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5th Annabhau Sathe International Short Films Festival’ will be held from 023 to 2April 2022 in national film archive of India auditorium at Pune. law collage road. ‘Annabhau sathe short film committee and Nirmiti media’ has been organized this FESTIVAL. There will be an array of different programs in this 2-days festival. Being the 5th year of the festival will host programs like Panel discussion, workshops, Expert guidance in Film-making, discussions and your queries will be answered by famous filmmakers and producers. Sounds exciting? Well, there are lots more!
WINNERS of the short film category will be honored with a Cash prize, trophy, and Certificate.
To submit a film, connect to www.asfpune.in or
Call for entries : contact: 8552829111
The TUWUN concept represents the Mapuche territorial origin, which together with KVPALME, the family origin, represent the Mapuche identity rooted in the LOF, a territorial space that in turn is the basis of the ancestral territorial structure of a broader space, the WALLMAPU, the entire Mapuche territory.
This concept of Mapudungun, the Mapuche language, gives rise to TUWUN Muestra de Cine Indígena de Wallmapu, created with the aim of making known through cinema, that identity and the realities related from ancestral knowledge and the way in which it is understood. life from the vision and relationship of each people with their environment, with their territory, with their own history, culture and spirituality and, therefore, from their own perspective.
In this sense, we believe that the TUWUN exhibition represents a valuable opportunity to learn about the way in which life is understood from the indigenous peoples' own culture and an important space to share the perspective and reality expressed from their own representative voices, through of the cinema. In addition to contributing to the decentralization of cinema and culture, generating a process of circulation at the territorial level and taking the traveling exhibition and its complementary activities to a wide and diverse public, in urban and rural areas, with the exhibition of the participating works in various spaces, such as Mapuche communities, schools and cultural centers in towns that generally have difficulty accessing the cinema because they are far from large urban centers, also generating Nvtram (conversation) spaces around its contents.
TUWUN is an indigenous film exhibition that consists mainly of the realization of a Central Exhibition, which takes place every year for 4 days, in the Municipal Cultural Center of Villarrica, accompanied by activities carried out in various areas of the city. And of an Itinerant Exhibition, which covers various places in Wallmapu, the Mapuche ancestral territory (southern Chile and Argentina) and is held from the month following the central exhibition, until June of the following year, where for the Mapuche people The cycle ends and begins again with the celebration of Wiñoy Tripantu (Mapuche New Year).
Within the framework of TUWUN, we develop various complementary activities, both during the central exhibition and during the traveling exhibition. Among them, a TRAWUN (meeting), special screenings by guests of indigenous peoples and the Mapuche people, NVTRAMCINE (cinema forums), TUWUN screenings inserted in other film and culture competitions, screenings for schools and communities, special cycles in the summer season . And a workshop for the appreciation of cinema with identity, which we have designed for training and mediation with different audiences, such as children and young people of school age, adults, leaders of organizations, Mapuche communities, etc.
TUWUN Muestra de Cine Indígena de Wallmapu, is coordinated and produced by ADKIMVN Cine y Comunicación Mapuche, with the sponsorship of LIQUEN Municipal Cultural Center and the Illustrious Municipality of Villarrica, and the collaboration of a network of organizations, cultural centers, municipal departments of culture, Mapuche communities and educational centers.
Aquerò is looking for the “cinema of invisible”, in the form and in the content. Movies that have the courage to confront themselves with foundamental question (meaning, beauty, truth, justice), with depth or levity. To search, to experience, to question ourselves.
The second edition of Aquerò film festival present the international short movie competition, reserved for short movies (max 15 minutes), with a strong theme (the invisible) and an important jury representing excellence in entertainment journalism: Cineforum editor Adriano Piccardi, FilmTv editor Giulio Sangiorgio, MyMovies editor Giancarlo Zappoli, journalist and movie critic Alessandra De Luca (Ciak and Avvenire), and festival and competition artistic director Fabrizio Tassi with ACEC Milano president Gianluca Bernardini.
Aquerò hunts for talent, but mostly it is searching for a cinema that is able to narrate the inner dimension of man. To evoke the trascendental as defined by Paul Schrader; to use the creative power and digital innovation to face questions ancient like the world itself. To reason about spirituality, not in a confessional way, but secular, open, free, curious.
Aquerò is the word used by Bernadette of Lourdes to point “that”: the apparition to wich she couldnt’ yet give a name, the invisible that became image. A word that seems made to evoke presence (the incarnation) of something beyond us. We do not want to identify a style or a way of doing “spiritual cinema”, but bring to public attention movies with an unique look on the world and on the reality. Movies that face “high” and complex themes without simplify it.
