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Mentioned in publications like Vox, Medium or Backstage, TMFF has been named by ShortFilm Connection "probably the most famous film festival currently on the web". With almost 3500 SELECTED FILMS until now and tens of thousands of website visits each month, we hope that through TMFF you will stand out with your project and get the reach you need and deserve! Plus, besides being an IMDb-qualifying event, every official selection will automatically be entered into our extensive FILM COLLECTION: https://tmff.net/collection/
Month by month, our judges (who all work in the film industry) will decide who the TMFF nominees and winners are. We have received over 13,000 projects so far, held over 80 monthly editions and awarded over 800 films from all around the world!
❗AND KEEP THIS IN MIND: We won't put the full version of your film on our website if you don't want to. A TRAILER WILL DO.
❓Frequently Asked Questions: https://tmff.net/faq/
12th. Children's Audiovisual Festival (FICAIJ), 2021-2022
The Children's Audiovisual Festival, known by its acronym FICAIJ, was born in Mérida, Venezuela, in 2010, and has consolidated itself after 12 years as one of the most important windows for exhibiting quality educational and alternative content as well as commercial content for children, adolescents, youth and families in the country and the region.
After having attended to more than 41,385 participants in its 11 previous editions which have impacted directly in 6 countries of the world. Facing the panorama of pandemic that we are still living through the COVID-19, we assumed the challenge of transforming ourselves and activating our 12th edition in the web with main incidence in the countries of our region. Additionally, we are planning to have some in-person screenings in Venezuela and Colombia.
More than 1,506 short and long films from 81 countries around the world were broadcast on FICAIJ's screens, and more than 392 people, including children, adolescents, young people and adults, evaluated and judged these films.
Our jurors came not only from Venezuela but also from 9 other countries: Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, Italy, Kenya, Mexico, Spain, and South Africa, participating in representation of their places of origin.
We promote audiovisuals from a reflective and productive viewpoint, inviting children, adolescents and young people to take an active role as creators and prosumers.
FICAIJ seeks to encourage the creation, production, exhibition and distribution of quality content for and by children, adolescents and young people in the region, stimulating the protagonism of children in all these processes.
2nd. Laboratorio FICAIJ:
With the double purpose of strengthening, on the one hand, the production of children, youth and family contents at a regional level, and on the other hand, the training of teachers in education with and for media, a more evident need in view of the digital education imposed by the pandemic, the organization of FICAIJ assumes the challenge of developing the 2nd. edition of its Laboratorio FICAIJ, a training space aimed at the sector of production of contents for Latin American boys and girls and at the sector of education.
More information:
The Inffinito Festival Circuit opens registration for its editions in 2020!
The Inffinito Circuit is a pioneering action to promote Brazil in the international market, through film festivals. It is a reference in the diffusion of Brazilian products and services, in addition to building an effective platform for business exchanging and promotion of the country's tourist destinations.
Over our 24 years of experience in organizing festivals abroad, we have held 82 festivals in 13 cities. We presented 62 concerts by renowned artists of Brazilian music and exhibited 865 national films. We confirm the interest of the foreign public in getting to know Brazil better, its culture, customs, products and tourist destinations.
14th Braff New York - June 21st to 27th, 2020
24th Braff Miami - September 12th to 19th, 2020
14th Brazilian Film Festival of New York - June 21st to 27th, 2020.
Braff NY is an official event on the New York cultural calendar and is known as a powerful tool for visibility and promotion of Brazil in the United States.
24th Brazilian Film Festival of Miami - September 12th to 19th, 2020.
BRAFF Miami is an official festival of Miami Dade County, the cities of Miami and Miami Beach and the government of Florida. The Brazilian Film Festival of Miami (BRAFF) is the pioneer and the world's longest continually running Brazilian Film Festival. Held for 24 consecutive years, since the resumption of Brazilian cinema. Its commitment and dedication to showcase Brazilian films overseas have conquered a larger loyal audience that looks forward to the annual event for an updated overview of Brazilian cinema. The Festival has proven itself as a fundamental and valuable resource for introducing Brazil’s finest new productions to US audiences, a natural showcase for promotion in addition to be a business environment with extraordinary economic potential for the Brazilian production chain.
fREEdOM fiLM fESTiVaL is holding a Theater event in the USA, and is sponsored by Adobe. Valuable awards and theater screenings this year make Freedom one of the best competitive festivals worldwide. (AMC theater venue is based on the number of entries and entry income to pay for theater venue, see rules and terms below).
Festival includes the most professional judge and jury panel review for your entries, with deep dedication and attention to detail to your entry, as well as hardcore coverage of your professional manuscript and writing.
All entered submissions are reviewed for acceptance to FFF. Entries may include media such as:
1. Feature Length
2. Short Film
3. Animation
4. Music Video
5. Screenplay / Manuscript
6. Production Development
7. Documentary
8. and more,
and genres may include all variations such as Action, Sci Fi, Romance, Comedy, Drama, and other genres. See below for more details.
If you have questions, don't hesitate to email FFF immediately. Submit all your media for digital entry here on festhome.com. FFF is an ONLINE / DIGITAL FILM FESTIVAL, we do not intend to screen live at a ground theatre venue.
For promotion of our festival, all persons and filmmakers entering media into festival agree and submit to an audience and fan base of 100 or more audience and fans who will attend or watch the screenings and coverage provided in festival. Audience and fans agree to and are bound by the rules, terms and descriptions of festival.
Media submissions ACCEPTED into our festival are required to make their movies, video, and media public for viewing either by use of Vimeo.com public (non password) or Youtube.com (non password) public viewing.
Length of films (short and feature length) and media should be rounded down and elite and industry standards should be considered. For example, if you are submitting a short film you may consider a short film to be around 40-45 minutes or less. Thus, feature length could be over 40-45 minutes, generally. In submitting music, compositions, portfolios, and other, the entrant should round down; ie. a document that includes audio music or songs may be submitted in the Music Compilation category.
* By entering Festival you agree to all festival rules and terms (see below).
The 8th edition of the International Independent Film Festival of Ibiza has developed several seus in the 5 municipalities of the Island, for first time with institutional support from the 5 City Councils, and the online version on the Filmin platform. The institutional support in Ibiza is total by adding the Departments of Culture and Tourism of the Consell Insular of Ibiza more various private sponsors in the Island.
Ibizacinefest has renewed its commitment to Ibiza and culture with a program of 132 national and international titles, exclusive premieres in Spain and with 90% of premieres in the Balearic Islands, targeted activities to professionals, shortfilms contests to discover and boost the local and Balearic talent, educational program with special screenings per students and children to create new audiences.
The reflection has also covered his space through 19 conferences after screenings with his creators and creators on his creative process and the relationship between films and problems sociocultural realities. We have arrived at 75 guests, 18 internationals.
Short films are once again the protagonists of IBZCF24 with a qualifier for the Goya Awards 2024 by curtmetratges and colaboration with the European Film Academy with the Short Films on Tour.
Activities like our first golf session or the special one dedicated to Quinqui Cinema with the collaboration of the UNED of the Balearic Islands University.
They have been completely successful.The commitment to the industry is materialized with the Masterclass fees of first national level by Ion de Sosa and Laura Ferrés that even more. We have noticeably increased our in-person audience, by 38 sessions, with online tot l´estat thanks to our 14 program llargmetratges, 3 d'ells of Balearic production, to Filmin, with the presence in communication media, with international articles and a notable increase in impacts respect to the 2023 edition. We will continue to believe in committed author films, bothnecessary views, which is poden moure in fons i form at the margins of the norms of commercial cinema, with total freedom creative.
Xavi Herrero
Director and programmer IBZCF2-European Film Academy Member
Since2008, the MAACASSO association organizes each year, an international art film festival called NYGO for “Nos Yeux Grands Ouverts” (which means Our Eyes Wide Open) . The festival creates a competition between young artists. Our aim is to promote and highlight the new talents of the contemporary audiovisual creation. For the 10th edition, on March the 1st, our association is looking for young artists with an art film project that will be submitted to the judgement of the NYGO jury.
This year, we invite all the candidates to work on the theme “Resonance”. This theme can be treated in a sonor, visual or conceptual way because it can be understood as a reflect, or an impact with consequences. The resonance is a link between two elements, an impact of one to another, an answer from one to another. The artist must express a resonance in its film, but its goal can also be the achievement of its own resonance into the public’s appreciation, to create a link between the artwork’s meaning and the spectator’s feeling.
We want the art films to be a mean for the artists to spread their ideas, visions, concerns and feelings as a shock wave on the public, and a canal to interconnect individuals.
Criteria to respect:
Person aged 18 to 30 years old.
Respect the theme imposed in his creative process.
One project per applicant but several artists possible on the realization.
The film must be between 1 minutes 30 seconds and 8 minutes, including the credits.
- Fill out the online application form. Submit his film by mail: (wetranfer file)
(accepted formats : .mp4, .m4v, .avi,
.mpeg2 or .mov).
The NYGO Award:
The first prize: 800 €
The second prize: 500 €
The third prize: 300 €
The G Awards are a non-profit festival, promoted by the Department for Culture and Tourism of the City of Naples, for short movies, music videos, documentaries and cartoons organised by a very young passionate about cinema and video-maker. The purpose of the festival is to spread the cinematographic culture to people of all the ages and to make known works both by professional and young people, since it is also open to underage video-makers.
Short movies/cartoons: authors aged 14 and over can participate; short movies/cartoons must be between 1’ and 35’ long; we accept Italian works and foreign language works subtitled in Italian.
NEW CATEGORY - Entries to BEST MUSIC VIDEOCLIP (Official, Youtube, Vimeo, etc)
FESTIVAL agent of SMG FILM to distribution of independent content worldwide.
IMDB: Upload informations about your movie (Please, all filmmakers, upload info about official selection or awards) at IMDB Brazil Cinefest: http://www.imdb.com/event/ev0004784/
Atualize suas informações no IMDB caso seu filme tenha feito parte de seleção oficial ou seja ganhador em qualquer categoria de alguma das edições do Brazil Cinefest, Macaé Cine ou Noite Contemporânea.
