Logo of Discovery Film Festival

31 Jul 2022

Published: 29 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Discovery Film Festival

Discovery Film Festival

Dundee, United Kingdom

Discovery Film Festival: Scotland's International Film Festival For Young Audiences

Sat 21 October – Sun 5 November 2023

Discovery Film Festival is now in its twentieth anniversary year. Based at Dundee Contemporary Arts, and touring to partner venues throughout Scotland, the UK and Ireland, the festival screens films from all over the world which have been specially programmed for young audiences.

The festival includes three exciting weekends of films, creative activities, and gala events, as well as two weeks of screenings and events for schools.

Discovery aims to develop new audiences for the best in international film, improve media literacy and offer young audiences an insight into the lives of children and young people in other cultures. The festival has been running since 2004 when it was started as a partnership with Dundee Education Development Department, Scottish Screen and DCA.

Discovery Film Festival is a DCA project and is organised by Mike Tait, Festival Producer and Cinema Youth Development Officer. A team of Young Ambassadors (aged 15-19) work with Mike to programme films and advise on the overall design of the festival. A team of teachers and education consultants advise on the education programme and create Curriculum for Excellence relevant resources for classes visiting the festival.

Discovery would like to thank Creative Scotland and Dundee City Council for their ongoing support.

If you would like to support Discovery, become a partner venue or just get involved, email Mike on mike.tait@dca.org.uk.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other

Logo of Rodando en Bicicleta Short Film Festival

31 Jul 2022

Published: 29 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cortometrajes Rodando en Bicicleta

Rodando en Bicicleta Short Film Festival

Amalfi , Colombia


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of FICVI, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges de Vila-seca

31 Jul 2022

Published: 29 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of FICVI, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges de Vila-seca

Banner FICVI, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges de Vila-seca

FICVI, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges de Vila-seca

Vila-seca, Spain

FICVI, International Short Film Festival of Vila-seca is a festival focused on the exhibition of short films.

It is organized by the Vila-seca Tourism Board and collaborates with the Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España – Premios Goya as a Collaborating Contest in the Preselection of Short Films in the categories of Fiction and Animation for the Goya Awards.

The IX edition of the FICVI, Vila-seca International Short Film Festival will be held from November 8 to 17, 2024.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Ocejón Travel Film Festival

31 Jul 2022

Published: 29 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Certamen de Cine de Viajes del Ocejón en el Montgó

Ocejón Travel Film Festival

Jesús Pobre, Spain

The Ocejón Travel Film Festival was born in 2009 in two small villages in the Sierra Norte region of Guadalajara (Spain), promoted by a small group of neighbours concerned about attracting cinema to the rural environment, particularly the uncommercial and committed cinema that tends to have little distribution in normal theaters, but almost nothing in the villages or small towns. But also the organizers wanted the active participation of the neighbourhood, in addition to attracting the attention of people from other towns, regions and cities to know the place where we lived and share experiences.

For that reason from the beginning we tried to make it with the lowest possible budget to compensate the short economic resources with the courage and will of us and our neighbors, the human capital.

Nine years later, in 2018, the festival moved to another small town, Jesús Pobre, in the Marina Alta region (Alicante), however it retains the same spirit and original interests: we want to bring travel movies (any type) to the village.

Currently the organizers are integrated into the non profit association "La Jalea Cultural del Montgó". In 2018, coinciding with its tenth edition, it was celebrated for the first time in the skirt of the Montgó mountain.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of Brainwash Drive-In/Bike-In/Walk-In/Movie Festival

31 Jul 2022

Published: 29 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Brainwash Drive-In/Bike-In/Walk-In/Movie Festival

Brainwash Drive-In/Bike-In/Walk-In/Movie Festival

Oakland, United States

Brainwash, since 1995, has delighted audiences with a selection of the bizarre, the unique, and just plain old well-made movies from independent producers all over the world. With an eye toward the abstract, the innovative and the weird, Brainwash saluted it's 25th Silver Anniversary in the 2019 season, and, we're still going strong. We have consistently attracted entries we curate to be able to display some of the most cutting edge cinema from up and and coming directors, actors, producers and crews consistently year after year. So please send us yours this year!

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of SITGES - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia

31 Jul 2022

Published: 29 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of SITGES - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia

Banner SITGES - Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantàstic de Catalunya

SITGES - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia

Sitges, Spain

The SITGES - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia is a specialized, competitive fantastic genre Festival in accordance with the regulations established by the FIAPF (International Federation of Film Producers Associations). The Festival has also been declared a “Qualified Festival” by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences® in the United States. This means that those shorts winning the awards for “Best Short Film” in the Official Fantàstic Selection and “Best Short Film” in the Anima’t category will automatically be taken into consideration by the Hollywood Academy Awards® selection committee.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Miami short Film Festival

31 Jul 2022

Published: 29 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Miami short Film Festival

Miami short Film Festival

Miami , United States

La misión del MiamisFF es construir puentes de dialogo e intercambio cultural entre los realizadores cinematográficos y la audiencia a través de experiencias cinematográficas en corto que promuevan una visión enfocada en las buenas causas haciendo uso de formas estéticamente innovadoras. Estamos comprometidos con la búsqueda de nuevos talentos que puedas hacer una diferencia con su arte.

Podemos ofrecerles un espacio dedicado para presentar su talento a una nueva audiencia, representantes de la industria cinematográfica y distintas organizaciones.

Estamos ubicados en la ciudad de Miami, Florida y el festival proyecta cortometrajes de 30 minutos o menos y apoya el creciente movimiento para exhibir y expandir el arte cinematográfico en formato corto proporcionando un espacio para construir una comunidad comprometida con las artes, ya que nuestra filosofía consiste en concebir al cortometraje como verdaderas obras de arte que me merecen su propio espacio de exhibición.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental  Music Video


31 Jul 2022

Published: 29 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner مهرجان طنجة للفيلم

مهرجان طنجة للفيلم

Tanger, Morocco

Celebrating its 14th anniversary this year, Tangier Film Festival has firmly established itself on the regional film fest circuit as one of the most reputable african and arab film festivals.

Offering an impressive selection of competitive Features, Fiction shorts, animation shorts and documentary shorts with the presence of very important distributors and festival agents from around the world.

This year, Tangier film festival is inviting filmmakers from around the world to submit their films to get a highlighted news feature by participating for free (if you are selected) at the Tangier Film Market network and have the opportunity to meet many importants producers, buyers and distributors and get your film featured on the Market platform website and promoted to all our members worldwide.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Certamen Nacional de Cortometrajes Torrevieja Audiovisual

31 Jul 2022

Published: 29 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Nacional De Cortometrajes - 7ª Edición. TORREVIEJA AUDIOVISUAL (C)

Certamen Nacional de Cortometrajes Torrevieja Audiovisual

Torrevieja, Spain


Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of San Diego International Kids Film Festival

31 Jul 2022

Published: 29 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner San Diego International Kids Film Festival

San Diego International Kids Film Festival

Palos Verdes Peninsula, United States

The San Diego International Kids' Film Festival promotes the idea of entertainment with education. Supported by many across the world, the festival supports the entertainment and education industries by showcasing international films, and gives young, aspiring filmmakers a channel to communicate to an international community. The resulting collaboration produces a unique multicultural experience, engaging young viewers with positive media, as a diverse education.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of San Rafael en Corto Short Film Festival

31 Jul 2022

Published: 29 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Muestra De Cortometrajes San Rafael En Corto

San Rafael en Corto Short Film Festival

Vecindario, Spain

The Shortfilm Festival "San Rafael in short" aims dissemination, disclosure and the screening of cinematographic works as well as the knowledge of these by the audience. The works presented not opt to a prize or award, only the assessment of the audience.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic

Logo of Rodinia Short Film Festival

31 Jul 2022

Published: 29 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cortometrajes Rodinia

Rodinia Short Film Festival

Rodinia, Spain

17th Rodinia Short Film Festival 2025

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Fantastic and Terror Short Film Festival La Vieja Encina

31 Jul 2022

Published: 29 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival De Cortometrajes De Terror Y Fantástico La Vieja Encina

Fantastic and Terror Short Film Festival La Vieja Encina

San Nicolás del Puerto, Spain

The Culture Department of the San Nicolás del Puerto Town Hall and the Punto Vuela of San Nicolás del Puerto announce the IX “La Vieja Encina” Horror and Fantasy Short Film Festival 2024, to be held on November 28, 29, 30, and December 1, 2024.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other

Logo of Equilibrium CineFest

30 Jul 2022

Published: 28 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Equilibrium CineFest

Equilibrium CineFest

Palermo, Italy

Equilibrium Studio Cinematografico organizes the second edition of its "CineFest - Changes".

Equilibrium Studio Cinematografico is a Social Promotion Association based in Palermo, born with the intent to promote the development and diffusion of film culture, a passion shared by the members of our team. This year the festival focuses on the theme of change, today more and more sudden and the reason for a highly liquid society. Nothing is well defined anymore: space, time, body. Everything is always changing and flows quickly.

The association Equilibrium Studio Cinematografico is composed of three women who are experts in cinema and communication, as well as lovers of creative and artistic expression represented through images and videos. The Equilibrium CineFest is, in fact, a means to offer a space of expression to all filmmakers who want to share their thoughts through the short film, a tool that has the power to communicate in a few minutes a message with a high emotional impact.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of 16 International Film Festivals - In Jaipur India By Jaipur iff

30 Jul 2022

Published: 28 Jul 2022
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Feature films

Banner 16 International Film Festivals - In Jaipur India By Jaipur iff

16 International Film Festivals - In Jaipur India By Jaipur iff

Jaipur, India

(10th) Sixteen International Film Festivals in Jaipur, India by Jaipur International Film Festival-JIFF from August 26-28, 2025 16IFF INDIA

Around 50 thousand students participated in 2024 & around80000 students will participate in 2025.



CHOOSE YOUR FILM FESTIVAL, You can choose one or more, please write us:-

1) Women Film Festival in Jaipur (Films made by women, based on women)
2) Children Film Festival in Jaipur
3) Tribal Film Festival in Jaipur
4) Global Human Rights Film Festival in Jaipur
5) International Culture and Tourism Film Festival in Jaipur
6) Environment Film Festival In Jaipur
7) Love & Romantic Film Festival
8) Political ^ Corruption Based Film Festival
9) Democracy Film Festival
10) International Animation Film Festival
11) International Student Film Festival
12) War & Peace Film Festival
13) Horror Film Festival
14) Financial Crises and Development Film Festival
15) Ad Film Festival
16) Science Film Festival

Now submit also - Song


All these film festivals will be organized together.

Please submit and updates us about your submission at 16filmfestivals@gmail.com your submission is for which film festival out of 16 above.

Submit one time, pay one time for your film. If you want to enter your film in one or more film festivals as above, do not submit again, do not pay again, just mails us for other film festivals name we will include.

for more- http://jiffindia.org/16IFF.html

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Zoom Awards International Audiovisual Contents of Catalonia -Formats Tv & Internet-

30 Jul 2022

Published: 28 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner ZOOM Premios Internationales de Contenidos Audiovisuales de Cataluña

Zoom Awards International Audiovisual Contents of Catalonia -Formats Tv & Internet-

Igualada, Spain

The purpose of the ZOOM FESTIVAL is to disseminate and promote audiovisual content regardless of format, distribution channel and audiences.

The Official Section of the 22nd edition is open to all producers, televisions, students, independent film makers from all over the world who present audiovisual content for all types of screens and that fit the bases of the Festival's official section.

Among the functions of the Festival is the welcoming meeting of the various professional sectors of the audiovisual industry, as well as that of students in the sector and be a platform for new talent.

In order to fulfill these objectives, the Zoom Festival will celebrate its 25th Edition in November 25th 2023 in Igualada- Barcelona.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Chautauqua International Film Festival CIFF

30 Jul 2022

Published: 28 Jul 2022
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Feature films

Banner Chautauqua International Film Festival CIFF

Chautauqua International Film Festival CIFF

Ellington, United States

The NY CIFF CHAUTAUQUA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL is an IMDb CERTIFIED FESTIVAL! All current and past winners can now record their awards! AWARD WINNERS WILL RECEIVE DISTRIBUTION DEALS ON ALL MAJOR DIGITAL PLATFORMS AND DVD'S! The CIFF is held in beautiful Western New York Chautauqua County.

The 7th Annual Chautauqua International Film Festival will be held Saturday, August 27 and Sunday, August 28 2022 at the Carriage House Cinema in Ellington, NY. Screenings will take place both days with a Red Carpet Award Ceremony held Sunday evening.

ALL RULES below must be followed for your submission to be accepted and potentially have your film screened and become an official selection.

Filmmakers that attend have the first priority in the schedule. We are a screening festival and a filmmakers supported festival. There are no free comps. Filmmakers attending will have a Q and A after their screening.

The CIFF is working with other industry Pro's to develop some new proto-type screening and distribution. Winning Filmmakers will have the chance to have their films screened with the opportunity for multiple showings with a unique new concept in film promoting and distribution.

Join us for a profitable and fun filled weekend. It is our goal to make the CIFF one of the most successful film festivals in New York and worldwide.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Aryan International Children’s Film Festival of Jaipur - ICFF Jaipur

30 Jul 2022

Published: 28 Jul 2022
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Short films
Feature films

Banner Aryan International Children’s Film Festival of Jaipur - ICFF Jaipur

Aryan International Children’s Film Festival of Jaipur - ICFF Jaipur

Jaipur, India

8th Aryan International Children’s Film Festival of Jaipur
Aryan ICFF Jaipur INDIA
August 26-28, 2025, ICFF Jaipur INDIA

(26 AUGUST 2013 TO 20 SEPTEMBER 2018)

Organized By Aryan Roj Foundation & Jaipur International Film Festival Trust

(50k students participated in 2024 & around 80k students will participate in 2025)


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of FanCineQueer | International LGBTI Film Festival of Extremadura

30 Jul 2022

Published: 28 Jul 2022
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner FanCineQueer | Festival Internacional de Cine LGBTI de Extremadura

FanCineQueer | International LGBTI Film Festival of Extremadura

Badajoz, Spain

FanCineQueer, the International LGBTI Film Festival of Extremadura, celebrates this year its 27th edition between the 8th and the 17th of November launching its traditional Short Films Call with the purpose of recognising, visibilising and fostering the production and dissemination of recent or unreleased LGBTI works.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of WebSeries Festival Global

30 Jul 2022

Published: 28 Jul 2022
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of WebSeries Festival Global

Banner WebSeries Festival Global

WebSeries Festival Global

Los Angeles, United States



SUBMIT TODAY! $5000.00 in awards

10th Annual Web Series Festival Global
September 8, 2023 Online Screenings & Awards with presenters from around the globe.
• All Genres accepted
• For A Global Community Of Content Creators
• Helping Creatives Shape the Future of TV
• Entries considered for Grand Prize or Category Winner $5000.00 in Awards
• We accept links to view online
• IMDB official event http://www.imdb.com/event/ev0003670/

A great opportunity for anyone wanting to
gain more exposure for their web series. There are four
categories that will be judged in this competition which are
Web Series Scripts (all lengths and formats)
Web Series
One Page Feedback
Content can be submitted with or without distribution.
All submissions will also be considered for the grand prize. $5000.00 in Awards!

You could be the next Award Winner! Submit today. Screenings & Awards are from the heart of Hollywood. For our global community of creators, online screenings & awards.

Genres include but are not limited to: Drama, Comedy, Action, SyFy, Documentary, LGBT, Script, Animation, E/I, Horror. Experimental, Social and more.
• All award wins must be used within one year of festival win date.
Submit early and save.

“We saw the other winners, and there are some truly great series, congratulations!” – Rose of Dolls
“We would like to express our gratefulness for recognition and acknowledgement.” – Cedra Wal
“The biggest prize was just being accepted and considered and I’m entirely grateful for the experience.” – V. Carubia

"Web Series Festival Global is a very well run festival with great
communications with a group of prestigious judges that I’ve found to be more than fair in their selection processes.
I highly recommend this Film Festival to any screenwriter looking to have their Web Series take a major step in the right direction." -
Charles Petrilla

"Good communication. Nice people. Great selections." -Christopher Ramsey

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental