Logo of Melies d`Or award for Best European Fantastic Film

04 Oct 2018

Published: 03 Oct 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
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Feature films

Banner Melies d`Or award for Best European Fantastic Film

Melies d`Or award for Best European Fantastic Film

Brussels, Belgium

The European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation (the Federation) is a tightly knit network of 22 film festivals from 14 countries, with a global attendance of over 450 000 visitors, making it a vital economic and cultural player on the fantastic film scene.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Maniatic, Festival Internacional de cine Fantástico de Manises

02 Oct 2018

Published: 01 Oct 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Maniatic, Festival Internacional de cine Fantástico de Manises

Banner Maniatic, Festival Internacional De Cine Fantástico De Manises

Maniatic, Festival Internacional de cine Fantástico de Manises

Manises, Spain

MANIATIC- FANTASTIC INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL OF MANISES it´s a festival of fantastic genre to bring the world of the short film to the new generations of spectators who otherwise would not have access to the latest creations of the future directors of cinema.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of International Film Festival for Spirituality, Religion, and Visionary

02 Oct 2018

Published: 01 Oct 2018
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Feature films

Banner International Film Festival for Spirituality, Religion, and Visionary

International Film Festival for Spirituality, Religion, and Visionary

DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

The International Film Festival for Spirituality, Religion, and Visionary (IFFSRV) was established by some individuals who care about human living in peace towards themselves, forming strong and healthy alliances with others in harmony, and having good communication with their Creator despite of their sex, religion, race, and economic status.

The International Film Festival for Spirituality, Religion, and Visionary will act as a mean to sustain and promote the continuity of creativity and artworks produced and carved by filmmakers all over the world in following their dreams and pure calling to make betterment for humanity, as well as to participate in the film industry; to make a better live for each individual despite their differences in belief system.

IFFSRV festival day will be held at the end of November to celebrate the tolerance world day (16 November).

Through this festival, we hope to:
1. Give comfort and consolidation for the people in despair that he or she is never alone and that life is full of hope.
2. Encourage people when facing difficulties because of what they belief.
3. Inspire and enlighten people to find the purpose of their life regardless their belief, economic or cultural background.
4. Help people to have better acceptance towards themselves and enhance self-esteem because each individual are loved by God and they are special and unique in God’s eyes.
5. Inspire people to follow their dream and not easy to give up.
6. Encourage people to follow his and her own mission and path in life.
7. Inspire young generation to have broader mindset and perspective, to think beyond the box, and to be able to accept differences among religions and belief system.
8. Inspire young people to have vision and goal in life and work hard to achieve them.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Resistance International Film Festival

01 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Sep 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Banner Resistance International Film Festival

Resistance International Film Festival

Tehran, Iran

Resistance International Film Festival is regarded as one of the most prestigious international film festivals in Iran.
The goal of the Festival is to create an atmosphere of dialogue, understanding of current human sufferings, and to share experiences and new ideas.
The three-fold mission is to:
1- Create an atmosphere of dialogue by recognizing activists and filmmakers.
2- Foster the human spirit of brotherhood, peace, and resisting oppression.
3- Use the language of film to fight terrorism and violence.

Filmmakers around the world are welcome to submit documentaries and features relevant to the festival topics.

- A world without terrorism, racism, war, and occupancy
- Introducing and recognizing up-and-coming activists
- Resistance in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Palestine, and other parts of the world with conflicts
- Double standards in Western Human Rights approach:
a) Invasion of Privacy
b) Black Lives Matter movement: Police brutality against the "People of Color"
- Human Rights violations and Zionism
- A world without political violence
- Hollywood, western media, and soft war (propaganda)
- Confronting Islamophobia and Iranophobia
- Confronting the imposition of Western lifestyle and cultural invasion
- Propaganda against Iran, false human rights stories, and other fabricated news against Iran
- Exposing the image of the US government double-standards and Zionism crimes in the world (anti-Zionism is NOT anti-Semitism)
- Fight against the ISIS (DAESH), Takfiri groups, Radical Jihadists, and Wahhabism
- Human Rights violations in Saudi Arabia:
a) Saudi role in sectarianism and dividing Muslim nations
b) Saudis supporting terrorist groups
c) Saudi war crimes in Yemen
d) Persecution of Muslim clergies in Saudi Arabia
- The image of Muslim women around the world
- How Islamic unity can uncover conspiracies of hegemonic powers

• Films with the topics relevant to the people in Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen fighting against Zionism, the ISIS and Takfiri radicals, will be given a special attention and the category winners will be awarded with special prizes.

International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of International Peace Film Festival - IPFF

01 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Sep 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner International Peace Film Festival - IPFF

International Peace Film Festival - IPFF

Erbil, Iraq

We believe in the moral and civic responsibility of the gifted filmmaker and artist, to use his or her talents in a manner that positively changes the world and obviates the need for violence. Our vision and philosophy at Peace Film Initiative (PFI) is a world where compassion wins over cold politics, peace wins over terror, and love and coexistence win over bigotry.

Hence at PFI our motto is, and we thrive to be the "Voice of the Voiceless".

Our first annual international peace film festival, PFIIFF is underway in the Kurdish regional capital, Erbil (May 12 - 16, 2019). The festival theme is Living Together in Peace, coinciding with The UN General-Assembly's declared International Day for Living Together in Peace (may 16).

Our focus are films about and/or by the marginelized and victims of war and terror, especially minorities, women, children, and the elderly.

Through IPFF we aim to serve as a bridge between the local film scene and the world film community; to introduce international filmmakers to the crisis particular to the region; to put a spotlight on human rights violations in various corners of the world; and most importantly, to promoter a culture of peace and coexistence.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental


01 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Sep 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Muestra De Cortometrajes Proyecta Jerez


Jerez, Spain

La Muestra de cortometrajes “Proyecta Jerez” es el punto de encuentro de tod@s l@s amantes del cine, donde compartimos unos días de cortos, futuros proyectos, exposiciones, charlas coloquios y el anticipo del nuevo Festival de Cortometrajes.

Más Información en: www.jerez.es/juventud
PARTICIPANTES: Creadores de cualquier nacionaalidad, mayores de 18 años.

OBRAS: El tema de la obra será libre. La obra debe ser original y realizada en castellano (o en su defecto subtitulada al castellano).

Cada participante presentará tantas obras como desee, según el número de obras recibidas, los organizadores seleccionarán las que se van a proyectar. La duración del cortometraje, incluido créditos, no superará los 15 minutos. Las obras no podrán tener
contenidos racistas, xenófobos, violentos ni pornográficos.

Se admitirán cortos express que no deben superar los 3 minutos.

Al presentar las obras, habrá que rellenar una ficha con los datos del autor/a más el DNI escaneado.

El plazo de admisión será hasta el 18 de octubre de 2019.

El autor/a de la obra autoriza su reproducción, sin contraprestación económica, pudiendo ser proyectada por la organización con el fin de promocionar la Muestra y el
Festival, reservándose el derecho de su exhibición pública.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of III Oviclip Festival

01 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Sep 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Oviclip Festival

III Oviclip Festival

Oviedo, Spain

Festival of national videclips, from 7th to 10nd of November, 2019 in the city of Oviedo (Asturias)

Short film festival

 Music Video

Logo of Shorts IN-FEST

01 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Sep 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films


Shorts IN-FEST

Sa Pobla, Spain


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Festival de cortometrajes de humor de Arrigorriaga

01 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Sep 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Humor En Corto - Umorea Labur

Festival de cortometrajes de humor de Arrigorriaga

Arrigorriaga, Spain

Humor en Corto - Humor in Short

The XXIII edition of Arrigorriaga's humor short film festival, the oldest in Spain.

From November the 18th to the 23rd, 2024, in Lonbo Aretoa, Arrigorriaga, Spain.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


01 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Sep 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Kragujevac, Serbia

Kragujevac Independent film festival or KG FILM FESTIVAL.

Kragujevac is the fourth largest city in Serbia, the administrative centre of Šumadija District. There are many cultural institutions in Kragujevac that have gained regional, and some of them even national significance in the field of arts and culture.

This festival wants to provide a platform for artists around the world to showcase their films to Serbin and region audience. This is opportunity for Serbian filmmakers to compare their work with independent film creators from all arount the globe.

Your goal is to bring us into worlds we've never seen before.All categories and genders are welcome.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of image+nation. festival film lgbt Montreal

01 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Sep 2018
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Feature films

Banner image+nation. festival film lgbt Montreal

image+nation. festival film lgbt Montreal

Montréal, Canada

As the oldest film festival of its kind in Canada, image+nation stands as a premiere site for launching new and innovative media works to a savvy and appreciative audience.

Located in the cultural mecca of Montreal, image+nation offers LGBTQueer filmmakers a unique opportunity to network with local creators, programmers and producers.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of CortogeniAl, Cinema and Short Films’ Festival

01 Oct 2018

Published: 30 Sep 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner CortogeniAl, Festival De Cine Y Cortometrajes

CortogeniAl, Cinema and Short Films’ Festival

Puente Genil, Spain

The celebration of the XV Edition of the CortogeniAl Film and Short Film Festival will take place in the town of Puente Genil (Cordoba, Spain) between October 11th and October 19th of 2024.

It is welcome any person (film director, production or distribution) who has the legal control of the work or works submitted may participate.


− Short films must have been produced in 2023 or 2024.

− Short films shall not last more than 20 minutes.

− Every filmmaker may submit as many works as desired.

− Productions not filmed in Spanish as main language must be submitted with Spanish subtitles for their exhibition.

− Filmmakers will be owners of the legal rights to their works and the responsible of the authorship rights of the short films.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Fiffen

30 Sep 2018

Published: 29 Sep 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Fiffen


Florø, Norway

Fiffen is a voluntary initiative, set in to motion in 2017 as a movie fest. It's arranged by Florø Filmklubb, a filmclub that was hailed as the best in Norway in 2016.

The first year we didn't really know what we wanted, we applied for som money, and when we got it we had to use it, so we made a festival that was more or less like a filmclubseason, comprised to eight days. Showing more or less well known movies.

For the next year, and the next version of Fiffen, we took it a bit further than that. We opened up for admissions from aspiring moviemakers from around the world, short or feature length. The main objective of the Festival is to inspire affection and enthusiasm for film, and encourage and abet film production among unestablished filmmakers. These days we all walk around with equipment for making movies in our pockets, the smart phone, and we would like to encourege people to use them to create something.

We also want to show the people that the cinema doesn't have to belong to Hollywood. That it can be something more than just something created to sell pop corn.

We still didn't know what we were doing last year, but we made a festival, and we showed some films. We had a lot of fun doing it, and have decided to try and build something from this mess that we made. Once again we want you to send us our films, of any kind really, but we have som rules to try and keep our job making a selection manageable. Please read!

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Director International Film Carnival (DIFC)

30 Sep 2018

Published: 29 Sep 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Director International Film Carnival (DIFC)

Director International Film Carnival (DIFC)

Delhi, India


Welcome to the World Of Cinema at Director International Film Carnival (DIFC), one of the few International Film and Awards Carnival with aim to Encourage, Promote and Provide a platform to all ages Budding and Professional film-makers all around the world with recognition for their film-making career and achivements. The Carnival seeks to nurture and showcase ability as well as the art of film-making which encompasses aspects of the arts, culture, history, crafts, geography, cuisine & lifestyle in short what make us what we are. The Director International Film Carnival’s Film and Screenings are selected and hosted by Filmmakers, Professors, and other notable figures in the world of Cinema.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Premio Leggimontagna - Cortomontagna

30 Sep 2018

Published: 29 Sep 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Premio Leggimontagna - Cortomontagna

Premio Leggimontagna - Cortomontagna

Tolmezzo, Italy

Cortomontagna prize is exclusively dedicated to short films.

The prize’s main theme is Mountain life, told and documented through a video that expresses the author's point of view and interpretation.

Possible takes on the main theme can range from the narration of sporting activities (skiing, climbing, hiking - for example), to naturalistic-environmental themes, to facts and life stories of communities or mountain territories.

Everyone can take part in this competition.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Maniatic, Festival Internacional de cine Fantástico de Manises

30 Sep 2018

Published: 29 Sep 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Maniatic, Festival Internacional de cine Fantástico de Manises

Banner Maniatic, Festival Internacional De Cine Fantástico De Manises

Maniatic, Festival Internacional de cine Fantástico de Manises

Manises, Spain

MANIATIC- FANTASTIC INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL OF MANISES it´s a festival of fantastic genre to bring the world of the short film to the new generations of spectators who otherwise would not have access to the latest creations of the future directors of cinema.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Las Hurdes Film Festival

30 Sep 2018

Published: 29 Sep 2018
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Las Hurdes Film Festival

Las Hurdes Film Festival

Pinofranqueado, Spain

Spanish and international Fillmakers are invited in the areas of film and video to participate with works whose themes are related to two main lines on which the festival is founded:

1 - On the one hand, following the spirit of the documentary "Land without bread" by Luis Buñuel, will receive critical productions or deepen social and human problems, not only in Las Hurdes but in all types of cultures and territories.

2 - On the other, taking into account the natural environment and richness of the region, will be called works that address issues related to the preservation of the environment, defense of ecosystems and life issues in isolated regions.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental


30 Sep 2018

Published: 29 Sep 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ РУССКИЙ КИНОФЕСТИВАЛЬ - International Russian Film Festival


Moscow, Russia

The phenomenon of Russian civilization, immeasurable by the "common yardstick", by the end of the first quarter of the 21st century regains its relevance - both in the world and in Russia.

The word "Russian" in the understanding of the organizers of the film festival does not define nationality, but civilizational and ideological belonging - to the multinational Russian world.

A Russian person differs from a "Western" person. A Russian person can commit acts illogical and "unprofitable" - from the point of view of representatives of Western civilization: to the detriment of himself, but in the name of justice. After all, for a Russian person - if in good conscience and fairness, then this is both logical and beneficial.

Now, when the whole world is faced with global challenges - technological, social, economic, spiritual and ideological - we are again trying to find a source of strength in those intangible values ​​that have given and still give the Russian world an advantage over the centuries.

Experience of holding the Russian Film Festival in 2017-2020. discovered a real interest of filmmakers from the regions of Russia and from other countries in comprehending the inexhaustible theme of the "mysterious Russian soul". This is especially true for young representatives of auteur cinema in Russia, for whom the Russian Film Festival has become a meeting place both with colleagues and with grateful moviegoers.

The Russian Film Festival is becoming that public creative space where there is a lively process of forming a community of like-minded people who consciously reflect in their work the spiritual and moral values ​​of Russian civilization.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Chittagong SHORT Film Festival

30 Sep 2018

Published: 29 Sep 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Chittagong Short Film Festival

Chittagong SHORT Film Festival

Chittagong, Bangladesh

Chittagong SHORT was founded to make a platform for the young filmmakers and film learners. To inspire the young, it has started a film festival since 2016. This festival #CSFFBD is designed with film screening and contest, master class, workshop and seminar. For the young filmmakers it’s a great opportunity to show their creativity and extra ordinary thought.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Bull City International Film Festival Competition

30 Sep 2018

Published: 29 Sep 2018
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Bull City International Film Festival Competition

Bull City International Film Festival Competition

Durham, United States

The Bull City International Film Festival is open internationally to all filmmakers and screenwriters who understand that film is much more than expensive equipment and sets with impractical budgets.

We are seeking films and scripts with character driven plots. Insightful stories relying on human expression more than special effects.

Films from all over the globe!
Shared in Durham, NC!
See you there!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror  Other