Logo of DokuFest

15 Apr 2018

Published: 02 Nov 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner DokuFest


Prizren, Kosovo

DokuFest, International Documentary and Short Film Festival, is the largest film festival in Kosovo. Recognized as one of the top film and music event in SouthEast Europe, festival fills the cinemas and improvised screening venues around historic city center of Prizren with a selection of more than 200 hand picked films from around the world, whileat the same time bringing top international and local music acts to perform at DokuNights music festival. Documentary photo exhibitions, debates, master classes and lively atmosphere in the city all add to the charm of the festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Trondheim Sykkelfilmfestival

15 Jan 2018

Published: 01 Nov 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Trondheim Sykkelfilmfestival

Trondheim Sykkelfilmfestival

Trondheim, Norway

The Trondheim Sykkelfilmfestival is an annual, lighthearted family-friendly event that brings together the local community to watch films, discuss, and celebrate the role of the bicycle. In the past two years we have shown films from around 10 countries and 4 continents.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental  Music Video


22 Apr 2018

Published: 01 Nov 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films



Turin , Italy

The third edition of KOQIX is taking place in the wonderful city of Turin, Italy, in April 2020. It is going to be the celebration of independent cinema. Submissions are open to anyone, there are no restrictions. Films of any genre, running time and budget are more than welcome.
KOQIX is organized by the cultural association Systemout that, in the last few years, has become the spokesperson for the indie cinema, not only in Italy.

KOQIX INDIE FEST has the main purpose to find and select new films that could be interesting for cinephiles, as well as to search for new styles and trends that this art has to offer in order to promote them on a touring show.

Before submitting your film, please read carefully the section Rules and Terms.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of FilmNow Project

31 Jan 2018

Published: 01 Nov 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Proyecto FilmNow

FilmNow Project

Madrid, Spain

Only for films made in Spanish film schools.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Imaginaria - International Animated Film Festival

15 May 2018

Published: 01 Nov 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Imaginaria - International Animated Film Festival

Imaginaria - International Animated Film Festival

Conversano, Italy

IMAGINARIA is the first and only international animated film festival of Apulia region.

In its history Imaginaria has grown enormously, earning an important artistic and social position in the international festival sector.

Festival of “people and places”, Imaginaria manages to create a family atmosphere among the public and professionals who come in open air cinemas of Conversano. Imaginaria, which is characterized by the importance of “numbers” and the excellent quality of thousands of works of international standing, is a project to promote, disseminate, film training, which aims to promote the independent authors of animated films. Imaginaria intends to trigger, in a long-term perspective, all possible synergies in the community helping to create socio-economic opportunities in the area and at the same time promote the culture of animation. The festival, therefore, is a project which aims to spread the use and knowledge of animated films not only during the event, held every year in Conversano, but also in places and times of the year using different networks, made up of other festivals and exhibitions (national and international) to which Imaginaria participates or which it is the promoter.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Musical Écran Festival

15 Jan 2018

Published: 31 Oct 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films


Musical Écran Festival


The Musical Écran film festival is a unique event in France, focusing mainly on music documentaries, which takes place each year during springtime in Bordeaux. During a week, the spotlight is on music docs and over 20 films from all over the world are screened and discussions between the audience and the directors are organized. The main venue of the festival is the beautiful Cinéma Utopia, a former church based in the city center of Bordeaux with 5 screening rooms.
Besides the screenings, we host free parties in a beautiful open air venue : the Cour Mably in Bordeaux with djs from all over the world.
2020 marks the 6th anniversary of the Musical Écran festival which will take place from April 12th to 19th.

Musical Écran is part of the Music Film Festival Network (M.F.F.N) founded at the beginning of 2019 made of over 10 European music film festivals based in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland the UK.. MFFN intends to provide an opportunity for the creative teams behind music film festivals to exchange experiences and best practices, promote music film (docs, fictions...) expand existing audiences and build ones...

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Kalat Nissa Film Festival

28 Feb 2018

Published: 31 Oct 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Kalat Nissa Film Festival

Kalat Nissa Film Festival

Caltanissetta, Italy

Film and Cultural Association of nonprofit "LABORATORIO DEI SOGNI", organizes in 2019, the 9th edition of the competition "KALAT NISSA FILM FESTIVAL" in CALTANISSETTA [Sicily].

The festival is aimed at directors and to Italian and foreign Filmmakers, to schools, associations and companies that have produced short films.

In order to enhance, promote and spread the short film as a particularly good form of expression and the current social and cultural level; to develop the potential of the artistic languages of the new media; to respond to the cultural growth of the young emerging filmmakers, the festival follows the logic of giving the greatest possible visibility to short films that will come.

A jury will select them for various events and screenings. Photographic exhibitions, meetings with personalities from the world of cinema and various events will host the event.

For the sixth consecutive year, thanks to the collaboration between KALAT NISSA FILM FESTIVAL and the CESMA - THEMATIC GROUP FOR SONORA CINEMATOGRAPHY, the prestigious one was established:



International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Other

Logo of New York City Short Documentary Film Festival

31 Jan 2018

Published: 31 Oct 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner New York City Short Documentary Film Festival

New York City Short Documentary Film Festival

New York, United States

The NYC Short Documentary Film Festival (NYCSDFF) will be held March 22, 2020, in Midtown, New York City, NY, USA.

**** This is a short film festival, only for films 20 minutes or less in length!! We will NOT be screening any films longer then 20 minutes in length!!!!****

Documentary film is a genre that is based in truth and told with style. Every second of every day, an infinite multitude of stories are playing out in every nook and cranny of the world - the goal of documentary film is take this sprawling mass of real life and weave it into cinematic art. The purposes of documentary are multifold - to educate, to entertain, to bring attention to important issues or to simply highlight the understated wonders of everyday life.

Join us for the 5th Annual NYC Short Documentary Film Festival and become part of a growing tradition!

Please be sure to review ALL submission guidelines before you mail the entry. We have limited time and resources to correct application mistakes. Please try and be as accurate as possible. We will contact you by e-mail if there are any problems, so please be sure to watch for e-mails from info@nycsdff.com.

We only accept online submissions either a FilmFreeWay online video or a private/password protected vimeo/YouTube link. If your film is selected we will provide full technical specifications but an .mov, mp4 or .mpg works great. All films will be played from a hard drive. Please note, if accepted, we MUST receive the exhibition media AT LEAST TWO (2) WEEKS before the festival.

If your submission is selected, you will be notified by e-mail in the beginning of February. Accepted filmmakers will be given one free admission pass to the festival. (We cannot help with any transportation, food or lodging costs.)

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Burgas International Film Festival

02 Apr 2018

Published: 28 Oct 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Burgas International Film Festival

Burgas International Film Festival

Burgas, Bulgaria

The main goal of Burgas International Film Festival is to develop a sustainable platform for presentation of feature and short movies by acquainting the audience with the contemporary cinema art.

The mission of The Festival is to turn Burgas into cultural venue of filmmakers and movie fans.

The main scope of the Festival is to present the current trends in the Bulgarian and international cinema practice and to provoke intercultural dialogue.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Censored Film Festival

21 Jan 2018

Published: 28 Oct 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Censurados Film Festival

Censored Film Festival

Lima, Peru

Censurados Film Festival is a film festival that disseminates and makes visible “the cinema they don't want you to see.” Based in Peru, the festival is committed to freedom of expression, human rights and diversity through the screening of films and the organization of artistic and educational activities.


1. International Competition “Censorship”. Fiction, documentary, animation and/or cinematographic experimentation films from any part of the world that have been censored due to political, religious, corporate, authoritarian or social pressures or interests, among others, or that have been victims of threats and/or violence, either during its research, production or realization or in its subsequent exhibition and/or distribution. It is an essential requirement to provide demonstrable information about the censorship, threat, pressure or violence that the film has suffered. No duration limit.

2. Short Film Competition “Shorts without Cut”. Fiction, documentary, animation and/or cinematographic experimentation films from anywhere in the world and a maximum duration of 30 minutes that claim freedom of thought and expression without fear of cancellation, and political and social action in matters of public interest.

3. “Peruvian Voices” Competition. Fiction, documentary, animation and/or cinematographic experimentation films from Peru that allow dissident voices to be heard and make the viewer reflect on controversial topics, on which different groups have constructed apparently irreconcilable arguments, in order to create an open and elevated dialogue space on them. No duration limit.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Arogya Film Festival

06 Dec 2017

Published: 27 Oct 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Arogya Film Festival

Arogya Film Festival

Ghaziyabad, India

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of Future Femme Festival

01 May 2018

Published: 27 Oct 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Future Femme Festival

Future Femme Festival

Leeds, United Kingdom

The Future Femme Manifesto

A future femme is someone who doesn’t ask for permission.
A future femme knows her worth, her value, and her goals.
A future femme doesn’t need anyone to open doors for her.
A future femme doesn’t take no for an answer.
A future femme ignores an irrelevant establishment.
A future femme creates iconic, inspirational content on no one’s terms but her own.

Future femmes make movies.
Future femmes make history.

Are you a future femme? Join us now.

Future Femme Film Fest

Anyone who identifies as a Future Femme may enter.

The Future Femme Film Festival is now open.

Does your movie: elevate future femme perspectives, support the advancement of future femme talent, and empower future femmes through cinema?

Enter now: Future Femme Short Film Fest


FutureFemme Horror Short
FutureFemme Comedy Short
FutureFemme Dramedy Short
FutureFemme Historical Short
FutureFemme Animation Short
FutureFemme Drama Short
FutureFemme Small Budget Short (under $10k)
FutureFemme Action Short
FutureFemme Sci-Fi Short
FutureFemme Erotica Short
FutureFemme Arthouse Short
FutureFemme Best Female Director
FutureFemme Best Documentary Short
FutureFemme Best Female Cinematographer
FutureFemme Best Female Producer

Movies under 60 minutes running time can enter FutureFemme Short Film Fest.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of FRONTEIRA - International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival

04 Jan 2018

Published: 27 Oct 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films


FRONTEIRA - International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival

Goiânia, Brazil

FRONTEIRA - International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival is a hybrid and expanded broadcasting platform , training , creation and reflection of the diversity of audiovisual forms nowadays. It is a film festival in the city of Goiânia , state of Goiás , which , with a free program , believes itself, in the limit, as a social and artistic intervention in an urban environment .

As an international film festival, Fronteira seeks to intervene in the dissemination of the film experience today, taking it as an experience of freedom, opportunity, power and becoming, to some extent, acting as a counter-flow to the processes of hardening of relations between expression and market, art and industry, and consumer freedom.

Thus, seeking an encounter with whatever is on the border of cinema (whether of language, geographic, political and social boundaries), the Festival holds annually an international competitive exhibition for films produced in any format, theme or duration, seeking to interact and confront the inumerable ways, possibilities and visions proposed by cinema held today around the world . It is the attempt to bring together all those movies that stands above all on the edge of the world and life.

Since it's first edition Fronteira have exhibited films from the greatest filmmakers form avangarde film, including all forms and genres of cinema. Retrospectives from Harun Farocki, Andrea Tonacci, Abigail Child, Rui Simões, Khavn de la Cruz, Travis Wilkerson, Bruce Baillie, Sylvain George, Gianikian e Ricci Luchi, Rita Azevedo Gomes, Vincent Carelli, and many others. It has also been helding some world, latin and brazilian premieres of films from all the globe.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Great Message International Film Festival

17 Sep 2018

Published: 27 Oct 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Great Message International Film Festival

Great Message International Film Festival

Pune, India

Great Message International Film Festival

We really wish to share international thinking which is developed in the form of films with the society and the young generation of humanity.

Every human being is a message in himself or herself, we just have to channelize & nurture that message into a great one. Filmmakers from all across the globe are respectfully welcome to share and submit your great films into the GMIFF.

Listed on IMDB:

We understand that you understand the realm of understanding and so you have created your wonderful films with your conscious understanding.

Showcasing Greatness through Audio-Visual
Through vantage point we see that entertainment is just the medium to share realm of life with film lovers. If we penetrate the meaning of life sometime we feel that there is no such meaning or purpose to life, yes! Sometime, but we must have to give a great meaning or purpose to life to create great message for whole humanity or for our next generation.

We are really very small people; please understand what we want to say. But the task or mission which we want to empower is very big. One can understand it by the example of river. The beginning or origin of every river is so small but her consistency with selflessness leads her towards more hugeness.

Most Welcome!
Dear human beings, being human it is good if we transform each moment into humane one.

We really admire your passion and enthusiasm as a filmmaker so with humbleness we invite filmmakers from all across the globe to share your great films into Great Message International Film Festival - GMIFF.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Travel FilmFest International Film Festival

06 Sep 2018

Published: 27 Oct 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Travel FilmFest International Film Festival

Travel FilmFest International Film Festival

Limassol, Cyprus

Founded in 2016, TRAVEL FilmFest International Film Festival is a non-profit and non-government organization. Our mission is to promote all types of travel and outdoor sports, identify and support independent filmmakers, shooting films that deserve the attention of all travel and outdoor sports lovers around the world. By bringing together travel filmmakers from all parts of the world, we want that they could obtain feedback from professional travellers, sportsmen and the film community, as well as from the broad segments of the ones who love to travel and outdoor.

The Travel FilmFest International Film Festival collects the best travel/outdoor sports films from around the world, which were created both by professionals and by enthusiasts, and helps to get them across to the audience.

We admit only the films about travels and outdoor sports, both modern and historical ones. As well as those films, where travel or outdoor sports is an important part of the synopsis. Fiction, production, animated and documentary films on any types of travel, outdoor, extreme sports and adventures on the water and in the air, on land and under it, in the mountains and forests, on seas, rivers, lakes, swamps, about hiking, ski trek, rides on public transport, on vehicles and motorcycles, bikes, hitch-hiking, bus tours, pilgrimage tours, round-the-world trips... as well as films about cultures, traditions, lifestyle, history, countries, emigrants, wildlife & nature, world around us.

Not all creators of travel and outdoor sports films are necessarily the professionals, who work in the movies industry or on television. This is just a hobby for the majority of contestants. However, this does not mean that their films are worse. The original story that is told in the film plays a far more important role than its budget or the awards of its creator. You can make a good film even if you do not have a large budget, stellar cast and a large production team. You hold the keys to the kingdom. Go ahead!

All officially selected travel and outdoor sports films will be show during October 20 - 26, 2025 and will be able to struggle for the main prize and the titles of the "Best travel film" and "Best outdoor sports film". As well as for the prizes in the standalone nominations.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Mexico City Videodance Festival

02 Aug 2018

Published: 27 Oct 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Videodanza de la Ciudad de México

Mexico City Videodance Festival

Ciudad de México, Mexico

The Mexico City Videodance Festival, in collaboration with Red Nacional de Arte, calls choreographers, filmmakers, companies and visual artists to register their works to the sixth edition of the FIVideodanza, which will take place from September 02 to 05, 2021.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Saint - Petersburg International Film Festival (SPIFF)

30 Nov 2017

Published: 26 Oct 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Saint - Petersburg International Film Festival (SPIFF)

Saint - Petersburg International Film Festival (SPIFF)

Saint-Petersburg, Russia

We are announcing SPIFF 2022, which will take place during 3 days in August 2022.

The winners will receive cash prizes!

The total prize fund is 600$!

Don't miss a chance to screen your film in Saint-Petersburg and win money!

Saint-Petersburg International Film Festival (SPIFF) includes:

- cash prizes, statuettes and diplomas
- the most reviewed by filmmakers film festival in Russia.
- only live screenings at the best venues of the biggest northern city in the World

SPIFF - International Film Festival of short films and animation, started in 2017 in Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Saint-Petersburg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Petersburg) - one of the most beautiful places in the World with more than 5 million citizens and many, many, many film lovers.

Our motto: No internet screenings - only live show!

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


30 Nov 2017

Published: 26 Oct 2017
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Sección Western - Certamen De Cine Corto De Salas De Los Infantes



The Asociación Cultural sad Hill convene, within the Certamen de cine corto de Salas de los Infantes (Burgos), the contest of short films SECTION WESTERN (VII Edition- 2024).

The SECCIÓN WESTERN continues to be a parallel section of the Certamen de cine corto de Salas de los Infantes, although the screenings of the selected short films and the Awards Gala will take place outside the official dates of the Certamen de cine corto de Salas de los Infantes.

This decision has been made with the intention of being able to dedicate the time, which due to the characteristics of the genre it addresses, we believe is necessary for the exhibition of the participating projects.

The idea of this section is to pay homage to the western in general and to present a genre that continues to live today.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of 180 Berlin Filmfest

15 Oct 2018

Published: 26 Oct 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner 180 Berlin Filmfest

180 Berlin Filmfest

Berlin, Germany

The 180’ Berlin FilmFest is the newest festival to arrive in Berlin and it will bring a fresh and exciting experience for independent filmmakers.

Films up to 30 minutes are accepted, and there is a special space for microfilm up to 3 minutes.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Bolton International Film Festival

04 Jul 2018

Published: 26 Oct 2017
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Bolton International Film Festival

Bolton International Film Festival

Bolton, United Kingdom

(En español debajo)

Bolton International Film Festival is proud to be one of the leading short film festival in the UK, it is accredited by both (BIFA) British Independent Film Awards and (BAFTA) British Academy of Film and Television Arts and thanks to alumni filmmakers.

Celebrating films from home and abroad the festival acts as an amplifier of emerging and established talent. Through its screenings, industry talks, masterclasses and networking sessions it aims to break open the door to a creative industry that many filmmakers find difficult to access and navigate. Our aim is springboard and assist filmmakers, connecting them not just to their peers but to the talent executives, funders, sales agents and distributors who can take them to the next level.


El Festival Internacional de Cine de Bolton se enorgullece de ser uno de los principales festivales de cortometrajes del Reino Unido, está acreditado tanto por (BIFA) British Independent Film Awards como por (BAFTA) British Academy of Film and Television Arts y gracias a los ex alumnos cineastas.

Celebrando películas nacionales y extranjeras, el festival actúa como un amplificador de talento emergente y establecido. A través de sus proyecciones, charlas de la industria, clases magistrales y sesiones de networking, pretende abrir la puerta a una industria creativa a la que muchos cineastas encuentran difícil acceder y navegar. Nuestro objetivo es servir de trampolín y ayudar a los cineastas, conectándolos no solo con sus pares, sino también con los ejecutivos de talento, patrocinadores, agentes de ventas y distribuidores que pueden llevarlos al siguiente nivel.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video