Logo of Daroca & Prisión Film Fest

31 May 2017

Published: 18 Jan 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Daroca & Prisión Film Fest - Festival de Cine de Daroca

Daroca & Prisión Film Fest

Daroca, Spain

Daroca&Prisión Film Fest
Festival Internacional Cine de Daroca

This is the only online Film Festival in the world in which the prisoners belonging to the Film Workshop of the Daroca Penitentiary Center (Spain) have an intense and active participation:

Viewing, pre-selecting and deciding the Awards (along with a Jury of professionals of the sector);

Participating in the filming of a comedy sketch alongside an honored star, as well as in all the previous phases – such as the script, planning, acting, lighting, sound and production – and in its post-production;

And in the preparation and conduct of interviews with the aforementioned honored star and other illustrious visitors to the prison.

A job lasting several months that has a very positive impact on their social reintegration.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of View Award Contest 2025

17 Sep 2017

Published: 18 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner View Award Contest 2025

View Award Contest 2025

Turin, Italy

#VIEWCONFERENCE is the premiere International event in Italy on Computer Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Digital Cinema, Animation, VR/AR, Games, VFX and immersive storytelling.

VIEW CONFERENCE è un evento internazionale a cadenza annuale incentrato sulla computer grafica, le tecniche interattive, il cinema digitale, l’animazione, i videogiochi, gli effetti visivi, Realta' Virtuale e aumentata e storytelling immersivo.

1) VIEW AWARD: First Prize is 2000 Euros

2) ITALIANMIX: First Prize is a Wacom Tablet


Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/viewconference

YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UChGdAnZQE6UcH_OQ5DNFW_Q

Twitter: @viewconference.it

Instagram: view_conference

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Avanca 2025

30 Apr 2017

Published: 18 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Avanca 2025

Avanca 2025

Avanca, Portugal

AVANCA Film Festival was awarded first place in 2011 contest of the support film festivals sponsored by ICA / Ministry of Culture.

An additional thematic programming has happened over all these years, giving space to screening of significant works of contemporary cinema appropriately framed in concerns and / or well-defined objectives.

The AVANCA is known as a space for workshops led by personalities of world cinema, and being more than a "master class", has allowed a unique cinema practice. Every year we have workshops, bringing together participants from all over Europe. The media have written that this is the largest European area of professional workshops in the field of cinema.

AVANCA is the only festival that congregates a Cinema International Competition, works from the television area, video and new supports of multimedia, with a special concern of exhibit the best world productions done in each category.

Since the first edition, the festival only accepts unprecedented films in Portugal.

The World Premiere competition is unique in our country and was only possible because Avanca became a passage point of unpublished authors and movies with great quality. Films that have their world premiere in the festival, independently of the submitted category, are also participating in the World Premiere Competition.

AVANCA is the Portuguese festival with the highest percentage of worldwide unpublished movies that find here their first showing.

Since 2010, we have organized the international film conference AVANCA | CINEMA, becoming the most important conference in the field of cinema in the Iberian Peninsula. This conference brings together speakers and participants from around the world.
Thematic exhibitions, editions of books, bibliographic presentations and various projects have marked these last 10 years of AVANCA with the quality that compels the festival and the participants obviously require.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Wheels and Fins International Film Festival

21 Jul 2017

Published: 17 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Wheels and Fins International Film Festival

Wheels and Fins International Film Festival

Broadstairs, United Kingdom

2017 sees the first year of the Wheels and Fins International Film Festival - an event attached to The Wheels and Fins Festival (in Joss Bay, Kent) which is running for its fifth year. A festival that showcases all things great about the coastal lifestyle - surfing, skate, BMX, craft beers and music. In 2017 we are launching the first ever Wheels and Fins International Film Festival powered by Bou Mou Productions, an opportunity for us to celebrate the very same things on film.

We are screening all of our Official Selections at the wonderful independent Palace Cinema in Broadstairs, Kent (UK) where there will also be presentations from key people in the sports cinema world and a chance for the winner to screen to 5,000 daily festival-goers over three days at the main Wheels and Fins event in September.

We are looking for exciting, beautiful and authentic films that showcase the things we love - the sea, beaches, cliffs etc... you get the idea!

Our judging panel will be led by Raindance Winner Marc Price.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other

Logo of Ploiesti International Film Festival

28 Feb 2017

Published: 17 Jan 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Ploiesti International Film Festival

Ploiesti International Film Festival

Blejoi, Romania

Ploiesti International Film Festival is an independent festival which celebrates genre short films and its official competition consists of the latest Horror, Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Thriller International and Romanian short film productions.

Besides special screenings and masterclasses, 5 non-competitive sections spice up our programme: Dark Comedy, Lovestory Special, War Zone, Destination Unknown and Genre Animation.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Lugo Film Week

22 May 2017

Published: 17 Jan 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Semana de Cine de Lugo

Lugo Film Week

Lugo, Spain

47th Lugo Film Week (Spain). Celebrated from September 22 to 27, 2025 (SECILUGO 47).

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Sant Joan D`Alacant Film Festival

31 Mar 2017

Published: 17 Jan 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Sant Joan D`Alacant Film Festival

Banner Festival De Cine Sant Joan D`alacant

Sant Joan D`Alacant Film Festival

Sant Joan d’Alacant, Spain



Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Cinetekton! International Architecture And Film Festival

08 May 2017

Published: 17 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Feature films

Banner Cinetekton. Festival Internacional De Cine Y Arquitectura

Cinetekton! International Architecture And Film Festival

Puebla, Mexico

International Festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Requena and Action Short Film Festival

01 Mar 2017

Published: 17 Jan 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de cortometrajes Requena y... ¡Acción!

Requena and Action Short Film Festival

Requena, Spain


Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of International Short Film Festival Psarokokalo

20 Apr 2017

Published: 17 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner  Psarokokalo Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Ταινιών Μικρού Μήκους

International Short Film Festival Psarokokalo

Pireaus, Greece

The International Short Film Festival Psarokokalo is an annual festival held in Greece since 2007. The festival aims to provide a showcase for the work of new filmmakers from around the world and to promote the diversity and richness of the short film. The festival is part of a project aiming to research, promote and develop the art of filmmaking. The festival program includes screenings of short films from Greece and abroad as well as audiovisual events, lectures, masterclasses, exhibitions, and live concerts. The quality of its screenings, lectures, exhibitions have managed to make it a reference point for cinephiles, filmmakers, professionals, and new artists. Each year the activities of the festival expanded, receiving more participation from different countries and getting bigger support from filmmakers and professionals. The festival aims to travel across borders to develop a spirit of friendship and cooperation with international festivals and filmmakers from all over the world. Psarokokalo International Short Film Festival is run by Kyklos a nonprofit organization based in Athens whose purpose is to promote actions relating to cinema and public awareness of environmental issues. ‘Kyklos’ in Greek means cycle and the vision of the cycle is the respect for fundamental rights including freedom equal opportunities and cultural diversity

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Creativa Fest & Summit

19 Mar 2017

Published: 16 Jan 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Creativa Fest & Summit

Creativa Fest & Summit

Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico

Founded in 2012, Creativa Fest aims to broaden our Mexico's growing passion for the art of animation. This competition will reward the best international productions in the fields of digital art and animation.

We firmly believe that recognizing and rewarding artistic productions can be a big motivation for the creative community and will serve as a great incentive so that content of better quality can be produced.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of 12th Pink City International Short Film Festival

31 Jul 2017

Published: 16 Jan 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of 12th Pink City International Short Film Festival

Banner 12th Pink City International Short Film Festival

12th Pink City International Short Film Festival

Jaipur, India

We proudly announce 12th edition of PCISFF in September, 2025.


Before submitting your entry/entries please be informed that your film(s) will be screened in various Colleges, schools and Universities of Rajasthan, for free. The audience will watch and rate your film on the spot. On the basis of their ratings, best films will be short listed. These films will then be judged by our jury.
No compensation is admissible for the screening of your film(s). Your film(s) can also be shown on local or national TV channels. No royalty will be paid for such screening.

People expecting any payment for the screening of their films are requested not to send any entry to PCISFF.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of Guanajuato International Film Festival

01 Apr 2017

Published: 16 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Guanajuato International Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine Guanajuato

Guanajuato International Film Festival

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

EVENT DATES. The XXII edition of the Guanajuato International Film Festival will be celebrated from July 19-28, 2019, in the cities of San Miguel de Allende and Guanajuato, Mexico.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental


30 May 2017

Published: 15 Jan 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films


Banner Cartoon Club - Festival Internazionale Del Cinema D’animazione, Fumetto E Games


Rimini, Italy

Cartoon Club – International Festival of Animation Cinema, Comics and Games, now at its 41st edition, is one of the best known festivals on the Italian scene.

It is a remarkable window for animation, short films in particular, including fiction, educational, experimental, and computer graphic works, with a whole section solely dedicated to comics: Riminicomix.

The Festival features SHORT ANIMATED FILMS in various sections:

CARTOON CLUB AWARD, open to short animated films made by professional filmmakers and production companies.

SIGNOR ROSSI AWARD, open to animated films made by secondary school and university students, and by the students of animation film schools.

CARTOON KIDS AWARD, among the titles submitted to either Cartoon Club Award or to Signor Rossi Award, the Festival direction will select, at their own discretion, some short animated films aimed at a children’s audience. An all-children’s jury will select the winner among these films.

INTERNATIONAL PANORAMA, a non-competitive section open to European and non-European animated short films.

CARTOON JUNIOR AWARD, open to short animated films realized within workshops for children, in Italy or abroad.

Furthermore, the festival features:
- exhibitions;
- educational and social projects;
- workshops in local schools;
- one of the most popular and entertaining Cosplay conventions in Italy.
- publication of books and catalogs.
The festival takes place in Rimini in various locations, from downtown to the beach, in the month of July.


International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Bilbao Web Fest

30 Jun 2017

Published: 14 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Bilbao Web Fest

Bilbao Web Fest

Bilbao, Spain

Webseries celebration in Bilbao, Spain with the best panels, international industry judges and over 40 awards, providing a lot of opportunities for filmmakers, including press contact, distribution deals and in-kind prizes. We also have a part which is the Bilbao Web Market, The Bilbao Web Market is the first fair/market which is specifically dedicated to the web series, oriented to professionals that want to make deals during the festival.The activities include a co-production Forum, Case Studies, Project Pitching, One to One meetings, Screenings, Producer’s Round Tables.

And you will absolutely love the party! Celebrate your work, and keep on creating!

it is CRUCIAL to fill in the corresponding form:




You can also submit directly on this same link, via paypal. You will save time and money.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Digital Distribution Film Festival

31 Mar 2017

Published: 14 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Digital Distribution Film Festival

Digital Distribution Film Festival

Miami, United States

The Digital Distribution Film Festival is dedicated to connecting filmmakers with distributors. Winners and runner-ups will win a distribution contract from World Wide Urban Distribution. Any content accepted has the opportunity to receive a distribution contract.

Different distributors will be viewing the content and if they feel as if the content aligns with their buyers then they could offer a distribution contract.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Filmmakers Global Trailer Festival: presented by FilmmakersMagazine

30 Jun 2017

Published: 14 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Filmmakers Global Trailer Festival: presented by FilmmakersMagazine

Filmmakers Global Trailer Festival: presented by FilmmakersMagazine

West Hollywood, United States

Two trailer categories

1: Short Trailer: must be no longer than 90 seconds

2. Long trailer must be 91 seconds and no more than 4.5 minutes.

We will accept the following methods for all trailer submissions. ONLINE ONLY. You may upload your trailer here (if available), or Vimeo.com or Youtube.com and provide us the link. If you have a user name and or password
please provide that too.

The trailer can be based on any creative project including but not limited to film, video, tv sitcom or episodic drama, documentary, etc.

Submit your Movie Trailer, Book Trailer, TV Trailer, or Concept Trailer to

Generate Exposure

Build and Grow a Loyal Fan Base

Pitch, market and secure financial support

The movie trailer, movie teaser, or movie preview may be for any project and used to promote said project at any stage including, but not limited to, conceptual, developmental, pre-production, production, post-production or completed work. It may represent a fictional feature film or video movie, TV Movie or television show, TV series, short film or documentary, book (complete, incomplete, published, or un-published) e-book, multimedia project, educational video, music video, or a web series

Filmmakers, moviemakers, artists, use the movie trailer to generate exposure! Build and grow a loyal fan base! Secure financial support from potential investors or sponsors. Use it as a pitch. Whatever your creative reason is, FilmMakers Global Movie Trailer Festival can be your ally in getting you closer to the dream.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Rosario Latin American Film Festival

09 Jun 2017

Published: 14 Jan 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival de Cine Latinoamericano Rosario

Rosario Latin American Film Festival

Rosario, Argentina

The Secretariat of Culture and Education of the Municipality of Rosario, through Punto Audiovisual, invites you to participate in the 30th edition of the Rosario Latin American Film Festival that will take place from June 5 to 15, 2025, in the city of Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina.

The Festival has four competitive categories:

- Feature Film Competition

- Santa Fe Feature Film Competition

- Short Film Competition

- Rosario Short Film Competition

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Imagine This Women International Film Festival

18 Jul 2017

Published: 14 Jan 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Imagine This Women International Film Festival

Imagine This Women International Film Festival

Brooklyn, United States

Imagine This Women's International Film Festival (ITWIFF) aims to amplify and empower independent and aspiring women and non-binary filmmakers from around the world.

The 8th Annual Imagine This Women's Film Festival will feature fierce, bold, original films by women and non-binary filmmakers and storytellers, Q&As, educational panels, and special events.

Imagine This Women's Film Festival's goal is to support women by sharing their work with the public, promoting equal opportunities for BIPOC women and the LGBTQIA+ community while providing educational and professional development, and serving as a resource information network.

Imagine This Women's Film Festival accepts films from womxn filmmakers and storytellers in leadership positions. At least one woman must fill the role of either a director, producer, screenwriter, cinematographer, editor, leading role and etc.

Imagine This encourages BIPOC women, LGBTQIA+, student filmmakers, and storytellers to submit.

"Imagine This Productions has launched the Women’s International Film Festival with the aim to celebrate and empower independent and aspiring women filmmakers from around the world." - IndieWire

"Celebrate the work of women filmmakers from around the world at the second annual Imagine This Women’s International Film Festival (ITWIFF) in Brooklyn" - AFAR Magazine

"When it comes to film screenings and industry events, there's plenty to get you off the couch this week. From a lesson in copyright licenses to a women's international film festival, read on for the week's top film events to add to your calendar. " - ABC 7

"Recent Hollywood scandals have underscored the importance of supporting women in the film industry, and the second annual Imagine This Women’s International Film Festival is a great place to do so. The films here–which include shorts and features, documentaries and fiction films–are as diverse as the women who made them." - CBS New York

Please note: Imagine This is still planning on holding our annual film festival during our announced dates. We will also continue to follow the guidelines put forth by the public health directives and New York State, which will help to determine whether the festival’s format will be in-theatre or online, or a mixture of both. We will announce any updates via our website.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Hacer Encima

31 Jan 2017

Published: 14 Jan 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Hacer Encima

Hacer Encima


Ya está abierto el plazo de inscripción para participar en el 3ª Almería Creative Commons Film Festival (ccALM) que se celebrará el próximo mes de abril.

La obra deberá tener cualquiera de las licencias Creative Commons.

ccALM contará con dos secciones diferenciadas: sección oficial y muestra paralela. Entre las obras presentadas se premiarán las más destacadas dentro de los ámbitos local, nacional e internacional. Más información en: http://ccalm.es/

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental