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International Festival of Shortfilms of Errenteria, which in 2021 celebrates its XXVI edition. Our festival is characterized by a commitment to the Basque short film, a Basque defense and a promotion of the Spanish short film.
The Esoteric International Film Festival collects the best esoteric films from around the world, which were created both by professionals and by enthusiasts, and helps to get them across to the Russian audience.
We admit only the esoteric films, both modern and historical ones. As well as those films, where esoteric world is an important part of the synopsis.
Esoteric International Film Festival invite filmmakers who make films and documentaries about ghosts and spirits, brownies and witches, fairies and sorcerers, exorcism and parapsychology, telekinesis and transmission of thoughts at a distance, prophetic dreams and premonitions, alchemy, amulets, amulets, non-traditional religious cults, voodoo religion, animism, shamanism, theosophy and anthroposophy, the hidden edges of reality and other dimensions; self-discovery, the search for the meaning of life, the search for yourself in this world and your mission, life after death, human energy, chakras, aura, meditation, yoga, retreats, spiritual practices, spiritual teachers and ashrams, reincarnation and the recollection of past lives, the power of thoughts and the work of the subconscious; alternative medicine and non-standard methods of treatment, the universal mind, the energies of the new time, high vibrations, etc.
All films must be in English (orRussian). Alternatively, have the English or Russian subtitles (with the exception of all films without words), regardless of the country of production.
All best films that were selected for the vscreening, will be shown on the big screen during the solemn final ceremony on February 07-08, 2026 in Moscow, Russia and will be able to struggle for the main prize and the title of the "Best Esoteric film". As well as for the oteric in the standalone nominations.
We accept all genres Short Films, Videoclips, Animation Shorts, Documentaries, Trailers and Feature Films, realized after 2010.
All the works must be original and the submitter has the responsibility to own the rights of every aspect of the Film.
Films that are not in English need English subtitles.
Films with grossness, excessive sex and violence will be disqualified.
Architecture Short Films (Arquitectura en Corto in Spanish) is back a cycle of short films dedicated to cities, their architecture and the new urban mobility. Architecture short films is architecture, design and new urban landscape-themed related screenings with engaging panellists, vibrant discussions and networking events organized around Europe.
This short film’s screenings aim to explore through the lenses of the filmmaker the latest tendencies in architecture, design, and city-related mobility.
Architecture short films isn't yet a full festival, but it might be soon.
Filmmakers, architects, urbanists artists, photographers, or any individual or group who produces short videos related to architecture, urbanism, city or landscape are welcome.
The fourth edition of "Chaniartoon - International Comic & Animation Festival", will be held in Chania, from 11 to 20 September of 2020.
The Festival, is designed to showcase animation short films from all around the world, made both by students and professional. There will be a special section for greek animation movies.
During the festival there will be a comic exhibition with a great artist alley, workshops and some special events !
La Asociación ACCIONS 3E, conjuntamente con la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Ordenamiento Territorial del Estado de Guanajuato (MAOT GTO) organizan el Festival Internacional de Cine del Medio Ambiente de México en Guanajuato (FICMA MX GTO) del del 6 al 13 de Setiembre de 2020.
Debido a las actuales circunstancias sanitarias que imposibilitan proyectar en las salas, FICMA MX GTO se desarrollará a través de una plataforma propia con demarcación territorial sólo para México para que el productor/autor pueda controlar la zona geográfica donde está proyectando su película.
FICMA MX GTO nace desde SUNCINE Barcelona (Festival Internacional de Cine del Medio Ambiente), el más antiguo del mundo en su género, que desde 1993 hasta la actualidad se celebra anualmente en la ciudad de Barcelona, España.
El FICMA MX GTO tiene como principal objetivo promover la producción audiovisual ambiental y difundirla y divulgar antes, durante y después de la celebración del evento, y entre sus principales objetivos: CONCIENCIAR, SENSIBILIZAR y EDUCAR ambientalmente a TODA LA CIUDADANIA, con el cine y el audiovisual como medio, FOMENTANDO LA PRODUCCIÓN, DIFUSIÓN Y PROMOCIÓN, haciendo especial hincapié en el Cine mexicano y latinoamericano.
FICMA MX GTO “da voz" a muchos cineastas y productores independientes que producen un cine comprometido y nos hablan de temas de actualidad y tan importantes, como el estado actual de nuestro planeta y nuestro medio ambiente.
El Lugar Sin Límites, está considerado entre los cuatro mejores festivales de Cine del Ecuador y es una de las actividades más importantes de la comunidad LGBTI ecuatoriana, adicionalmente es calificado como uno de los Festivales de Cine LGBTI más relevantes de la región.
Todos los trabajos deben estar doblados al español o con subtitulos en español, cuyo tema principal sea sobre LESBIANAS, GAYS, BISEXUALES, TRANS E INTERSEX.
Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre (BARS) is an international film festival devoted to the genres of HORROR, science fiction and fantasy.
Born in 2000 to put focus on independent genre film, and since 2004 in the form of a competitive festival.
It's the 9th Annual Int'l Wild Bunch Film Festival, founded in 2015 by festival directors Rock & Brenda Whitehead.
The Wild Bunch Film Festival (TWBFF) is a compelling contest. Over the past years it has managed to become a 'must attend' event by indie filmmakers and writers for the Western Genre, Western sub-genres and Western Lifestyle. It's considered the BIGGEST Film Festival of it's kind in the southwest and possibly in the USA. It has now expanded into a five day event that has gained international attention from all over the world.
Don't miss this one!! All details at www.thewildbunchfilmfestival.com
The Wild Bunch Film Festival is a public event that everyone can attend! Submissions are sent it from filmmakers, screenwriters, authors, designers, artists, photographers, musicians and others, to inspire and encourage them to continue bold artistic visions in the western genre, western sub-genre's. And now there are a few categories such as screenplays and manuscripts for "all genre" as well!
Western sub-genre's of film, screenplays and novel manuscripts can include Classical Westerns, Acid Westerns, Charro, Cabrito or Chili Westerns, Comedy Westerns, Contemporary or Modern Day Westerns, Electric Westerns, Euro-Westerns, Fantasy Westerns, Florida Westerns, Horror Westerns, Curry Westerns and Indo Westerns, Martial arts Westerns or Wuxia Westerns, Meat pie Westerns, Northwesterns, Ostern westerns, Revisionist Westerns, Science fiction Westerns, Space Westerns, Spaghetti Westerns, Weird Westerns, etc. More details on sub-genres at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_(genre)#Subgenres
Details and tickets sold on the official website as we get closer! Tickets also sold at the door, on the days of events if available. We anticipate a sellout!
For more details visit http://www.thewildbunchfilmfestival.com and sign up for our newsletter at http://eepurl.com/b-T03X to stay informed!
RURÉFILOS, International Film and Rural World Festival is a multidisciplinary meeting point in which, through audiovisual language, a space is provided for debate and creative reflection on the past, present and future of the rural world.
The Icon Festival for Science Fiction, Fantasy and Role-Playing is held annually in Tel-Aviv (Israel), and runs for 3 days.
The festival's programme features film screenings, lectures, panels, workshops, original theatre productions, the occasional poetry jam, and competitions for the Israeli Science-Fiction and Fantasy loving (or curious) public to enjoy.
Icon is produced by group of non-profit organizations. These work all year round to promote the fandoms and creators of science fiction, fantasy and role-playing games, and to strive to make these genres more accessible to their audience. We also take pride in providing the stage to independent filmmakers and young authors.
The Icon Festival is a seminal cultural event, made possible due to the passion and hard work of hundreds of volunteers, from the festival director to the last but not least staff member. Their only reward is the festival itself as all income is used to pay for the facilities and cover expenses.
The Sport Film Festival promotes the diffusion of sport films and videos that, in different ways and in different productive forms, contribute to the development of artistic and cultural trends of the World cinema.
The end is to promote the best quality of the productions of sport images; to stimulate, thanks to the mass media and the participation of the school and university, the interest in sport and cinema, fostering didactic-cultural meetings and stimulating the study, the discussion and the knowledge of cultural and creative problems typical of these two media.
DONOSSKINO Short Film Festival Vol.IX
Festival will be held in Donostia / San Sebastian in October 2025.
International Thai Film Festival a.k.a. ITFF is an internationally recognized film industry event and registered international (IMDb qualifying) film festival of Thailand. The event of ITFF is a film screening event and film entertainment industry expo, founded by S.E.G. Alongside screenings of a wide variety of films (Official Selection), there are Panel Talks session, networking opportunities and the ITFF Award Ceremony. ITFF brings together film, animation and entertainment industry professionals from around the world, celebrating and awarding the very best productions and artists, from emerging talents to seasoned professionals.
ITFF Competition is a film, animation and video competition for industry professionals and amateurs alike, who are passionate about filmmaking and wish to screen their work and compete for ITFF Awards to gain a wider recognition and reputation in the industry.
Entrants have a chance to win a trophy and prizes at ITFF. The selection of productions is executed by the ITFF Judging Board that includes established Thai film and entertainment industry professionals and guest judges from major studios, overseas. With their extensive industry experience and knowledge, each project submitted to ITFF Competition is viewed and studied closely, awarding creativity and the execution of their story regardless of the budget of their production. Submit your work and take us on a journey that surprises us, shocks us, melts our hearts, makes us laugh or simply entertains us.
Cortos en Grande Short Film Festival is an event organized by Fundación Viart and Balmaceda Arte Joven that seeks to promote young creation and give a new opportunity to new generations of filmmakers, highlighting and rewarding their work and talent. Its main objective is to be a platform for dissemination and real support for the development of emerging cinema, providing its filmmakers with a space for the presentation and development of their artistic proposals.
Istanbul International Experimental Film Festival is a pioneering showcase of avant-garde and experimental cinema in Turkey. Our goal is to bring the best in contemporary experimental cinema from around the world to live audiences in Istanbul. Our festival aims to advance artistic expression while creating a genuine networking platform for practitioners, film enthusiasts, and industry talent. In bringing audiences highly innovative films, made by filmmakers that have strong personal views on contemporary reality, we are inspired to daringly explore the boundaries of cinematic language.
The inaugurate IIEFF took place in November 2018 where more than 150 features and shorts from 50+ countries were showcased. Over the span of 5 days events ranged from premieres, retrospectives, tributes, audio-visual performances, and discussion panels. The scope of selected works infused fresh air into the Istanbul atmosphere during the running days of the festival. We look forward to bringing more great works to life on screen.
We support visionaries that prevail beyond cinematic confines. Our priority here is to showcase films made primarily for aesthetic and philosophical reasons rather than commercial profit. We hope to give gifted international artists and filmmakers an opportunity to show their talent in all facets and forms that their craft demands. Regardless of whether you are an emerging artist or an established professional, we would like to encourage you to submit your work. It is artists like you that keep the horizon of moving images sharp and in focus so art may endure.
X CortoGijón Festival
The Gijón Short Film Festival arises
in 2015 as a parallel section within the
Aula 18 National Short Film Contest
in the delivery After the disappearance of
emblematic festival three of the programmers
decide to maintain their essence by transferring
the festival to Gijón. It is in the second edition
that of 2016, where the festival moves to the
municipal centers of the city to develop a festival with an eye on short films and music. Since then
to the competitive sections (Official Section,
Asturias Section) And to the sample sections
(Panorama Asturias and Mirada FICX) have been
there have been concerts that have given luster to the
cultural spaces of the city and that have
served to put the climax to each projection.
Names like Marilia, Pablo Und
Destruktion, Marem Ladson, Tiger and Diamond,
David Feito… confirm the high level
musical that lives the festival and its local and regional look.
In 2020 Laboral City of Culture joins
with a new screen inside CortoGijón
thus amplifying collaborations between
all cultural entities in the region started in 2017 with the Mirada Ficx section in
collaboration with the Gijón Film Festival.
401 Film Fest is aimed at discovering new, local, independent filmmakers. Our showcases will be accepting films from all over the world, but with at least 50% Rhode Island submission acceptance. The event is completely free to attend, which is no wonder why most of our screenings have reached venue capacity!
We will be accepting submissions for the "5th Annual 401 Film Fest", starting on November 13th, 2018 - July 31, 2019. It is free for Rhode Island, Massachusetts & Connecticut filmmakers to submit to, and a mere $5 for anybody outside of the region.
Thank YOU for supporting 401 Film Fest!
401 Film Fest on Eyewitness News/Street Stories
401 Film Fest Year 2 Promo
401 Film Fest on The Rhode Show CBS 2016
401 Film Fest on The Rhode Show CBS 2015
401 Film Fest Year 1 Promo
**Date of event subject to change. Will confirm by Notification Date.