Logo of Cortodino Film Festival Xiv Edizione 2024

20 Aug 2022

Published: 18 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
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Feature films

Banner Cortodino Film Festival XIV Edizione 2024

Cortodino Film Festival Xiv Edizione 2024

Torre Annunziata, Italy

The Esseoesse Cultural Association announces the competition "CortoDino Film Festival Dino De Laurentiis 2024 - XIV Edition", a competition that stems from desire to remember and celebrate, in his native land and in commemorative and propositive terms, the figure and work of Dino De Laurentis. The Metropolitan city of Naples, Vesuvian areas, “Giorgio De Chirico’s Secondary School of Art and Communication”, the others secondary schools of the area and the main cultural associations of the Vesuvian and Campanian areas will collaborate in the event.

So, the main aim of the initiative is to create an opportunity for meeting, confrontation and knowledge of young filmmakers who enter the cinematographic sector, in which the influence left by the illustrious “Torrese” has certainly been significant, promoting cinematographic culture through the inclusion of disadvantaged people and the research and promotion of works by talents from Campania, and also national and international.

The presence of the world of solidarity, cultural associations and of school is the clearest sign of the purpose of connecting in particular with the world of young people.
Cortodino Film Festival XIV edition will take place in November 2024. Cities, places and days of the event will be subsequently communicated.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of International film festival Kinenova Skopje

20 Aug 2022

Published: 18 Aug 2022
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Short films
Feature films

Banner International film festival Kinenova Skopje

International film festival Kinenova Skopje

Skopje, North Macedonia

Main Program (International competition), which will regularly feature films from all over the world from among a director’s first and second feature films. The idea is to promote new filmmakers who are making a debut or are only just starting their careers.

This program’s goal is to identify and promote relatively unknown filmmakers’ new film stories, giving them a chance at the beginning of their film careers.

The idea for this film festival emanated from the dire need for a wider space to present debut films by many new filmmakers from the region and all over the world.

The International Film Festival KineNova Skopje, therefore, includes activities such as promotion, support, incentives, exchange of experiences, and film awards. It is a venue for new filmmakers to showcase new stories and offer a fresh perspective of humanity and the world we live in.

The festival and the city of Skopje have the honor to be the meeting point for new filmmakers and a springboard for their respective career paths.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of SECiNDI Festival of Inclusive Cinema and Disability

20 Aug 2022

Published: 18 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner SECiNDI Semana de Cine Inclusivo y Discapacidad

SECiNDI Festival of Inclusive Cinema and Disability

Mérida, Spain

SECINDI Inclusive Film Festival and Diversity

The objective of SECINDI with this Short Film Competition, included in the Inclusive Film and Diversity Festival, is to encourage and reward the best national and international short films to give visibility to films whose theme is linked in some way with functional diversity and inclusion to make them accessible to all people.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of The Sugar Loaf Film Festival

20 Aug 2022

Published: 18 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner The Sugar Loaf Film Festival

The Sugar Loaf Film Festival

Sugar Loaf, United States

We are taking submissions for the following categories:

-Short Narrative
-Short Documentary
-Short Documentary Student
-Feature Narrative Student
-TV Pilot (30 Mins)
-TV Pilot (60 Mins)
-Feature Screenplay (No Coverage)
-Feature Screenplay (Coverage)
-Music Video Concept
-Music Video Narrative
-Music Video Performance
-CineElite Website Screening Bundle
-Feature Narrative Resident
-Feature Documentary Resident
-Short Narrative Resident
-Short Documentary Student Resident
-Feature Narrative Student Resident
-TV Pilot (30 Mins) Resident
-TV Pilot (60 Mins) Resident
-Feature Screenplay (No Coverage) Resident
-Feature Screenplay (With Coverage) Resident
-Music Video Concept Resident
-Music Video Narrative Resident
-Music Video Performance Resident

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Other  Experimental  Music Video


19 Aug 2022

Published: 17 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Santander


Bucaramanga, Colombia

The 12th edition of the FICS will take place in Bucaramanga – Santander from September 27 to October 1, 2022. The call in all official competitive categories, will be open from June 24 to August 19, 2022. For this edition, the Festival will have prizes in effective, recognition support for audiovisual development.

The Social Education and Communications Corporation PRESS LIBRE, whose trajectory of more than twenty years, in the leadership of the development of the media in Santander, supports and qualifies the suitability of the FICS.

The FICS is made up of the presidency of the film director Sergio Cabrera and is headed by its director, Oscar Fonseca, in accompaniment of administrative partners.

Its main objective is to work for the formation of a public criticism and for the consolidation of spaces for discussion and appreciation around a real film culture in the region and in the country.

The department of Santander as the headquarters of the FICS, is among other
the department with the highest average economic growth annual and is promoted as one of the most popular tourist destinations
important, a cultural epicenter of enterprising people, who opens its doors to new markets.

The competitive sections of the FICS are windows to the development of the
culture and the film industry, with new looks towards Ibero-America, maintaining its strong commitment to cinema national, supporting the cinema made in Colombia and Latin America

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of 11º Fest Clip - Festival  Nacional De Cinema De Videoclipe

19 Aug 2022

Published: 17 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner 11º Fest Clip - Festival  Nacional De Cinema De Videoclipe

11º Fest Clip - Festival Nacional De Cinema De Videoclipe

Santa Gertrudes, Brazil


Short film festival

 Music Video

Logo of Penitente Film Fest

19 Aug 2022

Published: 17 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Penitente Film Fest

Penitente Film Fest

Nobsa, Colombia

Penitente Film Fest is the first Boyacense festival dedicated to genre cinema, emphasizing Sci-Fi, fantasy and terror. It was created as an alternative to the existing festivals in the department and in the country, whose focus is not so particular. From the organization, we believe that the genre cinema remains in force, with the same capacity to amaze, wonder, and unsettle us while transverse or parallel offers new ways to interpret and shape our reality and that of filmmakers around the world.

We begin a journey towards unknown universes, Penitente Film Fest announces its first call, which will take place from April 21 to July 15, 2023.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror

Logo of Arizona Underground Film Festival

18 Aug 2022

Published: 16 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Arizona Underground Film Festival

Arizona Underground Film Festival

Tucson, United States

Arizona Underground Film Festival is Arizona’s only premier underground cult film festival! Celebrating our 15th year, we make it our sole mission to showcase the work of filmmakers with defiantly independent visions. We are on a quest to represent every genre of independent film from across the world celebrating the artist, and their work. We will cover categories from Narrative, Horror, Documentaries, Experimental, Animation, and Exploitation. Join us in the underground!

Many of the films that have screened at the festival over the years have gone on to receive distribution from the festival screening, or attention from press and other festivals. We have been the World Premiere for many films over the past 10 years, and we will continue to premiere films, and showcase the best of independent cinema.


“It’s got the vision and confidence of fests that have been around a lot longer.” - Filmmaker Magazine

“Prestigious festival” – The Huffington Post

“Unbeatable!” - Arizona Daily Star

“Truly Amazing” - Tucson Citizen

“AZUFF shed(s) light on the underground network… bringing independent films into the lime-light” - Yahoo News

“A Top-Notch Film Festival” - Trashwire

“A Real Powerhouse of a Festival” - Underground Film Journal

“A Wild Ride to the Edges of Visionary Independent Cinema” - Film Festival Examiner

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Great Message International Film Festival

18 Aug 2022

Published: 16 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Great Message International Film Festival

Great Message International Film Festival

Pune, India

Great Message International Film Festival

We really wish to share international thinking which is developed in the form of films with the society and the young generation of humanity.

Every human being is a message in himself or herself, we just have to channelize & nurture that message into a great one. Filmmakers from all across the globe are respectfully welcome to share and submit your great films into the GMIFF.

Listed on IMDB:

We understand that you understand the realm of understanding and so you have created your wonderful films with your conscious understanding.

Showcasing Greatness through Audio-Visual
Through vantage point we see that entertainment is just the medium to share realm of life with film lovers. If we penetrate the meaning of life sometime we feel that there is no such meaning or purpose to life, yes! Sometime, but we must have to give a great meaning or purpose to life to create great message for whole humanity or for our next generation.

We are really very small people; please understand what we want to say. But the task or mission which we want to empower is very big. One can understand it by the example of river. The beginning or origin of every river is so small but her consistency with selflessness leads her towards more hugeness.

Most Welcome!
Dear human beings, being human it is good if we transform each moment into humane one.

We really admire your passion and enthusiasm as a filmmaker so with humbleness we invite filmmakers from all across the globe to share your great films into Great Message International Film Festival - GMIFF.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of 2025 ARFF Barcelona // International Awards

18 Aug 2022

Published: 16 Aug 2022
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Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of 2025 ARFF Barcelona // International Awards

Banner 2025 ARFF Barcelona // International Awards

2025 ARFF Barcelona // International Awards

Barcelona, Spain

Around International Awards ✈ Barcelona ✈ Paris ✈ Amsterdam ✈ Berlin.

Annual Independent event with 4 major programs for all Features, Shorts, Documentaries, Experimental, Commercial, Music Video, Animations, Student Films, TV, Series, and New Media. The international community evaluates the all-genre creations to serve ARFF Official Laurels and to certify the awarded filmmakers at the end of the annual festival run. Thus, all the ARFF Finalists will be mentioned multiple times to have the best out of the entire year altogether. Submit today to participate in all 4 programs, regarding the unique system of ARFF International. Submissions made via Festhome are getting evaluated and selected, directly for the yearly festival run and participating in the Official Certificate Program exclusively. Monthly selection is available on other associated platforms.

See you Around & Fest Regards

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Parana Internacional Film Festival

17 Aug 2022

Published: 15 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Parana Internacional Film Festival

Parana Internacional Film Festival

Paraná, Argentina

International Film Festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Zaragoza International Film Festival

16 Aug 2022

Published: 14 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Zaragoza International Film Festival

Banner Festival Cine Zaragoza

Zaragoza International Film Festival

Zaragoza, Spain

The Zaragoza Film Festival, founded in 1995 to create a cinematic activity in the city. At first his main title was the Young Filmmakers. Since 2007 its official name became the Zaragoza Film Festival.

Festival with various events, generalist and national character (although some of its events are international).

Starting in 2021, after celebrating the 25th edition of the Festival, we propose an evolution of the project.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Seoul International Food Film Festival  서울국제음식영화제

16 Aug 2022

Published: 14 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Seoul International Food Film Festival  서울국제음식영화제

Seoul International Food Film Festival 서울국제음식영화제

Seoul, South Korea

Seoul International Food Film Festival (SIFFF) is an event to present outstanding and thought-provoking films about food and related issues every year since 2015.

While celebrating diversity of food and lifestyle from different cultures, SIFFF also aims to provide time for relaxing and healing to rediscover the taste of life, not to mention, to raise public awareness on healthy eating and sustainability.

SIFFF’s program includes an inspiring selection of documentaries, feature and short films related to food, from the newest buzzed-about ones to classics and cults.

With film screenings, a variety of events such as catered parties, cooking and tasting events, talk shows with film and culinary professionals will be held to provide delightful, multi-sensory film experience.

2015년 첫 발을 내디딘 서울국제음식영화제는 영화와 음식을 매개로 세계 곳곳의 다양한 삶의 모습과 문화를 이해하고 서로 소통하고자 하는 축제입니다.

인생의 맛과 여유를 환기하는 영화들을 통해 현대인의 바쁜 일상에서 잊힌 삶의 미각을 되찾는 맛있는 힐링을 지향하며, 건강한 먹거리와 지속가능한 식생활에 대한 활발한 논의의 장을 마련하고자 합니다.

각양각색의 음식과 그만큼이나 다양한 문화권의 삶을 담은 영화를 통해 먹는다는 것과 우리 삶의 관계를 돌아보고 함께 나눠 먹는 즐거움을 생각하는 맛있는 영화제를 관객과 함께 만들어 가고 싶습니다.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of International Student Film Festival 2025 Opavský Páv

15 Aug 2022

Published: 13 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner International Student Film Festival 2025 Opavský Páv

International Student Film Festival 2025 Opavský Páv

Opava, Czech Republic

12th Annual International Student Film Festival 2025 Opavský páv

Opavský páv is an International Student Film Festival in Opava.

Opavský páv is a project of Institute of Movie, Television and Broadcast Creation at the Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava.

Festival is a nonprofit, entrance to all screenings is free.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Florence Ibero-American Film Festival - Entre Dos Mundos

15 Aug 2022

Published: 13 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival del Cinema Iberoamericano di Firenze Entre Dos Mundos

Festival del Cinema Iberoamericano di Firenze Entre Dos Mundos

Florence, Italy

Entre Dos Mundos brings Ibero-American cinematography to one of the most beautiful cities in the world!

Florence is the most culturally vibrant city in Europe and has been rewarded for the quality and attractiveness of its museums, theatres and cinemas. Entre Dos Mundos has chosen it as the stage to present the best Ibero-American feature films, shorts and documentaries to promote our diversity, our stories, our social impact messages, our cultures, our flavours and our emotions.

The festival mission is to exhibit and celebrate films from Ibero-America that possess a high-level of artistry and are otherwise noteworthy for communicating a meaningful and powerful message of social impact. We are looking for stories that stay with the audience after leaving the cinema, that challenge the way we think and feel about the world around us.

We aim to bring Ibero-American cinema closer to the Italian public and to make known the great talent of its protagonists and the very high quality of its productions. The audience of our festival is cultured, curious and always open to new and alternative film proposals.

The fifth competitive edition of the Florence Ibero-American Film Festival will take place from September 29th to October 2nd 2022, as every year, at the Cinema La Compagnia, located in the historic centre of Florence, a stone's throw from the Duomo. La Compagnia is a nerve centre and a true home of cinema and festivals in Tuscany!

To celebrate the centenary of the Embassy of Mexico in Italy, Mexico will be the guest country of this edition.

The 2022 edition is enriched by two new programmes in collaboration with our partner festivals, a Florence-San Miguel Allende Artist Residency in partnership with the Guanajuato Film Festival - GIFF and Sentiero Film Factory and a production project implemented with the Girona Film Festival.

We will have special screenings, honouring guests, masterclasses and a lot more.

Go ahead, don't miss your chance!
See you in September!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Corsenal Production International Monthly Film Festival

15 Aug 2022

Published: 13 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Corsenal Production International Monthly Film Festival

Corsenal Production International Monthly Film Festival

Salerno, Italy


Il CPIMFF è un festival cinematografico internazionale mensile nato a Salerno (Italia)
Fondato dal regista e produttore cinematografico Salvatore Martines, Il festival ha come unico scopo quello di valorizzare il cinema indipendente e le sue più larghe sfaccettature promuovendo tramite le competenze distributive della Corsenal Production i migliori progetti in gara.
Il festival, che si terrà mensilmente online sul sito ufficiale della ©Corsenal Production, selezionerà i migliori progetti per la cerimonia finale mensile, per poi premiare i più validi con premi dal valore di 60.000$, i premi infatti, prevederanno importanti contratti di distribuzione sulle migliori piattaforme streaming Tv come: Amazon Prime Video, Tubi Tv, Plex, Xumo, Filmzie e molti altri.
Ogni mese, ogni regista o produttore avrà la possibilità di vincere questi prestigiosi premi annessi ad essi la pergamena del CPIMFF che attesterà la vittoria del proprio film.

Il CPIMFF prevederà diverse sezioni:

°Feature Film (Per registi e Filmmaker di nazionalità italiana)
°International Feature Film
°Short film (Per registi e Filmmaker di nazionalità italiana)
°International Short Film
°Best Director
°Best Director of Photography
°Best Narrative Work
°Best Actor
°Best Actress
°Best Drama Film
°Best Comedy Film
°Best Horror Film
°Best Thriller Film


The CPIMFF is a monthly international film festival born in Salerno (Italy)
Founded by the director and film producer Salvatore Martines, the sole purpose of the festival is to enhance independent cinema and its broader facets by promoting the best competing projects through the distribution skills of Corsenal Production.
The festival, which will be held monthly online on the official website of © Corsenal Production, will select the best projects for the final monthly ceremony, and then award the most valid with prizes worth $ 60,000. best TV streaming platforms such as: Amazon Prime Video, Tubi Tv, Plex, Xumo, Filmzie and many others.
Each month, each director or producer will have the chance to win these prestigious awards attached to them the parchment of the CPIMFF which will attest to the victory of their film.

The CPIMFF will have several sections:

° Feature Film (For directors and filmmakers of Italian nationality)
° International Feature Film
° Short film (For directors and filmmakers of Italian nationality)
° International Short Film
° Documentary
° Best Director
° Best Director of Photography
° Best Narrative Work
° Best Actor
° Best Actress
° Best Drama Film
° Best Comedy Film
° Best Horror Film
° Best Thriller Film
° Best Soundtrack

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Festivalito de Cine Para Niñxs

15 Aug 2022

Published: 13 Aug 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festivalito de Cine Para Niñxs

Festivalito de Cine Para Niñxs

San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina

The 4th FESTIVALITO will take place in September 2025, in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche, Patagonia Argentina. After the launch, its traveling exhibition will begin in various cities and countries.

We want girls and boys to enjoy independent and auteur cinema designed for them :) We also invite them to debate and reflect after each performance, inviting them to actively participate in the artistic event.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Escenario Music Film Festival

15 Aug 2022

Published: 13 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Escenario (Cine + Musica)

Escenario Music Film Festival

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Escenario: Cinema + Music, is the first musical documentary film festival in Argentina

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Festival Americano de Cinema e Vídeo Socioambiental de Iraquara - Bahia - BR

15 Aug 2022

Published: 13 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Americano De Cinema E Vídeo Socioambiental De Iraquara - Bahia - Br

Festival Americano de Cinema e Vídeo Socioambiental de Iraquara - Bahia - BR

Iraquara, Brazil

V Festival Americano de Cinema Socioambiental
traduce al ingles: V Festival Americano de Cinema e Vídeo Socioambiental de Iraquara

A degradação ambiental e social começa a preocupar a humanidade como um todo. Isso porque a busca por um lucro rápido e fácil gera tal degradação, afetando a coletividade em geral, forçando a cada um de nós a adotar mudanças de atitude, para que, dessa forma, possamos garantir a nossa própria sobrevivência no Planeta.

Os problemas decorrentes da ação negativa do homem sobre a natureza têm sido objeto do olhar não só do Poder Público, mas também da sociedade civil organizada, além de ter se transformado em fonte de inspiração para artistas que almejam registrar e denunciar a deterioração do ser humano e da natureza. Sendo assim, o cinema e o vídeo são os veículos adequados para documentar e delatar as graves agressões ao ecossistema. A partir daí, possibilitar o acesso às obras produzidas com essa temática é uma forma de envolver as pessoas nesse movimento de conscientização para preservação do planeta e da raça humana.

Iraquara, fincada na Chapada Diamantina, na Bahia, tem um patrimônio natural de valor inestimável: lá se encontra o maior acervo espeleológico da América do Sul. E é também por isso que essa pequena cidade dá seu aporte nesse processo de conscientização ambiental, realizando o V Festival Americano de Cinema e Vídeo Socioambiental de Iraquara – V FASAI CINE VÍDEO. Com o objetivo de apoiar e ampliar a rede de defesa do meio ambiente e do ser humano, serão exibidas e premiadas obras de cinema e vídeo – longa, média e curta metragens – com temática socioambiental no V FASAI.

A proposta, também, passará por realizar palestras e debates sobre a água, esse precioso bem finito que a natureza nos dá; debater sobre o desmatamento que tem assoreado nossos rios e degradado terras antes férteis; debater sobre um dos graves problemas de nossa época que são as toneladas de resíduo sólido que produzimos diariamente e os descartamos sem qualquer critério no solo. Queremos transformar tais debates que serão travados durante o IV FASAI CINE VÍDEO em ações concretas na própria cidade, modificando o cotidiano da população local e estimulando a prática de cidadania em cada indivíduo. O município poderá mostrar ao mundo como o Poder Público pode e deve interferir no processo de conscientização e mudança de atitude de sua população.

O V FASAI CINE VÍDEO convida vocês realizadores e realizadoras que fazem da sua arte uma ferramenta na luta por um mundo melhor; vocês, ambientalistas que registram as suas lutas com tecnologias audiovisuais para denunciar e combater os crimes que convivemos no nosso dia-a-dia, a inscreverem suas obras audiovisuais que tematizem sobre a natureza e a sua degradação corrente em nosso V Festival Americano de Cinema e Vídeo Socioambiental de Iraquara.

A cidade lhes espera de braços abertos para que juntos possamos apontar ações que prenunciem uma melhor qualidade de vida em nossa cidade, em nosso país e, quiçá, no mundo!
V American Festival of Socio-Environmental Film and Video of Iraquara

Environmental and social degradation is beginning to concern humanity as a whole. This is because the pursuit of quick and easy profits generates such degradation, affecting the collective as a whole, forcing each of us to adopt changes in attitude so that, in this way, we can ensure our own survival on the planet.

The problems arising from the negative actions of humans on nature have been the focus of not only the Public Authorities but also organized civil society. Moreover, they have become a source of inspiration for artists who seek to document and denounce the deterioration of both humanity and nature. Thus, film and video are the appropriate mediums to document and expose the serious aggressions against the ecosystem. From there, providing access to works produced with this theme is a way to involve people in this movement of awareness for the preservation of the planet and the human race.

Iraquara, located in the Chapada Diamantina region of Bahia, has a natural heritage of immeasurable value: it is home to the largest speleological collection in South America. And it is also for this reason that this small town contributes to this process of environmental awareness by hosting the V American Festival of Socio-Environmental Film and Video of Iraquara – V FASAI CINE VIDEO. With the goal of supporting and expanding the network of defense for the environment and humanity, films and videos—feature-length, medium-length, and short—with socio-environmental themes will be screened and awarded at the V FASAI.

The proposal will also include lectures and debates on water, that precious and finite resource that nature provides us; discussions on deforestation, which has silted our rivers and degraded once-fertile lands; and debates on one of the serious problems of our time: the tons of solid waste we produce daily and discard without any criteria into the soil. We aim to transform the debates held during the IV FASAI CINE VIDEO into concrete actions within the city itself, changing the daily lives of the local population and encouraging the practice of citizenship in each individual. The municipality will be able to show the world how the Public Authorities can and should intervene in the process of raising awareness and changing the attitudes of its population.

The V FASAI CINE VIDEO invites you, filmmakers and artists who use your craft as a tool in the fight for a better world; you, environmentalists who document your struggles with audiovisual technologies to denounce and combat the crimes we face in our daily lives, to submit your audiovisual works that address the theme of nature and its ongoing degradation to our V American Festival of Socio-Environmental Film and Video of Iraquara.

The city awaits you with open arms so that together we can propose actions that foreshadow a better quality of life in our city, in our country, and perhaps in the world!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of UFO film festival

15 Aug 2022

Published: 13 Aug 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner festival du film Ufologique

UFO film festival

Saint-Just , France

Organized in Pérols, near Montpellier in Hérault, by the OVNI LANGUEDOC association during its annual congress on 5, 6 november 2022.

The 2nd Ufological Film Festival is aimed at directors who wish to present their short films, fictions and documentaries on the theme of Ufology, UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary