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The Hong Kong Kowloon Film Festival (HKKFF) is an annually film festival to showcase innovative independent film makers and artists from around the world.
HKKFF is aiming to inspire, motivate and award new talent.
The Hong Kong Kowloon Film Festival accepts all forms and genres: short films, medium length films, feature films, drama, experimental, comedy, horror, slow cinema, sci fi, fantasy, animation, and documentary.
Settimo International Short Film Festival Seventh edition. Organized by Pro Loco Settimo Milanese with Association Semeion Teatro, Auditorium Settimo Milanese, in partnership with Fedic and under the patronage of the City of Settimo Milanese.
An evening dedicated to international short films of less than 15 minutes.
Short films can be based on any subject or concept.
The event will be held from 9 to 10 May 2025 at the Anna Marchesini film theater, via Grandi 12 Settimo Milanese.
Film Maudit 2.0 (www.filmmaudit.org) is a showcase and celebration of new outré, unusual and startling films. Now approaching its 5th edition, the fest is inspired by legendary artist Jean Cocteau’s festival, Le Film Maudit, which celebrated a group of films that were criminally overlooked and neglected at the time.
The term film maudit literally means “cursed films,” and this showcase of counter-cinema blends together narrative, documentary and experimental films that in their style and/or subject matter, are deliberately bold, extreme, confrontational, troubling, shocking and/or unusual.
We are looking for adventuresome works that eschew conventional genre & format expectations and deal with socio-political issues, taboo subjects, and challenge artistic assumptions and sexual mores. These works can be in the form of feature films, short films, pilots, VR, and works that cross disciplines.
The festival is co-presented by and takes place in part at Southern California's boldest center for new performance and media arts, Highways Performance Space & Gallery in Santa Monica, CA. In its 34th year, Highways continues to be an important alternative cultural center in Los Angeles that encourages radical artists from diverse communities to develop and present innovative new works. Described by the Los Angeles Times as “a hub of experimental theater, dance, solo drama and other multimedia performance,” Highways promotes the development of contemporary socially involved artists and art forms.
We invite you to submit your LGBTQ+ themed films to the 15th edition of KASHISH Pride Film Festival which will be held from May 15-19, 2024 in Mumbai. The festival is organized by KASHISH Arts Foundation, a not-for-profit trust working towards mainstreaming queer issues through cinema and arts.
KASHISH Mumbai International Queer Film Festival is the first LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) film festival in India to be held in a mainstream theater, and the first LGBTQ+ film festival in India to receive clearance from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
KASHISH PFF, now considered South Asia’s biggest LGBTQ film festival and one of world’s top 5 coolest LGBTQ film festival, has over the past 14 editions become one of the biggest pride events in India.
Founded in 2010, the festival has grown from strength to strength, attracting close to 9000 footfalls over the 4 1/2 days of the festival at two/three venues. The festival, every year, has screened 110 - 180 films that include shorts, documentaries, features - all centered around LGBTQ themes. The festival also attracts topline Bollywood celebrities, prominent filmmakers and media personalities, and receives every year over 150 write-ups in mainstream press in India and globally.
In Motion Fest has become one of the most important creative industries events in Mexico. It has filled its physical and virtual venues with industry exhibitors, workshops, rallies, exhibitions, and networking events.
Thanks to these factors, the introduction of a short film competition has become a natural progression, which would help to promote the work of enthusiastic young filmmakers from Mexico and around the world.
The central theme of the shorts must be related to Nursing or Physiotherapy, in any of their work areas or training stages. Nurses are not only in hospitals!
We want you, with a camera or your smartphone, to tell us, in a short fiction or documentary, with a maximum duration of five minutes, what you see in the profession, what or who is important to you, how we relate and how we work, teach, learn or lead.
In short, we want to know nursing and physiotherapy from your perspective because the different perspectives teach us new aspects and points of view that may surprise us. Go ahead and show us yours!
There are no limits to the way you discuss the topic you choose. We look for that different perspective, that unique perspective that you can contribute, that fun way of presenting everyday situations in which you have been able to be an observer or protagonist. Don't set limits! Add imagination and a sense of humor, a lot of sense of humor!
You don't have to be a professional filmmaker, we have a category for you. And if you already have experience, we are also looking forward to seeing your new piece.
The 4nd Garopaba International Environmental Film Festival aims to promote socio-environmental cinema in one of the most beautiful regions of Brazil.
The Festival is based on the diversity of themes, film formats, team, in the search to embrace the diversity of socio-environmental cinema produced in Brazil and in the world. The comprehensive curatorship will denote an equally comprehensive program, with specialists from the most diverse areas of knowledge to promote exchanges during the event and that translate into interventions in reality.
CLAC is a short film festival created in 2005 by Jacky Goldberg, now a critic for Inrock'uptibles. It is organized every year by the Arts Office of the Lyon School of Management.
This festival aims to encourage young directors to showcase their talents and to project their films on the big screen in front of hundreds of spectators.
The festival takes place over two evenings. The first consists of a screening of 6 out-of-our-themematic films and a time for discussion with the teams who made them. The second evening is the screening of short films in the selected theme followed by the awards ceremony.
As a conclusion for this event, a cocktail is organized at the end of the second evening where everyone is invited to join us in a moment of conviviality and sharing.
(APCBolivia).- El martes 12 y miércoles 13 de diciembre se tiene previsto el gran Lanzamiento de la 10ma. Versión del Premio Internacional Anaconda en la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, en el Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española – AECID, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, ubicado en la calle Arenales Nº 583.
La primera noche se tendrá el Lanzamiento Oficial de la 10ma Versión del Premio Anaconda junto con el estreno del Largometraje de Ficción “Guirandiyu, Camino de Libertad”, película que muestra la lucha del pueblo guaraní por liberarse de la semi esclavitud en las haciendas en la región del sur de los Departamentos de Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca y los desafíos para una participación plena de las mujeres y de construcción de una educación descolonizadora.
La segunda noche se tendrá una muestra audiovisual de la obras audiovisuales destacas de las versiones anteriores del Premio Anaconda, junto con una selección del del concurso “Desde nuestras miradas contamos historias” organizada por la OIT.
Dichas actividades se llevarán a cabo a partir de las 19:00 con ingreso libre para todo el público.
Anaconda comprende una propuesta pionera en su género porque promueve la defensa y difusión amplia de derechos, la organización comunitaria, el derecho a la comunicación y la producción audiovisual y cinematográfica propia, además de desarrollar un fomento directo, además de acentuar el protagonismo comunitario y de Jurados Locales en la definición de las obras ganadoras.
En nueve versiones anteriores del Premio Anaconda (2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2014, 2018, 2020) participaron cerca de 1600 realizaciones de y sobre los pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes, provenientes de 20 países.
Se menciona que la versión 8va tuvo como sede principal a Paraguay entre 2017 y 2018. Por su parte las actividades de lanzamiento de la 9na versión tuvieron lugar en julio de 2019 en Cuba, en coordinación con el Instituto Cubano de Radio y Televisión y la Fundación del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano con sede en La Habana. Por diversos motivos, incluyendo la pandemia, la premiación se desarrolló en La Paz, Bolivia en diciembre de 2021.
Lo más distintivo del Premio Anaconda es su carácter de rotación itinerante y su principio participativo comunitario dado que una actividad principal es la Muestra Internacional Comunitaria en la que Jurados Locales elegidos por cada comunidad, visionan las obras junto a la comunidad y reflexionan sobre las realidades reflejadas en estas obras, definen las obras ganadoras principales de este Premio y elaboran su Acta de Jurado. En cada territorio o país sede se aprovecha este evento de resonancia internacional para fortalecer las capacidades locales indígenas y afro descendientes en comunicación, de dialogo y establecimiento de alianzas y uso de las tecnologías de información y comunicación y redes sociales.
¿Por qué ANACONDA en el chaco argentino?
La situación de los pueblos indígenas en Argentina revela un preocupante retroceso, marcado por la falta de desarrollo de políticas y leyes dirigidas a la protección efectiva de sus derechos, así como por la adopción de medidas que han violado gravemente esos derechos, particularmente el derecho a la tierra y el territorio, el derecho a la consulta, a la participación y a la organización, el acceso a la justicia y el derecho a la identidad cultural y a la educación.
Premio Anaconda en su 10ma Versión
Se menciona que el Premio Anaconda en su 10ma versión se propone incentivar la reflexión, debate, divulgación y sensibilización sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas y comunidades afrodescendientes, haciendo énfasis en la realidad , derechos, aspiraciones y propuestas de los pueblos indígenas del chaco Argentino, dando a conocer ampliamente la realidad de los pueblos Q’om Mocoví y Wichí, y a fin de contribuir al reconocimiento, valoración y respeto de la pluralidad, como elementos positivos y sustanciales para el logro de la convivencia armónica y la plena vigencia del derecho a la comunicación.
El Premio Anaconda en su 10ma versión estará abierto a los diferentes géneros de producción y a todas las temáticas referentes a la realidad, derechos y culturas de los pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes y resaltando la Categoría Especial (Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas y Afrodescendientes) que también es definida en su premiación, junto al Gran Premio Anaconda, por la participación de comunidades y Jurados Locales.
Estas acciones comprenden una coordinación, articulación y presencia de diferentes Organizaciones indígenas originarias del norte argentino, de Bolivia y de otros países articuladas ya desde hace muchos años en torno a iniciativas de CLACPI y en el caso de Bolivia a la labor del Sistema Plurinacional de Comunicación Indígena Originario Campesino Intercultural. Se cuenta con una alianza estratégica con la Asociación Comunitaria Indígena de Comunicación ACIC.
Esta propuesta comprende el desarrollo de acciones de lanzamiento de la Convocatoria en la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra , selección de la Muestra Oficial y de apoyo a la presentación de la Muestra Itinerante de Anaconda en comunidades indígenas y afrodescendientes en la región del chaco, amazonia y los bosques tropicales de América Latina, en coordinación con organizaciones integrantes o cercanas a CLACPI y el desarrollo de 3 sesiones de Muestra y Premiación y un Seminario Taller en la ciudad de Resistencia, Argentina en julio 2024.
Etapas de Trabajo (letras)
La 10ª versión del Premio Anaconda al Vídeo Indígena Amazónico, del Chaco y Bosques Tropicales de América Latina y el Caribe con el siguiente detalle de acciones:
Presentación y lanzamiento oficial del Premio Anaconda al Video Indígena Amazónico, del Chaco y los Bosques Tropicales de América Latina y el Caribe. 12 y 13 diciembre 2023.
Divulgación, circulación masiva de las bases de la Convocatoria y recepción de obras. Hasta el 28 de febrero de 2024.
Proceso de pre-selección de obras. Marzo de 2023
Muestra Itinerante Internacional Gran Premio Anaconda, calificación de Comunidades Indígenas De Marzo a mayo de 2024.
Definición de Premios y Menciones Jurado Internacional Junio 2024
Acto Especial de Muestra, Seminario y Premiación. Resistencia, chaco argentino, julio de 2024.
District Dreamers, our festival nestled in the heart of Washington, D.C., embodies the city's evolution from political epicenter to a vibrant creative hub. We spotlight local talent, providing a launchpad for emerging filmmakers to share their diverse narratives and gain well-deserved recognition. Embracing innovation, we push storytelling boundaries and foster a culture of creativity. Moreover, our festival fosters a tight-knit filmmaking community, offering networking opportunities that propel careers forward. By celebrating local perspectives, we enrich the cultural landscape of D.C., inspiring the next generation of filmmakers and contributing to the city's artistic identity. Beyond artistry, District Dreamers drives economic growth, attracting visitors and enhancing D.C.'s reputation as a premier cultural destination.
Cryptshow Festival is an initiative that promotes the fantasy genreand terror. Every July fill Badalona de Zombies, aliens, vampires and serial killiers most infamous. And to much horror ... the horror!
DEA OPEN AIR International Film Festival is a product of MultiMedia Studio "Nositi".
The Festival will take place in the Capital city of Tirana.
The Elche Film Festival, organized by Mediterraneo Foundation's main objective is to offer a cultural space to filmmakers and moviegoers.
In a constant commitment to the promotion of culture and supporting emerging values of cinema, focusing on innovation, public conversation with the authors and the elimination of technological compete when barriers and vote.
The Human Rights Film Festival Brazil is an international festival of short films of up to 25 minutes that address the theme of Human Rights in their plot. Whether it is the fight to guarantee the rights of humanity or denouncing disrespect for these universal rights.
"parapacurts" is an International Comedy Short Film Festival inside "parapariures" where both the audience and the jury will choose their favourite short films.
The Festival will take place in Sabadell (Barcelona) on 9th, 16th and 23th of May 2025.
We know how hard it may be, for filmmakers, to produce and distribute their works, especially if those are short films and independent productions. TRANSILVANIA SHORTS [International Short Film Festival] is the useful tool for every filmmaker, in order to further showcase their films, and get their deserved public feedback and recognition. The films selected in the festival competition are further on promoted, screened at the festival, and evaluated by a team of experts in the industry. Transilvania Shorts supports filmmakers in gaining the recognition of the public passionate about cinema, and that of mass-media, and, also, in being rewarded for their work.
Come celebrate and share your passion for cinema! Held in both beautiful and medieval cities, Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu, Braṣov and Târgu Mureș, Transilvania Shorts brings short films, from all over the world, to beautiful Transilvania. In the future, the festival will be extended, in order to be present in all major cities of Transilvania. This year’s Festival Program will showcase a wide variety of international short films, in the categories of: Narrative, Animation, Student, Commercial Video, Documentary, Experimental, Fashion, Music Video, Narrative, Student.
Bucharest Short Film Festival [BSFF]
Independent is the key word for Bucharest Short Film Festival [BSFF], as it is founded by independent film professionals and focuses on independent artists in cinema, from all over the world. Bucharest Short Film Festival aims at recognizing, showcasing and spreading-out the most professional, most innovative, and most interesting fresh short international films, while always prioritizing independent short films.
Bucharest Short Film Festival will showcase some of the finest short international film in Narrative, Animation, Student, Experimental, Documentary, Music Video and Human Rights. We take to heart the amount of work put into each film. Therefore, the festival rules ensure that each movie is reviewed at least two times and well-debated by our team. Some of the awarded films will also be screened at other international film festivals.
Independent artists and their short films will meet an effervescent, and a quite experienced with cinema and film festivals audience, ensuring quality networking, and engaging opportunities, while the selected films will be determined by a panel of industry experts.
Bucharest Short Film Festival is building a strong community of interest around international independent film professionals and film lovers, in the heart of one of the most interesting emergent capitals of arts and culture, a city that never sleeps – Bucharest.
The festival will run film screenings, preceded or followed by artists Q&A, or networking side events, and, surely, parties, that all take place in various conventional and unconventional stages around Bucharest, as in cinemas, open spaces, and even summer theatres. Bucharest, you’ve heard about it, eventually – a city for young people. Well known for different things – like “Old Paris” nickname, in its bourgeois times, before the communism decades, or the world’s biggest parliamentary building [and one of the largest buildings of any kind], from its communism times, new architecture, or the explosive contemporary art scene, and the also quite impressive underground arts and music and nightlife communities, in its current times.
The main objective of the Short Film Festival is the dissemination of ecosystems and biological heritage through cinematographic and audiovisual works selected through quality criteria.
Chhayanat is not just another film festival!
Since its inception, the Chhayanat Film and Theatre Festival at Jadavpur University has stood as a bastion of alternative cultural expression. Rooted in a profound commitment to challenge dominant narratives and advocating for social change, this festival has evolved into a vital platform for cinematic and theatrical exploration. Drawing inspiration from cinematic movements such as poetic realism, Italian neorealism, French New Wave, Surrealism and Iranian and world cinema, as well as the rich tradition of socially conscious theater, Chhayanat has become an abode for film lovers. It embraces an anti-fascist and anti-imperialist perspective. The influence of Italian Neorealism on Chhayanat is evident in the festival's selection of films that prioritize raw emotions, personal storytelling and stark portrayals of social injustice.
The impetus behind the formation of the Chhayanat Film Festival stems from a deep-seated desire to showcase films that not only entertain but also challenge and provoke thought. It is a celebration of cinema that transcends mere entertainment, delving into the realms of political and social commentary. From the works of directors who embody the spirit of resistance, such as Mrinal Sen and Ritwik Ghatak, to contemporary filmmakers like Jafar Panahi and Jean-Luc Godard, pushing the boundaries of storytelling, Chhayanat provides a platform for voices that often go unheard in mainstream cinema.
Moreover, the festival extends its embrace to theater, recognizing the inherent connection between the two art forms. Drawing from the revolutionary works of playwrights such as Bertolt Brecht, Federico García Lorca and Augusto Boal, Chhayanat underscores the importance of freedom of expression in theater. It pays homage to the legacy of figures like Shambhu Mitra, Utpal Dutt and Badal Sircar, who used theater as a tool for social change.
This call addresses every person, collective, agencies, exhibitions and producers that have produced and/or own the exhibition rights of audivisual pieces of short length and of documentary, argumentative, experimental and videoart nature; on movie film, video or animation formats.
In 2024, this event will take place from August 13 to 17 in Barranquilla, Colombia. You are all welcome to visit us!