Logo of XXII Piriápolis de Película Film Festival (Uruguay)

16 Sep 2022

Published: 14 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Piriápolis De Película 22 (Uruguay)

XXII Piriápolis de Película Film Festival (Uruguay)

Piriápolis, Uruguay

The International Film Festival "Piriápolis de Película" is an event that has consolidated itself as an essential space for the meeting of the independent production of national and international filmmakers. It is characterized by exhibiting, completely free of charge, a selection of outstanding audiovisual productions, short, medium and feature films of all genres. It also has an Iberoamerican Short Film Contest, whose objective is to stimulate and disseminate the production of short films in the region and the continent, adorned by an outstanding international jury.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Cortometrajes relacionados con el descanso y la salud.

16 Sep 2022

Published: 14 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Cortometrajes relacionados con el descanso y la salud.

Banner I Concurso Inout Distribution ’Buenas Noches, Gente Despierta’

Cortometrajes relacionados con el descanso y la salud.

Madrid, Spain



Dormir es una actividad absolutamente necesaria. Mientras dormimos se llevan a cabo funciones fisiológicas imprescindibles para la restauración del equilibrio psíquico y físico de los individuos. Por el contrario, la ausencia de un sueño normalizado puede alterar el humor, crear dificultad para la concentración y falta de atención, somnolencia, cansancio físico y mental, estado general de nerviosismo, tensión, tristeza e irritabilidad, impactando de manera distinta a cada persona.

Expuesto lo anterior, aflora el tema del presente concurso de cortometrajes. A través de las distintas situaciones que se pueden dar en la vida real, queremos promover y concienciar sobre la importancia para nuestras vidas de tener y disfrutar de un sueño reparador y de calidad.

El concurso "BUENAS NOCHES, GENTE DESPIERTA" surge para proponer la creación de cortos relacionados con el buen sueño​ y ​el buen descanso.​ Relacionado con esta idea, los cortometrajes deberían, a modo de ejemplo, tratar sobre​:

• Disfrutar de un descanso reponedor
• Recrear imágenes y fantasías mientras dormimos de una manera saludable
• Cumplir nuestras metas y sueños (gente vital porque ha descansado bien)

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of BaideFest

15 Sep 2022

Published: 13 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner BaiDefest Roses


Roses, Spain

Festival of fantasy and horror genre shorts, open to all types of filmmakers, whether professionals or amateurs. The festival will be held in the town of Roses (Spain), from November 13 to 16, 2025. We accept short films of the Fantastic, Horror, Animation, Gore, Freak and Trash genres.

La GEEK SHOCK CINEMA, on Sunday the 17th we will hold a marathon of short films, we are looking for underground, festival, comedy, gore and fantastic short films, fake trailers, so that the public can have fun, and shout at the screen, These short films that are selected WILL NOT ENTER THE COMPETITION, participation will be free, but we repeat, THEY WILL NOT ENTER THE COMPETITION, it will only be screened in said marathon, with a maximum of 15 minutes.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of EL GRITO: International Fantastic Film Festival

15 Sep 2022

Published: 13 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner El Grito: Festival Internacional De Cine Fantástico

EL GRITO: International Fantastic Film Festival

San Cristóbal, Venezuela

El Grito is the first and only fantasy and horror film festival in Venezuela.

We are a space that promotes reflection, meeting and training through fantasy and horror films, serving as a platform for their dissemination and promotion as genres that go beyond entertainment, highlighting its poetic value and its own tools to move from different narratives, techniques and themes. Under the initiative of the El Grito Casa Audiovisual (www.elgritoproduce.com), this meeting was born in December 2019 in the city of San Cristobal, Tachira State.

We look for works that transcend narrative, aesthetic and technical languages ​​within the genre, using history as the main element in his audiovisual proposal, demonstrating as an author, a search for new ways of showing situations, conflicts and twists of the screw hand in hand with references from different disciplines that feed its concept.

EL GRITO seeks to raise its voice until it becomes a thunderous noise that shakes our city and summons for years all kinds of nightmares and monsters that can strengthen our worn out humanity sensibility.

More information in elgritoproduce.com

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Music Video

Logo of Hacer Encima

15 Sep 2022

Published: 13 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Hacer Encima

Hacer Encima


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of FESCISE 2023

15 Sep 2022

Published: 13 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Fescise 2023


Maturín, Venezuela

FESCISE; It is a film festival that rewards the complexity of making a sequence shot, the works will have a minimum duration of 5 minutes and a maximum of 15 minutes (including credits); with a minimum continuous sequence shot of 3 minutes 30 seconds in the development of the short.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of La Pecca LGTBI Short Film Contest

15 Sep 2022

Published: 13 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner LA PECCA. Certamen Internacional de Cortometrajes de Temática LGTBIQ+

La Pecca LGTBI Short Film Contest

Sevilla, Spain

LA PECCA -Small Environmental Film Contest- was born in 2007 by the DeFrente Association.

The main purpose of this project is to promote respect for sexual and gender diversity through cinema, contributing to the development of a plural and inclusive society.
Taking a quality film event as a vehicle, we show plural life stories and encourage people to visibly live their sexual and gender identity, to promote social awareness and claim at the same time the right of the LGTBIQ + community to be present in culture and in society equally.

We also give visibility and support to quality cinematography, promoting the discovery of new talents.


ASOCIACIÓN DEFRENTE is a non-profit organization in Seville that was established in 2006. Since its inception, its objectives have been aimed at serving the lesbian, gay, transsexual and bisexual community in response to a social demand by being this group in a situation of marginalization and discrimination in many areas of daily life.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Short Movie Club Film Festival Nefiltravanae Kino

15 Sep 2022

Published: 13 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Short Movie Club Film Festival Nefiltravanae Kino

Short Movie Club Film Festival Nefiltravanae Kino

Vilnius, Lithuania

The purpose of the festival refers to awareness of both the external filters on the screen, including censorship (commercial, ideological, aesthetic), and the internal filters of screen perception and projection, including self-censorship. NEFILTRAVANAE KINO is an exploration of aestheticization and commodification in art. The next aim of the festival is to expose the complexity, manysidedness, and variety of filmmaking.

NEFILTRAVANAE KINO is a film festival that is held by the Short Movie Club, the platform for cinematic projects. NEFILTRAVANAE KINO is ADAMI Media Prize qualified festival. The International Film Studies Conference is held at the same time as the film festival. In this way, film theory and practice are integrated together at the NEFILTRAVANAE KINO.

Originally the festival was held in Belarus, but because of political repression and publicly stated anti-war stance, screenings and events can be held in different countries. First of all in Lithuania (Vilnius). For example, the 10th Nefiltravanae Kino took place in Berlin, Vilnius and Helsinki last year. There were selected 63 films for 12 film programmes. https://shortmovie.club/programmes/10-2024/

The concept of the NEFILTRAVANAE KINO (Unfiltered Cinema):


We live in a world of malls and cinema multiplexes. We see that indie cinema and non-commodity art go to the periphery of public attention. Primitive attractions replace the cinematography. The escape audience is alienated behind the big screen. So modern mainstream cinema is part of a manipulating tool that leads to the society of alienation. Thus the tendency is that indie cinema becomes more unreadable for the wide audience. We should understand the context of the filmmaker to understand the independent cinema. That is why the NEFILTRAVANAE KINO concept implies the physical presence of filmmakers.

Filmmakers shoot millions of movies. And thousands of short film festivals organize screenings all over the world every year. On average, several thousand films are submitted to a film festival. So various good films can be neglected for whatever reason. Often selecting probability is like winning a lottery. As a result, filmmakers are left with no feedback. It is a paradox that no one can hear you in the age of the Internet! The mainstream culture prefers attractions and casual viewing.

Also, this idea is based on the film selection problem. Perhaps it’s no surprise one person, i.e. programme director at best, or even students of film schools make a preliminary decision to select a movie. Сoncordance of judges or previewers is more seldom thing than the difference of background, tastes. So selection or judging can be one-sided or perfunctory. It is not bad as the programme director has a good taste and aesthetic sensitivity, of course. But we’ve discovered another conception of “unfiltered cinema”. We matched it against “the best of the best” way. This way aids to perceive cinematic idiom without the dictate of art-curators.

So the Unfiltered Cinema Film Festival tries to avoid “the best of the best” way but it does not ignore it completely, sure. The festival selects fiction, animation, documentary, experimental and virtual reality sections. A jury awards the best film in every section. The festival holds the screenings at cinema theatres, the National Centre for Contemporary Arts, and art-spaces.

Our aim is to gather people in art, to have a dialogue to be happy with smart communication. Cinema is art but not sport. The key point of our project is to establish communication between the filmmaker and the audience.

Please, read about the festival history through the link to the festival's website. http://shortmovie.club/history/

The Short Movie Club provides constructing of CinemaVan ( see https://www.behance.net/gallery/33392769/Cinema-van-Mobile-library-Amphibia ).

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Diputación de Jaen Short Film Festival against Gender violence

15 Sep 2022

Published: 13 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Diputación de Jaen Short Film Festival against Gender violence

Banner XII Festival De Cortometrajes Diputación De Jaén Contra La Violencia De Género

Diputación de Jaen Short Film Festival against Gender violence

Jaén, Spain

The topic of the work will be the violence of gender, in any of its manifestations, its prevention and sensitization against it, being able to present documentaries and short films of plot fiction.

The jury will have special consideration for those works that address this issue by focusing on the youth world.


Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of Petit Pavé - Independent Film Festival in Curitiba

15 Sep 2022

Published: 13 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner 6º Petit Pavé - Festival De Cinema Independente De Curitiba

Petit Pavé - Independent Film Festival in Curitiba

Curitiba, Brazil

6th Edition of Petit Pavé - Curitiba independent film festival. This year the festival will be online.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Begiradak - International short film festival

15 Sep 2022

Published: 13 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Begiradak - International short film festival

Banner Begiradak - Festival internacional de cine amateur

Begiradak - International short film festival

Donostia- San Sebastián, Spain


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Corti a Ponte Short Film Festival

15 Sep 2022

Published: 13 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Corti A Ponte - Festival Internazionale Di Cortometraggi

Corti a Ponte Short Film Festival

Ponte San Nicolò, Italy

Corti a Ponte is a great little festival in the Venice area.

Films are screened in Italian or in original language with Italian or English subtitles in front of an audience from 3 to 99 year old.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation

Logo of View Award Contest 2025

15 Sep 2022

Published: 13 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner View Award Contest 2025

View Award Contest 2025

Turin, Italy

#VIEWCONFERENCE is the premiere International event in Italy on Computer Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Digital Cinema, Animation, VR/AR, Games, VFX and immersive storytelling.

VIEW CONFERENCE è un evento internazionale a cadenza annuale incentrato sulla computer grafica, le tecniche interattive, il cinema digitale, l’animazione, i videogiochi, gli effetti visivi, Realta' Virtuale e aumentata e storytelling immersivo.

1) VIEW AWARD: First Prize is 2000 Euros

2) ITALIANMIX: First Prize is a Wacom Tablet


Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/viewconference

YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UChGdAnZQE6UcH_OQ5DNFW_Q

Twitter: @viewconference.it

Instagram: view_conference

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Aguilar Film Festival

15 Sep 2022

Published: 13 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Aguilar Film Festival

Banner Aguilar Film Festival

Aguilar Film Festival

Aguilar de Campóo, Spain

The Aguilar de Campoo Short Film Festival is consolidated as one of the most veteran and relevant film citations in our country in its genre. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts of Spain, includes it as one of the key festivals for the selection of short films that will compete in the Goya Awards. Throughout the last editions the festival has been making important decisions that commit it to the cinema of our country. In his thirteenth edition he published his manifesto where he exhibited his philosophy and commitment to film. He made the decision to pay for selection to the selected short films thus eliminating economic competition in order to encourage artistic creation and production. Its screening rooms are open to international cinema including all genres, fiction, documentary animation and experimental cinema. In 2016 the festival received recognition from the AIC (Short Film Industry Association). This certificate is an annual distinction to differentiate and reward festivals that perform an exemplary role in the dissemination, protection and professionalization of cinema and its industry, and especially of the short film. This is the first time this certification has been granted and is the result of more than a year of work tables and conversations with festivals, filmmakers and other professionals from across the country in order to develop a guide to good behaviors towards the short film and its creators. The basic objectives of this distinction are to educate new generations of filmmakers and protect model festivals, recognizing their dedication and rigor. We seek the encounter and exchange between professionals and the public as a form of cultural enrichment.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Central American Film Festival - Vienna

15 Sep 2022

Published: 13 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Ciclo de Cine Centroamericano - Viena

Central American Film Festival - Vienna

Wien, Austria

The Central American Film Festival in Vienna, Austria, has firmly established itself as an annual tradition for the city.

Vienna has long been revered as one of the world's foremost cultural hubs, making it an ideal setting to showcase the increasingly diverse and compelling productions emerging from the Central American region.

This year's film festival returns in November, and we eagerly anticipate the continued patronage of our devoted audience as they join us to explore the latest offerings from Central American cinema.

Consistent with past editions, alongside the Feature Film, Short Film, Documentary, and Animation categories, the festival includes parallel non-competitive sections: "Pioneers of Central American Cinema," "Works in Progress," "Guest Film," "Bonus Films," and "Latin American View." The latter features a curated selection of audiovisual works depicting contemporary life in Latin America. Detailed descriptions of these sections are provided in the participation guidelines.

"Latin American View": A curated selection of audiovisual works from Latin America offering insights into life in the region.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of FEMCINE Santiago Women’s Film Festival

15 Sep 2022

Published: 13 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Femcine 15 Festival Cine de Mujeres

FEMCINE Santiago Women’s Film Festival

Santiago, Chile

FEMCINE was created to discover and support the work done by female filmmakers and to share films with gender-based subjects with a broader audience. FEMCINE invites female directors from Chile and the rest of the world to participate in one of its three competition categories: International Feature Length Competition, International Short Film Competition, and the Chilean Film School Short Film Competition.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Amazine International Short Film Festival

14 Sep 2022

Published: 12 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Amazine, Concurso Internacional De Cortometrajes Y Fotografía

Amazine International Short Film Festival

Montpellier, France

Follow us on instagram:

International Festival

Short film festival

 Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Hacer Encima

13 Sep 2022

Published: 11 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Hacer Encima

Banner Hacer Encima

Hacer Encima

Barcelona, Spain

The goal of Agora Awards and our NFT Awards Festival is to provide visibility to talent worldwide. Everyone can participate in our Awards. The TOP100 finalists of each category will be offered to become part of our NFT marketplace: a curated marketplace of Photography, Art and Video Art. The most voted creation of each category will win $25.000.
The Festival will take place in Barcelona from the 27th to the 29th of October 2022.
Finalists will also be offered to appear with their work on Agora TV: our worldwide digital television with an audience of 30k of daily viewers. 

You provide your talent, we give you visibility. We win if you win.

How do we select the finalists?

The Agora Jury is in charge of selecting the TOP100 finalists of each Award. The Agora Jury consists of a mix of Photography, Video and Art experts, who are chosen internally, but also community members that proved their great talent on previous awards. The jury takes into account quality, diversity, artistry and originality. It takes into account that the final selection is from different countries, different ages and with the intention of having gender equity.

What happens if I am selected as finalist?

If you receive an email from us indicating you are an Agora Awards finalist, congratulations! This means your creation has gone through our Agora Jury curation process and been selected as one of the best among thousands of creations. Your creation will then move to the voting rounds, where the entire Agora community votes for the best via our app Agora Awards. As a finalist you will automatically be eligible to appear on our international Agora TV channel. If you succeed in the voting rounds, you will participate in the final round, where the winner is chosen! A fantastic prize of $25,000 is waiting for you. Will you be the lucky one?

The final awards ceremony will take place in Barcelona, from October 27th to 29th in 2022. At this event the best finalists will be exhibited, the awards ceremony will take place, our NFT market will be presented and we will have talks, podium discussion, further exhibitions, meetings and last but no least a big party. The event will be broadcasted on Agora TV.

We are looking forward to celebrate with you!

Power to artists

Power to the people

Power to you. 

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Concurso Nacional de Cine Independiente de Cipolletti

12 Sep 2022

Published: 10 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Concurso Nacional de Cine Independiente de Cipolletti

Concurso Nacional de Cine Independiente de Cipolletti

Cipolletti, Argentina

For Argentinian Filmmakers, or filmmakers with residence in Argentina.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Laceno d`oro International Film Festival

12 Sep 2022

Published: 10 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internazionale Del Cinema Laceno D`oro

Laceno d`oro International Film Festival

Avellino, Italy


Circolo ImmaginAzione for film culture, as part of Laceno D’Oro Film Festival 2022, announces two international contest categories: feature & medium-length films, and short films.

Furthermore, there will be a competition called SPAZIO CAMPANIA, including works by authors from Campania and produced in Campania only.

The call is open to movies produced and shot in any video format, regardless of the genre and nationality, and completed after January 1st, 2021.

Works already distributed in Italian theatres will be excluded, as well as works already released in Italy on streaming platforms. National Previews will be prioritized.


1) CONCORSO LACENO D’ORO 47: full-length and medium-lenght films, both fictional and documentaries, with a running-time over 30 minutes.
Works which will stand out for their experimental and fresh approach will be taken into further consideration.

2) Short-movies competition “Gli occhi sulla città”: short-films not exceeding 30 minutes, including credits.
Each work will have to stand out for the way they deal with issues related to urban spaces, to the environment and to the landscape. This topic can be explored with the outmost freedom. Each work, however, will have to ponder how moviemaking can tell, depict, or even “predict” the changes of urban spaces and contemporary landscapes. All authors will deal with this topic in their own creative and original way.

3) SPAZIO CAMPANIA, for all works - with no length or genre restrictions - created by authors from Campania or produced in Campania.
To be valid, all movies must be submitted, according to the submission details included in this call, no later than September 12th, 2022.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video