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Le Festival International du Film est l'un des festivals de courts métrages les plus importants en Argentine. Un événement cinématographique Tapiales d'impact social et culturel important à but non lucratif, organisé par JC OFCT Films, tenue dans le village de Tapiales, une ville appartenant à la Matanza, situé dans la province de Buenos Aires. Il s'agit également d'un événement compétitif où les films sélectionnés devraient recevoir le prix plus tard autochtone sous verdict des membres honorables du jury. L'événement se déroule sous le prémisse de mettre en valeur le caractère populaire, libre et à l'extérieur. Tapiales propose également des activités parallèles telles que des espaces de formation, des conférences et des expositions spéciales hors compétition.
OIFF is an online international film festival at its first edition. The festival’s main purpose is to create a context where films can compete with each other and receive the vote of the people, with no need of live screening.
FAM Fest International Film Festival 2018
Ayrsley Cinemas
9110 Kings Parade Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28273
Festival Start Date 08/09/2018
Carolina Regional
Film Feature
Film Short
Music Video
Shoot Your Short Screenplay Competition
Attention to all film talents: From 21 November 2017 until 31 January 2018, filmmakers will have the chance to apply for the LET’S CEE Short Film Competition 2018. Not only are two main prizes waiting to be won, moreover, ten finalists will receive an invitation to participate in the second edition of the LET’S CEE Talent Academy in Vienna!
Between 21 November 2017 and 31 January 2018, filmmakers up to the age of 35 from Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, Turkey and Austria will have the possibility to submit their short films to the Short Film Competition of the LET’S CEE Film Festival 2018.
However, filmmakers of all ages and from all over the world are welcome as well to send in thematically fitting contributions. Due to the festival’s geographical focus on CEE though, these short films will not be included in the main Short Film Competition, but will very well have the chance to win the Audience Award in the Short Film category and be screened at the festival in the section Short Films | Out of Competition. We furthermore cordially encourage international makers of virtual reality films, 3D productions and avant-garde pieces to apply as we will be offering these genres a stage at our festival as well.
The theme of the Short Film Competition 2018 is TOGETHER OR APART.
Great Britain voted for the Brexit last year and in doing so decided against a EU membership; most recently thousands of Catalan people went to the streets demanding independence from Spain; under the presidency of Donald Trump, the USA is seeking to withdraw from the Paris climate protection agreement and renegotiate various other commercial treaties – these are only three of many examples demonstrating the recent shift of the political mood in numerous countries. A growing migratory pressure, an increasing gap between the rich and poor, as well as justified and unsubstantiated fears – of the consequences of digitalisation, of the loss of jobs and stability and of social change – have discredited globalisation and encouraged a comeback of nationalist and isolationist tendencies, which seemed utterly unfathomable only a few years ago. Even on a national scale, societal cohesion appears to be threatened more and more. How does the growing division of society influence both the community and individuals? Will political agitation, hatred, egotism and greed for profit become the new normal? Well, the situation is critical, but not hopeless, neither on an international nor a national level. There are still representatives of the civil society who make no effort to surrender to the threatening eroding solidarity. Fortunately, there are numerous instances proving how people still advocate for the poor and disadvantaged with great optimism, dedication and empathy – people who rather pay attention to what we have in common instead of what keeps us apart.
The competition’s theme, TOGETHER OR APART, may be manifested in the submitted material in various manners and methods. Interpersonal aspects, such as family and relationship dramas, trials and tribulations, moments of success and happiness or the joint overcoming of challenges can be taken into account just as well as social, political, juridical and/or cultural matters. In other words: everything is possible, as long as it touches on the topic and is done well!
An advisory board chaired by the renowned Austrian-Iranian filmmakers Arash T. Riahi and Arman T. Riahi will choose the best contributions from the submissions for the LET’S CEE Short Film Competition. The short films, which will be screened out of competition, will be selected by the Bosnian-Dutch producer Denis Mujović and festival director Magdalena Żelasko.
After the presentation of the participating productions at the festival, an international jury will decide on the winner of the competing short films and, thus, who will be awarded the main prize – 1,500 Euro and a Urania statuette – at the Awards Ceremony in the Urania Cinema on 20 April 2018. The remaining short films presented during the festival will have, without exception, the chance to win the 1,500 Euro Audience Award in the category Short Film.
All filmmakers who will take part in the main Short Film Competition will additionally profit from their participation. At the expense of the festival, one of the involved filmmakers of each short film will be invited as an official guest*) to Vienna in order to present their work. Those persons will, furthermore, have the opportunity to join the second edition of the LET’S CEE Talent Academy.
15 remaining free seats for the Talent Academy will be filled by Out-of-Competition filmmakers. The most important items on the one-week Academy agenda include the attendance of LET’S CEE Master Classes and LET’S CEE Industry Days, the collaborative finalisation of a short film about Vienna, and the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pitch a film idea to Raindance film festival director Elliot Grove (and win big!) at the Pitching Competition. Of course, all invited filmmakers will enjoy several Get-togethers, where they can get in touch with successful distributors, directors, producers, actors etc., exchange experiences and new ideas and thus strive to new projects and international collaborations. In order to enable as many filmmakers as possible to visit LET’S CEE and present their work to the festival audience, all participants of the section ‘Short Films | Out of Competition’ will receive free festival accreditations and discounts for the official hotel partner on request.
The Oregon Underground Film Festival, part of the series of festivals online, organized by Clockwork Film Institute, this first edition we show that there is more underground, dirty, forbidden, Cinema of the underworld, giving the most remote parts of the world guerrilla theater, anarchic and subversive.
Le Festival du film féministe de Grand Rapids (GRFFF) est une célébration dédiée à élever les voix et à mettre en valeur les talents des groupes historiquement sous-représentés dans les médias traditionnels.
Notre mission est de :
● sensibiliser le public au manque de représentation diversifiée devant et derrière la caméra
● Inspirer et habiliter les créateurs médiatiques de groupes sous-représentés et marginalisés à s'engager dans la réalisation cinématographique en tant qu'acte féministe
● Examiner les médias à travers le Genre, sexualité, race, aptitudes, classe, âge, etc.
● Cultiver un espace accueillant et sûr qui favorise la compréhension interculturelle
Maintenant, dans sa sixième année, le GRFFF a été à l'origine l'idée de l'éditeur indépendant The Bandit Zine comme version cinématographique de son magazine. Ce qui a commencé comme une petite vitrine en soirée est maintenant devenu un festival d'une journée qui comprend des ateliers interactifs et des panels, des performances d'artistes locaux et des films projetés partout dans le monde.
Cette année, le festival aura lieu au Wealthy Theatre à Grand Rapids. Nous accueillerons des conférenciers, un drag show et plus de 30 courts métrages
Nous sommes heureux de voir le festival croître encore plus cette année, et nous sommes tellement heureux de faire partie de la communauté féministe de Grand Rapids en constante évolution.
Le GRFFF est géré entièrement par des bénévoles et est rendu possible grâce à des partenariats communautaires et des sponsors.
Purpose- 1936, Memorias del Silencio is created with the aim of promoting through the cinema and colloquies,the peace cultur and another view around the world, regarding the Spanish civil war.
This program responds the intention of dealing with the role of the Spanish civil war from its cultural environment, anthropological and social, with special attention to the role of woman through its evolution.
Lectures and speakers will participate in workshops, discussions, and debates in order to make aware and provoke reflection on some events that a whole sector refuses to talk about. For this reason, we will give priority to the accesible suggestions to people with audible or visual disabilities.
It will be integrated by a retrospective, competition, and colloquies or conferences with specialists.
We encourage the participation of spanish producers and we stimulate the producer’s look from countries with low production or with difficulty to reach our film theaters and specially encouraging the presence of works made by young artists.
“Women’s Director International Film Festival – 2016” (Season - 3)
About WDIFF – The Annual Women's Director International Film Festival (WDIFF) is one of the few international film and arts festivals dedicated to women's. This three-day extravaganza, consisting of indoor and outdoor red carpet film screenings, fashion shows, workshops, and of course Shopping Stalls. It's a celebration of women and all who love women. WDIFF films and screenings are selected and hosted by filmmakers, professors, and other notable figures in the world of film. In addition to exhibiting the next new wave of women filmmakers, the WDIFF also makes time to pay tribute to films by women with historical significance.
In past years festival gains reputation & regarded as among most prestigious festival in India. The festival grows over the years & attracts filmmakers from across the India & across the world.
Mission & Objective - The mission of the Women's Director International Film Festival (WDIFF) is to empower women's artistic vision internationally. With women representing only 7% of filmmakers, we would like to increase the number of women in the industry and support those women who are actively involved by assisting filmmakers and artists with the development of their craft.
Le coronavirus et la maladie Covid-19 ont changé le monde de bien des façons différentes. Au cours des deux dernières années, 2021 et 2022, nous avons eu notre festival en ligne, ce qui a été une nouvelle expérience pour nous. Tout s'est bien passé, et au lieu d'un petit public dans un même lieu, nous avons eu le public dans le monde entier ! C'était un grand avantage, mais nous avons manqué d'avoir des gens ensemble, de parler des films et de nous faire de nouveaux amis.
En raison de l'incertitude de la pandémie, nous ne sommes toujours pas certains de tenir la 18e édition du Free Spirit Film Festival (2022) dans certains lieux comme par le passé. Si la collecte reste problématique, nous l'hébergerons à nouveau en ligne.
Si la situation de la pandémie change et que nous pourrions organiser le festival dans un lieu donné, nous vous annoncerons quand et où nous aurons les finalisés. Inscriptions seront ouvertes en juin.
Soyez en sécurité !
Cordialement la vôtre,
Lobsang Wangyal
Directeur du festival
Mentionné dans des publications comme Vox, Medium ou Backstage, TMFF a été nommé par ShortFilm Connection « probablement le plus célèbre festival de films actuellement sur le web ». Avec près de 3500 FILMS SÉLECTIONNÉS jusqu'à présent et des dizaines de milliers de visites de sites Web chaque mois, nous espérons que grâce à TMFF, vous vous démarquerez avec votre projet et obtiendrez la portée dont vous avez besoin et que vous méritez ! De plus, en plus d'être un événement de qualification IMDB, chaque sélection officielle sera automatiquement inscrite dans notre vaste COLLECTION DE FILMS :
Chaque mois, nos juges (qui travaillent tous dans l'industrie cinématographique) décideront qui sont les nominés et les gagnants du TMFF. Jusqu'à présent, nous avons reçu plus de 13 000 projets, organisé plus de 80 éditions mensuelles et récompensé plus de 800 films du monde entier !
❗ ET GARDEZ CELA À L'ESPRIT : Nous ne mettrons pas la version complète de votre film sur notre site Web si vous ne le souhaitez pas. UNE BANDE-ANNONCE VA FAIRE.
❓ Foire aux questions :
Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre (BARS) est un festival international de films consacré aux genres de l'HORREUR, de la science-fiction et de la fantasy.
Né en 2000 pour mettre l'accent sur le cinéma de genre indépendant, et depuis 2004 sous la forme d'un festival compétitif.
In order to preserve India’s finest cultural legacies, aadhar initiated The Heritage Film Festival to explore India’s glorious heritage through audiovisual media. The Heritage Film Festival is a project by aadhar to spread awareness and educate public about India’s heritage through films
The Heritage Film Festival is not just an EVENT... but a CAUSE with the aim to REVIVE the dying traditional art forms,
it a Movement to embellish & enrich the Rich Heritage of India...!
Overall aim of the Heritage Film Festival (HFF) is to encourage film submissions, organize film making projects, review film competitions, and screen films to different audiences.
MADTerrorFest was created with the purpose of covering the vacuum that exists in Madrid regarding the genres of fantasy films and terror concerns.
There is lot of talent already discovered and above all to be discovered. So we have proposed to dig up all that potential and make it available for the lovers of this type of film, which we tell us of course.
We want to do a festival of short films that gradually give rise to the International Film Festival of horror and fantastic of Madrid, and become a reference within the national and international scene.
And of course we want you enjoy it as much as we do to prepare it.
Or better yet, that you may suffer uncompromising hitting boats like maniacs in your seat; We know that you love.
We have the pleased to announce one more edition of the University Film Festival in Puebla, which aims to promote local, national and international university cinema.
Exhibit and publicize the most outstanding proposals of university cinema.
Encourage film production in a professional manner within the university community.
Offer a meeting and exchange between young university filmmakers, experts in the film industry and audience.
Le neuvième Festival international du film de La Serena, FECILS, est un concours audiovisuel compétitif qui aura lieu du 8 au 11 novembre 2024 dans la région de Coquimbo. Il vise à soutenir la production et la diffusion d'activités audiovisuelles régionales, nationales et latino-américaines, et à contribuer ainsi à la décentralisation, en promouvant la rencontre et la formation de cinéastes et producteurs régionaux. Avec ces actions, FECILS cherche à s'imposer comme un événement culturel qui, en plus de créer des espaces d'exposition de films dans la région de Coquimbo, met l'accent sur la création de nouveaux publics. FECILS 2024 dispose d'un programme d'extension audiovisuelle qui atteindra les différents espaces des communes de la région.
The 12 Months Film Festival (#12MFF) is farrest challenging film festival available which attracts, displays and awards filmmakers from six continents. Our finest selection system brings the benefits of a quality qualification in the #12MFF and also come with surprise awards where qualify all selected entries. #12MFF was designed to award you amazing prizes. Moreover, we will do our best in working with your needs in order for your talent and dedication to be appreciated by the public.
Together we build a global audience!
Entries requirements:
-> All films must have been made in or after 2012 and have English subtitles (unless English is the main language spoken); A creation date does not apply in case of the screen writings from being stopped for submissions, but the submitted must be in English or have a copy translated in English;
-> We accept shorts, documentaries, animations, experimental, music videos, web and new media, commercials (all specified previously under 45 minutes); feature films and feature documentaries (any length, 45 + minutes);
->A description between 50 and 150 words;
->Trailer (not required for movies under 7 minutes; optional) and the film must be submitted as an on-line screener (Vimeo preferred) which may be embedded on the website for visitors to see your creation; you can further opt for modifications in your entry;
->Cover of the film/screen writing or a defining photo;
We also offer the following services:
Film review; Film improvement support; Trailer for your movie; Web-design and coding; Complete graphic-design. Proceed here:
The end of ideologies has left two words, social and capital, as a pair of twin archetypes, social/kapital, which is strangely guiding our time now. That strangeness (in fact is a mere fairness because of accumulation of those two words’ ideological histories) is located on the interpretation position of both which inevitably are inseparable anymore since have turned into mutational forms of knowledge of how we appropriate all activities and cultural production in that context. This mutated knowledge is the meaning of both words in its similar proportion namely, social / capital.
The context plays its role in the transitional period now, which is on the pragmatic pressures rather than symbolic desires. Only seems both words repel each other although they actually equally inherent in mutual dependence and to their implications on our reality these days.
As a manifest of the archetypal fall, both concepts are merely placed into grand discourse throughout the centuries of cultural production on the top of ivory tower, a place where comprehensions of cultural production is likely to be seen and interpreted centrally–monoconsentric—through intricacy and sophistication of powers (political) and technologies (aesthetic). In other words, the language that articulates practices to imagine social and capital at that time and became our legacy of thinking, only allowing a value obtained from contemplation, while a variety of performativity which is celebrated in it sublimated as myths about World View. However, as the withdrawal of modernism, a shift in the understanding and meaning occurs when the concepts of geography and anthropology transformed most phenomenally by massive presence of new life habituation through the media that we are using now. social/kapital reduces those myths and coexist or along together with our performativity celebrations today.
Reduction of those myths seems in this circumstance: A productional milieu from vertical experience symbolically into horizontal experience pragmatically. In other words, the quest for suprasensory concept shifted to the quest for visible interpretation alias everyday.
A new literacy was stretched in front of the most present opportunities of cultural productions. Thus, the end of ideologies, which can be read as globalism nowadays has directed the production structure into contemporary guilds through the most advanced concept of the meaning existence of social and capital. This latter reality results in social reproduction produced by capital markets certainly everywhere either in the economic context or anthropological. Avoiding the strongest possibility of sloganistic assumptions to emerge about the revolutions of ideologies when writing this term, SOCIAL/CAPITAL are arranged in inductive letters, social/kapital is about to put perspective on peripheral domains.
Practices imagine anthropocentric into the concepts of citizenship or citizens as units of community—either as a representation of what would be ideal, either as a sheer performativity celebration, now it is common that the behaviors in a new world (global) when socialism and capitalism become mere of ‘world view’ concepts from the past and no longer sturdy as the two dominant poles which were constructed and applied throughout history by various powers to codify its inhabitants.
Idea and concept about social/kapital citizens have been merging various cultural activities of their existence in a new world (global) without—or only vaguely— memories of the state except local identity as a nation and their differential statuses. Individualism in the body of citizens is imagined almost as closely as shadow of something collective (collectivity). Is there a so-called global citizen complete with attributes and identity really exist apart from geographical and societal changes in which the capital motive is its creator?
The Green-Go International Short Film Contest aims to gather environmentally and socially conscious youngsters to organize the contest and the festival on one hand, and on the other hand, to inspire youngsters to creatively express their ideas in a
short film format. With the shorts, we aim to raise awareness on environmental and social problems at global, European and national level. With Green-Go festival, we wish to create the basis of a sustainable green film event that activates both youngsters and the civil society, attracts interested people and stakeholders and generates dialogues within the whole society about key eco-social questions.
Within the film contest, we accept shorts in three categories to reflect on European awareness, global environmental and social problems and the connection between biodiversity and society.
The Green-Go Short Film Contest is generously supported by the European Commission.
This year we are awaiting short films (and Testimonies!) in the following three categories:
1. Build green, live green (Green infraestructure)
2. The last day on Earth? (Earth's overshoot day)
3. Your Europe in 2050 (EU budget)
The Ixtenco International Short film Festival’s main objective is to provide a opportunities for exhibition of quality films, trying to bring together those who make the movies and those interested in this task for film preservation and exchange
ideas. This Festival is not for profit or financial gain.