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Since 2009 the Knoxville Horror Film Festival is committed in bringing the best (and worst) of genre cinema to Tennessee through our annual film festival and feature screenings throughout the year. The only horror festival in Tennessee, KHFF holds its 3 day fest near Halloween every year.
On top of accepting submissions of short films from around the world, we hold a film making competition called the Grindhouse Grind-Out in which we give teams 6 days and 66 minutes to make a 3 minute Grindhouse trailer.
We're currently planning our 6th annual fest, KHFF 666 and we're looking for the best short films the genre has to offer.
CINETEKTON è un progetto culturale il cui obiettivo principale è la mostra e la promozione del cinema d'autore contemporaneo prodotto a livello locale, nazionale e internazionale.
CINETEKTON si terrà dal 18 al 27 SETTEMBRE 2025 nella città di Puebla e in spazi espositivi alternativi in alcuni stati della Repubblica messicana e invita i registi a registrare le loro opere documentarie
Interessi tematici:
Documentario: City. Pianificazione urbana, patrimonio, architettura, resilienza, gentrificazione, mobilità, identità, ambiente, diritti umani, movimenti sociali, design, arte urbana, città e accessibilità.
Presentism is a philosophy of time that states nothing in the past or future exists. The only reality is the present moment, which is redefined. A moment is no longer like the blade of a knife, gone the instant it is felt. Rather, it is an extended duration of conscious experience. Reality is also redefined. The world is no longer characterized as a set of historic and anticipated facts, as in “once and for all.” The presentist defines reality as a world that relies on constant survey. And when events happen in multiple places simultaneously, they are part of the same reality.
We seek short films and video works (no more than 10 minutes) from filmmakers and artists that explore these ideas. How do we experience the present? What events today constitute a sense of the present? What activities constitute a constant survey of facts and ideas? How is the concept of presentism expanded globally in the era of live data? How does the moving image define a duration of extended consciousness? In what ways might the human condition change if removed from the past and the future? All genres will be accepted including documentary, narrative, animation and experimental.
Film Front moves frontiers: open call for motion graphics exhibition
Film Front, international short film festival, due to be held from 25th to 28th October in the cultural centre of Novi Sad, has decided to include motion graphics exhibition in this year’s festival’s program. Artists can submit their animations, presentations, animated GIFs, animated elements and other pieces that belong to the category of motion graphics.
Even though motion graphics are rather a fine arts category, they are tightly connected to the moving images art. That is why Film Fronts wants to honour these artworks that more than often do not find their way to the film festivals, but whose aesthetic value overcomes their usually determined functional purpose.
ENTRETODOS 17 - È un Festival ad ingresso gratuito dedicato alla mostra e alla premiazione di cortometraggi, della durata massima di 25 minuti, di tutti i generi e formati, che affronta questioni relative ai diritti umani.
Il Festival si svolge a San Paolo. Prodotto da Prefeitura de São Paulo, Spcine e ESTATE Produções.
Squadra del Festival ENTRETODOS.
The Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival celebrates its 9th edition this year. HBRFEST quickly became the main festival dedicated to promoting independent Brazilian cinema in the United States. It is the only festival in the world capital of cinema that supports the exchange between the best in independent Brazilian production and Hollywood.
In 2017, the Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival will present three days, of the most brilliant Brazilian films of the year. Award-winning actors, writers and directors will be in attendance.
In addition to the film screenings, the Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival also promotes panels, workshops and debates.
In 2016, the Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival will present in 3 days, the most important Brazilian films of the year. Award-winning actors, writers and directors will be in attendance.
In addition to the film screenings, the Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival also promotes panels, workshops and debates.
This year's festival takes place at the Ricardo Montalban Theatre in Hollywood, California, and it will award productions in the following categories: Best Short Film. There will also be special recognition for Award Star Rise and Humanitarian Award.
The Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival is produced by Talize Sayegh, which also has been cooperated with major festivals like the Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival (Laliff) and the Rio Festival.
The deadline for applications is October 1st 2017.
