Logo of Ipiales Cinema Without Borders

16 Mar 2017

Published: 16 Oct 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Ipiales Cinema Without Borders

Banner Ipiales Cine Sin Fronteras

Ipiales Cinema Without Borders

Ipiales, Colombia

Ipiales Cine Sin Fronteras as an audiovisual scenario promotes the development of projects or independent production and supports the production of audiovisual arts, as well as highlighting their role in the formation of audiences.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of Censored Film Festival

10 Jan 2017

Published: 16 Oct 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Censurados Film Festival

Censored Film Festival

Lima, Peru

Censurados Film Festival is a film festival that disseminates and makes visible “the cinema they don't want you to see.” Based in Peru, the festival is committed to freedom of expression, human rights and diversity through the screening of films and the organization of artistic and educational activities.


1. International Competition “Censorship”. Fiction, documentary, animation and/or cinematographic experimentation films from any part of the world that have been censored due to political, religious, corporate, authoritarian or social pressures or interests, among others, or that have been victims of threats and/or violence, either during its research, production or realization or in its subsequent exhibition and/or distribution. It is an essential requirement to provide demonstrable information about the censorship, threat, pressure or violence that the film has suffered. No duration limit.

2. Short Film Competition “Shorts without Cut”. Fiction, documentary, animation and/or cinematographic experimentation films from anywhere in the world and a maximum duration of 30 minutes that claim freedom of thought and expression without fear of cancellation, and political and social action in matters of public interest.

3. “Peruvian Voices” Competition. Fiction, documentary, animation and/or cinematographic experimentation films from Peru that allow dissident voices to be heard and make the viewer reflect on controversial topics, on which different groups have constructed apparently irreconcilable arguments, in order to create an open and elevated dialogue space on them. No duration limit.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of -

11 Aug 2017

Published: 16 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner -


-, Canada

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Music Video

Logo of Fantastic and Terror Short Film Festival La Vieja Encina

30 Nov 2016

Published: 16 Oct 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival De Cortometrajes De Terror Y Fantástico La Vieja Encina

Fantastic and Terror Short Film Festival La Vieja Encina

San Nicolás del Puerto, Spain

The Culture Department of the San Nicolás del Puerto Town Hall and the Punto Vuela of San Nicolás del Puerto announce the IX “La Vieja Encina” Horror and Fantasy Short Film Festival 2024, to be held on November 28, 29, 30, and December 1, 2024.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Palencia International Film Festival

16 Dec 2016

Published: 15 Oct 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Palencia International Film Festival

Banner Muestra de Cine Internacional de Palencia

Palencia International Film Festival

Palencia, Spain

The Palencia International Films Festival is organised by the Association Friends of the film and the Popular University of Palencia.

This edition is number 34, and during all these years, our philosphy has been considering cinema a tool of development and social cohesion.

Our festival colaborates with the Spanish Cinema Academy, and its a qualifyer festival for the GOYA shortfilm Awards.

In addition, the short film awarded the first prize by the jury at the MCIP (the Milagros Alcalde Award) will go directly to the Short List finalist of the FUGAZ Awards, making up the short list of films that will then be evaluated for nomination by the commission that awards these prizes each year.


International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of World Music & Independent Film Festival

28 Feb 2017

Published: 15 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner World Music & Independent Film Festival

World Music & Independent Film Festival

Jeffersonton, United States

By You, For You, About You”
Welcome to the 11th Annual World Music and Independent Film Festival (WMIFF) 2019. WMIFF was established to celebrate and provide a platform of achievements for international cinema artists. Dedicated to building a global film community and supporting emerging filmmakers, WMIFF offers all selected artists exceptional exposure with an inclusive vibe that has won over alumni, attendees, and industry members alike. WMIFF festivities are open to all, featuring some of the most talented artists in both film and music.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of El Festivalico Short film and Videoart festival

22 Nov 2016

Published: 15 Oct 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner El Festivalico Muestra de Cortometrajes y Videarte

El Festivalico Short film and Videoart festival

Caravaca de la Cruz, Spain

The Festivalico is a videoart and short film non competitive showcase.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Real to Reel International Film Festival

05 May 2017

Published: 14 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Real to Reel International Film Festival

Real to Reel International Film Festival

SHELBY, United States

Our goal is to showcase thought-provoking films and offer a venue where movie lovers who appreciate independent vision can celebrate this unique art form.

