Logo of Corto Sordi

20 Jun 2016

Published: 19 Jun 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Corto Sordi

Corto Sordi

Grottaglie, Italy

"Corto Sordi", ovvero un premio dedicato al grande attore romano. Il concorso avrà il suo epilogo a luglio, ma già adesso la macchina organizzativa è partita.
Nato nel 2013, in occasione del 10° anniversario dalla morte del grande Albertone, il premio è promosso e coordinato dall'associazione Utopià di Grottaglie con l'intento di sostenere e incentivare quanti credono e vivono nel mondo della recitazione e dello spettacolo con capacità, talento e impegno professionale. Quest'anno, l'iniziativa vanta l'egida della Fondazione Alberto Sordi, ente morale nato nel 1992 proprio per volontà dell'attore romano, al fine di promuovere la ricerca scientifica sulle patologie dell'età avanzata e l'assistenza qualificata alle persone anziane, nel rispetto prima e nella valorizzazione poi della dignità della persona umana e del suo diritto alla vita e alla salute. L'evento ha inoltre ricevuto il patrocinio del Comune di Grottaglie e della Regione Puglia.
L'appuntamento per il premio “CortoSordi” è per il 19 luglio prossimo nell'atrio del primo circolo didattico “Edmondo De Amicis” di Grottaglie e sarà presentato dalla conduttrice di Telenorba, Daniela Mazzacane. Molte le novità in programma che saranno illustrate per tappe nella sezione "Comunicati Stampa" man mano che ci si avvicina all'apertura del bando.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of SUNCINE Environmental Film Festival

20 Jun 2016

Published: 19 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of SUNCINE Environmental Film Festival

Banner Suncine Festival Internacional de Cine del Medio Ambiente

SUNCINE Environmental Film Festival

Barcelona, Spain

The ACCIONS 3E Non-Profit Cultural Association is convening and organizing the 29th SUNCINE International Environmental Film Festival, to be held on November 2-10, 2023.

SUNCINE, formerly known as FICMA, was first held in 1993 and is positioned as the oldest Environmental Film Festival in the world; it is a reference in its genre.

SUNCINE is a multi-screen festival (in-person, online and televised). Its primary objective is to promote, disseminate and publicize environmental audiovisual works to raise awareness about the state of the environment, biodiversity and the planet’s sustainability.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation


20 Jun 2016

Published: 19 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films



-, Italy

The V edition of CORTOSPLASH will take place from September 20 to 22 2017. During the period of the festival will be organized events and collateral activities such as retrospectives, monographs, sections out of competition, photo exhibitions, meetings with actors, writers, artists, musicians, filmmakers and journalists.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Food Film Fest 2016

20 Jun 2016

Published: 19 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Food Film Fest 2016

Food Film Fest 2016

Bergamo, Italy

The FOOD FILM FEST, sponsored by Montagna Italia Association and the Chamber of Commerce of Bergamo, with the artistic direction of Festival Internationale del Cinema Association, is an international competition dedicated to food and film. The event aims to promote a culture of food through conscious films, shorts, documentaries and animations that develop around the taste, culinary art, the issues related to a proper nutrition and food production, to biodiversity and gastronomic memory as a collective heritage to be preserved.

There are 4 contest sections:

FOOD MOVIE section is open to films in any format, short and long movies. The works should present food as an expression of culture and knowledge, as passion or obsession, as a representative of a social condition.

DOCUMENTARY section is open to documentary works in any format, that have to subject agribusiness issues, issues related to nutrition, the memory of ancient recipes, the culinary traditions of a given territory, the production of particular products, food as passion or resource, nutritional education.

ANIMATION section is open to works in which pictures, graphic line, sculptures or materials come to life through a variety of techniques, becoming long and short animated films, dedicated to food.

Open to works in any format, films that deal with farming, cultivation, companies, enogastronomy landscapes linked to the eastern Lombardy territory (specifically Bergamo, Brescia, Cremona, Mantua). The competition is part of the European Region of Gastronomy project, born as an instrument to improve local valorization, integration and international trade.

Films must be submitted not later than 20.06.2016.

Read the regulation for any further information.

The works must be sent to:
Festival Internazionale del Cinema Association
press@festivalcinemadarte.it www.festivalcinemadarte.it

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of South Pole Latin American film festival

20 Jun 2016

Published: 19 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival De Cine Polo Sur Latinoamericano

South Pole Latin American film festival

Punta Arenas, Chile

Only for films about Latinamerican reality.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of shnit worldwide shortsfestival

20 Jun 2016

Published: 19 Jun 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of shnit worldwide shortsfestival

Banner shnit worldwide shortsfestival

shnit worldwide shortsfestival

Bern, Switzerland

The shnit worldwide shortsfestival is a premier platform for the exhibition and promotion of short films. This festival is a unique transnational event held simultaneously in ten cities across five continents. The festival consists of three main segments:

▪ shnit PLAYGROUNDS* | Running until August 31st, 2025
▪ shnit EXPANDED | Running until September 30th, 2025
▪ shnit FINALE | Amsterdam – September 30th, 2025

The winner of the WORLDWIDE COMPETITION, as well as the shnit audience-nominated films of the WORLDWIDE & INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION, will become eligible to enter the 2026 Oscars® in accordance with the rules of the 98th Academy Awards® [Cinematic release].

Over the past twenty-three years, shnit has evolved into a major international short film festival, continuously reinventing itself. Originally a local initiative, it is now a global event connecting and inspiring filmmakers and audiences from different cultural backgrounds. The festival promotes diversity, originality, and artistic exchange. With its high-quality cinematic selections, shnit attracts over 30,000 visitors, making it one of the leading short film festivals worldwide.

shnit is a non-profit organization, coordinated in collaboration with festival executives. The festival operates on principles of excellence and professionalism, fostering its international expansion.

* Planned PLAYGROUNDS for 2025
shnit worldwide shortsfestival takes place simultaneously in the several cities, the shnit PLAYGROUNDS, on five continents. The planned PLAYGROUNDS 2025 are:

▪ Buenos Aires [Argentina]
▪ Cairo [Egypt]
▪ Cape Town [South Africa]
​​▪ Goa [India]
▪ Hong Kong [China]
▪ Moscow [Russia]
▪ Sydney [Australia]
▪ San José [Costa Rica]
▪ Toronto [Canada]
▪ Bern [Switzerland] – shnit OPENING
▪ Amsterdam [The Netherlands] – shnit FINALE


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Lake View International Film Festival

18 Jun 2016

Published: 17 Jun 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Lake View International Film Festival

Lake View International Film Festival

Ludhiana, India

LAKE VIEW INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL is an independent film festival. Lake View Film Festival is open to all Organization /Agency /Independent /Producer/Directors. Aiming to inspire, motivate and award the truly innovative and artistic geniuses of our time. Every independent artist hopes to one day emerge from the underground scene and share their talents with the masses. Hopefully, the showcase platform we provide will help facilitate that dream. We’re excited to display a wide range of works from all genres that will have industry pros, filmmakers and filmgoers buzzing.

Our Judges will award the best films of each category. Every selected film will be given the distinction of an Official selection of the event in which Judges will award the best films of each category. All official Selected films will be screened in the event. The event will be placed in Ludhiana.
All Official Selections, Nominees, and Winners will be announced on our website and via social media.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of MACO - Organic Agricultural Film Festival

17 Jun 2016

Published: 16 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Mostra Agrícola de Cinema Orgânico - MACO

MACO - Organic Agricultural Film Festival

Olinda, Brazil

The Agricultural Exhibition of Organic Film're coming!

Will take place in Santa Rita - Sierra District Talhada (PE) - a Show of Cinema with a fully designed program for farmers.

In addition to the display of movies at night, during the day will take place the two MACO of workshops for the selected subscribers: "Sowing one Cineclube, practice and effect" and "New Agricultural Practices".

Do not forget! On 28, 29 and July 30 in Santa Rita, District of Serra Talhada, free and outdoors, have I show Agricultural Organic Cinema!

We have the presence of all!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of Chaplin Film Festival

17 Jun 2016

Published: 16 Jun 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Chaplin Film Festival

Chaplin Film Festival

Waterville, Ireland

Charlie Chaplin Comedy Film Festival
The Charlie Chaplin Comedy Film Festival honours the pioneering spirit of a great film maker and advocate for social change.

We are delighted to be holding the fifth annual CCCFF in August 2015 in the beautiful village of Waterville on the Ring of Kerry in the South West of Ireland. The festival includes a hugely entertaining range of events, screenings, workshops and Chaplin themed street entertainment and much, much more. Waterville extends a very warm welcome to you all.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of Cinetekton! International Architecture And Film Festival

17 Jun 2016

Published: 16 Jun 2016
 Has submission fees
Feature films

Banner Cinetekton. Festival Internacional De Cine Y Arquitectura

Cinetekton! International Architecture And Film Festival

Puebla, Mexico

International Festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Macau International Short Film Festival

16 Jun 2016

Published: 15 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Macau International Short Film Festival

Macau International Short Film Festival

Macau, Macao

MACAU INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL (“FESTIVAL”) is an annual worldwide audio-visual festival that aims to motivate overseas and Macau short film and music videos productions to compete in this FESTIVAL.

The Festival compromises two separate competitions:

- SHORTS International Short Film Competition

- VOLUME International Music Video Competition

“SHORTS” awards the best shorts-films in the three categories of Fiction, Documentary, and Animation. And “VOLUME” awards the best winning music video incorporating Macau original music. A list of Macau original songs is available on the Festival's WEBSITE for download purposely for VOLUME.

SHORTS is open for submission from 16 March to 31 May 2025, and VOLUME is open for submission from 16 March to 20 July 2025.

The Festival was previously known as "Sound & Image Challenge" and was first launched in 2010 focusing only on an audiovisual competition for local talent. This initiative was co-founded with professionals in film, music, sound and image fields, with two priorities: to promote the Creative Industries in the audiovisual sector and highlight the local talents in the production of sound and moving image design. Over the years, it expanded across 5 continents, grew and gained recognition, and finally became a short film festival in 2015.

The Festival will be held from 2 to 10 December 2025. A series of cultural programs will be scheduled in venues throughout Macau during the Festival week, such as public screenings of “SHORTS” official selection and “VOLUME” music videos official selection, Masterclasses of film production, development, International Film Festival curatorship and organising; audience voting for “Audience Choice”; as well as gala awards ceremony.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Music Video

Logo of International documentary film festival | Globale Bogotá 2024

15 Jun 2016

Published: 14 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Documental | Globale Bogotá 2024

International documentary film festival | Globale Bogotá 2024

Bogotá D.C., Colombia

11th version of the International Documentary Film Festival Globale - Bogotá
The Globale International Documentary Film Festival - Bogotá invites documentary filmmakers and audiovisual producers to submit proposals that revolve around utopias under
construction, that is, human and non-human resistance to live in freedom and autonomy.

About the festival
Globale—Critical and Emancipatory Perspectives is a non-profit and non-competitive festival that exhibits documentaries with political and social themes. It was founded in
Berlin in 2003 and later replicated in Warsaw, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, and Bogota, where it has been held since 2011.
Its objective is to generate scenarios of denunciation, dialogue, awareness, and analysis of reality based on the themes established for each version. Thus, it proposes
transforming established cultural, social, and economic models. For them, we resort to the documentary without a hierarchy of formats, media, qualities, or academic or
industrial validations.

About this version
In this version of the festival, we want to focus on utopias that inspire us to continue resisting the capitalist system of exploitation and domination. Therefore, we are interested
in hopeful audiovisual proposals of living and active struggles and propose the following sub-themes:
Nature in resistance:
Proposals that leave behind the anthropocentric paradigm and focus on different ecologies, organisms, and living systems and their ways of adapting to change through
strategies such as succession, regeneration, retaking, and creating relationships with other forms of life, among others. This theme also includes documentaries that present
other ways in which people relate to their living environment and, in doing so, refuse to participate in the destruction and instrumentalization of life that capitalism promotes.
Collectivities in resistance:
Documentaries that portray the strategies of self-organization, action, cooperation, and creation of networks and communities of collectivities that oppose the various forms of
oppression from places outside the state and its institutions, thereby building paths towards a freer and more supportive world.
Technologies in resistance:
We understand technology as a set of tools, techniques, skills, abilities, knowledge, and processes. From this perspective, we invite documentary proposals that portray
experiences where technology is part of collective or community processes that create autonomy, degrees of freedom, and other/new ways of relating between ecosystems.

EXPANDED INFORMATION: www.globalebogota.wordpress.com / Facebook.com/festivalglobalebogota / globalebogota@gmail.com / @globalebogota

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Terra di Tutti Film Festival

15 Jun 2016

Published: 14 Jun 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Terra di Tutti Film Festival

Terra di Tutti Film Festival

Bologna, Italy

The Land of All Film Festival was born in 2007 from the need to give the word to many documentarians who use video as a form of critical expression, as a torch on the world and on the problems that affect the many southern parts of the world in each country. Promoted by the Non-Governmental Organizations of International Cooperation for Development WeWorld GVC Onlus and COSPE Onlus, the TTFF brings to Bologna documentaries and social cinema from the south of the world, with the aim of giving visibility to the reality of those countries, peoples and social struggles that are "invisible" in the mass media.

Participants in the festival are the audiovisual works of medium and short films whose narrative cut is centered on the struggle for equality of rights, gender, defense of freedom, active citizenship, environmental and ecological awareness.

The Land of All Film Festival wants to offer visions of the south without rhetoric, censorship or pietism, but with the idea that only a lucid, reactive and never resigned glance of the realities that surround us can lead to change the present and invent futures. Even through cinema.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of Marquesa Film Festival

15 Jun 2016

Published: 14 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Marquesa Film Festival

Marquesa Film Festival

Córdoba, Spain

The International MARQUESA SHORT FILM FESTIVAL aims to foster gastronomy, wine and natural produce from the lands of Córdoba (Spain).

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Espelkamper SPITZiale

15 Jun 2016

Published: 14 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Espelkamper Spitziale

Espelkamper SPITZiale

Espelkamp, Germany


The excitement is on the rise - filmmakers and film lovers will come together in Espelkamp from 5 to 6 October 2018 to pursue their shared passion for the medium of film on two days of the event. Talented junior directors from all over Germany present their works to the audience, hoping to take home one of the three coveted "SPITZ" film awards.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Woodpecker International Film Festival

15 Jun 2016

Published: 14 Jun 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Woodpecker International Film Festival

Woodpecker International Film Festival

New Delhi, India

Welcome to 4th Woodpecker International Film Festival, 2016

Woodpecker International Film Festival (WIFF) is India's premier competitive film festival focusing on issue-based cinema. Launched in the year 2013 the festival will be organising its 4th annual edition in September 2016.

WIFF aims not only to showcase the rich mélange of visual creativity in the film industry worldwide but also to promote films, documentaries and advertisements focusing on socially pertinent themes like environment and wildlife, gender, Livelihoods, public health, disability and children through this film festival. A major attraction of the film festival would be off-screen activities. Seminars, conferences, workshops and master classes to help filmmakers and film enthusiasts explore contemporary issues, network with professional associates, hone their filmmaking skills and share the power of storytelling through cinema.

ENTRIES OPEN for 2016 edition: Submission Deadline- June 15, 2016
The festival is now accepting entries for the 2016 edition in the following categories:

Environment, Forest & Wildlife, Livelihoods, Gender, Films on Disability, Health and Sanitation, Children Films, Art & Culture, CSR Films, Animation, Films on North East, Student Films, and PSAs.

Entry Form and Guidelines are available on the festival website www.woodpeckerfilmfestival.in.

For any query, please feel free to call at +91-84680 01879 or email us at info@woodpeckerfilmfestival.in

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Slemani International Film Festival

15 Jun 2016

Published: 14 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Slemani International Film Festival

Slemani International Film Festival

Slemani, Iraq

The Festival consists of several sections, which accepts films shot in any format.

The International Cinema Section presents a series of feature and short films from all over the world.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of INSTIDOC - Ciclo do Documentário Institucional

15 Jun 2016

Published: 14 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner INSTIDOC - Ciclo do Documentário Institucional

INSTIDOC - Ciclo do Documentário Institucional

Maputo, Mozambique

INSTIDOC – Ciclo do Documentário Institucional welcomes films with no running time limit, which have been produced after January 2012.

The film’s genre must be documentary and have an institutional nature.

Films can document any topic and can be spoken in any language. Films that are not Portuguese spoken must be subtitled in Portuguese or in English.

National or International films are accepted.

The institutions, production companies and/or directors can submit more than one film.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Revolution Me Film Festival

15 Jun 2016

Published: 14 Jun 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Revolution Me Film Festival

Revolution Me Film Festival

Brooklyn, United States

Revolution Me Film Festival brings you a new generation of filmmakers. It is important for every artist of every culture to stand for something in their own unique way, to creating stories that can change the world.

The world of film/TV is constantly changing and it will continue to grow. But who is leading this new change? Filmmakers, screenwriters, actors, producers, and directors have a voice and it is important to influence our communities with our stories.

Revolution Me Film Festival wants the new emerging filmmakers to come together and change the world. We need more diversity, we need more voices, we need more women behind the camera and sitting on the directors chair. This film festival is open to ALL!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Semana de Cine Soria en Buenos Aires

15 Jun 2016

Published: 14 Jun 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Semana de Cine Soria en Buenos Aires

Semana de Cine Soria en Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Only for Argentinian Filmmakers and resident foreigners.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video