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Sunscreen is known for its friendly atmosphere in a sun-kissed waterfront setting in the arts-centric city of St. Petersburg, FL. For 18 years the festival has screened top-notch indie films, provided our filmmakers with quality workshops and panels packed with Hollywood talent, hosted great parties, and has been the top film festival in the St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Tampa, Florida area. Sunscreen is consistently ranked among the top 100 reviewed film fests on Film Freeway out of over 9,000 festivals.
The Sunscreen Film Festival was one of 23 festivals sponsored by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences (the Oscars) in 2013-2014, named one of the top 25 “coolest’ film festivals by MovieMaker Magazine and Best Film Festival in the Tampa Bay Area by Tampa Bay Magazine.
The Sunscreen Film Festival is organized and presented by the Sunscreen Film Society., a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to education, economic development, informing the public about the art of visual storytelling, enhancing opportunities for local filmmakers to develop their craft and art, and increasing the public’s awareness and support of local filmmaking as a cultural and economic asset.
The Sunscreen Film Festival has grown from its first festival in a local art gallery in 2006 to an internationally recognized event in St. Petersburg, FL and Los Angeles, CA. The festival has become known for its commitment to diversity, taking chances on creative, edgy films; and being a filmmakers' film festival. Celebrating diversity is a core value of the city and the festival seeks each year to showcase that value.
One aspect that makes Sunscreen unique is that our celebrities and special guests participate in workshops, classes, or other events supporting the festival’s mission. Everyone that attends Sunscreen is accessible and easy to interact with. Many filmmakers love the collegial atmosphere during the festival and appreciate the chance to learn from one another. Sunscreen provides around a dozen workshops during the festival each year.
Our goal is to encourage the creation, production, and exhibition of creative, independent film in Florida through our educational programs and public screenings, thereby increasing awareness and support of local filmmaking as a cultural and economic asset.
Diversity Statement: Sunscreen Film Festival
At the Sunscreen Film Festival, we believe that diversity is essential to the vitality and creativity of the film industry. We are committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable environment where filmmakers from all backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences can showcase their unique voices and stories.
Our festival celebrates the richness of human diversity by embracing filmmakers of diverse races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, religions, abilities, and socio-economic backgrounds. We strive to create a platform that reflects the world we live in and presents a diverse range of narratives and perspectives to our audience.
We are dedicated to promoting equal opportunities and breaking down barriers for underrepresented voices within the film industry. We actively seek out and support filmmakers who have traditionally been marginalized or underrepresented, including but not limited to women, people of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, individuals with disabilities, and those from different cultural and socio-economic backgrounds.
To ensure a fair and inclusive selection process, we are committed to assembling a diverse panel of judges and industry professionals who understand the importance of representation. We continuously strive to eliminate any biases that may exist in the evaluation and selection of films, giving equal consideration to all entries based solely on their artistic merits and storytelling qualities.
In addition to our programming, we are dedicated to providing opportunities for networking, mentorship, and professional development to filmmakers from underrepresented communities. We actively collaborate with organizations and initiatives that share our commitment to diversity and inclusion, working together to create a more inclusive film industry.
We invite filmmakers, industry professionals, and film enthusiasts alike to join us in our mission to champion diversity, foster inclusion, and promote meaningful dialogue through the power of cinema. Together, we can create an environment where all voices are heard, respected, and celebrated.
Join us at the Sunscreen Film Festival, where diversity is at the heart of our programming and the driving force behind our commitment to shaping a more inclusive film industry.
Sunscreen Film Festival
St. Petersburg, FL
Mario Cervantes ha organizado el XII Festival de cine social ManzanaREC que tendrá lugar en febrero de 2025 en la localidad de Manzanares (Ciudad Real). Los trabajos serán exhibidos en la Sala de la Casa de Cultura de Manzanares.
The International Summer Film Festival 2024 is underway and promises to be an unparalleled cinematic experience. This high-quality event, celebrating the best of the international short film world, has become a cornerstone of Montevideo's summer. Organized with passion and dedication by Uruguay Campus Film, the festival was born in 2022 with the aim of strengthening exhibition spaces for short films and promoting exchanges among national filmmakers.
This summer 2024, we are excited to offer an even more thrilling edition. After two successful previous editions, where we have already established ourselves as an international festival, we continue our commitment to bring the best of cinema to Montevideo and beyond.
We recognize that Uruguay's audiovisual scene continues to capture the attention of both locals and visitors, creating a constant demand for venues where filmmakers can share their creations with new audiences, and where these audiences can immerse themselves in the richness of national cinema in all its forms.
In this third edition of the Summer Film Festival, we have gone a step further. We have expanded our horizons by introducing a category dedicated to international short films. This will allow us to explore an even broader and more diverse cinematography, providing our audience with a rich and enriching cinematic experience.
Furthermore, we will continue to offer workshops and talks, where filmmakers will share their knowledge and experiences. Our mission is to create a relaxed learning space where conversations flow freely between filmmakers and audiences, allowing everyone to immerse themselves in the magical world of cinema.
The "Cinema in the Neighborhood" section will remain a highlight of the festival, connecting cinematic art with the local community through outdoor screenings in unusual and exciting locations.
The Summer Film Festival is a celebration of cinematic culture and a platform for local and international talent. It represents the culmination of over a decade of effort and dedication by Uruguay Campus Film and has its roots in previous events such as Cinema Day, Experimental Cinema, and UCF Shows Itself.
With each new edition, our festival advances toward more exciting horizons, offering a unique experience to film enthusiasts and those seeking to explore the richness of the seventh art. So, get ready for a summer in 2024 filled with captivating stories, enriching cinematic experiences, and unforgettable moments at the International Summer Film Festival. We welcome you to a summer of cinema like no other!
It's a free and open to all short film festival based in Paris (France). Concept is simple : submit 2min20 shortfilms about an imposed theme each year. For this 15th edition, it'll be "A human superpower". To participate, you must register on our website www.festivalnikon.fr/en until January 10, 2025
МФКД «ДУХ ОГНЯ» задуман зимой 2002 года. В то же время автор замысла – кинорежиссер Сергей Соловьев обсудил идею фестиваля с Губернатором Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры Александром Васильевичем Филипенко, который и поддерживает фестиваль с самого момента его зарождения . Вскоре было принято постановление Правительства Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа о проведении IМФКД «Дух Огня» с 26 января по 2 февраля 2003 года , и в течение года шла его подготовка. Инициативная группа посетила ряд больших мировых международных фестивалей. Во время подготовки была четко сформирована идеология готовящегося фестиваля, которая включала в себя идею не только ежегодного общественного смотра практически всех дебютных работ , делающих в России, но и существование этих работ в контексте мирового дебютного кино, а так же идею наследования новым русским кино наиболее выдающихся традиции, оставленных нам великим мировым кинематографом второй половины 20 века и великолепным кино исчезнувшего Советского Союза. В это же время были сформированы руководящие органы фестиваля , в частности его бессменный Президентский совет .
Президентский совет Фестиваля :
Президент МФКД «Дух Огня» - Эмир Кустурица
Вице –Президент МФКД «Дух огня» - Мария Зверева
В состав Совета входили
Первый Президент МФКД «Дух Огня» - Сергей Соловьев
Вице –Президент МФКД «Дух Огня» - Александр Абдулов
По ежегодно обновляемому регламенту фестиваля в его структуре предусмотрены следующие официальные и неофициальные смотры:
Международный конкурс дебютных фильмов, в котором могут участвовать любые дебютные фильмы, независимо от их участия в других международных кинофестивалях в количестве 10-12 лент. Из них по регламенту не более, чем два кинофильма могут быть на русском языке. Конкурс оценивает международное жюри , состоящее из 5-ти крупных деятелей международного кинематографа. Предусмотрено присуждение четырех международных призов, обеспеченных денежным вознаграждением.
Ежегодно в разных залах города Ханты-Мансийска и всего Ханты-Мансийского округа –Югры( площадь =534.8 тысяч кв.км., превосходит территорию любого европейского государства, кроме Франции) во время фестиваля идут тематические ретроспективы показа. Из года в год работает программа «Кинематографические мифы народов Севера», «СССР- великое кино» и др. Наличие этих программ позволяет участникам фестиваля и зрителям системно знакомиться с шедеврами мирового кино . Каждый фестиваль посвящается уникальному кинематографическому мастеру ;уже прошли фестивали, посвященные Михаилу Калатозову, создателю великого фильма «Летят журавли» режиссеру Андрею Тарковскому … В рамках фестиваля ежегодно работает клуб детского и юношеского кино, где проводится ретроспективы детских фильмов. Во время фестиваля постоянно работает профессиональных клуб , который всегда обеспечивается уникальной культурной программой , включающей эксклюзивные выступления выдающихся исполнителей классической рок- и поп- музыки. В рамках фестиваля проводится ежегодные фотографические и изобразительные выставки.
Нужно отметить , что все без исключения фестивальные просмотры проходят при заполненных залах. Ханты-Мансийск – студенческий город, и молодежь этого города- самый главный фестивальный зритель и судья. Цифры, которые показывают кинопрокатные организации по окончании каждого фестиваля воистину удивительные. На первом МФКД «Дух Огня»только кинематографические программы при двух фестивальных залах посетило около 50 000 человек. На всех остальных фестивалях вместе с количеством фестивальных залов росло и количество фестивальных зрителей.
The 3rd International Comedy Film Festival will present to the public contemporary worldwide film production dedicated to the comedy genre in its various variants, enabling the circulation of films that do not find space in the traditional commercial distribution and exhibition medium.
At Filmyway film festival , it is our ongoing mission to champion the work of writers and filmmakers, and this goal has never felt as urgent as it does today.
Filmyway film festival is an annual festival with award ceremony and a live show.
Mumbai is a hotspot for filmmakers who want to promote their independent project.
With so many awards, you have more chances to win! No budget? No problem.
We know how painstakingly difficult it is to make a movie, we even know how hard it is just to write a good script.
We know what it takes, and we're here to reward you so you can get real recognition for your work.
We want to help indie filmmakers find success by celebrating their achievements with a plethora of different awards.
FICSEM Festival, in the Mediterranean area.
For major reasons, and having been immersed in a situation in which we have all been affected, we have decided to adapt to the current situation, and give a new focus to our festival. Maintaining the enthusiasm and passion we feel for the artistic world.
Our festival is aimed at the dissemination and promotion of film authors related to topics of social and/or ecological value.
Because we believe in the power of art as a transformative medium, our contribution from this festival is to give visibility to projects that address environmental and social changes in which we are immersed. We are an international festival because we understand the world beyond barriers, and because we are moved by the need to get to know other cultures and share the best of ours, as it contributes to any improvement in any corner of the world.
The Mediterranean is the climate that surrounds us, and we feel identified with it. In terms of warmth, closeness and transparency. We are a festival that is starting strong, with a large number of committed artists who share our cause, and the desire to share.
And that is why we are not afraid to break the most classic festival patterns. So much so, that in the award for best actor and/or actress, the recognition of the award falls on their social and/or ecological work... And not only on their skills.
Despite having firm ideological foundations. We open ourselves to other artistic areas and initiatives.
Moritz Feed Dog is the first festival in the state that combines film and fashion.
Premieres, iconic documentaries and titles full of content on the big screen. Stories that come from different countries and also works that are the result of national talent in the field of production and direction.
Moritz Feed Dog is held in person in Barcelona, and online at CaixaForum+. In addition, the Festival is also held in Sao Paulo, Brazil and Buenos Aires, Argentina. Although they have their own artistic team there, the documentaries selected in Barcelona are automatically also valued by the Brazilian and Argentinean committee.
¡Hola! We are SEVIFF • Sevilla Indie Film Festival, an international independent film festival in the city of Seville in Spain, and member of the IBERIFF • Iberia Indie Film Festivals, which celebrates and showcases new productions and independent artists from all over the world in Madrid (MADRIFF), Barcelona (BARCIFF), València (VALÈIFF), Seville (SEVIFF), Lisbon (LISBIFF) and Montpellier (MONTIFF), that you can also find them here, in Festhome!
SEVIFF shares the mission of their associate festivals of supporting emerging talents, encouraging artistic exploration, fostering networking, promoting cultural exchange and engaging the local community by providing a platform to present the work of independent filmmakers.
Fiction films, animation, documentary and experimental of any genre and subject are welcome!
Film Education and Welfare Foundation Aurangabad Present, 4th Year,
Reels International Film Festival uses media platform as a tool to connect audiences across cities, countries, and continents. With simultaneous screenings (OFFLINE FESTIVALS) and live Q&A’s, audiences are given the chance to experience a film festival from miles away. From the peak of Everest to the penguins of Antarctica, #RIFF brings the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres together. Because the love for cinema stretches beyond borders.
#RIFF2021 established from pride of India, Aurangabad, Maharashtra. City of ancient 68th century Mughal Empires now beat with #DigitalIndia in 2024 providing wide platform for students to professionals - preview their films on International Stage to prove themselves.
We conduct our Film festival from 17 April 2024 - 23 March 2025 every season with grand arrangements with respected jury board from different continent to judge your films and make Q&A session. Take a step and drop your films on our platform and make your self best.
for FOX, NBC, CBS and Authority Magazine.
"My favorite festival" Alex Proyas (I Robot, The Crow, Dark City)
"Other nominees included already famous people! It really was an honor to be nominated alongside such great nominees" Lisa Hurel.
“I truly cannot say enough good things about the Paris Art and Movie Awards. My experience with this event was easily the best and rewarding” - Ev Duran.
"One of the most organized and professionally run festivals I've been to! The official selections were of a high standard and the networking was incredible" - Jami Ramberan.
"One of the best festival experiences I've had. Magnifique!" Warren Paul Glover.
"The Fisherman's Diary" won twice at the PAMA in 2020, and is now selected to the 2021 , to represent its country.
"Game Changer" won an, his director Aviv Mano then worked on Disney’s COCO and TOY STORY 4 (2018).
"The Wishgranter" won an, an EMMY AWARD, and a (2016).
"Legacy of Lies" is distributed by Lionsgate (2020).
"Sgt Stubby", an unlikely hero, got a distribution deal at (2018).
"Curpigeon" got selected to, won the AMAZON VIDEO DIRECT Film Festival Stars (2016).
"Whisper" screened at FILMQUEST (2015).
"None of That" was STAFF PICK by (2015).
through the years included:
- John Lunn, 2 times Prime Time Emmy Award Winner, composer of "Downton Abbey"
- Monica Cruz, "Un Paso Adelante"
- Olivia Sandusky, journalist, NBC
- Mark Dacascos, actor, "John Wick III"
- Samuel Arnold, actor, "Emily in Paris"
- Patrick Fabian, actor, Emmy Award Nominee “Better Caul Saul"
- Claire Kopsky, Emmy Award-winning Journalist, CBS
- Jamie Campbell, producer, "Sex Education"
- Cindy Mollo, Eddie Award Winner, 4 time Emmy nominee, editor for "Ozark"
- Rena Owen, actress, "Star Wars Ep II" & "ep. III"
- Fola Evans-Akingbola, actress, "The Night Agent", "Siren", "Game of Thrones'
- Michelle Tesoro, SXSW winner, Eddie Award Winner, editor, "The Queen’s Gambit"
- Paz de la Huerta, actress, Boardwalk Empire
- Brent Huff, director & actor "The Rookie", 'The Rookie Feds", 'The West Wing"
- Max Markson -rep. A. Schwarzenegger, Mel Gibson, JCVD...
- Cole Sibus, actor "Stumptown', Olympic Gold Medal Athlete
- Mina Sundwall, actress, Netflix’s “Lost in Space”, DC’s “Legends of Tomorrow”
Our line up included through the years: Kirsten Dunst, Sam Rockwell, Vladimir Cosma, Kristanna Loken, Mark Dacascos, Caterina Murino, Andrew J. West, Hugo Becker, Jansen Panettiere, Leslie Bibb, Melanie et Alain Doutey, Macarena Gomez, French Prime Minister Edith Cresson, French Minister Frederic Lefebvre, Emma Bell...
We celebrate filmmakers and we focus on the humans making the movies : each director/attendee gets to talk about his movie.
You meet new audience, screen and show your latest work, connect with fellow professionals, share your passion with screenings and special events all over the city, including red carpets, movie premieres, parties, filmmaker’s networking, numerous Q&A's, international spotlights, industry talks and masterclasses, art performances and exhibitions, live music…
- Awards
- Photocall
- Artistic Recognition
- Networking
- award ceremony
F5 is an international short film festival organized by FFCINEMA in Barcelona in which filmmakers of any nationality can participate. The projections and the awards ceremony will take place on March 29, 2025 at the Casal de la Font d'en Fargues.
Goal: Select the program that will represent Spain in the World Contest of the International Film Union (UNICA) 2025, this year in Birmingham (United Kingdom).
The A/r/tographic International Video Narration Exhibition is an annual event organized by the University of Granada, which welcomes all artistic research projects that use audiovisual narration as a methodology for creation, inquiry, and learning in the arts.
The exhibition brings together all kinds of proposals related to a/r/tographic audiovisuals - A/r/tography Films. The aim of this call is to place value on their necessity and convergence in the artistic and educational landscape, as well as to encourage and enhance the creation of networks among researchers, educators, and artists concerned with moving image.
Mostra Dr. Mabuse is an international short film festival taking place in Barcelona for three days. It is conceived as a festival open to new artists as well as experienced. A jury consisting of professionals in the audiovisual world, teachers and students of film festivals and other collaborators carry out the selection of films to be screened in the three sessions that are scheduled during the month of June in Barcelona. The project was initiated twenty years ago and has been growing and multiplying the number of films screened and registered, having received works of relevant directors such as JA Bayona, Nacho Vigalondo, Mateo Gil or Kike Maillo. Instead of just being an audiovisual festival, Dr. Mabuse is intended to be an homogeneous and free event, in which everyone can have a good time enjoying theater and cinema.
L’Europe autour de l’Europe - European film Festival Paris will run from April the 15th to April the 29th 2025 in Paris and Île-de-France.
Its selection presents art-house and author films produced by the countries of Greater Europe (members of the Council of Europe) focusing on connections between classic European filmmakers and new talents of contemporary cinema. One of the festival's main objectives is strengthening the creative audiovisual industry network across Europe.
In addition to screenings and Q&A with filmmakers, the Festival presents public masterclasses and panel discussions with prestigious guests from Europe.
L'Europe autour de l'Europe is where the new European film meets the European value-keeping cinema.
Welcome to FirstCut, one of India’s premier international student film festivals, organized by FLAME University, Pune.
FirstCut provides a dynamic platform for young filmmakers across the globe, encouraging them to explore film as a medium of growth and change.
In 2024, FirstCut Take 10 received 565+ submissions from students representing 55+ countries.
At the final event, shortlisted films will be screened for a live audience and evaluated by a distinguished jury from the Indian film industry. The screenings will be followed by engaging panel discussions and talks with renowned film personalities.
We believe creative freedom is essential, which is why participants have complete freedom in choosing their themes and styles.
In addition to categories in fiction, animation, and non-fiction, FirstCut offers the unique "Nano" film category, challenging students to create super short films.