Logo of Indie Short Fest

24 Mar 2020

Published: 23 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Indie Short Fest

Indie Short Fest

Los Angeles, United States

Important note on COVID-19: None of the Indie Short Fest live events will be cancelled. Although are currently postponed, all of the screenings and Q&As will be scheduled for the first safe opportunity, even if they have to be merged in large events. Until then, ISF-LA has also optional streaming opportunities for who wants to join, namely VOD or monthly subscription via our TV channel.
This means that our event dates designate, at this temporary stage, the day for the announcement of the award winners of each season. The respective live events will take place as soon as possible.
Everything else is working as usual.

IMDb qualifier Indie Short Fest (ISF-LA) is an LA-based international film competition with red carpet live screenings and Q&A at the Raleigh Studios in Hollywood, CA, every two months.

ISF-LA is looking for independent projects from all genres, particularly low or no-budget ones, as well as from all countries, especially from those traditionally underrepresented in the global film industry.

Each round, all submitted projects are featured in ISF-LA site and social media (with the publication of synopsis, stills and a trailer/teaser) as part of a general promotional action of indie production. Submitter has the option of decline any public highlight, as long as notified ISF-LA, keeping however his project(s) under consideration. These projects are judged by a random team of invited experts from academia and film industry from Los Angeles area, against a high standard of merit. From the pool of official selection, which has a very competitive acceptance rate, ISF-LA chose the nominees and award winners of the season. All of them can add their projects to IMDb. Some of the award-winning projects, selected by the programmers of ISF-LA, are publicly screened in Los Angeles at the end of each round.

Before submitting, please read carefully the following:

Every submission can add numerous additional judging categories increasing the chance to become a multi-award-winning. In these cases, the name(s) to be credited should be included in the submission.

Notice that any entry is judged only according to the nature of the submitted category or categories. After the preliminary evaluation, ISF-LA can email the submitter with recommendations to other categories in which the entry can be more suitable to and have more chances to be a good competitor. Still, the decision to submit to other categories, and the payment of the associated fees, belong exclusively to the submitter and does not guarantee any award or the official selection.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of CTL 59 segundos

23 Mar 2020

Published: 22 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner CTL 59 segundos

CTL 59 segundos

Pamplona, Spain

The objective of the VII EUROPEAN AUDIOVISUAL CREATION CONTEST "CTL 59 SECONDS" is to disseminate, promote and encourage the realization of videocreation work. It is especially aimed at students and amateurs and also professionals who want to make known, in person and online, audiovisual creations that have artistic and technical value with a maximum duration of 59 seconds. The subject of the videos made (development of a thematic idea or narrative line) will be freely available and the contents of the works can be fiction or documentary in nature. The Jury will especially appreciate the originality, creativity and visual, conceptual and formal experimentation of the works.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental


22 Mar 2020

Published: 21 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Feature films

Promotional card of ALICANTE FILM FESTIVAL



Alicante, Spain

The 17th edition of the Alicante Film Festival will be held in October 2020 (final dates to be determined) and will be open to filmmakers worldwide.


International Festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation

Logo of Siyanie

22 Mar 2020

Published: 21 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Ufa Youth Short Film Festival


Ufa, Russia

Ufa Youth Short Film Festival is not only a competitive screening of films of young directors but also masterclasses in film production, meetings with filmmakers and a film forum, which will be held for more than five days.

The festival aims to develop creative abilities in the field of cinema, as well as stimulate youth to an active creative life, develop skills and gain experience in film production.

Over 100 eligible participants will be invited to the festival, which will be held from April 21 to April 26, 2020, in Ufa. Winners will be awarded cash certificates.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Documentary  Animation  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Temporada Queer, Festival de Series LGTB+

22 Mar 2020

Published: 21 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Temporada Queer, Festival de Series LGTB+

Temporada Queer, Festival de Series LGTB+


This Series Festival, called Queer Season, seeks to become a place where to expose the importance of making the LGTB + collective visible in a natural and real way through the series that are broadcast in our country and its great influence on the millennial generation as well as on the rest of society.

In this edition we want to open the call to new and young creators who have projects of series with an LGTB + theme and can present their works to the contest where a committee will be in charge of evaluating and selecting the best works that will be broadcast during the festival under certain criteria.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of International Hall of Light

21 Mar 2020

Published: 20 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Salón Internacional De La Luz

International Hall of Light

Bogotá D.C., Colombia

SALÓN INTERNACIONAL DE LA LUZ® Volumen XI Mayo 12-17 de 2020
El Salón Internacional de La Luz, Volumen XI, tendrá lugar en Bogotá D.C., Colombia, del 12 al 17 de mayo de 2020. Este año estará dedicado a establecer las relaciones entre la pintura y la luz, y su aporte a la creación fotográfica y cinematográfica.
El Salón Internacional de La Luz cumple 11 años dedicados a la imagen, a la creación con la luz y a la dirección de fotografía cinematográfica. Tendrá películas en competencia en las categorías de largometrajes ficción y documental, cortometraje ficción y documental, spot publicitario, video clip, experimental en cine, película preservada, realidad virtual y trabajo universitario entre otras categorías, donde se premiará exclusivamente el área de Dirección de Fotografía.
Se desarrollarán eventos teóricos sobre la luz, con invitados internacionales, conferencias técnicas y Show-rooms, con la muestra de la última tecnología en cámaras, películas, luces y soportes para la imagen en movimiento. Además, se realizará la muestra “125 años Luz”, con la proyección de algunas de las películas más importantes dentro de la historia de la dirección de fotografía cinematográfica.
El Salón Internacional de La Luz® comprende los siguientes apartados:
1.1. Pueden participar obras audiovisuales de cualquier nacionalidad, producidas con fecha posterior o igual a enero 01 de 2018.
1.2. Las categorías de la presente convocatoria son:
1.2.1. Largometraje Ficción (Duración mínima de 70 minutos).
1.2.2 Largometraje Documental. (Duración mínima 60 minutos).
1.2.3. Cortometraje Ficción ( Duración mínima de cinco minutos. Duración máxima 40 minutos).
1.2.4. Cortometraje Documental. ( Duración mínima de quince minutos. Duración máxima 40 minutos).
1.2.5. Video Clip.
1.2.6. Spot publicitario.
1.2.7. Obra experimental (Género libre y formato de captura exclusivamente: Cine súper 8mm, cine 16 mm, cine 35mm, cine Súper 35 mm y Cine 65mm, o mezcla de soportes, y con duración no superior a 30 minutos).
1.2.8. Película restaurada de cualquier época (Género y duración libre).
1.2.9. Trabajo de escuela o Universidad de cine, medios audiovisuales o afines (en los géneros de ficción y documental con una duración no inferior a 1 minuto, ni superior a 50 minutos).
1.2.10. Serie o película para televisión (realizadas exclusivamente para canales de televisión u otras pantallas diferentes a las salas de cine), de cualquier temática y duración.
1.2.11. Obras de VR (Virtual reality-Realidad virtual) de cualquier temática y duración.
1.3. Se premiará exclusivamente el área de dirección de fotografía.
1-4- Todas las obras para su selección, deben presentarse con subtítulos en español exclusivamente, si este no es su idioma original.
1.5. La inscripción de las obras (película, spot publicitario, video clip, experimental o trabajo de escuela de cine) deberá realizarse a través del sitio web del Salón, www.saloninternacionaldelaluz.com, enviar enlace para preselección a salondelaluz@gmail.com o en las plataformas habilitadas (www.festhome.com), hasta del 21 de marzo de 2020.
1.6. Los interesados deben llenar el formulario de inscripción que aparece en el sitio web del Salón Internacional de La Luz®, con toda la información requerida, incluida la ficha bio-filmográfica del participante.
No se aceptarán solicitudes de inscripción incompletas y sin firma. Este formulario se debe enviar antes de la fecha de cierre al correo electrónico: salondelaluz@gmail.com
1.6. La inscripción de una obra se acompañará además, de materiales de prensa y publicidad tales como: stills, press kits y tráileres. La copia de selección contendrá exclusivamente la grabación de la obra inscrita. Se recomienda que el remitente verifique la correcta reproducción de la copia de selección antes de enviarla al Salón. La imposibilidad de visualizar el contenido de una copia de selección, o que esté defectuosa, invalida automáticamente la inscripción de la obra en el SalónInternacional de La Luz®. Las copias de selección no serán devueltas, y pasarán formar parte del archivo del Salón Internacional de La Luz®
Las películas en idiomas diferentes al español, deberán tener obligatoriamente subtítulos en español, de no ser así, no se tendrán en cuenta para la selección final.
1.7. El jurado en cada categoría estará compuesto por reconocidos profesionales del sector cinematográfico, y sus nombres se darán a conocer el día de la inauguración del Salón Internacional de La Luz®.
1.8. Las características de los premios para cada categoría se informarán durante el transcurso del Salón Internacional de La Luz®.
1. Las copias para exhibición de las obras seleccionadas por el Salón Internacional de La Luz® , deberán enviarse antes del 15 de abril de 2020.
2. El Salón Internacional de La Luz®, sólo podrá exhibir las obras que participen en la Sección Oficial en alguno de los siguientes formatos:
• Cine 35 mm y 16 mm, DCP, Archivo de Datos, BluRay, LTO 6 o 7.
3. Los costos de envío de las copias desde el lugar de expedición corren por cuenta de quien inscribe la obra.
4. Por disposición de las autoridades de aduana, los materiales inscritos entrarán en el país bajo el régimen de importación temporal.
5. El seguro contratado por el Salón Internacional de La Luz®, cubre los riesgos de incendio, pérdida, robo, daño y destrucción de la copia para el período comprendido entre la llegada al Salón y su retorno a la dirección indicada por quien haya inscrito la copia.
6. En caso de pérdida o deterioro imputable, la indemnización por parte del Salón Internacional de La Luz®, se limitará al costo real de la reproducción de la copia. El plazo máximo para efectuar cualquier reclamación será de dos (2) meses a partir de la fecha de devolución.
1. El Salón Internacional de La Luz®, se reserva el derecho de seleccionar las obras que participan en la Sección Oficial y de establecer el orden y la fecha de exhibición de cada película. Una vez que la aceptación de una obra haya sido comunicada por el Comité de Selección al autor, productor u otra parte interesada que la haya inscrito, y esta haya manifestado su conformidad al respecto, dicha obra no podrá ser retirada antes de su proyección en el certamen.
2. La inscripción supone la plena aceptación del presente Reglamento. Para mayor información o consulta dirigirse al sitio web del Salón Internacional de La Luz®.
3. Toda la correspondencia relacionada con el Salón Internacional de La Luz®, debe dirigirse a:
Salón Internacional de La Luz®
P: (57) 3194957408
salondelaluz@gmail.com saloninternacionaldelaluz@gmail.com
Sitio web: www.saloninternacionaldelaluz.com

Durante el Salón Internacional de La Luz se llevarán a cabo una serie de conferencias en torno a la imagen y a la dirección de fotografía, con la participación de reconocidos invitados nacionales e internacionales. Esta sección estará abierta al público general pero se requiere previa inscripción por correo electrónico en : salondelaluz@gmail.com
El SIL®, ofrece un programa de actividades destinado a los profesionales de la dirección de fotografía, la post producción y todo lo relacionado con la creación de la imagen. Esta sección estará abierta al público general pero requiere previa inscripción por correo electrónico en : salondelaluz@gmail.com
Se desarrollarán eventos teóricos sobre la luz, con invitados internacionales, conferencias técnicas y Show-rooms, con la muestra de la última tecnología en cámaras, películas, luces y soportes para la imagen en movimiento. Además, se realizará la muestra “125 años Luz”, con la proyección de algunas de las películas más importantes dentro de la historia de la dirección de fotografía cinematográfica. Adicionalmente se dedicará esta edición, a explorar la relación entre la luz y la pintura y su influencia en la fotografía y cinematografía.
5- LABORATORIO DE LA LUZ® Continuamos con el proceso de formación permanente, con seminarios y talleres especializados en la creación con La Luz. Informes en: laboratoriodelaluz@saloninternacionaldelaluz.com
6- Otras actividades: InLight Magazine®, Tienda de La Luz®, Conversatorio de La Luz®, Café de La Luz® Presentación y venta de libros y revistas especializadas, insumos fotográficos y cinematográficos, exposiciones y conciertos. Lanzamiento especial de la revista y portal web especializado en la luz: In Light Magazine®.
7- ADFC LAB Presentaciones, talleres y conferencias de la Asociación de Directores de Fotografía Cinematográfica de Colombia ADFC.

Email: salondelaluz@gmail.com
P: (57) 3194957408 . Bogotá-Colombia.
Evento registrado: Zer01Digital® Media Lab
SIL® está asociado en ANAFE y registrado ante el SIREC.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Berlin Music Video Awards

21 Mar 2020

Published: 20 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Berlin Music Video Awards

Berlin Music Video Awards

Berlin, Germany

The Berlin Music Video Awards (BMVA) is an international event.

Filmmakers, producers, musicians and directors passionate about the art of music videos. Including full-length screenings, award ceremonies, live shows, workshops and after-parties, the five-day festival will be held at one of Berlin’s major event venues.

4 days of Filmmakers delight!

Take a look at the opening day of BMVA 2019 right here:

Gathering Filmmakers from all over the world, the BMVA is a great opportunity for independent artists and filmmakers to get exposure and to showcase their creativity, while networking with both emerging and established industry professionals.

Not just another film festival.

Launched for the first time in 2013 by events planner Aviel Silook, the Berlin Music Video Awards is an annual independent festival whose influence among the video and music industries in Europe and abroad keeps rising.

The thrilling event provides a platform for talented filmmakers, backing both unknown and famous artists, regardless of the language, genre or origin of their work.

Non-elitist and broad-minded, the BMVA support the diversity and inventiveness of video creators, while promoting their collaboration through networking.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Music Video

Logo of VOKA Smartfilm International Mobile Film Festival

21 Mar 2020

Published: 20 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner VOKA Smartfilm International Mobile Film Festival

VOKA Smartfilm International Mobile Film Festival

Minsk, Belarus

Festival idea – “A free format of your story”. 
VOKA Smartfilm International Mobile Film Festival.

We announce the season of (not)ordinary stories open! Each history is unique. Story twists are a matter of your imagination. Tell your (not)usual story and get the opportunity to become the winner of the Grand Prix of the Festival.

Smartfilm has been and it still remains a platform for the realization of ambitious and creative ideas. Discover (not)ordinary stories and create your movies, but remember that your movie should be filmed on a smartphone.

We have put together the best projects from previous festivals for you, we hope they will inspire you.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Coimbatore International Film Festival

20 Mar 2020

Published: 19 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Coimbatore International Film Festival

Coimbatore International Film Festival

Coimbatore, India

The Coimbatore International Film Festival is an International Independent film festival.

It aspires to promote, recognize and support independent filmmakers throughout the world by hosting a variety of awards in order to provide
the best opportunities for filmmakers, helping them receive recognition.

We welcome submissions from a range of genres including short films, documentaries, features, animations and screenplays.

Our objective is to provide support for film-makers through reviewing, judging, marketing, and distribution networking.

We believe our film festival will give filmmakers a chance to showcase their work to a very wide range of audiences from many different parts of the world.

Coimbatore International Film Festival is based in Coimbatore, Southern Part of India, with our jury’s located around the world. All the films will go through a reviewable process by our highly experienced jury’s, who will go through an evaluation process and select only high-quality films.

The festival will provide up to 36 nominees in each category along with a winner per category. All nominees and winners receive laurels, certificates, trophies and the opportunity to have their films added to the Coimbatore International Film Festival website for global promotion and viewing as well as attending our live event.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Insular & Other Seas Film Festival

20 Mar 2020

Published: 19 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Insular & Other Seas Film Festival

Banner Insular & Other Seas Film Festival

Insular & Other Seas Film Festival

Los Angeles , United States

Insular & other seas Film festival(IOSAFF)

For outdoor performing arts and film screenings: How to bring your art to beaches, plazas and streets>

IOSAFF, not only competitions and film screenings but also an artists' tour during which we explore creative activities in various artistic specialties.

»IOSAFF is a coherent whole of a multidimensional cultural and cinematographic project will take place Palms Casino Resort Las Vegas

four days for a traveling festival (artist tour), we launch creative projects that bring people together, and we create high impact campaigns with influencers to motivate audiences to share their creativity.

If You're a filmmaker, screenwriter, designer, actor or actress, musician or band, painter or sculptor, or any other creative expression, we welcome you to the tours of creative artists...

Let's explore the oceans, seas & islands


- Environment,

- Designs animations,


- Author's cinema,

Islands in music & video


Oceans and seas cover 71% of the earth's surface, produce half of the oxygen we breathe, absorb 25% of carbon dioxide, capture 90% of the additional heat generated by these emissions and feed 3, 2 billion people. The oceans, seas & marine resources, lungs of the earth, are essential for sustainable development.

Promoting the heritage and creativity of the world's islands and caring for the oceans & seas is a major factor in developing the blue bio-economy, which is why we adopted it as the main axes of our cultural and media project.

The islands of the world, through the oceans and the continents of the planet, conceal important cultural and patrimonial wealth, as much by their variety, their specificity as by their authenticity. The islanders, being cut off from the continent, are forced to live in osmosis with their environment, to vibrate to the rhythm of the elements of their natural setting, and to dominate the rigors of their daily life by giving free rein to their creative imagination and their innovative spirit. In this perspective, artistic creativity is the best support for the expression of their dreams, their emotions & their collective memory

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of The Peoples Film Festival

20 Mar 2020

Published: 19 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The Peoples Film Festival

The Peoples Film Festival

New York, United States

The People's Film Festival, a dynamic three-day event that celebrates the Voice of the People through the power of film, art and technology. Our festival takes place from May 29, 2025 to May 31, 2025 in Harlem, NY, and features films from around the globe.

Rooted in the belief of freedom of speech and media access for all, TPFF was founded in 2012 with the goal provide a platform for independent filmmakers, producers and creatives to showcase their works in venues that can elevate them to the next level. Over the last 13 years, TPFF has become known as “The Voice of The People,” an extraordinary platform where filmmakers can tell their stories their way and make a real impact on their audiences.

Our mission is to not only inspire future creatives and innovators but to also expose audiences of all ages to new tools and technologies for storytelling. TPFF has had some remarkable success stories, with many films screened at our festival ultimately being featured at other prestigious media outlets and venues such as HBO, Netflix, FOST, PBS – Public Broadcasting Service, Revolt TV, and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Library & Archives.

Our festival is held in Harlem, NY, a thriving and vibrant community with rich cultural history. It is an ultimate synergy of great music, literature, arts, and entertainment also collectively known as The Harlem Renaissance. Filmmakers and filmgoers come together each year to actively share information, break bread, and build relationships.

The People’s Film Festival is a great initiative of The People’s Media, Music & Arts Foundation (TPMMAF) - a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. We use our platform to promote awareness of independent film, technology, media, music, and art across the globe while encouraging those, particularly in the Harlem New York area, to develop a greater appreciation and understanding of cultural diversity in media.

This event is open to everyone.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Kinorum: Student Film Festival

20 Mar 2020

Published: 19 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Kinorum: Student Film Festival

Banner Kinorum Festival de Cine Estudiantil

Kinorum: Student Film Festival

San Pedro Garza García, Mexico

Kinorum is a student film festival located in Monterrey Mexico. It includes master classes and workshops taught by specialists and there is also the screening of the short films in competition.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Other

Logo of Unrestricted View Film Festival

20 Mar 2020

Published: 19 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Unrestricted View Film Festival

Unrestricted View Film Festival

London, United Kingdom

The UVFF is back for it's 5th year! The festival is run by filmmakers and aims to celebrate the very best in indie and encourage all aspects of independent film making.

After Four very successful years the 2020 festival will be bigger and better! More information to follow soon.

Screening will be at Screen on the Green and Vue Islington and the rest of the Festival is at The Hen & Chickens Theatre, an independent cinema in Islington, North London and the pub below will be the networking and meeting place.

There will be industry workshops and networking events.

Islington bases film makers can submit free of charge contact james@fmwfilms for a waiver code.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Festival Audiovisual Cine O Yuka Lbtiq

20 Mar 2020

Published: 19 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Audiovisual Lbtiq* ’Cine O Yuka’

Festival Audiovisual Cine O Yuka Lbtiq

Armenia, Colombia

Since 2019 Yukasa, the first feminist house of Quindío, has been holding the Cine o Yuka Festival of LBTIQ Women Defending their Rights with the aim of promoting creation from the life experiences of diverse women and generating spaces for projection, encounter, dialogue and advocacy in the department through audiovisual works.

In the first edition of the festival we worked around the theme Always Visible Never Invisible, in the second edition it was Visible in Community. And for this third version, it will be Devenir Lesbica, which seeks to portray the different ways of being a lesbian in small and intermediate cities, where there are not many aesthetic or love references or construction of life projects outside the closet, and where people resort to different strategies to survive in the margins of sexuality. We are used to know the words butch and dyke as an insult, then we called ourselves gay and finally we recognized ourselves as lesbians.

The organizing team of the 3rd Festival Cine o Yuka, invites lesbians, butch and dyke womxn to send their audiovisual creations, whether or not they are professional or expert filmmakers. We will receive material created in different formats and genres, abstract productions, short films, cell phone videos, web series, performances and other audiovisual creation experiments, which do not exceed 60 minutes and that deal with the theme of this edition: Devenir Lesbica.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


20 Mar 2020

Published: 19 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films



Getxo, Bizkaia, Spain

Dokumentala was born to show, through the language of cinema, the transforming power of support between people.

That is why the thematic axis of the proposals to the competition will be to make visible support relationships that can occur in society and that generate positive changes in people, in groups and in municipalities.

Argia Fundazioa, opens the Call for the THIRD Edition of the dokuMentala 2022 Festival.

Argia Fundazioa is an entity that supports people with a diagnosis of mental illness to improve their quality of life and the image that society has of this group.

dokuMentala 2022 was born in 2019 to show, through the language of cinema, the transforming power of support between people.

The Call for the Festival for the year 2022 is made public, which will be governed by the rules detailed below.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of SHORT FILM SLAM presented by The Madlab Post

17 Mar 2020

Published: 16 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner SHORT FILM SLAM presented by The Madlab Post

SHORT FILM SLAM presented by The Madlab Post

Philadelphia, United States

*** Submissions for the 2024 Short Film Slam, presented by The Madlab Post will be opening in the Spring. If you are interested in submitting your live action, animation, documentary or experimental film, Sign up for our waitlist to be the first to hear about the Call for Entries for our 2024 season - https://cinema.madlabpost.com ***

The Short Film Slam is a bimonthly competition presented by The Madlab Post that focuses on providing a platform for emerging and established filmmakers to showcase their work. Each round, a selection of up to twelve short films will be screened for local audiences who get to cast a vote for their favorite film. The highest rated film at live screenings will be declared "Movie of the Month" during the following month. The highest rated "in-competition" films from each live and online screening room will advance to the final round. All finalists get to compete for a total of $1,000 in prize money during the final round and festivities preceding the 2023 shnit Cinemas screening in Philadelphia.

Since 2012, The Madlab Post has promoted community outreach and engagement through film, screening dozens of exceptional short films from around the world to local audiences; including the Academy Award nominated short film A SINGLE LIFE, Clermond-Ferrand International Film Festival Special Jury Prize winner THE BATHTUB and Sundance Grand Jury Prize nominee Et ta prostate, ça va? (HOW'S YOUR PROSTATE). Main venues include the historic Bok building and Taller Puertorriqueño's state-of-the-art El Corazón Cultural Center.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of AVIFF

16 Mar 2020

Published: 15 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Aviff le festival du film d’artiste


Boulouris, France

The AVIFF Festival presents a program of films by Artists in Cannes during the period of the Cannes Film Festival 4 days in May.

The concept: show another "cinema" and present audiovisual works to an audience of festival-goers and professionals.

The works selected must have been produced by Artists for less than 2 years and have never been presented in France before.

The program presented in Cannes will then be programmed during the year in partner places of education and culture: Festivals, museums, Center of Contemporary Arts, Foundations, Universities, schools... and this in the world, in Europe and in France.

With the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur Region, the Angel Orensanz Foundation in New York and private and public partners, the AVIFF Festival has been working for 13 years to promote the Artist's film and its dissemination, in favor of worldwide artistic freedom and the expression of one's creativity.

All Artist Directors are welcome whatever the format of your films and their duration.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Bristol Independent Film Festival

16 Mar 2020

Published: 15 Mar 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Bristol Independent Film Festival

Bristol Independent Film Festival

Bristol, United Kingdom

**Become a part of one of the most popular IMDb annual Festivals!**

Welcome to the Bristol Independent Film Festival. We are one of the UK’s fastest-growing independent film festivals!

Since we started in 2016 we have had submissions from over 120 countries. We pride ourselves on being an international film festival. We aspire to promote, recognize, and support independent filmmakers throughout the world by hosting a variety of awards to provide the best opportunities for filmmakers and help them receive their deserved recognition. We welcome submissions from a range of genres including short films, documentaries, features, animations, and screenplays.


•We aim to create a community of independent film-makers and an environment where we can celebrate independent films and our submitters’ creations.
•For each event, we provide networking booklets that include information about each winner and ways to contact them. We also provide trophies and winners packs.

•Each season we offer cash prizes to our favorite submissions to help fund their future projects.

•Finally, we aim to establish personal relationships with our submitters. We always enjoy finally meeting with our filmmakers/ scriptwriters and being able to celebrate their accomplishments in person.

Why Bristol?

Bristol was recently recognized by UNESCO as a “City of Film” alongside the likes of Sydney, Rome, and Galway. We pride ourselves on being the largest celebration of independent film in Bristol and we aim to create a hub for independent film-makers.

Judging Process?

Our submissions are judged by a jury of international industry professionals. They rate each submission on 10 different categories including cinematography, writing, pacing, and creativity. This helps them decide which submissions make it to the final stage where there will be jury group viewings to make sure we only pick the best quality submissions.

We look forward to viewing your creations and hope to meet you at our 7th annual celebration of independent film.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of FICITET - Tras el Telón International Short Film Festival for Children

15 Mar 2020

Published: 14 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner FICITET - Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Infantiles Tras El Telón

FICITET - Tras el Telón International Short Film Festival for Children

Madrid, Spain

TRAS EL TELÓN is a project created by Asociación El Olivar, an organization with more than 25 years of experience in social matters, both in education & development and project management. Our main goal is to collaborate with solidarity causes through sociocultural activities, focused in the creation, production and representation of theatre plays for all the family. The fundraising from these performances goes to the work done at El Olivar.

In 2018 we started celebrating our FICITET with the aim of including the best audiovisual works for children in our programme, and we are repeating the experiencie in 2020: we open the call for entries for the second edition of FICITET - TRAS EL TELÓN INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL FOR CHILDREN.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation

Logo of Histoires de Femmes

15 Mar 2020

Published: 14 Mar 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Dreux, Histoires De Femmes

Histoires de Femmes

Dreux, France

La deuxième édition du Festival de Dreux organisé par l’association LES LUMIÈRES DE LA VILLE, se déroulera les 10 et 11 juin 2022. Il propose une compétition de courts-métrages dont les protagonistes sont des femmes, des masterclass de femmes engagées, des interventions d'associations et une remise des prix pour clôturer l'évènement.

Retrouvez l'actualité du Festival sur :
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Festivaldreux
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/festival_dreux/

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation