Shortfilms (until 16 minutes)
Feature film (from 75 until 180 minutes)
Category: Horror – Thriller – Pulp – Exploitation – Gore – Trash – Fantasy – Zombie Movie – B Movie - Western
The MOSTRA INTERNACIONAL DE CINEMA DA AMAZÔNIA, MICA (International Film Festival) , was created in late 2013 by two Amazonian filmmakers, in order to promote world cinema in the middle of the Amazon rainforest, raising Amazonian landscapes, cuisine, culture and the exchange between filmmakers.
Competitive and non-competitive exhibitions in Online platforms and views in theaters and film city will be developed.
Making Waves Film Festival takes film out of the cinema to promote entertaining, immersive, engaging and challenging film events delivered through a combination of film, performance and the use of an exciting range of venues. Making Waves also supports and exhibits pioneering work by international talent and local independent film-makers. Making Waves supports opportunities to develop skills in film-making, distribution and events.
Now in its third year, the Making Waves Short Film Competition 2015 will be open for entries from Friday 1 May.
Film makers are encouraged to enter the Best International Film, Best National Film and Best Local Film categories with winners’ films being screened during Making Waves Film Festival week and at partner film festivals in France and Italy.
In 2014 the Making Waves Short Film Competition attracted over 250 entries from across the world. Best Film went to Irish film “I've Been A Sweeper” and Best Local Film was awarded to “History Bombs”. The competition was judged by three industry experts led by Oscar nominated short film screen writer Julian Unthank who has written multiple episodes of NEW TRICKS for the BBC and the Oscar Shortlisted short film"Love at First Site) starring John Hurt.
Confirmed partner film festivals for 2015 include Taranto and Fermo Film Festivals in Italy.
Shortfilms (until 16 minutes)
Feature film (from 75 until 180 minutes)
Category: Horror – Thriller – Pulp – Exploitation – Gore – Trash – Fantasy – Zombie Movie – B Movie - Western
Film and Literature – a passion more than perfect
To paraphrase Freud, behind every great movie is a great argument, and behind a big argument, most often, is a great book. When Cinema was born in 1895, and had emerged as the Seventh Art, Literature (Sixth of Arts), already had long and rich history.
No wonder Cinema, characterized by it’s irreverence and ambitiousness, has turned to it’s older sister for inspiration, plots, stories and characters.
This almost umbilical connection runs through the history of cinema, as an almost perfect passion. But like all passions, there are moments of overwhelming intensity, sublime betrayals, mediocre or brilliant adaptations. Without the support of Literature, Cinema would perhaps be a hollow technique, an invention without a future. With inspiration in Literature, Cinema is a dream that is making millions of viewers worldwide dream, the great art of our time, a creative synthesis of all the arts.
Recognizing the importance of Literature in Cinema, rather than diminishing it, will only magnify it.
Les Arcs European Film Festival was created in 2009. It takes place in the world famous ski resort of Les Arcs, in the heart of the French Alps, during the opening week of the winter season, one week before Christmas.
Les Arcs European Film Festival presents 12 films in competition, 8 films in Panorama (films that have been awarded in their own country but have not been distributed in France), Premieres, a focus on an European country, films for young audience. A total of about 70 films, mostly features, mostly exclusive on the French territory.
During the week 3 professional event are also taking place :
- The Film School Village : 5 to 10 European film schools invited, represented by a director and a producer just awarded.
- The Coproduction Village : 26 projects are selected to be presented to producers, buyers, distributors, regional funds... A total of about 270 participants. Also programmed, a Work in Progress screening.
- The DIRE Days : the French distributors of DIRE are showing their line-up to a hundred of French films exhibitors.
In addition to that, a ski competition is organized (the European Cinema Ski Cup), parties, concerts, meetings with the films team, "pitching on chairlifts"... A great atmosphere, a great place to make business, a great place to watch European films, in a unique surrounding.
The 30 Dies Festival is a tiny festival located in a tiny country between France and Spain which focuses on the fantastic film genre. On 2014 we had our first edition with 14 films screened during November in two venues. Our festival covers any film with fantastic elements within the genre of thriller / horror / action / creature / documentary / sci fi - films. At this year’s edition we have two categories: Feature Films and Short films (Under 20 minutes).
The 30 Dies Festival loves indie films and, for this reason, we accept films recorded in every format and with any kind of budget, but be sure that your film fits into our festival.
“Women’s Director International Film Festival – 2016” (Season - 3)
About WDIFF – The Annual Women's Director International Film Festival (WDIFF) is one of the few international film and arts festivals dedicated to women's. This three-day extravaganza, consisting of indoor and outdoor red carpet film screenings, fashion shows, workshops, and of course Shopping Stalls. It's a celebration of women and all who love women. WDIFF films and screenings are selected and hosted by filmmakers, professors, and other notable figures in the world of film. In addition to exhibiting the next new wave of women filmmakers, the WDIFF also makes time to pay tribute to films by women with historical significance.
In past years festival gains reputation & regarded as among most prestigious festival in India. The festival grows over the years & attracts filmmakers from across the India & across the world.
Mission & Objective - The mission of the Women's Director International Film Festival (WDIFF) is to empower women's artistic vision internationally. With women representing only 7% of filmmakers, we would like to increase the number of women in the industry and support those women who are actively involved by assisting filmmakers and artists with the development of their craft.
私たちは、独立した社会的な映画を強固に促進する祭りです, 人々の物語を伝える映画, 場所, 人類の大部分に共通する条件、状況. 言い換えれば、肉と血の話、敏感で真実です。
一方、我々は映画が世界の社会的、文化的な変革の最も重要なツールであると確信しています。祭りは代替メディアと展覧会の窓, その具体的な機能は、ターゲットオーディエンスとのダイナミックな相互作用, 深い意識のレベルに到達するためにそれらの観客のために。
したがって、私たちはあなたに自分自身を紹介したい、正式かつ正直な方法で、映画製作者、異なる方法で現実を見て、解釈し、形作る人々と私たちの地域の住民との間の橋渡しと見なされるふり。コロンビアにある地域、芸術を通じて文化的な希望, 彼らの生活の中で内なる平和と根本的な変化を達成するために.
LampedusaInFestival - VI Edition
Little festival about communities, migration, struggles, sustainable tourism and stories
A competition for filmmakers in Lampedusa from the 25th to the 30th of September 2014.
ダダ・サヘブ・ファルケ映画祭は、非営利で非営利でインドで唯一の独立系映画祭です。2011年にデリーNCRで設立され、意欲的で若い、独立系&プロの映画制作者の映画と仕事を祝うという使命を持っています。 このフェスティバルは、毎年4月30日にLate.Shriの生誕記念日に開催されるため、インドの映画業界にとって重要です。 Dhundiraj Govindd Phalkeは、インド映画の父とみなされ、インド&世界中の映画友愛によってダダ・サヘブ・ファルケとして愛情を込めて記憶されています。 その目的は、青少年と経験豊富な映画制作者の啓発的で面白い、進歩的なニューエイジ映画を認識することです。
過去数年間で、フェスティバルは評判を得ており、インドで最も権威のあるフェスティバルと見なされています。 このフェスティバルは長年にわたって成長し、インド全土と世界中の90カ国以上の映画制作者を魅了します。 フェスティバルには、長編映画、短編映画、ドキュメンタリー、アニメーション、ミュージックビデオ、広告映画のセクションがあります。 フェスティバルは、プロダクション、クリエイティブ、音楽、パフォーマンス部門で映画制作者を授与します。
第12回ダダ・サヘブ・ファルケ映画祭-2022は、映画の卓越性を祝うことを目指しています。 ダダ・サヘブ・ファルケは本当の意味でインドで映画の動きを始めました。彼は卓越性の象徴です。 彼のインド映画への貢献は比類のないものです。 今日、インド映画はコンテンツとテクノロジーの面で空に触れていますが、伝説的なダダ・サヘブ・ファルケが始めたことに言及する価値があり、私たちはそれを前進させています。
Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival-22は、エンターテインメント・リサーチ&ブランディングの大手企業であるEducationExpo TVによって設立され、Miniboxofficeが経営するダダ・サヘブ・ファルケ映画祭-22は、映画制作者に彼らの創造性を披露する機会を提供します。 フェスティバルはあらゆる年齢の映画制作者に公開されていますが、映画制作コミュニティのメンバーやプロフェッショナルによる参加を支援し、奨励することが不可欠であるように、将来のエンターテイメント業界のメンバーを見つけて育成することも重要だと感じています。
この展覧会は、Wayruro Comunicación Popular、Red Kalipa TVによる、アルゼンチン北部地域における視聴覚文化の普及を目指す放送・宣伝の提案の一部であり、事務局のINCAAの支援を受けてのものです。レッド・フォコス、エル・エスパシオ・ノルテ・オーディオビジュアル、CONTARなど、カルチュラ・デ・ラ・プロビンシア・デ・ラ・プロビンシア・デ・フフイなど。
NOFI is a multi stage International Festival of New and Original Films. It was founded by the Center of American New Cinema and Arts (CANCA). The preliminary stages take place in Russia, Sweden and Armenia while the final stage is taking place in USA (Los Angeles). Each year an estimated 1000 independent and student films participate in the NOFI festivals from 60 countries. We have representatives in 10 countries including USA, Russia, Sweden, Armenia, Belarus, UK,Belgium, Holland, Arab Emirates and Philippines.
The goal of the NOFI festivals is to find and invite talented film directors to NOFI film studying and producing programs for shooting their films with the help of our sponsors and grants. We then represent, promote and will try to sell the best films from NOFI in the American Film Market, Cannes film market, Amazon, Netflix, Hulu and other markets. Winning films can also participate in NOFI sister’s film festivals in Korea, Poland, Germany, Estonia, Russia and Armenia. The winners from each category and diplomas of honor can have the opportunity to show their films (edited versions) at our NOFI film festival on YouTube channel. The best actors from the best films can join our “Accent” International Talent Management. Also the trailers of the awarded films will be in our web site for years, providing more exposure. Our festival helps expose new and emerging directors and actors. NOFI festivals give them an opportunity to present their names in motion pictures studios and be discovered in the film industry worldwide. NOFI is designed to showcase innovative work by new filmmakers who may (or may not) have been overlooked by other festivals. We organize forums and round tables with filmmakers during the NOFI festivals to understand their needs, help solve common problems with film production and discuss their future projects. Our slogan is- “Indie filmmakers without borders.” Many celebrities and representatives from film studios have attended screenings and award ceremonies of NOFI festivals.