Logo of CINEMA24 - III Cordoba Film Week

15 Oct 2024

Published: 16 Jul 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of CINEMA24 - III Cordoba Film Week

Banner Cinema24 - III Semana Del Cine De Córdoba

CINEMA24 - III Cordoba Film Week

Córdoba, Spain

CINEMA24 - Córdoba Film Week aims to bring together a wide and varied selection of cinema that is produced from Andalusia, with special attention to the most innovative proposals and emerging filmmakers, having the cordovan capital as a meeting point in order to position itself as the cinematographic event of reference in the cultural agenda of the city and become a meeting point for the state cinematographic sector.

The 3rd Edition of CINEMA24 will take place from November 29 to December 5, 2024.


Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Bucharest Short Film Festival

29 Jan 2025

Published: 16 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Bucharest Short Film Festival

Bucharest Short Film Festival

Bucharest, Romania

Bucharest Short Film Festival [BSFF]

Independent is the key word for Bucharest Short Film Festival [BSFF], as it is founded by independent film professionals and focuses on independent artists in cinema, from all over the world. Bucharest Short Film Festival aims at recognizing, showcasing and spreading-out the most professional, most innovative, and most interesting fresh short international films, while always prioritizing independent short films.

Bucharest Short Film Festival will showcase some of the finest short international film in Narrative, Animation, Student, Experimental, Documentary, Music Video and Human Rights. We take to heart the amount of work put into each film. Therefore, the festival rules ensure that each movie is reviewed at least two times and well-debated by our team. Some of the awarded films will also be screened at other international film festivals.

Independent artists and their short films will meet an effervescent, and a quite experienced with cinema and film festivals audience, ensuring quality networking, and engaging opportunities, while the selected films will be determined by a panel of industry experts.

Bucharest Short Film Festival is building a strong community of interest around international independent film professionals and film lovers, in the heart of one of the most interesting emergent capitals of arts and culture, a city that never sleeps – Bucharest.

The festival will run film screenings, preceded or followed by artists Q&A, or networking side events, and, surely, parties, that all take place in various conventional and unconventional stages around Bucharest, as in cinemas, open spaces, and even summer theatres. Bucharest, you’ve heard about it, eventually – a city for young people. Well known for different things – like “Old Paris” nickname, in its bourgeois times, before the communism decades, or the world’s biggest parliamentary building [and one of the largest buildings of any kind], from its communism times, new architecture, or the explosive contemporary art scene, and the also quite impressive underground arts and music and nightlife communities, in its current times.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Mumbai Entertainment International Film Festival

15 Sep 2024

Published: 16 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Mumbai Entertainment International Film Festival

Mumbai Entertainment International Film Festival

Mumbai, India

film/Documentory/music vedio/Animation/VFX/CGI/2D/3D/other

*Mumbai Entertainment International Short Film Festival*

*Organized BY*
mumbai Entertainment
& Yogeshpatilfilms

*world all contries participated now*

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


30 Sep 2024

Published: 16 Jul 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films



Miguelturra, Spain

The national-regional Festival "Corto Cortismo" of Miguelturra (Ciudad Real), aims to promote short films as a means of audiovisual expression, contributing to their recognition, dissemination and appreciation as an essential means of transmitting culture. Considering it at all times CINEMA with capital letters and taking this format as a fundamental and essential part of CINEMA, we encourage you all to participate in it, as a platform for the exhibition of good work, which is surely being done by many people who He loves CINEMA as a profession and as one of the means of projection of Culture.

Our Festival presents a double modality of participation: regional and national, this, in turn, divided into the section of adult fiction short films, and the modality of children-family animation short films.

The regional modality will host all those works that come to us from people or teams that, in some way, have links with the region of Castilla-La Mancha and have been carried out in the last year.

For its part, the national modality will exhibit those works that are presented and that have been made in the last two years and have not been presented in previous editions of this Festival.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Apatzingan International Film Festival

15 Sep 2024

Published: 16 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Apatzingán Festival Internacional de Cine

Apatzingan International Film Festival

Apatzingán, Mexico

The Apatzingán International Film Festival invites Mexican and foreign filmmakers to register their cinematographic work for its fourth edition that will take place from February 20 to 23, 2025 in the city of Apatzingán in Michoacán, Mexico; in its different categories of official competition:

fiction feature film
Any national or foreign fiction production with a free theme, whose final production is from october 2023 to 2025, with a duration of more than 90 minutes, may be registered. These productions may be taken into account even if they have been premiered, participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.

fiction short film
Any national or foreign fiction production with a free theme, whose final production is from october 2023 to 2025, with a duration of one to 31 minutes, may be registered. These productions may be taken into account, even if they have been premiered or participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.

documentary feature
Any national or foreign documentary production with a free theme, whose final production is from october 2023 to 2025 with a duration greater than ninety minutes, may be registered. Said productions may be taken into account even if they have been premiered or participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.

documentary short film
Any national or foreign documentary production with a free theme may be registered, whose final finished production is from october 2023 to 2025, with a duration of one to 31 minutes. Said productions may be taken into account even if they have been premiered or participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.

children's short film
Any national or foreign production of free-themed fiction whose audience is aimed at children, where the final production is from october 2023 to 2025, with a duration of one to forty minutes, may be registered. These productions may be taken into account, even if they have been premiered or participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of The Arctic International Film Festival ’Golden Raven’

20 Dec 2024

Published: 16 Jul 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of The Arctic International Film Festival ’Golden Raven’

Banner Арктический международный кинофестиваль ’Золотой ворон’ - Arctic International Film Festival ’Golden Raven’

The Arctic International Film Festival ’Golden Raven’

Anadyr, Russia

The Arctic International Film Festival "Golden Raven" is being held annually on the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Region and is the professional competitive screening of cinematic works from around the world. The dates of the festival are agreed annually.

The 9th Arctic International Film Festival "Golden Raven" will take place from April 07 to April 20,2025.

The festival sets its goals and objectives as following:

• search and promotion of the best modern films related to the Arctic and reflecting various aspects of life in this region;

• attracting the attention of the public and professional community to the topics relevant to the Arctic including ecology, interethnic relations, the continuity of generations, the preservation of traditions and culture, etc.;

• creation of a communication channel and strengthening of cooperation between Russia and the world community through the territories and cultural space of the Far North of the Russian Federation;

• popularization of event and ecological tourism on the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Region;

• creation and development of a comfortable environment for residents of the Chukotka Autonomous Region;

• development of the film production infrastructure, as well as promotion of the Chukotka Autonomous Region as an attractive and comfortable location for filmmaking;

• search and support of young talented filmmakers creating films in the Arctic region;

• preservation and popularization of the cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East.

The Festival is being held by the Youth Initiative Production Center, by the Committee for Culture, Sport and Tourism of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, by the Center of Development and Support of Cultural Projects "Golden Raven" and is supported by Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives, the Government of the Chukotka Autonomous Region, the Russian Filmmakers’ Union, AU CHAO Okrkinovideoprokat.

The Festival is composed of the following competition sections:

• international competitive selection of full-length feature and documentary films;

• international competitive selection of short feature films;

• international competitive selection of short documentary films;

• international competitive selection of short animation films;

• regional competitive selection "FilmRising!".

Out-of-competition program of the Festival includes:

• full-length and short films;

• animated films;

• other media content at the discretion of the Organizing Committee of the Festival.

The Festival "Golden Raven" is distinguished by the fact that the winners in the main category (The Grand Prix) are chosen not by a jury of experts, but by the viewers, who take part in preferential voting.

The Festival's expert jury includes professional filmmakers from Russia and abroad, and it chooses the winners in the other categories.

Submissions to the Festival will be accepted to December 20, 2024.

Russian submissions are entered online at the Festival’s official web site http://goldenravenfilmfest.ru/ and it is obligatory to send all the materials to section https://goldenravenfilmfest.ru/zayavka.
Foreign submissions are entered for Selection committee via one of online-platforms including Festhome (https://festhome.com/festival/the-golden-raven-international-arctic-film-festival).

The submission to the competitive sections is free.

The Selection Committee of the Festival will make its final decisions no later than on March 15, 2025.

The Festival’s Artistic Director is Philipp Abryutin.

The Lead Festival’s Producer is Oksana Lakhno.

The Program Director is Alexander Solomonov.

Contact information of the Organizing Committee:
Web: www.goldenravenfilmfest.ru
E-mail: goldenravenfilmfest@yandex.ru
ANO Center for Development and Support of Cultural Projects "Golden Raven"
123056 Russian Federation, Moscow,
Vassilievskaya str., 13, building 1, office 9
Tel.: +7(499)250-89-55

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Miami short Film Festival

31 Aug 2025

Published: 16 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Miami short Film Festival

Miami short Film Festival

Miami , United States

La misión del MiamisFF es construir puentes de dialogo e intercambio cultural entre los realizadores cinematográficos y la audiencia a través de experiencias cinematográficas en corto que promuevan una visión enfocada en las buenas causas haciendo uso de formas estéticamente innovadoras. Estamos comprometidos con la búsqueda de nuevos talentos que puedas hacer una diferencia con su arte.

