and Film Conference/Film Market will take place August 14-23, 2014 in Hollywood. The festival also announced it will unspool a screenplay competition for next years festival, submissions now open at:

The 9th edition of the HollyShorts Film Festival featured over 12,000 attendees with 8 days of screenings, daily networking events, panels and seminars during the HollyShorts Film Conference and Awards. 2013 Visionary Award honoree Matthew Modine closed the festival with the theatrical premiere of his collection of short films at the TCL Chinese Theatre.

The 10th Annual HSFF and Film Conference/Film Market took place August 14-23 at the world famous TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood and the 2nd annual HollyShorts Film Conference took place at the Roosevelt Hotel. 2014 Overall Best Short and Best Director will receive $10,000 each for post production work courtesy of Company 3. The 2014 winners of Best Music Video, Best Cinematography, and Best Commercial will each receive $5,000 for post production work courtesy of Company 3. 2014 Best Student film and Best Female Director winners will receive a $10,000 camera rental packages courtesy of Martini Crew Booking. Method Studios awarded the 2014 Best VFX short with $10,000 in post production services. PANAVISION awarded $10,000 to Douglas Jessup's short GLOW. Over $140,000 in prizes were awarded from Final Draft, Showbiz, Jungle, Red Giant,
Black Magic Camera, True Vision Entertainment, and many others.
15,000 attended the 2014 fest and film conference over 10 days.

The 2015 11th annual HollyShorts Film Festival and Film Conference/Market took place over 10 days August 13-22 2015 at the TCL Chinese Theatres and Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood, with Best Short Film, a $15,000 cash prize courtesy of ZYPE being awarded to SHOK.

The 12th annual HSFF took place August 11-20th 2016 at the TCL Chinese 6 Theatres. Award winners participated in our academy qualifying theatrical run.

The 13th and 14th annual HSFF best short film winners received Oscar Qualifying status as HollyShorts is now an Academy Qualifying Festival!

The 15th annual HSFF will again take place at the TCL Chinese 6 Theatres and Harmony Gold Theater August 8-17 2019!

HSFF Alumni include Josh Brolin, Terence Nance, Kirsten Dunst, Demi Moore, Joe Carnahan, Darren Lew, David Arquette, Dash Mihok, Ryan Eggold, Neil Labute, Zachary Quinto, Adam Brody, Pras Michel, Francois Jaros, Jon Heder, Russo Brothers, Bill Plympton, Felicia Day, Nash Edgerton, Jaime Linden, Jennifer Aniston, Mark Fergus, Jessica Biel, Malcolm Barrett, Carter Smith, Jason Biggs, David Pryor, Jimmy Jean Louis, Paula Garces, Adrian Grenier, David Lynch, Paul Haggis, Bragi Schut, David Weinstein, William Olssen, Alex Ferrari, Larry Hankin, Lance Larson, John Thompson, Nick Carmen, Scott Porter, Kat Coiro, Joel David Moore, Mary Pat Bentel, Denis Hennelly, Richard Riehle, Biz Markie, Joe Carnahan, Matthew Libatique, Matthew Modine, David Rodriguez, Kat Coiro, Bryan Buckley, Carey Williams, Anthony Hemingway, Chadwick Boseman, Moon Molson, Neal Dodson, and many, many other great filmmakers and actors. Industry attendees include Shorts TV, Indieflix, Indiepix, Snagfilms, Hulu, Netflix, Google Play, Lionsgate, Grindstone, Sony, 20th Century Fox, CAA, William Morris, Gersh, UCLA Extension, General Assembly, Seattle Film Summit, Seed and Spark, Indiegogo, and many others!


Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Autres  Experimental  Music Video


Date limite
01 Jun 2018

Publié: 31 May 2018
 N’a pas de frais de d’inscription

Banner 15° Cine Versátil- VIDEOARTES LGBT+


Buenos Aires, Argentina

Festival du court métrage sur la diversité - Argentine
ART VIDÉO LGBT- Édition anniversaire- 15 ans


Édition 15

La 15e édition comprendra une exposition non compétitive consacrée à l'art vidéo LGBT+ et des expositions parallèles de festivals partenaires.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Autres  Experimental

Logo of 1936, Memories of silence

Date limite
31 May 2018

Publié: 30 May 2018
 A des frais d’inscription
Long métrages

Banner 1936, Memorias del silencio

1936, Memories of silence

Madrid, Spain

Purpose- 1936, Memorias del Silencio is created with the aim of promoting through the cinema and colloquies,the peace cultur and another view around the world, regarding the Spanish civil war.

This program responds the intention of dealing with the role of the Spanish civil war from its cultural environment, anthropological and social, with special attention to the role of woman through its evolution.

Lectures and speakers will participate in workshops, discussions, and debates in order to make aware and provoke reflection on some events that a whole sector refuses to talk about. For this reason, we will give priority to the accesible suggestions to people with audible or visual disabilities.

It will be integrated by a retrospective, competition, and colloquies or conferences with specialists.

We encourage the participation of spanish producers and we stimulate the producer’s look from countries with low production or with difficulty to reach our film theaters and specially encouraging the presence of works made by young artists.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Autres  Music Video


Date limite
31 May 2018

Publié: 30 May 2018
 N’a pas de frais de d’inscription


Banner Cartoon Club - Festival Internazionale del Cinema D’animazione, del Fumetto e dei Games


Rimini, Italy

Cartoon Club — Festival international du cinéma d'animation, de la bande dessinée et des jeux, qui en est à sa 38e édition, est l'un des festivals les plus connus de la scène italienne.

C'est une vitrine remarquable pour les œuvres d'animation, en particulier les courts métrages — fictions, pédagogiques, expérimentaux, infographiques — et avec une section entièrement dédiée à la bande dessinée : Riminicomix.

Le festival propose des COURTS MÉTRAGES D'ANIMATION dans différentes sections :

Cartoon Club Award, ouvert aux courts métrages d'animation réalisés par des cinéastes professionnels et des sociétés de production.

XXV Prix Signor Rossi, ouvert aux films d'animation réalisés par des étudiants des écoles secondaires et universitaires, ainsi que par les étudiants des écoles de cinéma d'animation.

Cartoon Kids Award, parmi les films soumis, la direction du festival sélectionnera, à sa propre discrétion, des courts métrages d'animation destinés à un public d'enfants. Un jury composé uniquement d'enfants sélectionnera le gagnant parmi ces films.

Panorama international, section non compétitive, ouverte aux courts métrages d'animation européens et non européens.

Cartoon Jr Award, le Festival propose également, dans une section dédiée, des courts métrages d'animation réalisés dans le cadre de projets ou d'ateliers pour enfants, en Italie ou à l'étranger.

En outre, le festival propose :
- des expositions ;
- des projets éducatifs et sociaux ;
- des ateliers dans les écoles locales ;
- l'une des conventions de cosplay les plus populaires et les plus divertissantes d'Italie.
- publication de livres et de catalogues.
Le festival se déroule à Rimini dans différents lieux, du centre-ville à la plage, au mois de juillet.


Festival International

Festival d court métrage


Logo of Mexico International Short Film Festival - SHORTS MÉXICO

Date limite
31 May 2018

Publié: 30 May 2018
 A des frais d’inscription

Promotional card of Mexico International Short Film Festival - SHORTS MÉXICO

Banner Shorts México -  Festival Internacional De Cortometrajes De México

Mexico International Short Film Festival - SHORTS MÉXICO



SHORTS MEXICO est devenu le plus grand festival international de courts métrages d'Amérique latine.

Une plateforme d'exposition spécialisée dans les courts métrages. Il promeut les expressions créatives du cinéma, les voix diverses, les visions distinctives et innovantes, les films audacieux de qualité réalisés par des cinéastes du monde entier. Chez SHORTS MEXICO, nous encourageons la croissance et le développement des courts métrages ainsi que des cinéastes.

SHORTS MEXICO - L'appel à candidatures pour le Festival international du court métrage de Mexico commence du 1er mars au 31 mai 2024 à 23 h 59 (CST) à Mexico. Nous sommes ouverts à recevoir des courts métrages du monde entier invitant tous les genres de production.

La 19e édition de SHORTS MEXICO se tiendra du 1er au 30 septembre 2024 à Mexico. La Cinémathèque nationale du Mexique est le lieu principal du festival, et elle compte d'autres lieux importants tels que les cinémas CINEMEX, l'une des plus grandes chaînes de cinéma au monde, la célèbre bibliothèque Vasconcelos, le Centro Cultural Universitario de la UNAM, les Faros et les centres culturels du CDMX, etc. Le festival compte plus de 35 salles à Mexico et organise des expositions dans chacun des 32 États de la République mexicaine. L'événement se déroule donc véritablement dans tout le Mexique. Depuis la pandémie, SHORTS MÉXICO est présenté dans un format hybride, proposant également des expositions virtuelles et télévisées, attirant plus d'un million de spectateurs par édition.

Tout au long de l'année, le festival propose des avant-premières, des expositions, des rétrospectives et des master classes. Le Shorts Mexico Tour comprend des villes et des villages du Mexique, ainsi que des expositions dans divers pays du monde entier. Le cycle de conférences de la Shorts Mexico Academy comprend une offre académique visant à développer la professionnalisation dans divers domaines spécialisés du cinéma. Le festival présentera également le concours Shorts México Pitching, le concours Work In Progress et le concours de courts métrages de scénario, dans le but d'encourager et de promouvoir la création, la professionnalisation et la production de films de qualité.


Compétition INTERNATIONALE (action réelle, animation et documentaire)
Compétition ibéro-américaine (action réelle, animation et documentaire)
Compétition MEXICAINE (action réelle, animation, documentaire, NeoMex)


International - Ibéro-américain
Cinéma mondial
Shorts queer (LGBTTQ+)
Fantascorto (Fantastique, science-fiction et horreur)
Ecoshorts (préservation de l'environnement)
Peuples autochtones
Fun Shorts (comédie)
International (action réelle, animation, documentaire, expérimental)

Pueblos Indigenas y Originarios
Femmes mexicaines au cinéma
Mexicain (action réelle, documentaire)
Shorts queer (LGBTTQ+)
Fantascorto (Fantastique, science-fiction et horreur)
Infantil — Enfants
Ecoshorts (protection de l'environnement)
Funshorts (Cinéma de comédie)

Tous les films sélectionnés recevront un certificat de participation au Festival international du court métrage de Mexico - Shorts México. Les courts métrages mexicains sélectionnés dans toutes les compétitions du festival pourront inscrire leur court métrage au prix Ariel de l'AMACC (Académie mexicaine des arts et des sciences cinématographiques).


Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres  Experimental  Music Video