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"The only true realist is the visionary." (Federico Fellini)
FLIGHT - Mostra del Cinema di Genova is an event created by Cesare Bedogné and Sasha Balagura devoted to cinema as an art form.we will privilege, in our selection, films with a poetic or visionary value, experimental and thought provoking films, avant-garde works and innovative languages. Equal importance will be given to fiction and non-fiction works, to features and shorts, and the festival’s Grand Prix, dedicated to Eadweard Muybridge (Grand Prix Pigeon Flying, 2500 € cash prize) will be assigned to the Best Film, regardless of genre, duration and theme.
A one-of-a-kind work of art, created by an outstanding Italian artist and inspired by Muybridge’s Pigeon Flying, will also be given to the Grand Prix winner.
Ample attention will be devoted also to films out of competition, which will be hosted in the new Visioni Flight section.
No other place appears to us more suitable for our Festival than the city of Genoa, with its port and its contrasts, with its dazzling lights and the darkness of the old town, with a thousand languages and its dialect, its innumerable departures and returns.
The Festival is organized by the non profit cultural association, Associazione Culturale 28 Dicembre
DMZ International Documentary Film Festival (DMZ Docs) aims to promote ‘peace, life and communication,’ the values represented by the site of DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) in Korean Peninsula, through arts in documentary form. As one of the leading international documentary film festivals in Asia, DMZ Docs introduces a wide range of documentaries from Korea and abroad and provides a platform for the filmmakers and industry professionals to meet and find better opportunities.
Each year for the past 16 years, during 5 days in Evreux (Normandie), the International Education Film Festival offers a wide selection of short, medium and feature films, either fiction, animated films or documentaries.
"Education" films ?
The selected movies, through their directors’ gaze, tackle the great topics of Education,
Childhood and Youth, cultural and intergenerational transmission, the fight against all kinds of discrimination, through different stories and paths followed by children, young people and grown ups. Those fiction films, animated films or documentaries, of any format, aims at a wide audience, parents, educators, associative managers, politicians or local communities, and each and every citizen.
Cine Caramelo is a film festival for children and teenagers held since 2013 in Porto Alegre and metropolitan region, having also toured many cities in Southern and Central Brazil.
The festival aims to provide playful moments for children, teenagers and adults through film screenings and variety of parallel activities, creating a privileged space to think about the themes of youth. The festival also features training workshops focused on the creation and production of content for children and adolescents.
In nine years, Cine Caramelo has shown a hundred films and held several workshops, meetings and chats shared with more than 20 thousand participants.
HICFF Film Awards is a quarterly based film competition with annual screenings open to film makers and film lovers, recognising and awarding the work of independent film makers worldwide.
Our mission is to honour, celebrate and award the best talent in the global film making community.
Our vision is to promote films, helping filmmakers to improve their careers. Each quarter, our Jury will award the best films through private screenings.
All quarterly winners will be automatically nominated for the prestigious ANNUAL GURU DRONACHARYA GOLDEN AWARDS and they will be invited to attend our Annual Live Screening Gala in presence of juries, critics, film scholars and eminent movie personalities from across the globe.
The first quarterly event date is 30th June 2021 for which entries are open till 17th June 2021. Click here to see all competition categories for submitting your film.
Films entered in multiple categories may win multiple awards!
The officially selected projects in each quarter receive HICFF laurel and are announced on our website.
All quarterly Winners receive HICFF laurel and certificate and are rated at their respective IMDb pages (if applicable).
The festival's mission is to exhibit the best films from the around the world and create a safe haven festival event for filmmakers and cineastes to co exist and learn from each other. Our vision is to be the festival that links independent films to the proper audience and to find distribution during our event.
Accepting full-length features, short films and documentaries from professionals and amateurs alike, SohoFilmFest will hold screenings, panels and host social events and other networking opportunities for everyone involved. Leading figures from all disciplines of the film industry including distributors and media will be in attendance.
The Hamilton New York International Film Festival is located in the beautiful Chenango Valley region of Central New York. Long known as a weekend retreat for city dwellers from New York, Boston, Ottawa, and Toronto, the Chenango Valley boasts some of the most beautiful vistas in North America and has gained an international reputation for it's cultural events, outdoor activities and academic institutions.
The Hamilton New York International Film Festival will be entering its 13th season.
Cheongju International Short Film Festival presents movies that are touching, entertaining, and short but strong.
The program team of the 21th Cheongju International Short Film Festival is hosting the festival under the motto of 'Film Festival for the Audience, by the Audience, of the Audience'.
1. Organization
The Cheongju International Short Film Festival is organized by the Cheongju branch of the General Association of Korean Filmmakers and hosted by the Cheongju International Short Film Festival Executive Committee.
Discussions on the Cheongju International Short Film Festival began in 1999 when Kim Kyung-sik, the first chairman of the association, established the Chungbuk Film Council.
The official start of the Cheongju International Short Film Festival is the "Cheongju City Excellent Short Film Festival" held by Kim Kyung-sik, the first president of the Cheongju Film Artists Association, a division established in 2004.
At that time, the main programs were "Invited Screenings for Outstanding Short Films in Korea" and "Cheongju Youth Film Class" aimed at fostering future film talents.
Since then, the festival has been renamed the "Cheongju City Digital Short Film Festival" in 2006, attempting to make changes in line with the digital era. Then in 2013, director Eo Il-sun took office as the second president, renaming it as the "Cheongju International Short Film Festival," inviting foreign films to diversify the program.
The city of Cheongju declared "video culture city" with the launch of the "Cheongju Film Commission" in 2017.
2. Purpose
The Cheongju International Short Film Festival aims to promote the diversity of video culture and independent short film production by discovering and introducing excellent short films from around the world.
We aim creating a film competition for the adventure travelers with film making capabilities, ambitious in gaining visibility and hence improving their chances to finance future projects and adventures.
The main goals are to stimulate creativity and the adventure market with a credible and well-organized and advertised event.
“To offer an Overland thematic experience in a drive-in format, in a nature surrounding , creating a film competition to stimulate creativity and energize the overland market, whilst promoting to explore the countryside less known.”
We present the 2024 edition of the Arcicorto Film Festival.
The Festival was born from the need and the desire to shorten the distance between cinema and spectator, thus favoring low and medium cost self-productions, in order to make the public participate as much as possible.
La passione per il cinema e l'amore per la città di Orvieto hanno portato due ragazze orvietane under 30 anni a ideare un vero festival dedicato all'arte dei cortometraggi.
Orvieto Cinema Fest viene quindi proposto come festival cinematografico di cortometraggi con lo scopo di promuovere nuovi registi e sceneggiatori, sia a livello nazionale che internazionale.
Vuole essere una scommessa che abbia il potere di coinvolgere l'intera città di Orvieto e oltre.
Le due ideatrici e gli altri giovani orvietani lavoratori che hanno collaborato al progetto hanno deciso di riportare nella loro città le esperienze maturate nelle varie città di adozione (Milano, Roma, Bologna, Firenze).
L'obiettivo dell'iniziativa è anche quello di far rivivere il desiderio e l'impegno dei giovani in città e sentirsi parte di un progetto più ampio al servizio di tutti. L'unione della passione per la settima arte con la bellezza della città medievale può essere il punto di partenza per una rinascita del fermento culturale.
Athens Marathon International Film Festival (A.M.I.F.F.) is an annual international event dedicated for independent filmmakers. Established this year by “THE BASEMENT” a nonprofit and non-governmental Cultural and Education Organization (B.C.E.O.).
Located in the city of Athens, we look forward to be hosting an amazing event with you and your friends. The A.M.I.F.F. is a multi-day event that takes place in the Beggining of Summer at venues throughout Athens-Greece.
Our wish is for the venues to be open air cinemas in the authentic ancient classical Marathon route from Marathon to Athens. Viewers will enjoy free movies on the white screen, under the full of stars sky of Attika and next to the deep blue of the Aegean sea.
The A.M.I.F.F. want to be a world recognized event, with industry, filmmakers, and press attention from around the globe. The festival is competitive, screening approximately 40-60 films each year.