Only Argentine citizens or foreigners residing in the Argentine Republic may participate in the competition who comply with the terms and conditions of these regulations.
Da CINESPACIO vogliamo focalizzare questa edizione del festival su quelle opere che si sono concentrate sulle condizioni migratorie e il loro rapporto con le forme audiovisive di produzione. In un mondo in cui i confini sono costantemente costruiti e si disegnano linee immaginarie per violare le identità - oltre che crearle -, è necessario che il settore audiovisivo rifletta sul suo ruolo nelle modalità di attuazione e nei temi rappresentati.
Proponiamo di interpretare il confine come uno spazio in cui nascono e entrano in conflitto identità transnazionali; uno spazio in cui si generano nuove reti e comunità emotive e sono in movimento perpetuo; uno spazio in cui affrontano le sfide del riconoscimento individuale e dell'appartenenza alla comunità. Se il confine è ciò che delimita chi siamo, attraversare le frontiere comporta, allora, la sfida di essere qualcun altro e di saper essere qualcun altro attraverso il riavvicinamento e il contatto, tenendo presente che il contenuto ai confini, toccato dall'esterno, non sarà più lo stesso.
Il Festival Internazionale del Cinema dell'Università Autonoma di Baja California promuove lo scambio di esperienze nel campo della produzione audiovisiva, così come la costruzione di conoscenze intorno al fenomeno cinematografico.
XII EDIZIONE: Riconoscere la nostra ombra
La nostra ombra può essere un vero problema.
È quel lato della nostra umanità che preferiamo tenere nascosto e che ci fa agire in modo discutibile.
Questa ombra è in parte ciò che ci ha portato a causare un terribile impatto sull'ambiente.
Deforestazione, fuoriuscite di petrolio, inquinamento del suolo e dei mari, annientamento di specie, violazione dei diritti degli indigeni e omicidi di difensori dell'ambiente.
Quest'ombra, individuale e collettiva, viene proiettata dalle grandi città sui nostri ecosistemi e sotto la protezione della legalità statale e degli investimenti privati a favore del «progresso e dell'industrializzazione».
In tempi in cui lo squilibrio che abbiamo causato nell'ambiente si ripercuote su di noi come disastri climatici e appropriazione indebita della natura, è necessario che osiamo guardare indietro a quest'ombra.
Abbiamo la responsabilità di comprenderne l'impatto, segnalare chi lo progetta e richiedere normative per difendere le persone colpite.
Dicono che il primo passo per risolvere un problema sia identificarlo e oggi, attraverso il cinema, cerchiamo di riconoscere le nostre azioni, di fermare l'avanzare delle loro conseguenze sul nostro ambiente naturale unico.
Il Bogotà International Documentary Film Festival (MIDBO), organizzato dalla Documentary Filmmakers Guild ALADOS della Colombia, è un evento specializzato nel cinema di saggistica che negli ultimi 24 anni si è consolidato in Colombia e in America Latina come spazio fondamentale per l'esposizione, il dialogo e la riflessione sull'audiovisivo di saggistica.
Per quanto riguarda il 26 MIDBO, vorremmo invitare registi e produttori locali e iberoamericani a presentare le loro opere audiovisive al nostro bando 2024 per film e a partecipare ai vari spazi formativi e di dibattito che si svolgeranno virtualmente e in loco durante tutto il festival.
Quest'anno la 26a edizione di MIDBO si svolgerà dal 29 ottobre al 4 novembre a Bogotá, in Colombia. Nel corso dell'anno, MIDBO proietterà diversi film in diverse regioni del paese e manterrà lo slot MIDBO-ALADOS Tuesday in diverse sale alleate.
Dopo 25 edizioni, MIDBO continua a lavorare per ospitare un evento che promuova la fiducia e la fiducia nella riflessione sul cinema documentario e sui diversi approcci alla rappresentazione della realtà. Il nostro interesse principale sta nell'esplorare la miriade di modi di catturare il mondo. Impegnati a svelare le complessità di una realtà che ci supera, ci impegniamo ogni anno per creare uno spazio ideale per il coinvolgimento collettivo nella realizzazione di documentari.
Nel 2024, restiamo impegnati a promuovere la creatività e a riconoscere gli sforzi dei registi. Quindi, presenteremo due sezioni competitive: una nazionale e l'altra iberoamericana. In queste sezioni, assegneremo premi per il miglior documentario nazionale, che comprende cortometraggi e lungometraggi, e il miglior lungometraggio documentario iberoamericano, incentrato su film di durata superiore a 60 minuti prodotti in Ibero-America. La giuria di ogni concorso sarà annunciata un mese prima dell'evento e sarà composta da tre (3) artisti, registi, scrittori, critici o manager culturali provenienti dalla Colombia e da tutto il mondo.
HEMOGLOZINE è un evento culturale rafforzato a livello nazionale ed internazionale. Un Film Festival che si concentra sui generi con maggiore influenza e seguaci in tutto il mondo, horror, fantascienza e genere fantasy.
In breve, HEMOGLOZINE è costituito da:
-Un concorso internazionale in cui presentare nuove opere di orrore e fantasia.
-Un gran numero di attività parallele con il genere.
A Femme International Film Festival is a premier festival that focuses on platforming women filmmakers “by women, for everyone”. Our Festival was created in 2005, when it became apparent that there was a need to enhance women behind the camera as Directors, Producers, and Writers. We were the first in Los Angeles to host such an event and film festival empowering women. All those that followed are just duplicates of the movement we started over a decade ago.
Through our Partners and Sponsors we have provided one-one-one meetings with our filmmakers or helped secure financing. CBS Entertainment Diversity Department and Sony Entertainment met with a selected group of our filmmakers with the goal to offer potential employment and/or placement as a director or writer under their diversity department. It is through our direct efforts that these opportunities are being secured for our LA Femme Int. Film Festival Filmmakers.
As LA Femme moves into the next few years, it plans to expand its platform so that more women in the industry and from around the world can have the benefit of taking their film to the next level through increased distribution outlets, more key positions in the entertainment industry and more recognition as artistic creators emerging as leaders in the industry.
Our goal is to create more such opportunities through exemplary programming, networking, and panel events. A classic professional atmosphere will create a sense of ‘opportunity’ for participants. LA Femme International Film Festival is “By Women for Everyone.”
To continually showcase and celebrate commercially viable films Written, Directed, or Produced by women.
To opening a pathway for women entering the industry by encouraging mentor-ship and artistic sharing between those women established in the field and those just beginning.
To Platform new emerging talent and support established women in cross-over roles.
To assist in distributing the feature films that are platformed in our festival with domestic theatrical releases and home video distribution.
La Femme International Film Festival will support and nurture the artistic entertainment productions of women for the benefit of distribution to an international and domestic audience.
»Our emphasis is on providing a complete specialized festival based on showcasing and celebrating commercially successful films written, directed, or produced by women and creating a system of access for those new to the industry directly to established women industry professionals.
»To assist in distribution of these films
»To mentor other women into positions of power in the independent and big budget, studio entertainment community.
LA Femme Film Festival is more than a festival it is an emergence of artistic, professional women who make a difference in the entertainment community by creating productions that speak to a world wide audience. We were the first festival of its kind in Beverly Hills to not only platform existing films and artists but also distribute and mentor such films and the woman artists who created them.
Thank you for considering our festival for your film!
We are looking for the best features, shorts, docs and animation we can find to present in San Francisco. For 26 years SF IndieFest has developed a great reputation for eclectic, adventurous programming, getting great press for our films and filling theaters with enthusiastic film fans. Dozens of festivals and distributors have requested and received industry accreditation to view SF IndieFest titles at our festivals over the years.
Top 50 Film Festivals Worth The Entry Fee
25 Coolest Film Festivals in the World
“I’m certainly happy that IndieFest exists, because it is a celebration of films that don’t necessarily get distributed widely,” HITS director David Cross says, “I’m happy to be a part of it with my film, which is very much in the category of a low-budget, little indie movie. I’m glad there’s a place for it.” – SF Chronicle
“Sundance may have sold out, but SF IndieFest keeps it real” – Annie Lo, Flavorpill
“While the Bay Area is flush with festivals, this one remains an under-the-radar standout.” – Randy Myers, San Jose Mercury News
“The San Francisco Independent Film Festival, the Bay Area’s version of Slamdance, provides a showcase for edgy cinematic work — and a great excuse to do some serious partying.” – David Lewis, San Francisco Chronicle
"The movie business is in a perennial state of constant tension between ambition and collaboration, joyful inventiveness and jaw-dropping paydays. This roiling undercurrent, usually invisible to the public, gushes to the surface in the run-up to the Academy Awards ceremony. There is an antidote, however, to Hollywood’s annual backslapathon: SF IndieFest. The San Francisco Independent Film Festival is a beacon to anybody excited by the basic impulse of making movies. In its heart of hearts, IndieFest is a celebration of the minor miracle of finishing a film and getting it up on a screen in front of a live audience." - Michael Fox, KQED
“For many independent filmmakers, festivals such as SF Indiefest—aka the San Francisco Independent Film Festival–are the only way to bring their works before an audience. For filmgoers, SF Indiefest is the place to see original cinematic works created by directors who want to tell edgy stories which come from their hearts and souls. While some have bemoaned the death of cinema, the curators and filmmakers at SF Indiefest are keeping the craft of film alive.” – David Elijah Nahmod, SF SOUNDS
“SF IndieFest is the one festival of the year where you should throw a dart at the program and take a chance. Not because you’re guaranteed a masterpiece, but because it’s the best fest to see something that would never, ever breach your filter otherwise.” -Michael Fox, KQED
Press Coverage for past year's festivals:
"Hey Jeff: Just want to shoot you a quick note of thanks on hosting us at IndieFest and giving us our World Premiere. We had a great time and really enjoyed our time at the fest and in SF; it's a great vibe and the diversity of features and shorts in the program made for a really exciting and energized atmosphere. "- Max Gardner, Go/Don't Go
"Festivals bring unexpected benefits. Festivals are essential for brand creation. Premiering at Tribeca was enough to convince people to at least listen to me, but surprisingly it was the San Francisco Indie Fest that was just as crucial for our theatrical release. Our press from this festival helped convince the Red Vic to book us in April (I thank the amazing S.F. publicist Karen Larsen for convincing me of this in advance). We also incorporated festivals into our broader theatrical release, and while we did not claim them as cities in our 17-city count, they helped give us something to crow about."
"I've got to tell you that Indiefest was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I tell all filmmakers - and festival organizer friends of mine - how you run your fest and how you run each film twice. Every single time people look at me with shocked disbelief. Truly, Bonnie and I loved being a part of the event.
Thanks again for including us. SF Indiefest really made me feel that making YEAR was worth the whole effort.
"We LOVED San Francisco, meeting other filmmakers, seeing their films, participating in your screenplay panel and of course our awesome sold-out screening. You have one of the most engaged, passionate cinephile audiences I’ve ever seen at a film fest — they were incredible." - Warren Sonoda, THINGS I DO FOR MONEY, IndieFest 2020
"You have a great and engaging festival and one that draws on extremely passionate indie film audiences you are rabid for amazing content for which you definitely provide in bunches! You support of us and our film is greatly appreciated and we hope we are privileged To be welcomed back again in the future!" - Avi F.
"Thanks for these amazing photos (kudos on composition, lighting, and hyping up the crowd - what a great gift to filmmakers!). A million thanks to you both for pulling off an amazing event. We love the ethos of SF IndieFest and we're so honored to have participated. Thanks for your dedication to uplifting local filmmakers and for putting our all-female team (and our unexpected and important story) in the spotlight. Looking forward to seeing and working with you both again in the future!!" - Leslie Tai, How To Have An American Baby
"Thank you for a wonderful experience. The festival was a blast, the people so kind, the films inspiring, and great vibes all around. I'll be back to catch more films in the coming days." - Kerry Muir, Madame
"Thank you so much for having us and all that you and SF IndieFest do to champion independent film." - Anna Moot-Levin, Matter of Mind
"Thank you all for such a fun festival! You all really did a wonderful job all around and we were honored and grateful to be a part of it!" - Liz McBee, Finding Lucinda
SF IndieFest is a founding member of the FILM FESTIVAL ALLIANCE
Promoting independent filmmakers of cinematic gems and unique voices to a worldwide audience.
IndieFEST, currently in its 7th year, discovers and honors the achievements of filmmakers who produce high quality films and new media. Attracting both powerhouse industry veterans as well as talented new filmmakers, the IndieFEST is an exceptional, truly international awards competition, not a traditional film festival. The goal of traditional film festivals is to bring entertainment to local audiences making the filmmaker of secondary importance. IndieFEST is about helping independent filmmakers gain the credibility and publicity they justly deserve. Our talented IndieFEST award winners have gone on to win Emmy, Telly and other awards.
Serving filmmakers is IndieFEST’s primary goal:
IndieFEST strives to give talented directors, producers, actors, creative teams and new media creators the positive exposure and credibility they deserve. The IndieFEST promotes award winners through press releases to over 40,000 filmmakers and industry contacts as well as five additional global media/distribution outlets. We are currently developing a filmmaker representative program to assist with the distribution of award winning films and a joint venture with The GRID, a worldwide network for mobile devices – both coming in 2015.
Where our filmmakers are from:
The IndieFEST Film Awards is truly international in scope and has received projects from filmmakers in over 64 countries, they include Australia, Bahrain, Bali, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Columbia, Cuba, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kosovo, Malaysia, Malta, Martinique, New Zealand, Norway, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, the USA and more.
What kind of media:
The IndieFEST is an excellent venue for film, new and experimental media, television programs, animation, educational programs, remixes & mashups, movie trailers, music videos, webisodes, tube length works and more.
Il Mix Brasil Festival è un evento culturale annuale con un focus sui film legati alla sessualità nelle sue varie forme espressive.
Nel 2020, un pubblico stimato di 176k persone ha partecipato alle proiezioni, spettacoli teatrali e musicali, conferenze e dibattiti promossi nella 28a edizione annuale del festival.
Il Mix Brasil si terrà a novembre presso i prestigiosi cinema di San Paolo e sfrutta appieno la diversità della città per ospitare una varietà di eventi innovativi. Dopo San Paolo, i tour Mix Brasil hanno ridotto i programmi ad altre città brasiliane.
L'evento è realizzato da Associação Cultural Mix Brasil, un'organizzazione senza scopo di lucro che cerca di promuovere la libertà di espressione della diversità sessuale guardando modi nuovi e diversi che questo si ottiene.
A causa della pandemia di Covid-19, l'edizione del Festival Mix Brasil 2021 si svolgerà online, su una piattaforma sicura, con un numero limitato di partecipanti in ogni proiezione. Se le linee guida degli enti pubblici locali lo consentono, il Festival può anche svolgersi nelle sale cinematografiche.
Si conclude quindi che la sua inscrição al Festival Mix Brasil/ Festhome significa che lei accetta che, se selezionato, il film sarà anche mostrato online.
FICAMS, Antarctica’s International Film Festival about Environment and Sustainability is a competitive festival that gives and teaches community members, through films, diverse views related to our habitat and culture. General themes of the audio-visual pieces are base on the environment, nature, sustainability, climate change, recycling, and renewable energy sources.
Audio-visual production are exhibited and discussion panels are held during the festival, hence promoting debate around socio - environmental realities from different places of the world, allowing us to learn about problems but also strategic solutions in tight relation to our local reality.
FICAMS as an eye opener experience enriches us with a southern hemisphere perspective, redefining the means by which we should contemplate our planet, reminding us that a sphere has multiple viewpoints, where geographical cardinality loses all meaning. Alliances with other curators/proponents/cultivators are seek in order to present audio-visual pieces related to environmental education and biodiversity in an associatively manner.