Podemos ofrecerles un espacio dedicado para presentar su talento a una nueva audiencia, representantes de la industria cinematográfica y distintas organizaciones.

Estamos ubicados en la ciudad de Miami, Florida y el festival proyecta cortometrajes de 30 minutos o menos y apoya el creciente movimiento para exhibir y expandir el arte cinematográfico en formato corto proporcionando un espacio para construir una comunidad comprometida con las artes, ya que nuestra filosofía consiste en concebir al cortometraje como verdaderas obras de arte que me merecen su propio espacio de exhibición.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Sabadell Film Festival

31 Dec 2024

Published: 16 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cinema de Terror de Sabadell

Sabadell Film Festival

Sabadell, Spain

The Festival de Cinema de Terror de Sabadell, celebrates the Sixth Edition of our Fiction Short Film Competition.

They have space for all the short films of Terror, Gore, Thriller, Fantastic, Science-Fiction, Dark Humor or Freak, in all their meanings and variants.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Almería International Film Festival

16 Aug 2024

Published: 13 Jul 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Almería International Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Almería

Almería International Film Festival

Almería, Spain

The 23th Almería International Film Festival will be held in Almería (Spain), in order to promote the province of Almeria through the strengthening the historical links of the province with the audiovisual industry and culture, from Friday 15th November to Sunday 24st November 2024. The Festival is organized by Almería Provincial Council.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Cine-Beirut

01 May 2025

Published: 12 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Ciné-Beyrouth


Paris, France

The Ciné-Beyrouth Festival is an annual festival dedicated to Oriental cinema and Lebanese international society.

The Ciné-Beyrouth Film Festival aims at challenging filmmakers through short films fiction and documentary.

Follow us and make sure you don’t miss a thing

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of Gardunha Fest. 2024

25 Jul 2024

Published: 12 Jul 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Gardunha Fest. 2024

Gardunha Fest. 2024

Fundão, Portugal

Organized by Histérico- Associação de Artes (Histérico - Arts Association).

This event has the Gardunha Mountain has the main reason.

The theme is the ‘Paranormal’. This must be explicit on films at contest.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Torino Underground Cinefest

21 Jul 2024

Published: 12 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Torino Underground Cinefest

Torino Underground Cinefest

Turin, Italy

► imdb official list

Turin Underground Distribution is born.

For its 12th edition, the festival event will last 12 days, allowing more time for in-depth discussions with the authors. TUC12 will take place in a very important location for the Turin "Cinema" universe, located in the heart of the city, at the wonderful Cinema Baretti.

The 12th Torino Underground Cinefest, taking place from September 26th to October 7th, will continue this year's partnership with Sooner.de, aiming to increase the distribution of independent films it receives each year.

Films selected at Torino Underground 2025 will automatically be considered for potential distribution through Sooner. Torino Underground Distribution is an opportunity for directors to take their work to the next level. It's the real chance to distribute your film on Sooner.de and consequently on Amazon Germany and Amazon UK. In recent years, many of the films selected at TUC have been distributed by the German company with whom we have strengthened our partnership. This includes, for example, the Danish film "Needle boy" by Alexander Bak Sagmo, the Iranian "Numb" by director Amir Toodehroosta, "The Exam" by Iraqi director Shawkat Amin Korki, "SOMEHOW" by the German collective Aki T. Weisshaus, and many others.

Sooner.de features the best of independent cinema from: Achtung Berlin, DOK Leipzig, Diagonale, FILMFESTIVAL MAX OPHÜLS PREIS, MEC film, RAPID EYES MOVIES, SWISS films, Kinoherz, Film Academy Baden-Württemberg, Märchenfilme, alles Kino, and more...

Cash prizes will be awarded for Best Feature Film, Best Short Film, and Best Documentary. In addition, special awards will be presented for Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, and Best Sound Design. An Audience Award and mentions from our media partners are also planned.

The festival is supported by media partnerships and cultural organizations from the region.


“It is obvious that art cannot teach anyone anything, since in four thousand years humanity has learnt nothing at all.”
― Andrei Tarkovsky

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental


06 Oct 2024

Published: 12 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Aracnea Film And Book Festival



ARACNEA FILM AND BOOK FESTIVAL is organized by the Cultural Association ARACNEA - APS CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC CENTER, will be held in Castellaneta (Ta), for the length of 3 days, on in the third week of March.

It is an independent festival, entirely dedicated to cinematographies and cultures from all over the world.

