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The MovieZone Short Film Festival is a new festival jointly hosted and organized by the MovieZone application and Movie View magazine. It is open to short films of all genres from around the world, aiming to promote original and entertaining short films and make them available to the general public in China.
It will take place online via the MovieZone application, but all the short films will be geo-blocked to allow only Chinese audience to watch them. There is no submission fee to enter films.
The Festival will be divided into two main categories:
The Panorama section will include “Europe-Asia Visions”, “Student Perspectives”, “Best of the Best”, “Signature Collection”, “MovieZone Spotlight”, and will be continuously uploaded during the festival, allowing audiences to watch 100+ acclaimed international short films.
Films in competition will be competing for five money prizes: Best Short Film, Jury Prize, Best Director, Best Creativity and Audience Award. A jury of international and domestic professional filmmakers will award them.
We invite submissions of short films (under 15 minutes) to appear as part of the Healthy Scepticism film festival. Submissions should offer some contemplation of the issues under consideration at the Healthy Scepticism project (here), and may do so in any the filmmaker sees fit. Submissions might explore, for example, the following kinds of questions: What are your or others’ experiences of health, illness, wellness, medicine, healthcare? What is your perspective on how our healthcare systems do and do not work? How do we currently think of ourselves as “ill” or “healthy,” and why? What role does media – including social media – have in our perceptions of health, wellness, illness and disease? How do personal encounters, family histories, ethnic, sexual and gender identities change our experiences of health and illness, of healthcare and healthcare systems? How has COVID-19 changed things for us in terms of how we understand health and its care?
We will feature the films of our finalists as part of our virtual film festival, and one overall winner will be featured in the festival, alongside an interview with the winning filmmaker. The winner will be chosen by an interdisciplinary panel of judges working across the content areas of the Healthy Scepticism project.
The idea of the Festival, born like all good ideas, in a garage ...
One cold night of August 2019, inside the Nazario´s Garage, three friends were chatting about what they could contribute to make the Tera Valley area attractive, which suffered a great depopulation. Since then, his enthusiasm and effort have turned into reality the idea that arose that night in that mysterious garage ...
The Crevillent Short Film Competition, organized by the Excellent City Council of Crevillent from the Department of Culture, announces the bases to apply for the awards in its 5th edition to be held on October 18 and 19, 2024.
The objective of the contest is to promote the short film. Culture is considered a source of wealth, and in this sense, the local impulse of the cultural offer also serves the impulse of the economic and local development of our municipality.
Established in 2014, we are the World renown GREAT LAKES CHRISTIAN FILM FESTIVAL focused on spotlighting the best faith-based submissions every year. What does that mean? For starters, this is a festival for Christian Filmmakers or anyone looking to submit a Christian-themed film. The target audience is for the WHOLE family, Grandma and Junior alike. Some projects, such as Passion of the Christ, might be too graphic or unsuitable for children under 14 years old. If you plan to submit a project, we suggest you please give us warning as to the content of the film so we can categorize it differently than a general audience rating. This does not guarantee it will be selected, but it does give us a reference point. The idea is to provide indie Christian Filmmakers an outlet and possible success full-time, as well as, opportunities for veteran movie industry folks to network, mentor, and inspire the next generation film stars and moguls.
The Universal Movie Awards (UNIMAA) is an annual international reputable Award. The event is based in the Western State of Africa Nigeria.
Our vision is oriental value based on enriching the entertainment industry through the promotion of excellent creative works by Motion Picture practitioners.
The mission of Universal Movie Awards is: "the celebration of professional Excellence in the Global Film/Television Industry." It will also promote the appreciation of Arts and Culture through motion picture arts and sciences around the globe.
UNIMAA also runs a movie academy designated for the development of contemporary talents in the motion picture industry.
This award is founded and established by Hope Obioma Opara in 2020. He is also the President/ CEO of Supple Communications Limited under which the Awards platform is Holden. He is the publisher of Supple Magazine, a film festivals/Awards and culture magazine in Africa. www.supplemagazine.org.
Internationally, the Festival will award the Best Film, among the first three feature films of a director who has not yet made the fourth, with the Pre-Columbian Circle in its Gold, Silver and Bronze categories. As well as the Pre-Columbian Gold Circle for Best Director, Best Social Documentary, Art and the Environment.
At local level, the Pre-Columbian Gold Circle will be awarded for Best Colombian Film short and feature films.
Non-competitive categories: International Short Films, Animation, Sacred Films, Films for Children and Blinds.
Hello Filmmakers,
Crown Heights Film Festival (CHFF) discovers and inspires indie filmmakers by hosting live screenings of their short films for enthusiastic New York City audiences, and promoting these filmmakers on social media. The festival has become an annual tradition held in one of Brooklyn's most beautiful, diverse and vibrant neighborhoods.
CHFF facilitates an atmosphere of creativity and cultural diversity, bringing content creators, artists, writers and movie buffs together under one roof to meet, collaborate, and celebrate.
Lunigiana Film Festival is a festival dedicate to shortfilms that takes place in the "Città Nobile of Fivizzano", an ancient village in Tuscany on the Via Francigena.
The festival is divided into three categories: - Free theme - Environmental theme - Human rigts
It is a vibrant and exciting celebration of the film industry whose main objective is to provide a platform for emerging filmmakers and encourage interaction between filmmakers and audience.
This annual event brings together industry experts and film professionals, with seventh art enthusiasts and movie lovers from the central zone of San Luis Potosí.
We strongly believe in the importance of giving young filmmakers a voice and visibility, providing an invaluable platform for these emerging talents to showcase their work.
In the official selection, there is a careful curation of the best contemporary Mexican and Latin American films.
XI Edition Pávez Awards - Talavera de la Reina International Film Festival. From October 18 to 26, 2023.
- Short films of Spanish or Ibero-American production and/or direction.
- Short films produced from January 1, 2023.
- Spanish spoken language or original language with spanish subtitles.
- Maximum running time: 30 minutes with credits included.
- They may not be hosted on free viewing online platforms.
- 5 competitive sections: National (Official Section), International (Ibero-America), Local (Talavera de la Reina), Animation and Documentary.
- 18 categories opting for a prize.
- 5700 euros in awards + 18 Pávez
- DCP required for Official, International and Local Section.
Argentina CINEfoot 2024 · Football Film Festival, along with CINEfoot Brazil the first Latin American festival is conceptual and curatoring football. The festival aims at promoting, disseminating, and enhancing reflexionando film and audiovisual production related to soccer.
At B-Retina Festival we want to become a platform for B-Movies of all kinds, from guerrilla trash cinema to unclassifiable cult masterpieces; therefore, emergent talents, consecrated artists and difficult to classify characters will show us how they understand and see the world around us using their inventiveness and boldness.
During the days of the festival, we will become a showcase for a variety of classic films, premieres, shorts, web series, talks, interviews, and many surprises.
The festival has several sections:
-International competition in the official FEATURE FILMS section
-International competition in the official SHORT FILM section
-Free outdoor shows
-Screenings for all audiences
Fiver is an spanish platform for research, education, production and distribution of dance film and new media. Since 2012 we launch, among other actions, the FIVER Awards.
We are looking for all genre fiction, experimental, animation and documentary short films that explore the possibilities of the union between cinema and dance. We look forward for watching new collaborations between filmmakers and choreographers, crazy experiments that use the representation of the body on the screen and unique stories that work with movement to break narrative boundaries.
We invite you to submit your works, hoping to discover fresh and unique visions, the incorporation of new techniques, and moments that breathe life.
Our aim is to screen films that might be overlooked by the international film festival circuit.
Lisbon Film Rendezvous places a great deal of stock in having its selected work screened live.
As the health situation worsens in Lisbon (and all across Europe) we are faced
with the difficult situation of not having the legal conditions to show the films publicly in November, as we intended.
Lisbon Film Redenzvous wants to live up to your screening expectations. So we have decided to postpone our event date to June 2021 and extend it's program to accommodate all the best films we have received.
All the approved films have their place booked in the next edition’s program.
Cerdanya Film Festival, Festival Internacional de Cinema de Cerdanya, is a Festival specialized in the documentary, fiction and animation genre, short and feature films, consisting of competitive international sections, non-competitive sections and parallel activities. All the films that are part of the different sections will be selected by the Festival programmers.
Cerdanya Film Festival qualifies for Premios Goya – Spanish Film Academy in Best Spanish Shortfilm, in Fiction, Animation and Documentary categories.
The 16th edition of the Cerdanya Film Festival will be held from 28th July to 17th August 2025.