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The Baghdad International Film Festival (BIFF) tends to support a new cinema in Iraq - a cinema for multiculturalism with a focus on the values of freedom, democracy, human rights and justice
The cinema for multiculturalism offers more than a simple presentation of the works. BIFF works as a platform with an intercultural forum bringing together young practitioners and professionals from different countries, cultures and ethnics. Films of all genre, lengths and formats will be shown in the 6 competitions: Long Fiction | Short Drama | Documentaries | Arab Woman Filmmakers | Human rights Images and New Horizons. The section New Horizons is dedicated to Iraqi filmmakers. All other sections are open for all participants. In addition to the competition selected films from the guest of honor country's cinema will be screened in the Panorama section, accompanied by seminars and panels which are given information about this country's cinema, history, culture and filmmakers. Furthermore, the competition-program is supplemented by workshops, exhibitions and discussions .
The festival’s 1st edition was in December 2005 and it organized by ( Iraqi association for culture & cinema development ) , an independent NGO registered officially in Iraq and works under the Iraqi law.
Our MISSION is to discover, promote and give venue to independent filmmakers, not just from the greater New York area, but from other regions of America and abroad. For 34 years, the Long Island Film Festival has presented high quality film programs and has made a major contribution to the Long Island community by promoting films that are entertaining, educational and enhance the general public's understanding of cinema culture and the humanities.
During those 35 years, we have witnessed filmmaking transform itself from a strictly film medium to a highly technological global digital art form with sophisticated software operating on specially configured computers. As a result, there are more filmmakers attempting to break into the film industry. It is those new filmmakers that the Long Island Film Festival seeks to discover.
As an international film festival, World Lens focuses on foreign Indie filmmakers that are producing films that are pieces of their culture and set in economic, social, environmental, and political spheres. It is the commitment of the Long Island Film Festival to bring these films to America and present these perspectives to Long Islanders to enlighten and enhance their understanding of the world around us.
Our online festival is second to none. With thousands of views worldwide including industry personnel and distributors that have access to the site we have he edge over other festivals. The films selected for the online festival will be viewed on www.longislandfilmfestivalonline.org from August 1 - 31 2017. In addition the films will be screened at several venues throughout the year.
Governmental Organisations, and the world’s first festival of films on international development by young directors.
Festival Aims
Encourage filmmakers/creatives to work together to raise awareness of the Three Pillars of Freedom through screening of films created around these themes.
Three Pillars of Freedom and the Environment
* Freedom from want: Through the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
* Freedom from fear: Through efforts to bring about collective security and peace.
* Freedom to live in dignity: Through the application of justice for all, from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Development: poverty, shelter, healthcare, education, gender, governance, finance
Human Security: conflict prevention, conflict resolution, peacekeeping, shelter, migration
Human Rights: gender, education, dignity, participation
Environment: ecological issues, preparation for and consequences of natural disaster, sustainability, new technologies
Short films: any of the above
Young Film Makers: under 25 years
SANFIC, Santiago International Film Festival, represents a film platform with educational, cultural, artistic and industrial purposes, as well as a prime symbol of the Chilean capital city and the whole country.
After the good acceptance obtained in the XII previous editions of the festival of short films 4' SHORT ... and to continue with the idea and intention and opportunity to accommodate the different areas of artistic expression, Alcorac 1,968 Cultural Association invites all those who wish to participate in " THE XII INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL SHORT 4' ... "
Faced with the international crisis caused by the virus COVID-19, the organizers of the International Short Film Festival FIC want to show their support for the victims, their relatives and for all those people fighting to mitigate the consequences of this pandemic.
They also officially communicate the postponement of the development of the FIC’s tenth edition, which was scheduled to take place May 5-23 2020.
Initially, this edition will be rescheduled for October 2020. However, as soon as the evolution of the national and international sanitary situation is clear enough to allow for a real assessment of the festival’s development, the organizers will announce the start date for October or later, with the intention not to cancel the FIC’s tenth edition, which has over 1300 registered films from 80 different countries.
The organizers
En pleine crise mondiale liée à la pandémie provoquée par le virus COVID-19, les organisateurs du Festival international du court métrage FIC ont une pensée pour les victimes de ce fléau et expriment leur solidarité envers leurs proches et tous ceux qui se battent pour en atténuer les conséquences.
En outre, ils annoncent officiellement le report de sa dixième édition, qui ne pourra pas se tenir aux dates prévues pour le mois de mai 2020.
La reprogrammation du FIC aurait lieu en octobre de cette année. Cependant, dès que la situation sanitaire nationale et mondiale permettra d'évaluer la possibilité réelle de sa réalisation, ses organisateurs feront connaître la date précise de son début, soit en octobre, soit ultérieurement, dans l'espoir de ne pas annuler la dixième édition du FIC à laquelle se sont inscrits 1 300 films en provenance de 80 pays.
L'équipe du Festival International du Court-métrage FIC.
-See below for French language-
Description (pages 1, 2 and 3)
Entry terms and conditions for the ESMI 2020 Contest of the 9th edition of the FIC (pages 3-8)
Registration form 2020 (page 9)
Contact (page 10)
Since its foundation, the festival is organized by the ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE of BELLA VISTA, with the support of INCAA (NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CINEMA AND AUDIOVISUAL ARTS), under the AUSPICES OF THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF SAN MIGUEL, which coordinates the FIC COMMISSION (12 institutions) through its EDUCATION and CULTURE offices; the EMBASSY OF FRANCE, the INSTITUT FRANÇAIS, and the GENERAL DELEGATION OF THE FRENCH ALLIANCE FOUNDATION IN ARGENTINA. Since 2014, the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY OF SAN MIGUEL actively participates in the organization of the FIC. Many educational and cultural institutions of the region open their doors to the FIC to serve as screening venues for a growing public. The FIC has been declared of NATIONAL INTEREST BY THE HONORABLE ARGENTINE CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES in two of its editions. The FIC has also been declared of MUNICIPAL INTEREST since its first edition. From 2015, Telefé is also present in the festival, and as from 2016 the Festival also receives the cooperation of ASAEC (Argentine Association of Film and Audiovisual Studies) and of the UNIVERSIDAD ABIERTA INTERAMERICANA. In 2017 it also received the support of the Ibero-American Universities Network for the development of the Audiovisual field in the UNASUR area (REDAU).
FESTIVAL DATES: From May, 5th, 2020.
REGISTRATION OF FILMS FOR THE ESMI CONTEST: September, 26th through November 10th, 2019
The INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL FIC is a major event held annually in BELLA VISTA and SAN MIGUEL, to offer a space of interaction between national and foreign filmmakers, to recognize young talents of the Seventh Art around the world, to bring new experiences to the public, to pay homage to the origins of filmmaking and to remember through the ESMI (SAN MIGUEL FILM STUDIOS) trophy the great studios located in Bella Vista, in which the most important productions and co-productions of Latin American of that time have been developed.
During the festival, people can attend the free screenings for each type of audience (adults, teenagers, and children) as well as talks, debates, exhibitions and workshops in
the different screening appointed each year by the organization of the Festival.
Apart from the ESMI contest, in which filmmakers of all over the world participate, the FIC fosters the audiovisual production in educational institutions through its CORTITOS contest for teenagers.
The Gala Dinner of the FIC brings together the finalist and winning filmmakers of the ESMI contest and special guests, as well as the winners of the CORTITOS contest, in an elegant and warm setting specially designed to honor the filmmaking art.
The ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE of BELLA VISTA´s website: www.afbellavista.com.ar
COMMUNICATION IN THE PRESS AND IN WEBSITES related to the cinematographic industry.
The distribution and communication platforms in which the festival is registered.
The INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL FIC was created in 2009 by the ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE of BELLA VISTA with the support of the INCAA, the Embassy of France and the Municipal Government of San Miguel. The FIC was first held on April 10-24, 2010. The UNIVERSITY OF CINEMA, AIR FRANCE, PERNOD RICARD, Buenos Aires Golf Club and the UNIVERSITY OF GENERAL SARMIENTO also supported the Festival in that first edition. It was successfully held in six venues opened for such purpose and in the Award Gala Dinner, which was the grand finale of the first international presentation of a festival conceived to open up to the world.
In 2016 the FIC received the support of ASAECA. It grew year after year without interruption. The festival´s national and international reach continued to expand, and in 2017, in its eighth edition, talented filmmakers of 80 different countries participated, through more than 1237 films, which stood out for their originality and quality.
18 screening venues offered 40 sessions to present the whole official selection of 2017 of both contests of the Festival.
Another important feature of the festival is the offer of related activities: talks, debates and an exposition created by local artists in honor of the films all over the world. The Gala Award Dinner has held once more in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of San Miguel in an excellent presentation by the Universidad Abierta Interamericana and Telefé, which started to participate in 2015 and 2016 respectively. In the Gala Dinner nominated filmmakers from Argentina and from the world were honored, together with authorities and important personalities. In addition, the UAI, together with the REDAU, granted during a special award to narrative innovation during the Gala dinner.
- 15 screening venues and festival-related activities.
- 20 days’ duration
- 40 screenings
- A filmmaking workshop
- Debates
- 2 press conferences
- An itinerant photography exhibition.
- 1 Gala Award Dinner
- 1300 registered films
- 370 selected films
- 80 participating countries
- 46 awards
- 9 jury members with outstanding careers
- A president of the jury.
- Permanent staff.
FIC-ESMI 2020 Página 1
Année 2020 - 10ème édition –
Description du FIC (de la page 1 à la page 3).
Règlement du Concours ESMI du FIC 2020 (de la page 4 à la page 9).
Formulaire d´inscription 2020 (page 9).
Contacts (page 10).
LE FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DU COURT-MÉTRAGE FIC est organisé par L´ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE DE BELLA VISTA. Dès sa première édition il a reçu l’appui de l´INCAA -L’INSTITUT NATIONAL DU CINÉMA ET DES ARTS AUDIOVISUELS- et de LA MAIRIE DE SAN MIGUEL qui coordonne, à travers ses Sous-secrétariats de l´Éducation et de la Culture, les actions de 12 institutions composant le Comité d´Appui au FIC.
Toutes les années le FIC a le haut honneur de recevoir les auspices de l´AMBASSADE DE France, ainsi que de L´INSTITUT FRANÇAIS, et de LA DÉLÉGATION GÉNÉRALE DE LA FONDATION ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE DE PARIS EN ARGENTINE. Depuis 2014, LA CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D’INDUSTRIE DE SAN MIGUEL est l´un des partenaires du FIC. Bon nombre d’institutions culturelles et éducatives régionales ouvrent leurs salles de projection pour un public de plus en plus nombreux durant ce grand événement dont deux éditions ont été déclarées d’INTÉRÊT NATIONAL par LA CHAMBRE DES DÉPUTÉS DE LA NATION ARGENTINE. TELEFE y est présent depuis 2015. À partir de 2016 le FIC a reçu la collaboration de l´Université Ouverte Interaméricaine, d´ASAECA -Association Argentine d´Etudes du Cinéma et de l´Audiovisuel- et du Réseau d´Universités Ibéro-américaines pour le développement de l’Audiovisuel dans la région de l’UNASUR, en 2017.
À partir du 05 mai 2020.
Du 26 septembre au 10 novembre 2019.
Le Festival International du Court-métrage FIC est un grand événement qui se tient une fois par an notamment à Bella Vista, à Muñiz et à San Miguel, dans le but d’ offrir un espace d´interaction entre les réalisateurs argentins et étrangers, de promouvoir et récompenser les jeunes talents sans distinction de frontières, d´offrir une nouvelle vision du septième art au public cinéphile, de rendre hommage aux origines du cinéma et d´évoquer l´histoire des «STUDIOS SAINT MICHEL » de la ville de Bella Vista, lieu de tournage des productions et des coproductions les plus importantes de l´histoire de la cinématographie argentine, à travers le nom de la statuette ESMI, -ESTUDIOS SAN MIGUEL INTERNACIONAL-.
Dans les différentes salles de projection désignées chaque année par les organisateurs du festival, le FIC présente non seulement des projections gratuites ayant la spécification du type de public (adultes, adolescents, enfants), mais aussi des expositions, des conférences, des débats, des ateliers.
Le FIC organise deux sortes de concours : L’un nommé ESMI, pour des cinéastes du monde entier, et l’autre PETITS COURT, dont les réalisateurs sont les adolescents, pour pouvoir promouvoir la production audiovisuelle dans des institutions éducatives.
Son Dîner de Gala réunit les finalistes et les gagnant des prix ESMI, ainsi que des invités spéciaux et les gagnants du concours PETITS COURTS, dans une chaleureuse ambiance dans laquelle la création cinématographique est mise en valeur.
- Presse écrite, télévision, radio et sites web diffusant des festivals de cinéma nationaux et internationaux.
- Les plateformes de diffusion et distribution qui présentent le FIC.
Le FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DU COURT-MÉTRAGE FIC a été conçu en 2009 par l´Alliance Française de Bella Vista. Sa première édition a eu lieu du 10 au 24 avril 2010 avec l´appui de l´INCAA, les auspices de l´Ambassade de France, de la Mairie de San Miguel, de l´Institut Français et de la Délégation Générale de la Fondation Alliance Française en Argentine. L´Université du Cinéma, Air France, Pernod Ricard, Buenos Aires Golf Club et l´ Université de General Sarmiento ont été partenaires de l’édition 2010 du FIC. Il a connu un très grand succès reflété dans ses six salles de projection, ainsi que dans les salons du Gala de la Remise des prix marquant la fermeture de la première présentation d´un festival international né pour s´ouvrir comme une fenêtre sur le monde.
Ce festival a évolué sans cesse et à pas de géant, renforçant dans chaque édition son caractère national et international, au point d’atteindre le chiffre de 1237 films venus de 80 pays différents, lors de sa 8ème édition en 2017, caractérisée par l’originalité et la qualité des 40 projections de toute la sélection officielle offerte dans 18 salles.
Il faudrait également considérer les activités parallèles : conférences, débats, une exposition offerte par des artistes de la région pour rendre hommage au cinéma universel, créant une atmosphère toute particulière. Le dîner de Gala de remise des prix, qui a encore eu lieu dans le grand salon de la Chambre de Commerce et d´Industrie de San Miguel, s´est tenu dans le cadre d´une excellente présentation réalisée à travers l´Université Ouverte Interaméricaine et TELEFE, pour accueillir des cinéastes argentins et étrangers et des autorités et personnalités représentatives. La UAI et le REDAU – Réseau d´Universités Ibéro-américaines pour le développement de l’audiovisuel dans la région de l’UNASUR, ont accordé un prix spécial à la narration innovante.
L’édition 2019 du FIC en chiffres :
- 15 salles
- Une durée de 20 jours
- 40 séances
- Un atelier de cinéma
- Huit débats
- Deux conférences-presse
- 1 exposition de photographie itinérante
- 1 dîner de gala de remise des prix
- 1300 films inscrits
- 370 films sélectionnés
- 80 pays en compétition
- 46 prix
- 9 jurés de très haute compétence
- 1 président du jury
- 1 staff permanent
MI PRIMER FESTIVAL (MY FIRST FESTIVAL) - International film festival for children, Barcelona & Madrid - 17th edition: from November 9 to December 1, 2024
"Mi Primer Festival" is an International film festival for children from 2 to 12 years. My First Film Festival features over 100 films in a total of 21 screenings. In short, MPF is a film extravaganza that showcases both different techniques and formats and the creativity of artists from all around the world.
The international competition of SHORT FILMS for children will include 3 programmes:
- International Short Competition for children over 2 years old
- International Short Competition for children over 4 years old
- International Short Competition for children over 7 years old
The international competition of FEATURE FILMS will include one programme of films, with a maximum of 8 titles.
The festival will take place in November simultaneously in Barcelona and Madrid and is a great opportunity for boys and girls from 2 to 12 years old to discover unique and unprecedented cinema.
The festival also programs films that have not been created specifically for children, which is why it encourages film directors as well as distributors to present their works even if they have not been conceived for this audience profile. Younger viewers rise to the challenge, and the introductions and discussions that accompany viewings provide a good context for understanding and enjoying the films.
“Il Circo dell’Arte” Cultural Association, based in Venosa (PZ), Italy in Piazza Q. Orazio Flacco n. 24, in collaboration with Artistica Management (www.artisticamanagement.com), announces the 2nd edition of the short film Contest Five Continents Film Festival, as part of the 12th edition of the Five Continents Festival (www.cinquecontinentifestival.com).
The Five Continents Festival is, in its nature, a place for diverse cultures and people to meet, where comparison is stimulated, diversity is praised, dialogue is preferred, awareness is promoted, multiculturalism is celebrated. Through short films, the Five Continents Film Festival offers to share with the public traditions and customs of people from all over the world and their cultural expressions.
The Five Continents Film Festival will consist of multiple film screenings and will take place at different times and locations from July to September 2016. It will conclude with a final event, at a date to be determined in the fall of 2016, in which the winner of the festival will be announced. The calendar and times of screenings will be published on our website and on the Five Continents Festival program.
You’ve chosen to film. Chosen to put together a visual piece of art if we may say so. Today when anyone with a camera can, in theory, make a film... how will you make your short film stand out? What you intend to do with your film is what the Bengaluru International Short Film Festival is all about. We will be what you create.
After the tremendous success that was BISFF 2023, we are all set to host the 11th edition. Just as every year, this is an attempt to understand the medium a little better and go a little further in inventing new forms of storytelling as filmmakers.
The festival showcases shorts from across the world, creating a physical space for a great audience experience and bringing together a keen audience for the filmmakers. BISFF also exhibits works by past masters who have dabbled in short filmmaking that today is viewed as an art form that needs a unique approach. Additionally, the festival presents talks and panel discussions with leading thinkers and industry practitioners, enabling budding makers to interact with the best in the industry. BISFF also includes hands-on learning experiences in workshops and demonstrations by professionals, putting together an exclusive audience experience and perhaps space for makers to find what they are looking for.
SHORTS MEXICO has become the biggest International short film festival in Latin America.
An exhibition platform specializing in short films. It promotes cinema creative expressions, diverse voices, distinctive and innovative visions, bold quality films from filmmakers from all over the world. At SHORTS MEXICO we encourage the growth and development of short films as well as the filmmakers.
SHORTS MEXICO - Mexico International Short Film Festival call for entries begins March 1st through May 31st ,2024 at 23:59 (CST) Mexico City. We are open to receive Short Films from all over the world inviting all production genres.
The 19th Edition of SHORTS MEXICO will be held from September 1st through the 30th 2024 in Mexico City. The National Cinematheque of Mexico is the main venue of the festival, and it amounts other important venues as CINEMEX Theaters, one of the largest cinema chains in the world, world famous Vasconcelos Library, Centro Cultural Universitario de la UNAM, CDMX´s Faros and Cultural Centers, etc. The festival amounts over 35 venues in Mexico City and holds exhibitions in every one of the 32 States of the Mexican Republic, so the event truly occurs throughout Mexico. Since the pandemic, SHORTS MÉXICO is presented in a hybrid format, holding virtual and televised exhibitions as well, having over 1 million spectators per edition.
Throughout the year the festival features previews, exhibitions, retrospectives and master classes. The Shorts Mexico Tour includes cities, towns and villages of Mexico, as well as exhibitions in various countries around the world. Shorts Mexico Academy conference cycle includes an academic offer aimed at developing professionalization in various specialized areas of filmmaking. The festival will also present Shorts México Pitching Competition, Work In Progress Contest, and its Screenplay Short Film Competition, with the goal of encouraging and promoting the creation, professionalization and production of quality films.
INTERNATIONAL Competition (Live Action, Animation and Documentary)
IBEROAMERICAN Competition (Live Action, Animation and Documentary)
MEXICAN Competition (Live Action, Animation, Documentary, NeoMex)
International - Iberoamerican
World Cinema
Queer Shorts (LGBTTTQ+)
Fantascorto (Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Horror)
Ecoshorts (Environmental Conservation)
Indigenous Peoples
Fun Shorts (Comedy)
International (Live Action, Animation, Documentary, Experimental)
Pueblos Indígenas y Originarios
Mujeres Mexicanas en el Cine
Mexican (Live Action, Documentary)
Queer Shorts (LGBTTTQ+)
Fantascorto (Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Horror)
Infantil – Kids
Ecoshorts (conservación ambiental)
Funshorts (Cine de Comedia)
All the selected films will be given a certificate of participation in México International Short Film Festival - Shorts México. The Mexican short films selected in any competition of the festival will be able to submit their short film to the Ariel prize of the AMACC (Mexican Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences).
Digital Griffix film awards changed a bit over the years and is now an IMDB listed international online awards competition taking place each three months.
Each three months our jury determines the best films in each category. Note that we do NOT screen films online or onsite. The films are screened privately by the jury. Our goal is to help filmmakers take the next step in their career. Our jury is composed of award winning filmmakers who perfectly understand the hard work put in independent filmmaking !
“Diritto al Corto” aims at promoting a discussion about topics that play a central role in the public debate and that imply a strong relationship with juridical, conceptual and linguistic instruments.
The nineteenth version of the Muestra Cine + Video Indígena, organised by the Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, opens its call for entries from 30 November to 7 March 2025 to films by indigenous and non-indigenous filmmakers whose central theme is indigenous peoples, especially in Latin America.
The curatorial committee of the festival will place special emphasis on selecting works that portray cultural and territorial aspects of these nations, such as: processes of safeguarding cultures, protection and defence of territories and the environment, human rights, identity tensions and political reflections. In addition, works spoken in indigenous languages and which have been made in a participatory manner with indigenous communities or through the training processes of indigenous film schools will be highlighted.The nineteenth version of the Muestra Cine + Video Indígena, organised by the Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino, opens its call for entries from 30 November to 7 March 2025 to films by indigenous and non-indigenous filmmakers whose central theme is indigenous peoples, especially in Latin America.
The curatorial committee of the festival will place special emphasis on selecting works that portray cultural and territorial aspects of these nations, such as: processes of safeguarding cultures, protection and defence of territories and the environment, human rights, identity tensions and political reflections. In addition, works spoken in indigenous languages and which have been made in a participatory manner with indigenous communities or through the training processes of indigenous film schools will be highlighted.
The Ânûû-rû Âboro International Film Festival is committed to echo the words and aspirations of the indigenous peoples around the world, with a particular focus on peoples from the Pacific region.
InShadow is a reference in the field of contemporary artistic creation and curatorship, placing an emphasis on the convergence of body and image.
Our yearly program includes international competitions of screendance, dance-related documentary films and animations, in addition to performances, workshops, masterclasses, exhibitions and installations.
13th Bangalore Shorts Film Festival-24 is a movement to recognize & popularize the work of young & experienced filmmakers from across the India & world. The humble journey of BSFF has began in year 2012 to mark the 100 years celebration of Indian cinema & to salute the contribution of the Kannada film industry towards the development of cinema in India. The festival provide platform to aspiring and professional filmmakers for showcasing their talent with networking & marketing opportunities in film industry.
The festival objective is to create short films culture in India, promotion of upcoming filmmakers, developing sources of revenue generation for short films and to make short film making a commercial enterprise. BSFF-2012-2022 were great success with huge participation of filmmakers from across the country & abroad.
BSFF-24 aim is to even bigger & better with the participation from filmmakers. This year festival will introduce more workshops & master classes. The Miniboxoffice Film Market will be the highlight for those filmmakers who want to venture into feature film production. The short film contest & festival programming will be the delight to treat.
The Malta Short Film Festival is now in its 14th year, and it is adjudicated by a panel of judges. This enables the filmmaker and the viewer to understand the production value of each entry and its ability to communicate with its audience
The final program consists of an award presentation.
The Festival has a wide audience, 40,000 +
9 programmes on Malta National Television. (TVM) and repeat on TVM News Plus on Sundays at 9p.m.1 hour duration, starting Sunday 24 July 2022 and ends on the 25th of September 2022
Ars Independent Festival 2019 will be the 9th multimedia festival of film, animation, video games and music videos. The upcoming edition will take place in Katowice, between the 24th and 29th of September 2019.
The festival is searching for what’s cool in young, debuting, contemporary audio-visual culture. It’s not afraid to watch videos with 27 views on YouTube, it’s missing the “least popular” sorting option on itch.io and considers Festival Scope Pro decidedly “too mainstream”.
The heart of the festival are four international competitions, in which the audience decides about the awarding of prizes. The Black Horse of Film (feature films from all over the world) and the Black Horse of Animation (short features) present the cinematographic debuts by directors from the entire world, often as their Polish premieres. The Black Horse of Video Games and the Black Horse of Music Video are devoted to new games and music videos.
Additionally, every year festivalgoers are treated to: screenings of films, animations and music videos, video game exhibitions, virtual reality and new technologies, discussion panels and Q&As with artists, concerts, live acts and musical afterparties.
In previous years, the festival hosted a variety of artists from all over the world, including Béla Tarr, Nina Menkes, Phil Mulloy, Laila Pakalnina, Bruce LaBruce, Tami Tamaki, Stephen „M.O.O.N.” Gilarde, Jakuba Dvorský, Mariola Brillowska, Piotr Dumała, Arkadiusz Jakubik, Bodo Kox, Łukasz Barczyk, Sos Sosowski, Wiktor Stribog and Władysław Komendarek.
The event is organized by the culture institution Katowice the City of Gardens and the City of Katowice.