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Zed Fest Film Festival & Screenplay Competition was founded to encourage and support independent low and big budget, filmmakers, who work in the horror, suspense, science fiction, drama, action, adventure, and art house genres.
After participating in Zed Fest Film Festival, many of our filmmakers have been able to advance their careers develop their next projects. We take pride in the fact that we are able to maintain relationships with participants, encourage and help them develop and promote their future endeavors.
****ZED FEST FILM FESTIVAL is an IMDB award Listing Qualifier****
Please visit our website for more information
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For information about us please visit us
www.zedfest.org or our new FAQ Submissions Info page http://www.zedfest.org/faq.html
to learn more about our special Awards:
The Top Zed Fest Film Festival 2024
Prizes: Over $5000 in Cash & Prizes will be Divided among winners
-Bonus Top Prize winners Movie Magic Screenwriter software
-Inktip Listing
Get your scripts in front of producers, agents, and managers today.
Writers use InkTip every day to connect with industry professionals looking for writers to hire, scripts to produce and writers to represent. Whether you're breaking into the industry or are an established writer, InkTip can help you further your career.
InkTip Script Listing: A listing of your script on InkTip so that producers and reps can find you.
InkTip Magazine: Publication of your logline in InkTip's magazine sent
to nearly 15000 producers and reps.
$500 1st Place Screenplay
$300 2nd Place Screenplay
Top Zed Fest Film Festival Filmmaker and Screenplay Awards:
Zed Fest Film Festival Independent Spirit Award is bestowed each year to a filmmaker that Pursues their filmmaking vision from concept to film.
This award has been inspired by Independent Filmmaking Pioneers Robot Monster (1953) Director Phil Tucker, Jim Jarmusch, John Waters, Elaine May, John Cassavetes, and Penelope Spheeris,Wes Anderson.
These filmmakers followed their passion for filmmaking. They embraced the love of filmmaking as an art form. They used their creativity and ingenuity in their filmmaking and did not let their budget stand in the way of their film projects. That is very inspirational to us and we hope to today's emerging filmmakers.
Feature Film Golden Marquee Award -
The Feature Film Golden Marquee is for the highest achievement award in recognition of the Feature Film that displays exemplary technical proficiencies in filmmaking and storytelling.
Short Film Golden Marquee Award -
The Short Film Golden Marquee is for the highest achievement award in recognition to the Short Film that displays exemplary technical proficiencies in filmmaking and storytelling.
The Pickford Award -
This Award is to Highlight Women in The Film Arts. We call it the "The Pickford Award" In honor of the Great Mary Pickford Silent Film Pioneer.
Early Bird Deadline Feb 28, 2025
Spring Deadline April 28, 2025
Regular Deadline July 30, 2025
Deadline July 30, 2025
Final Film Deadline September 30, 2025
Notification Date October 30, 2025
Science Fiction
Music Videos
Super 8
Enter your music Video any music genre, we play top winners at the Zed Fest Film Festival 2025 Event in November to be held in Regal Noho West, North Hollywood, California on Nov 12-17,2025
CineCulpable is the Vila-real Short Film International Festival. In 2020, we arrive at 23th edition.
This edition is open to all artists who submit their work in any of the official languages in
the Valencian Community: Spanish or Valencian.
An international festival that seeks to build networks of work, cooperation and business in Latin America, fostering relationships between television stations, filmmakers and producers, and TV.We will be the meeting place for television stations and filmmakers from Latin America. Year after year, we will receive an increasing number of independent producers, students, television representatives, decision makers, speakers and professionals from the audiovisual sector.
TarapacaFic develops activities in the areas of Training, Market, Networking and Exhibitions. The activities in the different areas range from masterly presentations, practical workshops and business rounds to exhibitions, award ceremonies, toasts and meeting spaces. These activities cover all the profiles of the sector, seeking to be a meeting place for the whole culture, and the tours can be differentiated and be found depending on whether they are Professionals, Televisions, Students, Decision Makers and general public. In addition to the regional company, which will showcase its services and products worldwide.
In TarapacaFic there is space for those who have a project in development, for those who have finished contents, for those who seek to acquire contents, for those who seek inspiration or knowledge of the market or for those who simply seek to see good movies.
Vinilonga is a film festival made by filmmakers, changing its costume every two months.
We organize themes according to the trends of the works registered to our open call. Based on the concept of each program, we call on professionals from the film industry, musicians, and experts from different areas to propose dialogues.
We aim to be an international platform that unites filmmakers and creators of different formats for their promotion and that of their work. The selected works and artists will have the opportunity to show their work, which will also receive professional reviews and an open and eager audience.
We want to showcase what makes you feel is worth telling. It can be a comedy, drama, a true story, a zombie story...We don't feel very strong about categories in film, so we are giving you the chance to take them lightly. Is it Animation? Documentary? Experimental Fiction? Surprise us!
Chulpicine began its work in 2002 with the first ever Itinerant Children & Youth Film Festival in Quito. The warm welcome that the project received allowed the festival to become an annual event during the months of July to September, bringing an educational and entertaining event at no cost, to sectors with few cultural activities.
Thanks to the positive reaction, Chulpicine became a cultural and educational non-profit foundation in June 2004. After more than 10 years of experience, Chulpicine have reach a stable proposal and working methodology that has spread at national level. The Festival has promoted the creation of coaching staff; cultural managers working in different communities; and a large group of followers.
Chulpicine has designed a set of activities and workshops for institutions, community organizations or outreach workers to educate and train in different areas related to cinema, audiovisual, communication and Internet used as social intervention tools. These activities and workshops have been the beginning of a formation of learning communities by harnessing the capabilities of young people, as well as the setting up of an active and engaged network of social facilitators through the film and audiovisual work.
The Foundation carries out the following program lines: training; intervention; appropriation of public spaces; diffusion and production. This line of work is an alternative to foster community networks to develop communication skills, analysis and reflection in the various stakeholders of the community, thereby strengthening its organizational and self-development skills.
The foundation has a multidisciplinary team currently working on the projects. These people are responsible for different areas: there is a psychologist, a producer, a programmer, a communicator and an accountant.
In addition, every year about 12 people are hired to assist in the implementation of activities. This group is made up of people who have worked in the past in the festival and some new young people that wish to join the group. Also, each year we have the support of volunteers from different organizations.
The Three Corpse Circus is a forum for horror artists and fans to come together and enjoy their passion of the macabre. Our objective is to promote talent and honor success in the horror genre and to build a thriving horror community in Southeast Michigan that is connected to the world.
In order to keep our patrons safe, this year we are exhibiting an online show with viewer to filmmaker Q & A. during the broadcast.
The 26th Kinoarte Film Festival, to be held from November 14th to December 1st, is receiving applications for its competitive sessions of short films. Films up to 25 minutes long, produced from January 2023 may participate in the Ibero-American, National, Paranaense and Londrinense competitions.
Se abre la convocatoria para la 5º Festival Internacional de Cine Colombiano en Buenos Aires - FICCBA 2023. La inscripción es gratuita y está abierta a:
a) Películas de cualquier metraje realizadas por autores/as colombianos/as (guionistas, directores o productores).
b) Películas de cualquier metraje realizadas por cineastas de cualquier nacionalidad que sean una coproducción entre Colombia y otro país.
c) Películas de cualquier metraje realizadas por cineastas de cualquier nacionalidad cuya temática esté relacionada con Colombia.
d) Películas de cualquier metraje realizadas por autores/as argentinos/as (guionistas, directores o productores).
¡No pierdas la oportunidad de pasar tu película en el 4º Festival Internacional de Cine Colombiano en Buenos Aires - FICCBA 2023!
The Atlanta Jewish Film Festival (AJFF) is a celebration of international and independent cinema, Atlanta’s largest film festival and the world’s premier Jewish film festival attracts nearly 40,000 filmgoers. AJFF showcases a diverse collection of outstanding narrative and documentary works that broadly explore universal themes of identity, history and culture, as well as life in the State of Israel.
Due to uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, dates and exhibition details for next year's Atlanta Jewish Film Festival are under review. Stay tuned for further announcements from AJFF, as we determine when and how to best present the work of filmmakers, while also ensuring a safe and high-quality experience for festivalgoers. Thank you for your support and understanding as the film community navigates this unprecedented situation together.
Coming together to explore new cultures and celebrate creativity will always be important and VIFFMP is the perfect medium for that. Visual literacy is an aptitude for this century and VIFFMP brings together the highest-quality stories to learn from. VIFFMP exists to inspire audiences and keep the excitement alive for cinematic experiences.
VIFFMP is a meeting place for filmmakers and people who are interested in the world in its variety, different approaches to life, film as an art form, a medium and a tool of social expression. VIFFMP offers filmmakers a platform to introduce their work and discuss topics shown in the film as well as the filmmaking process. Helping at the frontline of an increasingly polarized world. Speaking multiple languages, VIFFMP gives the ability to hear a rich diversity of voices from the divided areas.
VIFFMP is not out there just for the sake of films. We enliven with an idealism that enables filmmakers and diverse communities to share their ideas in close personal contact.
The Apatzingán International Film Festival invites Mexican and foreign filmmakers to register their cinematographic work for its fourth edition that will take place from February 20 to 23, 2025 in the city of Apatzingán in Michoacán, Mexico; in its different categories of official competition:
fiction feature film
Any national or foreign fiction production with a free theme, whose final production is from october 2023 to 2025, with a duration of more than 90 minutes, may be registered. These productions may be taken into account even if they have been premiered, participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.
fiction short film
Any national or foreign fiction production with a free theme, whose final production is from october 2023 to 2025, with a duration of one to 31 minutes, may be registered. These productions may be taken into account, even if they have been premiered or participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.
documentary feature
Any national or foreign documentary production with a free theme, whose final production is from october 2023 to 2025 with a duration greater than ninety minutes, may be registered. Said productions may be taken into account even if they have been premiered or participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.
documentary short film
Any national or foreign documentary production with a free theme may be registered, whose final finished production is from october 2023 to 2025, with a duration of one to 31 minutes. Said productions may be taken into account even if they have been premiered or participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.
children's short film
Any national or foreign production of free-themed fiction whose audience is aimed at children, where the final production is from october 2023 to 2025, with a duration of one to forty minutes, may be registered. These productions may be taken into account, even if they have been premiered or participated in other festivals or similar, except that they have applied or selected in the third edition of AFIC.
CATCH THE MOON - International Children & Youth Animated Film Festival is the first festival of this kind in Campania. The project is structured in different activities concerning the education of pupils and teachers and the promotion and spread of animation films for children and youths. It is realised by the association Gioco Immagine e parole in partnership with the association Atalante, organiser of Imaginaria, one of the most important festival in this field at the national and international level, the social enterprise Bepart, based in Milan, which works in the tourist and cultural field developing new multimedia languages in order to create a new way of making use of urban areas, l’Istituto comprensivo 48° Madre Claudia Russo - F. Solimena and l’Istituto comprensivo “47° Sarria-Monti”, as part of the announcement of selection "Cinema per la Scuola –Buone Pratiche, Rassegne e Festival" promoted by MIUR and MiBACT.
CATCH THE MOON – International Children & Youth Animated Film Festival è il primo festival di settore della Campania. Un progetto di formazione, promozione e diffusione del cinema d’animazione per bambini e ragazzi, realizzato dall’associazione Gioco Immagine e parole in partenariato con l’associazione Atalante, organizzatrice di Imaginaria, uno dei più importanti festival di settore a livello nazionale ed internazionale, l’impresa sociale Bepart di Milano che lavora nell’ambito turistico-culturale sviluppando nuovi linguaggi multimediali per una fruizione nuova degli spazi urbani, l’Istituto comprensivo 48° Madre Claudia Russo – F. Solimena el’Istituto comprensivo “47° Sarria-Monti”, nell’ambito del bando: Cinema per la Scuola –Buone Pratiche, Rassegne e Festival, promosso da MIUR e MiBACT.
FRAME OF MIND is an innovative attempt by Schizophrenia Research Foundation (SCARF) a non-governmental organization working in the field of mental health for over 25 years to promote healthy attitudes and increase awareness about mental illnesses and related issues. The primary aim of FRAME OF MIND is to counter the stereotypes and clichéd portrayals of mental illnesses in movies and to promote positive and realistic depictions. To encourage this competition section for short films on various themes related to mental health has been included in every edition of FRAME OF MIND. This is open to students and potential film makers or anyone with a keen interest in the issue.
(Association for Independent Audiovisual Production and distribution registered in the National Register of Associations: 1/Sección Group: 1 / National Number 596006 and registered in the Register of Companies Audiovisual de Catalunya, under audiovisual production with the number 2409 , established in Rosellón Street, 120, 4 º 2 ª, 08036 Barcelona.
We are extremely honored to welcome you to the fifth edition of Shades Festival. The impetus for the festival came from a need to find out and showcase the best of shorts each year.
The last edition concluded on the third week of March 2023 screening 20 short films which got selected from the films sent around the globe.
As in the previous editions we are providing a great platform to showcase your creative works with a great panel of jurors. In this edition we have introduced new category, Documentary
We will continue to raise the bar in standards and we hope you will have an exciting festival this year.
Write to secretary@shadesfestival.org for your concerns.
Asha Achy Joseph
Festival Director
European Cinefest GOLDEN NIKA is a film competition focusing on international independent cinema.
ECGN is located in the Heart of Europe – Germany.
Our mission is to create a platform where both experienced and new filmmakers can share their art and connect to diverse audiences.
We seek to showcase and honor innovative and exciting voices in the European and international film communities. With ten categories, our goal is to recognize a large and diverse selection of films from all genres and from all over the world.
2019 the best films from each category will be screened on one of the most beautiful venues of Potsdam, THALIA CINEMA, a place with longstanding tradition for independent film lovers. The Thalia has always been one of the most exciting cinemas in Potsdam. This is the place for controversial discoveries and heated debate.
Films will be judged by a jury of film industry professionals, that will look for powerful and innovative ideas, creativity, talent and quality, regardless of the experience of those involved in the creation process and the budget of the submitted works.
The CINEGATE Film Festival & Crystal Aurora Awards is a unique Film event for you to Network & to discover future trends.
In October, we will hold our annual CFF&CAA Gala-Event where we will SCREEN the selected films in the OFFICIAL SELECTION, which have a competitive character, for PRESS, FILMMAKERS and general admitted AUDIENCE.
We offer an atmosphere for the film enthusiast to interact with filmmakers as well as filmmakers being able to interact and
network with each other and industry professionals.
For this reason, to provide a platform for appreciative discussion of their work, throughout the time of the FILM SCREENING, SPECIAL EVENTS and VIP AFTER PARTIES will take place.
The festivities will culminate in the announcement of the winners of 2020 CFF&CAA at the glamorous red carpet AWARDS CEREMONY honoring great movie ideas, productions and film & television concepts.
The CFF&CAA was established to showcasing and celebrating the best INDEPENDENT FILMS from already established filmmakers as well as great work from NEW UPCOMING TALENT and artist FROM AROUND THE WORLD and to assisting in the building of a shared artistic experience.
Our principal mission is to bring worthy filmmakers to a wider audience.
We focus on finding diverse independent films with strong characters and storylines, from filmmakers who share their visions in a powerful, creative and entertaining way and encourage all filmmakers to submit their films, regardless of ETHNICITY, RELIGION or WORLDVIEW.
Special attention will be paid to STUDENTS' WORKS which provides significant discounts.
The committee welcome, select and judge all films equally and with great respect and consideration.
Some of the winner films will also be screened at other international film festivals.
Saint Petersburg
>World Panorama DRAMATIC Competition
* Cinema America
* Cinema Europe
* Cinema of Asia and Africa
>World Panorama DOCUMENTARY Competition
>World Panorama ANIMATION Competition
>New Talents
>Student Cinema
>Woman Perspective
>New Horizons
>Activism in Context Competition
* Human Rights
* Environmental
The CINE MUNDO International Festival has as its sole interest and objective the dissemination of cinema in the short film format. All kinds of productions are accepted, whether professional or amateur, and of any year.
The objective of the Festival is to disseminate and at the same time recover quality short film productions and highlight their values, through a careful selection, to share with the general public in a virtual way and if health conditions allow it, perform functions at the same time face-to-face.
Due to the health characteristics that prevail throughout the world and in the local environment, this festival is online dissemination to be able to carry out the best quality material for people and to avoid their attendance in closed places that can violate your physical health
CINE MUNDO opens its registrations for the official competition 2024, which is its 5th edition, and these are its categories:
- Free category maximum 15 min.
- LGTB category and Gender maximum 15 min.
- TERROR category maximum 15 min.
- FICTION SCIENCE category maximum 15 min.
- ANIMATION Category maximum 15 min.
- THRILLER maximum 15 min.
- ECOLOGY Y ENVIRONMENT maximum 15 min.
- HUMAN RIGHTS maximum 15 min.
- HUMOR AND COMEDY maximum 15 min.
Registration is now open for the 13th International Film Festival in Balneário Camboriú, a complete event that presents the best of International and Brazilian cinema to the public.
Programers seek to present the work of new or consolidated directors, who stimulate different types of sensitivity, through feature films, medium format and short films. FICBC also seek innovative audiovisual works made in different production support aimed for different exhibition formats.
Filmmakers, professionals and artists participate in activities with the public and contribute to the development of cinephiles, new professionals and critical thinking.
The Audiovisual Market includes the Screenplay Contest, Co-production Meeting, Directors' Room, Country Focus and others.
The Audiovisual Residency provides workshops, lectures and public debates with artists and professionals.
"Each year FICBC is more complete, never forgetting to give visibility to each selected film. There were many meetings between the public and professionals and between professionals from different countries that made it possible to consolidate new co-productions ”, says André Gevaerd, founder and director of the festival. For the curator, Barbara Sturm, the objective is "to show the best of current art cinema in national and international productions and by placing directors to interact with the public and press."
It is a cultural event with an innovative format that has consolidated itself as an event of great importance. Several media outlets follow its development and place it as an official part of the annual calendar of major film festivals. In ten years, presented important guests such as directors Carlos Sorín, Frederike Jehn, Helene Klotz, Hanna Doose, Beto Brant, Renato Ciasca, Sérgio Machado, Rubens Velloso, Patrícia Moran, Francisco Garcia, Chico Faganello, David Schurmann, artist Hans Op Beeck, actresses Bianca Byington, Paula Braun, Djin Sganzerla, Christiane Tricerri, actors Marcos Azevedo and Ivo Muller, critic Rodrigo Fonseca, among many others, who were present and had direct contact with the public.
Internacional: shows films that make their international or national debut. Short, medium and feature films, from all around the globe, that participate in a competition.
Nacional: Especial for Brazilian productions. Short, medium and feature films.
Live: open to new manifestations of the audiovisual language through new means of production and different exhibition supports. Expanded cinema, live cinema, installations and formats that go beyond the possibilities of the dark room.
Catarina: projects films made by directors from Santa Catarina or who have a relationship - director, producer, cast, crew, location, others - with the state of Santa Catarina.
Nocturnal: opens a window to fantastic cinema at night sessions.
Little Owl: brings programming for all ages, training young film fans.