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Biophilia is a concept based on respect and love for life and living beings.
Our essence is hidden in the earth, inside everything converges, an infinite cycle that reveals being: sprouting, intertwining, flourishing, and later, being a seed that fell to germinate again. We celebrate the connection of man with the earth, and how from this link, we are able to perceive and build our surroundings, recognize ourselves in the gaze of the other, or ignore a little about our being.
The festival activities will take place in the month of November, we will carry out face-to-face and online activities creating links in three states of Mexico: Mexico City, the State of Mexico and Oaxaca.
Complementario a las exhibiciones y programaciones se impartirán talleres y habrá charlas y master class con especialistas en la cinematografía, estas actividades se realizarán de manera online y presencial (si las condiciones de pandemia lo permite), y están planeadas para los asistentes y el público interesado, buscando impulsar a nuevos autores. Así como actividades especiales para los autores de los cortometrajes ganadores de cada categoría y las menciones honoríficas.
Shorts under 59 seconds
Fiction, documentary, animation, experimental and hybrid genres
Between 1 and 8 minutes
Fiction, animation and experimental short films
Under 29 minutes
Experimental short films
Under 29 minutes
Non-fiction short films and hybrid genres
Under 29 minutes
Medium and feature films
Fiction, documentary, animation, experimental and hybrid genres
Between 30 minutes and 150 minutes
National category
Biophilia is a concept based on respect and love for life and living beings.
Our essence is hidden in the earth, inside everything converges, an infinite cycle that reveals being: sprouting, intertwining, flourishing, and later, being a seed that fell to germinate again. We celebrate the connection of man with the earth, and how from this link, we are able to perceive and build our surroundings, recognize ourselves in the gaze of the other, or ignore a little about our being.
The festival activities will take place in the month of November, we will carry out face-to-face and online activities creating links in trhee states of Mexico: the State of Mexico, Mexico City and Oaxaca.
We receive cinematographic and audiovisual works that address the following concepts:
Biophilia, ecology, nature, native peoples, traditions, collective memory, cosmogony and rituals. The extension is free as well as the genres: fiction, non-fiction, animation, experimental and hybrids.
International categories
Shorts under 59 seconds
Fiction, documentary, animation, experimental and hybrid genres
Between 1 and 8 minutes
Fiction, animation and experimental short films
Under 29 minutes
Experimental short films
Under 29 minutes
Non-fiction short films and hybrid genres
Under 29 minutes
Medium and feature films
Fiction, documentary, animation, experimental and hybrid genres
Between 30 minutes and 150 minutes
National category
Emerging Mexican filmmakers
Fiction, documentary, animation, experimental and hybrid genres
Under than 20 minutes
Complementary to the exhibitions and programming, workshops will be given and there will be talks and master classes with specialists in cinematography, these activities will be carried out online and in person (if pandemic conditions allow it), and are planned for attendees and the interested public. , seeking to promote new authors. As well as special activities for the authors of the winning short films in each category and the honorable mentions.
Pandemic Film Week, held for the first time in Mexico. Dedicated to collecting and screening films that address the issue of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
film/Documentory/music vedio/Animation/VFX/CGI/2D/3D/other
*Mumbai Entertainment International Short Film Festival*
*Organized BY*
mumbai Entertainment
& Yogeshpatilfilms
*world all contries participated now*
Uniport Short Film Festival (USFF) in association with the Nollywood International Centre of Excellence This exciting film festival aims to showcase the talent and creativity of emerging filmmakers while pushing the boundaries of storytelling.
As a platform for aspiring filmmakers, USFF provides an opportunity for them to shine and gain exposure. The festival is committed to nurturing the next generation of cinematic visionaries, fostering creativity, and supporting their journey in the industry.
Featuring a diverse lineup of films, USFF will captivate audiences with compelling narratives, innovative storytelling techniques, and a wide range of genres. The selected short films will offer immersive and thought-provoking experiences, showcasing the unique perspectives of emerging talents.
In addition to film screenings, USFF will host engaging panel discussions and workshops. Led by industry experts, these sessions will provide valuable insights, enhance skills, and encourage collaboration among filmmakers. The festival aims to create a supportive environment for learning, networking, and inspiration.
USFF proudly embraces inclusivity and diversity, seeking out and promoting films from underrepresented voices. The festival aims to amplify diverse perspectives and stories that deserve to be heard, fostering a vibrant and inclusive film community.
Film enthusiasts, industry professionals, and supporters of emerging talent are encouraged to proceed with registration early for this exciting inaugural event.
This year, for the 42nd Rencontres du Cinéma Latino-Américain, a festival organized by the association France Amérique Latine in Bordeaux, The cinema team would like to propose for the 4th consecutive year an official competition of short films.
These 12 films selected by the employees and volunteers of the association will be presented to students who will award different prizes and use the short films as a study support.
The scholar work on and with the short films will start in september: the final answer of your participation in the official competition will be given at the beginning of december.
The Award winners will be notified after the Festival is concluded.
The Festival reserves the right to place entries into alternative categories if they feel it is to the benefit of the title. Each submission must be entered separately and it cannot be withdrawn.
By submitting, you agree not to withdraw your film from the festival after it has been accepted by the selection committee. If your film is selected, the festival holds the right to show your film at a time and date of its choosing.
La Fundación Pública Andaluza Centro de Estudios Andaluces M.P. (Fundación CENTRA en adelante), entidad adscrita a la Consejería de la Presidencia, Interior, Diálogo Social y Simplificación Administrativa de la Junta de Andalucía, convoca de acuerdo con los principios de publicidad, concurrencia y objetividad la XVIII edición de los Premios IMAGENERA de Creación Documental sobre Andalucía, correspondientes a 2024.
IMAGENERA apuesta por promover el conocimiento y la investigación sobre Andalucía a través del lenguaje documental generando un patrimonio visual que preservar y difundir.
La 18 edición contempla las modalidades de Documental Audiovisual y Fotografía destinada a trabajos, sin acotación temática ni temporal, que presenten una imagen de Andalucía en su sentido más amplio y diverso:
• Trabajos visuales que logren representar o defender las oportunidades presentes y expectativas de futuro de la Comunidad Autónoma.
• Obras que exploren el pasado de Andalucía desde la perspectiva de nuestro tiempo.
• Aquellas que pongan en valor cualquier aspecto de la realidad andaluza que fomente nuestra Comunidad Autónoma como símbolo, imagen o icono de una comunidad moderna y versátil, dentro del contexto de España, Europa y el mundo.
• Se valorarán los trabajos que muestren con especial interés el rumbo de Andalucía en cohesión con sus valores sociales, económicos, tecnológicos, políticos o culturales.
The Los Angeles Crime and Horror Film Festival aims to showcase crime drama, true crime, horror, and related subgenres from around the world.
We provide independent filmmakers with a platform to connect with audiences, industry professionals, and fellow filmmakers who share their passion for crime and horror cinema.
With live screenings at a historic theater in Hollywood, the LA Crime and Horror Film Festival gives recognition to the independent films and filmmakers in crime and horror storytelling.
Winners considered by Hollywood production companies reps, and streaming platforms including:
... and more.
Coming together to explore new cultures and celebrate creativity will always be important and VIFFMP is the perfect medium for that. Visual literacy is an aptitude for this century and VIFFMP brings together the highest-quality stories to learn from. VIFFMP exists to inspire audiences and keep the excitement alive for cinematic experiences.
VIFFMP is a meeting place for filmmakers and people who are interested in the world in its variety, different approaches to life, film as an art form, a medium and a tool of social expression. VIFFMP offers filmmakers a platform to introduce their work and discuss topics shown in the film as well as the filmmaking process. Helping at the frontline of an increasingly polarized world. Speaking multiple languages, VIFFMP gives the ability to hear a rich diversity of voices from the divided areas.
VIFFMP is not out there just for the sake of films. We enliven with an idealism that enables filmmakers and diverse communities to share their ideas in close personal contact.
Ciné-Palestine Toulouse Occitanie is a non-competitive festival which includes every year:
▪ an audience of over 3800 people
▪ 53 screenings
▪ 32 films (features, documentaries and short films)
▪ 29 cinemas including the prestigious Cinémathèque of Toulouse, and 12 cities in the region
▪ 25 local and international guests
▪ master-classes with the students
Ciné-Palestine Toulouse Occitanie highlights extraordinary Palestinian stories through the filmmakers' distinctive point of view and new ways of telling the story of Palestine and/or its diaspora.
The national-regional Festival "Corto Cortismo" of Miguelturra (Ciudad Real), aims to promote short films as a means of audiovisual expression, contributing to their recognition, dissemination and appreciation as an essential means of transmitting culture. Considering it at all times CINEMA with capital letters and taking this format as a fundamental and essential part of CINEMA, we encourage you all to participate in it, as a platform for the exhibition of good work, which is surely being done by many people who He loves CINEMA as a profession and as one of the means of projection of Culture.
Our Festival presents a double modality of participation: regional and national, this, in turn, divided into the section of adult fiction short films, and the modality of children-family animation short films.
The regional modality will host all those works that come to us from people or teams that, in some way, have links with the region of Castilla-La Mancha and have been carried out in the last year.
For its part, the national modality will exhibit those works that are presented and that have been made in the last two years and have not been presented in previous editions of this Festival.
Yuva International Short Film Festival proves as a global platform for youngsters and film aspirants in colleges to showcase their talents and compete with other professionals of the same age group. YISFF provokes a sense of great responsibility by providing a fun-filled and exciting learning experience. Through YISFF, the participants will get a chance to explore and learn the art of filmmaking from industry stalwarts.
YISFF’s objective is to bring into the limelight the talents of burgeoning film aspirants and bestow them with an opportunity to present themselves in front of the world. We encourage the participants and serve as a bridge to exhibit their one-of-a-kind competence in our festival and to reach a greater range of audience. I am taking pride in letting you know that, YISFF will also serve as a means to promote friendships and collaborations among fellow participants through healthy competition. As a token of appreciation and encouragement,
YISFF will award the winners of the competition under various relevant categories selected by the jury panel from the industry and academia.
YISFF is an inclusive event that values diversity. Films are accepted regardless of age, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, physical or mental challenges, ethnicity, and perspective.
(Association for Independent Audiovisual Production and distribution registered in the National Register of Associations: 1/Sección Group: 1 / National Number 596006 and registered in the Register of Companies Audiovisual de Catalunya, under audiovisual production with the number 2409 , established in Rosellón Street, 120, 4 º 2 ª, 08036 Barcelona.
MWFIFF is an International Film Festival, which promotes new filmmakers, students, professionals by exchanging of knowledge, information, cultures, through movies. This will be 2 days Event with LIVE Screening & Award Ceremony along with Entertainment Programme in the heart of Mumbai city, India.
All Categories, All Genres All Languages are Accepted from All Continents including the Music Videos.
*English Subtitle is Compulsory.
*DCP / J2K File would be Compulsory if the film is selected for Screening in the Film Festival or Extra Cost would be charged if the filmmakers wants us to convert the file for the same. Extra Cost For the Film Conversion Would be $25 per movie.
We will be screening ONLY selected movies. Final Winners will be Awarded with Lady Trophy and Certificates. Nominated, Participants will be receiving Certificates ONLY. All the Awards and Certificates will be given by our Panel of Jury listed on our website and also by the Chief Guest, Bollywood Celebrities, VIP's guest etc present on the day of the Event. FOR more Updates please visit our websites: www.mwfiff.com
We have Jury From Radio Mirchi 98.3fm , World Famous Singer, Film Producer, Director, Choreographer International TV fame Personality and many more on the list.
Film or music video can be submitted directly through our website : www.mwfiff.com , www.festhome.com/f/4015 , OR (youtube / Vimeo, / Google Drive, like platforms) and sending us link ( and password if protected ),
In case of using submission platforms like Festhome, or any other platforms Press Kit, Film Posters, DCP file etc MUST be E-mailed to - contact@mwfiff.com, in order to complete submission.
Other Requirements :
Crew & Cast List including the technical team, Filmography of the Film director.
1. ( One Photograph of Director ).
2. ( Two Posters of film in JPEG format COMPULSORY (300 dpi, 768 x 1169 - pixel size) and (300 dpi, 3508 x 4961 - Pixel size)
Your film's trailer link not more than 1 minute in duration (Optional, for promotion & publicity purpose)
Direct Online i.e. submissions through our website : www.mwfiff.com
Step 1- Submit your film or music video through our direct online page available on our website : www.mwfiff.com/submission then share the link of your film or music video ( e.g. youtube, Vimeo, Google Drive etc) which is protected with the password, you will be required to mention the URL of your project in our direct online form.
Step 2- E-mail the "FILM PRESS KIT" to - contact@mwfiff.com ( NO HARD COPIES, ONLY SOFT COPIES TO BE E-MAILED )
Step 3- Pay the Appropriate Entry Fee to complete the registration.
Other Requirements :
Crew & Cast List including the technical team, Filmography of the Film director.
1. ( One Photograph of Director ).
2. ( Two Posters of film in JPEG format COMPULSORY (300 dpi, 768 x 1169 - pixel size) and (300 dpi, 3508 x 4961 - Pixel size)
Your film's trailer link not more than 1 minute in duration (Optional, for promotion & publicity purpose)
Direct Online Downloadable Film or Music Video Form i.e. submissions through our website by downloading form : www.mwfiff.com/submission
Step 1- Submit your film or music video by downloading the entry form through our website : www.mwfiff.com/submission
Step 2- Fill the form and email it to- contact@mwfiff.com along with "FILM PRESS KIT" ( NO HARD COPIES, ONLY SOFT COPIES TO BE E-MAILED )
Step 3- Pay the Appropriate Entry Fee to complete the registration.
Other Requirements :
Crew & Cast List including the technical team, Filmography of the Film director.
1. ( One Photograph of Director ).
2. ( Two Posters of film in JPEG format COMPULSORY (300 dpi, 768 x 1169 - pixel size) and (300 dpi, 3508 x 4961 - Pixel size)
Your film's trailer link not more than 1 minute in duration (Optional, for promotion & publicity purpose)
Award Ceremony Event Venue :
Balgandharva Rangmandir ( Sheila Gopal Raheja Auditorium ) 24th and 32nd Road, near to Patwardhan Udyan, Bandra West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400050
Film Screening Venue :
INOX Metro
Mahatma Gandhi Road, Dhobi Talao, New Marine Lines, Junction, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400020
IPSMF (International Photography and Short Movie Festival) is an international event held annually by the Faculty of Communication and Business, Telkom University, Bandung. IPSMF is expected to become a competitive activity that facilitates skills, becomes a means of exchanging ideas, and of course as a forum for conveying photo and film creators to the public.
In this year's IPSMF (2023), we raises the theme of “The Beauty of Diversity: Exploring Cultures Through a Multicultural Lens”. Diversity encompasses a wide range of differences, including race, ethnicity, culture, language, religion, age, ability, and socio-economic status. Hence exploring cultures through a multicultural lens involves examining and understanding different cultural perspectives and experiences in a way that acknowledges and values diversity.
IPSMF as an international event is expected to become a competitive activity that facilitates the ability of photo and film creators, a vehicle for exchanging ideas for fellow photo and film requests, and of course, as a means of delivering photo and film works to the public. as a competition on an international scale, where participants include other countries, this event is expected to bring an interesting picture of the culture and dynamics of change experienced in each country as well as how the existence of culture is their future.
Word from the president,
A 2nd year for our Junior Cinema Fest!
Last year was canceled due to lack of resources
This year is the good one
We have put together a weekend of short films and documentaries at the start of the year for your children.
The Ciné Junior production invites you to come with your family to share good times around short films. We are waiting for you there with joy and good humor to live a first and great unforgettable experience in your company.
Icône de validation par la communauté
Films are really a strong medium to share, yes to share, but what creates a filmmaker is a sense of what to share. Through vantage point we see that entertainment is just the medium to share realm of life with film lovers. If we penetrate the meaning of life sometime we feel that there is no such meaning or purpose to life, yes! Sometime, but we must have to give a great meaning or purpose to life to create it more beautiful for the whole world as a one family, for whole humanity or for our next generation.
GIFFI honours films of world with a vast array of awards in different categories and genres. Our mission is to discover diverse new voices & to promote the artists’ work through numerous platforms. In each edition, Filmmakers can submit their projects to have them judged by award-winning industry professionals against a high standard of merit and compete with other short filmmakers across the globe.
We really admire your passion and enthusiasm as a filmmaker so with humbleness we invite filmmakers from all across the country to share your great films into Global Independent Film Festival of India – GIFFI.
Al Este is a festival coming out from the french festival A l'Est du Nouveau. Present in Colombia since 2018, the mission of the festival is to promote film culture of the other Europe, that relegated to independent circuits, owning however, an invaluable wealth and tradition. Thus, Al Este - Colombia seeks to spread the filmography of Central and Eastern Europe into a profitable cultural exchange with South America.