The film industry today is largely monopoly-based and dependent on large scale budgets for productions to succeed. However, this festival aims at providing a voice for those who don't have a massive budget at their hands but nevertheless, an important story to tell.
According to one of the objectives of our non-profit organization to providing a platform for indie filmmakers, we are able to provide an affordable solution catered to advance the cause of independent film-making. Therefore the submissions starts priced from 10 euro.
The Strasbourg European Fantastic Film Festival is organised by Les Films du Spectre, a non-profit making association dedicated to genre cinema, which includes fantasy, horror, science-fiction and thrillers.
In addition to the Festival’s international prizes, as a member of the European Fantastic Film Festivals Federation, it also awards the Silver Méliès for the best European fantastic film.
A Cinema and Arts Festival on the Border
San Cristóbal, Venezuela
August 7-9th 2025
The fifteenth edition of the Cinephagus Meeting, born in 2011 from the conjunction of the Andes University Cinema Club and BORDES, an independent organization dedicated to study and promote arts and humanities in Venezuela, will be held in San Cristóbal (Venezuela), from August 7 to 9, 2025, with an online screen available for audiences around the world.
Experimental films are more than welcome: our festival encourages innovation and transgressing of format, genres, political and aesthetic borders. We are especially receptive of video-art and dance films, as well as animation and documentaries, considering it necessary for artists to have adequate spaces for the exhibition and critique of their work, outside commercial circuits and other formal demands that may limit creative exploration of contemporary languages.
We are also interested in films exploring the subject of frontiers. Táchira is located in the border of Venezuela with Colombia, and this has traditionally been the most active geo political limit in Latin America, but in the last five years activity has been more than unusual, deserving many different views to be displayed. The story of this and other borders from around the world may be valuable contributions to our festival, which encourages reflective discussion as well as aesthetic enjoyment of all works presented.
"One of the Best International Film Festivals and top 10 Short Film Festivals in the United States. The RIIFF provides the kind of intimate festival experience that will change your life. Don't miss it. "
Chris Gore, The Ultimate Film Festival Survival Guide
Now in its 25th year, the FLICKERS' RHODE ISLAND INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL celebrates the independent spirit in film and has become a haven for independent filmmakers from throughout the world. In 2021, the Festival presented 476 films representing works that were shot and produced in 103 countries. There were 100 World Premieres and US/North American Premieres. Reacting to COVID-19, the event became a hybrid event with an online portal, free and on-demand screenings, geoblocking where requested and screenings at regional Drive-ins and assorted outdoor screenings.
FLICKERS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts organization that supports and promotes the film arts in Rhode Island and throughout New England. Over the past two decades, its production, the Rhode Island International Film Festival, has screened 5,756 independent films and videos out of 74,758 entries, presented 1,405 World/North American premieres, featured over 1,167 entries that were locally produced, and hosted 4,193 filmmakers and crew. Since its inception, over 467,000 film lovers have enjoyed the Rhode Island International Film Festival and its programming, not including those in New England watching its weekly broadcast and cable programming series, doubleFEATURE.
In 2002, RIIFF was selected as a qualifying festival for Best Short Subject through the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
In December 2003, RIIFF was cited as "One of The Top 10 Short Film Festivals in the United States."
In 2006, RIIFF was cited as one of the Top 12 United States Film Festivals by TravelSmart Magazine.
In 2010, RIIFF launched the Flickers North Country Film Festival at The Balsams in Dixville Notch, NH as part of its outreach in cultural tourism.
In 2010, RIIFF became a host for the annual Oscar® Night America for the state of Rhode Island.
In 2011, RIIFF continued expanding its outreach across the state of Rhode island, hosting exhibitions, symposia, special events and outdoor screenings. RIIFF is also a member of the New England Film Festival Alliance, which it helped found with the Woods Hole Film Festival and the Martha's Vineyard International Film Festival. The focus has now become international in scope.
In 2012, RIIFF solidified new programming models such as the Rhode Island Film Forum, ScriptBiz, the Future Filmmaking Symposium, and the Discover RI: Walking Tour, all free to attending filmmakers who have been accepted into the Festival. Programs continue to expand yearly including Acting for Camera Classes, Symposia and morning industry conversations.
On April 25, 2013, the Festival was notified by the Bureau of International Information Programs at the U.S. Department of State that the Rhode Island International Film Festival would be featured as one of the nation’s top summer festivals for an upcoming social media campaign promoting international tourism to the United States.
Eurochannel: a multi national, cable channel based in Paris, Sao Paulo and Miami agreed to become an official partner with RIIFF. The channel provided TV spots ten times a day during the month of August 2013 and had the RIIFF logo displayed on Eurochannel’s partner page. With IPads and smart phone devices the target platforms, Eurochannel provided both international and domestic visibility in niche cinema markets. Eurochannel is now an annual sponsor of the Festival.
In 2013, RIIFF was selected as a qualifying festival for Best Documentary Short Subject through the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
In 2015, RIIFF became a BAFTA-qualifying Festival in the Short Film Division. RIIFF also partnered with Lexus Short Films and launched their 2015 Call For Entries.
In 2016, RIIFF celebrated its 20th Anniversary.
Flickers introduced the weekly series, "doubleFEATURE" on PBS. Running 58 min. the program featured interviews with members of the industry and short films that have screened at the Festival. The series is now heading into its Fifth Season with 35 fresh episodes produced each year.
In 2017, Flickers celebrated its 35th Anniversary.
In 2018, "The Silent Child" which had its World Premiere at the Festival won the Oscar® for Best Live Action Short.
In 2019, Nine (9) films from the 2018 Festival were nominated for Academy Awards® bringing the total nominations from the Festival to 66.
In 2020, Five (5) films from the 2019 Festival were nominated for Academy Awards® bringing the total nominations from the Festival to 76. To date, 13 films have won the Oscar®.
In 2020, the Festival presented a hybrid event while reacting to the impact of COVID-19. Along with using local Drive-In theatres, the Festival ran a virtual event online providing most screenings for free and a paywall for those requesting to be geoblocked. Webinars, Forums, filmmaker Q&A's plus meet-and-greets took place via Zoom on Facebook Live. The online event on all platforms registered more than 47,000 Views.
RIIFF is cited and recognized as the largest film Festival in New England and one of the Top Ten Regional Events.
RIIFF is a qualifying event for the Canadian Screen Awards.
The CalellaFilmFestival is a festival dedicated to all those Low Budget films of national or international production, with the aim of rewarding and promoting films made with few media but with high artistic value.
The CalellaFilmFestival has two sections:
"Low Budget" section
The selected feature films will compete as best productions of the year in the national or international scope, with an investment of less than 500,000 euros.
Section "Creative Rosebud Awards"
All those productions that throughout the year have stood out for their creativity and originality, both in the field of national and international production, with an investment exceeding 500.00 euros will compete.
Read the bases to register your movie.
The festival will be held from october 31 to november 8 to 4, 2025 in Calella de Mar (Barcelona) in the Sala Mozart and other rooms attached to the festival. For schedules, passes and more information go to the festival website.
Festival "Golden Snail" is a World Children Animated Film Festival which takes place in month September 2025. in Vranje, Serbia. "Golden Snail" gathers young filmmakers from all over the world. Any studio, club or school who works with children in a field of film animation are welcome to our festival. Films must be made BY CHILDREN not for children by professionals.
The festival is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia and the City of Vranje.
The XI edition of the Guayaquil International Film Festival will be celebrated in from july 30th – august 6th, 2025 from the city of Santiago de Guayaquil, Ecuador. With screenings in theatres and workshops, forums, and master classes. The biggest filmmaking experience in town.
The festival aims to spread new insights and reflections on culture, anthropology,
Art and nature A window to the world just around the corner.
Promoting works by independent audiovisual producers from around the world whose
Thematic and aesthetic treatments generate debate, new knowledge and reflections.
Feature films, short films and short films, in fiction, animation and documentary genres.
FICP has the thematic axes of culture, history, art and the relationship of the
Men with the socio-cultural, natural and territorial environment.