Logo of 3° Dale Rec film fest

14 Jul 2023

Published: 12 Jul 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner 3° Festival De Cine Dale Rec

3° Dale Rec film fest


3° DALE REC Film Festival: It is a space for meeting, circulation, training, management and production of audiovisual content for children and adolescents. This year it takes place from August 2 to 4 at the facilities of the Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral, in the province of Roque Sáenz Peña, province of Chaco, Argentina.

Organized by UNCAUS Culture, Secretary of Cooperation and Public Services, National University of Chaco Austral, UNCAUS, in conjunction with the National School of Cinematographic Production and Experimentation, ENERC headquarters NEA, Ministry of Culture of the Nation, the National Institute of Cinema and Arts Audiovisuales, INCAA, the Institute of Culture of the Province of Chaco.




International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Memorimage - Festival Internacional de cine de Reus

13 Jul 2023

Published: 11 Jul 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Memorimage - Festival Internacional de Cine de Reus

Memorimage - Festival Internacional de cine de Reus

Reus, Spain

Memorimage, International Film Festival of Reus is a Festival targeting films that use archival moving images.

The 19th edition of Memorimage will be celebrated from the 6th to the 9th of November 2024.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of We the Peoples Film Festival

12 Jul 2023

Published: 10 Jul 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner We the Peoples Film Festival

We the Peoples Film Festival

London, United Kingdom

Governmental Organisations, and the world’s first festival of films on international development by young directors.

Festival Aims
Encourage filmmakers/creatives to work together to raise awareness of the Three Pillars of Freedom through screening of films created around these themes.

Three Pillars of Freedom and the Environment
* Freedom from want: Through the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
* Freedom from fear: Through efforts to bring about collective security and peace.
* Freedom to live in dignity: Through the application of justice for all, from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Development: poverty, shelter, healthcare, education, gender, governance, finance

Human Security: conflict prevention, conflict resolution, peacekeeping, shelter, migration

Human Rights: gender, education, dignity, participation

Environment: ecological issues, preparation for and consequences of natural disaster, sustainability, new technologies

Short films: any of the above

Young Film Makers: under 25 years

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other


12 Jul 2023

Published: 10 Jul 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films



München, Germany

FILMSCHOOLFEST MUNICH - Festival of Future Storytellers has been one of the most important festivals for young filmmakers worldwide since 1981. Each year, it offers young filmmakers from all over the world a platform for presenting their own short films and exchanging ideas about filmmaking. Each November, Munich becomes the focal point of up-and-coming international filmmaking — a place for lively exchange, networking, and discussion.

The short fiction, documentary, and animated films screened in international competition are eligible for valuable prizes, which are awarded by an independent festival jury. In addition, FILMSCHOOLFEST MUNICH will also present a DACH Short Film Competition for the first time in 2024, in which short films from the DACH region will be programmed. An extensive supporting programme with panels and masterclasses complements the film programme.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Seoul International Food Film Festival  서울국제음식영화제

12 Jul 2023

Published: 10 Jul 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Seoul International Food Film Festival  서울국제음식영화제

Seoul International Food Film Festival 서울국제음식영화제

Seoul, South Korea

Seoul International Food Film Festival (SIFFF) is an event to present outstanding and thought-provoking films about food and related issues every year since 2015.

While celebrating diversity of food and lifestyle from different cultures, SIFFF also aims to provide time for relaxing and healing to rediscover the taste of life, not to mention, to raise public awareness on healthy eating and sustainability.

SIFFF’s program includes an inspiring selection of documentaries, feature and short films related to food, from the newest buzzed-about ones to classics and cults.

With film screenings, a variety of events such as catered parties, cooking and tasting events, talk shows with film and culinary professionals will be held to provide delightful, multi-sensory film experience.

2015년 첫 발을 내디딘 서울국제음식영화제는 영화와 음식을 매개로 세계 곳곳의 다양한 삶의 모습과 문화를 이해하고 서로 소통하고자 하는 축제입니다.

인생의 맛과 여유를 환기하는 영화들을 통해 현대인의 바쁜 일상에서 잊힌 삶의 미각을 되찾는 맛있는 힐링을 지향하며, 건강한 먹거리와 지속가능한 식생활에 대한 활발한 논의의 장을 마련하고자 합니다.

각양각색의 음식과 그만큼이나 다양한 문화권의 삶을 담은 영화를 통해 먹는다는 것과 우리 삶의 관계를 돌아보고 함께 나눠 먹는 즐거움을 생각하는 맛있는 영화제를 관객과 함께 만들어 가고 싶습니다.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video


11 Jul 2023

Published: 09 Jul 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films



New Delhi, India

WE CARE Film Festival on disability issues
Deadline: 30 NOVEMBER 2024
13 JANUARY 2024

Sub: Submit your film on disability issues

Dear Sir/Madam,

Building of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, RPD Act and the National Trust Act, BROTHERHOOD, is hereby inviting short films and documentaries on disability issues from worldwide filmmakers for the 20th edition of the WE CARE Film Festival scheduled from 13-18 January 2025 at INOX, Goa.

The WE CARE Film Festival aims to raise awareness about disability issues, dispel misconceptions and prejudices about persons with disabilities, and drive attitudinal and behavioural change.

We hereby invite you to submit your short films, documentaries, or feature films (within four categories: up to 5, 30, 60, and 120 minutes) to the Film Festival.

Themes of the short film and documentaries on benchmark disabilities as per RPD Act 2016 and UNCRPD

1. Inclusive/special education practices and/or models
2. Experiences of persons with disabilities in pursuing education
2. Livelihood/Income-generating initiatives for and/or by persons with disabilities
4. Independent living models of persons with disabilities
5. Accessible and barrier-free environment - success stories and initiatives
6. Musical video showing persons with disabilities
7. Sportspersons with disabilities - their triumph and success stories
8. Showing extra-ordinary talents/abilities of persons with disabilities
9. Assistive technologies and artificial intelligence being used by persons with disability in all spheres of their lives and their impact in education, employment, mobility etc.
10. Innovation in education, health, employment, accessibilities, entertainment for persons with disabilities
12. Initiatives aimed at creating awareness of various disability issues
13. Rehabilitation of persons with disabilities
14. Sustainable development models for the welfare of persons with disabilities on any issue
15. Overcome Mental Health / Psychological issues among persons with disabilities and their families
16. Impact of Central/State Government schemes/initiatives among persons with disabilities


A preview committee will select the final films to be screened. The last date for receiving the entries is 30 NOVEMBER 2024.

The organizers encourage all filmmakers (with or without any impairment) to produce audio-visual content that complies with all accessibility standards and guidelines. To be considered for screening at the We Care Film Festival, all films should contain captions and subtitles in English. Filmmakers are also requested to make films with audio descriptions.

For further information and complete guidelines, please refer to the enclosed WE CARE Film Fest documents:

• Submission Requirements
• Entry Form
• Undertaking by the Filmmaker

Awards & Prizes

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of National Rural Film Festival

10 Jul 2023

Published: 08 Jul 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of National Rural Film Festival

Banner Festival Nacional de Cine Rural

National Rural Film Festival

Ayacucho, Argentina


The Rural Film Festival emerged in the city of Ayacucho in 2016 from an initiative presented by Mr. Emilio Quiroga to the Directorate of Culture to promote audiovisual production in our city.
Below, we list some of the central ideas, according to time and resources, that have been and will be developed within this space:
- General direction and coordination of the Rural Film Festival.
- Promotion and promotion of the movie theater and alternative projection spaces.
- Linkage and cooperation between rural and urban schools.
- Generation of socio-educational projects in schools, institutes and training centers.
- Provision of courses and training open to the community.
- Production of content and audiovisual resources for Municipal offices.
- Production of local short films that cover fiction and non-fiction stories, documentaries, on various topics.
Every year we launch an open call nationwide for fiction and non-fiction short films that cover Rural life from its form and/or content. Our intention is to get to know and enrich ourselves with productions from other places in our country.
The Festival provides training and support programs with theoretical and practical tools for audiovisual production to those who join this initiative. We refer to teachers and students from schools, institutions, neighborhood headquarters, organizations or groups who wish to participate.
This experience became a much larger phenomenon around the initially proposed Film Festival. We are motivated by the need to consolidate a space that seeks to generate identity, value culture, emphasis on human relationships and also commercial links that derive from this massive meeting that can be used to make goods, services and trades visible in pursuit of profit. mutual of the community.
Another important point is to strengthen the ties of our community with those people and groups that come to our city from both nearby towns and also from other cities and provinces of our country summoned by the social event that the Festival represents.
We will use the Festival as a construction tool committed to our social context and in accordance with sustainable production mechanisms considering current communication channels and technology. We will approach the audiovisual understood as an object to think about and in constant transformation.
It is necessary, from our intervention, to guarantee access to a symbolic language, essential to navigate the world around us and construct the images and sounds of our time, this being a necessary task for the development of society, the strengthening of democracy , equity and access to work.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Commffest global community film festival

10 Jul 2023

Published: 08 Jul 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Commffest global community film festival

Commffest global community film festival


The 2023 COMMFFEST will celebrate 18 years from September 14-22 2023 screening in movie theatres exhibition spaces, and ONLINE presented yearly by a group of dedicated volunteers. COMMFFEST a charitable corporation makes its home in one of Toronto’s most fast growing, economically diverse neighbourhood, Old Town Toronto, where many languages are spoken amongst an eclectic population.

Our screenplay competitions is spearheaded by 30 year filmmaker, writer, director and producer Vladimir Bondarenko who is an instructor at Toronto Film school,

COMMFFEST is a film festival that presents a broad range of local and international films representing current affairs and relevant issues that affect our society. COMMFFEST provides opportunities for emerging filmmakers, artists, musicians and global community stakeholders to express themselves freely and to connect with audiences on a more personal level. This unique blend of film, filmmakers and audiences creates a dynamic atmosphere to provoke thought and stimulate further understanding and exploration of ideas, attitudes, and emotions that can foster change – starting with the communities in which we live.

FILMS OF ANY GENRES ACCEPTED; independently produced films. Included in that mix are childrens issues, poverty, human rights LGBTQ, women's rights, third world struggles,

The last 18 years Commffest has built a valuable platform for introducing emerging and professional filmmakers to bring together communities, not for profit organizations with government officials in panel discussions to tackle pertinent issues often resulting in more funding and support for these groups.
Commffest is a cultural platform that strives to educate and create a hospitality environment where filmmakers and attendees can mix and mingle over food, drink and entertainment.

TESTIMONY , Eleanor Mc Grath’s
As an independent film-maker, you work often for a year or possibly years to direct, edit, produce a film and then comes the waiting game to be selected by a film festival.

COMMFFEST is more than a community film festival in Toronto; it is an art festival with a world perspective and I am most fortunate to have been part of the 2015 film festival programming with my documentary, "Forgotten". COMMFFEST's vision is to share stories that demonstrate the strength, struggles and beauty of humankind while providing a strong platform for independent film makers to showcase their perspective and vision of our world today and into the future. We need festivals like COMMFFEST who step away from the mainstream and champion works where the viewpoint is critical, enlightened or visionary in their approach to conflicts or issues that prevail throughout Toronto, Canada, North American and worldwide.

Behzad Sedghi Filmmaker
For me, COMMFFEST has been where my films have finally reached their maturity by connecting through the big screen with their audience. It is this connection that is essential for any artistic endeavour. As this may be the case with most other festivals, however, in my direct experience with COMMFFEST I clearly felt that each artist was given special attention, a chance to have a dialogue about their creation and ultimately was embraced in a celebration of their achievement. COMMFFEST founders and organizers are filled with the love of films and arts and clearly possess the vision and generosity to make this celebration happen every year. I look forward to being part of the next celebration either as an artist or a member of its community.

COMMFFEST mission statement:
To advance education by raising the cultural, artistic and aesthetic expression of the community and to advance the public’s appreciation of the arts through related artistic workshops and panel discussions, while promoting the works of filmmakers and artists alike.

The programming: The films are chosen by a jury of professionals from a globally solicited call for submissions. Once chosen, the programming is created to generate discussion around specific world events and themes, provoking dialogue and acceptance of others and their concerns.

More about COMMFFEST
COMMFFEST attracts educators, artists, politicians, business leaders, socially conscious organizations and trendsetters.

Local Educational engagement:
Over 6000 Children from local schools across the GTA that now include the COMMFFEST festival experience as part of their annual curriculum.
COMMFFEST’S unique diversity invites the world to one local community event over several days in Toronto

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Sitges FanPitch

10 Jul 2023

Published: 08 Jul 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sitges FanPitch

Sitges FanPitch

Sitges, Spain


The Sitges - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia organizes Sitges FanPitch (Sitges FanLab), its pitch competition for feature film and serialized production projects, for the tenth consecutive year.

Sitges FanPitch is an international pitching competition focused on feature films and serialized production in development with themes of horror, science fiction, and/or fantasy. The event will take place in a hybrid format on October 6 and 7, 2024, as part of the Sitges Festival.

A maximum of five series and a maximum of seven feature films from around the world will be selected. Additionally, projects selected by the Festival at collaborating film markets of Sitges FanPitch will also be included.

The creators of the selected projects will have the opportunity to pitch their projects and meet with participating companies. Moreover, the five winning feature film projects will have the chance to receive travel grants for international circulation.

This year, the Feratum Film Festival, located in Mexico, joins the Sitges FanPitch market circuit and will select one project to be part of the next Feratum Residencyand, at the same time, we create an extra section dedicated to projects in Catalan entitled Catalunya Imaginaria.

In the series category, one winning project will be selected and awarded a cash prize for its development.

For the fourth consecutive year, this edition will be complemented by the Showrunners LAB, a seminar providing introduction and advice on the figure of the showrunner. Selected series projects will have the opportunity for individual mentoring sessions with participating showrunners.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival



10 Jul 2023

Published: 08 Jul 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Международный фестиваль анимационных фильмов «Анимаёвка – 2024


Mogilev, Belarus

Mogilev State Enterprise «Kinovideoprokat» respectfully informs You that the XXVI International Festival of Animation Films «Animaevka-2024» will be held in Mogilev (The Republic of Belarus).

Over the period of its existence, the Festival has become a holiday of animation for children and adults. There are events in every regional center of Belarus.

There are demonstrations of competitive and out-of-competition programs, creative meetings with the producers of animation films, classes, exhibitions of children’s fine arts and decorative-applied arts for the audience.

The program of the Festival includes:
- contest of animation films;
- contest of children's animation films;
- contest of children’s fine arts and decorative-applied arts.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of FIDOCS International Documentary Film festival

10 Jul 2023

Published: 08 Jul 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of FIDOCS International Documentary Film festival

Banner Festival Internacional de Documentales de Santiago, FIDOCS

FIDOCS International Documentary Film festival

Santiago, Chile

The Santiago International Documentary Film Festival (FIDOCS) is the main broadcasting, diffusion, and competition event for documentary cinema in Chile and Latin America.
Focused on the promotion of dialogue and reflection, as well as in training audiences towards the appreciation of documentary film in a context of permanent transformation, FIDOCS seeks to explore the multiple paths available in documentary making as well as in the drifts proper to nonfiction works. In its program, FIDOCS incorporates the works of both experienced and emerging directors in order to address the question of “THE REAL”, and in doing so, it considers the various dimensions, disciplinary frontiers, and tensions that the question “what is real?”, as well as the documentary genre itself, has to offer us.

Throughout its history, FIDOCS has positioned itself as one of the most distinguished documentary film festivals in Latin America, standing as a privileged platform to screen contemporary cinema and to promote critical thinking. Year by year, under its selective curatorial approach, FIDOCS not only calls for important exponents of national and international audiovisual sectors to exhibit their work in Santiago, but also, in using this city as a film hub, it calls on such exponents to question, interpret, and re-write the status of contemporary documentary film practice today.

For the promotion, positioning, and exhibition of Chilean and International films, FIDOCS displays three main competitions. These sections include: INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION; CHILEAN COMPETITION, and EMERGENT SHORT COMPETITION FOR NATIONAL FILMS.

In addition, FIDOCS has the main industry activity, DOCS IN PROGRESS, for Latin-American works in progress where the jury (editors, directors, sound designers, producers, programmers), in addition to choosing a winner, feeds the filmmakers to carry out the post-production of their films and encourage their diffusion and transmission. This section is jointly run together with WIP section of CHILEDOC CONECTA.

The festival also has important training and extension activities in its FIDOCS SCHOOL, where students from film schools and communications from all over Chile so that its most outstanding students are in an intergenerational and interdisciplinary space with international and national festival guests; attending Master Classes, workshops, dialogues, among others.

In addition, in keeping with its interdisciplinary vocation, FIDOCS intends to accompany its screenings of other artistic interventions such as installations, exhibitions, performances, that from their own expressive means dialogue with the documentary concept. This is how FIDOCS EXPANDED section arises, where various artists, video-artists and filmmakers, all of them linked to the fields of sound or visuals, exhibit their work.
Finally, the chosen films will be screened after the completion of the festival, in different regions of Chile and abroad, at BEST OF FIDOCS section. The purpose is the cultural extension of the festival at a territorial level, putting emphasis on the circulation of the films at the regional level, being able to program replicas in the national territory as well as abroad.

*FIDOCS will be held with theatrical screenings.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other  Experimental


10 Jul 2023

Published: 08 Jul 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



México DF, Mexico

The Mexico City International Independent Film Festival STUFF MX celebrates its ninth edition in August 2024 and opens its official call to filmmakers from all over the world to register all their film materials, music videos; in all formats, genres and categories of any length, in animation, documentary, fiction and live-action, which will be valid from February 1, 2024 until June 30, 2024 at 23:59 CST (CST), Washington, D. C. time. CST (CST), Mexico City time.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of TEHRAN International Short Film Festival

10 Jul 2023

Published: 08 Jul 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of TEHRAN International Short Film Festival

Banner TEHRAN International Short Film Festival

TEHRAN International Short Film Festival

Tehran, Iran

In the name of the most supreme artist, the loving God.

TISFF, known as one of the world's most significant, renowned, and prestigious short film events and also an OSCARS® Qualifying short film festival, has been held for 40 consecutive years by IYCS.

IYCS is probably the world’s biggest and most comprehensive center for short film production and filmmaking training, with over 80 branches and a family of 250 thousand filmmakers and film graduates! Many of its graduates, rank among the top celebrated filmmakers in the world.

IYCS supports the production of more than 1,000 short films annually and trains more than 7,000 young filmmakers annually.

It has been winning numerous awards at prestigious international film festivals over the past four decades.

After holding and celebrating 40 glorious years, TISFF is introducing two new categories to the previous categories of Fiction, Documentary, Animation, and Experimental for its 41st edition.
With the rise of cutting-edge and emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR/ XR/ MR/ AR), we are witnessing fundamental, profound, and significant changes in the creative production process and the presentation of visual and audio works. These advancements are shaping a future where short film production and distribution will evolve rapidly and precisely.

To understand, recognize, utilize, reflect, advance, and enhance these technological transformations and advancements in service of the art and industry of short films, the festival introduces two new categories in its international competition sections to accept, judges and screens creatively produced short films made using these technologies:

AI (Artificial Intelligence) and
XR (Extended Reality) (VR: Virtual Reality, MR: Mixed Reality, AR: Augmented Reality).

The festival also introduces these two categories to fulfill and advance its global mission of fostering, encouraging, enhancing, and promoting excellence in short filmmaking, inviting up-and-coming talents and emerging filmmakers to delve into the realms of emerging, creativity, immersion, and low-budget production, as well as acknowledging and supporting those who excel in this innovative landscape.

New categories added to the 41st TISFF:
XR (Extended Reality) (VR: Virtual Reality, MR: Mixed Reality, AR: Augmented Reality) ($500 Cash Prize)
AI (Artificial Intelligence) ($500 Cash Prize)

Additionally, In the upcoming 41st TISFF, like the previous period, two awards will be given based on themes and topics:

1. The Truth-seekers Award ($1,000 Cash Prize)
This thematic award honors:
• Spreading hope and promoting peace and reconciliation instead of war and violence.
• Reviving the ideals of fraternity, justice, and fairness among nations.
• Elevating the status of women and the family.

2. The Silk Road Award ($1,000 Cash Prize)
The Silk Road has long been a major platform for promoting cultural and human interactions that have manifested into a sort of common heritage among the residents of 300 cities and 73 countries. In consideration of its illustrious historical role of establishing rich and stable connections, be it cultural, political, economic, or religious, among the many civilizations, nations, and governments that have come and gone throughout the region over time, as well as recent considerations for the revival of this road, it is quite evident that the Silk Road is strategically imperative for the success of international cooperation in various areas of activity. Accordingly, the Tehran International Short Film Festival, on the brink of its 41st anniversary and with new courses of action undertaken, has put on its agenda a new outlook on the cultural and economic opportunities of this facilitative road, as a sign of a long-enduring relationship between the two civilizations of the east and the west.

The Silk Road Award honors outstanding merits in the film industry that seek to represent the evident and hidden capacities and heritage of the Silk Road as a prosperous motif of:

Sustainable and comprehensive development, peaceful coexistence, ethnical cohesion, consolidation of civilian relations, national integrity, interfaith dialogue, religious tolerance, promulgator of peace and fraternity among individuals, ethnicities, and nations, retainer of individual and group rights and properties, compliance with neighborly rights, fair trade, generative economy and collective production of wealth, cultural diplomacy, and mutual respect for other cultures and native or national values.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Festival Itinerate Cine en mi barrio

10 Jul 2023

Published: 08 Jul 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Festival Itinerate Cine en mi barrio

Banner Festival Itinerante Cine En Mi Barrio

Festival Itinerate Cine en mi barrio

Popayán, Colombia

The Itinerant Cinema in Mi Barrio festival is consolidated as a vital platform for the dissemination of national short films in the department of Cauca, giving audiences from various subregions the opportunity to enjoy cinema on a giant screen. The 2024 call is open to short films that, due to their narrative proposal, stand out and have the potential to reach diverse audiences.

Cinematographic works may address free themes, with special attention to aspects such as the environment, human rights, creativity and youth, arts and cultures, thus reflecting the richness of Colombian biodiversity.

This year, the festival's itinerant route begins in the Cauca Pacific, with stops in Timbiquí and Guapi. The mobile room will then move to the south, to the lands of Patía, and later to the north in Santander de Quilichao, in the Valles del Cauca. You will also visit the east of Tierra Distancia, known for its hidden treasures.
The festival will have special programming during the central week in Popayán, Cauca, where additional activities will be developed, including workshops, talks and official exhibitions. This itinerant not only seeks to showcase short films, but also promote dialogue and cultural exchange, reaffirming the festival's commitment to promoting national cinema locally and internationally.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Toronto International Nollywood Film Festival

09 Jul 2023

Published: 07 Jul 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Toronto International Nollywood Film Festival

Toronto International Nollywood Film Festival

Toronto, Canada

The Toronto International Nollywood Film Festival (TINFF) is a film festival that embraces diversity and inclusivity! TINFF is a Telefilm Canada and IMDb-qualifying film festival. https://www.imdb.com/event/ev0010686/2019/1

The Toronto International Film Festival (TINFF) invites you to come to enjoy the diversity that brings local and international films, filmmakers, and artists to the beautiful city of Toronto every year.

The objective of TINFF is to be a prominent film festival in Toronto that celebrates the diversity that defines our beautiful city. The primary goal is to advance creative, independent filmmaking through diversity, innovation, and uniqueness by capturing a series of movements and experiences in a single film. We support, screen, and present music and films from around the world in order to help them find an audience and diversify the film industry as a whole.

The festival's programs and activities will initiate programs that address the capacity building of its organizational structure and personnel while also investing heavily in the development of its stakeholder group and providing support for strategic activities that address major challenges and opportunities.

This year's festival and activity projects will include conferences, screenings with Q&A, live music performances, stage plays, and dance, as well as several audience development activities involving workshop training and mentorship programs in various capacities geared toward increasing workforce capacity and putting diversity and inclusion at the center of its annual program and objectives.

The CBDFM Summit:

As part of the annual festival program, the TINFF-Market, also known as the "Canada Black & Diversity Film Market," will focus on business development, providing support to organizations for business-to-business (B2B) industry activities and business-to-consumer (B2C) audience development activities that bring opportunities for new business leads, collaboration, sales, distribution, and relationships.

Our programs and activities will be offered in three phases to ensure effective planning and execution:

• Festival programs will feature, among other things, screenings with Q&A, interviews, conferences, and seminars.
• Workshops and Training, Mentorship, and Masterclasses: Bridging the Gap in Skills Development Programs
• Acquisitions, networking, production collaboration, negotiations, sales, exhibition screenings, meetings (one-on-one or group meetings), and conferences are all part of the Film Market Summit.

Our initiatives, as a creative hub for filmmakers and industry stakeholders, are geared toward developing opportunities for all Canadians and international filmmakers and stakeholders, with a focus on the marginalized Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) groups.

The Toronto International Nollywood Film Festival (TINFF) is a year-round award competition and live screening festival held in Toronto each year. Every year, we hold a festival event and an award ceremony to celebrate diversity in film. We warmly welcome filmmakers from all around the world to Toronto.

Following the announcement and notification of the Official Selected Films, we will go on to the next stage of the selection process and announce the TINFF Festival Finalists who will compete at the live festival event in Toronto. The names of all Finalists will be published on the TINFF festival website and on the TINFF Facebook page.

TINFF is a music and film festival with an awards ceremony that honours and fosters filmmakers by recognizing, promoting, challenging, and building knowledge of equality, social justice, non-discrimination, diversity, and multiculturalism.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Arruda dos Vinhos Film Festival

09 Jul 2023

Published: 07 Jul 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Curt`Arruda Film Festival

Arruda dos Vinhos Film Festival

Arruda dos Vinhos, Portugal

CURT’ARRUDA - Arruda dos Vinhos Annual Film Festival aims to present national and foreign cinema, stimulating film production through the attribution of awards for best rural short film and the best short film from Arruda dos Vinhos.

CURT’ARRUDA is a film festival focused on rurality. It is organized by Cultura deGrau – Cultural Association.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Lloret Negre

09 Jul 2023

Published: 07 Jul 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Lloret Negre

Lloret Negre

Lloret de Mar, Spain

Lloret Negre is the first noir genre festival of the Costa Brava. It's objetive is to promote the noir genre and as well as Lloret de Mar and it's heritage.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Festival Internacional De Cine Corto De Cali

08 Jul 2023

Published: 06 Jul 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine Corto de Cali

Festival Internacional De Cine Corto De Cali

Cali , Colombia

The International Short Film Festival of Cali, with the opening of its call, is to be a space for the exhibition of professional and university short films from the city of Cali and the world to serve as a meeting point between the new filmmakers and the professionals of the short film.

The XVI International Short Film Festival of Cali will take place from october 1 to 5 of 2024, in the city of Santiago de Cali, Colombia.

The call for the competitive categories of the festival will be open from June 11 th of 2024 and we will close the registration period at midnight of agost 11 th of 2024 Colombian local time (UTC-5).

Films sent to the following categories: National Official Selection, National Official University Selection, International Official Selection and International Official University Selection must have been completed after January 15, 2023.

The results of the call for the competitive categories will be announced on the festival’s official website www.cortoscali.com by August 31 th, 2024.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of TameCine Fest - Festival De Cine De Támesis

08 Jul 2023

Published: 06 Jul 2023
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner TameCine Fest - Festival De Cine De Támesis

TameCine Fest - Festival De Cine De Támesis

Támesis, Colombia

The purpose of the festival is to definitively promote film production in the region by inviting national and international figures to spend a few days in the Thames, thereby bringing knowledge of the region, its people and its culture closer together. It will be a regional and territorial festival that will have national and international categories and will transform Támesis and its rural areas into movie theaters for 4 days.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation


07 Jul 2023

Published: 05 Jul 2023
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Avilés Acción: Certamen Cortometrajes


Aviles, Spain

Only for Spanish Filmmakers // Solo para cineastas españoles.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental