30 Nov 2023

Published: 19 Jun 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Terror de Valparaíso


Valparaíso, Chile

The International Horror Film Festival of Valparaíso convokes professional filmmakers and aficionados of short films, featurettes, and feature films from chile and abroad to participate with their movies, related to the genres of terror, horror, gore, suspense, fantasy, bizarre, and variants.


Foment the production of independent films, look for novel and diverse content, and being a place for reflection and spread of independent cinema, with sights to the world from Valparaíso.

Date of the Festival.

The International Horror Film Festival of Valparaíso will be online, on / 13th/14th of December of 2024.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Terror  Experimental

Logo of Montemario Film Festival

30 Nov 2023

Published: 19 Jun 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Montemario Film Festival

Montemario Film Festival

Roma, Italy

The MONTEMARIO SHORT FILM FESTIVAL organised and sponsored by the The non-profit cultural association "CS-COMSPE" and "Arte & Musica d'Italia" is one of the foremost film festivals in Italy encouraging the participation of young and brilliant independent filmmakers of any nationality and affording them the opportunity to screen their films to a diverse audience of filmmakers and film lovers from all over the world.

The festival's mission has always been to enhance, promote and disseminate cinematographic, audiovisual and expressive forms of film reproduction, through Short Films and Video Clips as a form of visual and phonic expression, as an effective art, as a form of social and cultural communication, develop the potential of visual artistic language, respond to the needs of cultural growth of young people in a future environment strongly communicated with the visual arts, be amazed by creative skills, to give creatives, directors and filmmakers the right space for their talent in the greatest possible visibility.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of International documentary film festival | Globale Bogotá 2024

15 Jul 2023

Published: 18 Jun 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Documental | Globale Bogotá 2024

International documentary film festival | Globale Bogotá 2024

Bogotá D.C., Colombia

11th version of the International Documentary Film Festival Globale - Bogotá
The Globale International Documentary Film Festival - Bogotá invites documentary filmmakers and audiovisual producers to submit proposals that revolve around utopias under
construction, that is, human and non-human resistance to live in freedom and autonomy.

About the festival
Globale—Critical and Emancipatory Perspectives is a non-profit and non-competitive festival that exhibits documentaries with political and social themes. It was founded in
Berlin in 2003 and later replicated in Warsaw, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, and Bogota, where it has been held since 2011.
Its objective is to generate scenarios of denunciation, dialogue, awareness, and analysis of reality based on the themes established for each version. Thus, it proposes
transforming established cultural, social, and economic models. For them, we resort to the documentary without a hierarchy of formats, media, qualities, or academic or
industrial validations.

About this version
In this version of the festival, we want to focus on utopias that inspire us to continue resisting the capitalist system of exploitation and domination. Therefore, we are interested
in hopeful audiovisual proposals of living and active struggles and propose the following sub-themes:
Nature in resistance:
Proposals that leave behind the anthropocentric paradigm and focus on different ecologies, organisms, and living systems and their ways of adapting to change through
strategies such as succession, regeneration, retaking, and creating relationships with other forms of life, among others. This theme also includes documentaries that present
other ways in which people relate to their living environment and, in doing so, refuse to participate in the destruction and instrumentalization of life that capitalism promotes.
Collectivities in resistance:
Documentaries that portray the strategies of self-organization, action, cooperation, and creation of networks and communities of collectivities that oppose the various forms of
oppression from places outside the state and its institutions, thereby building paths towards a freer and more supportive world.
Technologies in resistance:
We understand technology as a set of tools, techniques, skills, abilities, knowledge, and processes. From this perspective, we invite documentary proposals that portray
experiences where technology is part of collective or community processes that create autonomy, degrees of freedom, and other/new ways of relating between ecosystems.

EXPANDED INFORMATION: www.globalebogota.wordpress.com / Facebook.com/festivalglobalebogota / globalebogota@gmail.com / @globalebogota

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Rethink Dance Film Festival

13 Oct 2023

Published: 18 Jun 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Rethink Dance Film Festival

Rethink Dance Film Festival

La Crosse , United States

The Rethink Dance Film Festival is entering Season 6 this fall! This festival showcases artists in front of and behind the camera working to challenge the traditional structures of choreographic storytelling and artistic expression.

Through art, the work of choreographers, dancers and filmmakers should inspire our communities to discover our shared humanity.

​Films submitted to the festival should reflect the beauty and synchronicity between the choreography of dance with the choreography of cinematography.

Narrative films of any length are eligible, as well as documentary films that capture stories from and around the world of dance.

Categories for 2023:
- Narrative Short Film
- Narrative Fiction Feature
- Documentary Short Film
- Documentary Feature Film
- Animation / Experimental Film
- Ballet Short Film
- Student Choreographers & Filmmakers
- Youth Choreographers & Filmmakers (Ages 13-19)
- Mobile Dance Films
- Youth Dance Films (Ages 13-19)
- Dance Music Video
- Photography Contest

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Reels international flim festival

17 Jan 2024

Published: 17 Jun 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Reels international flim festival

Reels international flim festival


Film Education and Welfare Foundation Aurangabad Present, 4th Year,
Reels International Film Festival uses media platform as a tool to connect audiences across cities, countries, and continents. With simultaneous screenings (OFFLINE FESTIVALS) and live Q&A’s, audiences are given the chance to experience a film festival from miles away. From the peak of Everest to the penguins of Antarctica, #RIFF brings the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres together. Because the love for cinema stretches beyond borders.
#RIFF2021 established from pride of India, Aurangabad, Maharashtra. City of ancient 68th century Mughal Empires now beat with #DigitalIndia in 2024 providing wide platform for students to professionals - preview their films on International Stage to prove themselves.
We conduct our Film festival from 17 April 2024 - 23 March 2025 every season with grand arrangements with respected jury board from different continent to judge your films and make Q&A session. Take a step and drop your films on our platform and make your self best.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Certamen de Cortos de la Provincia de Sevilla

07 Nov 2023

Published: 17 Jun 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Certamen de Cortos de la Provincia de Sevilla

Certamen de Cortos de la Provincia de Sevilla

Sevilla, Spain

Only for Spanish Filmmakers.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Film and video art for a new non-violent culture of peace

05 Aug 2023

Published: 17 Jun 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Међународни фестивал филмске и видео уметности за нову ненасилну културу мира

Међународни фестивал филмске и видео уметности за нову ненасилну културу мира

Novi Sad, Serbia

Every artist bears his own responsibility for the state of reduced and diminished power of art in the modern world. We need to find new models of creation and a new peace-making and myth-making language and code of the new art of a non-violent culture of peace.

With his film, the artist can convey emotional impulses so that the viewer's soul, under the influence of the film, feels peace, harmony, happiness or restlessness, disorder and unhappiness of the artist as his own emotions.
Therefore, the film has the role of a psychagogue, i.e. the guide of the soul, that is, the great power for freeing or enslaving the soul of the viewer. That's why the artist should and must be aware of his artistic actions and work, i.e. responsible for the feelings they evoke in viewers.

Can the language of film and video art, to begin with, bring closer and connect cultures and peoples (their ideas and symbols) that are in conflict and conflict so that they can better recognize and recognize each other's right to different meaning of styles of living, creating and existing ? Can film and video art, artists and their works build a bridge between opposing fundamentalist and radical political, economic, philosophical and religious ideologies and dogmas and thus reduce extreme hatreds and radical conflicts?

Film and video art for a new non-violent culture of peace is such an art that has the power to overcome tensions between religions, languages, peoples and cultures. It is an art that, with its stylistic and montage matrices of forms and symbols that communicate or convey ideas and emotions, restores faith in the common genetic pool of all humanity that no longer wants to deal with itself alone, i.e. to support unnatural programs and agendas that lead to new divisions, conflicts and "voluntary", read violent, domination of one over another, elimination of "different", read disobedient, war of all against all and self-destruction.

Every responsible film and video artist should try to design and realize in his works of art a beneficial intersection and permeation of the opposing forces of reality and utopia, limitations and freedom, subjective and objective, material and spiritual. It is necessary to create a new ascetic film and video art of a non-violent culture of peace that can become the common heritage of people today, if we want to preserve and guarantee the sustainable development of the diversity of the differences of the specifics of humanity tomorrow.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of KINO Athens, International Independent Film Festival of Athens

31 Jan 2024

Published: 17 Jun 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner KINO Athens, International Independent Film Festival of Athens

KINO Athens, International Independent Film Festival of Athens

Athens, Greece

>> IFFA | INDEPENDENT FILM FESTIVAL OF ATHENS, a yearly event taking place in March.
1 - 10 | 3 | 2024

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Penco Lirquén Film Festival

31 Aug 2023

Published: 17 Jun 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cine Penco Lirquén

Penco Lirquén Film Festival

Penco, Chile

Penco-Lirquén Film Festival understands film as a social phenomenon in constant transformation, which addresses interests and problems of society to link the public with the audiovisual pieces, thus opening instances of reflection and dialogue around the creative work between spectator and filmmaker.

This is why the event, in its fourth edition, aims to turn the town of Penco into a meeting and training point for filmmakers and the community in general, through the exhibition, dissemination and recognition of short films made in university contexts by students of audiovisual careers, as well as professionals in the area, from all over Latin America, including Chile and the Biobío region.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Festival de Cine x la Justicia Social

01 Oct 2023

Published: 17 Jun 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival de Cine x la Justicia Social

Festival de Cine x la Justicia Social

Lincoln, Argentina

Vision and objectives of the festival:

A) Raise awareness: The festival aims to raise awareness about various issues related to social justice, such as inequality, discrimination, human rights, sustainability, among others. Through the films and activities, it seeks to inform and educate the public on these important issues.

B) Promote dialogue and reflection: The festival seeks to create a space for constructive dialogue and critical reflection. Through panel discussions, talks with filmmakers and chat rooms, the exchange of ideas is encouraged and attendees are invited to reflect on the themes presented in the films.

C) Inspire and motivate to action: The festival aims to inspire attendees to take concrete action in pursuit of social justice. Through the stories presented in the films, the aim is to generate empathy, motivation and mobilization towards positive social change.

D) Promote diversity and inclusion: The festival seeks to highlight and celebrate diversity in all its forms, including cultural, ethnic, gender and sexual orientation diversity. It seeks to promote inclusion and equality, providing a platform for diverse voices to be heard and represented.

E) Support Committed Filmmakers: The festival seeks to support filmmakers who address social justice issues in their work, giving them a platform to showcase their films and broaden their reach. It seeks to promote film production committed to social transformation.

F) Generate impact in the local community: The festival seeks to generate a positive impact in the local community, involving local organizations, community leaders and spectators in the activities and in discussions about social justice. It seeks to create greater awareness and sensitivity in the community about these problems.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of International Horror Film Festival Aurora

02 Oct 2023

Published: 17 Jun 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Horror Aurora

International Horror Film Festival Aurora

Guanajuato, Mexico

International horror film festival based in the city of Guanajuato, Mexico. All festival activities are nonprofit.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Maipú International Film Festival | FICMAI

30 Aug 2023

Published: 17 Jun 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Maipú | FICMAI

Maipú International Film Festival | FICMAI

Maipú, Argentina

The Maipú International Film Festival - FICMAI, shall be held from October 2 to 8, 2023, in the city of Maipú, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

FICMAI aims to disseminate high-quality and top-notch technical content, accessible to all kinds of audiences, with a diverse and entertaining programme that allows cultural enrichment, encounter, reflection, and amusement. An annual meeting place for the city and a space for the exhibition of local productions.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


10 Jul 2023

Published: 17 Jun 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films



Barcelona, Spain

QURTS FESTIVAL is a series of independent and queer short films in Barcelona and surrounding areas.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Ànima Jove Fest

15 Sep 2023

Published: 16 Jun 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Ànima Jove

Ànima Jove Fest

Altafulla, Spain

Ànima Jove, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges d'Animació d'Altafulla is an animation film festival, whose main objective is to create a space to disseminate the art of animation in the territory of Tarragona.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Santander International Independent Film Festival (2025) - SANFICI

15 Dec 2023

Published: 16 Jun 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Santander Festival Internacional De Cine Independiente (2025) - SANFICI

Santander International Independent Film Festival (2025) - SANFICI

Bucaramanga, Colombia

SANFICI is a space to generate meetings at different levels, with an overcoming and innovative will. First of all, it is a space for the relationship between spectators, filmmakers and theorists around cinema and all border and heterodox manifestations. Secondly, it is a special and temporary meeting point.

SANFICI wants to become, year after year, the place of convergence for world independent cinema. But it also wants to be the space where the past and the future dialogue. The place where the most diverse film traditions are embraced with their riskiest proposals.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Ural Shorts

31 Aug 2023

Published: 16 Jun 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Ural Shorts

Ural Shorts

Nizhny Tagil, Russia

On the border of Europe and Asia, in the 300-year-old city called the "Russian Manchester" in the middle of the Ural Mountains —
we organize an International Short Film Festival with a quarterly Official Selection and Live Screenings every summer, autumn, winter and spring.

NOW OPEN: Submissions for the Ural Shorts Winter 2025

Our mission is to seek out and unearth fresh talent in the art of filmmaking from across the globe. We aim to showcase and endorse top-tier independent short films, regardless of their origin, production year or budget. Our ultimate goal is to encourage and inspire auteurs everywhere.

Ural Shorts consists of four Seasons and Annual Award Event. Every Season the selection committee watches privately the submitted short films and chooses the Official Selections. All selected films enter the competition for the Season Awards.

Within 10 days after the Official Selection list is published the jury announces the Season Winners. The winning films enter the Screening Program in cinemas and on television for all to see.

All Season winners enter the competition for the Annual Awards in 18 nominations corresponding to the Main and Technical and Performances categories. And receive an invitation to the Annual Award Event.

The Ural Shorts Annual Event takes place in August in the 300-year-old city of Nizhny Tagil, on the border of Europe and Asia, which is called the "Russian Manchester" in the middle of the Ural Mountains. Annual Award Event consists of a cultural and educational program, the annual awards ceremony, screenings, TV interviews, workshops, and other activities.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Zamora film festival

30 Jun 2023

Published: 16 Jun 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival de cine Zamora Enamora

Zamora film festival

zamora, Spain

III Zamora film festival falls in love.
Comedy short films and feature films may be entered.

Short films:
-Comedy fiction or animation
-Special section Zamora falls in love: held in Zamora

Feature films:
-comedy fiction

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of Short Movie Club Film Festival Nefiltravanae Kino

10 Aug 2023

Published: 16 Jun 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Short Movie Club Film Festival Nefiltravanae Kino

Short Movie Club Film Festival Nefiltravanae Kino

Vilnius, Lithuania

The purpose of the festival refers to awareness of both the external filters on the screen, including censorship (commercial, ideological, aesthetic), and the internal filters of screen perception and projection, including self-censorship. NEFILTRAVANAE KINO is an exploration of aestheticization and commodification in art. The next aim of the festival is to expose the complexity, manysidedness, and variety of filmmaking.

NEFILTRAVANAE KINO is a film festival that is held by the Short Movie Club, the platform for cinematic projects. NEFILTRAVANAE KINO is ADAMI Media Prize qualified festival. The International Film Studies Conference is held at the same time as the film festival. In this way, film theory and practice are integrated together at the NEFILTRAVANAE KINO.

Originally the festival was held in Belarus, but because of political repression and publicly stated anti-war stance, screenings and events can be held in different countries. First of all in Lithuania (Vilnius). For example, the 10th Nefiltravanae Kino took place in Berlin, Vilnius and Helsinki last year. There were selected 63 films for 12 film programmes. https://shortmovie.club/programmes/10-2024/

The concept of the NEFILTRAVANAE KINO (Unfiltered Cinema):


We live in a world of malls and cinema multiplexes. We see that indie cinema and non-commodity art go to the periphery of public attention. Primitive attractions replace the cinematography. The escape audience is alienated behind the big screen. So modern mainstream cinema is part of a manipulating tool that leads to the society of alienation. Thus the tendency is that indie cinema becomes more unreadable for the wide audience. We should understand the context of the filmmaker to understand the independent cinema. That is why the NEFILTRAVANAE KINO concept implies the physical presence of filmmakers.

Filmmakers shoot millions of movies. And thousands of short film festivals organize screenings all over the world every year. On average, several thousand films are submitted to a film festival. So various good films can be neglected for whatever reason. Often selecting probability is like winning a lottery. As a result, filmmakers are left with no feedback. It is a paradox that no one can hear you in the age of the Internet! The mainstream culture prefers attractions and casual viewing.

Also, this idea is based on the film selection problem. Perhaps it’s no surprise one person, i.e. programme director at best, or even students of film schools make a preliminary decision to select a movie. Сoncordance of judges or previewers is more seldom thing than the difference of background, tastes. So selection or judging can be one-sided or perfunctory. It is not bad as the programme director has a good taste and aesthetic sensitivity, of course. But we’ve discovered another conception of “unfiltered cinema”. We matched it against “the best of the best” way. This way aids to perceive cinematic idiom without the dictate of art-curators.

So the Unfiltered Cinema Film Festival tries to avoid “the best of the best” way but it does not ignore it completely, sure. The festival selects fiction, animation, documentary, experimental and virtual reality sections. A jury awards the best film in every section. The festival holds the screenings at cinema theatres, the National Centre for Contemporary Arts, and art-spaces.

Our aim is to gather people in art, to have a dialogue to be happy with smart communication. Cinema is art but not sport. The key point of our project is to establish communication between the filmmaker and the audience.

Please, read about the festival history through the link to the festival's website. http://shortmovie.club/history/

The Short Movie Club provides constructing of CinemaVan ( see https://www.behance.net/gallery/33392769/Cinema-van-Mobile-library-Amphibia ).

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Cinalfama Film Observatory

15 Oct 2023

Published: 15 Jun 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Cinalfama Film Observatory

Cinalfama Film Observatory

Lisbon, Portugal

The CINALFAMA FILM OBSERVATORY, held in a historic neighborhood, emerges as a transformative cultural initiative that strengthens the community network. By showing independent films, the project not only widens access to alternative and innovative narratives but also stimulates cultural engagement among residents, fostering a sense of identity and belonging.

This regular event, which takes place at Museu do Fado Auditorium, becomes a meeting point where generations cross paths, sharing experiences and reflections that transcend mere film viewing. In addition, by being located in a neighborhood with a rich historical heritage, the observatory revitalizes the urban space, attracting visitors and enhancing the appreciation of the local heritage, generating a very positive cultural dynamic

The Cinalfama Film Observatory is a regular cinema competition in January, April, and October.

The winning films of each of the three editions (Jan, Apr, Oct), will be showcased in our annual outdoor cinema event, Cinalfama Lisbon International Film Festival, in July 2025.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Gosh! Film Festival - 17th Edition

20 Dec 2023

Published: 14 Jun 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Gosh! Film Festival - 17th Edition

Gosh! Film Festival - 17th Edition

Paris, France


Independent & International Film Festival in Paris, GOSH! is dedicated to international short films screenings. The festival aims to bring to Paris films loved all around the world or brand new talents!

GOSH! loves all genres of independent cinema: short films, documentaries, animations, any language and any genre accepted. All equal for good cinema.

IMDB certified and screening to our usual audience, each edition GOSH! tries to provide a unique experience to the audience.

- IMDB certified awards
- Media partner "Cinéma des Potes" reporting the event
- International jury, lead by wellknown artists such as Pierre-Emmanuel Barré, Vikash Dhorasoo or Laura Satana
- Text interview for winners, on our website
- original certificate for award winners
- Individual feedback for all the movies in competition
- French subtitles by GOSH! (if English SRT file available)
- A damn cool festival!

Each film is seen and rated by a committee of three persons, including Gosh Film Festival organizers: Magali Souart and Fabio Soares.

All the movies are seen by the committee, there is no “pass by” accepted.

Members of the committee can’t be involved in any way, in movies taking part of the official selection.

The jury is composed by professionals from TV & Cinema, the list and CV of GOSH! Jury are available on our website.

The jury takes in Paris and decide about the awards, except the audience award, given by the audience.

GOSH! Film Festival organizers do not take part to the jury and respect their final decisions.

GOSH! Film Festival screening is covered by our media partner "Cinéma des Potes", and several media with special accreditations.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video