Cinemateque of MAM - Rio de Janeiro
Brazil CineFest is a circuit created with lot of categories and options of screening and Awards. During five years, it was realized at Macaé City as Macaé Cine Int´l Film Festival and presented national and international screenings with competition and non competition categories, all free, always showing the best in the world of film productions, thrilling at opportunities to honor up-and-coming filmmakers and industry veterans, winners and new talents, side by side. Now is time to move on, cause a good movie is one of the most powerful and potential product to news midia and electronic devices and always needs more. Today is realized at Modern Art Museum ( Cinemateque of MAM) in Rio de Janeiro, city of natural beauties and great producers and studios. We’re seeking new global perspectives on the modern day movies and expressions. Qualify your project today! Every edition, a selection of the most promising films are send to the best producers and studios of America, Europe and Latin America.
Partners: MAM - Museum of Modern Art, Cinemateque of MAM, Ancine, Revista de Cinema, CIARIO, Chicago for Ribs - Redondo Beach, Rio Film Comission, Federação de Conventions & Visitors Bureau do Estado do RJ, Rio Film Commission, Brazilian Academy of Motion Pictures and Arts (Academia Brasileira de Cinema)
Festival at Cultural Map of Rio de Janeiro State by Brazilian Government- http://mapadecultura.rj.gov.br/headline/macae-cine-festival-1
Documentary about festival, nominated to Great Prix of Brazilian Cinema - http://www.academiabrasileiradecinema.com.br/petroleo-e-cinema
We are an international short film festival, for express the spiritual cinema with a universal language, dealing with internal affairs of the human being, a cinema of the invisible that captures the essence of the deep and transcendent, in introspective and reflective stories; with questions and answers about life. Each story is fruit harvested from the inside out and symbolize 9 spiritual values that are fundamental for us: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Gentleness, Kindness, Fidelity, Humility and Self Control.
The Diwa Filipino Film Showcase is a small community film festival made in cooperation with the annual Pagdiriwang Philippine Festival, celebrating the Filipino Spirit wherever it resides, by exhibiting films from the Philippine islands and beyond.
Our call is open to all individuals, agencies, art collectives or producers that own the rights of short length audiovisual work, including documentary, argumentative, experimental and/or video-art. Short films must have been produced in film, video or animation format.
FICICA will take place from 12th to 16 th of August in Barranquilla, Colombia and through virtual channels. You are all welcome to visit us!
For an audacious and innovative cinema which does not amount to the basic vocabulary, which really raises itself the question of the direction, for an innovative cinema which is not formated " French cinema " style excessive social realism, but which inhales the big wide with visual and sound experiments which will remain burnt in us of long weeks after the projection, and especially, for a cinema which makes us dream and like the cinema, come to WE LOVE PARIS FILM FESTIVAL.
Welcome to the Fantasy Anime Sci-Fi Horror Film Festival 2017.
We are a 2nd year festival geared to screening Feature length, Short, Documentary, and Experimental Films along with Webisodes, Reels, Commercials, Music Videos and Trailers. We also have awards for best Screenplay and best Treatment. We will be holding our screenings at the Regal Cinemas at LA LIVE. We are expecting to have workshops, guest speakers and valuable networking events.
We are here for the Independent Filmmaker, we understand the struggles of making a film and we applaud that struggle. We also understand that the end result may or may not come out so perfect that is why we are committed to screening films of all types and budgets. We are not looking for the perfect film we are looking for creativity and escapism. So show us your work, let us get lost in your world and we'll be sure to give that experience to the rest of the world.
The International Inonu University Short Film Festival, which will be held from April 15th to 18th, 2019, welcomes the film lovers in the 12th year ...
We are a World Film Festival, located in the center of Venezuela, which shows international films in all genres; in a party where producers, directors, personalities of the film industry meet. A window to show the work of new filmmakers, as well as those with recognized experience in the audiovisual medium. Our vision is to show the Latin American work, together with what is filmed in different latitudes: Europe, Asia, America, Oceania, Africa; demonstrating the universality of the seventh art.
Dates of the Festival: June 24 - 27, 2018
Deadline: June 16, 2018
Notification: June 19, 2018
A-TARcito: international showcase of cinema for kids invites all national and international film makers of all ages to register their audiovisual works for children, to participate in A-TARcito,to be held from November 04 to 06, 2020, in the cities of Mexicali and Ensenada, B.C. Mexico.
The Festival is held annually in April in San Sebastian. An appointment with quality cinema for all those sensitized to human rights.
International Mountain Film Festival Ushuaia SHH... is a cultural and educative event born in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. We aim to contribute to a culture of care for nature and sustainable development of human society, specially in mountain environments. Annually and without commercial purposes we set a complex program of screenings, cultural and educational activities such as exhibitions, lectures, live music, visual and performing arts, food tasting and mountain sports to highlight, build and consolidate the genre of mountain cinema in the region. FICMUS is the Latinamérica regional representative of International Alliance for Mountain Film (IAMF) networking with other Mountain Film Festivals and events of the regions to promote mountain culture.