31 Jul 2024

Published: 29 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Por La Memoria Democrática


Madrid, Spain

FESCIMED was born with the desire to consolidate itself as a reference in the panorama of short film festivals organized in Spain in order to help raise awareness of the need to deepen and protect the values ​​that underpin justice, freedom and democracy. As a film festival, it is a tool for the promotion of Human Rights in various aspects, ranging from the exhibition and compilation of audiovisual material on the subject of the Right to the Truth as a file, to the programming of debates, performances, exhibitions and lectures on the subject of the hands of historians, filmmakers, journalists and any other culture professional in order to foster dialogue.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of New Renaissance Film Festival London 2025

31 Jul 2024

Published: 29 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner New Renaissance Film Festival London 2025

New Renaissance Film Festival London 2025

London, United Kingdom

£2,500 in CASH PRIZES for the EMERGING TALENT from our sponsor Katie Partridge, CEO of the Saphira Group, to support a new generation of filmmakers/artists.


Apart from a high number of UK and International films, NRFF London has a category for EMERGING TALENT (debut or early stage filmmakers embarking on their careers in the film industry).

Previous winners and nominees have gone onto win major international prizes or have directed their first feature film.


Our friendly and welcoming art-house festival based in London is genuinely passionate about promoting the highest calibre of independent cinema around today. New Renaissance has been described as “One of the UK’s top film festivals,” alongside Raindance and Aesthetica (London METRO, O1.08.16), appeared in reputable publications such as Vogue, GQ and iD magazine, and we are a registered IMDB film festival.

Filmmakers are a discerning audience and the 100+ five star reviews from filmmakers around the world is proof of our commitment and respect for the hard work and care that goes into making a film. Since 2021, we have been awarding cash prizes to support talented up-and-coming filmmakers we believe in thanks to a generous sponsor (see below).


We have premiered and screened films that went on to win an Oscar (The Silent Child, 2017) or later received a major distribution deal (A Bird Flew, 2022; Avi, 2022; Roy, 2022; A Living Dog, 2021; Into The Mirror, 2019; You Go To My Head, 2019; and Phantompain, 2018) to name just a few.

Despite the festival's relatively small size, there are each year many gems to be found among the many short and feature films in the programme. Furthermore, many filmmakers and actors are traditionally present - and a lot of productive networking takes place.


Film is a unique medium, and NRFF’s mission is to support and champion inspiring, independent artists and storytellers. This includes experimental work, emotional drama, music, dance, and emerging talent (see below).

Our festival is built around ARTISTS and their STORIES. By doing so, we aim to establish an international COMMUNITY of inspiring storytellers. We are not interested in following current fashions or being politically divisive. We seek out stories that are genuinely imaginative, emotional and life-affirming. At the heart of what we do is our passion to tell great stories.

Curating a festival is never easy but we strive to put together a great programme each year in an environment that is warm, inclusive and truly dignified. You can visit last year's programme online at ww.nrff.co.uk to get a feel for the quality of curation we are known for.


2025 will be our tenth year in London, a city known for its diversity and innovation in the creative arts. For 3 days in September, we will screen around 100 outstanding films in the heart of London. The programme will include narrative shorts, features, documentaries, animations, dance and music videos, a NETWORKING party and AWARDS CEREMONY.

Running alongside the festival will be a SCREENWRITING COMPETITION, a series of MASTERCLASSES by film industry experts, a filmmaker's PANEL DISCUSSION, Filmmaker Q&A's, and other networking opportunities.


Apart from a high number of UK and International films, NRFF London has a category for EMERGING TALENT (debut or early stage filmmakers embarking on their careers in the film industry). Those selected can win CASH PRIZES. We found a sponsor for this in 2021 and are happy to announce that they continue supporting these cash prizes for emerging talent in 2025.

Please read our Rules & Terms before making your submission.

Key Dates:

Submissions for 2024 will be open. The festival will take place in October 2024, and all contestants will be notified at least 4-6 weeks prior to the event.


It is our passion to not only provide a stage for our filmmakers but also to strengthen the INDEPENDENT film community, by building an engaged audience through social media - especially Instagram and Facebook. We actively encourage directors, screenwriters, producers and actors to network during the festival and after the event. By doing so, new artistic collaborations have occurred.


Former New Renaissance attendees and or winners include: Oscar winning couple Chris Overton and Rachel Shenton (The Silent Child); Oscar winning actress Whoopi Goldberg (Palace); BAFTA and Emmy winning actress Anna Friel (The Sea); Great Expectations and Top Boy director Brady Hood (Sweet Maddie Stone); Oscar winning writer/director James Lucas (Paint The Dragon's Eyes); BAFTA winning actress Sophia Myles (All That Glitters); BAFTA winning actor George MacKay (Infinite); Ivor Novello winning musician Gary Kemp (InSolo); BAFTA winning and double Emmy nominated documentary director Zoe Dobson (The Cunning Man); BAFTA winning animator Catriona Black (You Are At The Bottom Of My Mind); Emmy winning actress Tatiana Mislany (Souls of Totality); Oscar nominated cinematographer Jarin Blaschke (A Million Eyes); BAFTA nominated director Shona Auerbach (Rudy); Actor Tom Cullen (Souls of Totality); BAFTA nominated actress Celine Buckens (Prangover); Silent Witness actress Emilia Fox (The Ghost); Chicago actor Darren Day (Rudy); Rag Doll actor Ali Cook (The Cunning Man); Olivier Award nominated actress Amy Lennox (Near); student Oscar winner Tristan Holmes (The Fragile King); and student Oscar winner Ariel Heller (Mammoth).

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Kunta Kinte International Afro-descendant Community Film Festival

31 Jul 2024

Published: 29 Jul 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional de Cine Comunitario Afrodescendiente Kunta Kinte

Kunta Kinte International Afro-descendant Community Film Festival

Medellin-Cali-Quibdó-, Colombia

Submit your production for free in any of our categories.
Open submissions from May 27 to July 31, 2024 on Festhome, Click for festivals.You can also send your application to the email: fickuntakinte@gmail.co
The Eighth Kunta Kinte International Afro Community Film Festival, which will take place from August 28 to September 1, 2024, will focus on the theme of "AFRO DIASPORA". Remember that each production will be reviewed by our curatorial team; you have until July 31, 2024 to register.
We invite filmmakers to submit their films, documentaries, and short films that address aspects of the African diaspora, such as the history of slavery, global African descendant culture, the fight for civil rights, migration experiences, and the influence of African heritage on different cultural expressions. Through cinema, we seek to rescue and value the stories of resistance, resilience, and creativity that have defined the African descendant experience.

Check the terms and conditions here:

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Short Film Showcase Vila de Noia

31 Jul 2024

Published: 29 Jul 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Short Film Showcase Vila de Noia

Banner Mostra de Curtas Vila de Noia

Short Film Showcase Vila de Noia

Noia, Spain

The City Council of Noia convenes the "24th Short Film Showcase Vila de Noia 2023", to be held in the last quarter of this year.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Cine Libre International Film Festival

31 Jul 2024

Published: 29 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of Cine Libre International Film Festival


Cine Libre International Film Festival

NECOCLÍ, Colombia

Rueda Libre (Freewheel) is the official call of shortFilms to Cine Libre FilmFestival, we take for symbol THE WHEEL that evokes the hills of Fredonia where children running down with wheels and tires. Now cinema is taken Fredonia and the concept of roll changes cinematically .

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Zoom Awards International Audiovisual Contents of Catalonia -Formats Tv & Internet-

31 Jul 2024

Published: 29 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner ZOOM Premios Internationales de Contenidos Audiovisuales de Cataluña

Zoom Awards International Audiovisual Contents of Catalonia -Formats Tv & Internet-

Igualada, Spain

The purpose of the ZOOM FESTIVAL is to disseminate and promote audiovisual content regardless of format, distribution channel and audiences.

The Official Section of the 22nd edition is open to all producers, televisions, students, independent film makers from all over the world who present audiovisual content for all types of screens and that fit the bases of the Festival's official section.

Among the functions of the Festival is the welcoming meeting of the various professional sectors of the audiovisual industry, as well as that of students in the sector and be a platform for new talent.

In order to fulfill these objectives, the Zoom Festival will celebrate its 25th Edition in November 25th 2023 in Igualada- Barcelona.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of 11º FIACINE - Iberoamerican Film Festival

31 Jul 2024

Published: 29 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner 11º - FIACINE - Festival Ibero-americano De Cinema

11º FIACINE - Iberoamerican Film Festival

Ribeirão Pires, Brazil

Cachaça Filmes has held the festival since 2009. It always brings in nationally renowned filmmakers and artists from the area, aiming to offer culture and leisure options, and to favor the region's economy. In the short term we intend to bring an “elite” audience to Vila de Paranapiacaba, and in the medium and long term to bring cinematographic productions to the region.

We also have the Short and Feature Films Contest.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival

31 Jul 2024

Published: 29 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival

Banner MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival


NYC, United States

During one week of the year over 100,000 film-lovers gather in over 400 Cinemas across 6 Continents to view and vote on the Finalists Films' in the Annual MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival - MANHATTAN SHORT is more than just one of the largest short film festivals in the world....it's the World's First Global Film Festival.

If making short films is about getting your work out there, nothing compares to MANHATTAN SHORT.

Every Film Selected is eligible to enter the Oscars:
MANHATTAN SHORT does a full week's run in a cinema in Los Angeles, California. This theater booking means all ten finalists in the 2025 MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival will be eligible to enter the Oscar competition for 2026.

MANHATTAN SHORT is now in compliance with the rules governing the Oscar Awards set forth by the Academy of Motion Pictures of Arts and Sciences

Featured Musical Artist
We are excited to announce that the MANHATTAN SHORT will be featuring a Musical Artist or Band leading up to and throughout the duration of the Festival each year.

The selected Musician or Band will have his/her music featured in over four hundred venues and to over 100,000 people worldwide during the MANHATTAN SHORT intermission and in all promotional materials leading up to the festival dates, including exclusive headline billing on our website. This is a tremendous opportunity for new or unknown musical talent to have their music broadcast to our ready-made worldwide audience of eager festival attendees. It is also a unique chance to gain name recognition and immediate exposure. Check ManhattanShort.com to enter the Musical Artist Comp.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of POST MORTEM International Horror & Bizarre Short Film Fest

31 Jul 2024

Published: 29 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films


POST MORTEM International Horror & Bizarre Short Film Fest

Aguascalientes, Mexico

POST MORTEM at its 12th . 2023 edition
is an international film festival based in Aguascalientes Mexico, every year we receive hundreds of film from all around the world, this year we will focus especially on short film as we believe that it is the explorer and creator of the new cinema paths that someday we will contemplate.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental

Logo of Festival Cinematográfico Visión Ribereña

31 Jul 2024

Published: 29 Jul 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Cinematográfico Visión Ribereña

Festival Cinematográfico Visión Ribereña

Villa Constitución, Argentina

Only Argentine citizens or foreigners residing in the Argentine Republic may participate in the competition who comply with the terms and conditions of these regulations.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of Rome Independent Film Festival  - RIFF Awards

31 Jul 2024

Published: 29 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Rome Independent Film Festival  - RIFF Awards

Rome Independent Film Festival - RIFF Awards

Roma, Italy

The Rome Independent Film Festival (RIFF) is Italy 's first independent and international film festival. Its aim is to unite enthusiasm for films and filmmaking among young filmmakers with the realities of film production and distribution.Since its first edition in 2001, RIFF has become an event that is followed with more and more interest by the public in Rome and a reference for worldwide filmmakers. In these years, the Riff has received works coming from the 5 continents, ending up being an attentive witness representative of the directions and passions of the independent film industry.

(r)evolution AI - the RIFF new section dedicated to the production of films and videos with the application of AI technology.
From this year the RIFF celebrates visual storytelling created with artificial intelligence.
This new competition section promotes innovative applications of AI technology in audiovisual production and presentation.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Aryan International Children’s Film Festival of Jaipur - ICFF Jaipur

30 Jul 2024

Published: 28 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Aryan International Children’s Film Festival of Jaipur - ICFF Jaipur

Aryan International Children’s Film Festival of Jaipur - ICFF Jaipur

Jaipur, India

8th Aryan International Children’s Film Festival of Jaipur
Aryan ICFF Jaipur INDIA
August 26-28, 2025, ICFF Jaipur INDIA

(26 AUGUST 2013 TO 20 SEPTEMBER 2018)

Organized By Aryan Roj Foundation & Jaipur International Film Festival Trust

(50k students participated in 2024 & around 80k students will participate in 2025)


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video


30 Jul 2024

Published: 28 Jul 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films



YOPAL , Colombia

The F.I.C.Y (International Film Festival of Yopal) is an event that will take place from October 13th to 16th, 2023 in the city of Yopal, located in the department of Casanare, Colombia. The main objective of this festival is to promote regional, national, and international film production and to strengthen the region as a center for the seventh art.

The festival aims to foster circular economy around audiovisual production, generating greater employment opportunities and economic development in the region. Additionally, the F.I.C.Y proposes new expressions of culture and folklore in the region, through the presentation of films that address themes related to identity and cultural diversity of the region.

The event will feature a varied program that includes screenings of national and international films, short films, documentaries, conferences, workshops, roundtable discussions, and cultural activities in general. There will also be competitions among filmmakers, with the aim of awarding the best audiovisual productions.

In summary, the F.I.C.Y is a film festival that seeks to promote audiovisual and cultural production in the Casanare region of Colombia, and contribute to its economic and social development.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Music Video

Logo of Isla de Atlantide Screenplay Award

30 Jul 2024

Published: 28 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Premio Atlantide di sceneggiatura

Isla de Atlantide Screenplay Award

Treviso, Italy

The first Atlantis Award dedicated to all Dreamers skilled in writing is announced in Atlantis, in collaboration with the Anonima Sognatori.

The initiative is designed to discover new unpublished works of quality and to try to help and support, as much as we know and are able, the respective authors.

To participate in the Award authors must abide by the following rules, which should be read carefully.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Bugarte Film and Visual Arts Festival

30 Jul 2024

Published: 28 Jul 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival de Cine y Artes Visuales Bugarte

Bugarte Film and Visual Arts Festival

Guadalajara de Buga, Colombia

Born in 2009 in order to highlight and encourage artistic expression, film and cultural identity of the region. Promoting the permanence of cultures and strengthening the cultural policies of the city as a mechanism for citizen and community participation; thus supporting the development, exhibition and dissemination of film and the visual arts in the city of Guadalajara de Buga and Valle del Cauca; proposing dialogue between the various expressions of art today and their participation mechanisms mainly in the youth population. This festival seeks to create spaces for discussion, artistic and audiovisual creation in a participatory manner.

The festival became the first event of its kind in this area, for display, training, capacity building and collective on the subject of film and visual arts in Guadalajara de Buga and Valle del Cauca.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Music Video

Logo of OUFF · Ourense Film Festival

30 Jul 2024

Published: 28 Jul 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner OUFF · Ourense Film Festival

OUFF · Ourense Film Festival

Ourense, Spain

The Ourense Film Festival (OUFF) presents annually a selection of the most innovative and outstanding films and audiovisual productions in Galicia, Europe, Latin America and the rest of the world. The OUFF receives each year works from a hundred of countries, whose common denominator are their socially aware subjects and their innovative forms.


International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of 16 International Film Festivals - In Jaipur India By Jaipur iff

30 Jul 2024

Published: 28 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner 16 International Film Festivals - In Jaipur India By Jaipur iff

16 International Film Festivals - In Jaipur India By Jaipur iff

Jaipur, India

(10th) Sixteen International Film Festivals in Jaipur, India by Jaipur International Film Festival-JIFF from August 26-28, 2025 16IFF INDIA

Around 50 thousand students participated in 2024 & around80000 students will participate in 2025.



CHOOSE YOUR FILM FESTIVAL, You can choose one or more, please write us:-

1) Women Film Festival in Jaipur (Films made by women, based on women)
2) Children Film Festival in Jaipur
3) Tribal Film Festival in Jaipur
4) Global Human Rights Film Festival in Jaipur
5) International Culture and Tourism Film Festival in Jaipur
6) Environment Film Festival In Jaipur
7) Love & Romantic Film Festival
8) Political ^ Corruption Based Film Festival
9) Democracy Film Festival
10) International Animation Film Festival
11) International Student Film Festival
12) War & Peace Film Festival
13) Horror Film Festival
14) Financial Crises and Development Film Festival
15) Ad Film Festival
16) Science Film Festival

Now submit also - Song


All these film festivals will be organized together.

Please submit and updates us about your submission at 16filmfestivals@gmail.com your submission is for which film festival out of 16 above.

Submit one time, pay one time for your film. If you want to enter your film in one or more film festivals as above, do not submit again, do not pay again, just mails us for other film festivals name we will include.

for more- http://jiffindia.org/16IFF.html

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of ABYCINE Albacete Independent Film Festival and Market

30 Jul 2024

Published: 28 Jul 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of ABYCINE Albacete Independent Film Festival and Market


ABYCINE Albacete Independent Film Festival and Market

Albacete, Spain

ABYCINE – FESTIVAL Y MERCADO DE CINE INDEPENDIENTE DE ALBACETE tiene entre sus objetivos fundamentales la difusión y promoción de películas y cortometrajes de categoría artística que, por una u otra razón, no disfrutan de la distribución regular en los circuitos convencionales de exhibición.

El Festival trata de cubrir, en la medida de lo posible, este importante vacío, siendo otro de sus objetivos, y no de menor importancia, presentar una selección de películas participantes que atiendan las nuevas corrientes del cine joven contemporáneo, el fenómeno “indie” en el cine español y la educación de la mirada en las nuevas generaciones de espectadores.


Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of FICVI, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges de Vila-seca

30 Jul 2024

Published: 28 Jul 2024
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of FICVI, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges de Vila-seca

Banner FICVI, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges de Vila-seca

FICVI, Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges de Vila-seca

Vila-seca, Spain

FICVI, International Short Film Festival of Vila-seca is a festival focused on the exhibition of short films.

It is organized by the Vila-seca Tourism Board and collaborates with the Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de España – Premios Goya as a Collaborating Contest in the Preselection of Short Films in the categories of Fiction and Animation for the Goya Awards.

The IX edition of the FICVI, Vila-seca International Short Film Festival will be held from November 8 to 17, 2024.


International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of ANIMAL Film Fest

29 Jul 2024

Published: 27 Jul 2024
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner ANIMAL Film Fest

ANIMAL Film Fest

Morelia, Mexico

We invite you to participate in the sixth edition of ANIMAL Film Fest, which will take place on October 2, 3, and 4, 2025, with a hybrid format (in-person and online) in the city of Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico.

We recommend reading the complete call for submissions before registering your short films.
Registration and participation in the 6th edition of ANIMAL Film Fest imply full acceptance of these regulations.


ROT Movie Makers invites general public, as well as independent and professional filmmakers, film students, communication, animation, visual arts, multimedia and careers related, to participate in the sixth edition of ANIMAL Film Fest, to be held on October 2, 3, and 4, 2025, in Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico.

AFF is a ROT Movie Makers’ production.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Terror  Other  Experimental