Logo of LA Music Video Awards

01 May 2020

Published: 29 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner LA Music Video Awards

LA Music Video Awards

Los Angeles, United States

In an age where looks and presentation are everything, the music video is almost as important as the song itself. The LA Music Video Awards recognizes the best music videos from this past year.

Nominations are open until May 1st. Finalists will be announced on May 18th and winners will be determined by a combination of industry insiders and fan votes. A red carpet, cocktail hour and awards ceremony will be held at the Covina Center for the Performing Arts.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Other  Music Video

Logo of Lisbon Film Rendezvous

01 May 2020

Published: 29 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Lisbon Film Rendezvous

Lisbon Film Rendezvous

Lisbon, Portugal

Our aim is to screen films that might be overlooked by the international film festival circuit.

Lisbon Film Rendezvous places a great deal of stock in having its selected work screened live.

As the health situation worsens in Lisbon (and all across Europe) we are faced
with the difficult situation of not having the legal conditions to show the films publicly in November, as we intended.

Lisbon Film Redenzvous wants to live up to your screening expectations. So we have decided to postpone our event date to June 2021 and extend it's program to accommodate all the best films we have received.

All the approved films have their place booked in the next edition’s program.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Nachtschatten BDSM / Fetish Film Festival

01 May 2020

Published: 29 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Nachtschatten BDSM / Fetish Film Festival

Nachtschatten BDSM / Fetish Film Festival

München, Germany

NACHTSCHATTEN is a film festival that showcases international short and feature films that are specifically related to BDSM and fetish topics. Artful, experimental and documentary films, including many award winning independent films from all over the world.
Showing films far beyond the stereotypical and distorted view on BDSM of the media and press, this festival wants to contribute to sexual education, variety, tolerance and acceptance of the BDSM lifestyle.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Zinetika

01 May 2020

Published: 29 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Zinetika


Pamplona-Donosti-Bilbao, Spain

What is Zinetika Festival

Zinetika is a multidisciplinary festival that explores the relationships between dance and audiovisual arts, body and technology, creating together in search of different artistic experiences. The Festival hosts proposals of dance films, performance, masterclasses and workshops around this theme.

All this makes Zinetika a platform for cultural experiences shared by organisations and creators from different artistic fields and origins, both local and international. The festival is held in Pamplona/Iruña, San Sebastian/Donostia and Bilbao/Bilbo.


Best Film Zinetika 2022: 500 €
Best director Zinetika 2022: 500 €

The films that will be part of the Zinetika Official Selection will be projected in the three cities where the festival will take place.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other  Experimental

Logo of Ciudad Rodrigo International Educational and Spiritual Film Festival

01 May 2020

Published: 29 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine De Ciudad Rodrigo

Ciudad Rodrigo International Educational and Spiritual Film Festival

Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain

The 13th FICEE - International Festival of Educational and Spiritual Cinema of Ciudad Rodrigo, aims to disseminate the educational, social and spiritual cinema that is made throughout the world.

The theme of the festival will therefore be educational, social and values; including all those films that favor child development in all its aspects. Value films that deal with the issue of human rights, as well as intercultural dialogue. The films of ethnographic theme, social denunciation or commitment to the development of the culture of Peace will also be accommodated. Regarding the spiritual theme, this is a very broad section where religious and / or spiritual cinema films will be accommodated regardless of the confession and creed of the film and its authors.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of Cinefilia Tanguera Film Festival

01 May 2020

Published: 29 Apr 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Cinefilia Tanguera Film Festival

Cinefilia Tanguera Film Festival

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cinefilia Tanguera is an Itinerant & International Short Film Festival linked to TANGO, not competitive.
Our primary objective is promote the tango and cinema, from an original perspective without dissemination and promotion anywhere in the world, as are the works of short films and documentaries about the identity of the tango in all sense.

Since 2009 was presented in some of the most prestigious cultural events in the world, performing at Cagliari (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016), Barcelona (2009, 2016, 2017), Moscow, London (2009, 2013, 2016), Madrid (2009, 2016), Ámsterdam (2009, 2018), Brussels (2010, 2018), Liège, Catania, Hamburg, Jordan, Buenos Aires (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018), Athens, Valladolid, Zurich, Bergen (Norway), Milán, Eindhoven, Sassari (2012, 2016), Berlin, Paris, Crete (2016, 2017, 2019), Budapest, Tenerife, Formentera (2016, 2018), Ibiza, Prague, Zagreb, Timisoara, Novi Sad, Istanbul, Tokyo, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Bali, Bilbao, Montecarlo, Arles, Georgetown (Guyana), Oslo, Toronto and Cairo.

Leonel Mitre
Managing Director

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of International Kansk Video Festival

01 May 2020

Published: 29 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner International Kansk Video Festival

International Kansk Video Festival

Moscow, Russia

New NAMES, new GENRES, new CINEMA LANGUAGES on a big screen in the middle of Siberia!

International Kansk Video Festival (Russia/Siberia) is not a conventional film festival. It is an experiment in time and space. The small Siberian city of Kansk, was found on the Internet by chance and selected as its name correlates with the Cannes Film Festival, Kansk in the Russian language is pronounced the same as Cannes.


Since 2002 the festival has taken place annually in the depths of Siberia. Far away from the Côte d`Azur in the severe Taiga climate, 7000 km from London, 4500 km from Moscow and 300 km from Krasnoyarsk by the Trans-Siberian Railway formerly used to transport shackled contvicts. In this area, full of wonderful and brave Siberian people, pelmeni and cedar nuts, even buses seem reminiscent of the old school buses from a long lost Soviet place full of magic.

The Kansk Video festival has grown immeasurably from it’s 2002 beginnings. Each year it hosts an international jury from the industry and artistic communities, running international film and video-art competitions with a special screenings program and a bank of ideas big enough for the next 150 years. The festival promotes new names, new genres and new cinema trends of the independent and uncompromising video and filmmaking industry.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of  Seize the Film- FILMS ABOUT DISABILITY

01 May 2020

Published: 29 Apr 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Uhvati Film /// Seize the Film- FILMS ABOUT DISABILITY


Novi Sad, Serbia

Film Festival “Seize the Film“ is focus on projections of films related to the topic of disability/at least one actor is disabled person and it has editions in Novi Sad (Serbia), Rijeka (Croatia), Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina,) and Kotor (Montenegro).

In addition to screenings of films on the topic of disability, the Festival also has accompanying programs and post-production - Film Caravan, which includes screenings in cultural spaces, schools, other festivals and „Seize the film Kids“ - screenings of films suitable for children aged 7-12 (in Serbia).

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Other  Experimental

Logo of International Unseen Film Festival Social Films from Bilbao

01 May 2020

Published: 29 Apr 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Promotional card of International Unseen Film Festival Social Films from Bilbao

Banner Festival Internacional De Cine Invisible Film Sozialak De Bilbao

International Unseen Film Festival Social Films from Bilbao

Barakaldo, Spain

The International Unseen Film Festival 'Social Films' from Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain) is organized by Kultura, Communication y Desarrollo KCD NGOD; Organization dedicated to promoting a human, intercultural, equitable and sustainable development through Communication and Culture.

The International Unseen Film Festival 'Social Films' from Bilbao is an annual celebration dedicated to show a cinema full of diversity and social commitment, a cinema that is usually excluded from commercial screens.
The Festival is centered on four major themes: Sustainable Development, Human Rights, Interculturality and Gender Equity.
With its continuous work, it has become an indispensable appointment for all those interested in communication for development and social transformation.

The Festival is also a recognition of all people who make a communication that allows to reflect through their audiovisual works all those different causes and problems of humanity.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation

Logo of ALC videoart festival

30 Apr 2020

Published: 28 Apr 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner ALC videoart festival

ALC videoart festival

Alicante, Spain

It was born with the purpose of promoting video creation as a social cultural wealth and to give
visibility to artists who work in this medium. In this second edition we want to bring together an
ample array of video pieces and offer a sample of the most interesting proposals that are taking
place in the international creative scene which we understand offer a thematic, conceptual or poetic
discourse that reflects the complexity and peculiarity of our time. We want to accommodate all
kinds of technical and aesthetic proposals. We want to offer plurality and variety within the
standards of artistic quality.

International Festival

Short film festival



30 Apr 2020

Published: 28 Apr 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films



Los Angeles, United States


Online festival of perspectives in Isolation.
This festival's aim is to share stories, perspectives, and experiences emerging from across this global period of isolation. This unique period in our human existence warrants documentation, commentary, sympathy, as well as examination.

Join Us from May 1 - 9

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Short Film Festival For Long Times

30 Apr 2020

Published: 28 Apr 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Cortos para Tiempos Largos

Short Film Festival For Long Times

Pereira, Colombia

The "Festival Cortos para Tiempos largos" is a proposal for the training, creation and circulation of audiovisual content carried out by young Colombians since 2020 with a clear purpose, to connect people and stories. The festival is not looking for winners, it is conceived as a space for the dissemination and visibility of audiovisual products, carried out for academic and non-profit purposes, where all those who wish to be part of a great story can participate.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of Confinated Experimental Film Fest (one minute film)

30 Apr 2020

Published: 28 Apr 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films

Banner Festival Confinado De Cinema Experimental (one minute film)

Confinated Experimental Film Fest (one minute film)

Barcelona, Spain

Por primésimo-primer año consecutivo, llega el 1er Festival confinado de cinema experimental, una oportunidad para cineastas de todo el mundo que quieran participar con una producción experimental de un minuto realizada en confinamiento.

Si tienes la sensación de estar viviendo un deja-vu continuo y a cámara lenta, si te sientes desgraciado porque este año no se celebra el festival de Cannes, justo cuando te tocaba a ti, si pensabas que los días de cuarentena iban a dar para escribir una novela o un largo, pero cada tarde te dan las 20:00 en pijama… no te preocupes;

necesitas experimental.


Cualquier persona confinada queda invitada a participar en la I edición del Festival, que contará con un jurado exquisito:

-Pucho, vocalista de Vetusta Morla y jurado oficial de la ultima edición del FICX,

-Mauro Herce, ganador de un Goya a la mejor dirección de fotografía por ‘O que arde’ y

-Carolina Astudillo, documentalista premiada internacionalmente por sus autoficciones documentales.

Así mismo, los finalistas formarán parte de diferentes premios, entre otros, la participación en un corto conformado por los diez finalistas que tendrá distribución online.

Pero sobretodo, el cineasta contará con el reconocimiento eterno de haber participado en el festival de cine más inesperado de la historia.

Todo aquel que participe en el certamen contará con el reconocimiento eterno de haber participado en el festival de cine más inesperado de la historia.



-Admisión: 19 abril - 03 mayo
-Deliberación: 04-07 abril
-Tele-entrega de premios: 08 mayo


Envíanos tu corto a través de Festhome o haz un wetransfer a pescaitofilms@gmail.com en formato H264.

Nos pondremos en contacto contigo si quedas entre los diez finalistas y el 30 de abril se realizará la telentrega de premios donde se desvelará el nombre de los tres ganadores.

International Festival

Short film festival


Logo of Matera Hollywood International Film Festival

30 Apr 2020

Published: 28 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Matera Hollywood International Film Festival

Matera Hollywood International Film Festival

Matera, Italy

The first film festival in Matera, an event that wants to become the reference point in the territory. A project that will bring in some of the fundamental characteristics of the great events with many sections and previews directly connected with the American world but without forgetting the attention to the territory and those that characterize it. Masterclasses, retrospectives, guests, appointments with great masters of the cinema and finally contests of various kinds.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Fantastic  Terror  Experimental


30 Apr 2020

Published: 28 Apr 2020
 Does NOT have submission fees
Short films



Getxo, Bizkaia, Spain

Dokumentala was born to show, through the language of cinema, the transforming power of support between people.

That is why the thematic axis of the proposals to the competition will be to make visible support relationships that can occur in society and that generate positive changes in people, in groups and in municipalities.

Argia Fundazioa, opens the Call for the THIRD Edition of the dokuMentala 2022 Festival.

Argia Fundazioa is an entity that supports people with a diagnosis of mental illness to improve their quality of life and the image that society has of this group.

dokuMentala 2022 was born in 2019 to show, through the language of cinema, the transforming power of support between people.

The Call for the Festival for the year 2022 is made public, which will be governed by the rules detailed below.

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Other

Logo of PopCon International Film Festival

30 Apr 2020

Published: 28 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner PopCon International Film Festival

PopCon International Film Festival

Indianapolis, United States

This is the 2nd annual international film festival competition for PopCon but we are in our 8th year as a convention. PopCon prides itself as being Indy's "only" locally owned and operated large pop culture fan event. PopCon Indy will be programming a full-lineup pop culture film festival. Filmmakers from around the world are invited to submit their feature and short films in multiple genres.

The film festival will be honoring films of several pop culture genres, including but NOT limited to: sci-fi, fantasy, horror, anime/animation, gaming/sports, internet culture, fan film, action/adventure, documentary & thriller!

PopCon takes place July 8-11, 2021 at the Indiana Convention Center and will welcome dozens of special guests, including several big-name celebrities, YouTube sensations, gamers and creators from all aspects of pop culture. The international film festival will begin July 8th and then run through the end of PopCon July 11th.

PopCon continues to bring some of the largest names in pop culture to Indianapolis each year, but the event’s true mission is to give creators – of all kinds – a platform to find new audiences. Instead of focusing on one specific fandom, PopCon flips the script on the typical con experience by focusing on all genres of pop culture fandom. The film festival is an obvious expansion of that mission.

The film festival will be in addition to all the other programming at PopCon over the event’s weekend. The 5th Annual PopCon Podcast Awards, the 8th Annual Ultimate Cosplay Championships, and hundreds of fan panels and workshops will be alongside video gaming, laser tag, escape rooms, state-of-the-art virtual reality offerings, and 24-hour board gaming. PopCon will also continue to have the best selection of vendors for fans to enjoy.

Tickets to the event can be purchased from our main website link on the left in the contacts section.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Music Video

Logo of Paradox Film Fest

30 Apr 2020

Published: 28 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Promotional card of Paradox Film Fest

Banner Paradox International Short Film Festival

Paradox International Short Film Festival

Mumbai, India

This annual event showcases some of the best short films, music videos and movie trailers from around Globe.

It is going to be the Live Short Film Festival of all time. Come Join in and make this Event a Success.The Festival also benefits from the vibrant Indian film-making community of India.A unique short film Festival, focusing on opportunity creation for global filmmakers. For Student, In order to submit to PISFF, you must be a graduate or undergraduate student at a registered any Universities or Colleges.

Music Video
Screenplay Contest (short, web series & etc screenplays of all genres accepted)

PISFF 2020 will be held on May 2020.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental  Music Video

Logo of Officine Social Movie

30 Apr 2020

Published: 28 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films

Banner Officine Social Movie

Officine Social Movie

Arezzo, Italy

In a historical moment in which the fear of different seems to prevail and the values of equality and social justice are neglected for the benefit of a widespread selfishness, it seems important to us to experiment new initiative to promote the positive values that the Associazione Orchestra Multietnica di Arezzo tried to convey in these years using the universal language of the music. Solidarity, hospitality, integration, civil commitment, those are the values we want to pass on through cinema and Audiovision’s language, in an active citizenship experience above all young people, to give our contribution to a wide cultural sensibility growth, with a view to a supportive, multicultural and cohesive society.

Officine social movie: 5nd cinema and Audiovision’s festival dedicated to social issues and civil commitment and to dissemination of content that promoted solidarity, hospitality, social inclusion, cultural diversity and rights values.

Officine social movie is born for an attempt to create new artistic context and new formulas to convey, through cinema and audiovision’s versatility, the idea of cultural and social commitment above expressed. An open festival to short films presented by young emergent and independent filmmakers and videomakers, a showcase dedicated to projection of titles (movie, docu-movie, animation…) on call through film distribution channels also alternative. Projections that will be enriched by guest’s presence (filmmakers, authors, screenwriters, actors) with whose the audience will have the opportunity to confront at the end of projection.

We want to report that Officine Social Movie is born with the intention to pose the same caution both on the final result, the festival that will take place at Arezzo from 22th may to 28th may 2024, and on the project creation and implementation process. One of the targets is in fact the involvement of a group of young people who can share an active citizenship, giving space to their creativity.

To arrive to the festival made up by the step of design, analysis, planning and management, communication and critical vision of short films in the competition, will be part of the project itself, with the same importance of the festival days.

The group will be composed by some young people of the promoter association with around twenty people of the students from the Multimedia, cinema and graphic design sections of Liceo Artistico “Piero della Francesca di Arezzo” that, flanked by expert and operation, will draw the outlines of the festival, will draw up the national competition announcement, will be an integral part in the selection of short films in competition and will be part of the jury who will designate it the winners.

The students, in addition of being part of the group of the design team, will be involved in the creation of an own short film too, to be presented out of competition, as well as for the project and the festival’s video-photographic documentation.

The Officine Social Movie project has as leader the Association “Orchestra Multietnica di Arezzo” (OMA), in collaboration with Officine della Cultura, the Liceo Artistico Coreutico Scientifico Internazionale “Piero della Francesca”, annex to Convitto Nazionale “Vittorio Emanuele II” of Arezzo and Poti Pictures, with the support of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, contribution Prodigio Divino and Associazione Autismo Arezzo. Media partner of the event Teletruria.

International Festival

Short film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic  Terror  Other  Experimental

Logo of Nova Frontier Film Festival & Lab

30 Apr 2020

Published: 28 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner Nova Frontier Film Festival & Lab

Nova Frontier Film Festival & Lab

BROOKLYN, United States

Nova Frontier Film Festival and Lab is a timely, narrative, documentary and experimental film festival, passionately committed to enhancing the visibility of filmmakers from the African diasporas, Caribbean, Latin America and the Middle East, situated in Brooklyn, New York and Marseille, France - Cities which serves as a nexus between these regions. With a program of on-going film screenings, workshops, conferences, lectures, and concerts, we aim to create a hybrid film festival that promotes intercultural understanding and intellectual engagement through the art of cinema, while celebrating, deepening and expanding our connections to diverse communities, cultures and languages in New York and globally.

We accept short films and short films shot on smart phone or tablet. Stories have to be about African Diaspora, Middle East, Caribbean, Latin America and Maghrebian characters with the
theme Identity, and Immigration and interculturalism...

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Experimental

Logo of YoFi Micro Fest

30 Apr 2020

Published: 28 Apr 2020
 Has submission fees
Short films
Feature films

Banner YoFi Micro Fest

YoFi Micro Fest

Yonkers, United States

March 7-9
Irish Cinema Showcase
Contemporary animated, live action and documentary feature length and short Irish films from local and international filmmakers.

YoFi Microfest is a cousin to YoFiFest, the Yonkers Film Festival.

The Micro Fests were created to bring year round themed screenings and programming that connects audiences to films with specific topics or genres.

The YoFiDMAC (Digital Media Arts Center) is conveniently located in the booming downtown Yonkers waterfront, a 30 minute train ride from midtown Manhattan, along the scenic Hudson River. We draw filmmakers and audiences from New York City, Westchester County and the Lower Hudson Valley, Rockland County, New Jersey, and Connecticut.

International Festival

Short film festival

Feature film festival

 Fiction  Documentary  Animation  Fantastic