The organization of events subsequent to the date of the Festival is foreseen, involving schools and experts in the local sector, all linked by the common thread of audio-visual training for the youngest and by the concrete link with the territory.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Film @ Jesus Short Film and Script-Writing Competition!

07 Sep 2024

Published: 12 Jul 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Film @ Jesus Short Film and Script-Writing Competition!

Film @ Jesus Short Film and Script-Writing Competition!

Cambridge, United Kingdom

Announcing our Summer Term Short Film, and Script Writing Competition!

This time we have multiple categories:

- ‘Open’ allows anything and everything, giving filmmakers the freedom and flexibility to create something unique!

- 'Silent Film' is a category that is open to both filmmakers, and scriptwriters who want to get creative with stage directions! We define a silent film as something that features no dialogue.

- 'Monologue' is a category open to both filmmakers and scriptwriters which emphasizes dialogue! Create a monologue that is 3-5 mins in length, on any topics, scenario or theme that you like!

Filmmakers can submit short films, 3-5 minutes in length, of any style, theme or genre. Scriptwriters should submit a scene, or collection of scenes that is four to five pages long, anonymously to our email account filmatjesus@gmail.com.

Outside of your specific subject, this is a wonderful opportunity to experiment with the film industry. And between the workload of the two terms, to essentially let loose. Get together with some friends – actors, musicians, camera crew – and let your creativity wander!

This competition is open to students at the University of Cambridge, Anglia Ruskin University, CATS Cambridge and alumni. And keep an eye out for regular prompts on our social media pages if you’re looking for inspiration.

As per previous film competition rules, if you are using actors, permission forms must be sent in. Any music must be royalty-free. And the film must only include the title, not the filmmakers name so that the judging is completely fully anonymous. The deadline for submissions is September 7th 2024.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other

Logo of Festival Inclusivo de Cortometrajes Gallo Pedro

31 Oct 2024

Published: 12 Jul 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Inclusivo de Cortometrajes Gallo Pedro

Festival Inclusivo de Cortometrajes Gallo Pedro

Almería, Spain

Por undécimo año consecutivo, la Asociación de Personas con Discapacidad Verdiblanca y el Ayuntamiento de Almería lanzan el Festival Inclusivo de Cortometrajes Gallo Pedro, dedicado a obras audiovisuales creadas en torno a la inclusión de las capacidades o habilidades diferentes, con el objetivo principal de crear conciencia y sensibilizar a la población sobre las personas con diversidad funcional.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of 제4회 대전국제단편영화제_the 4th Daejeon International Short Film Festival

30 Sep 2024

Published: 12 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner 제4회 대전국제단편영화제_the 4th Daejeon International Short Film Festival

제4회 대전국제단편영화제_the 4th Daejeon International Short Film Festival

Daejeon, South Korea

"Where Science Meets Art – Innovation in Short Films Unfolds in Daejeon!"

The Daejeon International Short Film Festival (DISFF) bridges creativity and technological innovation. Experience the limitless possibilities of short films in Korea’s leading science and culture hub!

"Short, Yet Powerful! Stories That Captivate the World Begin in Daejeon."

Fresh storytelling, experimental filmmaking, and a glimpse into the future of cinema! Join creators from around the world at the Daejeon International Short Film Festival.

"A Vision of the Future – Brought to Life Through Short Films in Daejeon!"

In a city where science and art coexist, discover groundbreaking films that push the boundaries of storytelling. Meet the next generation of filmmakers at DISFF!

Daejeon is the science city of South Korea. The Daedeok Science Research Complex, which conducts cutting-edge science research, has been established, and the city hosted the Daejeon Expo in 1993. The Daejeon International Short Film Festival will begin in 2022 and will be held for the 4st time this year. This film festival discovers and introduces excellent works produced at home and abroad and will introduce a variety of works and directors. The submission contest has six sections.

Section 1. AI*SF Short Film Contest
It is intended for short films of 30 minutes or less. We look forward to movies that talk about artificial intelligence, are made with artificial intelligence, and other science fiction movies.

Section 2. Short film contest
The target audience is short films of 30 minutes or less on all topics other than AI or science fiction.

Section 3. Short form contest
This applies to videos under 3 minutes. It is okay to upload it to YouTube, and vertical videos are also available. A video that anyone can enjoy is sufficient. Don't miss the opportunity to have your video shown in a big movie theater!

Section 4. Animation Contest
This is for animations under 30 minutes. We await an animated movie created with infinite imagination.

Section 5. Youth Film Contest
It is intended for student films under the age of 20 and must have a running time of 30 minutes or less.

