Blog: Festivals de cinéma

Logo of OUTFESTPERÚ International LGBT+ Film Festival

Date limite
20 Mar 2016

Publié: 25 Jan 2016
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Long métrages

Banner Outfestperú Festival De Cine Lgbti+

OUTFESTPERÚ International LGBT+ Film Festival

Lima, Peru

Le Festival international du film gay et lesbien trans de Lima - l'OutFestPerú - lance son appel pour la XXIe édition et les films de toutes nationalités dont le thème est LGBTIQ et éligibles aux différentes sections du festival peuvent y participer : longs métrages (section officielle et panorama international), section courts métrages documentaires ou fictions et art vidéo (officiel et panorama). Les œuvres ne doivent pas avoir été exposées dans des salles commerciales, diffusées à la télévision ou mises à la disposition du public sur Internet ou d'autres fenêtres sur le territoire péruvien avant la célébration du festival et doivent être protégées par des droits d'auteur après 2023. Les longs métrages et les courts métrages doivent de préférence être inédits au Pérou, bien que cela ne soit pas exclusif mais qu'ils soient valorisés de manière très positive. OutFestPerú se réserve le droit d'inclure des films qui ne répondent pas à ces conditions dans la programmation, mais hors compétition.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Autres

Logo of Plataforma De Estrenos- Cortodeón

Date limite
31 Dec 2016

Publié: 25 Jan 2016
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Banner Plataforma De Estrenos- Cortodeón

Plataforma De Estrenos- Cortodeón

Madrid, Spain


Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Arlington International Film Festival

Date limite
30 May 2016

Publié: 25 Jan 2016
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Long métrages

Banner Arlington International Film Festival

Arlington International Film Festival

Arlington, United States

Arlington International Film Festival (AIFF) is an award winning organization with its mission being to foster appreciation for different cultures by exploring the lives of people around the globe through independent film. In 2014 AIFF was awarded the Community Recognition Award by the Arlington Martin Luther King Committee, in 2013 the Alan McClennen Community Arts Award by the Arlington Center for the Arts and the Gold Star Award by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Through the founding of AIFF, the mission has also focused on enriching the community and broadening the view of our world and ourselves. AIFF believes that the arts are here to connect us, to communicate across boundaries, and touch our common humanity.

AIFF is open to national and international filmmakers. Whether professional or a first time filmmaker, we welcome innovative, original films with unique perspectives. Many of our selected films have been nominated for Academy Awards; i.e. BOTSO: The Teacher from Tbillisi directed by Tom Walters, Elena directed by Petra Costa, and Documented directed by Jose Antonio Vargas. We Still Live Here directed by Anne Makepeace was chosen by the U.S. State Department to screen around the world.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Autres  Experimental

Logo of International Shorts Film Festival

Date limite
30 Aug 2016

Publié: 24 Jan 2016
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Banner International Shorts Film Festival

International Shorts Film Festival

Ellicott City, United States

International Shorts est un festival de films tout au long de l'année qui projette des films sélectionnés à la fin de chaque saison (printemps, été, automne et hiver). Les films Best of the Festival seront projetés le 30 janvier 2021 au Théâtre Angelika, Union Market, Washington DC

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastique  Autres

Logo of Environmental Film Festival - Sembrando Cine

Date limite
30 Apr 2016

Publié: 24 Jan 2016
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Long métrages

Banner Festival De Cine De Medio Ambiente - Sembrando Cine

Environmental Film Festival - Sembrando Cine

Lima, Peru

XIIe ÉDITION : Reconnaître notre ombre

Notre teinte peut être un vrai problème.

C'est cet aspect de notre humanité, que nous préférons garder caché, et qui nous pousse à agir de manière discutable.

Cette ombre est en partie ce qui nous a amenés à avoir un impact terrible sur l'environnement.

Déforestation, déversements de pétrole, pollution des sols et des mers, anéantissement d'espèces, violation des droits des peuples autochtones et assassinats de défenseurs de l'environnement.

Cette ombre, individuelle et collective, est projetée depuis les grandes villes sur nos écosystèmes et sous la protection de la légalité étatique et des investissements privés en faveur du « progrès et de l'industrialisation ».

À une époque où le déséquilibre que nous avons causé dans l'environnement se répercute sur nous, comme les catastrophes climatiques et les détournements de fonds naturels, il nous appartient d'oser regarder cette ombre en arrière.

Nous avons la responsabilité de comprendre son impact, de signaler ceux qui le projettent et d'exiger des réglementations pour défendre ceux qu'il touche.

Ils disent que la première étape pour résoudre un problème est de l'identifier. Aujourd'hui, à travers le cinéma, nous cherchons à reconnaître nos actions, à stopper l'avancée de leurs conséquences sur notre environnement naturel unique.


Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation

Logo of CineEco’2024 – 30th International Environmental Film Festival of Serra da Estrela

Date limite
01 Jun 2016

Publié: 22 Jan 2016
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Long métrages

Banner Cineeco 2024 – 30º Festival Internacional de Cinema Ambiental da Serra da Estrela

CineEco’2024 – 30th International Environmental Film Festival of Serra da Estrela

Seia, Portugal

CineEco - Le festival international du film environnemental de Serra da Estrela, organisé par la municipalité de Seia, est le seul festival au Portugal dédié à l'environnement, qui se tient sans interruption depuis 1995.

CineEco propose au public du cinéma de qualité et des cinématographies alternatives peu connues par rapport au marché traditionnel. C'est un festival qui vise à sensibiliser le public au cinéma, à son histoire et à son esthétique, ainsi qu'aux questions environnementales.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Autres  Experimental

Logo of Corto Sordi

Date limite
20 Jun 2016

Publié: 22 Jan 2016
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Banner Corto Sordi

Corto Sordi

Grottaglie, Italy

"Corto Sordi", ovvero un premio dedicato al grande attore romano. Il concorso avrà il suo epilogo a luglio, ma già adesso la macchina organizzativa è partita.
Nato nel 2013, in occasione del 10° anniversario dalla morte del grande Albertone, il premio è promosso e coordinato dall'associazione Utopià di Grottaglie con l'intento di sostenere e incentivare quanti credono e vivono nel mondo della recitazione e dello spettacolo con capacità, talento e impegno professionale. Quest'anno, l'iniziativa vanta l'egida della Fondazione Alberto Sordi, ente morale nato nel 1992 proprio per volontà dell'attore romano, al fine di promuovere la ricerca scientifica sulle patologie dell'età avanzata e l'assistenza qualificata alle persone anziane, nel rispetto prima e nella valorizzazione poi della dignità della persona umana e del suo diritto alla vita e alla salute. L'evento ha inoltre ricevuto il patrocinio del Comune di Grottaglie e della Regione Puglia.
L'appuntamento per il premio “CortoSordi” è per il 19 luglio prossimo nell'atrio del primo circolo didattico “Edmondo De Amicis” di Grottaglie e sarà presentato dalla conduttrice di Telenorba, Daniela Mazzacane. Molte le novità in programma che saranno illustrate per tappe nella sezione "Comunicati Stampa" man mano che ci si avvicina all'apertura del bando.

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Autres  Experimental

Logo of Bridge Film Fest

Date limite
15 Apr 2016

Publié: 21 Jan 2016
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Long métrages

Banner Bridge Film Fest

Bridge Film Fest

Mitrovica , Kosovo

About the Festival

The Bridge Film Fest is an international competitive cultural event that serves to inspire and connect filmmakers and audiences throughout the region and beyond. Filmmakers participating in the Festival attend screenings of their films at the main 400-seat auditorium and other special events designed to allow interaction between filmmakers and audiences.


The Bridge Film Fest selects and honours films in these categories:

Feature Films

o Dramatic, comedic or live-action
o 60 minutes or longer

Short Film

o Live-action shorts
o 20 minutes or shorter

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres  Experimental

Logo of Salamanca Short Film Festival

Date limite
10 Apr 2016

Publié: 21 Jan 2016
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Banner Festival de cine corto de Salamanca

Salamanca Short Film Festival

Salamanca, Spain

FESTIVAL OF SHORT CINEMA OF SALAMANCA, which from 2008 celebrates in the bar Granero (c/Granero 3, near to the Plaza del Oeste, Salamanca) during June and July.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation

Logo of Great Lakes International Shorts Film Festival

Date limite
01 Oct 2016

Publié: 21 Jan 2016
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Banner Great Lakes International Shorts Film Festival

Great Lakes International Shorts Film Festival

Erie , United States

The Great Lakes International Shorts Festival has officially opened its Call for Entries and is now accepting films of all short lengths and genres including Narrative, Animation, Experimental, and all forms of Horror, Suspense, Sci-Fi, and Thriller films, along with Comedies, Religious/Spiritual, Music Videos, and Documentaries, and GLBT films, for the 2019 season.

The 2019 Great Lakes International Shorts Festival shall accept Music Videos from around the world of cross-continent and cross-genre productions. We shall accept Music Videos of all genres from Pop, Punk, Rock, Alt-Country, Country-Western, Folk, Reggae, Hip-Hop and Electronica, Jazz, Blues, Zydeco, Industrial, Metal, Hardcore, Gothic, Karaoke, Avant-Garde, World Music, and Experimental.

The 2019 GLISF will accept all forms of Religious, Christian, and Spiritual films including African, African-American, GLBT, Black, Hispanic, Islamic, Latino, Native/Aboriginal, and student films from the United States and around the world.

For the past 18 years, our organization has been promoting and presenting the works of Independent Filmmakers worldwide, celebrating these incredible films as an ever-evolving art form in dynamic transition. Showcasing the best independently produced films that the world has to offer to countless audiences, our organization fulfills its mission by bringing the diverse and unique to those who love and appreciate it.

Awarding outstanding filmmakers for exceptional achievements in filmmaking, the Great Lakes International Shorts Festival always supports indie film as an art form and those who create it.

All of us at the Great Lakes International Shorts Festival are here to bring Filmmakers and audiences together, to showcase films to those who love them, and to help others achieve their goals and dreams, and to go beyond that which was thought unimaginable.

The Great Lakes International Shorts Festival is not here to profit from the accomplishments of others, instead, we are here to help filmmakers reach their goals and make a reality of their dreams.

Seeking out the best films from the most talented new and veteran Filmmakers from around the world and across the United States, the 2019 Great Lakes International Shorts Festival will take place virtually October 10th thru October 19th, 2019, with our Physical Festival opening on Friday October 11, 2019.

With State-Of-The-Art technologies that are revolutionizing independent film presentations world-wide, the Great Lakes International Shorts Festival is changing the face of film festivals across the globe…

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Directors Circle Festival of Shorts

Date limite
15 Oct 2016

Publié: 21 Jan 2016
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Banner Directors Circle Festival of Shorts

Directors Circle Festival of Shorts

Erie, United States

The 2018 Directors Circle Festival Of Shorts has officially opened our call for entries and will accept submissions internationally of short length films in any and all genres including Narrative, Documentary, Horror, Experimental, Avant-garde, Animation, Religious/Spiritual, Gay/Lesbian and all genres of Music Videos for our 2018 festival.

We will accept all forms of religious, Christian, and spiritual films including African, African American, Gay/Lesbian, Black, Hispanic, Islamic, Latino, Jewish, Native/Aboriginal and student films from the United States and around the world.

Festival horror categories for films will include Horror, Thrillers, Science Fiction, Suspense, Grindhouse Horror, Horror Documentary, Horror Animation, and student horror films.

Our Film Festival shall accept music videos from around the world of cross-continent and cross-genre productions of all ranges from pop, punk, rock, alt-country, country-western, folk, reggae, hip-hop to electronica, jazz, blues, Zydeco, industrial, gothic, karaoke, avant-garde, world music, and experimental.

The Directors Circle Festival Of Shorts is internationally recognized as a premiere showcase for creative, inspiring, and influential films of all types.

Bold visions, adventurous ideas, skillfully crafted and artistically inspired projects are the kinds of films we are looking for.

Our unique film festival reaches new heights internationally for independent film festivals presenting our films in a way unlike any other film festival in the world via our online screening platform and theater system. Viewing interactively online allows independent filmmakers and fans to take pleasure in the films worldwide on the go, from work and from the comfort of their own homes. In the technologically advanced world we live in, where communication and convenience MUST be at the tips of our fingers, we knew this was the next progressive step in film festivals.

Since debuting our fest in 2010 we have gained even more recognition among the film viewing public and filmmakers, not to mention production houses and distributors, because they no longer have to travel to find the next film that will make Hollywood sit up and take notice. Currently, convenience is the name of the game, especially for the independent film industry.

The 2018 DCSF will host a live film festival event in the great City of Erie Pennsylvania that will screen the best and most innovative films of the 2018 season. Housed in the historic Renaissance Centre located in beautiful downtown Erie, the 2018 DCSF live Festival will run consecutively with the opening weekend of the Festival.

Our online festival is presented in a virtual theater setting that will allow users to watch the films while the films remain completely safe from download or reproduction.

Films in this festival cannot be downloaded, the films HAVE NO EMBEDDING CODE and the HTML codes of the films, if copied and pasted, the films will not play, therefore they CANNOT be placed on other websites. The only time and place they can be viewed is in our festival. In short, we have gone to great lengths to set this system up to protect the safety and security of each filmmaker’s film, always keeping the filmmaker in mind. Basically, it is just as secure as a brick and mortar theater screening, only much better.
We made the decision to screen films online because of two reasons, first we understand that filmmakers around the world pour not only all of their time and heart into their work but also most of their money. Because of financial and time constraints independent filmmakers most times find it difficult to attend the screenings of their film. Now not only can the filmmaker attend, but all of their friends and family members can as well. In addition, the number of attendees to the festival is literally limitless giving the filmmaker much more exposure for their work.

In addition, you hear so much about the environment and global warming it got us thinking. When you realize how much power is used during the film fest, electricity for the building, natural gas for heat and the gasoline the people use to get to the fest it left one hell of a carbon footprint. By doing the whole festival online it actually helps cut down on greenhouse gasses.

The DCSF recognizes Filmmakers for outstanding achievements in their craft through creativity and imagination, while always paving the way and opening doors for the very talented Filmmakers world-wide.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of ReAnimania International Animation Film & Comics Art Festival of Yerevan

Date limite
15 Aug 2016

Publié: 20 Jan 2016
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Long métrages

Banner ReAnimania International Animation Film & Comics Art Festival of Yerevan

ReAnimania International Animation Film & Comics Art Festival of Yerevan

Yerevan, Armenia

NOUVEAU - Veuillez lire attentivement sur ReaOn (ReaniMania Online Animation Film Festival).

Le Festival international du film d'animation Reanimania d'Erevan a été fondé par le dessinateur, peintre et animateur Vrej Kassouny en 2008.

L'histoire de l'animation en Arménie a commencé 70 ans auparavant, avec la sortie du premier film arménien, Le chien et le chat de Lev Atamanov (né Levon Atamanyan) en 1938.

En s'efforçant d'honorer l'art à la fois dans l'esprit et dans le nom, le Festival a depuis réintroduit l'art du cinéma d'animation au public arménien.

Le festival comprend une sélection de longs métrages et de courts métrages non commerciaux très attendus avec 15 programmes en compétition et hors compétition, ainsi qu'un Market Forum for Animation Professionals (MARANI). Le festival propose également une gamme d'ateliers pratiques, de séminaires, de master classes et de conférences présentés par une foule de talents de l'industrie mondiale.

Le festival est devenu une plateforme de développement et de promotion même au-delà des frontières arméniennes. En tant que plus grand événement dans le Caucase du Sud (et le plus unique au sein de sa classe), Reanimania joue un rôle essentiel dans la transition entre l'est et l'ouest. Il est en train de devenir l'un des festivals émergents les plus importants, recevant plus d'un millier de films et attirant des dizaines de milliers de personnes du monde entier. Dans sa 8ème édition, Reanimania est déjà en train de devenir l'un des plus importants festivals de films d'animation du monde entier, accueillant des concurrents, des visiteurs et des amateurs d'animation de plus de 75 pays.

L'objectif de Reanimania est d'élargir et d'étendre la frontière arménienne à travers l'art de l'animation et le cinéma d'animation.

Par conséquent, voici une NOUVELLES !
Reanimania Int. Le Festival du Film d'Animation est fier d'annoncer le lancement de ReAbroad

Qu'est-ce que ReaOn ?
ReaOn est un Festival de Film d'Animation en Ligne qui se déroulera parallèlement à Reanimania IAFCAFY, fin de chaque Octobre chaque année, YET, ReaOn sera ON jusqu'à la mi-Décembre pour donner l'occasion à un plus grand nombre de fans d'Animation de regarder et de rencontrer les dernières mises à jour et films.
La plateforme ReaOn donnera la chance à ses adeptes, professionnels du cinéma d'animation, artistes, cinéastes et fans de films d'animation de rejoindre Reanimania du monde entier et de suivre avec les derniers succès dans les films d'animation et les classiques à travers sa nouvelle plateforme ReaOn.
ReaOn sera accessible à son public en ligne, où qu'il se trouve dans le monde, et quiconque détient (Achats) Badge/Accréditation en ligne, pendant les dates du festival, sera parallèlement PARTIE DE REANIMANIA EVENT !

C'est une opportunité UNIQUE pour ceux qui veulent garder avec les battements de cœur du monde de l'animation, mais ne peuvent pas voyager pour de nombreuses raisons. MAINTENANT VOUS POUVEZ ÊTRE là pour les coups, pendant que vous êtes assis à la maison.

ReaOn, donnera la chance de visionner les films dont les réalisateurs ont signé et accepté de rejoindre le festival d'animation en ligne ReaOn, en cas de
-Sélection en compétition officielle.
-Possibilité de sélection hors programme de compétition.
- Films/cinéastes qui ne sont pas d'accord sur la participation à la plateforme ReaON, en cas de sélection en compétition officielle, leurs films ne seront visionnés qu'à Traditional, festival physique sur le terrain comme d'habitude, leur choix sera pleinement respecté.
Vous pouvez facilement nous rejoindre en achetant votre badge (prix spécial Early bird) ici : (Le lien pour acheter votre badge sera activé à la mi-mars)
L'ouverture de l'accréditation en ligne sera bientôt lancée !

La devise de Reanimania est la suivante : « La vie est une image, faire en sorte que l'image vienne à la vie ».


· Veuillez en être informé, la inscription est payante.
· Veuillez consulter le lien de Reanimania pour le paiement.
· Ou inscrire directement via le site web de Reanimania (


Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage


Logo of Coachella Valley International Film Festival

Date limite
04 Apr 2016

Publié: 20 Jan 2016
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Long métrages

Banner Coachella Valley International Film Festival

Coachella Valley International Film Festival

LOS ANGELES, United States

Coachella Valley International Film Festival is preparing for our first fantastic festival of independent filmmaking from April 28, 2017, under the stars.

CVIFF is dedicated to celebrating the works of independent filmmakers from around the world, and we pay special attention to ultra low-budget films by first and second-time directors.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Swiss Mountain Film Festival

Date limite
15 May 2016

Publié: 20 Jan 2016
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Long métrages

Banner Swiss Mountain Film Festival

Swiss Mountain Film Festival

Bergamo, Italy

Well aware that the Swiss mountains are one of the broadest and richest natural environments in the world, as well as a fruitful economic, cultural and touristic region, the Association International Festival of Cinema, in collaboration with the Municipality of Pontresina, decided to launch the ‘Swiss Mountain Film Festival'

The aim of this Italo-Swiss project is to pay a tribute to the mountain areas of Switzerland and of the whole world, that is to the so-called Highlands of the World.

The Filmfestival
‘Swiss Mountain Film Festival’ is addressed to all those directors who have chosen the mountain as the main subject of their cinematographic works, paying particular attention to its landscapes and to the culture and traditions of its people.

The competition is open to all films and documentaries having the
highlands of the world, and especially alpinism, as their main subject.

The aim is to dedicate a whole week to the cinema and the mountain, a combination of two passions which will create a unique and unmissable event.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation

Logo of Bosifest - Belgrade international film festival for and by people with disabilities

Date limite
05 Apr 2016

Publié: 20 Jan 2016
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Long métrages

Banner Bosifest - Belgrade international film festival for and by people with disabilities

Bosifest - Belgrade international film festival for and by people with disabilities

Belgrade, Serbia

BOSIFEST est le festival international du film pour et par des personnes handicapées, le seul de ce type en Europe du Sud-Est, qui sera organisé cette année pour la quatorzième fois en Serbie par le Hendi Center Koloseum. Comme les treize dernières années, un grand nombre de films seront projetés cette année sur grand écran, à la fois en compétition et en partie non compétitive. Jusqu'à présent, les visiteurs du BOSIFEST ont eu l'occasion de regarder 700 films ayant pour sujet la vie des personnes handicapées ou créés par des auteurs handicapés.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage


Logo of LGBT Film Festival El Lugar Sin Límites

Date limite
01 Aug 2016

Publié: 20 Jan 2016
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Long métrages

Banner Fic Lgbt El Lugar Sin Límites

LGBT Film Festival El Lugar Sin Límites

Quito, Ecuador

El Lugar Sin Límites, está considerado entre los cuatro mejores festivales de Cine del Ecuador y es una de las actividades más importantes de la comunidad LGBTI ecuatoriana, adicionalmente es calificado como uno de los Festivales de Cine LGBTI más relevantes de la région.

Todos los trabajos deben estar doblados al español o avec subtitulos en español, cuyo tema principal sea sobre LESBIANAS, GAYS, BISEXUALES, TRANS E INTERSEX.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Experimental

Logo of The Optical Theatre Horror Film Festival

Date limite
10 Oct 2016

Publié: 19 Jan 2016
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Long métrages

Banner The Optical Theatre Horror Film Festival

The Optical Theatre Horror Film Festival

Rome, Italy

The Dark Circle Association is proud to announce the 3rd annual The Optical Theatre Horror Film Festival taking place November 2017 in Rome. We strive to support horror, fantasy and bizarre films. The Optical Theatre is a Wikipedia and IMDB credited festival. We add to IMDB the awards to the films that win at our fest.

Official horror partners: / / / /

Our Jurors: Ruggero Deodato (Cannibal Holocaust), Stephen Biro (Unearthed Films - Film Distributor), Michael Del Rossa (special makeup FX - I am Legend), Scott Martin (Film Distributor/Tombstone Distribution), Antonio Tentori (screenwriter - Lucio Fulci's Demonia), Gregory Burkart (Film Critic, Writer, Musician), Chris Savage (Film critic), Federico Frusciante (Film critic). More TBA.

More info:

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

Festival de long métrage

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Autres  Experimental

Logo of Super International Teenager Film Festival

Date limite
10 Apr 2016

Publié: 19 Jan 2016
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Banner Super International Teenager Film Festival

Super International Teenager Film Festival

Bucharest, Romania

Super! is the festival showing shorts made by teenagers, full of art, movies, workshops, courses and parties! Super started in 2013, out of the wish of some teenagers to have a space to screen their films and to meet other people who have the same passions as they do.

What makes Super SUPER, what makes it unique is that only teenagers can screen their films here, so it is all about in-born talent, about passion and not about sophisticated film schools or artificial technique. We don't have big budgets or high-tech equipment, but our shorts are immediate reactions to the world we live in, experiments in which other young people can find their own ideas and problems.

The festival encourages youth to make film- both beginners, who are encouraged through workshops, and teenagers who are already making films, through our screenings and awards.

Super has got to exist due to the lack of cinema-related education in schools, and thus youth needs the impulse to start shooting and making great films. Young people need to know they have a place where to screen their shorts.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Autres  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of 60Seconds Festival

Date limite
24 Jan 2016

Publié: 19 Jan 2016
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Banner 60Seconds Festival

60Seconds Festival

Copenhagen, Denmark

60Seconds is a Copenhagen-based film festival projecting selected short films in the urban space since 2006, and transforming the streets into URBAN cinemas. The films must be about this years theme, just one minute long and with no sound or credits in it- we will ad the credits in the last editing.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Experimental

Logo of A CORTO DI DONNE, women“s short film festival

Date limite
15 Apr 2016

Publié: 19 Jan 2016
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Banner A CORTO DI DONNE, women“s short film festival

A CORTO DI DONNE, women“s short film festival

Pozzuoli, Italy

“A Corto di Donne” supports the creativity of women, offering a place of confrontation to those filmmakers from all over the world who have chosen to express an original point of view on social issues and inner feelings of our time, by means of an innovative cinematographic language.

Only short films directed by women, and completed after January 1st 2014, can be submitted. Accepted genres are: Fiction, Documentary, Animation, Experimental. The maximum length allowed is 30 minutes.

Festival International

Festival d court métrage

 Fiction  Documentaire  Animation  Fantastique  Terreur  Experimental