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In the Official Competition Programme of The Festival the right to participate have short fiction, animated and documentary films from film schools in the countries of the Balkan Peninsula and the Black Sea region (Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia).
The films should be directed by students in a regular form of education from the first to the last semester, regardless of their degree. The participation of students in the rest of the team or the cast is not a sufficient condition for selection.
Le Festival International des oiseaux peints est consacré aux courts métrages et longs métrages, fiction, documentaires et animation FIMURES A DOMMATION DU 1 JANVIER 2018 PAS PRÉCÉDENTAIRES, dans le but de promouvoir chez les enfants le dialogue interculturel, la cohésion sociale et les droits de l'homme, en particulier ceux des ENFANTS jusqu'à 12 ANS. Diffuser des films de qualité qui atteignent à peine l'Espagne, en essayant de ne pas tomber dans les clichés .
Ainsi, progressivement, le festival est conçu comme un champ de rencontres et de discussions de projets d'intérêt commun.
The Vaughan International Film Festival is a unique event, with a style all its own.
Now in its 6th edition, this exciting five day event proudly showcases both local and international talent – on all levels. Our Founders: Antonio Ienco and Mark Pagliaroli, present their audiences with multi-genre short films -offering an ideal platform for independent film creators to put forth their work.
This Non-for-profit organization brings you public film screenings of Canadian and International cinema, vibrant social events and a lavish awards show- complete with a prestigious Golden Reel Award. We also support and further arts education with various scholarships and bursaries; granted to young filmmakers, art students and educational institutions in our city. Throughout the past several years, the VFF has remained focused and true to its objective: To satisfy the cultural appetite of this growing community while offering an arts forum befitting our world-class city. We look forward to delighting our audiences for years to come.
Célébrant ses 12 ans d'existence, le Toronto Shorts International Film Festival est le plus grand festival de courts métrages au Canada.
Toronto Shorts est un organisme à but non lucratif qui offre une vitrine aux meilleurs courts métrages et à leurs créateurs du monde entier, chaque année au cœur de Toronto.
Nous pensons que le cinéma de courte durée et ses créateurs devraient avoir leur propre festival du film à Toronto, qui mérite une reconnaissance similaire à celle accordée au long métrage et à ses créateurs.
Toronto Shorts est l'endroit où les films de tous les genres se croisent. Le cœur du festival réside dans la qualité et la portée d'une programmation cinématographique extraordinaire qui comprend un large éventail de catégories allant des films à gros budget et à petit budget de moins de 45 minutes.
Le festival est devenu un tremplin de carrière, établissant une tradition de découverte et de promotion de cinéastes qui ont été nominés aux Oscars, notamment :
« The Present », nominé aux Oscars 2021 de Farah Nabulsi
« Weekends » de Trevor Jimenez, nominé aux Oscars 2019
Les nominés aux Oscars 2018 « Watu Wote - All of Us » (Allemagne) et « The Eleven O'Clock » (Australie)
Toronto est le plus grand marché médiatique du Canada. Elle abrite le Musée royal de l'Ontario de renommée mondiale, l'immense Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario, la Soulpepper Theatre Company, le Toronto Symphony Orchestra, et abrite désormais un festival international de courts métrages de premier plan.
Nous présentons les meilleurs courts métrages et leurs cinéastes du monde entier.
New York City Independent Film Festival (NYCIndieFF) will hold a physical festival this year. We will celebrate the Independent Filmmaker, documentaries, short and feature-length films and animation. Whether a submission is comedic, dramatic, or something in between, The NYCIndieFF is eager to embrace fresh ideas and storytelling.
Home of the NYC Indie Awards the festival aims to discover the Artist Filmmaker, showcasing them to the entertainment industry and the NYC public. All NYCIndieFF screenings take place in the historic center of NYC, Time Square which is the perfect home for an event geared toward creating incredible opportunities for independent voices.
NYCIndieFF honors the Best in Category which includes Best Narrative Feature, Best Documentary, Best Short Documentary, Best Short Narrative, Best Super Short, Best Covid Diaries, as well as Best Director.
NYCIndieFF provides a showcase for the best in independent cinema, including short films, feature films, music videos, and animated works. With panels, parties and a week-long gathering of fellow indie filmmakers NYCIndieFF is the place to be June 5 to June 8, 2024 This dates may move to accommodate any and all government regulations.
Submit now to be a part of all the excitement and join our community of Filmmakers from around the world. See in this year in NYC in 2024!!
The RIOS - International Documentary Film Festival and Transmedia is defined as an activity platform for the creation and promotion of author projects within the scope of independent cinema and audiovisual and aims to:
a) give visibility, serving as a promotional platform, cinematographic and audiovisual works whose aesthetic approach is related to the reality of the river;
b) to serve as a work platform for a deep reflection on thematic documentary cinema;
c) encourage the creation of author projects that focus on the aesthetic deepening, the discovery of new territories, new styles and new supports that can define the reality Rivers;
d) create a creative platform linked to the Rios theme in the field of photography, plastic arts, literature and dramatic performance;
e) to contribute to the diffusion of first university works and documentaries in the thematic scope;
f) encourage the creation of inter-university partnerships in the field of documentary film and audiovisual.
The RIOS - International Documentary Film Festival and Transmedia, inserted in a region inevitably linked to the Douro, intends to explore and divulge the aesthetic potentialities linked to the river, making it a privileged space of cinematographic creation in the documentary scope. Vila Real, during the festival, will be an international cinematographic meeting point that will allow the exploration of the region and the gestation of new projects and new aesthetic creations.
Attention to all film talents: From 21 November 2017 until 31 January 2018, filmmakers will have the chance to apply for the LET’S CEE Short Film Competition 2018. Not only are two main prizes waiting to be won, moreover, ten finalists will receive an invitation to participate in the second edition of the LET’S CEE Talent Academy in Vienna!
Between 21 November 2017 and 31 January 2018, filmmakers up to the age of 35 from Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, Turkey and Austria will have the possibility to submit their short films to the Short Film Competition of the LET’S CEE Film Festival 2018.
However, filmmakers of all ages and from all over the world are welcome as well to send in thematically fitting contributions. Due to the festival’s geographical focus on CEE though, these short films will not be included in the main Short Film Competition, but will very well have the chance to win the Audience Award in the Short Film category and be screened at the festival in the section Short Films | Out of Competition. We furthermore cordially encourage international makers of virtual reality films, 3D productions and avant-garde pieces to apply as we will be offering these genres a stage at our festival as well.
The theme of the Short Film Competition 2018 is TOGETHER OR APART.
Great Britain voted for the Brexit last year and in doing so decided against a EU membership; most recently thousands of Catalan people went to the streets demanding independence from Spain; under the presidency of Donald Trump, the USA is seeking to withdraw from the Paris climate protection agreement and renegotiate various other commercial treaties – these are only three of many examples demonstrating the recent shift of the political mood in numerous countries. A growing migratory pressure, an increasing gap between the rich and poor, as well as justified and unsubstantiated fears – of the consequences of digitalisation, of the loss of jobs and stability and of social change – have discredited globalisation and encouraged a comeback of nationalist and isolationist tendencies, which seemed utterly unfathomable only a few years ago. Even on a national scale, societal cohesion appears to be threatened more and more. How does the growing division of society influence both the community and individuals? Will political agitation, hatred, egotism and greed for profit become the new normal? Well, the situation is critical, but not hopeless, neither on an international nor a national level. There are still representatives of the civil society who make no effort to surrender to the threatening eroding solidarity. Fortunately, there are numerous instances proving how people still advocate for the poor and disadvantaged with great optimism, dedication and empathy – people who rather pay attention to what we have in common instead of what keeps us apart.
The competition’s theme, TOGETHER OR APART, may be manifested in the submitted material in various manners and methods. Interpersonal aspects, such as family and relationship dramas, trials and tribulations, moments of success and happiness or the joint overcoming of challenges can be taken into account just as well as social, political, juridical and/or cultural matters. In other words: everything is possible, as long as it touches on the topic and is done well!
An advisory board chaired by the renowned Austrian-Iranian filmmakers Arash T. Riahi and Arman T. Riahi will choose the best contributions from the submissions for the LET’S CEE Short Film Competition. The short films, which will be screened out of competition, will be selected by the Bosnian-Dutch producer Denis Mujović and festival director Magdalena Żelasko.
After the presentation of the participating productions at the festival, an international jury will decide on the winner of the competing short films and, thus, who will be awarded the main prize – 1,500 Euro and a Urania statuette – at the Awards Ceremony in the Urania Cinema on 20 April 2018. The remaining short films presented during the festival will have, without exception, the chance to win the 1,500 Euro Audience Award in the category Short Film.
All filmmakers who will take part in the main Short Film Competition will additionally profit from their participation. At the expense of the festival, one of the involved filmmakers of each short film will be invited as an official guest*) to Vienna in order to present their work. Those persons will, furthermore, have the opportunity to join the second edition of the LET’S CEE Talent Academy.
15 remaining free seats for the Talent Academy will be filled by Out-of-Competition filmmakers. The most important items on the one-week Academy agenda include the attendance of LET’S CEE Master Classes and LET’S CEE Industry Days, the collaborative finalisation of a short film about Vienna, and the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to pitch a film idea to Raindance film festival director Elliot Grove (and win big!) at the Pitching Competition. Of course, all invited filmmakers will enjoy several Get-togethers, where they can get in touch with successful distributors, directors, producers, actors etc., exchange experiences and new ideas and thus strive to new projects and international collaborations. In order to enable as many filmmakers as possible to visit LET’S CEE and present their work to the festival audience, all participants of the section ‘Short Films | Out of Competition’ will receive free festival accreditations and discounts for the official hotel partner on request.
Experimental Forum is an international performance, film and video art festival showcasing experimental film and artists’ moving image from new directors and innovative video artists from around the globe, with the third edition taking place in Los Angeles in November 2018. Our aim is to provide a supportive platform for the exciting and challenging work that is outside the scope of mainstream film festivals and art galleries.
We welcome experimental cinema pieces (abstract, narrative or documentary), video art works, essay films, artists’ moving image and media art, as well as documentary and narrative films that seek to expand, redefine or reconfigure the means and ends of their respective fields. Experimental Forum exists to provide access to, and develop audiences for, artists’ moving image work and is committed to engaging local audiences with new and/or unheard voices in film.
We are particularly interested in works made by early stage filmmakers and artists whose work is underrepresented. We provide a collaborative platform for moving image works made for the gallery and for the cinema with the aim of building a community across disciplinary and institutional faultlines.
Our Films go from PIFF to CANNES! And some even win! Such as the films: "Tuesday", "Our Father" and "Til Then/Bis Gleich"! Or perhaps your film will be acquired by the SHORTS HD Channel! Who's it going to be for 2018?!
PIFF Attendees: Martin Sheen, Michael Gross, Doris Roberts, Jason Ritter, Clare Kramer, Mimi Kennedy, John Bowe, Kim Coates, Melissa Fitzgerald, James Marsters, Jay O. Sanders, Lee Meriwether, Sadie Calvano, Tom Lenk, Charisma Carpenter, Dee Wallace, among others
Many of our films garner distribution at PIFF. We host a selection of the finest distribution companies at the top of their game who find gems at PIFF and go on to acquire them.
"The Pasadena International Film Festival is an experience not to be missed by filmmakers. From the elegant black tie Great Gatsby Gala Opening night, to the diverse, informative panels, to the top quality screenings in an actual mainstream movie theatre… in over ten years of traveling the festival circuit with multiple films, this was, hands down, one of the best-run festivals, and the best times I have even had AT a festival. I wish I had another film ready to go so I could submit next year!"
-- Filmmaker, Heather Connell
"You guys really put on a show! I can't imagine doing what you did to pull things together. The organization and logistics… everything ran so smoothly, and looked so positively effortless, that it belied all the long hours and dedication you poured into this project. You also managed to assemble a marvelous group of volunteers and staff, all of whom are to be commended for their work. I heard nothing but superlatives from all who attended. Filmmakers and audiences alike felt welcomed and nourished by the experience, and I feel certain that the good words they take home with them will go a long way to put this festival -- and your hospitality -- on the map. My wife and I, along with our friends, are already looking forward to next year's festival -- and to watching it grow in your capable hands."
-- Michael Gross, actor, T.V.'s "Family Ties"
The Pasadena International Film Festival seeks to create a place for artists to come together. Sure, there are many festivals, but there can never be a cap on creating art, can there? We harken back to a time of Old Hollywood, before this world got crowded, and jaded, and super-saturated… the entertainment industry was fresh and new… before the stock market crashed...when there was enough space, and time, and money for everyone. Parties lasted all night, and friendships lasted a lifetime. Won't you join us?
Awards & Prizes
If accepted, winners receive All Access Passes, swag, Filmmakers receive a screening of their film at the beautiful Laemmle Playhouse 7 Cinema and a "Q and A" after every screening. Passes include access to our Filmmakers Lounge, Great Gatsby Gala, and Filmmakers Fiesta.
If you win an award, you receive a stunning Sculpture and Laurels for each award. In addition, our Jury is a cross-section of the best in the industry.
Our winning filmmakers go on to meet with top managers, agents, and other industry pros. For example, one of our jurors is part of Cannes Film Festival with the American Pavilion Emerging Filmmaker Showcase program, and has "discovered" films via PIFF. Our Jury are also in acquisitions and purchase films for their various outlets and platforms such as Shorts HD.
LA Underground Film Forum (LAUFF) est la première vitrine d'expérimentation à Los Angeles dans les médias cinématographiques, vidéo et audio. Elle se concentre sur le cinéma d'avant-garde, d'art, indépendant et à faible budget, avec la cinquième édition qui aura lieu en juillet 2020 à Los Angeles.
Notre programme permet aux cinéastes de réinventer et d'explorer de nouvelles approches, de favoriser de nouvelles formes d'art médiatique et de créer un public pour de tels travaux. Nous visons à présenter un large éventail de travaux explorant les nombreuses définitions et interprétations du concept de « souterrain ».
Nous recherchons des films réalisés avec passion, obsession et dynamisme ; des films qui dépassent les attentes et le genre ; des films, des projets vidéo et audio qui cherchent à repousser les limites de la forme et du contenu acceptés. Un fort sens de la paternité est un must.
LAUFF accepte toutes les formes et tous les genres : du drame, documentaire, expérimental, culte, art-house, langue étrangère, comédie, horreur, science-fiction, fantasy, animation, LGBT, indigène, érotique au slow cinéma et art vidéo...
Ladies and gentlemen,
The President of the Organizing Committee, Alvine KOUAMBO is pleased to announce that edition 9
of the International Independent Film Festival of Bafoussam (Cameroon).
-This event, initiated by Ecran for the Renewal of African Culture, abbreviated as ERECA will bring together, as in the past, Cinema Technicians from all over the world.
-The theme of this sixth edition is:
"Promoting the Values of Bilingualism & Multiculturalism through Cinema and Audiovisual"
Entries for films that will be competing and out of competition at the Festival are already open.
- For this festival, a gigantic platform called VILLAGE DU FESTIVAL will be set up. This is where the main activities of the festival will be concentrated. Spaces will be available, but very selective.
-The FICIB is placed under the high patronage of the Ministry of Arts and Culture of Cameroon, the patronage of S.E. Mr. Pascal NGUIHE KANTE and headliner S.E. Mr. Roger MILLA.
We are honored to send you our warmest congratulations for all your efforts to promote culture. We would like, in our turn, to be able to fully count on your contribution to the events of the Bafoussam International Independent Film Festival (FICIB). This edition of the FICIB will feature the participation of the best professional film companies, dancers, craftsmen, cultural entrepreneurs, broadcasters, journalists, stage designers, observers from Africa, Europe, America and Asia.
As in previous editions, the FICIB will organize training workshops, conference-debates, caravans of indoor and outdoor screenings, exhibitions-sales of works of art, inter-school competition (musical interpretations, expressions on the theme of publishing, traditional dances and urban) with the end, the election Miss and Master Ficib.
These different activities will take place at the Village Festival.
The Opening and Closing Ceremonies will take place in the banquet hall of the HE Mr. Governor of Western Region "Bafoussam".
In order to enable us to achieve the objectives of FICIB which are to promote independent cinema, to encourage cultural and cinematographic diversity; to propagate cinematographic art by stimulating the development of quality cinema; promote opportunities for North-South co-production; discover and encourage new talent To encourage meetings between film professionals from all over the world, we respectfully request you to agree to participate in this event. You will find the general regulations here and we kindly ask you to download the Registration Form, fill it out, sign it and send it to the following addresses: -BP: 1203 Bafoussam-Cameroon.
Let's start a new beginning with this new year and a season 2nd of this International Film Festival, We would like to introduce ourselves - We're Director's World International Film Festival (DWIFF), New Delhi, a traditional film festival and awards competition created to Encourage, Promote and Provide a platform to all Budding and Professional filmmakers all around the world with recognition for their film-making and screenwriting achievements. We are Inviting all aspirants Film-Makers to participate and submit their Films vie. our film submission Partner to send us your film
We at Director's World International Film Festival (DWIFF), has an aim to help you launch your professional life in film.
Apart from the Film Screening, our foreign delegates and the participants from the different states will enjoy the richness and diversity of the handicrafts, hand-looms and cultural fabric of India, also a large number folk artistes and cultural groups present day performances at the open-air campus.
Festival Venue -
University Of Delhi, New Delhi,
Date and Time – 05th, to 09th February, 2018,
from 12:00am to 06:00pm
- FESCISA has the mission of giving publicity and projection to the independent production of short films and feature films; To bring independent filmmakers closer to the Ecuadorian public.
- Project the production of local, regional and world films in the city of San Antonio de Ibarra. Films of diverse genres, where subjects of humanity, social, solidarity, childhood, women, among others predominate.
Au cours des dernières décennies, et à une époque marquée par l'émergence de nouvelles technologies qui ont fini par scanner la plupart des processus du film, le documentaire a connu un essor notoire et systématique dans le monde entier. Dans notre pays, et depuis plus d'une décennie, une production auparavant liée presque exclusivement à la fiction vient grossir les rangs avec de nouveaux sujets, de nouvelles approches, de nouvelles géographies, de nouveaux dilemmes.
C'est dans ce contexte que la FIDBA est proposée comme 1ère. Festival international du film dédié à ce genre qui permet aux films ayant les mêmes fans de rencontrer et de dialoguer entre eux et avec le public, tant que nous pensons que les formes et le fonctionnement du film documentaire sont différents de ceux de la fiction. Si le documentaire est un point de rencontre pour la FIDBA, c'est dans la mesure où il propose une interpellation aux mémoires méconnues, au présent inquiétant et à (notre) futur en suspens. La FIDBA sera alors une approche non seulement destinée au public, aux cinéastes et aux penseurs liés au documentaire, mais aussi aux possibilités toujours stimulantes qui permettent d'ouvrir cet espace à d'autres expressions frontalières et hétérodoxes encadrées dans ce que nous appellerions la « non-fiction » et qui nous encouragent à dialoguer avec des expressions contemporaines qui dépassent même le cadre du film.
La FIDBA accordera une attention particulière aux cinéastes pour qui le cinéma est lié à une forme de recherche et de connaissance du monde qui nous entoure, ainsi qu'au portrait d'êtres humains dont les conditions de vie, dans certains contextes historiques et sociaux, vous permettent de nous interroger sur les nôtres. Ce sont donc les auteurs qui reflètent non seulement la réalité, mais également la relation éthique et morale qui implique de filmer l'autre.
La FIDBA a pour objectif de devenir un point de soutien pour les cinéastes qui cherchent à élargir leur perception de la réalité et pour les films qui constituent un pas en avant dans leurs efforts pour la comprendre et l'anticiper. Il mettra donc l'accent sur des films dont l'originalité esthétique met en péril non seulement une idée du documentaire, mais également une réflexion sur le même film et ses possibilités. Puisque cette focalisation implique de questionner le statut de la face avant réelle de la caméra ou du film par rapport à la réalité, cela est tout aussi indissociable des médiations qui en découlent.
Only for Argentinian and Chilean Films.