Section 6. Pet video contest
We are waiting for videos of less than 30 minutes on the subject of animals such as cats and dogs.

대전은 대한민국의 과학도시입니다. 첨단과학을 연구하는 대덕과학연구단지가 조성되어 있으며 1993년에는 대전엑스포를 개최한 도시입니다. 대전국제단편영화제는 2022년 시작되어 올해 제4회 영화제로 개최됩니다. 국내외에서 제작된 우수한 작품을 발굴, 소개하는 영화제로 다양한 작품 및 감독을 소개할 것입니다. 출품공모는 6개의 섹션이 있습니다.

섹션1.AI*SF 단편영화 공모
30분 이하의 단편영화를 대상으로 합니다. 인공지능을 이야기하거나 인공지능으로 만들어진 영화, 그 밖의 SF영화를 기다립니다.

섹션2.단편영화 공모
AI, SF가 아닌 다른 모든 주제의 30분 이하 단편영화를 대상으로 합니다.

섹션3.숏폼 공모
3분 이내의 영상을 대상으로 합니다. 유튜브에 올려져 있어도 무방하며 세로 영상도 가능합니다. 누구나 즐겁게 감상할 수 있는 영상이면 충분합니다. 당신의 영상이 커다란 영화관에서 상영할 수 있는 기회를 놓치지 마세요!

섹션4.애니메이션 공모
30분 이내의 애니메이션을 대상으로 합니다. 무한한 상상력으로 만들어진 애니메이션 영화를 기다립니다.

섹션5.학생영화 공모
20세 미만의 학생영화를 대상으로 하며 러닝타임이 30분 이내만 가능합니다.

섹션6.반려동물영상 공모
반려묘, 반려견 등 동물을 주제로 하는 30분 이내의 영상을 기다립니다.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Logo of Horrorcon Spain

31 Aug 2024

Published: 12 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Horrorcon Spain

Horrorcon Spain

Madrid, Spain

The International Short Film Competition will be held for two days within the framework of Horrorcon Spain. This contest seeks to highlight the best works of the genre and provide a platform to emerging and established filmmakers.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Fiaticorti Film Festival

30 Apr 2025

Published: 11 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Fiaticorti Film Festival

Fiaticorti Film Festival

Istrana, Italy

Fiaticorti was born in 2000 from the idea of some members of Istrana’s “Youth Project”.

The event name was selected for two reasons: firstly, 'shortness of breath' (fiato corto) is the effect of physical effort of short duration (the same duration of short movies). Moreover, a film that can last up to 20 minutes is able to convey strong emotions to the viewer, leaving her or him 'out of breath'.

Initially, fiaticorti was condensed into a single evening, namely an awards night. However, from the 4th edition on, the format has been enhanced, and the festival develops over four stages, during which the best works are presented.

In 2006 the section FiatiVeneti was introduced, to reward short film-makers from the Veneto region.

2011 represented fiaticorti’s turning point. Not only did longtime artistic director Gianni Billio pass the baton to Bartolo Ayroldi Sagarriga (the new artistic director), Andrea Grespan and Simone Perotto, but the quality of the films in competition increased dramatically, together with the number of foreign participants, mainly from France, Great Britain, Romania and Spain. fiaticorti increasingly became an international event.

But the identity of the festival, connected to the Italian film club culture of the Seventies, has always remained the same. Its goal is that of transmitting culture and passion for short films. That’s why the artistic direction has chosen not to accompany the festival with events of other kinds.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Engativá International Film Festival

15 Feb 2025

Published: 11 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Engativá

Engativá International Film Festival

Bogotá D.C., Colombia

Engativá is the third most populous locality in Bogotá; however, it is one of the least developed in terms of culture and cinema. There is talk of the cultural movements in Bosa, Kennedy, Ciudad Bolívar, and Suba, but Engativá is not mentioned. We are organizing this event to put the locality on the national and international map, with a large-scale event and outstanding films from around the world. Join us in making Engativá the epicenter of cinema in Bogotá and turning the Engativá International Film Festival into one of the country's most important film events.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Barcelona Queer Film Festival

01 Oct 2024

Published: 11 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Barcelona Queer Film Festival

Barcelona Queer Film Festival

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona Queer Film Festival is a Queer Film Festival (LGTBIQ+) that begins its first edition in Barcelona, ​​Spain. There will also be activities related to Queer literature the days before the festival.

The festival screenings will take place on November 29 and 30 and December 1, 2024 at the Cinema Maldà in Barcelona.



International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Music Video