Aquerò’s competition is open to works of any format and genere, published or unpublished (but made after January 1st 2018), shot in high definition or in low definition (smartphone or other device), made by professional or aspiring videomakers. You have time to participate up to 10 october 2019.
The rules and the registration form can be found on the site https://www.sdcmilano.it/acec-milano/aquero-iscrizione-concorso-cortometraggi-edizione-2019-8507.html
Finalists (minimum ten, maximum fifteen) will be chosen among all the films that have arrived that will be screened in an evening yet to be established in a cinema in Milan. Winners will also receive awards for their artistic value (1000 euros for the first, and 500 for the second), as well as the opportunity to be screened in ACEC cinemas. On the final evening the “Audience Price” will be awarded
Every year, the Festival presents documentaries, short films and films that are divided into Official Selection, Information Section, Premium Operas, among others. In addition, actors, directors and personalities that participate in different forums and activities of cultural and cinematographic interest are invited. Some of the artists and personalities that have visited us in the past years are: Paco León, Pablo Trapero, Martina Gusmán, Johnny Pacheco, Marlon Moreno, Manolo Cardona, Frank Perozo, Marianela Sinisterra, Jorge Alberti, Jacobo Morales, Denise Quiñones and Mirta Ibarra, among others.
The films that make up the Official Selection participate in several awards such as: Audience Award, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Film and Best Director. To achieve a fair selection, 5 members of the Jury are chosen, composed of people related to the film industry and with a great willingness to evaluate each of these films in an objective and very professional manner.
The goal of each year is to surpass the previous year and continue offering an artistic space where variety and quality predominate in each piece that is exhibited.
The Cultural Británico cordially greets you and opens the call for entries to the “XI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL FOR CHILDREN, CINI 2025”, to be held in Lima, Peru, from February 12 to 16, 2025.
This festival is held in the auditoriums of the Centro Cultural Británico, located in the districts of Surco, San Miguel, San Borja, Pueblo Libre, San Martín de Porres, Santa Anita, San Juan de Lurigancho, Camacho, and Miraflores.
All screenings to be held during the “XI INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL FOR CHILDREN, CINI 2025” will be free of charge for the general public.
Tiburon International Film Festival is an annual event showcasing independent feature and short films from around the world.
The Puerto Madryn MAFICI International Film Festival has been held for 13 years and is one of the most important Festivals in Latin America, which takes place in the Argentine Patagonia.
The objective of the Festival is to provide the possibility of screening national and foreign films both feature films and short films and thus generate a meeting space and diffusion of the cinema, from a corner of the Argentine Patagonia.
The Festival will reward the First Movies to Argentine and foreign filmmakers, with the "Southern Right Whale" award, in addition to the different awards of the Official Section in Competition.
MAFICI proposes from its beginnings, reward and promote the new directors of the world, announcing his first cinematographic work, being the only Argentine Festival with this unique peculiarity.
On the other hand, we intend to encourage the development of the film industry, care of the Environment and contribute to the tourist, cultural potential that our beautiful city of Puerto Madryn.
The 360 VR and AR festival, the first Virtual Reality film festival held in Spain, will celebrate its 8th edition on September 25, 26, and 27, 2024, in which the quality and innovation of the films will be rewarded. national and international virtual reality short films.
The contest is organized by Mecal, which organizes Mecal Pro, the Barcelona International Short Film and Animation Festival.
El 1° Festival de Cine de Carahue, FICCARAHUE 2019, se presenta como una alternativa de acercamiento entre las producciones audiovisuales nacionales y la comuna costera, mediante una actividad que mezcla la competencia, talleres formativos, muestras de cine y conversatorios con destacadas figuras del quehacer cinematográfico. El objetivo principal es seleccionar y exhibir las producciones más relevantes del cine en las diversas categorías competitivas, además de contribuir al desarrollo cultural de la ciudad. Esto, como respuesta al escaso acceso al cine y la insuficiente producción audiovisual que tiene la comuna, debido a factores como: la falta de espacios destinados a este tipo producción y la nula oferta académica relacionadas con el séptimo arte.
El Festival se llevará a cabo entre el 13 y el 16 de noviembre del presente año, en dependencias del centro cultural de la comuna.
Las competencias son: Cortometrajes, Largometrajes, Documental, Pueblos originarios y Producción escolar.
FICCARAHUE es el primer y único festival de la zona costera de La Araucanía.
Organiza: Municipalidad de Carahue
Produce: Yovany Fierro Burgos/ Jenniffer Lobos Saavedra/ Unidad de Cultura de Carahue.
English (Inglés)
The “Cachinus de Cine” Festival is organized by the Cultural Association of Cilleros (A.C.D.C.) and the Town Hall of Cilleros.
The festival "Cachinus de Cine" was born with the hope of bringing the seventh art to the children and youngest so that they have the posibility to learn trough this art to know and understand better the world around them. Also to get the posibility to express their concerns through the images.
It will take place at the beginning of May in Cilleros, a town located in "Sierra de Gata" in the province of Cáceres, Extremadura, at the East of Madrid (Spain).
An enclave that are still preserving his nature and tradition over the years.
It is surrounded by rivers of crystal clear water, natural pools and mountains that invite you to explore their paths.
We wish this festival to be a meeting point where we can meet people and cultures from all over the world and get to know ourselves too.
Exchanging concerns and experiences with all the participants is also part of the dream with which this festival is born.
We proyect movies at public park, shortfilms
we use a bug beettle volkswagen purple, it adventured on the road, closer to mayan zone in communities without access to theathers .non profit proyect
FESCIMED was born with the desire to consolidate itself as a reference in the panorama of short film festivals organized in Spain in order to help raise awareness of the need to deepen and protect the values that underpin justice, freedom and democracy. As a film festival, it is a tool for the promotion of Human Rights in various aspects, ranging from the exhibition and compilation of audiovisual material on the subject of the Right to the Truth as a file, to the programming of debates, performances, exhibitions and lectures on the subject of the hands of historians, filmmakers, journalists and any other culture professional in order to foster dialogue.
Humor en Corto - Humor in Short
The XXIII edition of Arrigorriaga's humor short film festival, the oldest in Spain.
From November the 18th to the 23rd, 2024, in Lonbo Aretoa, Arrigorriaga, Spain.
Call for fiction, documentary or animation productions,carried out after january 2017.
Projects will be received between July 1 and September 30, 2019.
The festival is composed by :
- the official short films competition.
- many special screenings.
Cinema Workshop Project, Magic Eye Audiovisual Production Company and Wild Wood Corporation invite artists, visual artists, filmmakers, professionals, students and amateurs, to present their work in Intermediations, a Video Art and Experimental Video Showcase.
The Showcase will take place in the City of Medellin, Colombia. It is a non-competitive event, that seeks to promote and divulge different practices surrounding audiovisual works, specifically, artistic and experimental video.
Entries will be exhibited in three categories: Local, National and International exhibitions.
Mórbido turns 15 years and it’s time to celebrate the survival of the modern apocalypse.
In those terms, Mórbido 2022 will have a hybrid identity. The festival will take place in theaters, on the LATAM Pay TV channel Mórbido TV, online and in a drive-in Cinema.
25th Oct through 31st Oct
The 2022 short film selection will be broadcasted through Mórbido TV. (Basic Pay TV, Latin America, not Brazil).
FEATURE FILM SELECTION / Cinemas + Drive In + Online
25th October through 31st October
The 2022 feature film selection will be shown:
- Cinépolis Diana, Cinemanía Loreto, Autocinema Coyote.
- Cinépolis Klic (November 1st-6th).
The celebration of the XV Edition of the CortogeniAl Film and Short Film Festival will take place in the town of Puente Genil (Cordoba, Spain) between October 11th and October 19th of 2024.
It is welcome any person (film director, production or distribution) who has the legal control of the work or works submitted may participate.
− Short films must have been produced in 2023 or 2024.
− Short films shall not last more than 20 minutes.
− Every filmmaker may submit as many works as desired.
− Productions not filmed in Spanish as main language must be submitted with Spanish subtitles for their exhibition.
− Filmmakers will be owners of the legal rights to their works and the responsible of the authorship rights of the short films.
As part of the “Musical Muto”, an Italian show that integrates live music with original scores by contemporary composers with Italian and international masterpieces of silent cinema, UNM, Unione Musicisti e Artisti Italiani (www.unionemusicisti.it) launches the first edition of the “Film Festival reserved for silent short films” to be put to music live.
The intent is to make the most of video creativity, in line with the great season of the Mute Cinema, to create a synergy with the musical interpretation performed live.
The review, scheduled in Naples from 30 September to 28 October 2019, avails itself of the moral patronage of the University of Naples Federico II, of the University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa and of the University of Naples L’Orientale.