Logo of Aryan International Children’s Film Festival of Jaipur - ICFF Jaipur

30 Jul 2022

Published: 28 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Aryan International Children’s Film Festival of Jaipur - ICFF Jaipur

Aryan International Children’s Film Festival of Jaipur - ICFF Jaipur

Jaipur, India

8th Aryan International Children’s Film Festival of Jaipur
Aryan ICFF Jaipur INDIA
August 26-28, 2025, ICFF Jaipur INDIA

(26 AUGUST 2013 TO 20 SEPTEMBER 2018)

Organized By Aryan Roj Foundation & Jaipur International Film Festival Trust

(50k students participated in 2024 & around 80k students will participate in 2025)


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of FanCineQueer | International LGBTI Film Festival of Extremadura

30 Jul 2022

Published: 28 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner FanCineQueer | Festival Internacional de Cine LGBTI de Extremadura

FanCineQueer | International LGBTI Film Festival of Extremadura

Badajoz, Spain

FanCineQueer, the International LGBTI Film Festival of Extremadura, celebrates this year its 27th edition between the 8th and the 17th of November launching its traditional Short Films Call with the purpose of recognising, visibilising and fostering the production and dissemination of recent or unreleased LGBTI works.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of WebSeries Festival Global

30 Jul 2022

Published: 28 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of WebSeries Festival Global

Banner WebSeries Festival Global

WebSeries Festival Global

Los Angeles, United States



SUBMIT TODAY! $5000.00 in awards

10th Annual Web Series Festival Global
September 8, 2023 Online Screenings & Awards with presenters from around the globe.
• All Genres accepted
• For A Global Community Of Content Creators
• Helping Creatives Shape the Future of TV
• Entries considered for Grand Prize or Category Winner $5000.00 in Awards
• We accept links to view online
• IMDB official event http://www.imdb.com/event/ev0003670/

A great opportunity for anyone wanting to
gain more exposure for their web series. There are four
categories that will be judged in this competition which are
Web Series Scripts (all lengths and formats)
Web Series
One Page Feedback
Content can be submitted with or without distribution.
All submissions will also be considered for the grand prize. $5000.00 in Awards!

You could be the next Award Winner! Submit today. Screenings & Awards are from the heart of Hollywood. For our global community of creators, online screenings & awards.

Genres include but are not limited to: Drama, Comedy, Action, SyFy, Documentary, LGBT, Script, Animation, E/I, Horror. Experimental, Social and more.
• All award wins must be used within one year of festival win date.
Submit early and save.

“We saw the other winners, and there are some truly great series, congratulations!” – Rose of Dolls
“We would like to express our gratefulness for recognition and acknowledgement.” – Cedra Wal
“The biggest prize was just being accepted and considered and I’m entirely grateful for the experience.” – V. Carubia

"Web Series Festival Global is a very well run festival with great
communications with a group of prestigious judges that I’ve found to be more than fair in their selection processes.
I highly recommend this Film Festival to any screenwriter looking to have their Web Series take a major step in the right direction." -
Charles Petrilla

"Good communication. Nice people. Great selections." -Christopher Ramsey

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Rome Independent Film Festival  - RIFF Awards

30 Jul 2022

Published: 28 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Rome Independent Film Festival  - RIFF Awards

Rome Independent Film Festival - RIFF Awards

Roma, Italy

The Rome Independent Film Festival (RIFF) is Italy 's first independent and international film festival. Its aim is to unite enthusiasm for films and filmmaking among young filmmakers with the realities of film production and distribution.Since its first edition in 2001, RIFF has become an event that is followed with more and more interest by the public in Rome and a reference for worldwide filmmakers. In these years, the Riff has received works coming from the 5 continents, ending up being an attentive witness representative of the directions and passions of the independent film industry.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of La Serena International Film Festival

30 Jul 2022

Published: 28 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de La Serena

La Serena International Film Festival

La Serena, Chile

The nineth La Serena International Film Festival, FECILS, is a competitive audiovisual contest, which will take place from November 05 to 09, 2024, in the Coquimbo region. It seeks to support the production and dissemination of regional, national and Latin American audiovisual activity, and thus contribute to decentralization, promoting the meeting and training of regional filmmakers and producers. With these actions, FECILS seeks to establish itself as a cultural event that, in addition to generating film exhibition spaces in the Coquimbo region, applies its emphasis on generating new audiences. FECILS 2024 has an audiovisual extension program that will reach the different spaces of the communes of the region.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Torino Underground Cinefest

30 Jul 2022

Published: 28 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Torino Underground Cinefest

Torino Underground Cinefest

Turin, Italy

► imdb official list

Turin Underground Distribution is born.

For its 12th edition, the festival event will last 12 days, allowing more time for in-depth discussions with the authors. TUC12 will take place in a very important location for the Turin "Cinema" universe, located in the heart of the city, at the wonderful Cinema Baretti.

The 12th Torino Underground Cinefest, taking place from September 26th to October 7th, will continue this year's partnership with Sooner.de, aiming to increase the distribution of independent films it receives each year.

Films selected at Torino Underground 2025 will automatically be considered for potential distribution through Sooner. Torino Underground Distribution is an opportunity for directors to take their work to the next level. It's the real chance to distribute your film on Sooner.de and consequently on Amazon Germany and Amazon UK. In recent years, many of the films selected at TUC have been distributed by the German company with whom we have strengthened our partnership. This includes, for example, the Danish film "Needle boy" by Alexander Bak Sagmo, the Iranian "Numb" by director Amir Toodehroosta, "The Exam" by Iraqi director Shawkat Amin Korki, "SOMEHOW" by the German collective Aki T. Weisshaus, and many others.

Sooner.de features the best of independent cinema from: Achtung Berlin, DOK Leipzig, Diagonale, FILMFESTIVAL MAX OPHÜLS PREIS, MEC film, RAPID EYES MOVIES, SWISS films, Kinoherz, Film Academy Baden-Württemberg, Märchenfilme, alles Kino, and more...

Cash prizes will be awarded for Best Feature Film, Best Short Film, and Best Documentary. In addition, special awards will be presented for Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, and Best Sound Design. An Audience Award and mentions from our media partners are also planned.

The festival is supported by media partnerships and cultural organizations from the region.


“It is obvious that art cannot teach anyone anything, since in four thousand years humanity has learnt nothing at all.”
― Andrei Tarkovsky

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Revolution Me Film Festival

30 Jul 2022

Published: 28 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Revolution Me Film Festival

Revolution Me Film Festival

Brooklyn, United States

Revolution Me Film Festival brings you a new generation of filmmakers. It is important for every artist of every culture to stand for something in their own unique way, to creating stories that can change the world.

The world of film/TV is constantly changing and it will continue to grow. But who is leading this new change? Filmmakers, screenwriters, actors, producers, and directors have a voice and it is important to influence our communities with our stories.

Revolution Me Film Festival wants the new emerging filmmakers to come together and change the world. We need more diversity, we need more voices, we need more women behind the camera and sitting on the directors chair. This film festival is open to ALL!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Internacional Jewish Film Festival - México

29 Jul 2022

Published: 27 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Judío en México

Internacional Jewish Film Festival - México

México , Mexico

short film

The FICJM that will take place in 2023, will have the theme "transforming through cinema" We are very grateful and happy to continue sharing inspiring stories.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Prague

29 Jul 2022

Published: 27 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Prague


Česká republika, Czech Republic

The Prague Shorts Film Festival is organized by Film Servis Festival Karlovy Vary, organizer of the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.

The best and most inspiring short films from all over the world head towards the Czech capital again, where they will be presented at the 17th Prague Shorts Film Festival. This event will be held from November 6th - 11th, 2022.

The audience will have the opportunity to watch dozens of films in traditional sections - International Competition, National Competition, Labo Competiton, the late night Brutal Relax Show and other informative sections.

The Festival accepts fiction, animation, documentary and experimental short films only.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Festival cinema of La Culata

29 Jul 2022

Published: 27 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de cortometrajes Cine de la Culata

Festival cinema of La Culata

Guayaquil, Ecuador

Since its inception, this festival has promoted the city as a setting in which each filmmaker tells about their reality, their ways of working and life experiences, in such a way that anyone who is a fan of or dedicated to filmmaking can learn through observation and viewing. of all kinds of works and their technical details such as camera movement, times a scene lasts, camera position or perception of silences ...

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of America International Film Festival

29 Jul 2022

Published: 27 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional Cine de América

America International Film Festival

Pachuca, Mexico

The FICAH MEXICO will be held annually and its main objectives are to promote and promote the production, completion and exhibition of independent cinematographic works.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other


29 Jul 2022

Published: 27 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Corujinha


Balneário Camboriú, Brazil


01 - Short, Medium and Feature Film
02 - Short, Medium and Feature Television Work
03 - Series TV Show - Pilot Episode or First Episode
04 - Internet Work - Short, Medium and Feature Film
05 - Internet Work - Pilot Episode or First Episode

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Logo of

29 Jul 2022

Published: 27 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 충북국제무예액션영화제

, South Korea

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental


29 Jul 2022

Published: 27 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films




Le Festival International du Cinéma Numérique de Cotonou est organisé par FICNC PRODUCTION un regroupement de jeunes cinéastes et techniciens de l’audiovisuel issus d'Afrique et d'Europe, agissant pour le soutien à la réalisation et à la diffusion de la nouvelle création cinématographique numérique.

Le Festival International du Cinéma Numérique de Cotonou prépare d’ores et déjà sa 9è édition, qui se tiendra du 09 au 16 Décembre 2022.

Pour sa 9ème Edition, le Festival International du Cinéma Numérique se propose encore de faire découvrir au public la très grande diversité de la création cinématographique issue du numérique. Sachant que l’apparition du numérique dans le cinéma a vu naître une nouvelle génération de cinéastes qui se réapproprie les formes d’expression audiovisuelle, les réinvente pour enfin porter ses propres regards sur le monde. Il en résulte une effervescence de productions et de réalisations à laquelle participent assidument les jeunes cinéastes africains aux côtés de leurs homologues des autres continents.

Le festival, à la découverte des talents les plus créatifs, va devoir présenter une abondante sélection internationale de films en provenance de l’Afrique, de l’Asie, de l’Europe, des Amériques. Des fictions, documentaires, animations, clips, films d’école, courts ou longs métrages, tous genres feront la fête.

Atelier de formation au bénéfice de la jeunesse: « Atelier de Réalisation Documentaire ».

• Atelier-cours au bénéfice de la jeunesse: « Film de Poche ». Animateur : Jean AHONTO, Réalisateur et Producteur togolais.

• Réalisations de film trop-court de 01mn à 03 mn à tourner par les apprenants.

• Rencontres avec les réalisateurs et professionnels de l’audiovisuel.

• Visites touristiques.

The Cotonou International Digital Cinema Festival is organized by FICNC PRODUCTION, a group of young filmmakers and audiovisual technicians from Africa and Europe, acting to support the production and dissemination of new digital cinematographic creation. .

The Cotonou International Digital Cinema Festival is already preparing its 9th edition, which will take place from December 9 to 16, 2022.

For its 9th Edition, the International Festival of Digital Cinema still proposes to make the public discover the very great diversity of cinematographic creation resulting from digital. Knowing that the emergence of digital technology in cinema has seen the birth of a new generation of filmmakers who are reappropriating audiovisual forms of expression, reinventing them in order to finally cast their own eyes on the world. The result is an effervescence of productions and productions in which young African filmmakers participate assiduously alongside their counterparts from other continents.

The festival, in search of the most creative talents, will have to present an abundant international selection of films from Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. Fictions, documentaries, animations, clips, school films, short or feature films, all genres will celebrate.

Training workshop for the benefit of young people: "Documentary Production Workshop".

• Workshop-course for the benefit of young people: “Pocket Film”. Host: Jean AHONTO, Togolese Director and Producer.

• Achievements of too-short film from 01mn to 03mn to be shot by the learners.

• Meetings with directors and audiovisual professionals.

• Tourist visits.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Red Rock Film Festival

29 Jul 2022

Published: 27 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Red Rock Film Festival

Red Rock Film Festival

Cedar City, United States


The Festival considers entries of all genres from shorts to full-length features, and is held in 'Festival City, USA' at the end of the Utah Shakespeare Festival in Southern Utah. Within a 20 min. drive is Kolob Canyon of Zion National Park, Cedar Breaks National Monument, Brian Head Ski Resort, dry desert, sheep herders, ranches, red mountains, green mountains, and UFO sightings. The location is ideal for the vacation-seeking filmmaker. It is an artist's retreat for film, cuisine, parties, and workshops with approachable professional people. This emerging festival is held each Fall in Cedar City.

To encourage the production of media in both the independent and professional market that portray the human race in a positive light, and to applaud original works that redefine media through innovation, creativity and sensitivity that both enlightens and educates audiences from around the world.

The International Red Rock Film Festival. The Red Rock Film Festival was formed in 2007 in Southern Utah, and quickly became a internationally recognized festival with award-winning judges and rigorous pre-selection process. It made MovieMaker Magazine's list of "Top Festivals Worth the Entry Fee" in both 2009 and 2013.

All films are reviewed by members of our previewing committee and scored in Directing, Screenplay, Acting/Talent, Production Values and Post-Production Values. Local or international, friend or stranger, pretty or plain, famous or not: all films are given equal treatment and go through the same democratic film selection.

The demographic is well educated, consisting mostly of empty-nesters, college students and senior citizens. The festival also aims to find new films for the wise as well as quality films for youth, sports films and films with a message.

All genres are considered. Although documentaries have been a predominate focus at the Red Rock Film Festival, festival audience often compliment the variety and diversity of films selected for the festival in Utah. Animation, arts, children, comedy, documentary, drama, experimental, fiction, narrative, romance, sports, student, horror, suspense, mystery, musical, music videos, war themes, women's issues, family, and humanitarian films are all taken into consideration. Cultural diversity is also a highlight at the festival; African, American, Asian, European, Indian, Indigenous, Islander, Latino, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Spiritual, Yogi, and other philosophical, governmental, historical, and artistic cultures are to be explored.

All genres are considered including animation, documentary, experimental, fiction, music video and student-made films. The festival has several categories of competition, including unique subcategories of featurette and short-short.
The Program Directors may also select additional categories at their own discretion, depending on how many qualified entries are received.

It's all about how much we like a film and where we place them. We just want good, original film that showcases our mission. We expect some films would be great to release to the theaters, others for television, some for the classroom, for our film series, or a great premiere. To encourage the independent spirit, Red Rock strives to find a home for all films that qualify in competition. This gives the filmmaker a chance to give their work exposure even if they may not make the festival finals. The festival also hosts a mini-film market, special screenings throughout the year plus we make recommendations to other festivals.

The Utah Film Market is a small section from the festival where filmmakers and other industry professionals can view films on their own in the festival library or in special industry screenings given to select finalists and other favorites from the festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Soria International Short Film Fest

29 Jul 2022

Published: 27 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Soria International Short Film Fest

Banner Certamen Internacional De Cortos Ciudad De Soria

Soria International Short Film Fest

Soria, Spain

Since the International Short film Contest Festival “Ciudad de Soria” considers at all times Short Films CINEMA in capital and appreciates as essential culture dissemination, our purpose is to promote as mean of audiovisual expression; the contribution to acknowledgment and dissemination. This format must be essentially and basically a part of CINEMA.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Music Video

Logo of INKAFEST Mountain Film Festival

29 Jul 2022

Published: 27 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 20° Inkafest Mountain Film Festival

INKAFEST Mountain Film Festival

Arequipa, Peru

Mountain & Culture is a cultural non-profit organization whose objectives is to approach the sports community and the people in town to offer films, exhibitions, and all kinds of activities focusing on the mountain sports, adventure, environment and culture of peoples.

The Festival also creates a platform for the exchange of ideas between filmmakers, athletes and the public, while supporting the most artistic and effective ways to communicate everything related to the world of the mountain. The aim of this festival is to highlight the importance of ecology, environment, preservation of the mountains and nature in the world today. The Festival also presents a spectacular region to practice adventure sports, extreme and mountaineering, through Films geography.

Welcome to the world of mountains ..........
Welcome to Arequipa City ...... Place of the Volcanoes.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Almería International Film Festival

29 Jul 2022

Published: 27 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Almería International Film Festival

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Almería

Almería International Film Festival

Almería, Spain

The 23th Almería International Film Festival will be held in Almería (Spain), in order to promote the province of Almeria through the strengthening the historical links of the province with the audiovisual industry and culture, from Friday 15th November to Sunday 24st November 2024. The Festival is organized by Almería Provincial Council.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Rosario Latin American Film Festival

29 Jul 2022

Published: 27 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival de Cine Latinoamericano Rosario

Rosario Latin American Film Festival

Rosario, Argentina

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental


27 Jul 2022

Published: 25 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films



Aprilia, Italy

Aprilia Film Festival offers the opportunity to independent filmmakers from all over the world to preview their works and make them known to the public and professionals.

Short films, Documentaries, Animated Films, the categories in competition in past editions.

From the 4th edition will also be present the following categories: Music Videoclip and Web Video.

Short films in foreign languages will only be accepted if they are integrated with Italian subtitles.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental