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The Dead of Night Film Festival is brought to you by Two-Headed Snake Entertainment and The Liverpool Horror Club and is part of the ever growing International horror film festival circuit.
It is currently the only horror film festival in Merseyside, England.
The objective of our festival is to bring new independent horror short and feature length films to the genre loving public of Merseyside.
We know it can be hard for Independent filmmakers to get theatrical releases for their movies and we want to help get them the audience they deserve.
Film festivals are such an important part of independent horror cinema and are the best way to get their movies seen around the globe.
This year we will screen 6 feature films and 15 short films in a cinema auditorium with 75 comfortable seats and an Optoma 8000-lumens projector, plus 5.1 Surround Sound to present an immersive cinematic experience.
We hope you can join us for some horrific movie fun this October.
ZINEBI- International Festival of Documentary adn Short Film of Bilbao
ZINEBI is the only Class A international festival in the documentary and short film category in Spain. It is accredited by the Hollywood Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as a qualifier for the Oscars, for the European Film Academy’s awards, for the British BAFTAs and for the Spanish Academy’s Goyas.
Created in 1959 by the Basque Institute of Hispanic Culture, attached to the Spanish Foreign Ministry, the International Ibero-American and Filipino International Documentary Film Contest (its original name) was devised to follow in the steps of San Sebastián, which had been set up six years earlier. It is the third oldest festival in the Spanish State, after San Sebastián and Valladolid, and the first amongst those in its field. Between 1972 and 1981, it became a platform to discuss Spanish short films and a space for the dissemination of productions from all over the world, and particularly Latin America. In 1974, it was recognised by the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (FIAPF) as a contest of the highest international competitive category. Between 1975 and 1980, it was the ideal forum to discuss the arrival of what would be known as Basque cinema.
In 1981, the festival passed to the hands of Bilbao City Council. Since the year 2000, it embarked on a new era under the ZINEBI brand, when it would consolidate its position as one of the most important international festivals in its speciality. It has strived to be a platform for Spanish and Basque producers and directors and has contributed, as one of its fundamental goals, to internationally promoting the quality and independent films made around the world: films whose creative ambition is not exhausted by merely repeating hackneyed stylistic characteristics. Thanks to these very free and exceptional works, ZINEBI continues to renew its commitment each year to formal experimentation, to the interdisciplinary and hybrid of the new audiovisual productions, to support for the up-and-coming producers, and to filmmakers’ aesthetic and ethical scrutiny of the increasingly more complex realities of our contemporary world.
Throughout its long history, the festival has welcomed to Bilbao some of the most prestigious professionals of independent filmmaking worldwide. The accolades of ZINEBI include the names of Jacques Demy, Richard Lester, Pierre Pérrault, Claude Lelouch, Gian Vittorio Baldi, Carroll Ballard, Fernando Birri, Estela Bravo, Santiago Álvarez, Valeria Sarmiento, Robert L. Drew, Felipe Cazals, Peter Watkins, Peter Mullan, Lourdes Portillo, Avi Mograbi, Sergei Loznitsa, Lászsló Nemes, Nele Wohlatz and Luise Donschen. Thanks to its critical debate and specialisation, the festival has been a test bed for the new trends of contemporary cinema and a useful platform for the most daring filmmakers.
A similar headcount of the ranks of Spanish cinema reveals that the Bilbao Festival has been the launchpad of several generations of filmmakers: Carlos Saura, Basilio M. Patino, Pío Caro Baroja, José Val del Omar, Javier Aguirre, Jaime Chávarri, Francesc Betriu, Nadia Werba, Imanol Uribe, Montxo Armendáriz, Pedro Almodóvar, Julio Medem, Fernando León de Aranoa, Juanma Bajo Ulloa, Javier Rebollo, Santiago Segura, Begoña Vicario, Jon Garaño, José María Goenaga, Virginia García del Pino, Neus Ballús, Koldo Almandoz, Isabel Herguera, Asier Altuna, Izibene Oñederra and Natalia Marín.
The festival’s guests, international jury members and winners of the Mikeldi of Honour, its top annual award, include Peter Greenaway, Ennio Morricone, Jean Rouch, Dino Risi, Luis García Berlanga, Hanna Schygulla, Anna Karina, Jane Birkin, Arturo Ripstein, Elías Querejeta, Richard Lester, Pavel Paulikowski, Márta Mészáros, Jeanne Moreau, Anthony Hopkins, Vannessa Redgrave, Emir Kusturica, Liliana Cavani, Carlos Saura, Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón, Jean-Claude Carrière, Patrice Chéreau, Cecilia Roth, Hirokazu Kore-Eda, Juan Ruiz Anchía, Aki Kaurismäki, Marco Bellocchio, Mariano Llinás, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Wang Bing, Claire Simon, Márta Mészáros, and the Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne brothers.
The different ZINEBI directors down through the years have been: Pedro de Ybarra (1959-1968), José Ignacio Uruñuela (1968-1970), Felipe Alfonso Araico and Adolfo Lafarga (1970-1972), Roberto Negro (1972-1981), Manu Pagola (1981-1985), the Executive Committee made up byr José Julián Bakedano, Ernesto del Río, José Antonio Mingolarra y Santos Zunzunegui (1985-1987), Iñaki Acarregui (1987-1988), Luis Iturri (1988-1998) and Ernesto del Río (1999-2017). Vanesa Fernández Guerra has been the director since 2018.
The festival is currently sponsored and institutionally funded by Bilbao City Council – through the Arriaga Theatre – as the organiser, by the Basque Government’s Department of Culture, by the Spanish Ministry of Culture – through the Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts (ICAA)-, and by Bizkaia Provincial Council. ZINEBI is also supported by private and public entities including Basque Public Television (ETB), Azkuna Zentroa, Golem-Alhóndiga Cinemas, the Fine Arts Museum, Guggenheim Museum, the Sala BBK, the Campos Elíseos Theatre, the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), the French Institute, the Goethe Institute, the SGAE Foundation-Basque Council and the FAS Film Club.
ZINEBI- Festival Internacional de Cine Documental y Cortometraje de Bilbao
ZINEBI es el único festival internacional de Clase A de España en la categoría de documental y cortometraje. Está acreditado por la Academia de Hollywood como calificador para los premios Oscar, para los premios EFA de la Academia del Cine Europeo, para los premios BAFTA de la Academia Británica y para los premios Goya de la Academia Española.
Creado en 1959 por el Instituto Vascongado de Cultura Hispánica, dependiente del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, el Certamen Internacional de Cine Documental Iberoamericano y Filipino de Bilbao (su nombre inicial) fue concebido como hermano menor del Festival de San Sebastián, que había nacido seis años antes. Es, tras el de San Sebastián y el de Valladolid, el tercero más antiguo del Estado y el primero entre los de su especialidad. Entre 1972 y 1981 se convirtió en una plataforma de debate sobre el cortometraje español y en un espacio para la difusión de las cinematografías más variopintas, en especial la latinoamericana. En 1974 obtuvo el reconocimiento de la Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Productores (FIAPF) como certamen de la máxima categoría internacional competitiva, y entre 1975 y 1980 fue el lugar de debate idóneo para el alumbramiento de lo que empezó a conocerse como cine vasco.
A partir de 1981 el festival fue asumido por el Ayuntamiento de Bilbao y desde el año 2000, bajo la marca de ZINEBI, emprendió una nueva época en la que ha consolidado su posición como uno de los festivales internacionales más importantes de su especialidad, desde la que intenta servir de plataforma a realizadores y directoras de Euskadi y el Estado y ha contribuido, como uno de sus objetivos fundamentales, a la promoción internacional del cine independiente y de calidad que se realiza en los cinco continentes: películas cuya ambición creativa no se agota en la repetición de rasgos estilísticos estereotipados, obras muy libres y singulares que permiten a ZINEBI renovar anualmente su apuesta por la experimentación formal, por la condición híbrida e interdisciplinar de las nuevas producciones audiovisuales, el apoyo a los realizadores emergentes, y la indagación ética y estética de los cineastas en las cada vez más complejas realidades de nuestro mundo contemporáneo.
A lo largo de la dilatada historia del festival, han pasado por Bilbao algunos de los más prestigiosos profesionales del cine independiente mundial. En el palmarés de ZINEBI destacan los nombres de Jacques Demy, Richard Lester, Pierre Pérrault, Claude Lelouch, Gian Vittorio Baldi, Carroll Ballard, Fernando Birri, Estela Bravo, Santiago Álvarez, Valeria Sarmiento, Robert L. Drew, Felipe Cazals, Peter Watkins, Peter Mullan, Lourdes Portillo, Avi Mograbi, Sergei Loznitsa, Lászsló Nemes, Nele Wohlatz, Luise Donschen o Fern Silva. El festival, desde el debate crítico y la especialización, ha servido de banco de pruebas de las nuevas tendencias del cine contemporáneo y una plataforma útil para los cineastas más arriesgados.
Un recuento similar entre las filas del cine español, permite señalar que en el Festival de Bilbao han emergido realizadores de varias generaciones distintas: Carlos Saura, Basilio M. Patino, Pío Caro Baroja, José Val del Omar, Javier Aguirre, Jaime Chávarri, Francesc Betriu, Nadia Werba, Imanol Uribe, Montxo Armendáriz, Pedro Almodóvar, Julio Medem, Fernando León de Aranoa, Juanma Bajo Ulloa, Javier Rebollo, Santiago Segura, Begoña Vicario, Jon Garaño, José María Goenaga, Virginia García del Pino, Neus Ballús, Koldo Almandoz, Isabel Herguera, Asier Altuna, Izibene Oñederra o Natalia Marín.
Entre sus invitados, jurados internacionales o galardonados con el Mikeldi de Honor, su máxima distinción anual, están Peter Greenaway, Ennio Morricone, Jean Rouch, Dino Risi, Luis García Berlanga, Hanna Schygulla, Anna Karina, Jane Birkin, Arturo Ripstein, Elías Querejeta, Richard Lester, Pavel Paulikowski, Márta Mészáros, Jeanne Moreau, Anthony Hopkins, Vannessa Redgrave, Emir Kusturica, Liliana Cavani, Carlos Saura, Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón, Jean-Claude Carrière, Patrice Chéreau, Cecilia Roth, Hirokazu Kore-Eda, Juan Ruiz Anchía, Aki Kaurismäki, Marco Bellocchio, Mariano Llinás, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Wang Bing, Claire Simon, Márta Mészáros y los hermanos Jean-Pierre y Luc Dardenne.
Desde su fundación, ZINEBI ha tenido los directores siguientes: Pedro de Ybarra (1959-1968), José Ignacio Uruñuela (1968-1970), Felipe Alfonso Araico y Adolfo Lafarga (1970-1972), Roberto Negro (1972-1981), Manu Pagola (1981-1985), el Comité de Dirección formado por José Julián Bakedano, Ernesto del Río, José Antonio Mingolarra y Santos Zunzunegui (1985-1987), Iñaki Acarregui (1987-1988), Luis Iturri (1988-1998) y Ernesto del Río (1999-2017). Desde 2018 la directora es Vanesa Fernández Guerra.
Actualmente el Festival cuenta con el patrocinio y la financiación institucional del Ayuntamiento de Bilbao –a través del C.A.C. Teatro Arriaga- como organizador, del Departamento de Cultura del Gobierno Vasco, del Ministerio de Cultura –a través del Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales (ICAA)- y de la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia. Además, colaboran con ZINEBI entidades públicas y privadas como la Televisión Pública Vasca (ETB), Azkuna Zentroa, Cines Golem-Alhóndiga, el Museo de Bellas Artes, el Museo Guggenheim, la Sala BBK, el Teatro Campos Elíseos, la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), el Instituto Francés, el Goethe Institut, la Fundación SGAE-Consejo de Euskadi y el Cineclub FAS, entre otros.
The Lebanese Independent Film Festival (LIFF) is an independent festival born in Lebanon, the land of diversity. It emerges from the Mediterranean region and aims to reach a global audience.
The vision of the LIFF is to establish Lebanon as a center for local and international filmmakers to share global perspectives as well as independent thoughts to a large audience through film.
The mission of the LIFF is to promote independent film culture and encourage its development.
It is a platform to support and display the work of artists and filmmakers; a networking event that will bring together international and local professionals along with festivalgoers in a beautiful setting.
Its goal is to enhance cultural growth. With independent films and panels on various topics addressed to a diverse audience, the festival will ensure the promotion of diversity and present an alternative healing tool for the Lebanese society.
It also aims to attract a broader audience and make the festival accessible to those interested in movies but that may live in farther regions.
LIFF will be the first to plan the screening of the same movie in three different regions simultaneously.
The LIFF Lebanese Independent Film Festival is in partnership with A Night Of Misfit Films Film Festival Arizona-USA, CIFF The Canadian Independent Film Festival and the Fantasy Film Festival Paris-France.
From the creators of the Depth of Field International Film Festival, Docs Without Borders Film Festival, and the WRPN.tv Women’s International Film Festival (among a few other successful festivals) and, under the umbrella of the WRPN.tv Network we bring you the Hispanic International Film Festival (HIFF)
Focused since three decades ago on the discovery of new talents and the diversity of contemporary cinema, Granada Film Fest has a special interest in upcoming filmmakers of all nationalities, open to films decided to explore new audiovisual forms regardless of their definition, genre, format or duration.
San Francisco International New Concept Film Festival is a US government approved 501(C) (3) tax-exempt non-profit organization.
Provide an international platform for all film lovers, professional filmmakers and film/media students who love film-making to stand out.
Discover and select potential talents with new technique & skills, who demonstrate the original concept and accelerate their development within the film industry.
Encourage new filmmakers especially young and first-time filmmakers for their new productions. Encourage and celebrate original and insightful screenwriting and new ideas in the film. Accept films in all categories and subject matter.
Make friends and enhance communication through films.
• 2025 The 12th Festival Schedule:
November 1, 2025------November 9, 2025
El Grito is the first and only fantasy and horror film festival in Venezuela.
We are a space that promotes reflection, meeting and training through fantasy and horror films, serving as a platform for their dissemination and promotion as genres that go beyond entertainment, highlighting its poetic value and its own tools to move from different narratives, techniques and themes. Under the initiative of the El Grito Casa Audiovisual (www.elgritoproduce.com), this meeting was born in December 2019 in the city of San Cristobal, Tachira State.
We look for works that transcend narrative, aesthetic and technical languages within the genre, using history as the main element in his audiovisual proposal, demonstrating as an author, a search for new ways of showing situations, conflicts and twists of the screw hand in hand with references from different disciplines that feed its concept.
EL GRITO seeks to raise its voice until it becomes a thunderous noise that shakes our city and summons for years all kinds of nightmares and monsters that can strengthen our worn out humanity sensibility.
More information in elgritoproduce.com
Espanto Film Fest International Horror, Horror, Suspense and Science Fiction Film Festival Volume 7 will take place from October 29 to November 5, 2025 in person and virtually by streaming through our Planiferio platform, taking place in several States of the Mexican Republic.
Having a program focused on the best of independent horror cinema in international feature films, we are the ones who give the highest percentage of screen to Mexican feature films and short films, in addition to the script sections for short films, feature films, international short films, Ibero-American section, LGBTIQ+ and experimental and/or university short films with a duration of no more than 25 minutes, in addition to Espantito shorts made by children, and the new category of video games, all production must be from 2024 to date all with horror, horror, suspense, science fiction, fantasy and all its subgenres.
The Crevillent Short Film Festival, organized by the Creadores de Crevillent Association and the Hon. City Council of Crevillent, announces the guidelines for competing for the awards of its fifth edition, to be held on June 6 and 7, 2025.
The aim of the competition is to promote short films. Culture is considered a source of wealth, and in this sense, fostering local cultural offerings also contributes to the economic and local development of our municipality. In this fifth edition, the goal is also to continue encouraging the creation of short films within the local category, showcasing the municipality's culture and further enriching the cultural scene.
5ª edición del SEX EDUCATION FILM FESTIVAL, festival internacional de cortometrajes de educación sexual.
El Sex Education Film Festival nace en una época de controversia. En la que en las escuelas y en la sociedad en general se debate sobre si se debe recibir o no una educación sexual. El Sex Education Film Festival se compromete con la educación y tiene dos selecciones oficiales una para adultos y otra para jóvenes y así mostrada en centros escolares de secundaria.
Cortomontagna prize is exclusively dedicated to short films.
The prize’s main theme is Mountain life, told and documented through a video that expresses the author's point of view and interpretation.
Possible takes on the main theme can range from the narration of sporting activities (skiing, climbing, hiking - for example), to naturalistic-environmental themes, to facts and life stories of communities or mountain territories.
Everyone can take part in this competition.
The International Festival of University Short Films ''CINESTESIA FEST' is an international cultural space that was born in 2017 at the Los Libertadores University Foundation, located in Bogotá, Cartagena, Colombia.
The main objective is to offer spaces to new audiovisual filmmakers and students affiliated to a University from any country in the world, to be able to exhibit their projects, generate ties of recognition and reflection, the training of audiences. It stands out, among other things, having international guests of high prestige such as the nominees for the Goya awards (Mario Campoy, Nacho Rui Pérez, David Desola, Jose Luis Pechorroman, Jonas Trueba) the Colombians (Harold trumpeter, Miguel Urrutia, Aida Morales, Santiago Henao, Jaime Manrique, Jose Alejandro González, Andrés Valencia, Laura Gutiérrez and Jimena Prieto) among others
The Festival annually takes place in the month of October in Bogotá and Cartagena, Colombia, granting the statuette called Kinesthesia recognition to international university talent.
Festival of fantasy and horror genre shorts, open to all types of filmmakers, whether professionals or amateurs. The festival will be held in the town of Roses (Spain), from November 13 to 16, 2025. We accept short films of the Fantastic, Horror, Animation, Gore, Freak and Trash genres.
La GEEK SHOCK CINEMA, on Sunday the 17th we will hold a marathon of short films, we are looking for underground, festival, comedy, gore and fantastic short films, fake trailers, so that the public can have fun, and shout at the screen, These short films that are selected WILL NOT ENTER THE COMPETITION, participation will be free, but we repeat, THEY WILL NOT ENTER THE COMPETITION, it will only be screened in said marathon, with a maximum of 15 minutes.
Cortos en Grande Short Film Festival is an event organized by Fundación Viart and Balmaceda Arte Joven that seeks to promote young creation and give a new opportunity to new generations of filmmakers, highlighting and rewarding their work and talent. Its main objective is to be a platform for dissemination and real support for the development of emerging cinema, providing its filmmakers with a space for the presentation and development of their artistic proposals.
Founded in 1961, Amnesty International is an independent NGO that works for the defense of human rights all over the world. Through our field researches, conscious raising campaigns, petitions and letters, and public human rights advocacy, we work for a world in which every human being is entitled to the rights stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in other international texts.
Accordingly, our campaigns focus on themes such as the liberty of expression, women’s rights, children’s rights, refugees and migrant’s rights, discriminations, impunity, the death penalty amongst others.
Cinema has always been and will always be a way in which human rights violations can be exposed and denounced. For that, Amnesty International France is pleased to announce the opening of submissions f edition of its annual cinema festival “Au Cinéma pour les droits humains” (To Cinema for Human Rights), which will take place in March 2019. The festival takes place each year in different cities of the south of France and with last year’s edition having had more than 3800 members at the audience. Therefore, we are searching for different entries for our festival. We are searching for films that touch on one or several human rights issues that are connected to any of our campaigns, such as the liberty of expression, women’s rights, impunity, and discriminations amongst other things.
If you feel that your film speaks of one or several major human rights issues, and you wish to submit it for selection, then please do send us a link this address in order to review it: acdhamnesty@gmail.com Also, please make sure that the film contains FRENCH SUBTITLES OR IS IN FRENCH LANGAGE. Once our selection committee has a decision, then we will notify you as soon as possible
Official Website:
Official Email Address:
film@gzdoc.cn / screen@gzdoc.cn / project@gzdoc.cn / docshop@gzdoc.cn
1.All emails should be regarded as official only when they are sent from the official email addresses listed above. Please do not make a promotion of selection if you only get an email from Festhome without any confirmation from our official email address.
2.We will only notify selected films by film@gzdoc.cn. If you haven't been notified by email by the end of November, it means your film has not been selected.
Introduction of GZDOC Four Main Sessions:
GZDOC is the only state-level professional platform with documentary financing and trading functions and has become the pioneer in China's documentary industry, showcasing national industrial policies and international development trends. Dedicated to the documentary festival for two decades, GZDOC has turned into a comprehensive cultural event integrating competition, screening, pitching, training, forums, and market.
①Golden Kapok Award Competition
The Competition section is dedicated to honor outstanding documentaries that can promote the exchange of various cultures, communicate universal emotions and values through excellent filmmaking techniques and high-level production. This section does not contain any public screenings. If the production team has the intent to do so, please also register for the screening section.
②Golden Kapok Screening
This is the non-competitive screening section that aims at presenting a variety of documentary films to the public, showing the audience the latest films with brilliant story-telling skills, authentic expressions, or experimental narratives.
GZDOC recruits work-in-progress projects for and from global market.
The 21st edition will invite Chinese and international buyers, broadcasters and key players from the industry as the decision makers, in the aims of developing the pre-sale, co-production and commission of documentary projects.
The DOCSHOP is a year-round marketplace for filmmakers, distributors, buyers and commissioners, etc. It contains three kinds of copyright cooperation modes:
1) On-demand Screening System
The DOCSHOP will set aside a screening area at the GZDOC venue. Participants will watch the films submitted to DOCSHOP through the on-demand screening system. Screening reports will then be generated, recording the viewers' purchasing interests. GZDOC staff will process these requests after the festival.
If necessary, the DOCSHOP will also set up an online on-demand screening system on official website(www.gzdoc.cn). The online on-demand system will be only available for registered guest, and only release film trailers.
2) Daily Operation
The GZDOC DOCSHOP will keep recommending films to various platforms in a bid to facilitate trades throughout the year.
3) Industry Screenings
Industry Screenings are film screenings at the GZDOC venue for registered delegates and industry professionals. On the spot publicity could be arranged, in a bid to promote the films.
The 9th Ajayu International Animation Festival is a cultural event organized by Sapa Inti Studios and the Ajayu Cinematographic Association. For the ninth consecutive year, it stands as the only animation festival in Peru, carrying out hybrid film and educational activities from the highest point of the Peruvian highlands to the world.
This event, which also includes various cultural activities, has become a crucial event for the Animation industry in our country over the years, also promoting the cultural and tourist industry in the southern region of Peru. Additionally, through our in-person activities, we aim to boost tourism in our region by creating a tourist route with a cultural and historical focus.
This year's festival will take place from October 2 to October 5, 2024, renewing the commitment to showcase the artistic expression of animation.
Participants include artists from the animated audiovisual field and other disciplines, from the Puno region, Peru, and various countries around the world, who through their expression make each edition a contemporary Andean experience.
The 360 VR and AR festival, the first Virtual Reality film festival held in Spain, will celebrate its 8th edition on September 25, 26, and 27, 2024, in which the quality and innovation of the films will be rewarded. national and international virtual reality short films.
The contest is organized by Mecal, which organizes Mecal Pro, the Barcelona International Short Film and Animation Festival.
Contest is open to everyone !
Topic of the contest is "The Dream life".
You can submit your any type of film up to 15 minutes max.
Festival Atmospheres uses all kinds of art forms in order to arouse afterthought and commitment to an accessible and constructive sustainable development.
The Ciudad Madero International Film Festival (FICCMADERO) calls on Mexican and international producers and filmmakers to submit their short and feature films to the 99th Edition of the Festival, which will take place from November 19 to 22, 2025.