The Cleveland County Arts Council is pleased to announce that on July 25-28, 2018 the 19th Annual “Real to Reel International Film Festival” will once again open its doors to embrace filmmakers and film lovers alike.

Located in the heart of North Carolina between Asheville and Charlotte, Cleveland County is right in the middle of it all. The mission of the Real to Reel International Film Festival is to offer a forum for independent film, video and multi-media artists from around the world to showcase their talents and expose the works of these artists to our region.

Visitors to the Joy Performance Center - 202 S. Railroad Ave., Kings Mountain,
a renovated classic theater from the 1940’s in Kings Mountain, NC can expect to find a great lineup of films from all over the world, a chance to talk with many of the filmmakers and of course a concession stand with all those goodies you would expect to find.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Sicilymovie - Festival del Cinema di Agrigento

10 Jun 2017

Published: 14 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sicilymovie - Festival del Cinema di Agrigento

Sicilymovie - Festival del Cinema di Agrigento

Agrigento, Italy

Sicilymovie – Agrigento Film Festival is a festival of feature films, short film, documentaries, videoclip, spot and animation shorts, created and organized by the Southmovie Association, which was created with the aim of bringing outdoor cinema for everyone to the heart of Sicily: the evocative Valley of the Temples of Agrigento, a city named Italian Capital of Culture 2025. The themes addressed in the works of directors from all over the world are multiple and educational.

The ninth edition of Sicilymovie is aimed at the best productions and distributions of short films and documentaries in the world who will compete for the Golden Demetra, the representative statuette of the Festival which recalls ancient Greece, cultural symbol of ancient Akragas, the city of Agrigento.
The project is supported and sponsored by the Valle dei Templi Archaeological and Landscape Park of Agrigento, the Municipality of Agrigento, the Sicily Film Commission and the Tourism Department of the Sicily Region. The Valle dei Templi Archaeological and Landscape Park is about 1300 hectares wide and here belong the remains of the ancient city of Akragas and the surrounding area up to the sea. The Valley of the Temples was declared a "World Heritage Site" by Unesco in 1997. Today the Valley of the Temples has more than one million visitors a year.


Sicilymovie - Agrigento Film Festival will take place from 18 to 21 July 2024 at the Valley of the Temples of Agrigento

The deadline for the call will be 2024, May 31 at 23:59

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Bloody Horror International Film Festival

12 Apr 2017

Published: 13 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Bloody Horror International Film Festival

Bloody Horror International Film Festival

Gatineau, Canada

We love horror and we're very excited to watch your films!

The Bloody Horror International Film Festival (BHIFF) is an international festival seeking the best in indie horror (both amateur and professional).

The festival is set up in two yearly sessions. Selected films will be recognized and awarded in various categories.

BHIFF has made a point to keep our entry fees low as to give everyone the chance to enter, and we offer a high number of award categories!

BHIFF is headquartered in Canada, but its panel of judges is set in different parts of the world and comes with a variety of horror film expertise.

As of June 2025, BHIFF will now be sharing more content on social media! We think this is a great way to help promote your work/creations for everyone to see! We hold the rights to use any material submitted and will use this to promote your amazing creations! We may use film trailers, posters and clips of submitted films (even non-inning films)

Here at BHIFF, we feel everyone's work is a masterpiece! We have the hard job of choosing our Official Selections and Winners. This doesn't mean we didn't love all the films. We aren't always able to screen all of the Official Selections and Honorable Mentions because we have time limits at the venues.

So, we feel that sharing on social media is a great way to get everyone work seen!

We have partnered up with the nice folks over at B-Movie TV!
B-Movie TV is a Live TV Channel that is available via Roku Box. B-Movies 24/7!

Every film that wins BHIFF's Baddest B-Movie award will be exclusively screened LIVE on B-Movie TV's channel! How cool is that?!

Lots more exciting stuff coming soon!

We're always very excited to see your creations!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of International Short Film Festival Hacelo Corto

30 Dec 2016

Published: 12 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional Itinerante  Hacelo Corto

International Short Film Festival Hacelo Corto

Saladillo, Buenos Aires - Del Campillo, Córdoba , Argentina

Fiction short films. Unlimited presentation for director's.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of My Mumbai International Short Film Festival

05 Nov 2016

Published: 12 Oct 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner My Mumbai International Short Film Festival

My Mumbai International Short Film Festival

Mumbai, India


UNIVERSAL MARATHI brings in an opportunity for filmmakers to showcase their talent. Universal Marathi has invited short film entries from professionals and students across the globe for the three-day annual My Mumbai International Short Film Festival in its sixth edition scheduled to be held in 2nd week of October 2018.

There are various categories for short film entries I.e. Social awareness, Animation, Fiction short film, international Foreign Shortfilm, Music video, and Documentary. Short film festivals have acquired a greater importance, eliciting a good response across the world. The event aims at exposing young directors to the global film color.

Filmmakers and students from across the world have been invited to send their entries which would be curated by industry experts and screened at the 6th My Mumbai International Short Film festival in Mumbai.

For more details, Maker can Visit the festival website now.



Or call on +919833075706 / +919969412426

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Music Video

Logo of Vienna Shorts

31 Jan 2017

Published: 12 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Vienna Shorts

Banner Vienna Shorts

Vienna Shorts

Vienna, Austria

Vienna Shorts is the international short film festival in Vienna. The presentation of short films and the exchange about them are the main focus. The festival is organized by the association Independent Cinema and shows about 300 productions under 30 minutes. The competition is structured in four categories, for each of which separate entries can be submitted. Other sections include portraits and thematically curated programs.

Vienna Shorts 2021 will take place as a hybrid festival from May 27 to June 1, 2021. The focus is on the presentation of short film forms in the cinema in Vienna (subject to a non-hazardous implementation). The rights holders will be specially informed about online screenings of films.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Västerås Filmfestival

31 Jul 2017

Published: 12 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Västerås Filmfestival

Västerås Filmfestival

Västerås, Sweden

2024 Festival 8-12 May. New entries 20th of Oct 2023 (FILM SUBMISSIONS OPEN)
____________________________________________________________________Västerås Film Festival is an international film festival held in autumn every year since 2015. The festival will be moved to April 2024. Västerås film festival shows films in different genres from around the world. We have prizes in different categories. The festival also contains workshops, lectures, debates, film cafés and exhibitions. Västerås Film Festival is one of the most interesting festivals in northern Europe.

Västerås Film Festival 2024 becomes a genre film festival, there will be changes in prices.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of DocsBarcelona, International Documentary Film Festival

28 Nov 2016

Published: 11 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of DocsBarcelona, International Documentary Film Festival


DocsBarcelona, International Documentary Film Festival

Barcelona, Spain

OPEN CALL AT https://docsbarcelona.com/

DocsBarcelona is an international festival specializing in the documentary genre comprised of international and national competition sections, non-competitive sections, and retrospectives. The Artistic Direction and Programming Committee select all of the documentaries that make up these sections.

DocsBarcelona will celebrate the 28th edition from May 8 to 18, 2025.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Cinema Perpetuum Mobile International Short Film Festival

10 Nov 2016

Published: 11 Oct 2016
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Cinema Perpetuum Mobile International Short Film Festival

Cinema Perpetuum Mobile International Short Film Festival

Minsk, Belarus

The 6-th annual international independent short film festival “Cinema Perpetuum Mobile” is a non-profit cultural event. The Organizing committee was formed by the members of kinaklub.org community, which gathers enthusiasts and film-fans devoted to the values of continual and free cinema art.

Festival’s purposes:
To promote independent film-making. Short film is a low-budget, and thus, affordable democratic method of art expression. This allows to cover any actual and burning issue while staying laconic.

To support cultural diversity in cinema and discover new forms and methods in film art.
To assist in establishing and strengthening communication between film-makers and film societies in Belarus and around the world.
As reflected in its name, the idea of the festival is to touch upon eternal, perpetual subjects. The measure of how perpetual the subject is, is determined by it’s unquestionable importance and humanistic value. But also, with issues of this kind, a fresh and reasonable view is needed. That is why, both traditional and innovative approaches in interpretation of perpetual subjects are appreciated, as well as the whole spectrum of different cinematic forms — from silent to experimental.

Any interested person, who agrees with principles and ideas presented in the regulations, can become a participant of the festival, without regard to place of residence, age, color, height, weight, marital status and sexual orientation. The requirement for becoming a participant is a filled-in participant’s entry form and a completed film.
Festival screenings and selection of winners will take place simultaneously in Minsk, other locations in Belarus and on our planet as a whole, in April 2015, gathering more and more people who enjoy watching good films and are not indifferent to the problems of mankind.

The working languages of the festival are English, Belarusian, and Russian.
Participation in the festival is free of any charges.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Houston Comedy Film Festival

28 Feb 2017

Published: 08 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Houston Comedy Film Festival

Houston Comedy Film Festival

Houston, United States

The Houston Comedy Film Festival is a unique forum for international independent filmmakers to showcase their Comedy Feature Length and Short Films in Houston, Texas. The 10th Houston Comedy Film Festival will take place April 13th, 2019 featuring films from multiple countries around the world.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Horrorant Film Festival FRIGHT NIGHTS

31 Jan 2017

Published: 08 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Horrorant Film Festival FRIGHT NIGHTS

Horrorant Film Festival FRIGHT NIGHTS

Athens, Greece

Horrorant Film Festival ‘FRIGHT NIGHTS’ is an international horror film festival organised by a genre film distributor and held annually at the best equipped theatres in the heart of Athens and Thessaloniki, Greece.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of BUDAFEST - Budapest Film Festival

09 Oct 2016

Published: 08 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner BUDAFEST - Budapest Film Festival

BUDAFEST - Budapest Film Festival

Budapest, Hungary

BUDAFEST is a Budapest film festival dedicated to the glocal culture. 2016 is the first edition. It will be the feast of the brotherwood of two people and of two movie worlds: the Italian and the Hungarian.

We will connect the world with Budapest and Budapest with the world: we have the Magyar section and the international one. We have also a special section dedicated to very fast movies, maximum 3 minutes. This section, called BUDAFAST is a contest, the "Easy Ticket" to the global market for young filmmakers, with no other limit of age and nationality but a fresh, immediate vision of the world & a new way to shoot it. Participation is easy, register is easy. A very short duration of minimum 30 "seconds and maximum 3 minutes in a Ground-level sequence with a mobile phones, a tablets, a digicamera... Upload & send it !

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Sbes 12th Annual Hamilton (new York) International Film Festival

15 Jun 2017

Published: 08 Oct 2016
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Sbes 12th Annual Hamilton (new York) International Film Festival

Sbes 12th Annual Hamilton (new York) International Film Festival

Land O Lakes, United States

The Hamilton (New York) International Film Festival
July 20th- July 26th, 2020

Feature, Comedy Short, Horror Short, Dramatic/Thriller Short, Documentary Short and Canadian Short Categories

Global Cinema in the Heart of New York State

"...such a great town and a wonderful festival, so welcoming. It was so inspiring to be around so many young and talented film makers.

-Finn Taylor, Director Unleashed & 3 Time Director Sundance Film Festival

"Can't say enough about how wonderful SBE's Hamilton International Film Festival has been. Truly honored to have our film "My Hero" included and I want to thank Grant & Todd Slater and everyone else involved for such a great experience. Just amazing.
Hope you'll have us back next year!"

- Loring Murtha, Actor/Director My Hero

"SBE’s Hamilton International Film Festival presents an incredible opportunity to network with other ambitious filmmakers, exchange ideas and fundraising strategies while experiencing the charm of Hamilton, New York. The Hamilton Theater is a gorgeous venue and Grant Slater has put together a 5 star festival with a great selection of film, food and local beers. This is a must-attend festival that offers more than just frivolous laurels to it’s filmmakers… one could say that you leave Hamilton with a new group of friends that offer a different perspective on making and watching movies!"

-D.J. Higgins Director, Writer/Producer Meet Mario

"The charm and intimacy of the Hamilton International Film Festival makes it a MUST for all filmmakers. Grant and Todd Slater and the entire Hamilton community couldn't be more hospitable. I can't wait to make another film just so I can come back!!"

-Doug Dearth, Producer/Director Underdogs

"It was an absolute honour to be part of such a well respected film festival. Thanks to the help, hard work and commitment from SBE my career in the UK has gone from strength to strength. My Single, Worry hit the iTunes Download chart and peaked at Number 6. The follow up track I've recently released has hit the viral UK Top 50 on Spotify and we have now put a European Tour together. Its thanks to people such as Grant believing in me from an early stage of my development that has helped me get to where I am now."

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental