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Promoting short films and documentaries culture in a country where commercial cinema has always ruled the roost is not an easy task. Delhi Shorts International Film Festival is one such successful effort started in year 2012 by Miniboxoffice with successful 2012 to 2022 editions. The festival brings thoughtful, highly creative & engaging short films from around the world to fulfill the cinegoers' appetite of the capital city of India. The festival aim is to establish a short film industry which runs parallel to commercial cinema.
13th Delhi Shorts International Film Festival-2024 is meant to grow many folds. The inaugural year 2012 was a big success followed by super successful 2012 to 2023 editions & enjoys the credibility of one of the most trusted short film festival of India. The festival was not only embraced by the short filmmaker’s but regarded by the media & industry members also.
The festival objective is to boost-up the short film market & providing exhibition platform to short filmmakers. The festival gives the professional networking opportunities & at the same time introduces the latest trends in cinema to the filmmakers. 13th DSIFF-24 is a unique platform here you can share, learn, showcase, observe & do many more thing to polish your creative & technical skills. We hope that this festival will turn a milestone in your filmmaking career.
Yuva International Short Film Festival proves as a global platform for youngsters and film aspirants in colleges to showcase their talents and compete with other professionals of the same age group. YISFF provokes a sense of great responsibility by providing a fun-filled and exciting learning experience. Through YISFF, the participants will get a chance to explore and learn the art of filmmaking from industry stalwarts.
YISFF’s objective is to bring into the limelight the talents of burgeoning film aspirants and bestow them with an opportunity to present themselves in front of the world. We encourage the participants and serve as a bridge to exhibit their one-of-a-kind competence in our festival and to reach a greater range of audience. I am taking pride in letting you know that, YISFF will also serve as a means to promote friendships and collaborations among fellow participants through healthy competition. As a token of appreciation and encouragement,
YISFF will award the winners of the competition under various relevant categories selected by the jury panel from the industry and academia.
YISFF is an inclusive event that values diversity. Films are accepted regardless of age, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, physical or mental challenges, ethnicity, and perspective.
It will be held in person with online activities .
In-person format, it will be held in the cities of Lebu, Capital of the Province of Arauco, and in the city of Concepción in the Biobío Region, Chile, from April 1 to 6, 2025. With national and international virtual sub-venues for the exhibition of competitions. Since 2018, CINELEBU is the only festival in Chile that qualifies short films for the Oscar® Awards in three categories: International Animation, Regional Fiction, and International Fiction. and since 2023, qualifier for the Goya Awards and Marca Chile.
The "Le Matié" University Audiovisual Festival is conceived as an academic space to highlight and promote the audiovisual works carried out by students of Social Communication - Journalism of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana and other academic institutions at a national and international level, conducive to sharing experiences of classroom, encourage originality and enhance the technical and conceptual quality of audiovisual products, thus encouraging the exploration of new ways of telling stories from real life or the product of the students' imagination, as well as news, reports and other narratives through of the audiovisual.
OPEN CALL AT https://docsbarcelona.com/
DocsBarcelona is an international festival specializing in the documentary genre comprised of international and national competition sections, non-competitive sections, and retrospectives. The Artistic Direction and Programming Committee select all of the documentaries that make up these sections.
DocsBarcelona will celebrate the 28th edition from May 8 to 18, 2025.
The FIRE!! Mostra is the first LGBT film festival in Spain: established in 1995 by Casal Lambda, in Barcelona, it addresses affective diversity in its broadest sense through a careful selection of feature films, documentaries and short films. A selection of art-house cinema and an educational approach are its main characteristics.
Throughout two weeks at the beginning of June - mainly at the French Institute but also at other different indoor or open-air venues in the city -, a wide range of public is invited to enjoy this Barcelona cultural landmark, with stories and testimonials of free people, creators who break barriers and fighters for human rights, all of whom help with love to build a fairer and freer world.
The festival's name is a tribute to the late 20s New York magazine of the same name, FIRE!!, led by the black gay writer Richard Bruce Nugent, portrayed in one of the most iconic films of the festival, Brother to Brother, which we screened a few years ago.
FICCUE was born from the need to promote local, national and international cinema in Cuenca and its province of a genre as yet unexploited as comedy. Addressing this genre as the exclusive objective of this festival makes it unique both on a national and international scene, making Cuenca the headquarters of comedy cinema.
1. Brain Film Fest
The Brain Film Fest (BFF) is an international film festival dedicated to highlighting and promoting the creation and dissemination of feature films and short films about any aspect of the brain, from its amazing abilities and conditions to its pathologies. The BFF is jointly organized by the Pasqual Maragall Foundation and Minimal Films. In addition to being a film competition, the BFF will also organize throughout the festival other in-person and online social, cultural and/or scientific events that focus on the brain.
The 8th edition of the Brain Film Fest will be held from March 12 to 16, 2025.
The World Cinema will be present in the tenth edition of the Trujillo International Independent Film Festival, with short and feature film productions; In an event that will last four days in the important Peruvian city of Trujillo, from September 23 to 26, 2025.
This cultural proposal takes place within the framework of the commemoration of a new anniversary of Punta del Este, celebrating the best independent cinema from around the world. It began as a Mercosur cinema and grew to become an international festival. Cine del Mar has been declared of Presidential Interest and is sponsored and supported by the Ministry of Tourism, the Municipality of Maldonado, the Municipality of Punta del Este, the Ministry of Education and Culture through ACAU (Uruguayan Film and Audiovisual Association), and the embassies of the participating countries.
Within the framework of the multiple activities presented and organized by Andares: Cinematographic Actions, we are pleased to present the third edition of our Contemporary Film Festival. Another short, careful and compact edition to celebrate cinephilia in the peruvian fall.
Festival Description
The “ I Festival CineAndo con mi gente: video participativo y cine comunitario” (First Festival “CineAndo with my people: participatory video and community cinema)”, which will take place on 15 and 16 November in the city of Cali, Colombia, is an event that brings together amateur filmmakers, students, artists and members of the community to share, explore and celebrate audiovisual creativity that emerges from a collective and collaborative perspectives. The Festival’s main objective is to provide an inclusive space where individual and collective voices come together to share their stories in ways that reflect the reality, diversity and aspirations of their communities..
Through the screening of videos, short films and other audiovisual works, the festival offers a platform for the presentation of productions resulting from the active participation and collaboration of different actors. These audiovisual creations can address a wide range of local and global issues, including analysis of socio-cultural situations, reflections on society and personal experiences.
The festival is not limited to the screening of films. It also encourages interaction and dialogue through conversations, talks and interactive workshops. These spaces seek to allow participants to explore a series of topics such as differences and similarities between community cinema and participatory video, learnings and lessons, and challenges of collaborative audiovisual production techniques.
In addition to celebrating creativity and participation, the festival also has a commemorative component as it makes memory of social leaders and communities who have been victims of the conflict in the country. In so doing, the Festival also
provides opportunities for reflection on issues such as human rights, social justice and historical memory. In this sense, the festival can include screenings that pay homage to territorial leaders and debates that promote reflection on social change through cinema and audiovisuals.
The following terms and conditions (Terms) govern the registration of a cinematographic work (The FILMS) for the Santo Domingo Global Film Festival (FCGSD) (The festival) to be considered in the present edition.
The registration process will be exclusively through the official festival platforms, which will be announced on the call. This document shall precede any other document prepared by FCGSD or anyone else.
Please email any request or concern related to these Terms to FTerms@tamoencine.org.
Open call for filmmakers!
Be part of the 3rd edition of Breaking Walls Dance Films and submit your film now.
Breaking Walls Dance Films (BWDF) is the first Dance Film Festival in Egypt and the Region.
BWDF is an international event showcasing the best in dance film from around the world, which will take place in Cairo, in December 2023. We will host a special program of dance films alongside the festival's various programs of workshops and live performances.
Knowing that the application will be no later than November 5, 2023.
- We welcome documentaries and feature films to be shown on the sidelines of the festival, provided that these films are dance-related.
- If the film includes non-English narration, English subtitles are required. English scripts are required for all films.
CinEuphoria Awards are an annual event from CinEuphoria blog that took place for the first time in January 2010 and, since then, takes place each year on January 13th when all the winners are announced. At this online film festival with a jury composed by a group of moviegoers, the main purpose is to celebrate cinema as a whole, reviewing all the films regardless of it's origin, lenght or director.
13th of the Sant Andreu de la Barca Film Festival and framework of the Oriana Awards delivery
The gala is held at the Nuria Espert Theater, where in one night the work of a year of filmmakers of short films, documentaries, web series and feature films is brought together.
The Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival is a cinematographic event socially and culturally minded and by choice, free for anyone to access. FICCI constantly reads the particular circumstances of our country and our world to produce every year a world class version of our festival, guided by the preservation of freedom and the amplification of the cultural conversation through films and academic events that are relevant, humane, subtle, sophisticated, and act as a vehicle to enhance human consciousness, expand democracy and help create free, progressive and inclusive societies.
The Cartagena de Indias International Film Festival (FICCI) is the oldest and most permanent forum in the Americas for Colombian, Ibero-American and world cinema. Being an active part of the world cinema map since 1960, in the 64th edition, it will continue to provide spaces for memory, reflection, diverse voices, and as always, for the best cinephilia.
The Festival values the creative freedom of the world’s filmmakers and has space for films of any format, length, nationality, theme, genre or technique, that meet the highest standards of quality, take on narrative risks, and propose contents of great human and cinematic relevance, pertinence, and sustainability.
The Render Festival is a space that was created in the classroom, with the aim of strengthening and promoting spaces for training, creation, and film exhibition that allow students from different regions of Peru to develop their skills in the audiovisual profession.
For the seventh edition, the festival addresses a historical moment in which every day new possibilities and threats emerge, Does the future cause us fear or excitement? We want to explore what cinema has to say about the lurking crises: ecological, economic and political. And about the new possible paths. How does technological innovation transform the way we create, watch and consume moving images?
In a society where technological changes and revolution is already part of the global daily life, we propose a critical look at it, through young filmmakers. How the process of creation changes as a result of a galloping technology is the perspective that will redirect us. This call is aimed at filmmakers who are currently studying at universities or other schools or institutions of higher education in any country.
Consequently, as part of the activities of the festival, which will be carried out through the present, we open the call for our international short film competition, which consists of 3 categories that we will explain in the following section. We have also opened a competition called “Latin American Opera primas”, whose call for entries will begin on December 9, 2024.
Brasil es reconocido internacionalmente por su rica producción artística y cultural. En este contexto, la 14ª Muestra de Cine Latinoamericano de Canoa Quebrada, conocida como "CURTA CANOA", tiene como objetivo promover la accesibilidad al universo audiovisual, difundir la cultura y destacar el trabajo de talentosos artistas brasileños y latinoamericanos. A través de un programa diverso y de alta calidad, el festival ofrece una experiencia enriquecedora tanto para la comunidad local como para los turistas, y lo mejor de todo: completamente gratis.
El objetivo principal de este proyecto es resaltar la importancia y resaltar la realización de la 14ª edición del festival Curta Canoa, que tendrá lugar en Praia de Canoa Quebrada (Aracati - CE), del 20 al 25 de noviembre de 2023. promover una exhibición competitiva de películas y cortometrajes nacionales y latinos, además de mostrar largometrajes invitados. Además, el evento también incluye seminarios, conferencias, espectáculos musicales y acciones que abordan temas cruciales, como el medio ambiente, la educación y los movimientos sociales. Un aspecto fundamental es la inclusión de la comunidad en el proceso de organización y ejecución del festival, convirtiéndolo en un fiel reflejo de la participación e implicación local.
El festival Curta Canoa promueve un intercambio cultural entre realizadores y espectadores, durante seis días de intensa programación. Con talleres, seminarios y conferencias, el evento capacita a estudiantes de escuelas públicas y fortalece los centros de cine de Aracati. El principal objetivo es ampliar el acceso a la formación audiovisual y contribuir al desarrollo cultural de la región.
Durante el Festival contamos con la participación de reconocidos profesores de cursos audiovisuales tanto en la capital de Ceará como en otros estados. Están invitados a impartir talleres, seminarios y conferencias complementarias, con actividades prácticas que complementan los contenidos tratados en el aula. Además, valoramos las raíces culturales de la región, ofreciendo espacios para presentaciones de grupos y artistas locales. Como es tradición, también rendimos homenaje a personalidades relevantes de la cultura brasileña.
Brasil tiene un circuito de festivales audiovisuales reconocido mundialmente, compuesto por eventos de diferentes tamaños, historias, conceptos y singularidades. Estos festivales tienen valor e importancia significativos, llevando la riqueza creativa del audiovisual brasileño a todo el país, superando las limitaciones del circuito comercial presente en apenas el 8% de los municipios del territorio nacional. En Ceará, después de 14 años de existencia, el Festival Curta Canoa ha alcanzado notable protagonismo y relevancia en el escenario audiovisual. El festival recibió más de 7.800 inscripciones de cortometrajes hasta 2021 y realizó 69 talleres en el municipio de Aracati. Nos hemos convertido en parte indispensable del calendario cultural del estado y, por qué no decirlo, de Brasil. Cada año, movilizamos a los productores que deseen exhibir su trabajo en exposiciones competitivas y participar de las capacitaciones técnicas que se ofrecen durante el programa.
El proyecto hace una importante contribución social a la comunidad de Praia de Canoa Quebrada. Los residentes están cada vez más involucrados, lo que ha impulsado el desarrollo local. El proyecto ofrece oportunidades para que adolescentes, jóvenes y niños de escasos recursos aprendan cine y se inserten en el mercado cultural, a través de la formación continua en el centro de cine y animación. La realización del Festival de Cine Latinoamericano de Canoa Quebrada, conocido como Curta Canoa, tiene una relevancia significativa para el desarrollo del audiovisual en Ceará y Brasil. Moviliza una amplia red de profesionales y productores, generando beneficios sociales para la población local y promocionando la región y los municipios vecinos en los medios internacionales. El festival despierta el interés del público por las exposiciones y destaca el potencial del mercado audiovisual local, nacional e internacional.