Logo of Daroca & Prisión Film Fest

30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Daroca & Prisión Film Fest - Festival de Cine de Daroca

Daroca & Prisión Film Fest

Daroca, Spain

Daroca&Prisión Film Fest
Festival Internacional Cine de Daroca

This is the only online Film Festival in the world in which the prisoners belonging to the Film Workshop of the Daroca Penitentiary Center (Spain) have an intense and active participation:

Viewing, pre-selecting and deciding the Awards (along with a Jury of professionals of the sector);

Participating in the filming of a comedy sketch alongside an honored star, as well as in all the previous phases – such as the script, planning, acting, lighting, sound and production – and in its post-production;

And in the preparation and conduct of interviews with the aforementioned honored star and other illustrious visitors to the prison.

A job lasting several months that has a very positive impact on their social reintegration.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Los Angeles CineFest

30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Los Angeles CineFest

Los Angeles CineFest

Los Angeles, United States

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of American Film Awards

30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner American Film Awards

American Film Awards

Averill Park, United States

Film is an international medium that has its roots in the American inventors and entrepreneurs. This spirit is felt in every word of a script, every frame, every cell and every pixel of film produced around the world.
The American Film Award is a recognition of what it means to have that founding motivating force. It is much more than a trophy, it is a message that the spirit of film is alive.
The American Film Award is a mark of excellence in Film Craft.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Roca Film Festival

30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cine de Roca, Cine de Música

Roca Film Festival

Guitiriz, Spain

The Roca Film Festival is a cultural project nonprofit organized in the village of Roca (Guitiriz), which is projected films, documentaries and short films themed music, outdoors, and in order to energize the cultural life of our village and its surroundings.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of TMFF - The Monthly Film Festival (Online)

30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner TMFF - The Monthly Film Festival (Online)

TMFF - The Monthly Film Festival (Online)

Glasgow, United Kingdom

Mentioned in publications like Vox, Medium or Backstage, TMFF has been named by ShortFilm Connection "probably the most famous film festival currently on the web". With almost 3500 SELECTED FILMS until now and tens of thousands of website visits each month, we hope that through TMFF you will stand out with your project and get the reach you need and deserve! Plus, besides being an IMDb-qualifying event, every official selection will automatically be entered into our extensive FILM COLLECTION: https://tmff.net/collection/

Month by month, our judges (who all work in the film industry) will decide who the TMFF nominees and winners are. We have received over 13,000 projects so far, held over 80 monthly editions and awarded over 800 films from all around the world!

❗AND KEEP THIS IN MIND: We won't put the full version of your film on our website if you don't want to. A TRAILER WILL DO.

❓Frequently Asked Questions: https://tmff.net/faq/

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of FIDBA International Documentary Film Festival

30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of FIDBA International Documentary Film Festival

Banner Fidba, Festival Internacional De Cine Documental de Buenos Aires

FIDBA International Documentary Film Festival

Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

In recent decades, and at one time to the emergence of new technologies that have ended up scanning most of the processes of the film, the documentary has known a notorious and systematic growth around the world. In our country, and for more than one decade, a production before linked almost exclusively to fiction has been swelling their ranks with new topics, new approaches, new geographies, new dilemmas.

It is in this context that FIDBA is proposed as the 1st. International Film Festival dedicated to this genre which films with the same fans - as long as we believe that the forms and the doings of the documentary film are different from those of the fiction - may meet and dialogue among them and with the public. If the documentary is a meeting point for the FIDBA, it is insofar as it proposes an interpellation to the little-known memoirs, disturbing present and (our) future in suspension. FIDBA will then be an approach not only among audiences, filmmakers and thinkers linked documentary but also in relation to the always stimulating possibilities that allow you to open this space to other border and heterodox expressions framed inside of what we would call "non-fiction" and that encourage us to dialogue with contemporary expressions that go beyond even the scope of the film.

FIDBA will pay special attention to those filmmakers for whom cinema is linked to a form of research and knowledge of the world that surrounds us as to the portrait of human beings whose conditions of life, in certain historical and social contexts, allow you to ask us about our. It is, therefore, authors who not only reflect reality but also ethical and moral relationship which involves filming the other.

FIDBA aims to become a point of support for filmmakers seeking to widen the perception of reality and to films which represent a step forward in the effort to understand it and anticipate it. So, it will make focus on films whose aesthetic originality put at risk not only an idea of the documentary but also a thought about the same film and its possibilities. Since this focus implies questioning the status of the real front of the camera or of the film in relation to reality, this is as inseparable from the mediations that arises.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other  Experimental

Logo of Digital Griffix Awards

30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Digital Griffix Awards

Digital Griffix Awards

Montreal, Canada

Digital Griffix film awards changed a bit over the years and is now an IMDB listed international online awards competition taking place each three months.

Each three months our jury determines the best films in each category. Note that we do NOT screen films online or onsite. The films are screened privately by the jury. Our goal is to help filmmakers take the next step in their career. Our jury is composed of award winning filmmakers who perfectly understand the hard work put in independent filmmaking !

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Choreoscope - Barcelona Dance Film Festival

30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Choreoscope - Barcelona Dance Film Festival

Choreoscope - Barcelona Dance Film Festival

Barcelona, Spain

If there is something we all have in common, it is movement. As Akram Khan put it: “Movement is the essential ingredient of how the world continues, or survives.”

When our body’s movement fuses with the cinematographical movement, one of the most original film genres is born: dance film. While words can mislead, the body language does not lie.

Choreoscope is the International Dance Film Festival of Barcelona. A unique event dedicated not only to those passionate about dance, but also to those who enjoy quality cinema. Born in 2013, with three full-house celebrated events, our goal is to promote the strong ties with art in general and with film and dance in particular.

Movies do not know any boundaries. Dance does not either. There is a common language joining them. The universal language of movement. Choreoscope ́s mission is to connect this fascinating language with an audience eager to experience something new, different, something special. Choreoscope Barcelona is the dance film festival of those who go one step further.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of International Half (Haiku Amateur Little Film Festival) Festival

30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner International Half (Haiku Amateur Little Film Festival) Festival

International Half (Haiku Amateur Little Film Festival) Festival

Palakkad, India

(Haiku Amateur Little Film Festival)
HALF Festival stands for Haiku Amateur Little Film Festival. ‘Haiku’ is a very short form of Japanese poetry, here used to mean any short form of aesthetic creativity. ‘Amateur’ here denotes a creation by a creator whose chief intention in the creation is not financial gain. ‘Little’ here stands for shortness of duration of the film. ‘HALF’ denotes also the stipulated duration of the film which is 5 minutes or ‘half’ the time of a traditional film reel which is 10 minutes. Insight, which is organizing this festival, is a group of creative artists, with base at Palakkad, who believe in the infinite potential of the short film as a medium of communication and aesthetic creativity.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Experimental

Logo of IMA International Film Festival, India

30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner IMA International Film Festival, India

IMA International Film Festival, India

Trissur, India

Screen Your Film in India

Short Films, Music Videos, Documentaries, Animation Films and Experimental Films.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of G Awards International Film Festival

30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner G Awards International Film Festival

G Awards International Film Festival

Napoli, Italy

The G Awards are a non-profit festival, promoted by the Department for Culture and Tourism of the City of Naples, for short movies, music videos, documentaries and cartoons organised by a very young passionate about cinema and video-maker. The purpose of the festival is to spread the cinematographic culture to people of all the ages and to make known works both by professional and young people, since it is also open to underage video-makers.

Short movies/cartoons: authors aged 14 and over can participate; short movies/cartoons must be between 1’ and 35’ long; we accept Italian works and foreign language works subtitled in Italian.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Intermediaciones, video art and experimental video

30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Intermediaciones Muestra  Internacional de Videoarte & Cine Experimental

Intermediaciones, video art and experimental video

Medellín, Colombia

Cinema Workshop Project, Magic Eye Audiovisual Production Company and Wild Wood Corporation invite artists, visual artists, filmmakers, professionals, students and amateurs, to present their work in Intermediations, a Video Art and Experimental Video Showcase.

The Showcase will take place in the City of Medellin, Colombia. It is a non-competitive event, that seeks to promote and divulge different practices surrounding audiovisual works, specifically, artistic and experimental video.

Entries will be exhibited in three categories: Local, National and International exhibitions.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental


30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Международный фестиваль анимационных фильмов «Анимаёвка – 2025


Mogilev, Belarus

Mogilev State Enterprise "Kinovideoprokat" welcomes you and informs that in September 2025 in the city of Mogilev, Republic of Belarus, the XXVIII International Festival of Animated Films "Animaevka-2025" will be held.

Over the years, the festival has become a celebration of animation for children and adults. Events are held in all regional centers of Belarus.

For viewing, film screenings of competitive and non-competitive programs, creative meetings with the creators of animated films, master classes, exhibitions of children's fine and decorative and applied arts are organized.

As part of the treatment:

- competition of animated films;
- competition of children's animation creativity
- competition of children's fine and decorative and applied arts.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Cinema Blue II Sevilla National Short Film Festival

30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Cinema Blue II Festival Nacional de Cortometrajes y Música de Cine de Sevilla

Cinema Blue II Sevilla National Short Film Festival

Espartinas, Spain


Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation

Logo of Montecatini International Short Film Festival

30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Montecatini International Short Film Festival

Montecatini International Short Film Festival

Montecatini Terme, Italy

Montecatini International Short Film Festival, promosso dalla Federazione Italiana Cineclub (Fedic), con le sue 68 edizioni è uno dei festival di cortometraggi più longevi in Europa.

All'inizio, era principalmente destinato alle opere nazionali, ma a partire dagli anni '90, quando il Concorso Nazionale spostato in un'altra piccola città della Toscana, San Giovanni Valdarno, Montecatini si è affermata come vetrina di riferimento a livello internazionale, desiderosa di presentare un enorme panorama di nuove produzioni incentrate su diversi generi e tendenze.

L'obiettivo principale del Montecatini Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio è quello di dare una visione completa del corto nel panorama cinematografico internazionale, nella sua estensione più ampia, puntando sempre alla qualità dei film e non all'aspetto glamour offrendo una bellissima location in Toscana dove discutere e magari trovare collegamenti per lavori futuri.

Ogni anno il Presidente della Repubblica italiana concede la sua adesione e la sua medaglia al Festival Internazionale del Cortometraggio di Montecatini.

Ultimo ma non meno importante: registi come Franco Piavoli e Nanni Moretti sono da segnalare tra i registi emergenti nei primi 60ties a Montecatini International Short Film Festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Puertasfilmfest. The place for new cinema.

30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Puertasfilmfest. Muestra de otros cines

Puertasfilmfest. The place for new cinema.

Puertas de Cabrales, Spain

Preferably movies will have relationship with life in urban and rural media and/or their relationship or difference.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Tetova International Film Festival ODA

30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Tetova International Film Festival ODA

Tetova International Film Festival ODA

, North Macedonia

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of FesticineKids Cartagena

30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner FesticineKids Cartagena

FesticineKids Cartagena

Cartagena, Colombia

FesticineKids 26 is an international children's and youth film festival in Cartagena de Indias, it is a film competition that orients its efforts towards strengthening the production and distribution of Colombian, Latin American and world cinema for children and young people.

In 2024, FesticineKids reaches its 26th, edition with the same spirit of highlighting and celebrating cinema for girls, boys and young people. The phrase has been chosen as the slogan: A LOOK TO THE COLOMBIAN WEST. From this concept it is intended to invite children and young people to be aware of the responsibility they have to be agents of change in their environments. Children and young people are the future that should encourage the care of our planet earth, the human beings that surround them, animals and plants, as well as the places they visit. The tendency to Afro movies and ones oriented to indigenous people.

In the construction of the profile of the FesticineKids 26, the screen is problematized as a point of confluence of girls, boys and adolescents. By postulating cinema as that scenario in which feelings, emotions and beliefs are expressed, it is intended that girls, boys and adolescents, understanding what the cinema evokes them, what they extract from it and its meanings, wonder about the place that cinema has in their lives, in their environment, in parallel to the place they want and dream of.

It is also an opportunity for adults, parents, teachers, cultural and cinematographic authorities, to think about the need to strengthen their capacities to be trainers in tension and interaction with the audiovisual media, especially the cinema.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of DYTIATKO International Children´s Media Festival

30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Dytiatko International Children´s Media Festival

DYTIATKO International Children´s Media Festival

Kharkov, Ukraine

Festival founded by Kharkiv Regional Council in 2009.

The Festival mission is to find and support children’s/youth studios and clubs, which are engaged in cinema and television creativity, talented children; development of the children’s/youth cinema and television in Ukraine.

The Festival objectives are:

– the establishment and development of contacts between children’s/youth studios, experience exchange and further professional development of the participants;

– communication to the general public of interesting, outstanding works and projects from different countries, presentation of the best global practices in the development of children’s/youth cinema and television industry;

– the setup of creative and communication platforms to exchange experience and present new projects during the Festival and between the Festival times;

– creative personal development, education of moral values and social activism;

– drawing attention of governmental, non-governmental organizations and commercial entities to the issues of the development of screen children’s/youth creativity, to the processes of personality forming via receiving information broadcast by electronic mass media, to the needs of children’s/youth creative clubs, the development of talented children and their future.

The Festival is held among children’s/youth television, animation, cinema- and radio studios, clubs, groups and individual authors, television and radio broadcasters and creative production entities, directors and producers’ centres, which produce programmes and films for children and youth.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of FENACIES Student Film Festival

30 Jun 2016

Published: 29 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of FENACIES Student Film Festival

Banner Festival de Cine Estudiantil FENACIES

FENACIES Student Film Festival

Montevideo, Uruguay

The fourteenth edition of the Student Film Festival FENACIES Uruguay opened its inscriptions on April 1st, and will remain open until June 10th. As every year, all the students from all over the world (from Primary to University) can register their short films totally free, which will be displayed in Montevideo from September 9th to 15th.

FENACIES is an organization founded in 2011 that started with the aim of creating a cinema festival specifically to youth, where competition would be fair and creativity and effort of these would be valued.

At first, the festival was avowed of cultural interest by the Ministry of Education and Culture, educational interest by the Primary Education Council, and tourist interest by the Ministry of Tourism and Sport. Furthermore, in 2015 UNESCO declared it of educational and cultural interest.

The main aim of the festival is to strengthen the audiovisual education between the youngest, and through the short films realization they can express their ideas so that then they can see reflected on the big screen.

During the week, the short films that are selected will be shown in a public and state cinema. On September 15th will be announced the winners in the closing ceremony.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Music Video