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Be part of this festival in Malta which will be held on the 8th of December 2013. You can submit your film online here or through our Festivals platform partners. The choice is entirely yours.
We are looking for different genres of films, being live action, animation, stop motion always keeping in mind to entertain young children while giving them something to learn about! There will be 3 awards for this festival and will be attended by many children and their families!
Submissions are open from now till the 30th November, and every one is welcome to submit their work dedicated to children in mind, being Feature films, short films, animation films and why not also experimental if they have something to show to children. There is a fee of 10 Euro to pay through paypal for your submission to be eligible.
Established in 2012 as a quarterly screening series in Toronto, Canada, Shorts That Are Not Pants is now a festival weekend held each November.
We've screened more than 350 films from 41 countries so far, and we're looking for more undiscovered gems to show our shorts-savvy Toronto audiences. Members of our programming team have experience working for some of the biggest and best festivals in the world (TIFF, Sundance, Hot Docs, Cannes) and travel to festivals around the world seeking out the best films and the brightest filmmakers to support.
Your submission will be evaluated by our team and if chosen, will screen at our festival in November 2020. We have eight years of great programming experience behind us, with lots of audience momentum.
See some of the nice things filmmakers have said about us here: http://www.shortsnotpants.com/testimonials/
Mumbai- The city of celluloid dreams since past century- is the destination of thousands of budding & professional filmmakers in India & world. The city has nurtured many great filmmakers, technicians & entertained the millions worldwide through cinema. People also fondly called it as Bollywood. In the highly competitive age of cinema ‘Mumbai Shorts International Film Festival’ is the platform for short filmmakers to put their work forward among the league of professional.
MSIFF, a progressive cinema movement started in year 2012 with the consultation of senior industry members to highlight the short cinema. The 2012 inaugural year followed 2013 to 2023 editions witnesses the great participation & enthusiasm from filmmakers & industry professionals from India & abroad. The festival objective is to contribute towards the development of upcoming filmmakers & to create short films culture in India.
The festival aims is to feature great cinema of worldwide filmmakers in a big way & at the same time providing professional networking & introducing current trends of cinema to the participants. The festival also strongly advocates the need of commercial short film industry in India & will raise the issues related to short films in front of various governing bodies of cinema.
13th MSIFF-24 will prove one more step towards achieving excellence & enhancing your skills in cinema & fore sure it will contribute immensely in your growth as filmmaker
Welcome to Iberminuto, the first made for mobile film festival of the world
Film whatever you want as long as it is connected with the competition´s theme and format, but make sure that it lasts just one minute! (Titles included).
Check great made for mobile films and winners of past editions @ www.youtube.com/Iberminuto
Good luck to everyone!
NOFI is a multi stage International Festival of New and Original Films. It was founded by the Center of American New Cinema and Arts (CANCA). The preliminary stages take place in Russia, Sweden and Armenia while the final stage is taking place in USA (Los Angeles). Each year an estimated 1000 independent and student films participate in the NOFI festivals from 60 countries. We have representatives in 10 countries including USA, Russia, Sweden, Armenia, Belarus, UK,Belgium, Holland, Arab Emirates and Philippines.
The goal of the NOFI festivals is to find and invite talented film directors to NOFI film studying and producing programs for shooting their films with the help of our sponsors and grants. We then represent, promote and will try to sell the best films from NOFI in the American Film Market, Cannes film market, Amazon, Netflix, Hulu and other markets. Winning films can also participate in NOFI sister’s film festivals in Korea, Poland, Germany, Estonia, Russia and Armenia. The winners from each category and diplomas of honor can have the opportunity to show their films (edited versions) at our NOFI film festival on YouTube channel. The best actors from the best films can join our “Accent” International Talent Management. Also the trailers of the awarded films will be in our web site for years, providing more exposure. Our festival helps expose new and emerging directors and actors. NOFI festivals give them an opportunity to present their names in motion pictures studios and be discovered in the film industry worldwide. NOFI is designed to showcase innovative work by new filmmakers who may (or may not) have been overlooked by other festivals. We organize forums and round tables with filmmakers during the NOFI festivals to understand their needs, help solve common problems with film production and discuss their future projects. Our slogan is- “Indie filmmakers without borders.” Many celebrities and representatives from film studios have attended screenings and award ceremonies of NOFI festivals.
Submitted short films must focus on the sensitivization and preservation of ethnographic legacy as a means for a common identity, on women's role in the transmision of thet identity, and the bond between that patrimony and the conservation of the enviroment within the everyday reality of the areas of Granada in Spain and Jebala-Gomara in the North region of Morocco.
The Cinematic Olympics - Unborn
JIFF is the World's Biggest Competitive Film Festival (in fiction films).
The Jaipur International Film Festival, the world's fastest growing film festival, is held every year in January in Jaipur, India
Launched in January 2009, Jaipur International Film Festival -JIFF became expanding establishing name in organizing world film festival every year in Rajasthan.
The purpose of this film festival is to promote new movie makers, exchange of knowledge, information, ideas & culture between India & other nations in context of their social and cultural ethos. JIFF also promotes friendship and co-operation among people of the world through the medium of films & documentaries.
Though the film festivals have became a regular affair in most countries yet most of them cater only to selected audience as well as entertain the commercially successful film makers and related personalities. However, JIFF intends to organize a festival that connects the film fans & movie goers with the world, especially the serious filmmakers & their associates so as to bring about greater understanding of the art of film making.
The Seventeenth JIFF 2025 received 2408 films from 88+ countries and 241 films nominated for screening.
The Sixteenth JIFF 2024 received 2971 films from 82+ countries and 329 films nominated for screening.
The Fifteenth JIFF 2023 received 2205 films from 63+ countries and 282 films nominated for screening.
The Fourteenth JIFF 2022 received 2100 films from 52+ countries and 279 films nominated for screening. (COVID 19 - Hybrid Edition)The Fourteen JIFF 2022 received 2100 films from 52+ countries and 279 films nominated for screening. (COVID 19 - Hybrid Edition)
The Thirteenth JIFF 2021 received 2121 films from 85+ countries and 266 films nominated for screening. (COVID 19 - Online Edition)
The Twelfth JIFF 2020 has received 2411 films from 100+ countries and 240 films nominated in competition for screening.
The Eleventh Aryan JIFF 2019 has received 2221 films from 103 countries and 232 films nominated for screening.
The Tenth JIFF 2018 has received 2019 films from 100+ countries and 136 films nominated for screening.
The Ninth JIFF 2017 has received 2004 films from 100+ countries.
The Eighth JIFF 2016 has received 2176 films from 100+ countries.
The Seventh JIFF 2015 has received 1807 films from 100+ countries.
The Sixth JIFF 2014 has received 1587 films from 90+ countries.
The Fifth JIFF 2013 has received 1397 films from 90 countries.
The Fourth JIFF 2012 has received 902 films from 70 countries.
18000 film lovers and film makers visited the festival.
The third JIFF 2011 was held with overwhelming response & it was a feather in crown.
The second JIFF 2010 was held with overwhelming response & it was a feather in crown.
The first JIFF 2009 was a first milestone towards success.
Sridevi JIFF Indian Panorama (All submitted films will be included automatically in this panorama from India only without any additional fee or you can submit directly in this panorama only, made/produced in all regional languages) new from JIFF 2019
Focus Country, Guest Country, Tribute, Retrospective and more - By Invitation Only
(You can submit according to your submission eligibility or write us for any support at myjiffindia@gmail.com)
JAIPUR CRITICS – For feature fiction films only, best film award from film critics. Total nominations: Around 5 films.
HONORARY ASIA - We welcome you in JIFF 2026 as senior and experienced film producer and director. This category is only for Asian continent for feature fiction films, who have produced/directed minimum 5 films in their respective career, we request you please submit your film/s produced/released/un released after 1st Jan. 2024 or film in post-production. It is non-competitive international nominations category, in this category will screen top two or three films out of all submissions.
WELCOME REGARD - For directors and producers 1st feature fiction film, in other words this submission should be first project/film as a director or producer. It is competitive international nominations category, in this category will screen top two or three films out of all submissions.
OLD IS GOLD - screenings (by invitation only)
Classic World (Classical films from India and the world) – By Invitation Only
Films made by Crowdfunding (mention in the submission form)
Films made by/with Co-Production (mention in the submission form)
Web Series (up to 30 minute/s)
Mobile Film Making on Social Issues (film should be shoot by mobile camera, up to 30 minute/s)
Submit Song/Ad Film//Music/Album/Poster/Live performance
Top 10 Dialogue.
Films Nominated at Oscar 2026 (Short Fiction/Live Action) - Official entry to the Oscars
Films nominated at Oscar 2026 (Short Documentary) - Official entry to the Oscars
Films nominated at Oscar 2026 (Feature Fiction) - Official entry to the Oscars
Films nominated at Oscar 2026 (Feature Documentary) - Official entry to the Oscars
Films nominated at Oscar 2026 (Academy Awards, USA)
from different countries as official entry to the Oscars and official nominations through various ways, will be directly part of the competition in JIFF 2026. The awards will be separate for these categories and will be finalized by international jury members (World cinema leaders). Few top films will be screened in JIFF 2026 for global audience. Other rules will be the same as film submission in JIFF 2026.
Best OTT Platform, Best OTT Short Fiction Film (released on OTT, between January 2023 and December 2025)
Best OTT Feature Fiction Film (released on OTT, between January 2023 and December 2025)
Best Photograph (New from JIFF 2026)
It will be held in person with online activities .
In-person format, it will be held in the cities of Lebu, Capital of the Province of Arauco, and in the city of Concepción in the Biobío Region, Chile, from April 1 to 6, 2025. With national and international virtual sub-venues for the exhibition of competitions. Since 2018, CINELEBU is the only festival in Chile that qualifies short films for the Oscar® Awards in three categories: International Animation, Regional Fiction, and International Fiction. and since 2023, qualifier for the Goya Awards and Marca Chile.
Mumbai- The city of celluloid dreams since past century- is the destination of thousands of budding & professional filmmakers in India & world. The city has nurtured many great filmmakers, technicians & entertained the millions worldwide through cinema. People also fondly called it as Bollywood. In the highly competitive age of cinema ‘Mumbai Shorts International Film Festival’ is the platform for short filmmakers to put their work forward among the league of professional.
MSIFF, a progressive cinema movement started in year 2012 with the consultation of senior industry members to highlight the short cinema. The 2012 inaugural year followed 2013 to 2023 editions witnesses the great participation & enthusiasm from filmmakers & industry professionals from India & abroad. The festival objective is to contribute towards the development of upcoming filmmakers & to create short films culture in India.
The festival aims is to feature great cinema of worldwide filmmakers in a big way & at the same time providing professional networking & introducing current trends of cinema to the participants. The festival also strongly advocates the need of commercial short film industry in India & will raise the issues related to short films in front of various governing bodies of cinema.
13th MSIFF-24 will prove one more step towards achieving excellence & enhancing your skills in cinema & fore sure it will contribute immensely in your growth as filmmaker
Children's, Nature & Wildlife Film Festival is an India’s independent film festival promoted by Miniboxoffice India. The Children's, Nature & Wildlife Film Festival aim is to showcase & promote professionally made entertaining, enlightening & encouraging feature films, short films, animation & documentaries among target audience. The festival accept all genres of children’s, Nature, Climate & Wildlife films be it a fantasy, motivational, drama, disability, educational, science fiction, adventurous, parenting etc.
The Children's, Nature & Wildlife Film Festival is a boutique of children’s, Nature, Climate & Wildlife films celebrating childhood & nature. The festival objective is to bring the world class cinema to the door step of children’s which provide alternate source of learning & help in understanding the culture of other nations and nature through the art of cinema. CNWFF also giving exposure of film education through various workshops & master classes. At the same time providing platform to the filmmakers in reaching out wide audience through CNWFF.
The festival helps in raising the standards of quality content for children’s & nature films and also helps to boost-up the film market. We hope that CNWFF will prove a milestone for filmmakers in their career & a rich experience for audience as well.
El “Guácaras” Festival de Cine, es un evento cinematográfico al aire libre de carácter anual organizado en el pueblo de Santa Ana de los Guácaras ubicado a unos 12 km. de la ciudad de Corrientes Capital. Es el único Festival de Cine de la Provincia y luce con orgullo el sello de 100% Regional ya que la totalidad de la programación se basa en la producciones del Nordeste Argentino.
Desde el año 2012, con un gran trabajo de producción se legalizó el Festival ante el INCAA (Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales) y hoy contamos con el código de Sala Ambulatoria: Nº 261327 y el Nº de Exhibidor: 601-148, que nos obliga a cortar entradas gratuitas durante todas las proyecciones que se realizan, que dan al Festival itinerante un cumplimiento formal.
La propuesta, impulsada por los propios cineastas locales, tomó por escenario la bella Santa Ana en el 2011 con la realización de la primera edición en 2011 a la que concurrieron unas 800 personas colmando el mágico lugar de silencios, de sonrisas, de miedo pero sobre todo de plena identificación, el “Guácaras 2” del año 2012 dio un resultado inesperado ya que fueron 1.310 los espectadores que asistieron durante los 4 días de proyección. Y hoy El Guácaras se ha convertido ya en el Primer Festival de cine de referencia que tiene la provincia porque cada vez mas se hace necesario este tipo de acciones para promover espacios de difusión gratuitos, sembrar el lenguaje audiovisual de y en la Región poniendo de manifiesto nuevamente la idiosincrasia y la cultura local a través del cine, por eso el Guácaras se propone reforzar ese impulso inicial pero siempre ponderando el esfuerzo de los cineastas regionales.
La programación del 3º Festival diagramado en 4 Jornadas, que se realizará del 6 al 9 de diciembre y contempla cinco secciones:
1) Cine en la Escuela: Películas generadas en el ámbito escolar. El cine se ha convertido en una de las artes más poderosas y populares desde su nacimiento en el pasado siglo. Forma parte de esencial de los modos en donde sucede la comunicación en todas sus formas. A mitad de camino entre el arte y el entretenimiento. Comprender su proceso, garantiza su devenir. Apropiarse de sus herramientas es democratizar e incluir a los autores desde temprano. Y el mejor lugar es la escuela.
2) Cinemboyeré: Esta sección es producto de la convocatoria abierta ya que la producción cinematográfica regional y sus hacedores actúan en todo lugar y en forma incesante. Ya no es privilegio de unos pocos. Ya es expresión popular más allá de la academia. Posibilitar una pantalla, es abrir al público la consideración de esos narrativas, aún ocultas, pero sin embargo, destinadas a integrar el imaginario audiovisual de nuestro pueblo.
3) Guácaras presenta: Sección con peliculas invitadas ya que no hay un solo modo de hacer una película. Las formas de producción, de dirección, de actuación, de rodaje se multiplican según sus hacedores se propongan. En soledad o en grupo es casi siempre un evento mágico, transformador y revelador. Nadie sale indemne de un rodaje, en donde la luz manda.
4) De estreno: El INCAA -a través del Sistema Argentino de TV Digital Terrestre (SATVD-T) desarrolla el Plan Operativo de Fomento y Promoción de Contenidos Audiovisuales Digitales para TV-, sigue apoyando a las producciones regionales. La medida, de alcance federal, visibiliza a una nueva generación de trabajadores que se expresan a través de los oficios del cine, en donde el estreno constituye el mejor momento.
5) Videoclips fue otra sección, que muestra el vínculo de la música local y regional con el audiovisual y su importancia como registro para la difusión de la música emergente.
En el acto central del día Domingo , se entrega el Premio “Guácaras 2013” obra realizada por el escultor Julio Mac Donald, la persona elegida y destacada por los organizadores, en el ámbito del Cine Regional durante este año. Y se entrega además el premio al mejor trabajo que es elegida por el público.
The festival is envisaged by Miniboxoffice, is a leading independent film festival organizing company based in India & serving the world’s short filmmakers community. Our film festival touches the every aspect of cinema & life since year 2010. The Miniboxoffice has served to almost more than 6500 filmmakers worldwide so far. With strong audience base from 63 countries, professional network of 1800 film schools & 80000 film professionals here we take the opportunity to dedicate the Miniboxoffice Online Festivals to the world’s short film making community. Come & join Miniboxoffice Online Festivals & create branding for you as filmmaker. For sure it would be an exciting experience for you.
Animated Exeter, established in 2000, is an annual animation film festival with a rich mix of films, events and activities; from the best of international short and foreign feature films to opportunities to meet the film-makers. The festival also showcases regional animation and celebrates the best graduate animation from the UK.
Unlike other animation festivals in England, Animated Exeter is uniquely focussed on attracting the general public. The festival focus is one of access and education for all, and its emphasis on practical in-depth workshops, master-classes for enthusiasts, hobbyists and students of all ages and professionals. The animation careers advice attracts a wide range of interest from trainers, industry, students and young professionals.