Logo of Shortcup World Film Festival

31 Mar 2020

Published: 30 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Shortcup World Film Festival

Shortcup World Film Festival

São Paulo, Brazil

[Español abajo]

The Shortcup Film Festival is the world cup of short films. The selected films are distributed in 4 days of exhibition, where each film represents their country and the popular jury votes definies the final round where the winner is chosen in the fifth day.

The festival's main purpose is to merge a competitive film showcase with the casual ambient of a bar; this year, in it's 6th edition it will happen in 4 cities simultaneously, those cities are:

- São Paulo, Brasil
- Bogotá, Colômbia
- Monterrey, México
- Buenos Aires, Argentina


VI Shortcup, el festival de cine que se lleva a cabo en bares en un formato deportivo por grupos de clasificación, acontecerá este año en 4 ciudades simultáneamente, donde el ganador es escogido por el voto popular.
Las cedes del campeonato de este año son:

- São Paulo, Brasil
- Bogotá, Colômbia
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Monterrey, México

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of River Film Festival

31 Mar 2020

Published: 30 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner River Film Festival

River Film Festival

Padova, Italy

The 15th River Film Festival is an international festival of shorts that will be held in Padova (Italy) from 1st to 30th June 2021. The Festival is organized by the Associazione Culturale Researching Movies and is sponsored by the Comune di Padova Assessorato alla Cultura (Padua City Council - Cultural Office) and the University of Padua. The festival is totally free entrance.

The films will once again be shown on the screen on the raft moored in the middle of the 16th century fluvial port used for trade between Padua and Venice at the city gate of Porta Portello. This enchanting setting is just one of the many features that attract people to RFF year after year!

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of New York True Venture Film Festival - NYTVFF

30 Mar 2020

Published: 29 Mar 2020
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Short films
Feature films

Banner New York True Venture Film Festival - NYTVFF

New York True Venture Film Festival - NYTVFF

New York, United States

Welcome to New York True Venture Film Festival, an event dedicated to empowering independent filmmaking.

NYTVFF is an IMDb Award Listing Qualifier and a New York-based film festival that shares the dedication and passion for bringing independent short and full feature films to the big screen. We believe that by giving the opportunity to the new ideas of intelligent and unique creators, we would give the audience the chance to appreciate their art.

The New York True Venture Film Festival screening will be held from April 16th to April 18th, 2025, where the festival and the audience will screen award-winning films.

The Awards Ceremony will conclude on April 19th, 2025.

Please be advised that filmmakers who attend have priority in the film screening schedule. We are a screening festival and a filmmakers-supported festival. There are no free comps. Filmmakers attending will have a Q & A session after their screening.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of CINEESPORTE Sports Film Festival

30 Mar 2020

Published: 29 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
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Feature films

Banner CINEESPORTE Sports Film Festival

CINEESPORTE Sports Film Festival


O CINEESPORTE é um festival de cinema com abordagens conceitual e curatorial exclusivas sobre esportes. O evento tem como objetivo a promoção, a difusão, a reflexão e a valorização da cinematografia mundial de esportes. Sua programação é composta por duas Mostras Competitivas:

- Mostra Competitiva Internacional de Curta-Metragem;
- Mostra Competitiva Internacional de Longa e Média-Metragem.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of FRAPA - Festival de Roteiro Audiovisual de Porto Alegre

30 Mar 2020

Published: 29 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner FRAPA - The Porto Alegre Screenwriting Festival

FRAPA - Festival de Roteiro Audiovisual de Porto Alegre

Porto Alegre, Brazil

FRAPA – The Porto Alegre Screenwriting Festival – is the largest event focused in scriptwriting for television and film in Latin America. The 8th FRAPA will be held at Cinemateca Capitólio, from the 14th to 17th of July, 2020. Our aim is to discuss and strengthen the significance of screenplay writing in times of rising in TV and film production in Brazil and in the whole continent.

Inspired by similar festivals in the United States and Europe, FRAPA has grown in size throughout the years, organizing debate sessions, competitions, workshops, screenings, master classes and business rounds. We intend to make FRAPA a reference for the thought of audiovisual writing in Latin America. By encouraging the exchange of experiences between screenwriters and other professionals in the audiovisual market, we create an opportunity for qualification and celebrate new partnerships.

FRAPA has received many renown professionals throughout its three editions. To name a few: James V. Hart (Dracula, Hook, Contact), Bráulio Mantovani (City of God e Elite Squad 1 e 2), Fernando Castets (Son of the Bride), Marcos Bernstein (Central Station), Pablo Stoll (25 Watts and Whisky), Luiz Bolognesi (Rio 2096: A Story of Love and Fury), Lisandro Alonso (Jauja) and many others.

FRAPA. Great stories to come.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of San Benedetto film fest

30 Mar 2020

Published: 29 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner San Benedetto Film Fest

San Benedetto film fest

San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy

SAN BENEDETTO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ( Terms, Rules, prizes and motivations can be translated in 22 languages visiting our site https://www.sanbenedettofilmfest.it)

"MAGICSCREENPLAY" ( Terms, Rules, prizes and motivations can be translated in 22 languages visiting our site https://www.sanbenedettofilmfest.it/magic-screenplay/)

We built a festival in total freedom, without any external conditioning. An International Short Film Competition. A window on cinema from a privileged viewpoint: the city of San Benedetto del Tronto. Born in 2017, the SBFF has become one of the leading international events for the Adriatic Riviera and the Piceno region. The events will take place at the Palazzina Azzurra in San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) on Viale Buozzi 14.

"MAGICSCREENPLAY" - (Collateral Event to the SAN BENEDETTO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL) was born from the need to combine the scenic, architectural and natural beauties of the Marche Region in syncrasia with the cultural, social heritage and identity need of the places and the human and professional resources that come from them, evolve and hope for an ever-increasing expansion of training, skills and abilities.

The Contest was born within a strategy of discovery and promotion of national and international emerging talents and represents the exclusive context to select, through a Quality Jury, the best pitch, with a predefined theme, to be declined into a consequent script.

After the selection, the one deemed to perform best will be subjected to development through the creation of a short film with a total length of no more than 15 minutes, produced by the Associated Professionals Association of Art & Management "IL SERPENTE AUREO," in collaboration with and with the support of the FILM COMMISSION MARCHE, the MARCHE REGION and under the patronage of the City of San Benedetto del Tronto.


- " There is no art form like cinema to strike the conscience, shake the emotions and reach the secret rooms of the soul" Ingmar Bergman

- " Life in the depths is completely different from life on the surface and has mysterious and terrifying aspects" Dario Argento

- " I am not an artist but a craftsman" "The heart must mediate between the brain and the hands" Fritz Lang

- " I steal from every single film ever made. If I like things I mix them together. And if people don't like it, then don't go see it.... I steal from everything.... Great artists steal not make homages" Quentin Tarantino

- " No matter where the world goes, even if I can't speak a foreign language, I don't feel out of place. I think of the earth as my home. "Akira Kurosawa

- " An essential element of all art is risk..." Francis Ford Coppola

- " Cinema is a mode of expression that allows one to express all the nuances of a thing and its opposites..." Catherine Breillat

- " Unlike all other art forms, cinema is able to capture and render the passage of time, to stop it almost to possess it in infinity. I would say that film is the sculpture of time. "Andrei Tarkovsky

- " I am just a storyteller and film seems to be my medium. I like it because it recreates life in motion, enhances it ... it is my way of telling a story. "Federico Fellini

- " The art of film can only really exist through a highly organized betrayal of reality" François Truffaut

- " I work with my dreams or nightmares" David Cronenberg

- " If I can't get the characters to talk, then I give up " Quantin Tarantino

- " The poet stretches out his hand to lead us beyond the last horizon, beyond the top of the pyramid, to that land that extends beyond the true and the false, beyond life and death, beyond space and time, beyond reason and fantasy, beyond spirit and matter." Alejandro Jodorowsky

- " Cinema is the 'only art form in which the works move and the viewer remains motionless " Ennio Flaiano

- " Cinema is a cultural industry. Making films also means assuming a social and moral responsibility. Therefore, we should not produce what we can sell, but sell what we want to produce " Franco Cristaldi

- " I think that scandalizing is a right.... " Pier Paolo Pasolini

- " To act is to listen... " Pupi Avati

- " I think the past affects the ability to tell stories" Joel Coen

- " Cinema is beautiful if it can read reality " Ettore Scola

- " Cinema consists of two things: a screen and chairs. The secret lies in filling them both " Roberto Benigni

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental


30 Mar 2020

Published: 29 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Turin , Italy

The third edition of KOQIX is taking place in the wonderful city of Turin, Italy, in April 2020. It is going to be the celebration of independent cinema. Submissions are open to anyone, there are no restrictions. Films of any genre, running time and budget are more than welcome.
KOQIX is organized by the cultural association Systemout that, in the last few years, has become the spokesperson for the indie cinema, not only in Italy.

KOQIX INDIE FEST has the main purpose to find and select new films that could be interesting for cinephiles, as well as to search for new styles and trends that this art has to offer in order to promote them on a touring show.

Before submitting your film, please read carefully the section Rules and Terms.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of LAN working class film festival

30 Mar 2020

Published: 29 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner LAN. Festival De Cine De Temática Obrera

LAN working class film festival

Bilbao, Spain

LAN Workers' Theme Film Festival is a platform that makes visible and values ​​audiovisual projects that reflect the feelings of the so-called working class, its identity traits, its aesthetics, its social and associative framework, its architecture, its capacity for struggle and adaptation and, above all, historical and collective memory.

For LAN 08 edition that will take place in June 2025 we will focus on the workers' struggle and the different conflicts generated in the defense of work in the face of the various situations that have caused the closure of numerous factories and industries.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of InsideTheShort

30 Mar 2020

Published: 29 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner InsideTheShort


Alessandria, Italy

A short film contest organized by the online magazine InsideTheShow .(www.insidetheshow.it), in collaboration with Alessandria Film Festival and Premio Adelio Ferrero (one of the most prestitigious awards for cinema critics in Italy).
"Inside The Short" is an international competition presenting the newest and best short films from all around the world.

The films are judged and awarded by an highly professional jury composed by cinema critics and directors.
Selected films for the International Competition are considered by the members of the Jury. Inside The Short Film competition will assign three awards as following:
- Best Short Fiction
- Best Short Documentary
- Best Short Animation

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Fantafestival - International Science Fiction and Fantasy Film Show

29 Mar 2020

Published: 28 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Fantafestival - International Science Fiction and Fantasy Film Show

Banner Fantafestival - Mostra internazionale del film di fantascienza e del fantastico

Fantafestival - International Science Fiction and Fantasy Film Show

Roma, Italy

Fantafestival (Italian: Mostra Internazionale del Film di Fantascienza e del Fantastico; English: International Science Fiction and Fantasy Film Show) is a film festival devoted to science fiction, fantasy and horror films that is held annually in Italy since 1981.

Fantafestival takes place every year in Rome. In the past years, while maintaining its headquarters in Rome, some editions were held in contemporary in different Italian cities like Milan, Naples, Genoa, Verona, Parma and Ravenna.

For more than 40 years, Fantafestival has been one of the leading Italian events specialized in fantastic films and one of the most important international events of this kind. It has presented and launched in Italy many filmmakers who later would become among the most popular in the fantastic film world.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Manlleu Film Festival 2021

29 Mar 2020

Published: 28 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Manlleu Film Festival 2021

Manlleu Film Festival 2021

Manlleu, Spain

Manlleu Film Festival is a short-film festival that takes place in Manlleu (Barcelona). This is the 17th edition of a festival that started in 2003. Over the last years, the Festival has selected more than 600 shortfilms, and around 12.000 directors and producers have decided to submit their shortfilms.

Nowadays, with an audience of more than 1200 spectators every year, Manlleu Film Festival is an internationally consolidated film festival.

The festival focuses on those films that explore the limits between reality and fiction.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of 99.media International Film Festival

29 Mar 2020

Published: 28 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner 99.media International Film Festival

99.media International Film Festival

Lyon, France

Next screenings:

December 11, 2020 → Ulysse, Onet le Château, France
December 8, 2020 → Votiv Kino, Vienna, Austria
November 26, 2020 → Le Dôme, Québec, Québec
November 13-15 → Black Box Theatre, Drysdale, Australia
November 12, 2020 → Brookes Doc Club, Oxford, UK
September 23, 2020 → 3C, Aix-en-Provence, France


“99.media is a carefully curated selection of documentaries from around the world swooping down into extraordinary lives.” — Rob Alderson, WePresent

99.media is a new kind of documentary film festival: both online and in real life.

It is a free and not-for-profit video platform streaming documentaries in 6 languages (English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German and Italian) + a series of live screenings in different cities where our languages are spoken.

Our objective is to democratize documentaries thanks to multilingualism and to help filmmakers get wider audiences and more impact.


"99.media has embarked on a beautiful campaign to share films with the world. Subtitling my film from Arabic and English into a half-dozen languages opens the door for cross-cultural impact in ways I’ve always dreamed about. Their initiative to share powerful works of art with the world is a noble calling, and I’ve watched as my film has reached new people. I’m grateful for the opportunity to have my film play on their platform."
— Matthew K. Firpo, filmmaker

"99.media translated my documentary into 5 additional languages, ultimately helping the film reach a much wider audience, and become globally relevant. Films are made to be seen, and reaching an international audience like this is invaluable”.
— Lukas Schrank, filmmaker

“My short documentary was translated into 5 languages by 99.media, which helped it gain a lot more exposure and massively increased its global reach. I have a lot of respect for, and trust in the team, who has always dealt with me in a professional and honest fashion and who I believe has a real passion for short film and a lot of respect for filmmakers.”

— Andy Oxley, filmmaker

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of 2025 ARFF Paris // International Awards

29 Mar 2020

Published: 28 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of 2025 ARFF Paris // International Awards

Banner 2025 ARFF Paris // International Awards

2025 ARFF Paris // International Awards

Paris, France

Around International Awards ✈ Barcelona ✈ Paris ✈ Amsterdam ✈ Berlin.

Annual Independent event with 4 major programs for all Features, Shorts, Documentaries, Experimental, Commercial, Music Video, Animations, Student Films, TV, Series, and New Media. The international community evaluates the all-genre creations to serve ARFF Official Laurels and to certify the awarded filmmakers at the end of the annual festival run. Thus, all the ARFF Finalists will be mentioned multiple times to have the best out of the entire year altogether. Submit today to participate in all 4 programs, regarding the unique system of ARFF International.

Submissions made via Festhome are getting evaluated and selected, directly for the yearly festival run and participating in the Official Certificate Program exclusively. Monthly selection is available on other associated platforms. Regarding the Unification Program of ARFF International, all 4 editions will gather at Amsterddam November/December 2024, till then Barcelona, Paris & Berlin editions will take place online.

See you Around & Fest Regards

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Paris Art and Movie Awards

28 Mar 2020

Published: 27 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Paris Art and Movie Awards

Paris Art and Movie Awards

PARIS, France

for FOX, NBC, CBS and Authority Magazine.

"My favorite festival" Alex Proyas (I Robot, The Crow, Dark City)

"Other nominees included already famous people! It really was an honor to be nominated alongside such great nominees" Lisa Hurel.

“I truly cannot say enough good things about the Paris Art and Movie Awards. My experience with this event was easily the best and rewarding” - Ev Duran.

"One of the most organized and professionally run festivals I've been to! The official selections were of a high standard and the networking was incredible" - Jami Ramberan.

"One of the best festival experiences I've had. Magnifique!" Warren Paul Glover.

"The Fisherman's Diary" won twice at the PAMA in 2020, and is now selected to the 2021 , to represent its country.

"Game Changer" won an, his director Aviv Mano then worked on Disney’s COCO and TOY STORY 4 (2018).

"The Wishgranter" won an, an EMMY AWARD, and a (2016).

"Legacy of Lies" is distributed by Lionsgate (2020).

"Sgt Stubby", an unlikely hero, got a distribution deal at (2018).

"Curpigeon" got selected to, won the AMAZON VIDEO DIRECT Film Festival Stars (2016).

"Whisper" screened at FILMQUEST (2015).

"None of That" was STAFF PICK by (2015).
through the years included:

- John Lunn, 2 times Prime Time Emmy Award Winner, composer of "Downton Abbey"
- Monica Cruz, "Un Paso Adelante"
- Olivia Sandusky, journalist, NBC
- Mark Dacascos, actor, "John Wick III"
- Samuel Arnold, actor, "Emily in Paris"
- Patrick Fabian, actor, Emmy Award Nominee “Better Caul Saul"
- Claire Kopsky, Emmy Award-winning Journalist, CBS
- Jamie Campbell, producer, "Sex Education"
- Cindy Mollo, Eddie Award Winner, 4 time Emmy nominee, editor for "Ozark"
- Rena Owen, actress, "Star Wars Ep II" & "ep. III"
- Fola Evans-Akingbola, actress, "The Night Agent", "Siren", "Game of Thrones'
- Michelle Tesoro, SXSW winner, Eddie Award Winner, editor, "The Queen’s Gambit"
- Paz de la Huerta, actress, Boardwalk Empire
- Brent Huff, director & actor "The Rookie", 'The Rookie Feds", 'The West Wing"
- Max Markson -rep. A. Schwarzenegger, Mel Gibson, JCVD...
- Cole Sibus, actor "Stumptown', Olympic Gold Medal Athlete
- Mina Sundwall, actress, Netflix’s “Lost in Space”, DC’s “Legends of Tomorrow”

Our line up included through the years: Kirsten Dunst, Sam Rockwell, Vladimir Cosma, Kristanna Loken, Mark Dacascos, Caterina Murino, Andrew J. West, Hugo Becker, Jansen Panettiere, Leslie Bibb, Melanie et Alain Doutey, Macarena Gomez, French Prime Minister Edith Cresson, French Minister Frederic Lefebvre, Emma Bell...

We celebrate filmmakers and we focus on the humans making the movies : each director/attendee gets to talk about his movie.

You meet new audience, screen and show your latest work, connect with fellow professionals, share your passion with screenings and special events all over the city, including red carpets, movie premieres, parties, filmmaker’s networking, numerous Q&A's, international spotlights, industry talks and masterclasses, art performances and exhibitions, live music…

- Awards
- Photocall
- Artistic Recognition
- Networking
- award ceremony

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of GRACE! International Film Festival

28 Mar 2020

Published: 27 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner GRACE! International Film Festival

GRACE! International Film Festival

Berlin, Germany

GRACE! International Film Festival & Cinema Awards is an annual international event focusing on independent filmmakers.

Located in the centre of Berlin, we look forward to host an unique event at Arsenal cinema theatre.

The Festival’s mission is to support independent filmmakers
and to bring them to wider attention.

Our aim is to give the talented filmmakers a helpful step in their future careers and to provide them an alternative to the commercial film experience.

The Festival accepts films of any genre and format and will showcase some of the excellentest international short films in:

- Narrative, Documentary, Experimental, Animation,
- Student, Debut, Woman Filmmaker, Young Filmmaker,
- Trailer, Music Video and Drone Film.

The GRACE! IFF accepts screenplays as well and has a student category to submit and provides special fees for them.

We take to heart the amount of work put into each film.

The committee judge all films equally and with great respect and consideration.

The quality standard of GRACE IFF is very high, so finalists of this competition can be really proud of their achievement.

All the finalists will go to the annual competition ending with the live screening event in Berlin we organize each season.
Some of the winner films will also be screened at other international film festivals.

Please note that we will not display your films or screenplays online, with the exception of a poster, a description and/or a trailer.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of FIC RIO (Festival Internacional de Curtas no Rio De Janeiro)

28 Mar 2020

Published: 27 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner FIC RIO (Festival Internacional de Curtas no Rio De Janeiro)

FIC RIO (Festival Internacional de Curtas no Rio De Janeiro)

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

FIC RIO (International Short Film Festival in Rio de Janeiro) is a film festival for independent filmmakers from all over the world and for short films produced in any year.

After the great reach and success of the first edition, we came back even stronger and willing to take independent cinema to an even larger audience.

In addition to offering an alternative to the experience of commercial cinema, FIC RIO aims to celebrate independence, creativity and diversity in the Seventh Art, giving voice and space to independent filmmakers and their works, within the genres of fiction, documentary, animation.

The exhibition of our second edition will take place between the 25th and 30th of April 2022, still fully online.

With three new categories, Best LGBTQIA+ Film, Best Music Video and Best Micro Short (1 to 5 minutes), the 2nd FIC RIO will award a total of 27 categories.

Come join the FIC RIO family!

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Inspired Faith Film Festival

27 Mar 2020

Published: 26 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Inspired Faith Film Festival

Inspired Faith Film Festival

marietta, United States

Do you have an inspirational or CHRISTIAN faith-based film that will leave the viewer encouraged, uplifted or in a place of retrospection? Whether it's a short or feature film, animation or a mini-film, we want your film!

Please note however, that the festival takes place on a church property, therefore NO PROFANITY, NO NUDITY, NO HORROR OR INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT WILL BE ACCEPTED.


The three-day festival begins with a welcome party will screen short films, feature films and documentaries from around the world, that inspire hope, encourage dreams, and tell stories about courage and faith in the midst of challenges.

ON Awards Night, we will have winners in all categories plus a special award for Best Female Director/Filmmaker. There are also a host of special awards such as the Inspiring Missions Awards and the coveted Inspired Faith Award for the top film.

Categories are: Mini, Short, Middy, Feature, Student, Documentary and Animation.

Inspired Sisters!!! Give your faith-based and inspiring films an audience. We will honor women filmmakers, directors and/or producers with a Best Female Filmmaker/Director award dedicated just to recognizing the contributions of women filmmakers to the industry.

Inspired students!!! Students are encouraged to submit their short films for consideration.

Inspired Animation!!! We would love to see an inspirational story in animation. Remember, children's stories can be inspiring too.

Inspired Faith is produced by BarriVIsion Films & Productions, Inc., producers of family-friendly and faith-based films and television programming. The festival is sponsored by BarriVision Films and Redeemed Christian Fellowship, where it will be held.

So head for Marietta, just an hour from downtown Atlanta, Georgia in May, for a weekend of exciting films, fun and fellowship.

See you there!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of ¡Propaga tu corto!

27 Mar 2020

Published: 26 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of ¡Propaga tu corto!

Banner ¡Propaga Tu Corto!

¡Propaga tu corto!

Córdoba, Spain

Propaga tu cort is a chain short film festival shot in the comfort of our home. We must turn our home into the best setting to develop our script.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Dances With Films

25 Mar 2020

Published: 24 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Dances With Films

Banner Dances With Films

Dances With Films

Studio City, United States

A TOP 10 NORTH AMERICAN FILM FESTIVAL by USA Today - and the only one in Los Angeles.

Now in its 24th year, DANCES WITH FILMS (DWF:LA) is an original on the festival circuit, hailed by Indiewire as "widely recognized as the premiere showcase of innovative independent cinema, presenting amazing undiscovered talent to an industry audience in Hollywood," "the future of Independent Film," by Huffington Post and as "An innovator and leader in positioning raw and new talented directors," by CNN and voted one of Moviemaker Magazine's Top 25 Coolest Film Festivals on the planet (and the only one in Los Angeles to make the list in the only year it was actually voted on by filmmakers across the globe), Dances With Films presents more than 200 films each year to the LA Filmmaking and Film-going community.

Dedicated to giving opportunities to creative talents who may not be considered 'Names', DWF stands out from the crowd with not only the community we've built, but by the success of our alumni and the shared loyalty of DWF relationships.

This year's EMMY AWARDS, had a sparkling amount of DWF alums, from presenting to sitting in the audience, including 2011 & 2012 alum, Gina Rodriguez presenting on stage to 2006 alum Alexander Skarsgard winning Best Supporting Actor to 2007 & 2012 alum Joel Watson, nominated for editing SHARK TANK. DWF has had many filmmakers go on to create series, such as the highly rated THE LAST SHIP, created by 2000 alum, Steven Kane. HBO’s critically acclaimed and hit series ‘Getting On” and “Big Love” were created by DWF Alums Will Scheffer and Mark Olsen after screening their feature film "Easter" at DWF 2004. Our TV/Web division, premiered TREADING YESTERDAY in 2016, which in now in development for a series. Jeremy Cloe, 2015 alum & ICA winner, recently won a student ACADEMY AWARD.

2008 actor alum Jesse Eisenberg was nominated for Best Actor in "The Social Network" for the 2011 Academy Awards. 2010 Audience Award winner "Go For It!" received a nationwide theatrical release through Lionsgate in 2011. Betsy Brandt "Breaking Bad'' & “Parenthood” was seen early on in her career in the Grand Jury Winner of 2005, "Shelf Life." And her co-star in “Breaking Bad” Bryan Cranston premiered his directorial debut with us in 2000! 2010 feature "Cost of a Soul" was seen nationwide at AMC Theatres in conjuction with Relativity Media's Rogue. - Just a few examples of our alumni accomplishments.

Some quotes:

"Dances with Film is an incredible film festival filled with a ton of hot, new talent. It's what Sundance should be and SXSW is – but it’s in our own backyard! They put on top notch industry panels and events which sync sponsors together with the filmmakers as well as other VIPs. Their events are well attended and are extremely well organized. It's a great platform for a sponsor to promote their own projects and enhance their profile in the Hollywood and Indie film community while picking up material and making new connections."

- Chris Charalambous, Head of Acquisitions, Freestyle Media

"Dances with Film is a great film festival. They treat their supporters and sponsors incredibly well, put on fantastic industry events and is an enormous wealth of new talent. Gersh has signed 3 new clients since becoming involved with DWF. We couldn't recommend it more highly."

- Frank Wuliger, Partner The Gersh Agency

As you can see, DWF provides great exposure to the decision makers of the film industry. In fact past year's panels and 'conversations with' series rocked it with Producer, Stephanie Allain (DEAR WHITE PEOPLE, HUSTLE AND FLOW); Casting Director, David Rubin (TRUMBO, GRAVITY); EVP, Worldwide Distribution, Paramount Pictures, Syrinthia Studier; Packaging Agent, Gersh Agency, Gergen Crochet; SVP, Acquisitions and Co-Productions, Miramax, Rosanne Kortenberg; EVP, Theatrical Distribution, CBS Films, Steven Friedlander... just to name a few. Every year brings out industry stars, the caliber of which - you will rarely find at other fests.

Dances With Pilots!
In addition to narrative and documentary features and shorts (not to mention music videos!), DWF is thrilled to bring back the 4th installment of Dances With Pilots! as we present TV and Webisodes as a sidebar to the big fest.

Dances With Kidz!
We are pleased to present year 6 of Dances With Kidz! This program consists of films created for kids and most importantly... created BY kids. There is a pro section along with the kids section (18 and below).

2 Minute Short Film Challenge
And on the creative side, DWF also produces up to ten short films during the week of the festival. The 2 Minute Short Film Challenge has become an exciting favorite program at the festival. Utilizing the latest digital technology and pure filmmaking ingenuity, submitted scripts are shot, edited and screened in front of evening competition films during the festival.

Academy® Qualification:
We also qualify a slate of shorts for Academy Award® consideration through our friends at Laemmle Theatres and Double Exposure in Los Angeles. Short films that premiere with us actually have a higher possibility of being Academy® qualified than most any other short film competition in the country.

The Family:
Finally, the community of Dances With Films that has evolved since 1998 is a strong and loyal one. DWF offers the opportunity for filmmakers to strengthen and expand connections that will endure for years to come.

For more information on all the above statements, head over to www.danceswithfilms.com

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Constantine´s Gold Coin Animation Film Festival

25 Mar 2020

Published: 24 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Constantine´s Gold Coin Animation Film Festival

Banner Constantine´s Gold Coin Animation Film Festival

Constantine´s Gold Coin Animation Film Festival

Nis, Serbia

The International Animated Film Festival "Constantine’s gold coin" is organized to promote cultural creativity of national and foreign authors.

International Festival

Short film festival
