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Festival of the first European films.
Organized by FIDEC, Les Enfants Terribles is a young film festival dedicated to the first European films.
The International Festival of Children and Youth Film CALIBELULA, FICIJCALIBELULA - is created through a group of friends who love cinema, who see the need to generate new exhibition and training spaces, for a very special audience that is children and young people .
The purpose is to train audiences through cinematographic audiovisual material made by and for children, youth and adults that promotes conflict resolution and peaceful coexistence through the construction of values and principles.
Generate new exhibition alternatives that consolidate processes of formation and creation expressed in the production and audiovisual realization, with understanding and critical sensitivity, trying with this to involve from an early age this target population through the cinema as an artistic expression.
This Festival is a meeting place for the filmmakers, their works and the children's audience as well as a point of formation for young audiences, teachers and professionals of the area, making the Festival a promoter of reflection on the audiovisual media and the role they play with our children.
The conditions described below correspond to the requirements proposed by EUREKA University Film Festival and its programming team. The registration and selection of audiovisual pieces sent by those students and filmmakers who would like to be part of the official programming depend on these requirements, bases and conditions.
EUREKA University Film Festival is an event initially organized by students from the University Jorge Tadeo Lozano of Bogota and students from different universities in Colombia. The festival will take place from September 01 to 08, 2023 in the city of Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
The call for entries will be open from March 11st until June 01rd, 2023. The only platform we will enable to receive the audiovisual material will be :
We will not receive short films through other channels unless the platform may present an inconvenience around your application, in this case you can send us the materials of your short film to the following email:
The materials to be sent in those cases are:
-Two (2) copies of the short film
One (1) in códec ProRes 422, contained as .MOV o .MP4 with a minimum resolution of Full HD 1920x1080px.
One (1) in códec H264, contained as .MOV o .MP4 with a minimum resolution of full HD 1920x1080px.
-Subtitles in Spanish and English in a .srt file
-PDF file with the Technical Sheet
-Trailer (if available)
-Official Poster
-3 Stills
-Director and Producer’s picture
-PDF file with Profiles for both Director and Producer
-Instagram account of Director, Producer or Short Film Distributor
You can attach these materials through the platform of your preference, for example: WeTransfer, MyAirBridge, Filemail, etc.
Additionally, the programming team may request short films that they consider should be part of the call by means of the official mail and the festival reserves the power to make direct invitations to outstanding works.
Showcase your film at the San Diego International Film Festival! Mix & mingle with film lovers as you network with filmmakers and celebrities from across the globe. Our festival features 5 days of films, networking, parties and panels that represent the very best in cinematic storytelling. Set in vibrant downtown San Diego and La Jolla; and just steps from the beach... San Diego offers a big city vibe mixed with California style restaurants, brew pubs and stunning natural scenery.
Just 120 miles south of Los Angeles/Hollywood, the San Diego International Film Festival (SDiFF) has quickly become a favorite of industry insiders and celebrities. You’ve worked so hard to create a compelling film...why not showcase it in “America’s Finest City”?
Notable features of the festival include:
- Opportunities to network with industry professionals AND audiences
- Unique parties in iconic San Diego locales
- Walkable villages with VIP lounges - perfect to mix & mingle in 120+ independent films and sneak peeks at Oscar worthy film premieres.
- Highlighted Curated Film Tracks include: Environmental, Social Impact, American Indian, Equestrian, and Military.
The Rock Horror Film Festival is more than a film festival, it’s an event that unites the best of the horror, thriller, and fantasy films with rock & roll in a big party for moviegoers who love music, and cinema. Prepare your heart for scaring and exciting nights filled with the best of the national and international thrillers, and a lot of rock & roll.
The festival will also have a team of international professionals in pannels, workshops and round tables about cinema in different areas such as: production, photography, directing, acting, makeup, soundtrack, among others.
The festival organize round tables with the participation od the directors, actors and professionals.
ABYCINE – FESTIVAL Y MERCADO DE CINE INDEPENDIENTE DE ALBACETE tiene entre sus objetivos fundamentales la difusión y promoción de películas y cortometrajes de categoría artística que, por una u otra razón, no disfrutan de la distribución regular en los circuitos convencionales de exhibición.
El Festival trata de cubrir, en la medida de lo posible, este importante vacío, siendo otro de sus objetivos, y no de menor importancia, presentar una selección de películas participantes que atiendan las nuevas corrientes del cine joven contemporáneo, el fenómeno “indie” en el cine español y la educación de la mirada en las nuevas generaciones de espectadores.
LesGaiCineMad Madrid International LGBTI+ Film Festival is a LGTBI+ Film Festival in seen in Spanish Speaking countries. The inaugural edition was held in 1996. With an estimated audience of more than 10,000 spectators, it is a well attended festival by members of the Community of Madrid and is covered by the Spanish Press.
CROSSING THE SCREEN is an international film festival meant to showcase innovative and independent forms of visual art from all over the world.
The Festival is devoted to discovering and celebrating unique voices and up-and-coming new cinema talents, who are not afraid to transcend traditional storytelling.
IMPORTANT CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: Due to the current Coronavirus outbreak, in the best interest of public health, we have decided to move our 5th edition online. We have also revised our submission rules. Please check them before submitting.
Born as the Amateur Film Festival of Vilagarcía in 1973, the Curtas Film Fest has been held uninterruptedly in Vilagarcía de Arousa. It’s the film festival dean of Galicia and one of the contests with more tradition of Spain. Specialized in fantastic cinema.
Most Festival is an annual event that aims to showcase the best international audiovisual work linked to viniculture, wine and cava. At the same time, the festival aims to make a toast for good cinema by projecting unreleased films by great authors.
Held in the Penedès, a zone very close to Barcelona (Spain) with a long winemaking tradition and several wine-related tourist attractions, the festival wants to promote viniculture and arts linked to wine and cava through audiovisual works and also explore all aspects of winemaking, especially values such as quality, diversity, wine tourism and ties to the region.
The nineth La Serena International Film Festival, FECILS, is a competitive audiovisual contest, which will take place from November 05 to 09, 2024, in the Coquimbo region. It seeks to support the production and dissemination of regional, national and Latin American audiovisual activity, and thus contribute to decentralization, promoting the meeting and training of regional filmmakers and producers. With these actions, FECILS seeks to establish itself as a cultural event that, in addition to generating film exhibition spaces in the Coquimbo region, applies its emphasis on generating new audiences. FECILS 2024 has an audiovisual extension program that will reach the different spaces of the communes of the region.
After the good acceptance obtained in the XII previous editions of the festival of short films 4' SHORT ... and to continue with the idea and intention and opportunity to accommodate the different areas of artistic expression, Alcorac 1,968 Cultural Association invites all those who wish to participate in " THE XII INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL SHORT 4' ... "
It got started in the year 1.959 and organized by the Cultural Department of Bilbao City Hall, ZINEBI will celebrate its 66th edition from the 8th up to the 15th of November, 2024.
It is the only international Class A festival in Spain in the documentary and short film category recognised by FIAPF since 1974, recognised by the Hollywood Academy as a qualifier for the Oscars among the short films from the official palmares and qualifier as well by the Spanish Academy for the BAFTA Awards and the GOYA Awards.
ZINEBI is a festival which holds all the most current forms and formats, innovative and suggestive and that is making a steady bet for the emerging authors. The line-up of the international schedule (documentary, animation and fiction) and its section ZIFF-ZINEBI FIRST FILM, dedicated to first works, are their really distinguishing mark. Honour Mikeldis are also remarkable, which recognise the prestigious career of distinguising international directors and the strict selections of its sections BEAUTIFUL DOCS, dedicated to the most relevant contemporary features and BERTOKO BEGIRADAK, a section dedicated to the Basque documentary feature films from a recent production. Besides, every year it´s celebrated the profesional encounter entitled ZINEBI INDUSTRY- NETWORKING, dedicated to promote the audiovisual Basque industry.
The 19th GwangHwaMun International Short Film Festival(GISFF2021, former Asiana International Short Film Festival) is presented by the GwangHwaMun Executive Committee.
The registration of a film in the competition selection process of the festival indicates the full acceptance of these bases. The organization of the Festival will resolve in an unappealable manner with respect to any matter included in this regulation or its interpretation. The sender of the film authorizes FEDOCHI to select some sequences not exceeding three minutes that can be broadcast by TV, within the framework of programs and spots that disseminate the festival.
The 14th version of the Documentary Film Festival of Chiloe will take place between November 5 and 10, 2018.
The SITGES - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia is a specialized, competitive fantastic genre Festival in accordance with the regulations established by the FIAPF (International Federation of Film Producers Associations). The Festival has also been declared a “Qualified Festival” by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences® in the United States. This means that those shorts winning the awards for “Best Short Film” in the Official Fantàstic Selection and “Best Short Film” in the Anima’t category will automatically be taken into consideration by the Hollywood Academy Awards® selection committee.
It is in the air the 8 ˚ Festival Celucine de Micrometragens, of audiovisual content lasting between 30 seconds and 3 minutes, recorded on digital platforms such as cameras of mobile phones, tablets, cameras and digital camera.