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The Palm Springs International Horror Film Festival is brought to you by the producers of the highly respected Palm Springs International Comedy Festival. We aim to showcase the best of the best and promote our winners by exposing them to the biggest decision-makers in the Entertainment Industry.
Palm Springs International Comedy Festival has been covered regularly by The Hollywood Reporter, Variety, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, NPR, XM Radio, Netflix Radio, Chicago Tribune, Forbes, The Desert Sun, and many, many more, just to name a few. We also have many celebrities and industry execs from major studios and networks participating in our festivals. We had over 60 celebrities participate in our last festival and over 25 major industry players. So, although the Palm Springs International Horror Film Festival is new, you can be sure we will be bringing the same caliber of industry to this festival, as well as the same media coverage we do with our other fest. We are new, but we will be announcing many exciting details for this festival as time progresses, so please follow all of our social media platforms to stay informed of all upcoming exciting news.
Palm Springs has been a hot spot celebrity getaway since the 1920's when the biggest stars of the silent film era decided to make this beautiful sunny desert oasis their 2nd home. Since then, the entire Palm Springs desert area from Palm Springs and Joshua Tree, to Indian Wells and Coachella, has become the home of the biggest celebrities and the wealthiest people in the world. The beautiful landscape and sunny year-round weather make this area the most desired vacation destination in the world. We look forward to having you join us here and celebrating the amazing genre of Horror and your films. Bring your bathing suits and get ready to party and mingle with the industry!
International Environmental Film Festival is a festival dedicated to short films (Ficton & Documentary) which treat the subject of the environmental such climate change, global warming, extinction of species...Peace Corps actions....Activism...
We are 100 % environmental film festival and our goal is to educate through entertaining and to raise awareness, using audiovisuals as a tool and language.
The IEFF is an annual film festival which takes place in Sidi Wassay-Massa village in the South of Morocco (60 km far from Agadir City).
This artistic-cultural mediation initiative seeks to bring cinema closer to people with a physical/ mental or neuro-atypical disability. As part of this festival, several documentary films (short and medium-length films) will be broadcast in connection with the experiences of these people.
The FINECAA is an animation film festival dedicated to new experiences/ new technologies. It welcomes any animated short film - partially or entirely produced in animation - which will have participated in renewing the cinematographic genre, whether from a technological point of view, in its format, its storytelling, its narrative construction, the production methods or its relation to the public.
Ànima Jove, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges d'Animació d'Altafulla is an animation film festival, whose main objective is to create a space to disseminate the art of animation in the territory of Tarragona.
In Motion Fest has become one of the most important creative industries events in Mexico. It has filled its physical and virtual venues with industry exhibitors, workshops, rallies, exhibitions, and networking events.
Thanks to these factors, the introduction of a short film competition has become a natural progression, which would help to promote the work of enthusiastic young filmmakers from Mexico and around the world.
El Festival Internacional de Cine Experimental de Paraguay (FICEPY) o ULTRACINE en su Edición II, es un encuentro internacional dedicado al arte cinematográfico experimental, el cual tuvo su exitosa I Edición en octubre de 2022 bajo el nombre de FESTIVAL DE CINE EXPERIMENTAL ULTRAcinema por haberse gestado a partir de la Muestra Mexicana de Cine Experimental ULTRAcinema, en y gracias al Centro Cultural de España Juan de Salazar de la Ciudad de Asunción, con una gran aceptación del público cineasta paraguayo.
El Festival en su I Edición presentó muestras de cine experimental local y mexicano, mesas redondas, talleres de formación abiertos a todo público, funciones performáticas de intercambio y experimentación en vivo.
Gracias a la fructífera edición inaugural, se llevará a cabo nuevamente en octubre de 2023, la II Edición del Festival Internacional de Cine Experimental de Paraguay (FICEPY) - ULTRACINE con los objetivos de:
- Seguir fortaleciendo los vínculos y la escena experimental de la comunidad local y el intercambio con otros festivales Latinoamericanos, principalmente con ULTRAcinema MÉXICO por ser éste, el mentor y principal apoyo de la programación y curaduría del FICEPY.
- Seguir educando a través de talleres para la formación de público y profesionales. Uno de ellos lo dictará el Maestro Michael Ramos-Araizaga (México), director y curador del Festival ULTRAcinema México.
- Seguir potenciando e incentivando la expansión de ideas de expresión no convencionales o tradicionales, generando espacios de contagio creativo entre todas las artes experimentales libres y el pensamiento crítico.
- Generar el interés en el arte y cine experimental.
Continuando con las actividades que nos lleven a los objetivos mencionados como en 2022, realizaremos dentro de la programación muestras de cine experimental local y mexicano, mesas redondas, talleres de formación abiertos a todo público, funciones performáticas en vivo.
El festival, cada año seguirá contando con una temática protagonista a la que le ofrecerá un destaque y participación mayoritarios con el fin de visibilizar comunidades minoritarias, y, en esta II Edición tenemos especial interés en aquellos trabajos que respondan al eje conceptual de nuestra edición, los afrofuturismos*, desde sus propuestas estéticas, códigos y/o discursos para conformar un programa especial dedicada al cine surgido desde las miradas de las afrodescendencias. A través de esta mirada, vamos a prefigurar futuros, a explorar la producción de la diáspora africana contemporánea y a revisitar las raíces de las afrodescendencias en Latinoamérica para buscar nuevos vínculos entre futuros utópicos y pasados posibles y, así, reinventar la historia que nos merecemos tener.
*AFROFUTURISMO: es un tipo de estética literaria y cultural que combina elementos de ciencia ficción, ficción histórica, fantasía y realismo mágico con cosmogonías no occidentales. El movimiento también ha sido definido por la autora y cineasta Ytasha L. Womack, como la exploración de «la intersección entre cultura negra, tecnología, liberación e imaginación, con una pizca de misticismo también. […] Es una forma de unir el futuro con el pasado y, en esencia, de ayudar a reinventar la experiencia de las personas de color».1 Su objeto es criticar no solo la problemática actual de las personas de color sino también revisar, cuestionar y reexaminar los eventos del pasado.
**Afrodiaspórico: El pensamiento afrodiaspórico debe entenderse como un proyecto humanista que refleja la voluntad de vida por la dignificación del ser humano africano y sus descendientes.
Son bienvenidas obras experimentales de cineastas emergentes y establecidos de cualquier parte del universo, en cualquiera de sus géneros audiovisuales, tanto en cine como en video: Ensayo, Poema, Danza, Musical, Performático, Ritual, Abstracto, Avant Garde, Confesional, Documental de Archivo, Livecinema, así como en cualquiera de sus técnicas, formatos o estrategias como la animación y la apropiación, sin límite de duración, ni año de producción.
Contamos con una sección especial para cineastas de la región (nacidos o residentes en Paraguay o provincias limítrofes a Paraguay de otros países: Bolivia, Argentina o Brasil).
Esta II Edición de ULTRACINE Festival Internacional de Cine Experimental de Paraguay es posible gracias al apoyo de: Centro Cultural de España Juan de Salazar de Paraguay, el Instituto Nacional del Audiovisual Paraguayo y la Secretaría de Cultura de Paraguay.
The International Outdoor Documentary Film Festival of China(OUTDOCS)adhered to its goal of recording and paying respect to magnificent natural landscape and indomitable spirit of human beings. With films as the carrier, OUTDOCS promotes a positive lifestyle for the public and inspires the creativity of life; with films as power, it shares and develops China's development of sportsmanship, adventure and exploration, outdoor culture and sports. To award excellent outdoor films and its artistic and cultural contributions, create a humanistic value highland for documentary films on outdoor adventures, sports, travel and humanities, environmental protection, as well as wildlife conservation. OUTDOCS Award Competition and Screening session start. We are calling for entries around the world.
The CINE MUNDO International Festival has as its sole interest and objective the dissemination of cinema in the short film format. All kinds of productions are accepted, whether professional or amateur, and of any year.
The objective of the Festival is to disseminate and at the same time recover quality short film productions and highlight their values, through a careful selection, to share with the general public in a virtual way and if health conditions allow it, perform functions at the same time face-to-face.
Due to the health characteristics that prevail throughout the world and in the local environment, this festival is online dissemination to be able to carry out the best quality material for people and to avoid their attendance in closed places that can violate your physical health
CINE MUNDO opens its registrations for the official competition 2024, which is its 5th edition, and these are its categories:
- Free category maximum 15 min.
- LGTB category and Gender maximum 15 min.
- TERROR category maximum 15 min.
- FICTION SCIENCE category maximum 15 min.
- ANIMATION Category maximum 15 min.
- THRILLER maximum 15 min.
- ECOLOGY Y ENVIRONMENT maximum 15 min.
- HUMAN RIGHTS maximum 15 min.
- HUMOR AND COMEDY maximum 15 min.
The Women and Diversities Film Festival (FESTMYD) will celebrate its fourth edition this year in a self-managed manner with the support of the Film School of the University of Valparaíso and the Ovalle Film Festival. The main objective of the festival is to give visibility and promote national and international cinematographic works directed by female (cis/trans), trans or transmasculine men, non-binary, gender fluid or intersex filmmakers, who address issues from a gender perspective.
On this occasion, FESTMYD will take place in person in the region of Coquimbo and Valparaíso, linking the activities to the territories where they are developed, seeking to generate a reciprocal relationship with the audiences we address, in order to be a contribution to the collective construction of intangible cultural heritage. FESTMYD 4th will take place in the month of November from the 19th to the 22nd in Valparaíso and from the 27th to the 30th in Ovalle.
In the fourth version of FESTMYD, we want to once again give space to the voices and teams of women and gender diversities, maintaining the commitment acquired in our previous versions, giving a showcase to their works in both regions for school audiences and adults.
This year all slots will be non-competitive and the official selection will come from a selection of short films made in educational contexts (formal and informal) made throughout the national territory.
The Festival reserves the right to change the venues and dates mentioned, if it deems necessary for the correct execution of the project.
India is a land of art and cultural heritage and it is spread in various forms in our society whether it's dance, drama, music, films, painting, sports, etc. Being a global enterprise, Indian Cinema (Bollywood) is a remarkable example of our cultural diversity and it has the greatest influence on India's national identity. We always celebrate our art and one of the best ways is to do so is film festivals. There are many film festivals in Asia where filmmakers and film lovers alike can celebrate the best and the brightest. We are adding one more precious feather to it and that’s the BOLLYWOOD INTERNATIONAL FILMFESTIVAL (BIFF).
Launched in January 2020, Bollywood International Film Festival–BIFF is founded by some of the best-known actors, directors and film professionals. BIFF intends to provide a place that connects the film lovers and makers around the world.
This film festival promotes new movie makers, looking to get publicity for their films, exchange of knowledge, information, ideas, the culture of India and other nations in their social and cultural ethos.
The festival will host various forums for academic interactions on Filmmaking, Film Appreciation like seminars, Workshops, Master classes etc., for the benefit of film professionals, discerning audience and students on unique aspects of cinema.
We invite filmmakers, people from the film fraternity, film critics, journalists, discerning cineastes from amongst the public & International and National film Institutes; distribution agencies/organisations, to witness the glorious start of BIFF. We sincerely hope the film lovers will use this opportunity to enroll as delegates and enjoy the contemporary world cinema and the classics.
Ibicine Asociación Cinematográfica de Ibiza (IACI) was born out of love for cinema and the island of Ibiza with the firm commitment to provide the island with activities related to cinema as well as a film programme that opens the range of cultural activities on the island to new audiences and thus turn Ibiza into a meeting point for the national and international film sector.
Ibicine, Ibiza Film Festival, is one of the annual activities of IACI, organized by the Association and by the production company Dicho y Hecho Porducciones.
Ibicine is a festival that is committed to emerging national, international and Balearic Island talent, which seeks to enhance emerging filmmakers and generate links with established talents, giving special importance to the short film and its technicians, rewarding by categories the technical and artistic aspects that have a place in these film productions with the Astarté awards. a statuette created and made in Ibiza in honour of the Phoenician goddess who left her mark on the island.
In addition to the Official SOC Short Film Section, the festival also has Parallel Sections, as well as the Official SOL Feature Film Section and the projects in development thanks to the creation of the Ibiza Film Market Project Forum, organized by BIAM (Balearic Islands Audiovisual Market) within the framework of the festival, to promote professional cinema on the island, so that a meeting point is generated with the national and international industry to generate and strengthen relationships within the sector: creators, producers, platforms, buyers, etc.
All these activities come together in Ibiza, a perfect place to disconnect from the routines and stress of the big cities and, in this perfect setting, synergies, new projects and learning take place, closing contracts and thus generating the film industry in an unparalleled environment.
Ibicine has been selected by UNESCO as the representative festival of Spain in the Movie Travel film tourism routes, has received recognition from the Consell d'Eivissa, has been awarded the Business Excellence Award as Best Festival in the Balearic Islands by Acquisition International magazine and Festival of the Year 2023 - Spain by LUXlife magazine.
Since 2022 the Festival has been a collaborator of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Spain, being part of the list of festivals that qualify for the Goya Awards, in the categories of Fiction, Animation and Documentary, in this 8th edition for the Goya Awards 2026.
In this way, the fiction, animation and documentary short films awarded with the Astarté for best fiction short film and with the Astarté for best documentary short film, will opt directly for nomination for the Goya awards, and those selected in the Official Section of Ibicine will be able to opt to enter the list of qualified for the Goya if they add, along with this selection, six other selections in festivals collaborating with the Academy. ***
To consult the rules of participation in the 39th edition of the Goya Awards
Click on the following link (short films on page 39) : https://www.premiosgoya.com/pdfs/bases-39-premios-goya/
To consult the list of festivals collaborating with the Goya awards:
In addition, the short film awarded with the Astarté for best fiction short film will be qualified for the Fugaz 2025 awards of Cortoespaña.
Ibicine's selection committee is made up of professionals from the sector from different guilds: editing, directing, scriptwriting, cinematography, acting and production; and works together so that the selection is careful and always responds to the criteria of professional quality, diversity, equality with varied themes and genres, to achieve an annual program that manages to take viewers to enjoy and learn from the seventh art through different stories and perspectives.
The jury of each edition of Ibicine is made up of an average of between five and seven professionals from the film sector, also representatives of the different guilds. The jury is chaired by a professional selected by the board of directors of the Association, who has the power to break the tie in the event of a tie, in addition to attending to the media on behalf of the rest of the jury, it is always made up of a large part of members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Spain, as well as international members.
Ibicine has been sponsored in each of its editions by the actresses Paz Vega, Cayetana Guillén Cuervo, Nadia de Santiago, Inma Cuevas and Michelle Calvó and sponsored, since the first edition, by the actor and comedian Jon Plazaola, who accompanies us in each edition as a lifetime sponsor of the festival.
To date, we have celebrated and recognized the talent of national and international talents, rewarding their film careers with the Astarté de Honor award to: the actress Terele Pávez, the director Isabel Coixet, the Association of Women Filmmakers and Audiovisual Media CIMA, the actor and director Paco León, the actress Yolanda Ramos, the comedian Eva Soriano, the journalist and film disseminator Cayetana Guillén Cuervo, the international producer and screenwriter Axel Kuschevatzky, the co-founder of FILMIN Jaume Ripoll and the international actor Leonardo Sbaraglia.
Ibicine is possible thanks to the support of island institutions such as the Consell d'Eivissa, l'Ajuntament d'Eivissa, l'Ajuntament de Santa Eulària and l'Ajuntament de Sant Antoni de Portmany, as well as that of sponsoring companies, collaborators and the media dissemination of media partners such as IB3, Diario de Ibiza, TEF, Cadena SER and Periódico de Ibiza. It is thanks to them, the passionate team and the volunteers who join every year, that this cultural meeting in Ibiza is possible and has become an essential annual event for all film buffs.
San Francisco International New Concept Film Festival is a US government approved 501(C) (3) tax-exempt non-profit organization.
Provide an international platform for all film lovers, professional filmmakers and film/media students who love film-making to stand out.
Discover and select potential talents with new technique & skills, who demonstrate the original concept and accelerate their development within the film industry.
Encourage new filmmakers especially young and first-time filmmakers for their new productions. Encourage and celebrate original and insightful screenwriting and new ideas in the film. Accept films in all categories and subject matter.
Make friends and enhance communication through films.
• 2025 The 12th Festival Schedule:
November 1, 2025------November 9, 2025
The International Film Festival "Piriápolis de Película" is an event that has consolidated itself as an essential space for the meeting of the independent production of national and international filmmakers. It is characterized by exhibiting, completely free of charge, a selection of outstanding audiovisual productions, short, medium and feature films of all genres. It also has an Iberoamerican Short Film Contest, whose objective is to stimulate and disseminate the production of short films in the region and the continent, adorned by an outstanding international jury.
El Grito is the first and only fantasy and horror film festival in Venezuela.
We are a space that promotes reflection, meeting and training through fantasy and horror films, serving as a platform for their dissemination and promotion as genres that go beyond entertainment, highlighting its poetic value and its own tools to move from different narratives, techniques and themes. Under the initiative of the El Grito Casa Audiovisual (www.elgritoproduce.com), this meeting was born in December 2019 in the city of San Cristobal, Tachira State.
We look for works that transcend narrative, aesthetic and technical languages within the genre, using history as the main element in his audiovisual proposal, demonstrating as an author, a search for new ways of showing situations, conflicts and twists of the screw hand in hand with references from different disciplines that feed its concept.
EL GRITO seeks to raise its voice until it becomes a thunderous noise that shakes our city and summons for years all kinds of nightmares and monsters that can strengthen our worn out humanity sensibility.
More information in elgritoproduce.com
Main Program (International competition), which will regularly feature films from all over the world from among a director’s first and second feature films. The idea is to promote new filmmakers who are making a debut or are only just starting their careers.
This program’s goal is to identify and promote relatively unknown filmmakers’ new film stories, giving them a chance at the beginning of their film careers.
The idea for this film festival emanated from the dire need for a wider space to present debut films by many new filmmakers from the region and all over the world.
The International Film Festival KineNova Skopje, therefore, includes activities such as promotion, support, incentives, exchange of experiences, and film awards. It is a venue for new filmmakers to showcase new stories and offer a fresh perspective of humanity and the world we live in.
The festival and the city of Skopje have the honor to be the meeting point for new filmmakers and a springboard for their respective career paths.
The topic of the work will be the violence of gender, in any of its manifestations, its prevention and sensitization against it, being able to present documentaries and short films of plot fiction.
The jury will have special consideration for those works that address this issue by focusing on the youth world.
Cortomontagna prize is exclusively dedicated to short films.
The prize’s main theme is Mountain life, told and documented through a video that expresses the author's point of view and interpretation.
Possible takes on the main theme can range from the narration of sporting activities (skiing, climbing, hiking - for example), to naturalistic-environmental themes, to facts and life stories of communities or mountain territories.
Everyone can take part in this competition.