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“The Quarantine” is an international short film festival aimed at popularizing young and unknown authors among professional filmmakers’ circles. The festival is organized on completely voluntary basis, there are no screening fees and nobody receives any payment.
The festival takes place on the beach at “The Quarantine” fishing village which is the last standing fishing village in Varna, Bulgaria. The village is in danger of disappearing because a luxury residential complex is under construction on the coastline behind it. By provoking cultural exchange between contemporary artists from the whole world and locals, we intend to turn the fishing village into a culture and art zone and to preserve the fishermen’s way of life.
The name of the region “The Quarantine” comes from the past when sailors from commercial ships entering the harbour with suspicion of some kind of disease were taken ashore at the beach for the quarantine period of 40 days. In case they showed no signs of illness, they were allowed access to town. At present, the young authors who have still not found their realisation are in the state of a “Quarantine” – isolated by professional filmmakers’ circles. In analogy to the history of the location, we decided to name the festival “The Quarantine”.
FINCA’s seventh edition is centered on Climate Justice, addressing global warming causes and consequences with a socio-environmental approach. We aim to connect a fair green transition to economic equity, peoples’ sovereignty and gender equality. FINCA appears as a gathering point for reflection among artists, activists and specialists who see art as a fundamental tool when it comes to changing the cultural paradigm and overcoming inequality.
Our Official Section includes the following competitive categories:
International Feature Films Official Competition
International Short and Medium-length Official Competition
Latin-American Documentary Films Official Competition
Our program includes the following themes: Biodiversity, Climate Crisis, Ecofeminism, Econsciousness and Sustainability, FICDH - Human Rights, FINCA for Kids, Energy Horizons, Youth, Mother Earth, Food Sovereignty and We Are Water. We also present the Focuses, defined by specific themes or geographic criteria; Windows, featuring films screened in other festivals; and Retrospectives, highlighting global and local filmmakers’ work, as well as special presentations by guest countries.
You know it better than anyone: making a film of less than 4 minutes requires a lot of talent and creativity. That's why the Très Court has been honoring them for more than twenty years with its International Festival, which takes place simultaneously in June in about fifty places on the five continents. The screenings take place exclusively on the big screen, in theatres or outdoors, for an audience as faithful as it is fervent.
The Très Courts are divided into six selections, two of which are in Competition: International Competition, Women's Words Competition, French Selection, Family Selection, Documentary Selection, and the Laugh(before the end of the world) Selection.
Whether you are a novice or a professional, classic or avant-garde, as long as your film does not exceed 4 minutes, do not hesitate to try your luck, especially since the registration of your film(s) is free. All genres are accepted: fiction, documentary, animation, CGI, drama, comedy, documentary and even gore or horror films.
VISIONI FANTASTICHE (Fantastic Visions) is a film festival addressed to schools of all types and levels focusing on fantastic cinema and all its declinations, ranging from sci-fi to fairy-tale, mystery, adventure, fantasy, using specific languages depending on targeted ages. As specified by Plan Mic – MIM, the purpose of VISIONI FANTASTICHE is to contribute contrasting iconic illiteracy through a Festival project where the educational, formative and spectacular elements find their point of conjunction.
IMDb qualifier’s The North Film Festival (TNFF) is an international film festival, dedicated to international and European shorts and features of all genres - with screenings online and an annual live screening and awards event in Stockholm, Sweden . TNFF is partnered with the LOVE & HOPE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL - BARCELONA (L'HIFF) (Sep 17 - 21, 2024 in Barcelona -* Spain)
Each quarter, the submitted projects are judged by an enthusiastic team of film industry professionals and academics.
The quarterly winners will automatically qualify to be screened at the TNFF annual event in Stockholm, Sweden (February 21 - 23 - 2024) - and also to be both considered and compete for the coveted Annual awards.
TNFF Welcomes you to Stockholm.
Stockholm is a city that is open to different perspectives and new ideas. An amazing destination where innovations in music, film, design, fashion and technology are born. A place fit for creative visionaries such as you, Dear Filmmakers. And remember, bring your jacket, hat and gloves, if you're selected for the screenings in Stockholm on February 2024! Let's do magic Together!
TRAVEL FILM International Film Festival collects the best travel, outdoor, nature and adventure films from around the world, which were created both by professionals and by enthusiasts, and helps to get them across to the Russian speaking audience.
All best films will be shown on the big screen during the solemn final ceremony on February 15 - 16, 2025 in Moscow, Russia and will be able to struggle for the main prize and the title of the "Best travel film". As well as for the prizes in the standalone nominations.
The Short Event association is made up of 30 students from Lyon with a passion for events and a common goal: to create a festival of short films. Thus was born the Prix de Courts short film festival! A festival that focuses on and rewards short films of all levels and ages. The festival is intended as a spotlight for the participants. This event, using the codes of the seventh art as vectors of emotion and sharing, invites you to discover a specific program of short films, according to a defined theme.
This year, we've chosen the theme of passion, in the sense of that which grips the guts, that which transcends, that which inspires, that which is transmitted...
The Watoto International Film Festival - Zanzibar is currently accepting applications from filmmakers from around the world according to different categories of competition.
The Watoto International Film Festival - Zanzibar (WIFF Zanzibar) is East Africa’s first and largest Children's film and arts festival, exhibiting the latest and best films and promoting film talents from across the African continent and beyond.
The 1st Edition of WIFF Zanzibar will take place on 11th -14th March 2021 in Zanzibar.
The theme of the festival is 'Chei'Chei - Hello' and will prioritize African cinema and cinema from the African diaspora and the rest of the world.
WIFF Zanzibar also opens the call to films from different regions around the world.
Every year for the last seven years, the Short Event association has organized a short film festival in Lyon: "Pour Faire Court". This event, using the codes of the seventh art as vectors of emotion and sharing, invites you to discover a specific program of short films, according to a defined theme.
This year's theme is ‘Light and Shadow: the contrast of a lifetime’. This theme is rich and open to multiple interpretations. It invites artists to explore the contrasts that manifest themselves in life, whether through human emotions, personal experiences, objects or places.
Participants are encouraged to express their own vision of the theme, whether the light and/or shadow is symbolic, metaphorical or visual. The theme can deal with duality, challenges and hopes, shadows and opposites that we all face.
Afterwards, there will be a cocktail reception to encourage sharing between enthusiasts and artists.
FRAME Film Festival es un festival de cortometrajes itinerante, sin una única ubicación, que se celebrará en la provincia de Tarragona.
El FRAME Film Festival consta de dos fases.
El objetivo principal es difundir y promover la cinematografía en general y el cortometraje en particular, apoyando a las directoras y los directores de cortometrajes y creando un espacio donde puedan dar a conocer sus trabajos.
Pero sobre todo trabajamos para que las y los cineastas se sientan acogidos y vivan la experiencia de visitarnos cómo si estuvieran en familia. LA GRAN FAMILIA DEL CORTOMETRAJE!
Otro motivo es ampliar la oferta de acontecimientos culturales para hacer llegar el cortometraje a a poblaciones que no tengan la oportunidad de disfrutar de nuestro cine en formato CORTO.
En el FRAME Film Festival queremos darle al público que sigue y disfruta los cortometrajes, la oportunidad de decidir sobre la selección de las películas que pasarán a la FASE FINAL para recibir los premios TALENTO FRAME.
Acid'Animé Fest is an Paris international short-film competition. Our mission is to bring international independent animated short films to the widest possible audience in Europe and beyond. We want to give this opportunity to young filmakers and animators.
Saraqusta Film Festival is a film and tv series festival about the historical genre in its broadest sense. It was created with the aim of exhibiting and promoting feature films, documentaries and series using the past and the historical context as a common thread.
Submissions are open to Spanish and International works, real-image or animated that deal with the historical genre or whose theme, context or set design are historical or refer to a period of the past.
Habitar el cine, Caracas International Contemporary film festival is an annual event that seeks to connect the different audiences in the country with the best national and international contemporary films.
The festival celebrates and promotes the diversity of cinematography creation, committed to extensive programme, activities, special events, meetings and discussion groups that mark the bridge between the work, author and audience.
This event is not a competitive meeting, instead, it's conceived to see, enjoy and delve into the cinema in a healthy way, far away from the attractive market and closer to findings and the avant-garde.
New York City Independent Film Festival (NYCIndieFF) will hold a physical festival this year. We will celebrate the Independent Filmmaker, documentaries, short and feature-length films and animation. Whether a submission is comedic, dramatic, or something in between, The NYCIndieFF is eager to embrace fresh ideas and storytelling.
Home of the NYC Indie Awards the festival aims to discover the Artist Filmmaker, showcasing them to the entertainment industry and the NYC public. All NYCIndieFF screenings take place in the historic center of NYC, Time Square which is the perfect home for an event geared toward creating incredible opportunities for independent voices.
NYCIndieFF honors the Best in Category which includes Best Narrative Feature, Best Documentary, Best Short Documentary, Best Short Narrative, Best Super Short, Best Covid Diaries, as well as Best Director.
NYCIndieFF provides a showcase for the best in independent cinema, including short films, feature films, music videos, and animated works. With panels, parties and a week-long gathering of fellow indie filmmakers NYCIndieFF is the place to be June 5 to June 8, 2024 This dates may move to accommodate any and all government regulations.
Submit now to be a part of all the excitement and join our community of Filmmakers from around the world. See in this year in NYC in 2024!!
The annual Eko International Film Festival (EKOIFF) is an international film festival in the coastal megacity of Lagos in southwestern Nigeria.
It was founded and established by Hope Obioma Opara in 2009 and Hope Obioma Opara is the also the CEO of Supple Communications Limited under which the festival is Holden. He is also the publisher of publishers of Supple magazine a film festivals and culture magazine in Africa showing previews and reviews of movies and interviews on www.supplemagazine.org.
The mission of Eko International Film Festival is to promote the appreciation of Arts and Culture through the motion picture arts and sciences and increase tourism in Nigeria.
Eko International Film festival is owned (Trade Mark and Copy Right) and organized by Supple Communications Limited.
The inaugural edition was held in the megacity of Lagos in summer, July 7-12, 2010, at the Genesis Deluxe Cinemas of The Palms in Lekki, Lagos, with filmmakers from Nigeria and around the globe
The subsequent editions were held at the Silverbird Cinemas of the Silverbird Galleria on Victoria Island, Lagos. till date
Our film festival is on her 15th edition slated to take place in April 21-26,2025
Dock of the Bay is a festival focussed on the dissemination of non-fiction films addressing the extensive world of music in its different thematic and formal aspects.
The Dock of the Bay Festival will run in Donostia-San Sebastian from May 3rd to 8th of 2023.
IndiFest is festival organized by alterNativa in collaboration with CLACPI (Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Cine y Comunicación de los Pueblos Indígenas), with the aim of giving its own voice to the indigenous peoples and to demand the fulfillment of their Rights.
The Festival’s main objective is to promote the Identity and the Rights of the indigenous peoples through audiovisual tools. The festival includes screenings at physical venues as well as an online week event.
IndiFest is complemented with other activities such as political incidence and conversations with indigenous leaders.
A commitment that enhances the decentralization of cultural habits as well as the communication of indigenous peoples concerning their Rights and intercultural relations.
The Sony Future Filmmaker Awards is a major program providing exceptional opportunities for creators and filmmakers.
All 30 shortlisted filmmakers are flown to the Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City, California, to attend a black-tie ceremony and a bespoke four-day workshop program led by Sony Pictures executives.