Logo of Hacelo Corto Film Festival

20 Jul 2019

Published: 19 Jul 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Hacelo Corto. Cortometrajes realizados por y para niños y jóvenes

Hacelo Corto Film Festival

Capital Federal, Argentina

Created in 2002, the Hacelo Corto Festival has founded a privileged space to enjoy the productions of children and young people in fiction, documentary and animation formats.
Through this Festival, the precious relationship between education and culture is underlined. The possibility of learning to film and film by learning, the opportunity to be both public and producers, to see their short films in the cinema and share these valuable educational experiences with society.

The goal is to open the registration to producers and filmmakers of short films aimed at children and young people who wish to participate in the event and have the possibility of being evaluated and awarded by a children and youth jury.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Noto International Film Festival, Premio Mario Monicelli Alla Miglior Regia – IX Edition 2024

20 Jul 2019

Published: 19 Jul 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Noto International Film Festival, Premio Mario Monicelli Alla Miglior Regia – IX Edizione 2025

Noto International Film Festival, Premio Mario Monicelli Alla Miglior Regia – IX Edition 2024

Noto, Italy

Magnetic Film Association is proud to announce the short film festival “N.I.F.F. Noto International Film Festival” 2024 VIII edition
Festival is dedicated to any short movies created in any format and opened to all Italians and foreigner authors.

N.I.F.F will award the prestigious “MARIO MONICELLI” award for the best direction.

The technical jury appointed by the organizers of MAGNETIC FILM PRODUCTION will be composed of artist and workers in the field of cinematography, music and journalism field, chaired by film critic Giuseppe Liotta.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of HARD:LINE International Film Festival

20 Jul 2019

Published: 19 Jul 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of HARD:LINE International Film Festival

Banner HARD:LINE International Film Festival

HARD:LINE International Film Festival

Regensburg, Germany

HARD:LINE International Film Festival aims to present the various faces of extreme cinema.

The question as to what is meant by the term “extreme” can be understood by looking at the content of our wide selection of fantastic films. “Extreme” is often defined by an explicit splatter aesthetic but it can also be represented by unusual story-telling methods or an exotic visual language. Thus, we are meticulously selecting such examples that could be important in the future of the genre. We have not set any boundaries in our search and whether a film is a pearl of the independent scene, fun splatter or no-brainer, H:LIFF loves special films!

HARD:LINE International Film Festival is no warehouse festival where the priority is to show as many films as possible but rather concentrates on presenting a few glowing examples of everything that extreme film can be.



You and your work are the reasons why we do exist!


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival


Logo of Bogota International Documentary Film Festival

20 Jul 2019

Published: 19 Jul 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Muestra Internacional Documental De Bogotá

Bogota International Documentary Film Festival

Bogotá, Colombia

The Bogotá International Documentary Film Festival (MIDBO), organized by the Colombian Documentary Filmmakers Corporation ALADOS, is an event specialized in documentaries that over the past 26 years has consolidated itself in Colombia and Latin America as a fundamental space for exhibition, dialogue, and thought around non-fiction audiovisual works.

For the 27th edition of MIDBO, we invite filmmakers and producers to submit their audiovisual works for the 2025 film call and to participate in various training and discussion spaces that will be held both virtually and in person during the event.

This year, the 27th edition of MIDBO will take place from October 29 to November 7 in Bogotá, Colombia. The event will tour different regions of the country throughout the year, maintaining our "Martes MIDBO-ALADOS" screening series in various partner venues.

After 26 editions, MIDBO continues to work on creating an event that fosters and trusts in reflection on documentaries, the ways in which we approach reality, with our main interest being the many ways of documenting the world. Committed to the goal of unraveling the complexity of a reality that exceeds us, we continue to build each year the ideal space to meet and reflect on documentary work.

For 2025, we maintain our interest in promoting creation and recognizing the efforts of filmmakers by offering two competitive sections: one for Ibero-American feature films and another for national short films. We will award the prize for Best Ibero-American Documentary Feature, for films longer than 60 minutes made in Ibero-America, and the prize for Best National Documentary Short, for films no longer than 30 minutes made in Colombia or by a Colombian. The jury for each competition will be announced one month before the event and will consist of three (3) artists, filmmakers, writers, critics, or cultural managers.

*** We are committed to being an inclusive event, so we will pay special attention to films that include audio description for blind individuals, closed captions, or inclusive subtitles for deaf audiences. ***


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

Logo of Macau International Short Film Festival

20 Jul 2019

Published: 19 Jul 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Macau International Short Film Festival

Macau International Short Film Festival

Macau, Macao

MACAU INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILM FESTIVAL (“FESTIVAL”) is an annual worldwide audio-visual festival that aims to motivate overseas and Macau short film and music videos productions to compete in this FESTIVAL.

The Festival was previously known as "Sound & Image Challenge" and was first launched in 2010 focusing only on an audiovisual competition for local talent. This initiative was co-founded with professionals in film, music, sound and image fields, with two priorities: to promote the Creative Industries in the audiovisual sector and highlight the local talents in the production of sound and moving image design. Over the years, it expanded across 5 continents, grew and gained recognition, and finally became a short film festival in 2015.

The Festival will be held from 1 to 9 December 2025. A series of cultural programs will be scheduled in venues throughout Macau during the Festival week, such as public screenings of “SHORTS & VOLUME” official selection, Masterclasses of film production, development, International Film Festival curatorship and organising; audience voting for “Audience Award”; as well as gala awards ceremony.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Music Video

Logo of Almagro International Film Festival AIFF

19 Jul 2019

Published: 18 Jul 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Almagro International Film Festival AIFF

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Almagro

Almagro International Film Festival AIFF

Almagro, Spain

In 2018, Almagro International Film Festival -AIFF- born with the aim of establishing a useful platform for the promotion of the audiovisual industry: a space and time for dissemination and promotion of audiovisual content, transforming the city of Almagro into a meeting point for filmmakers, favoring the exchange of initiatives and promoting a market open to the development of new projects.

AIFF will provide a showcase for the most interesting short format projects done within the last recent months, constituting an standard of quality and high level of commitment to the society & culture of Audiovisual Arts. In addition, the Festival has opened an important window to formats created for online distribution, bringing support to one of the most active and emerging sectors of the audiovisual industry: Internet.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


19 Jul 2019

Published: 18 Jul 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films


Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Navarra - NIFF


Pamplona, Spain

NIFF is a space for criticism, denunciation, impact and social growth through the dissemination and promotion of cinema.

NIFF aims to be a statement against non-involvement, disregard and lack of commitment, which is the real disease of this century, where we produce more than we can consume, and happiness is subject to the law of supply and demand.

NIFF was born with the intention of triggering, debating the issues that are hidden under appearances and confronting the public with the social realities that show each individual as a part of those that make us complex, unique and human.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of Planet On - International Environmental Film Festival

19 Jul 2019

Published: 18 Jul 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Planet On - Festival Internacional de Cine Ambiental

Planet On - International Environmental Film Festival

Bogota, Colombia

September | 2025


Colombia becomes the stage for discussing current environmental issues. For this purpose, Planet On proposes a dialogue between filmmakers, scientists, industry, and the public through cinematic works and a short film competition. It aims to provide a necessary space where people can narrate, from their perspective, the various environmental challenges humanity faces.

Planet On seeks to find the best stories about illegal wildlife trade and the protection of fauna in Latin America, as well as any other environmental issues participants wish to address.

The IX edition of the Planet On International Environmental Film Festival will be the ideal place where we will gather to reflect on the impact these issues have on our lives and, of course, to celebrate the best audiovisual works.

The Festival considers creativity and the free expression of artists as fundamental elements for understanding reality. For this reason, Planet On will require the participating works in the different categories to meet the relevance, quality, and environmental and cinematic importance.

The call is open for both national and international short films and feature films.

Call for Entries Dates

December 1, 2024

April 30, 2025

Announcement of Selected Works:
June 2025

All sections available on the FestHome platform will receive projects until 24:00, Colombian time, April 30, 2025.

NOTE: Participation in the call does not imply the acceptance of works as part of the official selection or as winners of benefits and/or prizes until selected by the Planet On Curatorial Committee.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of Panorámica, International Independent Film Festival

19 Jul 2019

Published: 18 Jul 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Panorámica, Muestra Internacional De Cine Independiente

Panorámica, International Independent Film Festival

Mexico City, Mexico

Panorámica, International Independent Film Festival invites students of cinema, visual arts and communication, independent filmmakers, amateurs and professionals, from all around the world, to participate in PANORÁMICA 7th Edition 2020, which will be screened in several venues in Mexico City.

Panorámica is a spot for the promotion and display of cinematographic works. This event is a non-profit organisation, and its main priority is the independent cinema created by emerging filmmakers from all over the world.

The main aim of the Festival is to provide to new filmmakers the possibility of making their works widely known, and thus to facilitate a dialogue between the author and its audience. In order to make this happen, Panorámica will conduct Q&A sessions between the author, the festival’s crew/cast and the audience; these sessions will take place during the Festival.

We recognize the filmmakers' work by giving them a certificate for their participation. There will not be a physical or monetary award.

Opel call for entries: February 1st to Nov 15th.
Notification day: December 5th.
To be screened on 2021.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Maratón de Cine Fantástico y de Terror de Sants (Barcelona)

19 Jul 2019

Published: 18 Jul 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Marató De Cinema Fantàstic I De Terror De Sants (Barcelona)

Maratón de Cine Fantástico y de Terror de Sants (Barcelona)

Barcelona, Spain

Fantasy and Horror Film Festival.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Chulpicine Film Festival for Children and Youth

19 Jul 2019

Published: 18 Jul 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Infantil Y Juvenil Chulpicine

Chulpicine Film Festival for Children and Youth

Quito, Ecuador

Chulpicine began its work in 2002 with the first ever Itinerant Children & Youth Film Festival in Quito. The warm welcome that the project received allowed the festival to become an annual event during the months of July to September, bringing an educational and entertaining event at no cost, to sectors with few cultural activities.

Thanks to the positive reaction, Chulpicine became a cultural and educational non-profit foundation in June 2004. After more than 10 years of experience, Chulpicine have reach a stable proposal and working methodology that has spread at national level. The Festival has promoted the creation of coaching staff; cultural managers working in different communities; and a large group of followers.

Chulpicine has designed a set of activities and workshops for institutions, community organizations or outreach workers to educate and train in different areas related to cinema, audiovisual, communication and Internet used as social intervention tools. These activities and workshops have been the beginning of a formation of learning communities by harnessing the capabilities of young people, as well as the setting up of an active and engaged network of social facilitators through the film and audiovisual work.

The Foundation carries out the following program lines: training; intervention; appropriation of public spaces; diffusion and production. This line of work is an alternative to foster community networks to develop communication skills, analysis and reflection in the various stakeholders of the community, thereby strengthening its organizational and self-development skills.

The foundation has a multidisciplinary team currently working on the projects. These people are responsible for different areas: there is a psychologist, a producer, a programmer, a communicator and an accountant.

In addition, every year about 12 people are hired to assist in the implementation of activities. This group is made up of people who have worked in the past in the festival and some new young people that wish to join the group. Also, each year we have the support of volunteers from different organizations.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of 24fps International Short Film Festival

19 Jul 2019

Published: 18 Jul 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner 24fps International Short Film Festival

24fps International Short Film Festival

Abilene, United States

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Kalaburagi International Short-Film Festival

18 Jul 2019

Published: 17 Jul 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Kalaburagi International Short-Film Festival

Banner Kalaburagi International Short-Film Festival

Kalaburagi International Short-Film Festival

Kalaburagi, India

North Karnataka's first ever film festival is being presented by "Manomay Productions LLP" for our people. The main aim of this film festival is to help young and talented filmmakers to showcase their story to the world.

Citizens of Hyderabad Karnataka are really good in Theatre, Writing, Acting, and also in Direction, to showcase their talent, Kalaburagi Film festival will play a very important role.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Northeast Film Festival

17 Jul 2019

Published: 16 Jul 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Northeast Film Festival

Northeast Film Festival

Teaneck, United States

Now in its thirteenth year, the Northeast Film Festival showcases top independent films from filmmakers, as well as new talent. The diverse array of films, selected by a committee, includes features and shorts from all genres, as well as documentaries and screenplays. The festival is hosted in Teaneck New Jersey at the historic Teaneck Cinemas; with planned parties to kick off the festival in style and spirit. In addition, we offer an atmosphere for the film enthusiast to interact with filmmakers as well as filmmakers being able to interact and network with each other and industry professionals.

The festival includes after parties, to offer opportunities for interacting and networking with other filmmakers, actors, and film festival goers. In past years, Harry Lennix, Lloyd Kaufman, Danny Roebuck, Matthew Modine, Vinnie Pastore, David Harris, Robert Clohessy, Brian O'Halloran, Fatima Ptacek, Gianni Russo, Duane Whitaker, Jefferson White, producers from NBC, among many others attended the festival's after parties (and festival).

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Semillero -Concurso Nacional de Cortometrajes de Temática Ambiental

16 Jul 2019

Published: 15 Jul 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Semillero Green Film Fest - Concurso Nacional de Cortometrajes de Temática Ambiental

Semillero -Concurso Nacional de Cortometrajes de Temática Ambiental

Tigre, Argentina

Semillero Green Film Fest 2020 es la 10º edición del Concurso Nacional de Cortometrajes de Temática Ambiental. Su objetivo principal es fomentar la creatividad y apoyar la realización nacional independiente de obras audiovisuales cuyo contenido esté referido a la temática ambiental.
El concurso posee dos categorías de participación:

Incluye a todas aquellas personas residentes en la Argentina, con domicilio acreditable en el país, o de nacionalidad argentina y que residan en el exterior, mayores de 18 años, a través de la presentación de una o más obras.

Incluye a todos los niños y niñas de nacionalidad argentina de entre 5 y 13 años, que estudien en las escuelas de educación primaria de todo el país, a través de la presentación de una o más obras. Se podrán presentar también las escuelas primarias de todo el país, tanto de gestión pública como privada.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of Maipú International Film Festival | FICMAI

15 Jul 2019

Published: 14 Jul 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine de Maipú | FICMAI

Maipú International Film Festival | FICMAI

Maipú, Argentina

The Maipú International Film Festival - FICMAI, shall be held from October 2 to 8, 2023, in the city of Maipú, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

FICMAI aims to disseminate high-quality and top-notch technical content, accessible to all kinds of audiences, with a diverse and entertaining programme that allows cultural enrichment, encounter, reflection, and amusement. An annual meeting place for the city and a space for the exhibition of local productions.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Mostra La Ploma. International Film and Culture Festival for Sexual, Gender and Family Diversity.

15 Jul 2019

Published: 14 Jul 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Mostra la Ploma. Festival Internacional De Cinema i Cultura Per La Diversitat Sexual, De Gènere i Familiar

Mostra La Ploma. International Film and Culture Festival for Sexual, Gender and Family Diversity.

València, Spain

Mostra La Ploma is a cinema and culture festival organized by Lambda (LGBT+ association).

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary

Logo of ANIMATOR FEST -European youth festival of animated film

15 Jul 2019

Published: 14 Jul 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films


ANIMATOR FEST -European youth festival of animated film

Jagodina, Serbia

Organized by the Cultural centre "Svetozar Markovic" in Jagodina (Serbia) Animator fest was founded in 2013. and is supported by the Serbian Ministry of Culture and Information.

The festival is aimed at promoting the art of animation from European countries and serves as a place of gathering for young people willing to exchange and build new creative ideas.

The festival’s programme represents youth film production of schools and individual authors divided into 2 categories: authors under 15 years of age and authors 15 to 18 years old.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of WORLD FEST FEST 2020

15 Jul 2019

Published: 14 Jul 2019
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner World Fest Fest - Festival Delle Feste 2020


Cuneo, Italy

Casa Delfino onlus Foundation is proud to present the 11th edition of WORLD FEST FEST.
The WORLD FEST FEST is "short-documentary" film festival that promotes the potential of the moving picture as a tool to spread culture and as a social gathering. It supportes sperimentation in favour of the expression of the author, audiovisual quality and the new generations' creativity.

It also aims at the contribution to the quality of the celebrations by hosting events that are especially interesting in many cultural aspects and promoting a constructive dialogue among them.We also want to create a dialogue among different customs and traditions.

The WORLD FEST FEST 2020 will take place in Cuneo (Italy), on Sunday 6th September 2020.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Experimental

Logo of Festival Internacional de Cine Luz del Desierto

15 Jul 2019

Published: 14 Jul 2019
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Luz Del Desierto

Festival Internacional de Cine Luz del Desierto

Avellaneda, Argentina

The Luz del Desierto International Festival is an audiovisual Festival that aims to promote cinema within the country and abroad. The festival will take place in october with competition for feature films and short films, both fiction, animation and documentary. There will also be talks and workshops.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation