Logo of agropoliinternationalfilmfestival

30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner agropolifilmfestival


Agropoli, Italy

The purpose of "Agropoli International Film Festival" is to honor the vision, the art and the work of Independent Filmmakers Worldwide.

The Live Event will be on October 2020 in the "Area of movies" in Agropoli, a beautiful village in the Cilento Coast (Italy).

In more than 36 hours of screening, the best Short Films, Videoclips, Documentaries and Feature Film will be showcased and recognized.

Please, read carefully the rules before submitting.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of INCORTO Film Festival - 8th Edition

30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of INCORTO Film Festival - 8th Edition

Banner Incorto Film Festival - 8th Edition

INCORTO Film Festival - 8th Edition

Mexico City, Mexico

Our mission is to provide tools to filmmakers around the world, to exhibit and distribute their work. INCORTO reaches millions of viewers and filmmakers through INCORTO Film Festival, through INCORTO.com Film Channel and trough the live screening tour, which distributes part of its profits to filmmakers from 95 countries.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Maniatic, Festival Internacional de cine Fantástico de Manises

30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Maniatic, Festival Internacional de cine Fantástico de Manises

Banner Maniatic, Festival Internacional De Cine Fantástico De Manises

Maniatic, Festival Internacional de cine Fantástico de Manises

Manises, Spain

MANIATIC- FANTASTIC INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL OF MANISES it´s a festival of fantastic genre to bring the world of the short film to the new generations of spectators who otherwise would not have access to the latest creations of the future directors of cinema.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of 8º CBFF International Film Festival Vigo

30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 8º CBFF Festival Internacional De Cine En Vigo

8º CBFF International Film Festival Vigo

Vigo, Spain

CBFF – Vigo International Film Festival is an International Cinematographic event organized by the production and distribution company CityBlue Films. It will celebrate its 8th edition between December 9 and 14, 2024, in the city of Vigo, Spain.

It is a cultural, social event and a meeting space between the public, creators, media professionals, and representatives of the film industry.

CBFF – Vigo International Film Festival has been created with the main objective of promoting culture through the promotion and dissemination of cinematographic works.

This Festival has been developed to support directors and producers by providing all filmmakers who wish, a space to disseminate and promote their work to the general public.

Being an audiovisual, cultural, artistic, industrial and educational platform, allowing the discovery of new talents and emerging films.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Diverso Cinema International Film Fest LGBTQI+ Of Colombia 2024

30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Diverso Cinema Festival Internacional De Cine Lgbtqi+ De Colombia 2024

Diverso Cinema International Film Fest LGBTQI+ Of Colombia 2024

Bogota, Colombia


International LGBT Film Festival of Colombia

We touch the fibers of the human being through the projection and circulation of inclusive and friendly cinema with the community; recognizing and rewarding the new acting talents of the continent and generating value to diverse communities and the Seventh Art, to change the stereotypes of Colombian society.

With our “OWN BRAND” Diverso Cinema we promote Latin American and world cinema through films, documentaries, short films and feature films that tell stories of the lives of diverse communities.

We have opened inclusive spaces such as: (Universities, Theaters, Restaurants and Bars) for the projection of films that leave an education in the spectators, encouraging a two-way economic interaction that benefits the community.

We generate income through the sale of the Ticket Office, promoting new experiences combining the seventh art and cultural tourism.

“We have managed to impact more than 3,000 spectators in general; in cities where we have screened FILMS, DOCUMENTS, SHORT FILMS, and FEATURES among others, many of them based on real events by people like you or me.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner XVª Muestra De Cortos Cine Bardem


Moltalban de Cordoba, Spain

Only for Spanish Filmmakers.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Music Video

Logo of Algeciras Fantastika

30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Algeciras Fantastika

Algeciras Fantastika

Algeciras, Spain

Algeciras Fantástika is a multidisciplinary cultural event specialized in matters of fantastic nature, suspense, terror and science fiction, organized by Algeciras City Council and the University of Cadiz.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Author International Film Festival - Festival Internacional De Cine De Autor

30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Author International Film Festival - Festival Internacional De Cine De Autor

Author International Film Festival - Festival Internacional De Cine De Autor

Guadalajara, Mexico

The FIC AUTOR (Author's International Film Festival) is interested in unique and artistic films that exceed the limits of traditional storytelling. We look for Feature and Short Films that reflect the director's personal creative vision, and a style that is distinct enough to shine through the collective process.

WE ONLY CARE ABOUT WHAT YOU SHOW IN YOUR FILM, how CREATIVE you are and how you tell the story, that's it. We don't care if your film has recognized stars or unknown names, if it was shot with an Arri or a DSLR, if it has been accepted to a thousand festivals or none. We don’t base our decisions regarding your gender, sexual orientation, color of your skin, or ethnicity like other festivals. We are against the politics and bureaucracy that flood the film industry. 100% of the films accepted come from the submissions, we don't invite films. We want to be recognized as an objective festival with a tough competition and the most creative global cinema in our theaters!

We're partners with RAINDANCE Film School MX, so if you're one of our selected filmmakers, you will also screen your film there and have the chance to teach a masterclass in one of the most important film schools in the world and who knows, maybe be spotted by Elliot himself!

The FIC AUTOR will take place in November in Guadalajara, Jalisco, México and Tequila Jalisco. We will present the very best films from around the world, ranging from the most unexpected-creative low budget films from unknown filmmakers, to films made by experienced/well known directors. Mano a mano, this competition is tough! FIC AUTOR will strive to be one of the most important cultural events in the city. We aspire to become an international spotlight for new directors!

In the 7th edition we presented the first Honorary Ring to our 1st guest of honor, the Academy Award nominee actress Yalitza Aparicio ("Rome" dir. Alfonso Cuarón) We will continue inviting interesting talents from different fields.

-The 13 winning Authors will receive the WINNER LAUREL, plus FIC AUTOR trophy or rings.
-WINNERS will be announced one month before the award ceremony, so all the nominated filmmakers can decide beforehand whether they want to travel to the festival.
-The Cineforo is one of the biggest cinema theaters in the city with 440 seats, and is the most prestigious.


Feature Films Categories:
-Fictional Feature Films.
-Documentary Feature Films.
-Experimental Feature Films.
-First-Time Filmmaker.
-Low Budget Feature Films Under 50K USD.
-Mexican Feature Films. (For Mexican directors only)

Medium Length Category:
-Medium Length Films. (Any kind)

Short Films Categories:
-Fictional Short Films.
-Documentary Short Films.
-Experimental Short Films.
-Animated Short Films.
-Mexican Short Films. (For Mexican directors only)
-Cineminuto 1 minute Short Films.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Ebrovision Short Film Music Festival

30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Ebrovision Short Film Music Festival

Ebrovision Short Film Music Festival


EBROCORTO, the international festival of musical short films, will celebrate its seventh edition in 2024 in Miranda de Ebro.

The Festival offers, through the selected works, a different way of enjoying music.

The central theme of each work must be music in all of its ramifications. It can be any type of music or any discipline in which music plays a fundamental role or, barring that, any work in which music is a notable element of the narration.

EBROCORTO is a film competition organized by the Asociación Amigos de Rafael Izquierdo and has the collaboration and sponsorship of the City Council of Miranda de Ebro.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Abruzzo Horror Film Festival

30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Abruzzo Horror Film Festival

Banner Abruzzo Horror Film Festival

Abruzzo Horror Film Festival



International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Terror

Logo of 42th Encounters Short Film Festival ’Image In Cabestany’

30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner 42es Rencontres du court-métrage ’Image In Cabestany’

42th Encounters Short Film Festival ’Image In Cabestany’

Cabestany, France

In 1981, André ABET and the city of Cabestany decided to create the First Encounter Short Film Festival of Cabestany. It is truly a encounter, more than a festival, because everything is planned to promote exchange between audience and directors, like the numerous “verre de l’amitié” (friendship toasts), offered after each screening. Always a fun and friendly moment!

Animation, documentary, experimental, fiction, musical clip and report with a maximum length of 30 minutes and French subtitles can take part in this international event.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of OMOVIES - LGBT Q Film Festival

30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Omovies - International LGBT+ Questioning Film Festival

OMOVIES - LGBT Q Film Festival

Napoli, Italy


Call for Participation
The International Competition
on Lesbian Gay Transgender and Questioning audiovisual works.

Deadline: september 30, 2024

Preliminary remarks

The Association i Ken Onlus announces a competition for audiovisual lesbian gay transgender and/or questioning-themed works, at the 17th edition of OMOVIES – Lesbian Gay Transgender and Questioning Film Festival. The Festival will be held both on-line and in the cinema room.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Festival  Kinoarte de Cinema

30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Festival  Kinoarte de Cinema

Banner Festival Kinoarte De Cinema

Festival Kinoarte de Cinema

Londrina, Brazil

The 26th Kinoarte Film Festival, to be held from November 14th to December 1st, is receiving applications for its competitive sessions of short films. Films up to 25 minutes long, produced from January 2023 may participate in the Ibero-American, National, Paranaense and Londrinense competitions.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of The Raven, international short film festival of horror, fantasy and science fiction

30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner El Cuervo, certamen internacional de cortometrajes de terror, fantasía y ciencia ficción

The Raven, international short film festival of horror, fantasy and science fiction

Cintruenigo, Spain

Short film festival of fantasy, science fiction anf horror.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of 22º NOIA - Festival do Audiovisual Universitário

30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner 22º NOIA - Festival do Audiovisual Universitário

22º NOIA - Festival do Audiovisual Universitário


The Festival is intended for brazilian short films made by university students.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental


30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films




Initiated in the backdrop of 60th year of India's Independence, CHINH INDIA KIDS FILM FESTIVAL and FORUM is an initiative to celebrate knowledge,ideas and perspectives on culture, development and education in context of children programming.

The objective of the CHINH INDIA KIDS FILM FESTIVAL is to inculcate taste for quality children programme and to generate awareness about new genre, innovations, and formats linking education with culture & development issues among children.

The highlight of CHINH INDIA KIDS FILM FESTIVAL is intelligence exchange sessions of children with experts to share, voice and express their views.

In CHINH INDIA KIDS FILM FESTIVAL, childrens' opinion matters and they decide the winners.

The video clippings of the children jury and judgement process is uploaded on www.chinh.in

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of San Diego International Kids Film Festival

30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner San Diego International Kids Film Festival

San Diego International Kids Film Festival

Palos Verdes Peninsula, United States

The San Diego International Kids' Film Festival promotes the idea of entertainment with education. Supported by many across the world, the festival supports the entertainment and education industries by showcasing international films, and gives young, aspiring filmmakers a channel to communicate to an international community. The resulting collaboration produces a unique multicultural experience, engaging young viewers with positive media, as a diverse education.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental


30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner ANTIC HORROR WEEKEND (XIV Antic Horror Picture Show)


Barcelona, Spain

Fantastic Horror Short Film Festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of LGBT Film Festival El Lugar Sin Límites

30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Fic Lgbt El Lugar Sin Límites

LGBT Film Festival El Lugar Sin Límites

Quito, Ecuador

El Lugar Sin Límites, está considerado entre los cuatro mejores festivales de Cine del Ecuador y es una de las actividades más importantes de la comunidad LGBTI ecuatoriana, adicionalmente es calificado como uno de los Festivales de Cine LGBTI más relevantes de la región.

Todos los trabajos deben estar doblados al español o con subtitulos en español, cuyo tema principal sea sobre LESBIANAS, GAYS, BISEXUALES, TRANS E INTERSEX.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Cittadella GeoFilmFestival

30 Sep 2022

Published: 28 Sep 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner CGeOFF - Cittadellageofilmfestival

Cittadella GeoFilmFestival

Cittadella, Italy

The Cultural Association Officina delle Idee intends to realize with the Patronage of the Municipality of Cittadella (PD), the Veneto Region and the Province of Padua the third edition of GEOFILMFESTIVAL - The Cinema of the Elements, "The Golden Earth" International Film Award, availing itself of the artistic direction of the director and actor Rocco Cosentino.

GEOFILMFESTIVAL wants to offer itself to all operators, filmmakers and the general public as competition and innovation for its theme: The Environment. Earth, Water, Fire, Air as objectives in the creation and production of medium-short films. So the Cinema of the Elements for which each of us is called to participate and make it a professional, social and moral goal.

The Cinema, once again, disseminator of news and civilization. Together with the cultural dissemination with the cinematographic projection, GEOFILMFESTIVAL - The Cinema of the Elements links its attention to the Environmental Problems of the World.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental